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Onondaga County, NY

Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant

Capacity Evaluation

July 2013
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Existing Facilities ................................................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Current Plant Flows and Loads ................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Current Plant Performance ....................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Current Unit Process Loadings ................................................................................................. 7

3. Screening of Alternatives .................................................................................................................. 10

3.1 Plant Re-Rate ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Magnetite Ballasted Settling ................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) Pretreatment................................................................ 12
3.4 Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Post-Treatment ............................................ 13
3.5 Hybrid Activated Sludge (HYBACS) Roughing Pretreatment ................................................. 15
3.6 Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) .................................................................................................. 16
3.7 Full IFAS Conversion .............................................................................................................. 18
3.8 Webitat Media in Effluent Lagoons ......................................................................................... 19
3.9 Alternatives Rating .................................................................................................................. 20
3.10 Other Alternatives ................................................................................................................... 21

4. Detailed Alternatives Evaluation ....................................................................................................... 23

4.1 Magnetite Ballasted Settling ................................................................................................... 23
4.2 MBBR Pretreatment ................................................................................................................ 25
4.3 IFAS Post-Treatment .............................................................................................................. 26
4.4 BioWin Modeling – Treatment Capacity Comparison ............................................................. 28

5. Estimate of Probable Construction Costs ......................................................................................... 31

5.1 General Assumptions.............................................................................................................. 31
5.2 Magnetite Ballasted Settling Assumptions ............................................................................. 31
5.3 MBBR Pretreatment Assumptions .......................................................................................... 31
5.4 IFAS Post-Treatment Assumptions ........................................................................................ 32
5.5 Operations and Maintenance Costs ....................................................................................... 32
5.6 Costs ....................................................................................................................................... 32

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | i
Table Index
Table 2-1 Discharge Permit Limits
Table 2-2 2012 Flows and Loads
Table 2-3 Primary Treatment Capacities
Table 2-4 Secondary Treatment Capacities
Table 4-1 MMBR Design Criteria
Table 4-3 Modeling Results and Treatment Alternative Biological Treatment Capacities
Table 4-4 Unit Process Capacities
Table 4-2 IFAS Design Criteria
Table 5-1 Summary of Capital Costs
Table 5-2 Estimated O&M Costs

Figure Index
Figure 2-1 Existing Site Plan
Figure 2-2 Existing Process Flow Diagram
Figure 2-3 Influent Flows
Figure 2-4 Influent BOD
Figure 2-5 Effluent CBOD and TSS Discharge
Figure 2-6 Effluent UOD Performance
Figure 2-7 Effluent Ammonia Performance
Figure 4-1 Magnetite Ballasted Settling
Figure 4-2 Magnetite Ballasted Settling Process Flow Diagram
Figure 4-3 BioMag System Process Flow Diagram
Figure 4-4 Magnetite Ballasted Sludge Process Flow Diagram
Figure 4-5 MBBR Pretreatment
Figure 4-6 MBBR Pretreatment Process Flow Diagram
Figure 4-7 IFAS Post-Treatment
Figure 4-8 IFAS Post-Treatment Process Flow Diagram

Appendix A Magnetite Ballasted Settling Vendor Information
Appendix B Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) Pretreatment Vendor Information
Appendix C Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Post-Treatment Vendor Information
Appendix D Hybrid Activated Sludge (HYBACS) Roughing Pretreatment Vendor Information
Appendix E Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Vendor Information
Appendix F Full IFAS Conversion Vendor Information
Appendix G Webitat Media in Effluent Lagoons Vendor Information
Appendix H Cost Estimates

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | ii
1. Introduction
The Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is owned and operated by the Onondaga
County Department of Water Environment Protection (OCDWEP). The plant service area consists
of the Village of North Syracuse and portions of the Towns of Clay and Cicero. The majority of the
wastewater from the service area is from residential sources with the some commercial and
industrial sources.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) requires that an Annual
Certification Form be completed for the treatment facility as part of the State Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (SPDES) discharge permit administration process. The Annual Certification
Form is completed by the treatment facility SPDES discharge permit holder (OCDWEP). The intent
of the certification form is to identify treatment facilities that are nearing or exceeding their design
capacity for flow, influent BOD, or influent TSS loadings.

The 2012 Annual Certification Form for the Oak Orchard WWTP identified that the facility was
exceeding the design capacity for influent BOD for 10 of the 12 months in 2012 but has not
exceeded the influent flow or TSS capacity. Any facility exceeding design capacity loads in eight or
more months of the year is required to prepare a Plan for Future Growth in accordance with
6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(2). This required plan must be submitted to the NYSDEC Regional Water
Engineer no later than August 1, 2013.

OCDWEP has retained the services of GHD Consulting Services Inc. to evaluate alternatives to re-
rate the Oak Orchard WWTP with an expanded capacity to handle additional wastewater loads. The
alternatives evaluated were focused on technologies that could cost effectively provide increased
capacity while minimizing the construction of additional tanks.

An initial screening was conducted to determine the technologies available for increasing the
capacity of the treatment facility. The alternatives were ranked and the three most favorable were
evaluated in more detail. In addition, the current performance of the treatment facility was evaluated
to determine if a potential opportunity exists to re-rate the plant without the need for capital

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2. Existing Facilities
The Oak Orchard WWTP is located on Oak Orchard Road in Clay, NY. The original facilities at this
site consisted of two wastewater treatment lagoons and a chlorine disinfection system. In the late
1970s, the facilities were upgraded to provide primary and secondary treatment, as well as
ammonia removal. The treatment facility currently consists of screenings and grit removal, primary
clarification, high purity oxygen (HPO) activated sludge aerobic treatment followed by secondary
clarification, aerated lagoon nitrification, and disinfection. A site plan of the existing treatment plant
is included as Figure 2-1 and the plant process flow diagram is shown in Figure 2-2.

Several additional plant modifications were performed at the Oak Orchard WWTP in the late 1990s
and early 2000s, as follows:

1. Plant access road improvements.

2. Addition of a lagoon bypass pipeline.

3. Upgrade and conversion of the coagulant feed system.

4. Addition of odor control facilities.

5. Upgrade and conversion of the disinfection system.

Planning is currently underway for upgrades to the treatment facility that include:
1. HVAC and gallery piping improvements.

2. Removal of the burning sludge system equipment.

3. Administration Building improvements.

4. Influent screen replacement.

5. Infill and abandonment of the primary and secondary flocculation tanks.

6. Clarifier equipment replacements

7. Lagoon cleaning and aeration upgrades.

Some of the planned improvements should be coordinated with the proposed capacity expansion.
In particular, the secondary flocculation tanks offer the opportunity for expanded treatment if not
infilled. Also, any expansion involving media (IFAS, MBBR) would require screening to at least
6 mm range with a perforated plate-type screen. The proposed climber screen replacement would
not be compatible with these media addition options.

2.1 Current Plant Flows and Loads

The current influent flows and loads to the Oak Orchard WWTP were reviewed based on data
provided by OCDWEP for a 52-month period from January 2009 through April 2013. During this
period, the facility treated wastewater from the Oak Orchard service area plus wastewater from the
Gaskin Road Pump Station. The Gaskin Road Pump Station has the ability to pump to either the
Oak Orchard or Wetzel Road WWTP. Based on a previous report prepared by GHD (formerly
Stearns & Wheler) in 2009, the Gaskin Road Pump Station contributes approximately 0.8 mgd of
average daily flow to the Oak Orchard WWTP.

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OAK ORCHARD WWTP Job Number 86-15142
0 100 200 300 400' CAPACITY EVALUATION Revision A
Date 07/2013
Figure 2-1
One Remington Park Drive, Cazenovia NY 13035 USA T 1 315 679 5800 F 1 315 679 5801 E [email protected] W
Plot Date: 25 July 2013 - 9:29 AM Cad File No: G:\86\15142\CADD\Drawings\Figures\Oak Orchard\8615142-FIG 2-1.dwg




Oak Orchard WWTP


DATE: July 2013 JOB No.: 8615142 Existing Process Flow Diagram
The average influent flow to the treatment facility over the 52-month period was 5.9 mgd. The
facility has been operating well within the permitted flow of 10 mgd and therefore should be able to
handle additional flow related to a capacity expansion. Figure 2-3 is a graph of the influent flow for
this period.

Figure 2-3 Influent Flows

The organic load of concern for the Annual Certification is the influent BOD. The treatment facility
has a stated design capacity of 14,200 lbs/day of BOD. The available sampling data available for
influent BOD is limited since the SPDES permit for Oak Orchard is written around limits based on
CBOD. The available individual day sampling for BOD is used in conjunction with the daily flow to
determine the average influent BOD on a lbs/day basis. For the year 2012, only one BOD sample
per month was taken, so this result was used to represent the monthly average. Beginning in 2013,
multiple BOD samples were taken and then averaged to determine the monthly influent BOD. The
influent BOD for the period of January 2012 through May 2013 is shown in Figure 2-4. During this
17-month period, there were 14 occurrences when the BOD exceeded the design capacity of
14,200 lbs/day. The average influent BOD during this period was 16,029 lbs/day.

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Figure 2-4 Influent BOD

The Annual Certification Form also addresses the influent TSS to a facility. The stated capacity for
influent TSS is 16,700 lbs/day. The average TSS for over the 52-month period was 7,479, which is
less than half of this value and therefore is not of concern.

2.2 Current Plant Performance

The Oak Orchard WWTP has a two-season SPDES discharge permit. The permit requires
nitrification in the summer period from June 16 through October 31 with a limit for pounds of
ammonia discharge and a UOD limit for concentration and pounds. The treatment facility has a
good history of meeting the discharge limits. The last violations were in 2010 for fecal coliform and
dissolved oxygen. However, these violations were isolated and not related to loadings on the
treatment facility. The discharge permit limits are summarized in Table 2-1.

The effluent CBOD and TSS discharges are shown on Figure 2-5. The treatment facility is
performing well at removing CBOD and TSS to below the discharge limit. The removal of TSS is
aided by the lagoons which help to settle any TSS that is able to pass through the secondary

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Table 2-1 Discharge Permit Limits
Current Permit
Parameter Period June 16 - October 31 November 1-June 15
Flow 30-day average 10 mgd 10 mgd
CBOD 5 30-day average 25 mg/L 2,085 lbs/day
CBOD 5 7-day average 40 mg/L 3,336 lbs/day
TSS 30-day average 30 mg/L 2,500 lbs/day 30 mg/L 2,500 lbs/day
TSS 7-day average 45 mg/L 3,750 lbs/day 45 mg/L 3,750 lbs/day
UOD 30-day average 4,289 lbs/day
Ammonia (as 30-day average 400 lbs/day
NH 3 )
Dissolved oxygen Daily minimum 5.0 mg/L
Total phosphorus 30-day average 1.0 mg/L 1.0 mg/L
Settleable solids Daily maximum 0.3 ml/L 0.3 ml/L
pH Range 6.0 - 9.0 S.U. 6.0 - 9.0 S.U.
Fecal coliform 30-day geometric 200/100 ml 200/100 ml
Fecal coliform 7-day geometric 400/100 ml 400/100 ml
Chlorine residual Daily maximum 0.35 mg/L 18.4 lbs/day 0.35 mg/L 18.4 lbs/day

(1) Fecal coliform limits are in effect from May 15 to October 15.

Figure 2-5 Effluent CBOD and TSS Discharge

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The limit for UOD of 4,289 lbs/day is in effect during the June 16 through October 31 time period.
The UOD is calculated from the discharge of CBOD and TKN. The treatment facility is able to meet
the UOD limit during these periods. The UOD discharge performance is shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 Effluent UOD Performance

The effluent ammonia (NH 3 ) performance is shown in Figure 2-7. The treatment facility sometimes
has difficulty establishing nitrification in the spring to meet the June 16 period when the 400 lbs/day
limit becomes active.

Figure 2-7 Effluent Ammonia Performance

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The treatment facility has been able to successfully meet the other discharge parameters, including
settable solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, and total phosphorus.

2.3 Current Unit Process Loadings

The current loadings on the individual unit processes at the Oak Orchard WWTP were evaluated to
determine which processes are operating below, at, or above their original design capacities. This
evaluation was performed to determine which unit processes can handle higher capacity based on
the current design and which process could handle additional capacity based on current
performance. The current version of Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, 2004
Edition (Ten-States Standards) was used as a benchmark for rated capacity of the unit processes.

The flows and loadings for 2012 were used as the basis for evaluating the current unit process
loadings. The flows and loads for 2012 are summarized in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 2012 Flows and Loads

Parameter (mgd) (lbs/day) (lbs/day) (lbs/day) (lbs/day)
Average 5.58 16,300 12,905 7,999 1,584
Maximum month 7.28 20,352 13,735 9,335 1,711
Maximum day 11.41 -- -- -- --
Peak 17.72 -- -- -- --

(1) BOD based on OCDWEP process sampling.

(2) Peak flow based on instantaneous peak on January 27, 2012.

2.3.1 Primary Treatment

Raw wastewater entering the treatment plant passes through a manually-cleaned coarse bar
screen that removes the larger debris. Downstream of this screen, the wastewater flows into two
aerated grit chambers where sand, gravel, and other heavy particles are removed. After the grit
chambers, there are two mechanically cleaned climber-type bar screens with more closely spaced
bars that provide additional screenings removal. Another manually-cleaned bar screen is located
between the two mechanical screens to provide bypass screening in the event the mechanical
screens are out of service.

Screened and degritted wastewater flows to the primary treatment system to two primary clarifiers.
Each clarifier is separated into three troughs for sludge collection with one common sludge hopper
at the influent end of each clarifier. Ahead of the preliminary clarifiers are primary flocculation tanks
which are current not used for flocculation. Aluminum sulfate (alum), is added prior to the primary
clarifiers to remove phosphorus and provide enhanced settling.
The aerated grit chambers and primary clarifiers have additional unused capacity based on the
current flows to the plant. A summary of the capacity of the primary treatment systems is provided
in Table 2-3.

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Table 2-3 Primary Treatment Capacities
Process Design Criteria Current Loading of Capacity
Aerated Grit Channels
Total volume 98,000 gallons
Detention time – peak hour 3 minutes 7.96 minutes
Peak flow capacity 47 mgd 17.72 mgd 38%
Primary Clarifiers
Primary clarifier surf area 14,400 sf
Surface overflow rate - average flow 1,000 gpd/sf 388 gpd/sf 39%
Surface overflow rate - peak flow 2,000 gpd/ sf 1231 gpd/sf 62%
Peak flow capacity 28.8 mgd 17.72 mgd 62%

2.3.2 Secondary Treatment

The Oak Orchard WWTP utilizes an HPO aeration treatment process for biological treatment. There
are two HPO trains (north and south) and each train is partitioned into three stages configured in
series, with each stage separated by a concrete dividing wall. Each stage of the aeration tanks
contains two mechanical aerators for imparting high purity oxygen to the mixed liquor. The Oxygen
Generation Building, located adjacent to the aeration tanks to the south, contains a pressure swing
adsorption (PSA) system for generating the high purity oxygen used for the biological treatment

Downstream of the biological treatment process, the mixed liquor flows through channels to the
secondary clarifiers, bypassing the four secondary flocculation tanks, which are no longer in
service. A polymer solution is added to the mixed liquor upstream of the secondary clarifiers to aid
in settling. There is currently no mixing equipment provided to mix the polymer with mixed liquor
prior to settling. There are six rectangular secondary clarifiers at the plant, each with chain-and-
flight-type mechanisms for sludge and scum collection. The six clarifiers are separated into two sets
of three units each. Flow distribution to the six units is achieved through the use of channels and
adjustable slide gates located at the inlet of each clarifier.

There are two treatment lagoons at the Oak Orchard WWTP. These lagoons were modified as part
of the major plant upgrade in the 1970s to provide nitrification of the secondary effluent. The
lagoons, which are configured in series, each contain aeration equipment for this purpose. The
lagoons have been inadequate in providing the desired nitrification and therefore are not in use for
this purpose. The aeration equipment is operated seasonally to provide the necessary effluent
dissolved oxygen concentration to meet the requirements of the SPDES discharge permit.

Effluent from the secondary treatment process or the lagoon system flows to the disinfection system
at the northern end of the treatment plant prior to being discharged from the facility. The disinfection
system consists of two chlorine contact tanks and an adjacent Chlorination Building which houses
the liquid sodium hypochlorite used for disinfection.

A summary of the capacity of the secondary treatment systems is provided in Table 2-4. The HPO
aeration tanks are currently operating at high loading rate of up to 145 lbs BOD/day/1,000 cf. The
mean cell residence time for the process is maintained around five days in the winter and increased

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 8
to around nine days in the summer when nitrification is needed. The secondary clarifiers can
experience peak flows that exceed the recommended surface overflow rate of 900 gpd. The
operational experience of the secondary clarifiers reveals that there can be loss of solids over the
weirs when the MLSS gets into the 5,000 to 6,000 mg/L range.

Table 2-4 Secondary Treatment Capacities

Current Percent of
Process Design Criteria Loading Capacity
HPO Aeration Tanks
Total volume (gallons) 1,046,960 (gallons)
BOD loading rate – average 80 82 102%
(lbs BOD/d/1,000 cf)
BOD loading rate – maximum month (1)
200 102 51%
(lbs BOD/d/1,000 cf)
Secondary Clarifiers
Clarifier surface area 16,800 sf
MLSS concentration 4,500 mg/L
Return sludge flow (RAS) flow 3.45 mgd
Surface overflow rate - peak flow 900 gpd/sf 1,055 gpd/sf 117%
Weir length 648 lf
Weir loading rate at peak 30,000 gpd/lf 27,346 gpd/lf 91%
Solids loading rate at peak 35 to 50 lb/d/sf 33 lb/d/sf
Chlorine Contact Tanks
Peak hour detention time (minutes) 15 24.4
Peak hour capacity (mgd) 28.8 17.72 62%

(1) Metcalf & Eddy, 3rd Edition, based on single-stage BOD removal.

