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w h i t e pa p e r

Hearing Care across

the Life Span
From hearing screening to diagnostics and rehabilitation

Carol J. Barnett, Oticon

David Veran, Oticon Medical
Jos Huijnen, Interacoustics

The Oticon Foundation is an organization working to assessment, and on to the supply and correct fitting of
improve hearing healthcare. In countries where hear- the full range of hearing rehabilitation devices.
ing care is still not an integrated or comprehensive
part of the public healthcare system, there is still a As chairman of the Oticon Foundation, I cannot under-
need for more knowledge on how to embark on estimate the importance of the dissemination of
improving hearing healthcare. knowledge about audiology, and I am glad to be able to
accredit this important document where the authors
From the newborn baby to the active senior, hearing is in a qualified and competent way promote knowledge
one of the key factors to cognitive development, social and experience on hearing care across the life span.
interaction and an active lifestyle, and societies can
gain large social and economic benefits by investing in This whitepaper offers a guidance for healthcare pro-
proper hearing care. fessionals and policy makers in the public and private
sector in countries without hearing care programs, but
The authors of this whitepaper are academics working with an interest in upgrading to create a full hearing
in Oticon, Interacoustics and Oticon Medical, a group of care program. I am convinced that they will find this
companies specializing in aiding people living with guidance inspiring and useful when they embark on
hearing loss. As hearing healthcare companies, they just that journey.
are dedicated to providing a comprehensive hearing
healthcare program ranging from newborn hearing Niels Boserup, Chairman
screening, through the subsequent diagnostic hearing Oticon Foundation

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Proper Hearing Care: A Gift to Society ........................................................................................................................................6

Hearing care results in cost reductions ............................................................................................................................ 7
Normal education and employment...................................................................................................................... 8
Potential savings to healthcare costs.................................................................................................................. 8

Common Elements of Hearing Care ............................................................................................................................................ 9

Universal newborn hearing screening programs ......................................................................................................... 10
Follow-up diagnostics ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Rehabilitation with hearing aids ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Cochlear implants ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Bone-anchored hearing solutions ................................................................................................................................... 12
From newborn screening to rehabilitation ................................................................................................................... 13
Ida Institute .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Newborn Hearing Screening ...................................................................................................................................................... 15

Implementing a newborn hearing screening program ............................................................................................... 16
Considerations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Follow-up Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Determining the child’s hearing ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Considerations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Hearing Aid Rehabilitation ......................................................................................................................................................... 20

It is never too early to stimulate the brain ..................................................................................................................... 21
Type of hearing aid ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Hearing aid technology ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Verification ........................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Follow-up .............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Considerations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23

Cochlear Implants .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Severe to profound hearing losses ................................................................................................................................. 25
The treatment process ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Organization of cochlear implant centers and training ............................................................................................. 28
Cost of cochlear implant systems and treatment ....................................................................................................... 28

Bone-Anchored Hearing Solutions .......................................................................................................................................... 29

Justifying the need for a BAHS center ........................................................................................................................... 30
The treatment process ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Considerations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 31

Closing Remarks ............................................................................................................................................................................. 32

Bibliography and References .................................................................................................................................................... 34



This paper briefly describes the various aspects of and cochlear implants, and procedures are well estab-
establishing a complete hearing care solution. As with lished for fitting these hearing devices to closely
most other healthcare issues in society today, match the needs of the individual patient, whether
addressing such a task can be complex. that be a child or an adult.

One aspect that is important to consider is that the Considerable expertise is required in order to ensure
development of adequate hearing has an open win- success when implementing or completing a full hear-
dow in a child’s development, and if proper hearing ing care program in a health care system. Procedures
rehabilitation has not been available for the child dur- must be both cost effective and time efficient and pro-
ing this crucial early stage of life, then hearing cannot vide the desired patient outcome, while being able to
be developed properly later in life. This is the reason fit into the overall procedures currently in place at the
behind the implementation of Newborn Hearing health care setup.
Screening in most countries around the world today.

It was a common mistake in the first hearing screening

programs to underestimate the need for a follow-up
procedure to be in place for infants referred from the
newborn screening programs. Well-proven procedures
balancing cost and effectiveness are now available for
this important step.
AuD, Doctor of Master of MSc, Clinical
After proper assessment of hearing capabilities, we Audiology Electronic Physicist -
can nowadays benefit from the availability of many Carol J. Engineering Audiologist
excellent hearing rehabilitation options ranging from Barnett David Veran Jos Huijnen
traditional hearing aids to bone-anchored hearing aids Oticon Oticon Medical Interacoustics

