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Some more complicated trail assumptions

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Cauchy-Euler’s Differential equations
(with same order variable coefficients)
d2y dy
a1 x2
 a2 x  a3 y  Q ( x) (1)
dx dx
where a1 , a2 , a3 are any constants.
Eq. (1) can be written as a x D
2 2
 a2 x D  a3  y  Q ( x ) (2)

Let xe z
z  log x . Then x 2 D 2  D1 ( D1  1), xD  D1
d d
Where D  and D1 
dx dz
Then, Eq. (2) becomes D.E. in D1
 a1 D12  (a2  a1 ) D1  a3  y  Q ( z ) (3)
The solution of Eq. (3) will be in z, so in the last change z=logx.
• Note: For third order D.E., we take
x3 D 3  D1 ( D1  1)( D1  2),
x 2 D 2  D1 ( D1  1),
xD  D1
d d
Where D  and D1 
dx dz
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Cauchy-Legendre Differential equations
(With variable coefficients of (ax+b) type)
d2y dy
a1 (ax  b) 2
 a2 ( ax  b )  a3 y  Q( x) (1)
dx dx
where a1 , a2 , a3 are any constants.
Eq. (1) can be written as  a1 (ax  b) 2 D 2  a2 (ax  b) D  a3  y  Q( x) (2)

Then (ax  b) D  a D1 ( D1  1),

2 2 2
Let (ax  b)  e z  z  log(ax  b) .
(ax  b) D  aD1
d d
Where D  and D1 
dx dz
Then, Eq. (2) becomes D.E. in D1
 a1 a 2 D12  a (a2  aa1 ) D1  a3  y  Q ( z ) (3)
The solution of Eq. (3) will be in z, so in the last change z=log(ax+b).
• Note: For third order D.E., we take
(ax  b)3 D 3  a 3 D1 ( D1  1)( D1  2),
(ax  b) 2 D 2  a 2 D1 ( D1  1),
(ax  b) D  aD1
d d
Where D  and D1 
dx dz
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