Dll-Pre Calculus Q1 Week 3

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Teacher: Joemard C.

Francisco Grade Level: 11-Ampere/Faraday

Daily Teaching Dates: Sept.11-14, 2022 Learning Area: Pre-Calculus
Lesson Log Teaching Time: 10:50-11:50/3:50-4:50 Quarter: I-Weeks 3
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
I. Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts of conic sections and systems of nonlinear equations.

The learners shall be able to model situations appropriately and solve problems accurately using conic sections and systems of nonlinear equations.
B. Performance Standards
At the end of session,
(a) The learners define an ellipse, determine the standard form of equation of an ellipse.
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies
(b) The learners are expected to graph an ellipse in a rectangular coordinate system.
Specific (Daily) Objective/s Session 1-2 (2 hours) Session 3-4 ( 2hours)
A. The Circle
B. The Parabola
C. The Ellipse
II. Learning Content
D. The Hyperbola
E. General Second-degree Equation and;
F. System of Nonlinear Equations
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pp.
4. Additional Materials from LR portal
White board and white board marker Graphing Paper and PowerPoint Presentation,Chalk,White Marker, Illustration Board
B. Other Learning Resources

The class will be asked questions about the lessons tackled last week about
Parabola, General and Standard equation, Graphical representation and its The class will be asked questions about the lessons tackled last meeting about the
properties. standard equations of an ellipse.
A. Reviewing previous Elicit: Ask questions: Ask questions:
lesson or presenting (The activities in this section will evoke or
draw out prior concepts or prior
1. Differentiate the two conic sections through real-life representation. (Example: 1.Vertex
the new lesson experiences from the students) bridge, ball, rainbow, etc.) 2.Foci
a.Circle 3.Diretrix
b. Parabola d. Axis of Symmetry
c. ellipse
The students are asked a problem about whispering gallery, an enclosure wherein The students are asked with these questions:
B. Establishing a
purpose for the whispers emanating from one location may be heard clearly in another location. With
Engage: the given information, two friends want to validate if indeed the room is whispering 1. Can we graph the given ellipse given the standard equation?
lesson gallery, how far should they stay from the center of the room and how far should they 2. How can we graph an ellipse given its properties?
(The activities in this section will stimulate
their thinking and help them access and be from each other.
C. Presenting connect prior knowledge as a jumpstart to
the present lesson.)
examples/ instances The teacher now presents the lesson in which the learners can be able to define The teacher now presents the lesson in which the learners can be able to graph the
of the new lesson ellipse and determine the standard equations. said conic section.
The teacher discusses the definition and properties of an ellipse. Using the projected
image, the following are being illustrated as properties: foci, center, vertices, co-
Explore: vertices, principal axis, major axis and minor axis. Also the 4 cases of the standard
D. Discussing new (In this section, students will be given time equations are given as follows:
to think, plan, investigate, and organize Using the graphing tools, the teacher will discuss the step by step process in
concepts & collected information; or the performance of
graphing the ellipse.
practicing new skills the planned/prepared activities from the
students’ manual with data gathering with
Case 1. Center at the origin: major axis along x-axis
Guide Questions) Case 2. Center at the origin: major axis along y-axis
Case 3. Center (h, k): major axis parallel to x-axis
Case 3. Center (h, k) minor axis is parallel to y-axis
(In this section, students will be involved in The students must think individually about the standard equations given the
an analysis of their exploration. Their The class is divided into 10 groups. Each group is given a problem and must arrive
understanding is clarified and modified properties of the ellipse. Next, group students into 5 to discuss their results and
F. Developing mastery with a graph.
because of reflective activities)/Analysis of findings. Finally, have each group to share their ideas with the rest of the class, and
the gathered data and results and be able
to answer the Guide Questions leading to open the floor for further discussion.
the focus concept or topic for the day.)

G. Finding practical
Each group presents and discusses their output in the class. Each group should Each group presents and discusses their output in the class. Each group should
applications of present their techniques in arriving the standard equations of the ellipse. present their answer in the class.
concepts and skills Elaborate:
(This section will give students the
in daily living opportunity to expand and
solidify/concretize their understanding of
H. Making the concept and/or apply it to a real-world
situation) The teacher summarizes everything that have been discussed by every The teacher summarizes everything that have been discussed by every
generalizations and
group. group.
(This section will provide opportunities for
The students will answer 10 – item quiz
I. Evaluating Learning concept check test items and answer key
which are aligned to the learning objectives
The students will answer 10 – item quiz
– content and performance standards and
address misconceptions- if any)

J. Additional activities Extend: The students are tasked to answer their problems sets about the
(This section gives situation that explains The students are tasked to answer the Problem sets about graphing an
for application and standard equations of the ellipse.
the topic in a new context, or integrate it to
remediation another discipline/societal concern)

The lesson who administered on The lesson who administered on

Tuesday due to the diagnostic test of Thursday due to the diagnostic test
V. REMARKS Diagnostic test for grade 11
senior high school grade 11- of senior high school grade 11-
ampere/faraday. ampere/faraday.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II SHS-Focal Person


OIC-Assistant School Principal II


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