A Gift to

Hearing care is healthcare indicate that the prevalence of hearing loss at birth is
Hearing loss has a negative impact on overall health between 2 and 7 per 1000 newborns. Although there
and is associated with increased use of healthcare. A are very few economic evaluations of universal new-
strategy report from 2016 on hearing loss and the born hearing screening, the general consensus is that
benefits to society of investing in hearing technolo- screening programs reduce costs related to lifetime
gies Lamb, Archbold, O’Neill shows that the cost of not healthcare needs and education, and increase lifetime
providing hearing technologies is greater than provid- productivity.
ing them. Hearing care has a positive effect on physical
and mental health, employment as well as social In Australia for example, it is reported that in 2005 real
engagement, reversely, the consequences of not pro- financial cost of hearing loss was AU$11.75 billion or
viding hearing care for hearing impaired has negative 1.4% of GDP. This does not take into account the net
effects, especially with the coming of age. Older peo- cost of loss of wellbeing associated with hearing loss,
ple with hearing loss have larger risk of mental health which is a further AU$11.3 billion. Productivity loss is
issues such as depression and dementia. Studies also the largest financial cost component with 57% of the
show an increased mortality associated with hearing real financial costs. Keren et al (2002) show that in
loss. Furthermore, hearing loss also has an effect on America, the saving to society from universal hearing
communication and interaction and often leads to iso- screening in any given year is around US$2.33 billion.
lation and higher unemployment rates (Lamb,
Archbold, O’Neill, 2016). When only a selective – and cheaper – screening pro-
gram is applied to those newborns thought to be at
Implementation of hearing care results in large social risk for hearing loss, the saving would be around $1.46
and economic benefits for societies. Current estimates billion per year.

Newborn Hearing Screening

Born hearing impaired

Screening Diagnostics Rehabilitation Normal education Normal jobs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 6070 Age

No Newborn Hearing Screening

Born hearing impaired
Developmental problems Special education Special jobs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 6070 Age

Figure 1.
The top half shows a timeline that illustrates the positive effects of newborn hearing screening. This contrasts with the timeline
at the bottom where the emergence of developmental problems leads to a delayed discovery of hearing difficulties. Irreversible
damage has already taken place and an ongoing negative impact continues throughout life.

Normal education and employment Potential savings to healthcare costs

Consider the two contrasting scenarios in Figure 1 for Good hearing care, tailored to the needs of different
children with pre-lingual hearing loss, i.e. born hearing patient groups, will increase quality of life at any given
impaired. When a child is born with significant hearing age, and accordingly results in both social and financial
loss, a newborn screening program allows diagnosis of benefits for society. In an examination of potential
its hearing problem before there is irreversible dam- cost savings in Europe of providing access to hearing
age to the child’s speech and language development. aids and implants, Lamb, Archbold, O’Neill (2016) cal-
Modern rehabilitation allows a child to grow up with- culate the cost of increased healthcare use associated
out significant limitations, giving him/her the possibil- with hearing loss – and thus the potential savings.
ity to follow normal education, and allowing him/her to They estimated that the average additional healthcare
have the same career opportunities as any other cost per hearing impaired person is £242 per year and
person. constitutes for all 28 EU countries approximately
£15.6bn. Their baseline of nine EU countries showed a
But the onset of hearing loss can happen at any stage variation in cost, i.e. potential savings, between coun-
in life and due to many causes. Figure 2 illustrates tries. In Denmark, where citizens enjoys superior
where a child suddenly becomes deaf due to meningi- access to hearing aids, healthcare cost are lower for
tis and suffers from post lingual hearing loss, where individuals with hearing loss than for individuals with-
rehabilitation with a cochlear implant and special edu- out hearing impairment.
cation might become relevant. With proper diagnosis
and subsequent rehabilitation, the child can move If healthcare costs as well as wider socioeconomic
from special to normal education within few years and benefits and quality of life are taken into account, the
grow up to live a normal life. introduction of hearing technology can outweigh the
additional costs on health systems of funding the

Later onset hearing loss

Example: Child with meningitis age 1½
Rehabilitation with hearing aids or CI

Normal development Special/normal education

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 6070 Age

Figure 2.
An example of a timeline for a child with later onset of hearing loss. Not having proper hearing health care in place could in this
case have dramatic consequences with regards to the further development and career possibilities.

Elements of
Hearing Care

Universal newborn hearing screening

Within a universal newborn hearing screening program
all babies’ hearing is checked before they leave the
hospital or within around 3 weeks after birth. With a
simple test, operated by for example a nurse, it
becomes clear if the hearing is very likely to be normal.
In instances where the screening fails, ‘follow up diag-
nostics’ are necessary to determine if a hearing prob-
lem is indeed present.
An OAE screening with Interacoustics Otoread. OAE testing is
characterized by fast test time, low consumable costs and a
The two tests considered suitable for hearing screen- relatively higher number of referrals for diagnostic follow-up.
ing are named OAE (otoacoustic emissions) and
Screening ABR (auditory brain responses). Measuring
OAEs is quick, and is also inexpensive with regard to
the use of consumables. A Screening ABR, which is
more expensive to purchase, takes a little more time,
might include the use of more consumables and
requires slightly more training for the user.