2.3.3 Solids Handling

The solids handling system was originally designed to treat raw sludge using a sludge oxidation
process for volatile solids destruction. However this system is not utilized. Currently, the WAS and
primary sludge are co-settled in the two raw sludge gravity thickeners. The thickened sludge is
pumped from the two gravity thickeners into trucks and hauled to the Syracuse METRO WWTP for

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3. Screening of Alternatives
3.1 Plant Re-Rate

3.1.1 Overall Process Description

The historical performance data from the facility has been reviewed and is reported in Section 2.
Based on the data, the plant is outperforming the original design parameters. The plant has
consistently outperformed the permit requirement for CBOD, TSS, and UOD, all while operating at a
BOD loading that exceeds the original design. Some of the reasons for this include current
practices of chemically enhanced primary settling, careful MLSS/solids retention time (SRT) control,
and polymer addition to the final settling tanks. In addition, the lagoons provide effluent polishing
during wet weather high solids periods.
If a plant consistently outperforms its anticipated design operating parameters and the effluent
permit requirements are being met, the plant capacity can often times be re-rated. Based on the
historical treatment at the facility it is recommended that the plant capacity loading in BOD be
increased to match the current operating parameters of the facility.

3.1.2 Additional Capacity

Historical plant performance data is shown in Figures 2-5, 2-6, and 2-7. In 2012, the average
monthly influent BOD to Oak Orchard was 16,300 lb/d and the maximum month BOD was 20,350
lb/d, during which time the plant met all effluent permit requirements. Therefore, it is suggested that
the influent BOD capacity be increased from its current design of 14,200 to 16,300 lb/d to take
credit for the current performance of the plant. Additional process improvements will be necessary
to expand the plant capacity beyond the current average flows and loads.

3.1.3 Summary

The following are some of the major advantages and disadvantages of re-rating the plant.
Advantages include:
1. Takes credit for current performance with the higher loads.

2. No capital expenditures are required.

Disadvantages of this alternative include

1. Does not provide capacity to handle additional growth in the service area.

3.2 Magnetite Ballasted Settling

3.2.1 Overall Process Description

Magnetite ballasted settling is a developing technology that is gaining popularity. Patented by

Siemens, the BioMag™ system is an enhanced biological wastewater treatment process that uses
magnetite, a common inert iron derivative, to increase the specific gravity of biological floc. The
addition of magnetite has two major benefits:

1. Allows for a higher MLSS for the given clarifier area (i.e., allows higher loading rates to
existing clarifiers).

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2. Typically no additional process tanks are required for increased treatment capacity.

The majority of equipment and modifications associated with the technology are for the removal and
recovery of the magnetite from the waste activated sludge (WAS) prior to disposal. The magnetite is
recovered from the waste stream and returned into the biological process. During this process,
some magnetite is lost and additional magnetite will need to be added.

3.2.2 Application to Oak Orchard

Due to site constraints and cost concerns, eliminating new process tanks has been identified as a
key cost saving criteria. Magnetite ballasted settling would eliminate the requirement for additional
process tankage while effectively increasing plant loading capacity. In addition, the technology
would help reduce the likelihood of clarifier upsets due to overloading.

3.2.3 Additional Capacity

The magnetite ballasted option will allow the plant to operate at greatly increased MLSS (6,000 to
10,000 mg/L) as well as improving settling characteristics and removal efficiency within its existing
final clarifier capacity.

3.2.4 Incorporation into the WWTP

Based on the preliminary analysis, minimal site modifications would be required in order to
accommodate the magnetite ballasted settling technology. Major modifications would include the

1. New magnetite storage silo.

2. Magnetite recovery equipment shall be located within the existing Sludge Process Building.

3. New pumping station to return recovered magnetite to the biological process.

4. New pumping station to return WAS to the existing solids treatment system.

Due to the higher specific gravity, in many cases, additional mixing capacity may be required to
keep the biological floc in suspension. Additional mixing within the HPO biological reactors would
likely be required; however, this requirement is still being investigated with the manufacturer. For
the purpose of this report, it was assumed that one additional mixer would be needed in each
reactor zone.

A potential concern with this alternative is that there are very few permanently installed systems for
operational comparison, and none of those installations use the HPO process.

Section 4.1 provides more detailed information on this technology.

3.2.5 Summary

The following are some of the major advantages and disadvantages of the BioMag system.
Advantages include:

1. Allows for increased MLSS concentrations while eliminating the need for additional
secondary HPO volume and clarifier surface area.

2. Increased capacity without additional tank capacity.

3. Minimal process modifications.

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4. Minimal site disturbance.

Disadvantages of this alternative include:

1. Greater mixing required to keep mixed liquor in suspension.

2. Additional solids processing equipment required for removal and return of magnetite.

3. Minimal long-term operational experience at other facilities.

4. No current installations of BioMag™ exist which utilize the HPO process.

Vendor information for this treatment technology is provided in Appendix A.

3.3 Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) Pretreatment

3.3.1 Overall Process Description

The MBBR is a fixed-film treatment process that uses specifically designed plastic media, or biofilm
carriers, to support the biomass for biological treatment. Aeration diffusers are used to provide the
necessary oxygen for the fixed-film biomass on the media. Screens, or sieves, are required to keep
the media contained within the process tanks while allowing the biologically treated wastewater to
flow out of the tanks. Wastewater enters the MBBR process treatment tanks, where the fixed-film
biomass growing within the internal structures of the plastic media provides biological treatment,
such as BOD and ammonia removal. Solids are generated by this process when excess biofilm
sloughs off of the plastic media and flows downstream to the next unit process. There is no return
sludge required for this process, as all of the treatment is accomplished within the fixed film on the

3.3.2 Application to Oak Orchard

Based on the current BOD loading limitation present at the Oak Orchard WWTP, one of the most
effective means of increasing the plant’s treatment capacity is to provide an additional pretreatment
step, upstream of the existing HPO activated sludge system. This pretreatment step serves to
reduce the incoming BOD loading prior to the HPO process, increasing the available capacity of the
overall plant to process additional BOD loading, as well as nitrogenous loads. The increased
loading can be accommodated without increasing the solids loading to the final settling tanks.

Providing an MBBR-based pretreatment process upstream of the existing HPO activated sludge
process, downstream of the primary clarifiers, was evaluated as an alternative for capacity
expansion at the Oak Orchard WWTP.

3.3.3 Additional Capacity

The MBBR pretreatment process will increase the treatment capacity at the Oak Orchard WWTP by
increasing the total quantity of biomass available for treatment as well as the volume of process
tankage under aeration. The primary purpose of this treatment process would be to remove BOD
contained in the primary effluent, which would in turn allow for greater levels of BOD removal and
nitrification within the existing HPO activated sludge process while not increasing solids loading to
the final settling tanks.

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3.3.4 Incorporation into the WWTP

For the MBBR alternative, some modifications and improvements to the existing process flow
scheme would be necessary, including the following:

1. New influent fine screen (6 mm).

2. New intermediate pumping system to divert primary effluent to the new MBBR pretreatment

3. New concrete process tanks.

4. New process blowers will be located within the existing Oxygen Generation Building.

3.3.5 Summary

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment alternative for the Oak Orchard
WWTP are provided below.


1. Fixed-film biomass is resistant to washout during high flow events.

2. Significantly increases the BOD removal capacity of the treatment plant.

3. Relatively simple process to operate.


1. Additional process tanks are required.

2. Intermediate pumping is required.

3. Requires operation of two separate biological treatment systems.

4. Lack of County experience with this treatment technology.

Vendor information for this treatment technology is provided in Appendix B.

3.4 Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Post-Treatment

3.4.1 Overall Process Description

IFAS is a treatment process which combines activated sludge and fixed-film biological treatment.
An IFAS treatment system is configured as a conventional activated sludge process with the
addition of media to the aeration tanks to support fixed-film biomass. The additional biomass
provided by the IFAS media increases the biological treatment capability of the treatment process,
which reduces the overall reactor volume required. This makes IFAS a good alternative for
retrofitting existing activated sludge treatment processes requiring increased treatment capacity.
There are several types of IFAS media systems available including suspended plastic media, which
is designed to circulate freely within the aeration basin, and fixed media, which is secured in one
location of the aeration basin to provide a surface for biogrowth. Medium bubble diffused aeration
equipment is typically required for this treatment process due to the media contained in the aeration
tanks to provide proper mixing and/or scouring of the media. One distinct difference between the
suspended and fixed media systems is that screens, or sieves, are also required with the

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suspended-type media to keep the media in the aeration tanks. The IFAS treatment process is
essentially a combination of a conventional activated sludge process and an MBBR process.

3.4.2 Application to Oak Orchard

The Oak Orchard WWTP has four existing secondary flocculation tanks located downstream of the
HPO activated sludge process and upstream of secondary clarification. These tanks are no longer
in use as part of the treatment process and are therefore available for potential reuse. Another
alternative that has been considered to increase treatment capacity at the Oak Orchard WWTP is to
convert these existing secondary flocculation tanks into process aeration tanks with IFAS media
and conventional aeration. This alternative can be accomplished with minimal impact to the
existing treatment plant.

3.4.3 Additional Capacity

The IFAS post-treatment alternative will increase treatment capacity at the Oak Orchard WWTP by
increasing the total quantity of biomass available for treatment, and by increasing the volume of
process tankage under aeration. The primary purpose of this treatment process would be to expand
the existing activated sludge process and to augment the activated sludge process with additional
fixed-film biomass. This would provide additional treatment for both BOD and TKN.

3.4.4 Incorporation into the WWTP

To implement this alternative, the following minimal modifications and improvements to the existing
WWTP would be required:

1. New influent fine screen (6 mm).

2. New aeration diffusers.

3. New process blowers will be located within the existing Oxygen Generation Building.

3.4.5 Summary

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment alternative are provided below.


1. Lower capital costs.

2. Ability to retrofit into existing activated sludge treatment process.

3. Fixed-film biomass on the IFAS media is resistant to washout during high flow events.

4. Fixed-film biomass on the IFAS media assists in maintaining nitrification and reseeding the
suspended growth activated sludge process.

5. Reduced solids loading to the secondary clarification process.

1. Less additional capacity compared with other potential alternatives.
2. No County experience with technology.

3. Existing tanks are considered shallow for use of this technology.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 14
Vendor information for this treatment technology is provided in Appendix C.

3.5 Hybrid Activated Sludge (HYBACS) Roughing Pretreatment

3.5.1 Overall Process Description

The HYBACS™ process is a hybrid process similar to IFAS, where a media system is used in
conjunction with an activated sludge process to enhance the treatment capacity within a given
process treatment tank. The HYBACS process uses rotating cylindrical media units, similar to a
traditional rotating biological contactor (RBC), that consist of a series of high porosity mesh plates
for fixed biomass growth. The media units are partially submerged within the wastewater and rotate
the media system in and out of the wastewater. This arrangement allows the process to provide
aeration for the biomass without the need for conventional aeration blowers and diffusers. As the
units rotate, the media and supported biomass are exposed to the ambient air and then the
wastewater. An air scour system is provided to aid in sloughing the biomass off of the media
through intermittent sparging.

The rotating cylindrical units are located upstream of the main activated sludge treatment process,
and RAS from the main process is circulated through the HYBACS media units.

3.5.2 Application to Oak Orchard

This alternative, which is similar to the MBBR pretreatment alternative discussed in Section 3.3, is
to provide the HYBACS treatment system upstream of the existing HPO activated sludge process,
downstream of the primary clarifiers. This system would act as a BOD removal roughing reactor
prior to the existing HPO process. One major difference from the MBBR alternative is that the
HYBACS process requires RAS (similar to the IFAS process). In addition, the HYBACS vessels can
be located within concrete process tanks, or within self-contained steel tanks for each HYBACS

3.5.3 Additional Capacity

The HYBACS pretreatment process will increase the treatment capacity at the Oak Orchard WWTP
by increasing the total quantity of biomass available for treatment, and by increasing the volume of
process tankage available. The primary purpose of this process would be to remove BOD contained
in the primary effluent, which in turn allows for greater levels of BOD removal and nitrification within
the existing HPO activated sludge process.

3.5.4 Incorporation into the WWTP

For this alternative, some modifications to the existing process flow scheme would be necessary,
including the following general modifications and improvements:

1. New influent fine screen (6 mm).

2. New process treatment tanks or steel vessels to house the HYBACS units.

3. New air scour equipment (blower and diffusers).

3.5.5 Summary

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment alternative are provided below.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 15

1. Lower O&M costs.

2. High-rate BOD removal capability.

3. Fixed-film biomass on the IFAS media is resistant to washout during high flow events.


1. Limited installations/operational experience.

2. Lack of full-scale operating performance.

3. No County experience with technology.

Vendor information for this treatment technology is provided in Appendix D.

3.6 Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)

3.6.1 Overall Process Description

The MBR process is an activated sludge treatment process in which the solids separation step
typically performed by settling in the secondary clarifiers is replaced with membrane filtration. The
membrane filters are capable of providing significantly improved solids separation (filtration) than
settling, or even when coupled with tertiary sand filters. As a result of the improved solids
separation process, the mixed liquor concentration that can be maintained in the aeration tanks is
much greater than that of a typical activated sludge process followed by settling. An MBR typically
operates with a MLSS concentration of 8,000 to 10,000 mg/L. This MLSS concentration is
substantially higher than the typical MLSS concentrations of 2,500 to 4,000 mg/L used in a
conventional activated sludge process. The higher MLSS concentrations make the MBR process a
good retrofit option for existing wastewater treatment plants by providing increased treatment
capacity within the existing process tankage on site. This process is particularly beneficial to
facilities with limited available site space.

The membranes are arranged in cassettes, or racks, that are submerged directly in the mixed
liquor. Treated effluent is filtered through the membranes using a vacuum system and sludge is
periodically wasted directly from the aeration tank. MBR systems are equipment-intensive due to
the various pumps, blowers, actuated valves, and chemical systems required to operate and
maintain the systems. Three levels of cleaning are used to maintain the flux, or transfer, of treated
wastewater through the membranes:

1. Air Scour Cleaning - Intermittent coarse bubble aeration is used to remove build-up of solids
on the membranes. This prevents a cake of solids from developing around the membrane
fibers. The air scour cleaning blowers run continually and the air is automatically switched
between cassettes in a set sequence.

2. Maintenance Cleaning - The membranes are typically backwashed two to three times per
week with clean effluent using backpulse pumps. Backwash cleaning is an automated
process and sodium hypochlorite is added to the backpulse water to remove organic fouling
from the membranes.
3. Recovery Cleaning - Membranes progressively foul over time and the transmembrane
pressure needed to pull water through the membranes increases to an unacceptable level.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 16
At this point, recovery cleaning is conducted, which consists of isolating an individual tank,
draining the contents, and soaking the membrane in a solution of citric acid and sodium
hypochlorite for 8 to 12 hours. The frequency between recovery cleanings varies from site to
site, but can be on the order of once every six months.

3.6.2 Application to Oak Orchard

The MBR process was considered as another alternative for the Oak Orchard WWTP to increase
the facility’s treatment capacity. This process would be implemented at Oak Orchard by converting
the existing secondary clarifiers into additional process aeration tanks and membrane tanks
(location of the membrane modules). The membranes would replace the existing secondary
clarification process as the solids separation process, thus requiring no additional process tankage.

3.6.3 Additional Capacity

The MBR process is capable of providing significant additional treatment capacity. This is
accomplished through increased MLSS concentrations and additional aeration tank volume by
retrofitting the existing secondary clarifiers. This would provide additional treatment for both BOD
and TKN.

3.6.4 Incorporation into the WWTP

Significant modifications to the existing process flow scheme would be necessary for this
alternative; however, no new process tankage would be required. The following is a list of general
modifications and improvements that would be required:

1. New fine screening equipment (3 mm).

2. Major modification to the existing secondary clarifiers.

3. New process building for pumps and aeration equipment, and accessories.

3.6.5 Summary

Some of the advantages and disadvantages with this treatment technology are provided below.


1. Effluent quality.
2. Elimination of clarifiers.

3. Low space requirements.

4. Ability to retrofit into existing activated sludge treatment process.

5. Would provide substantial increase in capacity to the biological process.

6. Eliminates the capacity limitations of the final settling tanks.

1. High capital cost.

2. High operation and maintenance cost.

3. Complex to operate and maintain.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 17
4. No County experience with this technology.

Vendor information for this treatment technology is provided in Appendix E.

3.7 Full IFAS Conversion

3.7.1 Overall Process Description

The IFAS process is defined in Section 3.4 of this report. It consists of a combination of activated
sludge and fixed-film biological treatment through the use of media to support biomass growth, and
sieves/screen assemblies to retain the media system within the tanks.

3.7.2 Application to Oak Orchard

For this alternative, the existing HPO aeration tanks would be completely retrofitted to conventional
aeration, eliminating the existing HPO treatment process altogether, and the existing tanks would
be fitted with IFAS media and accessories. Significant modifications to the existing aeration tanks
would be necessary to accommodate this conversion.

