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5/8/23, 8:52 AM Digital Fentanyl: The CCP’s Cyber Campaign to Destroy America


Digital Fentanyl: The CCP’s Cyber

Campaign to Destroy America

The social media application logo for TikTok is displayed on the screen of an iPhone in front of a U.S.
flag and Chinese flag background in Washington, on March 16, 2023. (Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty

By Kash Patel
May 3, 2023 Updated: May 3, 2023
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Commentary 1/4
5/8/23, 8:52 AM Digital Fentanyl: The CCP’s Cyber Campaign to Destroy America

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has always played the long game. It’s
pivotal to their strength. They have a disciplined ability to think
generationally rather than focus on the current political climate of the now.
The CCP has zero respect for the rule of law, nor do they abide by any code of
ethics. When you have the ability to rule without law, you become the world’s

The CCP has poured their fentanyl onto our streets via their partners south of
our border: the Mexican drug cartels. This has led to the untimely deaths of
over 100,000 Americans last year alone due to fentanyl overdoses. Now, China
has fashioned this death drug into the form of common candy to make it more
appealing to our youth. This is the death train being operated by the CCP. It’s
the one you can see and feel every day.

Tragically, for America, the CCP also have their silent killer in the form of
digital fentanyl, and it’s called TikTok. This social media platform is a facet of
CCP warfare that remains invisible to most.

The CCP has launched an information war on America that isn’t in the form of
news. However, the means by which they’re doing so is now only being
accurately reported in the mainstream media. After years of accepting CCP
disinformation, our media is finally waking up to the cold hard fact of data
theft. The CCP pirates are seizing troves of information daily through TikTok.

The nearly 150 million Americans that sign into the platform daily, nearly half
our population, would do well to take a moment to give their thumb a rest and
their eyes something to read. Unless, of course, they want the CCP to win.

Unfortunately, through the Biden administration’s disastrous foreign policy,

we aren’t set up to win the information war head-on, let alone take on any
aspect of it. Download TikTok onto your phone, and the CCP has a four-lane
highway into your everyday life for free. Not only are we letting them, but by
intentionally giving the CCP a massive money bin of data for free, Xi is
laughing all the way from mainland China. How can we let this be in 2023
America? 2/4
5/8/23, 8:52 AM Digital Fentanyl: The CCP’s Cyber Campaign to Destroy America

What are they stealing? Your personal information, information on your

family, your habits, hobbies, and your internet footprint for starters. They
then collate this data and stack it for use against Americans based on their
interests and vulnerabilities. How else do you think Chinese spies infiltrate
American lives? It’s not Google.

For those wondering, “but Tik Tok is an American company,” that’s a false
narrative, and it was entirely defeated when the CEO of ByteDance, the
Chinese parent company of TikTok, testified before Congress recently.
Immediately thereafter, you had Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)
demanding public support for TikTok.

President Donald Trump understood the CCP’s intention better than anyone:
from their Belt and Road Initiative, the manipulation of their currency, and
their desire to supplant America on the global stage. Trump responded
resoundingly, taking steps to ban TikTok, implementing tariffs and trade
sanctions, and expelling Chinese diplomats from the United States.

Biden and his administration have not only reversed every single one of these
measures, but have also retracted from taking any position against Xi and the
CCP. By doing so, we have seen the rise of the petro-yuan to replace the petro-
dollar. We have seen Xi broker deals between Saudi Arabia and Iran, inching
the world’s largest state sponsor of terror closer to a weapon’s grade nuclear

We have seen the gall of the CCP come full circle in Xi’s declaration that he will
be the world’s peacemaker. A man who leads a party that’s responsible for
three modern-day genocides in China, resulting in concentration camps,
forced breeding, and torture, is now the self-anointed face of global diplomacy.
And every time you log into TikTok, you’re empowering his maniacal regime
and the degradation of America. That may be hard for you to believe, but you
can follow the intel, or you can follow AOC. 3/4
5/8/23, 8:52 AM Digital Fentanyl: The CCP’s Cyber Campaign to Destroy America

The CCP has one mission: replace the United States of America as the world
leader. The greatest advantage in warfare is information. The CCP siphons and
cycles our data that they steal from TikTok to achieve this end. They do so at
any cost because they have no cost that’s too great. Therein lies our solution.
The overwhelming majority of nations around the world demand a rule of law
that respects humanity, not one that binds it in concentration camps.

Tariffs, sanctions, and stopping currency manipulation is a start. We should be

shutting down access to the international banking system, ending trade tech
relations, and removing CCP spies on American soil. We must stop giving the
CCP billions of dollars in American products, technology, and goods only to
have them use it against the American people to wage their decades-long
mission to replace America.

This administration is rewarding the CCP’s tyrannical behavior, but each time
you sign into TikTok, you are doing the same. Follow the intel and delete

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

banning TikTok Tiktok Data Security 4/4

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