The benefit of Screening ABR is that it has a higher

test specificity and thus refers only a few normal hear-
ing babies to the more time consuming and more
expensive diagnostic follow-up. Also Screening ABR
A Screening ABR screening with MAICO MB 11 Classic.
screens deeper into the auditory pathway than OAE, Screening ABR testing is characterized by longer test time,
which is particularly important when testing babies more comprehensive testing with fewer referrals and rela-
that have risk factors of having hearing loss at birth. tively expensive consumables.

Hearing disorders like Auditory Neuropathy, where the

neural transmission from the inner ear to the brain is
disturbed, are detected by Screening ABR only.

Referral rates out of a newborn hearing screening pro-

gram will vary greatly as a consequence of the overall
design of the screening protocol. The main differences
are caused by how many days after birth the screening
is carried out and if only OAE or screening ABR or both
are used.

Read more on page 15.

A Screening ABR screening with MAICO BERAphone. The
BERAphone is an alternative Screening ABR: it uses reusable
electrodes and thereby avoids consumable costs.

Follow-up diagnostics
Typically, before the age of 2 months, follow-up diag-
nostics will be completed for those children referred
from the newborn screening program. It should then
be clear if a permanent hearing problem is present and
what type of rehabilitation is most likely to be needed
in order to prevent any further developmental prob-
lems. The hearing of small children cannot be tested in
the same way as adults. Their response to sounds does
not tell us (yet) how well they can hear. Therefore,
small children are always tested with relatively
Baby being seen for follow-diagnostics and tested with the
advanced, objective test methods. The operator of the Interacoustics Titan
equipment must be well trained in how to perform the
assessment and interpret the results.

Read more on page 18.

Rehabilitation with hearing aids

When a child grows up with permanent sensorineural
hearing problems, hearing aids are an important
aspect of making sure that the brain receives the input
required to facilitate normal speech and language
development. The choice of hearing aids does not only
depend on the amount and type of hearing loss. It is
also affected by additional needs, such as a school

Read more on page 20.

Child with Oticon hearing aids.


Cochlear implants A cochlear implant system is a solution for hearing loss

Simply making sounds louder might not help if the that is quite different from a conventional hearing aid.
hearing organ has been too badly damaged. In such While conventional aids amplify sounds, a cochlear
cases, a cochlear implant might help by passing sound implant system transforms sounds into electrical stim-
information directly onto the auditory nerve. Cochlear ulation for the auditory nerve. In this way, it can be
implants are designed for adults and children with considered a substitute for a non-functional cochlea.
severe to total hearing loss and who cannot under-
stand speech using hearing aids. Read more on page 24.

The principles of a cochlear implant: The behind the ear processor (1) picks up the sound, digitalizes it and sends it through the
antenna to the implant’s receiver (2) which is located under the skin at the surface of the temporal bone. The implant (3) trans-
forms the digital information into an electrical signal that is sent to the electrode-array (4) inserted in the cochlea. The electrodes
stimulate the auditory nerve (5) which transmits the sound to the brain (6).

Bone-Anchored Hearing Solutions BAHS, as the sound vibrations bypass obstacles in the
For several patient groups, including individuals with outer and middle ear. Patients with SSD benefit from
conductive or mixed hearing losses, single-sided BAHS as sounds picked up by a processor worn on the
deafness (SSD), and for certain otologic medical reasons, deaf side are transmitted to and perceived by the
using a bone-anchored hearing system (BAHS) is the opposite, normal-hearing cochlea. Patients with stenotic
recommened treatment option. ear canals or skin allergies who cannot benefit from
conventional hearing aids can sometimes also be
The system is comprised of a small titanium implant which candidates for BAHS.
is placed in the skull, an abutment, and an external sound
processor which converts incoming sound waves into Read more on page 29.
vibrations. These sound vibrations travel directly through
the abutment and implant and into the skull bone, and
continue through the bone toward the cochlea, where
they are perceived.

Patients with a conductive component to their hearing

loss benefit from the route of transmission provided by
Abutment in place. Bone-anchored hearing
solution attached to the

From newborn screening to rehabilitation

Well-baby hearing screening Babies with risk



 ?


 ?

Screening Screening Screening

  
? Typical ?Typical ?Typical
2% - 8% 0.5% - 3% 0.5% - 2% ? Typical 10%

Follow-up diagnostics Normal hearing

and temporary
First assessment typically at 1.5 to 8 weeks. Hearing loss typically identified at 2
hearing problems
to 25 weeks. Typically 0.2% to 0.7% of newborns found with hearing impairment.

Permanent hearing losses

Permanent hearing losses Profound hearing losses or
where conventional hearing
total deafness
aids cannot be used

Hearing aid fitting Cochlear Implants Bone Anchored

First fitting 1-6 months of age* Hearing Solutions

Schematics of how newborn hearing screening program is followed by the follow-up diagnostics, hearing aid fitting, cochlear
implant fitting and/or fitting of a bone-anchored hearing solution. Percentages and timing mentioned do vary a lot depending
on the design of the program and type of hearing loss.

