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Undergraduate Official Transcript

Name: Emma Dewit
Student ID: 924000390

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points

Term GPA 3.380 Term Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 50.690
Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Print Date: 05/08/2023 Combined GPA 3.380 Comb Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 50.690

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points

Cum GPA 3.460 Cum Totals 30.000 30.000 30.000 103.700
Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Emma Dewit
Combined Cum GPA 3.460 Comb Totals 30.000 30.000 30.000 103.700
United States of America
Fall 2019
Program: Science
Plan: Science (PMAJ) Pre-Major
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
BIOL 424 The Uses of Plants 3.000 3.000 B 9.000
Beginning of Undergraduate Record CHEM 210 Organic Chem I 3.000 3.000 B 9.000
PHYS 250 Intro Phys I 4.000 4.000 B 12.000
Fall 2018 PSYCH 100 Intro Psychology 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Program: Science THEA 112 Intro Music Thea 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Plan: Science (PMAJ) Pre-Major Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points Term GPA 3.380 Term Totals 16.000 16.000 16.000 54.000
BIOL 110 Biology Conc Biod 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000
CHEM 110 Chem Princ I 3.000 3.000 B- 8.010
MATH 140B Calc and Biol I 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Combined GPA 3.380 Comb Totals 19.000 19.000 16.000 54.000
PSU 16 Sci 1st-Yr Smnr 1.000 1.000 A 4.000
Course Attributes: First-Year Seminar Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
SOC 1 Intro Sociology 3.000 3.000 B 9.000
Cum GPA 3.430 Cum Totals 46.000 46.000 46.000 157.700
Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000
Term GPA 3.530 Term Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 53.010
Combined Cum GPA 3.430 Comb Totals 49.000 49.000 46.000 157.700
Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Combined GPA 3.530 Comb Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 53.010 Spring 2020
Program: Science
Attempted Earned GPA Units Points Plan: Biology (BS) Major
Subplan: General Biology
Cum GPA 3.530 Cum Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 53.010
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
BIOL 230W Biology Mol Cells 4.000 4.000 B+ 13.320
Combined Cum GPA 3.530 Comb Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 53.010 Course Attributes: Writing Across the Curriculum
CHEM 113 Exper Chem II 1.000 1.000 B+ 3.330
Term Honor: Dean's List CHEM 212 Organic Chem II 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
CHEM 213W Organic Chem Lab 2.000 2.000 A- 7.340
Spring 2019 Course Attributes: Writing Across the Curriculum
Program: Science PHYS 251 Intro Physics II 4.000 4.000 B- 10.680
Plan: Science (PMAJ) Pre-Major SC 220 STEM Learning 1.000 1.000 A 4.000

Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
BIOL 240W Biol Func Dev Org 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Term GPA 3.380 Term Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 50.670
Course Attributes: Writing Across the Curriculum Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
CHEM 111 Exper Chem I 1.000 1.000 A- 3.670
CHEM 112 Chem Princ II 3.000 3.000 B- 8.010 Combined GPA 3.380 Comb Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 50.670
FR 137 Paris 3.000 3.000 A- 11.010
MATH 141B Calc and Biol II 4.000 4.000 B 12.000

Robert A. Kubat, University Registrar

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Undergraduate Official Transcript

Name: Emma Dewit
Student ID: 924000390

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
Cum GPA 3.420 Cum Totals 61.000 61.000 61.000 208.370 Cum GPA 3.590 Cum Totals 94.000 94.000 94.000 337.370
Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000
Combined Cum GPA 3.420 Comb Totals 64.000 64.000 61.000 208.370 Combined Cum GPA 3.590 Comb Totals 97.000 97.000 94.000 337.370

Term Honor: Dean's List

Fall 2020
Program: Science
Plan: Biology (BS) Major Fall 2021
Subplan: General Biology Program: Science
Plan: Biology (BS) Major
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
Subplan: Vertebrate Physiology
ASTRO 7N Artistic Universe 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
BIOL 220W Biology Pop Comm 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Program: Education
Course Attributes: Writing Across the Curriculum Plan: Secondary Education (BS) Major
BIOL 400 Teach Biol 2.000 2.000 A 8.000 Subplan: Biological Science Teaching
BIOL 472 Mammalian Physiol 3.000 3.000 B 9.000 Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
BMB 401 Gen Biochem 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
ANTH 460 Human Genetics 3.000 3.000 A- 11.010
Attempted Earned GPA Units Points CI 280 Tch Eng Lang Lrnrs 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
EDTHP 115 Ed in Am Society 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Term GPA 3.800 Term Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 57.000
HIST 120N Europe Since 1789 3.000 3.000 A- 11.010
Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SPLED 400 Inclu Spled Found 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Combined GPA 3.800 Comb Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 57.000 Attempted Earned GPA Units Points

