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1. I usually visit my mother on Sundays.

2. Susana occasionally eats pasta on Fridays.

3. We often travel to Tacna on business.
4. My mother never cooks fish.
5. I sometimes go to the park with my grandmother.
6. Joaquin never goes to the movies.
7. Alejandra usually exercises in the morning.
8. We Arequipeños often eat adobo on Sundays.
9. My sister rarely washes clothes.
10. I always have dinner after 6:00pm.
11. Carolina never plays soccer.
12. I sometimes have lunch at work.
13. Priscila always drinks eight glasses of water every day.
14. The yard is never clean.
15. I sometimes visit my family at Christmas.
16. Dina rarely goes to the market.
17. Catalina never dances to salsa music.
18. We always travel to Ilo in summer.
19. I often call my father at night.
20. Romulo is never bored.

1. Wash…………… Washed
2. Work……….…… Worked
3. Shave…………….Shaved
4. Carry………………Carried
5. Listen……………..Listened
6. Turn………………..Turned
7. Ask…………………..Asked
8. Answer…………….Answered
9. Push…………………Pushed
10. Wait…………………Waited
1.Drive Drove 7.Get Got 13. Buy Bought
2.Take Took 8. Eat Ate 14. Ring Rang
3.Run Ran 9. See Saw 15. Sing Sang
4.Do Did 10.Forget Forgot 16. Bring Brought
5.Leave Left 11.Make Made 17. Read Read
6.Go Went 12.Write Wrote 18. Hear Heard

1. I traveled to Mancora last summer.

2. We went to dinner at the Profano Buda restaurant yesterday.
3. I bought my apartment in July.
4. I worked last year in Cusco.
5. Mariana went to the gym last week.
1. She cooked well.
2. She paid a large sum of money for that picture.
3. She opened the book and read a few lines.
4. He hated to keep you waiting.
5. The child wept bitterly.
6. He met many people on his way to work.
7. The doctor told him to stop smoking.
8. We put many questions to the chaiman at the meeting.
9. I heard very good music.
10. We on horseback during our holidays.
11. He showed us his library.
12. He slept well.
13. I had to buy some more food.
14. He taught both French and English.
15. You drank your milk quickly.
16. They camped in a great forest.
17. She wrote many letters home.
18. He went to his office by car.
19. The telephone bell rang .
20. We tried to learn this song by heart.
1. I didn’t drink any beer last night.
2. She got on the bus in the centre of the city.
3. What time did he get up yesterday?
4. Where did you get off the train?
5. I didn’t change trains at Victoria.
6. We woke up very late.
7. What did he give his mother for Christmas?
8. I received e300 when my uncle died.
9. We didn´t use the computer last night.
10. Did she make good coffee?

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