* A typical target for rehabilitation has been 6 months, but ambitious and experienced programs might set targets as low as
2 months.

Ida Institute The Ida Institute collaboratively creates and shares

A complete and mature hearing care program also innovative knowledge to help hearing care profession-
includes attention to the patients’ human and social als globally by addressing the human dynamics of
aspects of relating to his own hearing loss. The Ida hearing loss. Their tools are available to everyone,
institute is set up to provide tools to assist patient and online, free of charge. Furthermore, they share
care giver in these more subjective aspects of hearing through partnerships with organizations such as the
care such as counseling and rehabilitation by applying American Academy of Audiology, the British Academy
patient-centered care methods. of Audiology, etc. for example by involvements in con-
ferences, workshops and posters at conferences. The
The Ida Institute is an independent, non-profit organi- Ida Institute also organizes their own seminars with
zation located in Denmark and funded by a grant from focus on train-the-trainer and/or train clinicians
the Oticon Foundation. Their mission is to foster a bet- directly.
ter understanding of the human dynamics associated
with hearing loss. The Ida Institute’s goal is to posi-
tively impact hearing impaired persons and hearing
care professionals around the world by making
patient-centered care the core of hearing care


Implementing a newborn hearing screening test is performed, when parents visit a local
screening program health center for medical examinations and consulta-
By sharing true experiences from a recently imple- tion, few days after birth.
mented newborn hearing screening program in a
European country, a number of important aspects will The increased need for follow up diagnostics is time
be discussed in the following. consuming and, compared to the newborn screening,
very expensive.
In this country, all babies are born in maternity clinics.
Prior to the implementation of newborn hearing Another disadvantage of many referrals is that the
screening, all babies stayed within these clinics for as people working in the screening setting might not rec-
much as 7 days after birth. After discharge, babies ognize the importance of their work and, worse, by
never returned to the maternity clinic and the govern- mistake they can mislead parents regarding the impor-
ment had a strict wish to keep it that way. With the aim tance of attending follow-up appointments.
of limiting the screening equipment required and the
number of people involved in the screening process, Some countries choose to perform one final screening
the government decided to implement the program so attempt before starting the follow-up diagnostics
that it fitted within the first 7 days after birth. within the same appointement. If that is passed, the
remaining appointment is canceled.
However, during the implementation, the government
announced that the maternity clinics had to increase Another approach could be to start the implementa-
their efficiency and that babies would be discharged tion of newborn hearing screening not as a universal
from hospital much earlier. Consequently, they program, but by rolling out a screening program only
expected that the hearing screening program would for babies born with a higher risk of having permanent
reduce/adapt to fit within the shortened time that hearing problems. This reduces effort and costs, how-
babies would then spend in the maternity clinic. One of ever about 50% of congenital hearing losses would be
the suggestions facilitating this involved multiple missed.
screening attempts taking place on the same day.
The three major risk factors of permanent hearing loss
An interesting fact is that most failed screenings are are:
due to temporary hearing problems. These are caused 1. A
 n admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
by the time in the womb, which leaves behind debris in (NICU) for more than 48 hours.
the ear canal or behind the eardrum. 2. A family history of early childhood permanent
hearing loss.
A larger percentage of newborns will therefore be 3. A craniofacial anomaly (for example cleft palate).
referred for follow-up diagnostics if screened only
shortly after birth or if there is insufficient time Within the ‘at-risk’ group more than half of all perma-
between different screening attempts (for example nent hearing losses can be found (from the evaluation
10% referrals instead of 4%). This is a reason why of the NHSP in England, 2004). A late onset hearing
community based screening programs can be very loss is also more likely for this high-risk population.
effective in terms of low referral rates. The hearing

Screening programs which are compromising costs and • Where (and by whom) will screening be
efficiency screen only for binaural hearing losses, not performed?
referring babies with a PASS in at least one ear (de • When will screening be performed, and in how
Kock, 2016). many steps?
• What are the expected referral rates from the
screening steps?
Considerations • Pass criteria: Must both ears pass in the screening
As illustrated above, there are many aspects having or is it sufficient that 1 ear passes?
influence on how a newborn screening protocol can be • What technology will be used for screening: OAE
implemented. The questions below provide further and/or Screening ABR?
suggestions of key areas to consider prior to • What about the ‘at-risk’ population: mainly from
implementing. the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit?
• What do you estimate to be the cost of screening
(depending on labor cost, time (consumption),
use of disposables, etc.)?
• Who pays for the screening: government, par-
ents, health insurance?
• How will the obtained data be stored in
• How to communicate to parents, in case of a
• How will the quality of the screening program be