This alternative would be capital cost-intensive for the Oak Orchard WWTP, but is anticipated to
provide increased treatment capacity.

3.7.3 Additional Capacity

The full IFAS alternative will increase treatment capacity at the Oak Orchard WWTP by increasing
the total quantity of biomass available for treatment. The primary purpose of this treatment process
would be to augment the activated sludge process with additional fixed-film biomass. This would
provide additional treatment for both BOD and TKN by supporting additional biomass and would
also provide beneficial reseeding of the nitrifying bacteria within the system due to the sloughing
biomass from IFAS media.

3.7.4 Incorporation into the WWTP

To implement this alternative, the following minimal modifications and improvements to the existing
WWTP would be required:

1. New influent fine screen (6 mm).

2. Modification of the existing HPO aeration tanks,

3. New aeration diffusers.

4. New conventional process aeration blowers (potential reuse of HPO Generation Building)

3.7.5 Summary

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment alternative are provided below.


1. No additional process tankage required.

2. Fixed-film biomass on the media is resistant to washout during high flow events.

3. Fixed-film biomass on the media assists in maintaining nitrification.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 18

1. High capital cost.

2. Limited capacity improvement in relation to capital cost.

3. Requires extensive modifications to the HPO tanks and replacement of all HPO equipment.

4. No County experience with this technology.

Vendor information for this treatment technology is provided in Appendix F.

3.8 Webitat Media in Effluent Lagoons

3.8.1 Overall Process Description

Existing wastewater treatment lagoons can be enhanced with the addition of fixed media units,
which provide surface area for the growth of biomass capable of removing BOD and nitrogen-based
pollutants in the wastewater. The Webitat is a fixed media system configured into individual
modules for installation in lagoons. Each Webitat module contains its own integral aeration
diffusers to provide air scour to control biomass growth, oxygen for biological activity, and
circulation of the wastewater through the media system. In addition, a shroud is provided around
the perimeter of each Webitat module to provide additional process control for wastewater
circulation and biomass growth.

3.8.2 Application to Oak Orchard

This option includes installing a new fixed media system to support biomass growth in the existing
effluent lagoons to provide additional effluent polishing prior to discharge to the plant’s outfall. The
fixed media would support biomass growth within the lagoons and be capable of polishing the
effluent for both BOD and nitrogen.

3.8.3 Additional Capacity

This alternative would provide additional treatment capacity by supporting a separate biomass
system within the existing lagoons that would be capable of removing additional BOD and TKN prior
to discharging treated effluent from the facility. However, based on the performance of the current
secondary treatment process, which regularly yields secondary clarifier effluent BOD and TKN
concentrations that are well below 10 mg/L and often non-detect, this alternative does not appear to
provide the most effective means for increasing plant capacity based upon the current plant

3.8.4 Incorporation into the WWTP

For this alternative, minimal modifications and improvements to the existing Oak Orchard WWTP
would be required for implementation:
1. New Webitat module installation in the existing lagoons.

2. New aeration blowers for Webitat modules (possible reuse of existing/new lagoon blowers
may be possible, but would require evaluation).

3. Minor modifications to the existing lagoons to install Webitat modules.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 19
3.8.5 Summary

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment alternative are provided below.

1. Beneficial use of the existing lagoon system for treatment.

2. No additional process tankage required.

3. Fixed-film biomass on the media is resistant to washout during high flow events.
4. Fixed-film biomass on the media assists in maintaining nitrification.


1. Minimal additional capacity compared with other potential alternatives due to existing
performance of HPO activated sludge process.

2. Lower treatment kinetics due to low wastewater temperatures observed in lagoons.

3. Relatively high capital cost versus treatment capacity provided.

Vendor information for this treatment technology is provided in Appendix G.

3.9 Alternatives Rating

An evaluation matrix was developed which evaluated and scored the alternatives based on seven
different criteria. The criteria were based on guidance provided by the County from similar projects
with GHD, as well as additional criteria identified by GHD based upon the objectives of this study.
Each criterion was scored on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10, depending on the importance of that
criterion, with 1 being the worst score and 5 or 10 being the best score.

For each alternative, a score was assigned to each of the seven evaluation criteria. A total score
was generated for each alternative by adding the individual scores assigned to each criterion. The
highest scoring alternative based on this scoring system was considered to be the best option for
the County.

GHD developed the initial scoring for the evaluation matrix prior to meeting with the County to
review. Based on the scores from the completed matrix, the top three scoring alternatives were
selected for detailed evaluation.

Based on the advantages and disadvantages of the wastewater treatment process alternatives
described above and their resulting scores in the evaluation matrix, the following alternatives were
selected for detailed evaluation:
• Alternative 1 - Magnetite ballasted settling

• Alternative 2 – MBBR Pretreatment

• Alternative 3 – IFAS Post-Treatment

The scoring results of the wastewater treatment evaluation matrix are summarized in Table 3-1.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 20
Table 3-1 Evaluation Matrix

Additional Constructability/ Performance

Treatment Capital Operating Maintenance of and Operation
Alternative Capacity Cost Cost Operations Experience Complexity Score Rank
Minimum-Maximum Score 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-5

Existing WWTP Facilities Enhancement

1. BioMag 6 5 5 9 6 4 35 2
2. MBBR Pretreatment 6 5 5 6 3 4 29 3
3. IFAS Post-Treatment 3 8 7 10 4 5 37 1
4. HYBACS Roughing Treatment 4 3 10 6 1 2 26 5
5. Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) 10 1 1 5 8 1 26 5
6. Full IFAS Conversion 3 2 6 1 7 3 22 7
7. Webitat in Lagoons 1 6 5 8 3 5 28 4

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2
3.10 Other Alternatives

3.10.1 Pretreatment

Pretreatment at the Davis Road Pumping Station is another alternative not reviewed as part of this
report that could be considered under separate analysis. The Davis Road Pumping Station handles
the majority of the influent flows/loads and could be a good location for significant reduction in the
amount of influent loading to the facility. The costs associated with screening, grit, and solids
handling and disposal will be a significant factor in determining whether pretreatment is a viable
alternative for consideration

3.10.2 Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT)

Overall Process Overview

CEPT is a process by which coagulant is added upstream of primary settling in order to improve the
removal of influent wastewater constituents, most frequently BOD and TSS. CEPT can oftentimes
increase the amount of treatment capacity within a smaller tank compared to a facility without
CEPT. Most CEPT systems require a chemical feedpoint and flocculation tanks prior to the settling
system. CEPT has been shown to be most effective for high concentration wastewaters, but has
also been shown to be effective in typical strength wastewater applications. Oak Orchard is
currently using CEPT through alum addition to the primary settling tanks. It may be possible to
enhance CEPT to improve operating performance.

Application to Oak Orchard

The WWTP was originally designed to provide flocculation upstream of primary settling. The
flocculation system has since been abandoned; however, the plant continues to dose metal
coagulant upstream of the primary settling tanks to increase removal efficiencies within the tanks. If
desired, the plant could rehabilitate the existing flocculation tanks and possibly increase the
removal efficiency within the primary settling tanks.

Additional Capacity
Increased removal efficiency as a result of CEPT is difficult to predict without additional testing.
Pilot testing or bench-scale testing would need to be completed to better predict performance
improvements. The expected improvements as a result of CEPT for BOD and TSS vary
significantly from facility to facility and can range from 2 to 30 percent. However, since the plant is
already using CEPT (without flocculation), the anticipated improvements will be in the lower range.

3.10.3 Screening

Overall Process Overview

The plant currently utilizes bar screens for influent screening. New screening will be required if
either the IFAS or MBBR alternatives analyzed herein are selected. The recommended screening
size for both alternatives is no greater than 6 mm. Improved influent screening is required for
removal of particulate which may clog or otherwise cause operational difficulties with both the IFAS
and MBBR alternatives.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 21
Application to Oak Orchard

New, finer screens will reduce the likelihood of downstream operation issues. However, the smaller
screen opening size will impart greater headloss and higher water levels in the influent channel of
the WWTP. The higher water surface elevation is not anticipated to cause hydraulic backups,
restrictions, or issues with the influent pumping station.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 22
4. Detailed Alternatives Evaluation
4.1 Magnetite Ballasted Settling

4.1.1 Site Plan

A site plan layout of the HPO reactor process with the magnetite ballasted settling alternative is
shown in Figure 4-1. The site plan shows that all magnetite equipment will be located within the
existing Sludge Process Building. The table below lists the equipment to be stored in the Sludge
Process Building.

Equipment Name Number of Units Horsepower (Each)

Magnetite air compressor 2 20
Shear mill 3 50
Magnetic drum separator 3 7
Ballast tank mixer 1 3
Ballast tank discharge pumps 2 10
WAS pumps (from mag drum) 2 10

4.1.2 Process Flow

The plant process flow will not change significantly from the current process flow. After grit removal,
screening, and primary clarification, wastewater is conveyed to the biological HPO process tanks.
Prior to the biological HPO process, magnetite will be introduced to the wastewater, which allows
the magnetite to impregnate with the biological floc. A modified process flow diagram for the
magnetite ballasted settling process is presented in Figure 4-2.

A generic schematic of the BioMag process from the manufacturer is illustrated in Figure 4-3. As
shown in the figure, magnetite is blended into the mixed liquor and/or return sludge. This typically
requires a mixing tank just upstream of the biological tanks and commonly takes place at a plant’s
reactor distribution box. Because this facility does not have a common reactor distribution box,
alternatives for magnetite delivery will need to be further investigated. One design option may be to
add the magnetite at the recycle pits at the end of the reactors and have the magnetite delivered
into the biological reactors with the RAS process.

The ballasted mixed liquor then enters the biological tanks. The BioMag system allows the system
to be operated at a much higher MLSS (6,000 to 10,000 mg/L), which effectively increases the
treatment capacity of the biological tanks. This concentration does not include the added solids
associated with the magnetite. Although further investigation is warranted, additional mixing within
the biological tanks may be required to adequately keep the higher MLSS concentrations in
suspension. For the purpose of this report, it was assumed that one additional mixer for each
reactor zone would be needed.

From the biological tanks, the flow then enters the secondary or final clarifiers where the solids will
settle and thicken. Polymer is added upstream of the clarifiers to strengthen the magnetite-infused
flocs for better settling and to prevent floc breakup. The increased specific gravity of the magnetite-
infused floc particles allows for an increase in the solids loading to clarifiers. It is anticipated that
60 to 100 lbs/d/sf can effectively be treated in the clarifiers. This loading rate is for MLSS only and

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 23

OAK ORCHARD WWTP Job Number 86-15142

0 100 200 300 400' CAPACITY EVALUATION Revision A
Date 07/2013
Figure 4-1
One Remington Park Drive, Cazenovia NY 13035 USA T 1 315 679 5800 F 1 315 679 5801 E [email protected] W
Plot Date: 25 July 2013 - 9:29 AM Cad File No: G:\86\15142\CADD\Drawings\Figures\Oak Orchard\8615142-FIG 4-1.dwg


Oak Orchard WWTP


DATE: July 2013 JOB No.: 8615142 Magnetite Ballasted Settling Process Flow Diagram
does not include magnetite. The maximum allowable solids loading rate to a clarifier with a
conventional process would be approximately 35 lbs/d/sf. The majority of the magnetite ballasted
sludge is then returned to the front of the process through the return sludge line.

Figure 4-3 BioMag System Process Flow Diagram

The hydraulics of the existing plant will not be altered by this alternative. Weirs, baffles, and piping
will not need to be significantly modified to accommodate the BioMag technology.

4.1.3 Solids Handling

The major changes to the current operation would take place in the solids handling portion of the
plant. A solids handling flow diagram is shown in Figure 4-4. Ballasted waste activated sludge
(BWAS) will be wasted from each reactor. For the purpose of this report, it was assumed the
existing WAS pumps would be reused to pump BWAS to the new magnetite recovery system.

BWAS is pumped from the existing WAS pumps through a shear mill located within the Sludge
Process Building. The shear mill is used to break the floc formed within the settling tanks, allowing a
more efficient recovery rate of magnetite within the magnetic recovery drums. From the shear mill,
flow is conveyed to the magnetic recovery drum where the magnetite is removed and recovered
from the sludge. The recovered magnetite is then sent by gravity to a mixing tank where it is
blended with a small amount of fresh magnetite; this magnetite slurry is then mixed with a diverted
portion of the return sludge (or other form of carrier water) prior to being pumped back to the
biological treatment trains. One hundred pounds per day per million gallons of treated wastewater is
a very typical amount of magnetite that must be added to the system daily (lost out of the system);
however, actual amounts will depend on the process and recovery efficiency. BioMag has indicated
a recovery rate of over 95 percent of the magnetite material can be guaranteed with use of the
shear mills.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 24








Oak Orchard WWTP


DATE: July 2013 JOB No.: 8615142 Magnetite Ballasted Sludge Process Flow Diagram
After the magnetic recovery drum, WAS (without ballast) would then be pumped to the sludge
gravity thickeners where WAS can be thickened and then offloaded to trucks for hauling.
Recovering magnetite from the BWAS prior to the gravity thickeners will allow the plant to continue
to maintain their current operational procedures for sludge load-out.

Overall, it would appear that the magnetite ballasted process is a strong alternative with minimal
modifications to the existing treatment process.

4.2 MBBR Pretreatment

4.2.1 Site Plan

A site plan layout of the MBBR pretreatment process has been attached and is shown in Figure 4-5.
The site plan shows the approximate size and recommended location for the MBBR reactor tank.
The Oxygen Generation Building will house the aeration blower required for operation of the MBBR
system. The design criteria for the process tanks and blowers are shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 MBBR Design Criteria

Parameter Value
Number of tanks 2
Tank dimensions (feet) 40 x 40 x 15 (W x L x H)
Total tank volume (gallons) 360,000
Media type Suspended
Media fill fraction (%) 33
Total effective surface area (ft ) 3,169,000
Process air requirements (scfm) 3,100
Number of process blowers 2 (1 standby)

4.2.2 Process Flow

For this alternative, following grit removal, screening, and primary clarification, a portion of the plant
flow will be conveyed through new pumps, located at the influent end of the HPO reactor, to the
new MBBR process tanks. After review of the hydraulic profile, it appears adequate space is not
available for flow to travel to and from the new process tanks by gravity. Therefore, the flow will be
pumped to the new reactor tanks and return by gravity. The new pumping and reactor systems will
be designed to handle a user-adjustable flow rate up to a maximum of 10 mgd for pretreatment.
The remainder of the flow will continue through to the HPO system. Flow that is pumped to the
MBBR system will be pretreated and then flow by gravity back to the head of the HPO system.
The MBBR system will be a fully mixed and aerated system that uses media to allow for increased
surface area for biological growth. The biomass attaches to the media and is retained within the
reactors without the need for return sludge. Mixing of the media and aeration is provided through
diffuser grids and air located at the bottom of the tank. Air will be supplied by new process blowers
located in the Oxygen Generation Building. The media are retained within each reactor by mesh
screens which allow water to pass through, but keep media within the tank. After passing through
the MBBR tanks, flow will then go by gravity back to the HPO process for additional treatment and

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 25



OAK ORCHARD WWTP Job Number 86-15142

0 100 200 300 400' CAPACITY EVALUATION Revision A
Date 07/2013
Figure 4-5
One Remington Park Drive, Cazenovia NY 13035 USA T 1 315 679 5800 F 1 315 679 5801 E [email protected] W
Plot Date: 25 July 2013 - 9:28 AM Cad File No: G:\86\15142\CADD\Drawings\Figures\Oak Orchard\8615142-FIG 4-5.dwg
will be blended with the other portion of the flow not processed through the pretreatment system.
The remainder of the process flow will remain unchanged, with wastewater traveling through the
HPO system, final clarifiers, effluent lagoons, disinfection, and then to the outfall.

A process flow diagram for the MBBR pretreatment alternative is provided in Figure 4-6.

4.2.3 Solids Handling

There would be no significant changes to the current solids handling procedures under this
proposed alternative.

4.2.4 Other Design Considerations Not Analyzed For This Report

Another design consideration that could be further investigated is reuse of the existing Sludge
Process Building to house the blower and ancillary equipment associated with the MBBR system. It
is GHD’s understanding that the solids handling equipment within this building is no longer being
used and the space may be available for other unit processes.