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points Term GPA 3.880 Term Totals 16.000 16.000 16.000 62.020
Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cum GPA 3.490 Cum Totals 76.000 76.000 76.000 265.370
Combined GPA 3.880 Comb Totals 16.000 16.000 16.000 62.020
Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000
Combined Cum GPA 3.490 Comb Totals 79.000 79.000 76.000 265.370 Attempted Earned GPA Units Points

Term Honor: Dean's List Cum GPA 3.630 Cum Totals 110.000 110.000 110.000 399.390
Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000
Spring 2021 Combined Cum GPA 3.630 Comb Totals 113.000 113.000 110.000 399.390
Program: Science
Plan: Biology (BS) Major Term Honor: Dean's List
Subplan: Vertebrate Physiology
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points Spring 2022
BMB 402 Gen Biochem 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Program: Science
CI 295 Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Plan: Biology (BS) Major
CMLIT 101 Race/Gender/W Lit 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Subplan: Vertebrate Physiology
EDPSY 14 Learning and 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Program: Education
Instruction Plan: Secondary Education (BS) Major
KINES 61 Fit Thry&Practice 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Subplan: Biological Science Teaching
STAT 250 Intro Biostatistics 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
BIOL 406 Symbiosis 3.000 3.000 B 9.000
Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 18.000 18.000 18.000 72.000 BIOL 473 Physiology Lab 2.000 2.000 A 8.000
Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 CAS 100A Effective Speech 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
HDFS 239 Adol Dev 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Combined GPA 4.000 Comb Totals 18.000 18.000 18.000 72.000 SCIED 411W Tchg Sec Sci I 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Course Attributes: Writing Across the Curriculum

Robert A. Kubat, University Registrar

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Undergraduate Official Transcript

Name: Emma Dewit
Student ID: 924000390

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
Term GPA 3.790 Term Totals 14.000 14.000 14.000 53.000 Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 60.000
Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Combined GPA 3.790 Comb Totals 14.000 14.000 14.000 53.000 Combined GPA 4.000 Comb Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 60.000

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
Cum GPA 3.650 Cum Totals 124.000 124.000 124.000 452.390 Cum GPA 3.700 Cum Totals 151.000 151.000 148.000 547.400
Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000
Combined Cum GPA 3.650 Comb Totals 127.000 127.000 124.000 452.390 Combined Cum GPA 3.700 Comb Totals 154.000 154.000 148.000 547.400

Term Honor: Dean's List

Undergraduate Career Totals
Cum GPA: 3.700 Cum Totals 151.000 151.000 148.000 547.400
Fall 2022 Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000
Program: Science
Plan: Biology (BS) Major Combined Cum GPA 3.700 Comb Totals 154.000 154.000 148.000 547.400
Subplan: Vertebrate Physiology
Program: Education Transfer Credits
Plan: Secondary Education (BS) Major Transfer Credit from Community College Of Allegheny County
Subplan: Biological Science Teaching
Fall 2019
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
CI 495C CL AP INST/SEC ED 3.000 3.000 PS 0.000 ENGL 15 Rhetoric and Comp 3.000 3.000 TR 0.000
ENGL 202C Technical Writing 3.000 3.000 A- 11.010
SCIED 412 Tchg Sec Sci II 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Course Trans GPA: 0.000 Transfer Totals: 3.000 3.000 0.000
SPLED 403B Inc Spec Ed Sec Se 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Attempted Earned GPA Units Points End of Undergraduate Official Transcript
Term GPA 3.890 Term Totals 12.000 12.000 9.000 35.010
Transfer Term GPA Transfer Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Combined GPA 3.890 Comb Totals 12.000 12.000 9.000 35.010

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points

Cum GPA 3.660 Cum Totals 136.000 136.000 133.000 487.400
Transfer Cum GPA Transfer Totals 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000
Combined Cum GPA 3.660 Comb Totals 139.000 139.000 133.000 487.400

Term Honor: Dean's List

Spring 2023
Program: Science
Plan: Biology (BS) Major
Subplan: Vertebrate Physiology
Program: Education
Plan: Secondary Education (BS) Major
Subplan: Biological Science Teaching
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
CI 495E PRAC STU 15.000 15.000 A 60.000
Course Topic: Prac Stu Tch/Seced

Robert A. Kubat, University Registrar

The Pennsylvania State University
Office of the University Registrar 112 Shields Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 865-6357

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