Determining the child’s hearing – Hearing care professionals need to have a

When the hearing screening results in a ‘refer’, it is still knowledge of procedures for basic audio-
unknown if the child’s hearing is functional or not. logical testing for air, bone, speech and mid-
Follow-up diagnostics is necessary to determine the dle ear assessment.
hearing thresholds and the cause of any hearing loss. – Hearing care professionals need to know
And as previously stated, the quantification of hearing how to modify these tests for the pediatric
problems in infants can only be carried out by objec- client.
tive measurements. – Hearing care professionals need to know
how to perform and interpret OAE, ABR
Tests that are able to indicate the amount of hearing (click, CE-Chirp and frequency specific stim-
loss do so by measuring the neurological activity uli), ASSR and perhaps Wideband
caused by hearing. These are called Evoked Potential Tympanometry for pediatric clients.
tests and can be ABR or ASSR. In order to identify the – Hearing care professionals need to know
cause of a hearing loss, other measurements can sup- how to perform Behavioral, Visual
port these tests, such as wideband tympanometry Reinforced and Play Audiometry testing.
(WBT) and otoacoustic emissions. – What instructions are given to the parents
of the patient, prior to the follow-up
For all objective measurements, it is recommended appointment?
that the child is very calm (or asleep) and that the test- – What information is shared with the parents
ing environment is quiet. Clinicians are typically very regarding the outcome of the follow-up
aware of the importance of these requirements and diagnostics?
are able to implement them. In some instances, it may • Which tests are preferred for determining the
be necessary to conduct the testing under hearing thresholds of an infant?
anaesthesia. • Is pediatric hearing rehabilitation delivered by
the same department as the follow-up
Considerations • What are the costs of follow-up diagnostics?
Organization of the follow-up diagnostics can be com-
plex. The questions below provide suggestions of key
areas to consider prior to implementing follow-up

 hould the follow-up diagnostics start with a re-
screening, as in the hearing screening program?
• Where and by whom will follow-up diagnostics be
• What are the training needs of the personnel who
will be performing the diagnostics?
– Hearing care professionals need to know
Follow-up diagnostics on a baby with Interacoustics ECLIPSE.
how to do a basic otologic evaluation on the This Evoked Potential test characterizes the hearing loss and
pediatric client to make sure the ear canal is provides the basis for hearing rehabilitation.
free from any ear wax or other debris that
might impede any further testing.

Hearing Aid

It is never too early to stimulate the brain With BTEs, the ear moulds need to be replaced as the
During the first 3.5 years of life, the neurological net- child’s ear grows. Based on the hearing loss and the
works in children are critically sensitive to stimulation child’s ear canal, the hearing care professional needs
(Kral & Sharma 2011). All children must practice hear- to decide which style, material and length of ear mould
ing sound in general before they can start to effec- to couple with the hearing aids.
tively process and understand what they hear. Studies
also indicate that 20,000 hours of listening is the basis
for learning to read (Dehaene, 2009). A prerequisite Hearing aid technology
for attaining high levels of speech understanding in For children and their parents to live free of concerns
hearing impaired children is to provide amplification and un-restricted by the hearing solution, the hearing
and rehabilitation that is appropriate for their hearing aid must be tailored to the child’s active life and should
loss and that provides audibility for a wide range of be able to withstand everyday activities. Ideally, the
sounds. device should adapt to the multitude of situations
encountered by the child during a day such as outdoor
play, school, going to the mall, watching television, rid-
Type of hearing aid ing in the car and having dinner (Moeller et al. 2009).
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are the standard Pediatric hearing aid technology such as adaptability
treatment for hearing loss in children, provided that to FM systems, automatic features and connectivity
the hearing aids can be coupled to the ear. There must should be flexible enough to cover the child.
therefore, be no ear malformations or frequent effu-
sion coming from the ears. If it is not possible to use a The advantage of modern signal processing is that
bone-anchored hearing system worn on a soft head- there are an unlimited number of ways in which the
band may be an option (American Academy of signal can be manipulated. Here are some features in
Audiology Clinical Practice Guidelines on Pediatric hearing aids that are specifically recommended for
Amplification 06/2013). pediatric hearing aid fittings depending on the age
level of the child:
Because of the changes in ear size in children, behind-
the-ear style hearing aids are usually the preferred
choice of amplification. BTE hearing aids can be read-
justed over a wider range to accommodate changes in
the child’s hearing. BTE hearing aids can contain fea-
tures that are important for children such as telecoils,
wireless receivers and direct audio input. Other hear-
ing aid features to consider include tamper-resistant
battery doors, volume controls that can be deacti-
vated or locked, a low battery warning light, a safety
device to hold the hearing aids on the ears and a hear-
ing aid care kit. (American Academy of Audiology
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Pediatric Amplification

Oticon hearing aid and a baby whose hearing aid

is placed behind the ear.

Technology What it does Benefit

Compression Makes soft sounds audible, medium Helps the child to hear a wide range of
sounds comfortable, and loud sounds sounds at comfortable levels.
loud but tolerable.

Bands Allows adjustment of gain, frequency Allows for the fine tuning and adjustment
response and features. of features.

Channels Allows adjustment of the compression. Helps to improve speech understanding.