4.3 IFAS Post-Treatment

4.3.1 Site Plan

A site plan layout of the IFAS post-treatment process is shown in Figure 4-7. The site plan shows
the approximate size and recommended location for the modified IFAS post-treatment tanks
(existing secondary flocculation tanks). The Oxygen Generation Building will house the aeration
blowers required for the operation of the IFAS system and will provide process air to the medium
bubble aeration diffuser grids located within the tanks. The IFAS system will be located within the
existing tank secondary flocculation tanks which will be retrofitted to fit the IFAS system. The
system shall be divided into two process tanks, each tank occupying two of the existing secondary
flocculation tanks. The wall between each of the two sets of flocculation tanks will be demolished
along with the existent flocculation equipment. Structural modifications will be made to the influent
channels to properly divert flow to each set of IFAS tanks. The design criteria for the process tanks
and blowers are shown in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 IFAS Design Criteria

Parameter Value
Number of tanks 2
Tank dimensions (feet) 42 x 26 x 11 (W x L x H)
Total tank volume (gallons) 180,000
Media type Suspended
Media fill fraction (%) 50
Total effective surface area (ft ) 2,927,000
Process air requirements (scfm) 1,700
Number of process blowers 2 (1 standby)
Sieve air scour requirements (scfm) 115
Number of air scour blowers 2 (1 standby)

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 26




Oak Orchard WWTP


DATE: July 2013 JOB No.: 8615142 MBBR Pretreatment Process Flow Diagram



OAK ORCHARD WWTP Job Number 86-15142

0 100 200 300 400' CAPACITY EVALUATION Revision A
Date 07/2013
Figure 4-7
One Remington Park Drive, Cazenovia NY 13035 USA T 1 315 679 5800 F 1 315 679 5801 E [email protected] W
Plot Date: 25 July 2013 - 9:27 AM Cad File No: G:\86\15142\CADD\Drawings\Figures\Oak Orchard\8615142-FIG 4-7.dwg
4.3.2 Process Flow

Under this alternative, plant flow that has passed through grit removal, screening, primary
clarification, and biological treatment through the existing HPO reactors will then flow through the
IFAS post-treatment system. For the basis of this detailed alternative, a suspended-type IFAS
media was used. The IFAS system will be design to treat normal flows, with the peak flows being
bypassed around the IFAS system. Flows will then be blended together in the secondary settling

After review of the hydraulic profile, it appears there is adequate space within the hydraulic profile to
flow by gravity through the new post-treatment IFAS process tanks, between the HPO process, and
the secondary settling tanks. No intermediate pumping will be necessary for this alternative. As
noted previously the tanks will be designed such that if flows get too high, excess flow will be
bypassed around the IFAS tanks.

The IFAS system will be a fully mixed aerated system that uses media to allow for increased
surface area for biological growth. The biomass attaches themselves to the media and is retained
within the reactors. Mixing of the media and aeration is provided through means of diffuser grids
and air located at the bottom of the tank. Air will be supplied by new process blowers located in the
Oxygen Generation Building. The media are retained within each reactor by use of mesh screens
which allow water to pass through, but keep media within the tank. The screens within the tank are
kept clean through use of an air scour system that continuously cleans the screens.

A process flow diagram for the IFAS post-treatment alternative is provided in Figure 4-8.

4.3.3 Solids Handling

There would be no significant changes to the current solids handling procedures under this
proposed alternative.

4.3.4 Other Design Considerations Not Analyzed For This Report

In lieu of free-circulating, suspended-type IFAS media, it would be possible to provide a fixed-type

IFAS media in the converted secondary flocculation tanks. This option would reduce and simplify
the modifications that would be required to the existing secondary flocculation tanks, but would
provide less media surface area for biofilm growth.

4.3.5 Potential Sub-Alternatives for Consideration

In addition to the alternative of providing an IFAS post-treatment process downstream of the

existing HPO process, some other sub-alternatives worthy of consideration are briefly outlined

1. One sub-alternative identified for Oak Orchard is to provide conventional aeration for
secondary flocculation tanks, but to not include the proposed IFAS media discussed above.
This sub-alternative would not provide as much additional treatment capacity as the IFAS
alternative or some of the fixed-film biomass benefits, but it would be less costly to install.

2. A second sub-alternative for consideration would be to install the fixed-type IFAS media
directly into the existing HPO aeration tanks. The existing surface aerators would provide the
mixing and aeration necessary to support biomass growth on the media system and provide
circulation of the wastewater through the media system. This type of installation has been

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 27





Oak Orchard WWTP


DATE: July 2013 JOB No.: 8615142 IFAS Post-treatment Process Flow Diagram
implemented at an existing municipal WWTP in Pennsylvania and appears to be performing

4.4 BioWin Modeling – Treatment Capacity Comparison

Process modeling of the Oak Orchard WWTP was performed using BioWin® Version 3.1
(Envirosims) to evaluate and compare the relative treatment capacity improvement of the selected
treatment alternatives, The model is a well-established, kinetic model based on International Water
Association (IWA) activated sludge models, utilizing the IWA format for activated sludge models. It
is capable of modeling the processes responsible for biological carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen
removal, including both activated sludge and fixed-film processes. It also has the ability to simulate
the chemical reactions associated with phosphorus removal by precipitation with aluminum or iron

Developing a process-specific model requires an understanding of the various carbon, nitrogen,

and phosphorus fractions in the influent wastewater, typically gained by a specialized sampling
program. No such sampling program was conducted for this project. Instead, historical plant data
was used in conjunction with information provided by the plant operations staff.

For the purposes of this report, all modeling was performed using the steady-state conditions. No
dynamic modeling was performed.

4.4.1 Calibration Modeling

Prior to performing any modeling of the selected treatment alternatives, a calibration model was
developed and run to confirm that the BioWin model would be capable of achieving a reasonably
accurate fit with the historic data. The calibration model was developed based on data from the Oak
Orchard WWTP for March 2012, and the model results indicated the calibration was successful.

4.4.2 Treatment Alternatives Modeling

Upon completion of the calibration modeling process, the model was reconfigured for each of the
three selected alternatives. Modeling of the proposed alternatives was conducted under multiple
influent loading conditions to assess what additional capacity could be accommodated. The initial
loading conditions modeled were based upon the average influent flows and loads to the plant for
the period of January 2012 to April 2013. This period was selected due to the high influent organic
loading to the plant that occurred. The following is a list of additional conditions used to perform all
of the treatment alternative modeling:
• Wastewater Temperature = 14°C
- Lowest average influent temperature in the month of May for the period of record (2009 –
- May temperature selected to allow plant nitrification to fully develop preceding the June
SPDES permit period for effluent ammonia and UOD.

• The RAS flow was maintained at 5.6 mgd based on historical operations and discussion with
the plant operator.

• A primary clarifier solids removal rate of 50 percent was utilized based on historic plant data
and projected flow and loading increases being modeled.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 28
• An influent alkalinity of 5.0 mmol/L was used based on data provided for the nearby
Baldwinsville-Seneca Knolls WWTP, which has a common municipal water supply.
Alternatives should be analyzed at Oak Orchard for verification.

• Based on calibration modeling results, the alum-to-phosphorus ratio was modified to more
accurately simulate the historical performance of phosphorus removal through the primary

To assess the potential treatment capacity increase alternatives, the initial loading conditions from
January 2012 to April 2013 (base model) were scaled up linearly by increasing the plant flow and
maintaining the same constituent concentrations, such as CBOD, TSS, TKN, etc. The modeling
results for each treatment alternative, under the various increased loading conditions, were then
evaluated individually for adequate aerobic SRT, MLSS concentrations, and effluent performance in
relation to the plant’s historic performance. In this manner, treatment capacity expansion levels
were determined for each of selected treatment alternatives.

Table 4-3 provides a summary of the modeling results and the estimated biological treatment
capacity increase possible for each alternative.

Table 4-3 Modeling Results and Alternative Biological Treatment Capacities

Base Ballasted MBBR IFAS Post-
Parameter Model Settling Pretreatment Treatment
Flows and % BOD load increase over
12.5% 41% 29% 35.0%
loads original design capacity
Average plant flow (mgd) 5.90 7.38 6.79 7.08
Maximum month flow (mgd) 8.20 10.25 9.43 9.84
Peak hour flow (mgd) 17.7 22.13 20.36 21.24
Bod loading (lbs/day) 15,977 19971 18373 19172
CBOD loading (lbs/day) 12,941 16176 14882 15529
TKN (lbs/day) 1,614 2,017 1,856 1,937
Ammonia (lbs/day) 1,329 1,661 1,528 1,594
Model Target SRT (days) 3.82 5.21 4.23 4.24
MLSS (mg/L) 5,000 7,800 5,000 5,000
Sludge production (lbs/day) 11,134 12,753 12,376 13,198
Aerobic volume (gal) 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,410,000 1,229,000
Nominal aerobic HRT (hrs) 4.27 3.42 4.99 4.17
Aerobic biomass (lbs) 43,785 68,305 51,469 60,046

Based on historical data and the plant configuration (HPO activated sludge process) for the Oak
Orchard WWTP, the following observations were made while performing the modeling for the
selected treatment alternatives:

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 29
1. pH in Aeration Tanks – Due to the HPO process and its inherent low pH, the model runs
close to an inhibiting condition. Therefore, the relationship between pH and alkalinity within
the biological treatment process will need to be considered moving forward

2. Phosphorus Limitations – Based on the historical data used for the modeling and Oak
Orchard’s current alum coagulant feed setup preceding the primary clarifiers, there appears
to be a shortage of phosphorus in the biological treatment process, which can potentially
impact cell growth and proper treatment. This may indicate that chemically enhanced primary
treatment may not be feasible.
The expansion of the organic treatment capacity of the plant will be limited by the plant’s ability to
handle additional flows and the performance of the other unit treatment processes. Table 4-4 lists
the maximum capacity of the main unit processes at the Oak Orchard WWTP based on
recommended values in the Ten-States Standards.

Table 4-4 Unit Process Capacities

Maximum Month Peak Hour
Unit Process Capacity Capacity Criteria
Aerated grit channels -- 47 mgd 3-minute detention time
Primary clarifiers
Surface loading rate 15 mgd 30 mgd 1,000 gpd/sf and 2,000 gpd/sf
Secondary clarifiers
Surface loading rate -- 15 mgd 900 gpd/sf
Weir loading rate -- 19.4 mgd 30,000 gpd/lf
Solids loading rate 13.3 mgd 30 to 50 lb/d/sf
Chlorine contact tanks -- 29 mgd 15-minute detention time

(1) Peak day value based on 5,000 MLSS and 50 percent RAS.

The recent peak hour flows have been on the order of 17 mgd, which can be handled by all unit
capacity except for the secondary clarifiers, which are the main limiting factor for expanding the flow
to the treatment plant. The rectangular clarifiers have an 11-foot depth, which is shallower than the
recommended 12-foot depth. The plant was originally designed for BOD removal only in the HPO
process, which allows for a higher surface loading rate in the clarifiers. However, since BOD
removal, nitrification, and chemical phosphorus removal are being performed ahead of the clarifiers,
the recommended surface loading rate is only 900 gpd/sf.

The secondary clarifiers have been operated satisfactorily by the addition of polymer and by limiting
the mixed liquor concentrations in the activated sludge process. In addition, the lagoons provide a
backup for settling, such as when the secondary clarifiers are overloaded. The use of polymer and
need for lagoon cleaning are expenses incurred for these undersized clarifiers.

The amount of additional capacity that can be handled by the secondary clarifiers should be
investigated prior to proceeding with a capacity expansion of the plant with the IFAS or MBBR
alternatives. The actual capacity of the clarifiers can be quantified by performing stress testing. The
magnetite ballasted settling alternative would help alleviate the concerns regarding capacity in the
secondary clarifiers.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 30
5. Estimate of Probable Construction Costs
An estimate of probable construction costs was developed for each of the three alternatives
selected for detailed evaluation. The costs should be used for planning purposes only. In
preparing these cost estimates, the following assumptions were made:

5.1 General Assumptions

1. No significant electrical modifications (new electrical power sources, backup power, or

2. replacement of transformers etc.) would be needed for the additional electrical load
associated with the recommended alternatives.
3. All new structures would be located on piles to a depth of 50 feet. Each pile is used to
support approximately 70 square feet of building/tank.

4. No significant sheeting will be required for construction.

5. 8 percent general conditions, 10 percent profit, 10 percent overhead, and 30 percent

contingency were used.

6. All costs are presented in June 2013 U.S. dollars (June 2013 ENR Construction Cost Index
Value 9542).

7. The cost assumptions from the equipment manufacturers have been identified in the
attached equipment proposals.

5.2 Magnetite Ballasted Settling Assumptions

1. All equipment shall be located within the existing Sludge Process Building. No significant

2. modifications will be needed to reuse this structure, including no major modifications for code
improvements (including NFPA 820).

3. It was assumed that the existing Sludge Process Building can be adequately modified to
house the magnetite storage system, and adequate spare electrical capacity for the new
treatment system is available.

4. The facility will reuse the existing WAS pumps. New pumping stations will be needed for
pumping magnetite slurry and WAS after magnetite recovery.

5.3 MBBR Pretreatment Assumptions

1. The blowers will be located within the existing Oxygen Generation Building. No major
modifications will be needed to this building. In addition, the building has adequate spare
electrical capacity for the new treatment system.

2. A new pumping station will be required to convey flow from the primary effluent channels to
the MBBR. Flow will then be conveyed by gravity directly into the respective reactors.

3. Adequate spare electrical capacity for pumping is available.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 31
5.4 IFAS Post-Treatment Assumptions
1. The blowers will be located within the existing Oxygen Generation Building. No major
modifications will be needed to this building and there is adequate spare electrical capacity
for the new treatment system.
2. The existing secondary flocculation tanks will be reused and will not need significant
structural repair.

3. No significant electrical feed modifications are required.

5.5 Operations and Maintenance Costs

Operations and maintenance (O&M) costs were developed for the three alternatives for comparison
purposes only and should not be used for O&M budgeting purposes. The following assumptions
were used in the development of the costs:
1. Maintenance costs were assumed to be 2 percent of capital equipment costs.

2. Materials costs at 1 percent of equipment costs were carried for both the MBBR and IFAS
systems. Only added magnetite costs were carried for the magnetite ballasted settling

3. Power costs were assumed to be $0.10 per KWH.

4. Costs shown are in June 2013 dollars.

5. For 20-year present-worth costs, a 4 percent interest rate and 3 percent inflation were

6. Maintenance, materials, and power costs common to all alternatives were not included and
were assumed equal, including influent pumping, screening and grit removal, disinfection,
chemical usage, and solids handling.

7. Labor costs were assumed to be approximately equal for all alternatives and were not

5.6 Costs
Table 5-1 provides a summary of the capital and O&M costs for each alternative as well as a
breakdown for increased loading capacity to the treatment plant. As shown in the cost analysis, the
IFAS system appears to be the most cost-effective treatment solution when looking at both capital
and O&M costs. Refer to Appendix H for detailed cost information.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 32
Table 5-1 Summary of Capital and O&M Costs
Magnetite MBBR IFAS Post-
Annual Cost Component( Ballasted Settling Pretreatment Treatment
Maintenance costs $50,000 $21,260 $13,160
Materials costs $94,900 $10,630 $2,632
Power requirements $98,147 $215,063 $104,273
Annual O&M cost in year 2013 dollars $243,000 $247,000 $120,100
20-year present-worth O&M costs $4,400,000 $4,500,000 $2,200,000
Capital Costs $7,060,000 $6,500,000 $4,150,000
Total 20-Year Present Worth Costs $11,460,000 $11,000,000 $6,350,000
Additional lbs BOD removed 5,771 4,173 4,972
Present-worth cost/lb of additional $1,986 $2,636 $1,277
BOD removed

(1) Only elements not common to all options were considered for the O&M comparison.

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2 | 33

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2
Appendix A - Magnetite Ballasted Settling Vendor

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2
Industry, Inc.

Project: Oak Orchard WPCP BioMag™ Design Summary Date: 06/06/2013

Engineer: GHD Designer: Avinash Bhat

Influent Design Conditions

ADF 9.00 MGD

MMF 9.00 MGD
PWF 9.00 MGD
PDF 24.00 MGD Effluent Design Conditions
PHF 24.00 MGD
BOD5 168 mg/L 12,610 lb/day BOD5 25 mg/L 1,877 lb/day
TSS 80 mg/L 6,005 lb/day TSS 30 mg/L 2,252 lb/day
NH3-N — mg/L — lb/day NH3-N 3 mg/L 225 lb/day
NO3-N — mg/L — lb/day NO3-N — mg/L — lb/day
TKN 28 mg/L 2,068 lb/day TKN 4 mg/L 300 lb/day
Total P 4 mg/L 293 lb/day Total P 1 mg/L 75 lb/day
TN 28 mg/L 2,068 lb/day TN — mg/L — lb/day

BioMag Design Conditions

SRT for Nitrification 7 days Total System SRT 7 days

Design MLSS Liquid Temp 20.0 °C
Min MLSS Liquid Temp 10.0 °C
Organic Loading Rate 90.1 lb/1,000 ft³/day
System Organic Loading Rate 90.1 lb/1,000 ft³/day
MLSS 7,700 mg/L
Sludge Yield 0.73
Total WAS 9,163 lb/day

Installed Power
Quantity Total Quantity Power
Component Connected Connected Hp Operating Hp
Mag Distribution Compressor 2 40 1 20
Ballast Tank Mixer 1 3 1 3
Ballast Tank Discharge Pumps 1 10 1 10
WAS Pumps to Shear Mill/Mag Drum 1 10 1 10
Mag Drum Separator 3 21 3 7
Shear Mill 3 150 3 50
WAS Pumps From Mag Drum 1 10 1 10
Polymer Feed 1 1
Chemical Pumps 0 0.00
Total 244 110

Private & Confidential

Industry, Inc.

Equipment List

Magnetite Feed System

Scope Qty Description

Siemens 1 25 ton Outdoor Silo
By Others 1 1200 gallon ballast mix tank (5.5 ft x 5.5 ft x 5.5 ft swd)
Siemens 1 4 in. flowmeter for ballast tank feed control
Siemens 1 4 in. 120V single ph. auto. plug valve for ballast tank feed control
Siemens 1 (1) duty (0) standby 3Hp Ballast Tank Mixer(s)
Siemens 1 (1) duty (0) standby 10Hp Ballast Tank Discharge Pump(s)
By Others — Polymer Dosing System

Magnetite Recovery System

Scope Qty Description

Siemens 3 (3) duty, (0) standby 50 Hp Shear Mill(s)
Siemens 3 (3) duty, (0) standby model 36x72 Magnetite Recovery Drum(s)
Siemens 1 (1) duty (0) standby 10Hp Recovery System Feed Pump(s)
Siemens 1 (1) duty (0) standby 10Hp Recovery System Discharge Pump(s)
Siemens 3 2.5 in. flowmeter(s) for Mag Recovery Drum feed control
Siemens 3 2.5 in. 120V single ph. auto. plug valves for Mag Recovery Drum
screen feed control
Instrumentation & Controls

Scope Qty Description

Siemens 6 Secondary Clarifier Sludge Blanket Sensors
Siemens 1 TSS probes total. (1) in basin (0) inline
Siemens 1 Programable Logic Controller (PLC)
Siemens 1 Control Panel with Operator Interface Module
Siemens 1 Software and Graphics package
By Others — MCC or MCC Buckets, Starters, VFDs, Wiring, etc.


