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Timed Online Assignment – January Semester 2021

Principles of Project Management

Tuesday, 25 May 2021 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm


Time allowed: 2.5 hours



1. This Timed Online Assignment (TOA) contains FOUR (4) questions and
comprises SIX (6) pages (including cover page).

2. You must answer ALL questions.

3. If you have any queries about a question, or believe there is an error in the
question, briefly explain your understanding and assumptions about that
question before attempting it.

4. You are to include the following particulars in your submission strictly to this
format: TOACourseCode_FullName_Student PIno. (Use underscore and NOT
space. Example, TOASST101_RaphaelLee_T1923161 (omit D/O, S/O).

5. Your submission should consist of only ONE (1) file in Word doc. or docx.
format and must not exceed 500MB in size. All answers are to be typed.
Flowcharts/graphs/diagrams (if any) may be scanned or photographed and
embedded in the Word file provided it does not exceed the file size limit of
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6. You MUST submit your answers via Canvas (similar to TMA submission)
at the end time of this TOA (as stated on this cover page). The 15 minutes
grace period as shown on Canvas is strictly meant for technical issues
encountered during submission. Thereafter, you will not be able to submit your
answers and you will be considered as having withdrawn from the course. NO
appeal will be allowed.

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TOA – January Semester 2021
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TOA – January Semester 2021
Answer all questions. (Total 100 marks)

Question 1

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate answers.

(a) Organisations use projects to convert __________ into new products, services
and processes needed for success.

(b) More often than not, a product or service will have __________ to ensure
proper performance. They typically clarify either the deliverables or define the
parameters for performance.

(c) In the software industry, software development projects are frequently

estimated using weighted macro variables called __________.

(d) In a project network, before a backward pass can be computed, the __________
for the last project activity(ies) must be selected.

(e) When the number of people and/or equipment is not adequate to meet peak
demand requirements and it is impossible to obtain more, the project manager
faces a ________ problem.

(f) A common method for shortening project time is to subcontract the project.
This is also commonly known as __________.

(g) __________ champion the project and use their influence to gain approval of
the project. Their reputation is tied to the success of the project, and they need
to be kept informed of any major project developments.

(h) One of the popular models that identifies the phases through which groups
develop into effective team is known as the __________Team Development

(i) A __________ is a formal agreement between two parties wherein one party
obligates itself to perform a service and the other party obligates itself to do
something in return.

(j) The heartbeat of an Agile project is the daily meetings which are commonly
known as the __________.
(2 marks each)

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TOA – January Semester 2021
Question 2

(a) Describe the major components of the strategic management process with
pertinent examples.
(5 marks)

(b) Explain the role projects play in the strategic management process. Illustrate
this clearly with a relevant example.
(6 marks)

(c) The portfolio of projects is typically represented by strategic, operational and

compliance project. Explain how this classification affects the project selection.
Support your answer with relevant examples.
(8 marks)

(d) Demonstrate, with a relevant example, the importance of the governance team
in project selection.
(6 marks)

Question 3

(a) Define risk in the context of projects.

(2 marks)

(b) Demonstrate if risk management is a proactive approach or a reactive approach.

(6 marks)

(c) Differentiate between avoiding a risk and accepting a risk. Further illustrate this
with relevant examples.
(8 marks)

(d) Your team is embarking on a simple project to bake a cake. Your team lists the
following possible risks.
1. Poor air quality due to build-up of heat in kitchen.
2. Injury from lifting of heavy items.
3. Burn from hot appliances.
4. Fire from either appliances or ingredients.

Based on these four risks, construct a simple Risk Assessment Form with
THREE (3) parameters.
(9 marks)

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TOA – January Semester 2021
Question 4

The city of ASHCROFT is embarking on a project to create an animal crossing above a

busy highway. One of the requirements is to develop a network plan for the project.

The activities, their interdependencies and duration are collected in the Table Q4:

Identifier Description Predecessor Duration (Days)

A Geographical survey Nil 5
B Soil test and report A 20
C Traffic evaluation A 30
D Site layout A 5
E Design approval B, C, D 80
F Electrical and lighting E 15
G Drainage E 30
H Landscaping E 25
I Signage E 15
J Bid preparation and proposal F, G, H, I 10
Table Q4

(a) Apply the information in Table Q4 to construct the project network diagram.
(6 marks)

(b) Determine the shortest time needed to complete the project.

(2 marks)

(c) Select the critical path for the project.

(2 marks)

(d) As part of the project planning, you need to allocate your workers to the
respective activities. You have Bob, who is extremely responsible and always
punctual at work. You also have David, who is somewhat unreliable and often
on sick leave. Select the activities which you would place Bob and David.
Explain your rationale.
(4 marks)

(e) Assume that each activity can be managed by an individual. Evaluate the
number of staff you would need to hire in order to complete the project on time.
(2 marks)

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the duration for Landscaping needs to be

increased by seven additional days.

(f) Demonstrate how this would affect the project duration and critical path.
(4 marks)

(g) Determine the number of activities impacted by this change.

(2 marks)

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TOA – January Semester 2021
(h) Your project sponsor requires the project to be completed within 150 days.
Propose, with rationale, FOUR (4) methods you could use to reduce project
(8 marks)

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TOA – January Semester 2021

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