Extended high Allows the amplification of higher speech Helps the child to hear higher speech
frequency and environmental sounds. sounds like ”s” and other sounds that help
bandwidth in speech understanding and localization.

Frequency lowering Lowers high frequency sounds to lower Allows the child to hear high frequency
frequencies. sounds that could for certain hearing
losses be inaudible even with

Feedback Reduces whistling sounds. Allows for more gain without whistling
cancellation coming from sound escaping the ear.

Directional Increases the signal to noise ratio. Helps the child focus in noisy
microphones environments.

Digital noise Automatically reduces the gain of the Helps the child feel comfortable in noisy
reduction hearing aid in certain channels in noisy environments.

American Academy of Audiology Clinical Practice Guidelines on Pediatric Amplification 06/2013.


One of the most obvious differences between children
and adults is ear canal size. The ear canal grows rapidly
in the first few years of life. With children, the hearing
care professional must consider the effect that a
smaller sized ear canal has on the intensity of sound
delivered to the ear. Therefore, with the hearing aids
fitted, it is important to do a verification of the fitting
to make sure the output of the hearing aid is appropri-
ate. The fitting can be verified using a Real Ear
Measurement (REM) system such as the Interacoustics
Affinity or Callisto. Part of the verification, is the Real
Ear to Couple Difference (RECD) test. The RECD test
Hearing aid with programming cable attached and Real Ear
helps the hearing care professional to take into Measurement insitu tube.
account individual differences in the ear canal.
Nowadays, several hearing instruments can have a
built in RECD testing option.

In addition to Real Ear Measurements, parental reports

can provide valuable subjective information when
evaluating the functionality of the hearing aids for the

In the initial months after fitting, frequent follow-up
appointments will be required. Accepted good practice
is that routine follow-up appointments are carried out
at least every 3 months in the first 1-2 years of life,
Oticon FM systems.
then every 6 months until age 5. RECD measurements
should be repeated at least every 3 months in the first
year of life and when ear moulds are changed. Hearing
aids should be adjusted accordingly to reflect any
changes in the growth of the ear and any changes in Considerations
hearing thresholds. Hearing care professionals should The following points may need to be considered with
continue to provide parents with information and regard to additional training that may be required for
counseling to support consistent hearing aid use and hearing care specialists fitting hearing aids on
facilitate understanding of hearing aid care and children:
maintenance. • Hearing care professionals need to know how to
select, program and fit hearing aids for pediatric
Other professionals may need to be involved in the clients.
care of the hearing impaired child after the fitting of • Hearing care professionals need to know how to
hearing aids, such as medical doctors, social workers, take ear impressions on pediatric clients.
psychologists, or teachers in order to support the child • Hearing care professionals need to know about
and the parents. other devices for pediatric clients such as stream-
ers and FM systems.
Children may also need to be fitted with FM systems. • Hearing care professionals need to know about
These systems allow for a more direct sound being parent education and counselling to help the
transmitted to the child’s hearing aid to help them to pediatric client’s parents make informed deci-
hear better in the school classroom. sions about the child’s care and rehabilitation.


Severe to profound hearing losses implants as early as possible. In particular for children
People with hearing loss might feel socially isolated with severe to profound hearing loss or complete
because, even when wearing hearing aids, their com- deafness cochlear implants – if implanted at an early
munication and interaction with others can still be sig- age – provide the child with hearing that is good
nificantly affected. With severe to profound hearing enough for attending normal public school system.
losses (over 70 dB HL) and poor speech recognition Such children will typically demonstrate academic
while wearing hearing aids (under 60% in quiet cir- progress similar to that of their normal hearing peers.
cumstances), it may be appropriate to consider the
option of a cochlear implant. A cochlear implant is an Implantation on both sides may bring a better speech
effective solution which opens up the world of hear- understanding in noisy circumstances and better
ing. Children over 12 months of age as well as adults localization abilities compared to unilateral fitting of
and the elderly can benefit from a cochlear implant, only one ear with an implant. Bilateral implantation is
assuming there is no medical or anatomical proposed more frequently in current cochlear implant
contraindications. programs.

Most people with cochlear implants hear well enough

to have a normal conversation. This can help them face
the challenges of daily life and reconnect with their
family, friends and colleagues. They often mention
that they feel safer because they can hear, for exam-
ple, a fire alarm or the oven timer. Also, they feel more
independent and more able to enjoy a social life. Small
things such as using the telephone, making a doctor’s
appointment or going out for a meal are no longer a
challenge. Obviously all these benefits play a very
large role in considering a patient’s ability to be able to
function in a work environment.

Because hearing is essential for language develop-

Neuro Cochlear Implant System, with the two main compo-
ment, it is strongly recommended that children receive nents: Neuro One processor and Neuro Zti implant.