Scope Qty Description

Siemens 1 2 trips 6 days total of mechanical field services
Siemens 1 2 trips 8 days total of electrical / I&C field services
Siemens 1 3 trips 12 days total of process field services

Excluded Items

General Items
• Compliance permitting and approval (Federal, State and/or local).
• Detail shop fabrication drawings.
• Electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic controls unless specifically noted.
• Engineering and supervision of all equipment and labor for civil works.
• Laboratory, shop, or field testing other than supervision of start-up testing.
• Taxes, bonds, fees, permits, lien waivers, licenses, etc.
• Tools or spare parts.
• Unloading of equipment and protected storage of equipment at jobsite.
• Utilities connections.

Private & Confidential

Industry, Inc.

Process Items
• Bioreactor aeration blowers.
• Bioreactor instruments, valves or pumps.
• Bioreactor aerators.

Civil Works and Mechanical Items

• Adhesives, adhesive dispensers, grout, mastic & anti-seize compounds.
• Anchor bolts and/or expansion anchors unless otherwise noted.
• Base slabs, equipment mounting pads, or shims.
• Concrete work of any sort, grout, mastic, sealing compounds, shims.
• Demolition, removal, or transfer of anything that is existing.
• Engineering, permitting, and surveying.
• Equipment lifting hoists, cranes, or other lifting devices.
• Field surface preparation and/or painting.
• Floor grating, stairways, ladders, platforms, handrailing unless noted.
• Installation of equipment.
• Interconnecting materials external to enclosures such as cable, pressure taps, tubing, etc.
• Labor for field testing.
• Lubricants, grease piping, grease guns.
• Modifications to existing equipment or structures.
• Pipe supports and hangers for piping.
• Piping, pumps, valves, wall sleeves, gates, drains, weirs, baffles not mentioned.
• Plumbing associated with waste disposal, floor drains, and/or emergency and safety wash stations.
• PVC solvent weld materials.

Electrical Items
• Conduit or wiring in the field.
• Cable trays, fittings, and supports.
• Influent instrumentation including, but not limited to flowmeters, pH analyzers, temperature
• Instrumentation required for post treatment monitoring.
• Power to Siemens supplied equipment.
• Motor control centers.
• Plant lighting.
• Supply and installation of building power, lighting, main service disconnects and control panels.
• Supply, installation and control of SCADA to monitor/control overall plant
• Underwriters Laboratory inspection of electrical controls.
• Variable frequency drives unless specifically noted.

Private & Confidential

Conceptual BioMag™ System Proposal
Clay, NY
Oak Orchard WWTP

Submitted to:
1 Remington Park Drive,
Cazenovia, NY 13035
Industry Inc.
SIEMENS BIOMAG™ SYSTEM SUMMARY..................................................................................................... 3
1 BASIS OF PROPOSAL .................................................................................................................................... 3
2 BIOMAG PROCESS OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Detailed Description ............................................................................................................................... 3
3 BIOMAG™ COMPARATIVE BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES ..................................................................... 4
4 DESIGN SUMMARY......................................................................................................................................... 5
5 BIOMAG SYSTEM COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................ 7
5.1 Ballast Feed System ............................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Biosolids Wasting ................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Ballast Recovery System ........................................................................................................................ 8
5.3.1 Magnetic Drum Separator 8
5.3.2 Shear Mill 9
5.3.3 Fine Screening 9

5.4 BioMag Control System .......................................................................................................................... 9

6 SCOPE OF SUPPLY ...................................................................................................................................... 10
7 SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................................................... 10
8 BUDGETARY PRICING ................................................................................................................................. 11
APPENDIX A – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ................................................................................... 13

Siemens Industry Inc. Confidential Information

This document and all information contained herein are the property of Siemens and/or its affiliates. The design concepts and
information contained herein are proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc. and are submitted in confidence. They are not transferable and
must be used only for the purpose for which the document is expressly loaned. They must not be disclosed, reproduced, loaned or
used in any other manner without the express written consent of Siemens Industry Inc. In no event shall they be used in any manner
detrimental to the interest of Industry Inc. All patent rights are reserved. Upon the demand of Siemens Industry Inc., this document,
along with all copies and extracts, and all related notes and analyses must be returned to Siemens Industry Inc. or destroyed, as
instructed by Siemens Industry Inc. Acceptance of the delivery of this document constitutes agreement to these terms and

©2013 Siemens Industry Inc.

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
This budgetary proposal provided by Siemens is based on the design information provided to date.
Many factors, which may as yet be unknown, can affect the actual equipment and operating
requirements of a fully installed and fully operational system. These factors include, but are not
limited to, materials of construction, level of operational automation, degree of redundancy, spare
parts, scope of equipment and services.

Reviewers of this proposal should clearly understand the BioMag system described in this proposal
is preliminary and should not be deemed definitive or to obligate Siemens. Instead this proposal
should serve as a guideline for the decision makers in their evaluation of the relative value of
BioMag compared to other treatment solutions.


BioMag is a proven technology that can achieve low effluent suspended solids, BOD, nitrogen, and
phosphorus concentrations in a compact footprint through the enhancement of activated sludge-
based biological treatment processes.

The key advantage of BioMag is increased secondary settling rates ensuring secure and reliable
control of secondary clarifier effluent and secondary clarifier sludge blankets. This in turn enables
the biological treatment system to operate at elevated mixed liquor suspended solids concentrations,
which can either enable the processing of higher flows, or if capacity is not an issue, the
reconfiguration of current tanks to support the achievement of strict nitrogen and phosphorus
discharge limits.

2.1 Detailed Description

BioMag is an enhanced biological wastewater treatment process using a unique ballast technology
to increase the specific gravity of the biological floc. The ballast material used is magnetite (Fe3O4),
which is a fully inert, high specific gravity (5.2), finely ground, non-abrasive, iron ore with a strong
affinity for biological solids. Increasing the specific gravity and settling rate of the biological floc
provides the opportunity to increase the mixed liquor concentration, while still maintaining adequate
settling and thickening in the secondary clarifiers.

As shown in Figure 1 below, the BioMag system is a simple slip stream process split off from the
normal return activated sludge (RAS) flow. This slip stream is directed to a small ballast mix tank,
where virgin and recovered magnetite is blended with the mixed liquor and embedded into the
biological floc. The ballasted biosolids are then conveyed back to the biological process to enhance
settling in the secondary clarifiers. Like any other activated sludge process a portion of the settled
solids are removed from the process as waste solids (WAS). With the BioMag process, the WAS is

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
first sent through a magnetite recovery process where the ballast is recovered from the floc for reuse
in the process.

Figure 1: BioMag System Process Flow Diagram


BioMag™ has several benefits over existing biological treatment processes. These benefits include:

• Increased secondary settling and thickening rates, resulting in increased treatment capacity
and reliability.

• Ability to operate activated sludge systems at high mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)
concentrations, thereby increasing treatment capacity.

• Higher MLSS concentrations result in longer sludge ages and increased nitrification
efficiency. It also frees up tankage for use as anoxic and/or anaerobic zones.

• Enhanced removal of suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus.

• Enhanced control over secondary sludge blankets.

• Elimination of the need for costly, maintenance-intensive membranes. More specifically,

without BioMag many plants would have to either add more aeration tanks and secondary
clarifiers, or upgrade to a costly MBR system.

• Increased capacity at appreciably reduced lifecycle cost, compared to competing

Siemens Industry, Inc.
2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
• Enhanced thickening of waste activated sludge.

• Significantly reduced footprint of overall biological treatment processes.

Siemens has demonstrated at full scale the nutrient removal efficacy of BioMag at multiple plants,
including to levels consistent with the permit requirements for the Chesapeake Bay limits.

Table 1 summarizes the design flows used as the basis for the proposed BioMag system. The
existing WWTP has primary clarifiers. For the proposed BioMag design, it has been assumed that
primary treatment removes 30 percent and 50 percent of the influent BOD5 and TSS loads,
respectively. These values, along with the capacity of the primary clarifiers to handle the higher
loads, will have to be confirmed before proceeding to the next steps in design.

Table 1: Design Flows

Parameter Units Design

Design Average Daily Flow MGD 9.0
Design Max Month Flow MGD 9.0
Design Peak Flow MGD 22.0

Table 2 summarizes the design bioreactor influent water quality used as the basis for the proposed
BioMag system.

Table 2: Design Influent Water Quality

Parameter Units Design

BOD5 Removal by Primary Treatment % 30
TSS Removal by Primary Treatment % 50
TKN Removal by Primary Treatment % 5
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) mg/L 168
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L 80
Total Kjedahl Nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 28
Total Phosphorus (TP) mg/L 3.9
Alkalinity mg/L as CaCO3 350
Maximum Influent Temperature °C 18
Minimum Influent Temperature °C 10
Minimum for Jun.–Oct. Period (Nitrification) °C 14

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
Table 3 summarizes the effluent performance requirements used as the basis for the proposed
BioMag system.

Table 3: Effluent Performance Requirements

Parameter Units Design

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) mg/L 25
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L 30
Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N ) mg/L 3
Total Phosphorus (TP) mg/L 1.0

Table 4 summarizes the preliminary process parameters for the proposed BioMag system.

Table 4: Preliminary Process Parameters

Parameter Design
Number of Bioreactor Tanks 2
Bioreactor Volume/Tank 523,480 gal
Total Bioreactor Volume Available 1,046,960 gal
Aeration/Mixing System TBD during detailed design process
Number of Secondary Clarifiers 6
Total Secondary Clarifier Surface Area Available 16,800 ft2

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188

5.1 Ballast Feed System

A 25-ton silo is used for onsite storage of magnetite to allow for periodic bulk delivery. Figure 2
below is an example of what a typical storage silo for ballast feed.

Figure 2: Example Magnetite Storage Silo

Virgin magnetite is feed from the storage silo to the ballast mix tank using a pneumatic conveyance
system consisting of a Transflow® Stinger assembly as shown in Figure 3 below. The Stinger is
flange mounted to the bottom of the silo and connected to a compressed air source.

Figure 3: Transflow® Stinger Assembly

5.2 Biosolids Wasting

For optimal process performance and ballast recovery, Siemens recommends the following wasting
capabilities be implemented with the BioMag system: (1) surface waste using a classifying selector
in addition to wasting via slip stream RAS, (2) wasting to a single holding tank/thickener prior to
ballast recovery. This type of wasting capability is preferable for the following reasons:

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
• Classifying selectors (coupled with baffle designs that do not trap foam) are used to eliminate
the population of foam-causing organisms in activated-sludge plants to prevent the
development of nuisance foams. The term, classifying selector, refers to a physical
mechanism by which these organisms are selected against; foam-causing organisms float to
the surface and their rapid removal controls their population at low levels in the mixed liquor.
Foam-causing organisms are wasted “first” rather than accumulating on the surface of tanks
and thereby being wasted “last”. Details about the classifying selector will be developed
during the detailed design.

• The integrity of the biological floc is disrupted in the holding tank/thickener, rendering it more
amenable to magnetite separation and recovery from the floc. Polymer is biodegraded and
the floc becomes more dispersed and fragile, thereby increasing the recovery efficiency and
maximizing the capacity of the recovery system.

• The holding tank/thickener provides a wide spot in the WAS processing line, allowing the
magnetite recovery system to be operated intermittently, if desired. This allows the operators
to waste continually from the clarifiers, with the flexibility to run the recovery system
intermittently, or vice versa.

• With a holding tank/thickener, the operators are able to periodically waste at elevated rates,
should it become necessary, without overloading the recovery system.

The following summarizes the essential features recommended for the classifying selectors:

• A baffle will be placed on the surface of the mixed liquor channel that will direct foam to a
hinged weir on the side of the tank. Continuous surface overflow of the mixed liquor over a
weir and into a sump, thereby wasting the foam-formers faster than they can grow.

• Continuous or nearly continuous pumping of the wasted material from the sump to a holding

5.3 Ballast Recovery System

From the thickening tank(s), the ballasted WAS is pumped to the ballast recovery system. The main
components of the ballast recovery system are as described below.

5.3.1 Magnetic Drum Separator

Magnetite is recovered from the waste sludge using a magnetic drum separator (Figure 4). Ballasted
waste sludge is fed to the drum through an overflow weir that promotes contact of the sludge to the
drum. The sludge then flows down through the drum sump where magnetic forces created by a
stationary array of magnets located behind the rotating drum attract the magnetite to the drum. The
drum rotates in the opposite direction of sludge flow and lifts magnetite up out of the sump to be
scraped off for re-use in the ballast mix tank.

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
Figure 4: Typical Magnetic Drum Separator

5.3.2 Shear Mill

Prior to recovery with the magnetic drum separator the waste sludge must first be conditioned to
enhance separation of the magnetite from the floc. A mechanical inline shear mill is used to perform
this conditioning step.

5.3.3 Fine Screening

Trash and non-biodegradable solids, such as hair, lint, grit and plastics can reduce the efficiency of
magnetite recovery if allowed into the system. This design assumes that the existing primary
clarifiers will be adequate to treat the additional load proposed and that the primary clarifiers will
continued to be used along with the BioMag system. Therefore the BioMag system will not require a
fine screen system to be installed as part of the ballast recovery system.

5.4 BioMag Control System

The BioMag control system provides automatic control of the ballast feed and recovery processes to
keep the BioMag process operating efficiently, regardless of varying conditions. Designed by our
biological treatment experts, the software of the BioMag control system encodes Siemens unique
process knowledge to ensure system performance. Providing continual feed back and archiving
process information the system provides the operator with easy-to-use tools for the most efficient
plant control. The BioMag control system features PLC based controls with a panel PC that utilizes a
graphical interface (Figure 5). The system can interact with existing SCADA systems or be included
in a comprehensive new SCADA system for the entire plant.

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
Figure 5: BioMag Control Panel

The scope of supply for the proposed BioMag system is summarized in the attached design and
scope summary document.

Siemens can provide the following supports services for the BioMag system


Review of design and bid documents

Participation in design meetings
Submission of sketches, plans and other design phase
Engineering support
Shop drawings for the BioMag equipment within Siemens

Services of a representative for up to 11, 8 hour days

Installation Oversight,
Recommend necessary adjustments and test equipment.
Commissioning & Training Verify proper installation of the BioMag and ancillary systems
prior to startup.

Services of a representative for up to 15, 8 hour days for

Start-up & performance testing
Start-up & Performance Testing During this period Siemens will confirm that the system
operates in accordance with the performance test
requirements under the specified operating conditions.

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
The budgetary price for the Siemens BioMag system, as defined herein, including process and
design engineering, field services, and equipment supply is $2,442,000.

The scope of supply and pricing are based on Siemens standard equipment selection, standard
terms of sale and warranty terms as described herein. Any variations from these standards may
affect this budgetary quotation. Additionally, please note this budgetary quotation is for review and
informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer for acceptance.

This price makes no provision for taxes, tariffs, duties, permitting fees and other fees and charges
that are not made explicit above.

All pricing is quoted at FOB, Factory (full freight allowed). No taxes, regulatory fees or other costs
related to the procurement and installation of the system are included.

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188

A. Frequently Asked Questions

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188


Q What is magnetite?

A Magnetite is fully oxidized iron ore (Fe3O4). It is completely inert; it cannot rust; it doesn’t
degrade with time or usage; it has no effect on biological floc; and it is not magnetic itself,
i.e., it doesn’t stick to metal. If you have ever played with an “Etch-a-Sketch,” the material
inside the toy is magnetite.

Q How does magnetite improve the performance of clarifiers and biological treatment systems?

A Magnetite is a very dense material with a specific gravity of 5.2. By comparison, the specific
gravity of water is 1.0; a chemical hydroxide floc is fractionally over 1.0; and a biological floc
is ~1.25. By infusing magnetite into either a chemical or biological floc, the specific gravity is
increased by 50 to 100%, thereby significantly increasing the settling rate of the floc and
gaining consistent control of the sludge blanket in the clarifier and greater stability for the
whole system.

Q Is magnetite readily available?

A Yes, magnetite is mined and processed at multiple sites around the world. In the USA,
Siemens has identified multiple vendors that will provide magnetite to our specifications.

Q What is the cost of magnetite?

A Magnetite is very inexpensive, ranging from $0.20 to $0.50 per pound delivered, depending
on the location of the distributor and the facility. Moreover, since the recovery rates of
magnetite in BioMag systems are so high, daily consumption is very low. In fact, while
evaluating the operating cost of a BioMag system, the ongoing cost of magnetite is

Q Is the magnetite abrasive? Does magnetite cause excessive wear to pumps?

A Unlike micro-sand, the ballast used by a competing technology, Siemens specified magnetite
is so fine that it has the consistency of talcum powder; hence, it is not abrasive and doesn’t
cause abnormal wear and tear on a treatment system pumps, mixers, valves and other

Q Does magnetite degrade at high temperatures (or low temperatures) or with changes in pH?

A Magnetite does not undergo any physical or chemical changes at the temperature and pH
ranges associated with almost all municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.
Siemens Industry, Inc.
2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
Q Does magnetite affect pH or the chemical characteristics of the effluent?

A No, magnetite is completely inert. It has no effect on pH or the chemical characteristics of a

system’s effluent.

Q Does magnetite affect the oxygen content of wastewater?

A Since magnetite (Fe3O4,) is fully oxidized, it does not consume dissolved oxygen in
wastewater being treated.

Q How much magnetite is recovered on the magnetic drum and where does the remainder go?

A Siemens has modified the design of conventional magnetic drums to optimize the capture
and reuse of magnetite. In BioMag systems, the capture reuse rate is more than 96%. Any
magnetite not captured by the drum is carried away in the sludge where we have found no
effect on downstream sludge management systems or processing.

Q How does magnetite in the effluent effect the performance of a downstream UV disinfection

A Since very little of the magnetite escapes the system, the direct effect is not discernable.


Q To what types of biological treatment systems can BioMag be applied?

A BioMag is most effective in enhancing the capacity and/or nutrient removal performance of
activated sludge systems, including oxidation ditch, conventional air, extended air, HPO, and
SBR based systems.

Q Does BioMag work with HPO?

A Yes, Siemens has successfully tested the ability of BioMag to infuse and recapture
magnetite from the relatively small and weak HPO biological floc. Hence, we are confident
that magnetite can be effectively used to ballast mixed liquor from HPO facilities.

Q What is the optimum MLSS concentration for various activated sludge applications:
conventional, extended air, SBR, oxidation ditches etc.

A There is no simple answer to this question as the MLSS concentration targets depend on
plant objectives for capacity and nutrient removal, the type of activated sludge technology
employed, economic practicality and how the above are expected to change over time. With
this said, Siemens has achieved excellent results with MLSS ranging from 5,000 to

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
Q What is the optimum ratio of magnetite to MLSS in a BioMag enhanced system?

A We typically design for 1:1 ratio and optimize the system during commissioning to meet a
project’s specific need. Note that the amount of magnetite in the system can be varied as
needed to control the blanket in the secondary clarifier; for example, a ratio of 1.2 magnetite
to MLSS would be desirable to manage high wet weather flows passing through the
biological treatment system.

Q How much magnetite is maintained in a typical activated sludge system enhanced by


A This depends on the size of the system and the density of the mixed liquor. But consider a
1,000,000 gallon bioreactor enhanced with BioMag technology. Assume the system is
running 8,000 mg/L MLSS ballasted with 8,000 mg/L of magnetite (a 1:1 ratio). The weight of
the water is ~8.34million pounds; the weight of the MLSS is ~67,000 pounds as is the
magnetite. Note the magnetite increases the mass of the system by ~ 0.8%. While this is
sufficient to manage the settling of the blanket, it is a very small addition to the overall mass
of the system.

Q Keeping an MLSS of 10,000 mg/L that is infused with 10,000 mg/L of magnetite must create
challenges in keeping the resulting 20,000 mg/L of solids suspended in the bioreactor. How
does Siemens solve this problem?

A Much depends on an assessment of the existing or proposed aeration system and the
objectives of incorporating BioMag. An increase in MLSS density for the purpose of
increasing treatment capacity will necessarily require increased aeration for purposes of
oxygen transfer to a larger biomass, a byproduct of which is increased mixing energy.
Additional mechanical mixing may also be necessary to maintain full suspension especially if
anoxic zones are incorporated. Consideration also has to be given to the type of aeration
equipment: course bubble diffusers often provide sufficient mixing energy to keep the
magnetite and MLSS in suspension while fine bubble diffusion usually requires additional
mechanical mixing.

Q What types of mixing systems are best suited to achieve the mixing required to impregnate
biological floc with magnetite and to keep the floc in suspension?

A Mixing can be achieved with mechanical mixers, diffused air, jet mixers/aerators, or a
combination thereof. Anoxic and anaerobic zones are typically mixed with either submerged
or floating mechanical mixers. Aerobic zones are normally mixed with either coarse bubble,
jet aeration or a combination of fine bubble and mechanical mixing.

Q How much mixing energy is required to maintain magnetite infused biological floc in

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
A The mixing equipment for magnetite ballasted systems is designed to ensure suspension of
the particles from a cold start which equates to an installed power requirement of
approximately 55HP per million gallons of tankage.

Q Does magnetite addition suppress or exacerbate foaming in an activate sludge process?

A Foaming is a function of the operation of the biological treatment system. The inert
characteristics of magnetite neither enhances or diminishes the production of foam.

Q What effect does magnetite have on the density for the sludge at the bottom of the
secondary clarifier?

A Magnetite infused in the biological floc increases the thickening of the sludge blanket to ~ 2%

Q With magnetite increasing the density of the sludge blanket at the bottom of the clarifier, can
the RAS flow and the cost of pumping be reduced?

A It depends on the application. If magnetite is added to a system to improve only settling, and
average forward flow and MLSS is not increased, there will be an increase in RAS
concentration and RAS flow can be decreased accordingly. In typical BioMag applications,
however, magnetite is added to enable an increase in MLSS to handle additional
flow/loading or increased treatment; these applications will require AN increase in RAS flow
commensurate with the increase in flow.

Q What is the effect of the magnetite to the WAS flow?

A. The very same effect as described in the above description of the effect of magnetite on RAS

Q What is defined as well mixed? What mixing tests are performed and how are they

A Well mixed is defined by TSS testing at various depths and locations throughout the
bioreactor to maintain MLSS concentrations at ±15%.

Q Can coagulants be added to a BioMag enhanced activated sludge system? Does one type of
coagulant work better than others?

A The addition of coagulants to the BioMag system results in precipitation of phosphorus and a
higher quality effluent. Extensive testing has been carried out proving that BioMag works
equally well with all common coagulants. The selection of coagulant type is typically
dependant on client preference.

Q What happens to ortho phosphates?

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
A Three potential fates: (1) precipitated by coagulant and removed with the sludge; (2)
assimilated by the biomass and removed with the sludge; and (3) passed through untreated.

Q When a power outage occurs, what will happen to the biomass ballasted with magnetite?
And what happens when the power returns?

A A full power outage will adversely affect all the systems associated with the activated sludge
system, including the plant’s aeration system and mechanical mixers. Without any mixing the
ballasted biological floc will settle to the floor of the reactors. The same would happen
without the enhancement of BioMag. Once the power returns, the ballasted biomass would
easily get re-suspended since the biological floc remains approximately 99% water.

Q How does the cost of operating a BioMag system compare to that of an MBR, IFAS or
expanded ASP system.

A While much depends on the application, the annual operating costs of a BioMag enhanced
activated sludge system are about the same as an IFAS, MBBR, or a conventional ASP.
Compared to an MBR system, the operating costs are approximately 60% less.

Q What are the characteristics of the sludge produced from thickener underflow, SG, dry solids
concentration and how does the inclusion of magnetite affect the flow?

A The WAS has very little magnetite after the recovery process. Most of the filamentous
bacteria have been broken apart by the shear mill, so the sludge thickens well to the 3-5%
solids range. This benefit enables smaller belt press, filter press, centrifuge etc., and
therefore, lower Capex and Opex.

Siemens Industry, Inc.

2607 N. Grandview Blvd Phone: 262-547-0141
Suite 130 Fax: 262-547-4120
Waukesha, WI 53188
Industry, Inc.

Project: Oak Orchard WPCP BioMag™ Design Summary Date: 06/06/2013

Engineer: GHD Designer: Avinash Bhat

Influent Design Conditions

ADF 9.00 MGD

MMF 9.00 MGD
PWF 9.00 MGD
PDF 24.00 MGD Effluent Design Conditions
PHF 24.00 MGD
BOD5 168 mg/L 12,610 lb/day BOD5 25 mg/L 1,877 lb/day
TSS 80 mg/L 6,005 lb/day TSS 30 mg/L 2,252 lb/day
NH3-N — mg/L — lb/day NH3-N 3 mg/L 225 lb/day
NO3-N — mg/L — lb/day NO3-N — mg/L — lb/day
TKN 28 mg/L 2,068 lb/day TKN 4 mg/L 300 lb/day
Total P 4 mg/L 293 lb/day Total P 1 mg/L 75 lb/day
TN 28 mg/L 2,068 lb/day TN — mg/L — lb/day

BioMag Design Conditions

SRT for Nitrification 7 days Total System SRT 7 days

Design MLSS Liquid Temp 20.0 °C
Min MLSS Liquid Temp 10.0 °C
Organic Loading Rate 90.1 lb/1,000 ft³/day
System Organic Loading Rate 90.1 lb/1,000 ft³/day
MLSS 7,700 mg/L
Sludge Yield 0.73
Total WAS 9,163 lb/day

Installed Power
Quantity Total Quantity Power
Component Connected Connected Hp Operating Hp
Mag Distribution Compressor 2 40 1 20
Ballast Tank Mixer 1 3 1 3
Ballast Tank Discharge Pumps 1 10 1 10
WAS Pumps to Shear Mill/Mag Drum 1 10 1 10
Mag Drum Separator 3 21 3 7
Shear Mill 3 150 3 50
WAS Pumps From Mag Drum 1 10 1 10
Polymer Feed 1 1
Chemical Pumps 0 0.00
Total 244 110

Private & Confidential

Industry, Inc.

Equipment List

Magnetite Feed System

Scope Qty Description

Siemens 1 25 ton Outdoor Silo
By Others 1 1200 gallon ballast mix tank (5.5 ft x 5.5 ft x 5.5 ft swd)
Siemens 1 4 in. flowmeter for ballast tank feed control
Siemens 1 4 in. 120V single ph. auto. plug valve for ballast tank feed control
Siemens 1 (1) duty (0) standby 3Hp Ballast Tank Mixer(s)
Siemens 1 (1) duty (0) standby 10Hp Ballast Tank Discharge Pump(s)
By Others — Polymer Dosing System

Magnetite Recovery System

Scope Qty Description

Siemens 3 (3) duty, (0) standby 50 Hp Shear Mill(s)
Siemens 3 (3) duty, (0) standby model 36x72 Magnetite Recovery Drum(s)
Siemens 1 (1) duty (0) standby 10Hp Recovery System Feed Pump(s)
Siemens 1 (1) duty (0) standby 10Hp Recovery System Discharge Pump(s)
Siemens 3 2.5 in. flowmeter(s) for Mag Recovery Drum feed control
Siemens 3 2.5 in. 120V single ph. auto. plug valves for Mag Recovery Drum
screen feed control
Instrumentation & Controls

Scope Qty Description

Siemens 6 Secondary Clarifier Sludge Blanket Sensors
Siemens 1 TSS probes total. (1) in basin (0) inline
Siemens 1 Programable Logic Controller (PLC)
Siemens 1 Control Panel with Operator Interface Module
Siemens 1 Software and Graphics package
By Others — MCC or MCC Buckets, Starters, VFDs, Wiring, etc.


Scope Qty Description

Siemens 1 2 trips 6 days total of mechanical field services
Siemens 1 2 trips 8 days total of electrical / I&C field services
Siemens 1 3 trips 12 days total of process field services

Excluded Items

General Items
• Compliance permitting and approval (Federal, State and/or local).
• Detail shop fabrication drawings.
• Electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic controls unless specifically noted.
• Engineering and supervision of all equipment and labor for civil works.
• Laboratory, shop, or field testing other than supervision of start-up testing.
• Taxes, bonds, fees, permits, lien waivers, licenses, etc.
• Tools or spare parts.
• Unloading of equipment and protected storage of equipment at jobsite.
• Utilities connections.

Private & Confidential

Industry, Inc.

Process Items
• Bioreactor aeration blowers.
• Bioreactor instruments, valves or pumps.
• Bioreactor aerators.

Civil Works and Mechanical Items

• Adhesives, adhesive dispensers, grout, mastic & anti-seize compounds.
• Anchor bolts and/or expansion anchors unless otherwise noted.
• Base slabs, equipment mounting pads, or shims.
• Concrete work of any sort, grout, mastic, sealing compounds, shims.
• Demolition, removal, or transfer of anything that is existing.
• Engineering, permitting, and surveying.
• Equipment lifting hoists, cranes, or other lifting devices.
• Field surface preparation and/or painting.
• Floor grating, stairways, ladders, platforms, handrailing unless noted.
• Installation of equipment.
• Interconnecting materials external to enclosures such as cable, pressure taps, tubing, etc.
• Labor for field testing.
• Lubricants, grease piping, grease guns.
• Modifications to existing equipment or structures.
• Pipe supports and hangers for piping.
• Piping, pumps, valves, wall sleeves, gates, drains, weirs, baffles not mentioned.
• Plumbing associated with waste disposal, floor drains, and/or emergency and safety wash stations.
• PVC solvent weld materials.

Electrical Items
• Conduit or wiring in the field.
• Cable trays, fittings, and supports.
• Influent instrumentation including, but not limited to flowmeters, pH analyzers, temperature
• Instrumentation required for post treatment monitoring.
• Power to Siemens supplied equipment.
• Motor control centers.
• Plant lighting.
• Supply and installation of building power, lighting, main service disconnects and control panels.
• Supply, installation and control of SCADA to monitor/control overall plant
• Underwriters Laboratory inspection of electrical controls.
• Variable frequency drives unless specifically noted.

Private & Confidential

Appendix B – MBBR Pretreatment Vendor Information

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2
Mr. Jason Green, PE
1 Remington Park Drive Biowater Technology US LLC
2155 Diamond Hill Road
Cazenovia, NY 13035 Suite 2, Mailbox 4
Via Email : [email protected] Cumberland, RI 02864

Ph: +1 401-305-3622
Fax: +1-305-3677
e: [email protected]

June 21, 2013

Re: Biowater Conceptual Design and Budget Estimates (Oak Orchards, NY), CRM# 516

Dear Jason,

Biowater Technology provides this preliminary feedback related to retrofit of the Oak Orchards, NY WWTP. We have
provided two options below that will increase the current treatment capacity of the plant by approximately 30% and allow
seasonal nitrification. The proposed process involves use of Biowater’s complete mix fixed film (CMFF®) as a roughing reactor
in front of high purity oxygen (HPO) activated sludge. For both options, RAS will be introduced after the CMFF® basins.

It is not technically feasible to leave the existing HPO aeration basins as is and retrofit the secondary flocculation tank to fixed
film basins, which would function as a combined fixed film and activated sludge (CFAS® or IFAS) system, with sludge from the
final settling tanks being returned to the front of the HPO tanks. There are both hydraulic and nitrification limitations for that

I. Proposed Biofilm Process

Option 1: Convert the first section of the HPO basins into fixed film basins and leave the remaining basins in each train
as HPO basins. This option would require partial removal of the concrete deck above the 1st HPO basin, removal of the
mechanical surface aerators on that 1st stage, installation of Biowater’s engineered diffused aeration system, and
addition of biofilm carrier retention sieves and carriers.

Option 2: Install new CMFF® basins after the primary settling tanks and before the existing HPO tanks.
II. Biological Design Considerations

Parameter Primary Effluent Secondary Effluent

Design Flow 13 MGD
BOD5 149 mg/L (16,165 lb/d) <30 mg/L
NH4-N 21 mg/L (2,277 lb/d) <400 lb/d (June-Oct)
<3.7 mg/L @ design flow
TKN 26 mg/L (2,819 lb/d)
TP 4.25 mg/L ( 461 lb/d) <1 mg/L
TSS 71.5 mg/L (7,752 lb/d) <20 mg/L
Design WW Temp. 10° C Winter, 18° C Summer
Site Elevation 600 ft. AMSL

III. Summary of Biological Design Criteria

Design Parameter Option 1 (Retrofit 1 1/3 of HPO Tanks) Option 2 (Construct New Tanks)
Number of Process Trains 2 2
Number of Aerobic Basins in 1 1
Biofilm Carrier Type BWT-X BWT-X
Biofilm Specific Surface Area, 650 650
2 3
m /m
Design Side Water Depth, ft. 9 15
Recommended Freeboard, ft. 2 2
Reactor Length, ft. 36 40
Reactor Width, ft. 72 40
Required fixed film surface area, 294,450 294,450
Alkalinity Requirements 12,691 lb/d 12,691 lb/d
Blower Airflow Requirements 6,013 scfm @ 4.96 psig discharge pressure 3,100 scfm @ 7.56 psig discharge pressure
(170 bhp) (127 bhp)
Budgetary Estimate, $792,000 $713,600
FOB Factory with Freight Allowed
IV. Proposed Scope of Supply
 Biofilm carriers will be provided with specific surface area and total fixed film area given above, specific to design criteria as
stated above.
 A complete site specific, engineered diffused aeration system will be provided in 304L stainless steel including header and
lateral piping for each aerobic reactor. All supports for the aeration grid systems, manifolds and drop pipes internal to the
basins will be supplied. The termination point for the aeration system drop pipe will be a flanged connection at the tank
wall height. Materials of construction are schedule 5 and Schedule 10 304L Stainless Steel piping. All flanges will be 150 lb.
ANSI style.
 Biofilm carrier retention sieve assemblies will be provided for each reactor containing biofilm carriers. Sieve assemblies will
be designed at a peak instantaneous flow plus recycle streams, when applicable. Sieve assemblies will be fitted with 150-lb
ANSI flanges, and will be of 304L stainless steel construction.
 Process Engineering consisting of aeration system sizing and configuration, sieve and outlet design. Review and approval of
P&I Diagram for the biological treatment process. Preliminary General Arrangement Drawings and review and approval of
final General Arrangement Drawings for the biological treatment process. Review of biological process drawings with
respect to nozzles, penetrations and dimensions, excluding structural design. Functional specification for pumps, blowers,
instrumentation, and control equipment related to the biological treatment process. These are all included herein.
 On-site startup support, submittals and operations and maintenance manuals are budgeted herein.
V. Notes and clarifications
 Basins for housing the fixed-film process internals will be required and are not included herein.
 Controls and instrumentation, specifically DO sensors will be required for process control and are not included herein.
 Blowers will be required to supply the reactors with airflows given above, at least one operational and one stand-by, and
are not included herein.
 Dosing pumps (alkalinity) may be required and are not included herein.
 Unloading, storage and installation of equipment are the responsibility of the client. All civil/site, rigging, electrical work,
interconnecting piping, and startup to be provided by client or others appointed or hired by the client.
 Duties and taxes are not included herein.
 Subject to Biowater Technology’s standard terms and conditions.