The treatment process Once all the assessments have been performed, the
1. Pre-operative assessment implantation team decides if the patient can benefit
The implantation team first assesses the hearing of from a cochlear implant.
the patient and his or her parents’ motivations. The
following areas are part of this assessment:

• Medical evaluation: The overall health and condition

of the two ears is determined. In addition to an MRI, a
CT scan is usually required to determine the feasibil-
ity of the surgery and which ear to implant. Imaging
enables the medical team to check whether it is pos-
sible to insert an electrode array into the cochlea. In
some cases, this can allow the surgeon to avoid fore-
seeable surgical difficulties.

 udiometric evaluation: The audiologist performs
various audiometric tests, also with the hearing aids
Cochlear implantation professionals.
(tone and speech audiometry). Sometimes, the audi-
ologist may recommend a trial period with a more
powerful hearing aid in order to evaluate the poten-
tial benefit in comparison to a cochlear implant.

• Speech pathology report: The speech/language

pathologist evaluates the ability to lip-read and
assesses communication and comprehension skills
through speech discrimination testing, without the
use of a hearing aid.

• Psychological assessment: The psychologist evalu-

ates the motivations of the patient and the family, as
well as the willingness to follow the speech therapy
program and their expectations regarding the
Speech therapist with cochlear implant candidate.

2. Surgery 3. Post-operative follow-up

Surgery is required to insert the internal part of the For the implantation to be successful it is necessary to
implant system. The surgeon makes a small incision adjust the settings and by that the sound quality of
behind the ear to be able to place the receiver contain- the sound processor.
ing the electronic circuits. The receiver is fixed to the
surface of the temporal bone to prevent it from mov- • First fitting: During the first fitting session, the audi-
ing. Then the electrode array is carefully inserted into ologist provides the processor, the external part, and
the cochlea. explains how the system works. This consultation
involves defining the stimulation levels produced by
Implant surgery is performed under general anesthe- each electrode inserted into the cochlea. Other
sia and generally takes under two hours although it parameters are also adjusted to optimize the percep-
usually requires hospitalization for a few days. tion of sound information.
Insertion of a cochlear implant presents the same risks
as any other ear surgery.

Until the sound processor is attached and activated,

patients will not be able to hear. This usually happens
around one month after leaving hospital. This period is
required to recover from the anesthesia and the sur-
gery, and to allow healing of the scar covering the
(2-3 sessions)

Hearing aid trial

Hearing Candidate
(over 3-6 Surgery
loss diagnosis selection

• Auditory habilitation
• Evaluation: speech perception
speech language
• Counseling

(postop. 2-4 weeks)

• Mapping
Objective measurements:
• Auditory habilitation
• Evaluation: speech perception
speech language
Flow chart of the CI process in children.

• Processor sessions: In the months following sur- Organization of cochlear implant centers and
gery, several adjustment sessions will be required to training
gradually improve the quality of sound information. Cochlear implant centers work with multi-disciplinary
Visits are spread over time until the settings are con- teams including: ENT surgeon with specific skills in
sidered stable and optimal. Once successful, only otology, medical ENT, audiologist, speech therapist,
annual visits are required. psychologist, biomedical engineer and a nurse.
All these stakeholders need to be trained, with a spe-
• Speech therapy: Patients have to get used to the cial focus typically placed on speech therapy and audi-
signal generated by the implant. Even for those who ological fitting. That is because the long term success
have experienced a sudden loss of hearing, the mes- of a cochlear implantation is very dependent on the
sage supplied by the implant is perceived to be differ- fitting and speech rehabilitation. This is the most
ent from how they remember hearing. The brain has important stage of the patient’s journey.
to get used to this new stimulation and be able to
interpret it. It is therefore essential to start speech Training provided to a cochlear implant center usually
therapy to facilitate this adjustment. Speech therapy includes:
sessions, like the processor setting sessions, are
held frequently following surgery. After the first • Surgery: A surgical workshop with training on the
year, they are held less often. The speech therapist’s Temporal Bone Lab, live surgery and on-site training
work varies depending on the type of hearing loss with supervision by expert surgeons.
and is based on some basic principles. • Audiology: A workshop and on-site training and user
• Identifying various sound sources meetings.
• Distinguishing between surrounding noise and • Speech therapy: A workshop on rehabilitation
speech methodologies, on-site training and user meetings.
• Recognizing rhythm and melody • Patient: Patient workshop and support of patient
• Discriminating phonetic elements and associations.
recognizing speech
Cost of cochlear implant systems and treatment
Children need regular speech therapy for several years The cost for cochlear implant treatment, including the
after implantation, at least until the acquisition of device, the surgery and 10 years of follow-up can
language. range from USD 50,000 to USD 100,000 depending on
the hospital providing the treatment. Many commer-
cial and public insurers cover this cost as well as pre-
and post-operative services. There is strong evidence
in favor of a consensus on the cost effectiveness of
bilateral cochlear implantation in children (Barton et al.
(2006), Cheng et al. (2000), O’Neil et.al. (2000)), uni-
lateral cochlear implantation in children and adults.