This estimate is budgetary and subject to change. Firm pricing can be provided upon request. We look forward to working
with you on this project. Please feel free to contact us at 401-305-3622 or via email at [email protected] if you
have any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

Joshua Hanlon
Sales Director
Appendix C – IFAS Post-Treatment Vendor Information

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2
June 21, 2013

Jason Greene
1 Remington Park Drive
Cazenovia, NY 13035

Re: AnoxKaldnes™ Hybas™ Proposal

Oak Orchard, NY
Kruger Project No: 5700132314

Dear Mr. Greene:

Enclosed is our AnoxKaldnes Hybas (Hybrid Biofilm Activated Sludge) proposal for the Oak
Orchard WWTP. This design is based on data provided to us by you.

As detailed herein, we propose retrofitting the existing post aeration flocculation basin into two
(2) parallel IFAS Trains, each train comprised of one (1) aerobic Hybas reactors for biological
treatment of BOD and NH 3 -N. No modifications are proposed for the HPO trains in our proposal
but the aeration system should be able to meet the AORs shown in the design summary after
applying an appropriate peaking factor for peak day loading.

The treatment capacity of the HPO system incorporating the HYBAS reactors is 13 MGD. The
following design assumptions apply to this design proposal

1. The maximum month primary effluent mass loading rates to the HPO system are:

a. BOD:- 12,260 lbs/day (140 mg/L @ 10.5 MGD)

b. TSS – 6,130 lbs/day (70 mg/ @ 10.5 MGD)
c. TKN – 2,000 lbs/day (23 mg/L @ 10.5 MGD)

2. The total forward flow through the IFAS reactors is limited to 8.5 MGD (influent + RAS).
Excess flow above that amount is bypassed around the reactors and recombined with
the HPO reactor flow prior to secondary clarification.
3. The secondary clarification capacity, whether or not new clarifiers or tertiary filtration are
required, must produce a maximum month effluent TSS < 15 mg/L to ensure the
secondary effluent BOD remains below 10 mg/L. The effluent BOD of 10 mg/L is
required to ensure compliance with the UOD mass limit of 4,280 lbs/day.

For the aerobic Hybas reactors, Kruger suggests using our AnoxKaldnes Medium Bubble
Aeration System. Normally AnoxKaldnes aeration equipment achieves a 1-1.1% SOTE.
Sufficient air should be provided to keep the media well mixed and in suspension.

As an added safety, the design includes an air scour system to aid in purging media away from
the sieves. The system consists of a set of small air diffusers located just below the top row of
sieves in the HYBAS zone which are connected to a small regenerative blower station.

Thank you for your interest in the AnoxKaldnes Hybas process; we appreciate the opportunity to
provide this proposal to you. If you have any questions or need further information, please

Kruger Inc.
4001 Weston Parkway
Cary, NC 27513 USA
Tel: 919-677-8310 ● Fax: 919-677-0082
Web site:
contact our local representative, Mark Koester of Koester and Associates, or our Regional Sales
Engineer, Ken Krupa (540-389-5092) ; [email protected]).

I. Kruger Inc.

Sent via email

Brad Mrdjenovich
Applications Engineer


cc: CT, LGW, KMK project file (Kruger)

Mark Koester (Koester and Associates)

Kruger Inc.
4001 Weston Parkway
Cary, NC 27513 USA
Tel: 919-677-8310 ● Fax: 919-677-0082
Web site:
AnoxKaldnes™ Hybas™ Proposal for

Oak Orchard, NY

Kruger Project No.: 5700132314

Jason Greene
1 Remington Park Drive
Cazenovia, NY 13035
April 29, 2013

June 21, 2013

I. Kruger Inc.
4001 Weston Parkway
Cary, NC 27513
Table of Contents

1. Company Introduction

2. Energy Focus

3. Process Description

4. Design Summary

5. Scope of Supply

6. Design Options

7. Pricing, Terms of Payment, and Schedule

8. I. Kruger Inc. Standard Terms of Sale

The information or data contained in this proposal is proprietary to Kruger and should not be copied, reproduced,
duplicated, or disclosed to any third party, in whole or part, without the prior written consent of Kruger. This restriction
will not apply to any information or data that is available to the public generally.

Proposal History
Revision Date Process Eng. Comments
0 04/29/2013 LGW Initial, budgetary proposal.
1. Company Introduction

I. Kruger Inc. (Kruger) is a water and wastewater solutions provider specializing in advanced
and differentiating technologies. Kruger provides complete processes and systems ranging
from biological nutrient removal to mobile surface water treatment. The ACTIFLO® Microsand
Ballasted Clarifier, BIOCON® Dryer, BIOSTYR® Biological Aerated Filter (BAF), AnoxKaldnes
Hybas, AnoxKaldnes™ MBBR, NEOSEP™ MBR and HYDROTECH Discfilters are just a few of
the innovative technologies offered by Kruger. Kruger is a subsidiary of Veolia Water Solutions
and Technologies (VWS), a world leader in engineering and technological solutions in water
treatment for industrial companies and municipal authorities.

VWS, present throughout the world, develops a global approach responding to specific needs of
customers at each of their production facilities. This has allowed VWS to become the world
leader in design, project management, and execution of projects for water and wastewater
treatment plants. The company also creates dedicated technology solutions to meet its
customer’s needs. Its unique portfolio of differentiating technologies, developed by the group’s
R&D centers, ensures unsurpassed innovation and control of each treatment line for public
organizations and industries. Furthermore, a whole range of associated services is offered on
each site to guarantee the technical efficiency and life expectancy of the installed solutions.
VWS continually extends and enriches its offer, to guarantee expertise and competence at
every step of the projects it undertakes.

Kruger prides itself for being a customer focused organization that provides solutions to
challenges faced by municipalities and not just another equipment supplier. To achieve this,
Kruger has gathered a force of process experts, trained sales staff, and project managers that
share our vision and priorities.

2. Energy Focus

Kruger, along with Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies (VWS) is dedicated to delivering
sustainable and innovative technologies and solutions.
We offer our customers integrated solutions which include resource-efficient technology to
improve operations, reduce costs, achieve sustainability goals, decrease dependency on
limited resources, and comply with current and anticipated regulations.
Veolia’s investments in R&D outpace that of our competition. Our focus is on delivering
 neutral or positive energy solutions
 migration towards green chemicals or zero chemical consumption
 water-footprint-efficient technologies with high recovery rates
Our carbon footprint reduction program drives innovation, accelerates adoption and
development of clean technologies, and offers our customers sustainable solutions.
Kruger is benchmarking its technologies and solutions by working with our customers and
performing total carbon cost analysis over the lifetime of the installation.
By committing to the innovative development of clean and sustainable technologies and
solutions worldwide, Kruger and VWS will continue to maximize the financial benefits for
every customer.

3. Process Description

Kruger’s AnoxKaldnes process design is based on more than 20 years of experience with
Moving Bed Biological Reactors (MBBR) and Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS)
systems. Our knowledge is supported by lab and pilot scale studies and data from more than
475 AnoxKaldnes operating systems for BOD, nitrification, and TN removal.

The MBBR and IFAS (or Hybas - Hybrid Biofilm Activated Sludge) processes are continuous
flow through, non-clogging bio-film reactors containing “carrier elements” or media with a high
specific surface. The media does not require backwashing or cleaning.

The biomass that treats the wastewater is attached to the surfaces of the media. The media is
designed to provide a large protected surface area for the biofilm and optimal conditions for
biological activity when suspended in water. Media of different shapes and sizes provide
flexibility to use the most suitable type depending on wastewater characteristics, discharge
standards and available volumes. AnoxKaldnes media is made from polyethylene and has a
density slightly less then water.

In the MBBR process, all of the biomass is attached to the media and retained in the reactor,
with no returned sludge. In the Hybas process, the reactor contains both free-floating
biomass (activated sludge) and biomass attached to the media. The free-floating biomass
passes through the reactor, is settled and recycled back to the reactor. The media and
attached biofilm remain in the reactor as in a MBBR.

AnoxKaldnes Hybas Nitrification System

The Hybas process is often considered for upgrading existing conventional activated sludge
systems within the existing tankage for either maintaining nitrification at new higher flow rates or
loads or upgrading a plant to meet new nitrification requirements. It is accomplished by adding
the media directly into the activated sludge reactors to enhance the growth of the autotrophic
bacteria. The Hybas system is capable of meeting these new effluent requirements at low
solids retention times (SRTs) and short hydraulic retention times (HRTs).

The mixing of the media within MBBR and Hybas reactors is provided by AnoxKaldnes’
medium bubble aeration system in aerobic application, whereas specially designed
submersible mixers are used in anoxic environments for denitrification.

AnoxKaldnes Medium Bubble Air Grid

The media is retained within the reactor using stainless steel retention screens.

AnoxKaldnes Stainless Steel Cylindrical Screen

Kruger’s minimum scope of supply for MBBR and Hybas systems includes the AnoxKaldnes
media, screen assemblies (to keep media in each reactor), medium bubble aeration grid
assemblies and submersible mixers for the anoxic zones. In cases where they are needed,
Kruger also provides the blowers, instrumentation and controls, SCADA, and field instruments
(dissolved oxygen, nitrate, ammonia, etc.) for single source responsibility.

4. Design Summary

The proposed design is based on the following influent wastewater characteristics and
incorporating peak flow conditions for screen design purposes only. The design assumes that
the raw influent wastewater is biodegradable, no toxic compounds are present, sufficient
alkalinity is available to avoid pH depressions, that the COD/BOD ratio is between 1.7 and 2.3,

and that none of the equipment provided would be used in a classified area (e.g. Class 1,
Division 1 or Class 1, Division 2).

Facilities with primary clarification will require screening with a maximum of 6 mm (1/4 inch)
openings for removal of particulate matter (rags, debris, etc.) prior to entering the AnoxKaldnes
treatment reactors. Facilities that lack primary clarification will require screening with a
maximum of 3 mm (1/8 inch) openings.

The Hybas system influent design basis is summarized in Table 1. The target effluent criteria for
the system are listed in Table 2. The process design is summarized in Table 3.

Table 1: AnoxKaldnes HPO/Hybas Influent Design Basis (Primary Effluent)

Parameter Units Value

Flow, Maximum Month MGD 10.5
BOD, Average lbs/day 12,260
TSS, Average lbs/day 6,130
TKN, Average lbs/day 2,000
Max. Temperature C 18
Min. Temperature C 10 / 142
1. Total Flow in excess of 8.5 MGD (Influent + RAS + all recycle streams) are
bypassed around the HYBAAS reactors.
2. The minimum temperature of 14 C applies to the seasonal ammonia and
UOD effluent limits. Between 10 and 14 C, only the BOD and TSS limits are

Table 2: AnoxKaldnes Hybas Effluent Achieved (30-Day Average)

Parameter Units Value

Soluble BOD mg/L ≤ 4 mg/L
NH3-N1 lbs/day ≤ 400
UOD1,2 lbs/day 4,280
1. The ammonia and UDO limits are seasonal and apply
when the MLSS temperature is ≥ 14 C.
2. The secondary clarifier capacity must be sufficient to
ensure a maximum month TSS ≤15 mg/L when the
seasonal limit for UOD is enforce (MLSS T ≥ 14 C) and
an effluent TSS less than 2,500 lbs/day during maximum
month loading conditions otherwise.

Kruger proposes an IFAS reactor system where the existing post aeration flocculation tanks are
retrofitted into 2 two parallel trains IFAS trains which will follow the existing HPO system. The
process design is summarized in Table 3 below

Table 3: Design Summary

Parameter Units Value

Number of Process Trains - 2
Number of Aerobic HPO Stages per Train - 3
Number of Aerobic Hybas Stages per Train - 1
Total HPO Reactor Volume ft 140,400
AOR Stage 1 per Train lbs O2/hr 170
1 lbs O2/hr
AOR Stage 2 per Train 95
1 lbs O2/hr
AOR Stage 3 per Train 65
Aerobic Hybas Reactor Dimensions ft 42 L x 26 W x 11 SWD
Total Aerobic Hybas Reactor Volume ft 24,000

Recommended Freeboard ft 2-3

Total Bulk Volume of Media ft 12,000
Total Effective Surface Area ft 2,927,000

% Fill of Bio-film Carriers % ~ 50

Medium Bubble
Aeration System -
(4.0 mm orifice)
4 - Summer
IFAS Residual D.O. Level mg/L
6 -Winter
1,700 @ 5.2 psig
IFAS Reactor Process Air Requirement at Design SCFM
discharge pressure
115 SCFM @ 2.2 psig
Sieve Scour Air Requirement SCFM
Discharge pressure

% RAS, Average % 50-70

MLSS, Average mg/L 4,000- 5,000

WAS, Average lb/d 6,000

1. The AORs are provided for confirmation of aerator sizing. The AORs shown are based on the
influent criteria shown in Table 1 and may need to be adjusted with an appropriate peaking
factor for diurnal and peak day loads if used for design purposes.
2. Currently the flocculation tanks are dividing into 4 reactors each 13 ft W x 42 ft long. The 1
and 3 dividing walls are to be removed to create two parallel reactors each 26.5 W x 42 ft L.

5. Scope of Supply

Kruger is pleased to present our scope of supply which includes process engineering design,
equipment procurement, and field services required for the proposed treatment system, as related
to the equipment specified. The work will be performed to Kruger's high standards under the
direction of a Project Manager. All matters related to the design, installation, or performance of the
system shall be communicated through the Kruger representative giving the Engineer and Owner
ready access to Kruger's extensive capabilities.

Process and Design Engineering

Kruger will provide process engineering and design support for the system as follows:

• Process Engineering consisting of aeration system sizing and configuration, screen and
outlet design.
• Review and approval of P&I Diagram for the AnoxKaldnes Hybas portion of the process.
Preliminary General Arrangement Drawings and review and approval of final General
Arrangement Drawings for the Hybas process. Review of Hybas reactor drawings with
respect to nozzles, penetrations and dimensions, excluding structural design.
• Equipment installation instructions for all equipment supplied by Kruger.

Field Services
Kruger will furnish a Service Engineer to perform the following tasks:

• Inspect installation of key pieces of equipment during construction.

• Inspect the completed system prior to startup.

• Assist the Contractor with initial startup of the system.

• Train the Owner’s staff in the proper operation and maintenance of the AnoxKaldnes
Hybas system.

• Test and start any Kruger-supplied control equipment, including PLC programming and
SCADA systems.


Kruger will supply the following equipment associated with the system:

• Process and Mechanical Equipment

o AnoxKaldnes K5 high density polyethylene carrier elements as quantified in

Table 3.

AnoxKaldnes K5 Media

o Eight (8) cylindrical screens in 304L stainless steel will be provided for each
aerobic reactor in each train for a total of sixteen (16) screens. Screens are 18”
to 23” diameter perforated plate pipes terminated in ANSI flanges for mounting
directly to tank wall. An air sparging system in 304L stainless steel will also be
provided to scour the cylindrical screens. Kruger will provide associated
mounting hardware.

AnoxKaldnes Cylindrical Screen

o Rectangular screen assemblies in 304L stainless steel for mounting on the

Hybas reactor effluent wall at the water level to allow for migration of surface
foam through the Hybas reactor. Screens shall consist of perforated plate.
Kruger provides screens and hardware (excluding concrete anchor bolts). Note:
Kruger generally recommends the Contractor provide foam spray bars at the
upstream side of these surface screens to aid in dissipation and flow through of
foam to reduce the possibility of accumulation in the Hybas reactors.
o A site-specific AnoxKaldnes Medium Bubble aeration system in 304L stainless
steel including header and lateral piping within the aerobic reactors in each train.
All internal piping and hardware (excluding concrete anchor bolts) are provided
up to the header pipe termination flanges at the top of the reactor walls.