Justifying the need for a BAHS center c. Long-term softband use (pediatric) – small chil-
Candidates for BAHS treatment can be fitted as soon dren who are not yet suitable for surgical inter-
as their hearing loss is identified. The pre-surgical vention typically use the softband for a longer
BAHS solution is to wear the sound processor on a amount of time. Their hearing will continue to be
softband, either on a trial basis for adult patients, or monitored until they are old enough to consider
long-term basis for young children, who according to implantation.
the FDA, can be considered for implantation starting at
age 5. Binaural fittings are possible for individuals with 2. Surgery and follow-up – a safe and simple surgical
conductive or mixed hearing loss in both ears. procedure is required to insert the small (3mm or 4
Implantation allows for access to direct sound trans- mm) titanium implant into the skull bone. The sur-
mission, meaning that there is no skin or tissue geon typically uses a minimally invasive method, and
between the sound processor and the bone, which often only local anesthesia for adult patients.
otherwise dampens the sound signal. Studies under- Patients typically leave the hospital on the same day
score the importance of implantation for increased as their procedure. A short period of time is required
patient benefit as compared to so-called skin drive for osseointegration – the process in which the
systems, which can cause a significant decrease in implant actually bonds with the bone cells in the
hearing thresholds in the mid to high frequency range. skull, ensuring a strong connection and firmly estab-
lishing the direct sound transmission route. A post-
The treatment process surgical appointment is typically taken in order to
The BAHS team typically consists of an ENT surgeon counsel the patient about caring or the abutment,
specialized in otology, and qualified hearing care pro- and an audiological visit is scheduled.
fessional experienced in programming and fitting
hearing aids, and theatre and clinic nurses. Input from 3. Fitting on abutment – following the healing period,
all team members helps to guide the treatment the sound processor is fit on the abutment by a
process. hearing care professional. Software allows for cus-
tomized fitting. BAHS users can also access many
1. Pre-operative assessment – members of the BAHS similar accessories like those used by conventional
team evaluate the hearing of the patient and deter- hearing aid users.
mine suitability for the treatment.

a. Medical evaluation – sometimes, the ENT sur-

geon will be the first to evaluate the patient and
recommend BAHS treatment based upon candi-
dacy criteria.
b. Softband trial – typically, a hearing care profes-
sional fits a device to the patient so that they can
assess the benefit themselves, or so the parents
of a baby or young child can observe the effects
of treatment. A sound processor is programmed
especially for the patient’s hearing loss, and an
at-home trial of the sound processor is recom-
mended for adult patients.

Child with an Oticon Medical Ponto sound processor mounted

on a softband.

The surgeon uses a specific drill unit and disposable

instruments from Oticon Medical to place the implant
and abutment in the bone behind the ear, typically
under local anesthesia. After a healing period the
patient will return to the hearing care professional
who will program the processor and counsel the
patient in all aspects of caring for the abutment and
using the processor. As with regular hearing aids, dur-
ing one of the follow-up appointments, it will be
assessed which accessories could be beneficial for the
Ponto sound processor with abutment and titanium implant.

In many cases, the government will reimburse the cost

of the entire treatment as well as the costs for repairs
and the replacement of the processor every five years.

The following points may need to be considered with
regard to implementation of a Bone-Anchored Hearing
Ponto abutment family.
Solutions program.
 ho will pay for the treatment? Will it be fully reim-
bursed by government funding, private health insur-
ance; or partly or fully paid for by the patient?
 ho will lead the team that cares for the patient and
determines the patient pathway?
 ho will organize the training for the team members
and take responsibility for the monitoring and main-
tenance of the skill levels within the team?
 ow will the repair and replacement of processors be
managed with respect to payment and
 hat specific equipment will be required and can it
be purchased or rented?
 ow will referrals from other centers be
Ponto Streamer from Oticon Medical.


Proper hearing care is a social and economic gift to A proper hearing care program and strategy take their
society, and studies show that when using universal point of departure in newborn screening to make sure
hearing screening a country can obtain yearly savings. that the population grows up with the proper help to
Furthermore, current reports give evidence that the secure normal speech and language development. Any
cost of not investing in hearing technologies are government or private organisation implementing
greater than investing in them. With this whitepaper hearing screening can benefit from a thorough investi-
about newborn hearing screening, follow-up diagnos- gation of the various solutions available.
tics and rehabilitation with hearing aids, cochlear
implants, bone-anchored hearing solutions and other The authors of this whitepaper, and the companies
aiding devices, the authors have made clear that there they represent, are involved in strategic counseling,
are many aspects of implementing such hearing care. practical implementation and training, when either
minor or major changes to hearing healthcare set-ups
are required.

To learn more please visit these websites You can also contact the authors of this whitepaper

www.interacoutstics.com Carol J. Barnett, [email protected]

www.oticon.com David Veran, [email protected]
www.oticonmedical.com Jos Huijnen, [email protected]

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An updated list of articles and references on hearing screening and diagnostics is available at the Interacoustics
Academy’s website:
December 2016

Editing, design and production:

Oticon Fonden

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