15.9 MGD Plant with Stainless Steel Air Grids and Cylindrical Screens

0.125 MGD Plant with Stainless Steel Air Grids and Cylindrical Screen

o Two (2) positive displacement blowers for process air inclusive of noise reduction
enclosure, inlet filter assembly, discharge pressure gage, check valve. Each
blower will provide 1,800 SCFM and approximately 50 NPHP.
o Two (2) Regenerative blowers for screen air sparging, two duty and one standby.
Blowers will be rated for SCFM and 2 NPHP. Blowers will include sound

Regen Blowers with Noise Enclosure

o Instrumentation and Control (Optional)

The instrumentation and control system is proposed as detailed herein to meet the
functional requirements of the proposed systems. The complete system will include
detailed engineering submittals comprised of product data sheets, panel layouts, wiring
diagrams, and field installation instructions. The complete system will be comprised of
the following:

Item Description Manufacturer

1. NEMA 12 Freestanding or Wall Mount Saginaw or Equivalent
Control Panel ( For Indoor Use)
2. Backpanel for Control Panel Saginaw or Equivalent
3. Control Logix Processor (1756-L62) Allen Bradley
4. Control Logix Ethernet Module (1756- Allen Bradley
5. Control Logix Input and Output Modules Allen Bradley
6. Panelview Plus Color Touchscreen Allen Bradley
Operator Interface (2711P)
7. Control Logix Input and Output Modules Allen Bradley
8. 120 VAC Surge Protector Phoenix Contact
9. Field I/O Terminal Blocks (UTTB4) Phoenix Contact
10. Circuit Breakers Square D or Equivalent
11. Alarm Horn Federal or Equivalent
12. Cabinet Light & Convenience Outlet Misc
13. Misc. Wire and Panduit Misc
14. Completed Panel Shop Tested and UL Kruger
15. PLC and Operator Interface Kruger
16. Site Start-Up and Testing Kruger

Kruger PLC

o Field instruments:
 Two (2) high level float switches, one in each media zone
 Two (2) DO probe, one in each media zone

Kruger SCADA System

Contractor’s Scope of Supply

The contractor’s scope of supply for the AnoxKaldnes Hybas system should include, but is not
limited to, the following items:

o All civil/site and electrical work.

o A concrete foundation for the tanks.
o Additional RAS recycle pumps (if required) and modifications to system.

o An additional clarification capacity (if required), for settling out the MLSS at the
increased flows and solids loading rate.
o All provisions for interconnecting piping.
o Unloading, storage and installation of equipment.

6. Design Options

In addition to the proposed system as detailed herein, Kruger is able to further incorporate our
process and controls expertise into wastewater treatment plants, allowing municipalities to meet
stringent effluent requirements and future plant upgrades. Kruger is also able to offer our
instrumentation and controls expertise to build upon the proposed system by providing a
customized plant-wide SCADA system or designing a Motor Control Center (MCC),
providing municipalities a single source responsibility for plant controls. Please contact Kruger if
the options above are of interest or to be included in the current proposed system or future
upgrades. **Please note that the design options listed above are not included in the pricing
noted herein.

7. Pricing, Payment Terms, and Schedule

The price for the AnoxKaldnes Hybas system, as defined herein, including process and design
engineering, field services, and equipment supply is $658,000.

Please note that the above pricing is expressly contingent upon the items in this
proposal and are subject to I. Kruger Inc. Standard Terms of Sale detailed herein.

This pricing is FOB shipping point, with freight allowed to the job site. This pricing does not
include any sales or use taxes. In addition, pricing is valid for ninety (90) days from the date of
issue and is subject to negotiation of a mutually acceptable contract.

Terms of Payment
The terms of payment are as follows:
• 10% on receipt of fully executed contract
• 15% on submittal of shop drawings
• 75% on the delivery of equipment to the site

Payment shall not be contingent upon receipt of funds by the Contractor from the Owner. There
shall be no retention in payments due to I. Kruger Inc. All other terms per our Standard Terms
of Sale are attached.

All payment terms are net 30 days from the date of invoice. Final payment not to exceed 120
days from delivery of equipment.

• Shop drawings will be submitted within 6-8 weeks of receipt of an executed contract by
all parties.

• All equipment will be delivered within 18-20 weeks after receipt of written approval of the
shop drawings.
• Installation manuals will be furnished upon delivery of equipment.
• Operation and Maintenance Manuals will be submitted within 90 days after receipt of
approved shop drawings.

8. I. Kruger Inc. Standard Terms of Sale

1. Applicable Terms. These terms govern the purchase and sale of the equipment and related services, if any (collectively, "Equipment"),
referred to in Seller’s purchase order, quotation, proposal or acknowledgment, as the case may be ("Seller’s Documentation"). Whether
these terms are included in an offer or an acceptance by Seller, such offer or acceptance is conditioned on Buyer’s assent to these terms.
Seller rejects all additional or different terms in any of Buyer’s forms or documents.

2. Payment. Buyer shall pay Seller the full purchase price as set forth in Seller’s Documentation. Unless Seller’s Documentation
provides otherwise, freight, storage, insurance and all taxes, duties or other governmental charges relating to the Equipment shall be paid by
Buyer. If Seller is required to pay any such charges, Buyer shall immediately reimburse Seller. All payments are due within 30 days after
receipt of invoice. Buyer shall be charged the lower of 1 ½% interest per month or the maximum legal rate on all amounts not received by
the due date and shall pay all of Seller’s reasonable costs (including attorneys’ fees) of collecting amounts due but unpaid. All orders are
subject to credit approval.

3. Delivery. Delivery of the Equipment shall be in material compliance with the schedule in Seller’s Documentation. Unless Seller’s
Documentation provides otherwise, Delivery terms are F.O.B. Seller’s facility.

4. Ownership of Materials. All devices, designs (including drawings, plans and specifications), estimates, prices, notes, electronic data
and other documents or information prepared or disclosed by Seller, and all related intellectual property rights, shall remain Seller’s property.
Seller grants Buyer a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use any such material solely for Buyer’s use of the Equipment. Buyer shall
not disclose any such material to third parties without Seller’s prior written consent.

5. Changes. Seller shall not implement any changes in the scope of work described in Seller’s Documentation unless Buyer and Seller
agree in writing to the details of the change and any resulting price, schedule or other contractual modifications. This includes any changes
necessitated by a change in applicable law occurring after the effective date of any contract including these terms.

6. Warranty. Subject to the following sentence, Seller warrants to Buyer that the Equipment shall materially conform to the description in
Seller’s Documentation and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. The foregoing warranty shall not apply to any
Equipment that is specified or otherwise demanded by Buyer and is not manufactured or selected by Seller, as to which (i) Seller hereby
assigns to Buyer, to the extent assignable, any warranties made to Seller and (ii) Seller shall have no other liability to Buyer under warranty,
tort or any other legal theory. If Buyer gives Seller prompt written notice of breach of this warranty within 18 months from delivery or 1 year
from beneficial use, whichever occurs first (the "Warranty Period"), Seller shall, at its sole option and as Buyer’s sole remedy, repair or
replace the subject parts or refund the purchase price therefore. If Seller determines that any claimed breach is not, in fact, covered by this
warranty, Buyer shall pay Seller its then customary charges for any repair or replacement made by Seller. Seller’s warranty is conditioned
on Buyer’s (a) operating and maintaining the Equipment in accordance with Seller’s instructions, (b) not making any unauthorized repairs or
alterations, and (c) not being in default of any payment obligation to Seller. Seller’s warranty does not cover damage caused by chemical
action or abrasive material, misuse or improper installation (unless installed by Seller). THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION

7. Indemnity. Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability incurred by Buyer as a
result of third party claims for personal injury, death or damage to tangible property, to the extent caused by Seller's negligence. Seller shall
have the sole authority to direct the defense of and settle any indemnified claim. Seller’s indemnification is conditioned on Buyer (a)
promptly, within the Warranty Period, notifying Seller of any claim, and (b) providing reasonable cooperation in the defense of any claim.

8. Force Majeure. Neither Seller nor Buyer shall have any liability for any breach (except for breach of payment obligations) caused by
extreme weather or other act of God, strike or other labor shortage or disturbance, fire, accident, war or civil disturbance, delay of carriers,
failure of normal sources of supply, act of government or any other cause beyond such party's reasonable control.

9. Cancellation. If Buyer cancels or suspends its order for any reason other than Seller’s breach, Buyer shall promptly pay Seller for work
performed prior to cancellation or suspension and any other direct costs incurred by Seller as a result of such cancellation or suspension.


11. Miscellaneous. If these terms are issued in connection with a government contract, they shall be deemed to include those federal
acquisition regulations that are required by law to be included. These terms, together with any quotation, purchase order or
acknowledgement issued or signed by the Seller, comprise the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties (the
“Agreement”) and supersede any terms contained in Buyer’s documents, unless separately signed by Seller. No part of the Agreement may
be changed or cancelled except by a written document signed by Seller and Buyer. No course of dealing or performance, usage of trade or
failure to enforce any term shall be used to modify the Agreement. If any of these terms is unenforceable, such term shall be limited only to
the extent necessary to make it enforceable, and all other terms shall remain in full force and effect. Buyer may not assign or permit any
other transfer of the Agreement without Seller’s prior written consent. The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of North
Carolina without regard to its conflict of laws provisions.

Attachment I

Preliminary Layout(s)

16.7 MGD 16.7 MGD 16.7 MGD

Pure O2 Pure O2 Pure O2




Appendix D – HYBACS Rouging Pretreatment Vendor

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2
HYBACS TM Hybrid Activated Sludge Systems

Preliminary Design Proposal

Project: Oak Orchard WWTP, NY

Engineer: GHD
Proposal No.50136944.02
Date: June 14, 2013
P.O. BOX 71390, RICHMOND, VA 23255-1390 USA
TEL 804 756-7600 | FAX 804 756-7643

June 14, 2013

Jason Greene

Re: Oak Orchard WWTP, NY

Inquiry No. 50136944.02

Dear Mr. Greene,

With regard to your recent request for a proposal for Oak Orchard WWTP NY,
Infilco Degremont, Inc. (IDI) is pleased to submit a proposal for a HYBACSTM
system for your review. The proposal provides design details for the system
to treat a 10 MGD flow to bring effluent BOD to < 25 mg/l year round and
seasonally (summer) Ammonia-N to < 4.8 mg/l using twelve (12) SMART™
units followed by the HPOAS tanks.
The SMART™ units would act as roughing units upstream of the HPOAS
tanks (retrofitted into the existing primary flocculation tanks) and reduce the
influent pollutant load on the system thereby optimizing the latter’s use and
reducing energy requirements and increasing capacity. It was seen that as
opposed to the 173 mg/l design influent BOD concentrations at 10 MGD, the
system when retrofitted with the HYBACS would be able to handle 244 mg/l
of influent BOD concentration (at 10 MGD) due to the increased BOD removal
achieved as a result of BOD removal by the roughing SMART™ units thereby
giving the system the ability to handle a total of 20,350 lbs/d of BOD as
opposed to 14,500 lbs/d as previously designed for.
We have endeavored to provide complete information in this proposal.
However, if you have any questions or need additional information, please
feel free to contact Randy, our regional sales representative, or me directly.


Mudit Gangal
Senior Application Engineer - Biological Systems Group
Regional Business Manager Sales Representative
Mervyn Bowen Randy Ott
Degremont Technologies - Infilco GP Jager & Associates, Inc.
P. O. Box 71390 7505 Moccasin Path
Richmond, VA 23255-1390 Liverpool, NY 13090

Tel: 804/756-7786 Tel: 315/652-5627

Fax: 804/756-7643 Fax: 315/944-3199
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................................... 5

2 TREATMENT APPROACH ................................................................................ 6
2.1 HYBACS™ Design ......................................................................................... 7
2.1 Design Analysis .............................................................................................. 8
2.2 SMART™ Units ............................................................................................... 8
2.3 Activated Sludge (HPOAS) Basins ............................................................... 11
2.4 Summary of Power Consumption ................................................................. 11
3 SCOPE ............................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Scope of Supply............................................................................................ 12
3.2 Items by Others ............................................................................................ 13
3.3 Additional Items by Installing Contractor....................................................... 14
4 BUDGET PRICE .............................................................................................. 16

1 Project Background
This application involves augmenting the treatment capacity of the Oak Orchard
WWTP, NY to increase capacity and meet strict effluent discharge requirements. A
Hybrid Activated Sludge (HYBACS™) process is attractive to the client as it allows
removal of pollutants with low energy requirements and in a compact footprint. This
proposal provides design details for a design flow of 10 MGD to treat the influent to
the discharge limits required. The system would comprise 12 SMART units which
would be retrofitted into the two primary flocculation tanks with the SMART units
reducing a significant amount of the influent BOD load to reduce stress on the
downstream HPOAS tanks, releasing treatment capacity and allowing for increased
BOD loading to the plant.

The objective of the proposed design is to treat the flows with design and effluent
conditions listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Design Parameters for Oak Orchard WWTP, NY HYBACS™ Upgrade

Treatment Parameter Influent
Treated Effluent

Design Flow, MGD 10

Design Temperature (Min.), oC 10

Design Temperature (Max), oC 18

MLSS 4,500 – 5,000

BOD5, mg/l 174 <25

TSS, mg/l 201

TKN, mg/l

NH3-N, mg/l 20.3 < 4.81

From June 16 to October 31 for the HYBACS™-HPOAS combined system.

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 5 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

2 Treatment Approach
The biological process to be implemented is the Hybrid Activated Sludge
(HYBACS™). The process is based on the presence and development of bacteria
which generate enzymes. The process comprises of two biological stages in series
followed by clarification.
1. The first stage comprises of SMART™ units, with high density active biomass
2. The second stage comprises of an activated sludge process with suspended
The HYBACS™ process design consists of the following (see Figure 1):
- Shaft Mounted Reactor Technology (SMART™) stage consisting of
SMART™ units
- Aeration Tanks
- Secondary Clarifier

Figure 1. HYBACS™ Process Flow Diagram

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 6 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

HYBACS Process Advantages:

 Reduced Capital Expenditure: Upto 20% for Greenfield projects and upto
50% on upgrades
 Reduced Operational Expenditure: Plants upgraded with HYBACS™ can
achieve upto 30% to 40% savings in energy consumption associated with
 Reduced Footprint: Reduces footprint of the activated sludge basins by as
much as 30%, making it the ideal technology for plant expansion
 Improved Process Stability - during peak flow conditions resulting from
retention of biomass in treatment reactor
 Field Proven at Full Scale – Has been implemented at more than 35 plants.
Has recently been selected for similar applications at Tubli WWTP, Bahrain;
Botleng WWTP, RSA; Swaartruggens WWTP, RSA; Hartbeesfontein WWTP
RSA and Mitchell’s Plain WWTP, RSA and has been evaluated using full-
scale testing.
 Upgrade Within Existing Basin - enables the upgrade of conventional
activated sludge plants without additional real estate.
2.1 HYBACS™ Design

The Oak Orchard WWTP, NY HYBACS™ system has been designed using
proprietary models to perform process selection and determine the optimal number
of SMART™ units and other operating parameters. An extensive analysis of design
alternatives was revealed that a HYBACS™ process would be most suitable, as it is
capable of achieving the desired effluent concentrations.
The proposed HYBACS process consists of the following stages of treatment.
1. Preliminary treatment will consist of influent screening.
2. SMART™ will be installed upstream of the HPOAS tanks, resulting in
increased biomass concentrations due to the active biomass growth on the
SMART™ units. The active biomass on the units will enhance COD/BOD
removal functions in SMART™ units as well as enhance nitrification rates in
the downstream aeration basins due to enzyme activity leading to rapid
hydrolysis of particulate BOD.
3. The second stage of the HYBACS™ process will be implemented in existing
HPOAS tanks. System setup is based on a continuous aerobic zone making
the process ideal for low BOD requirements.
4. Return activated sludge will be recycled from existing secondary clarifiers and
distributed to the SMART™ units.

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 7 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

2.1 Design Analysis

A summary of the HYBACS™ process is provided in Table 2. This table

demonstrates the design details required to achieve effluent concentrations as
described in Table 1.
By using twelve (12) SMART™ units, the proposed design minimizes the operational
costs related to aeration by 40% and system footprint leading to reduction in overall
cost of process improvements for the WWTP upgrade.

Table 2. Design Summary for Oak Orchard WWTP, NY HYBACS™ Upgrade

Parameter Value

Flow MGD 10

BOD mg/l <25

NH3-N mg/l <4.81

Number of SMARTTM Units # 12

Aeration Tank Volume gal 1,046,920

From June 16 to October 31

2.2 SMART™ Units

The proposed HYBACSTM system utilizes twelve (12) SMART™ units. SMART™
units are a type of biological reactor comprising plates fixed to a rotating structure.
The plates are 2 inches thick and manufactured from mesh with a porosity of 95%,
producing a biological environment containing aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic regions
which support a large quantity of attached biomass with high diversity and activity,
ensuring high treatment capacity.

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 8 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

Figure 2. SMART™ Unit

The proposed HYBACS™ system uses 6.6 feet diameter SMART™ units, which
have following advantages for this application:

 Aeration from Rotation The biomass partially drains as the plates rotate so that
both liquor containing the pollutants and atmospheric air, flow by convection in
and out of the plates. Thus, as the plates rotate, the biomass is aerated from the
atmosphere above the liquor, and brought into contact with pollutants when
submerged. This convective flow substantially increases the transfer rate of
pollutants and oxygen to the biomass, increasing its utilization and activity.

 Control of DO The DO in the SMART™ units is controlled at a low

concentration, with the mesh plates typically rotating at speeds between 2 and 6

 Sparge System Each SMART™ unit is fitted with an automatic air sparge
system, which operates intermittently to remove excess biomass build up on the
mesh media discs. Under normal circumstances, a small amount of air is taken
from the main site aeration system, however, a dedicated air sparge blower can
be provided.

 Local SMART™ Unit Control Panel The local SMART™ unit control panel
provides all the core functionality required for the operation of the SMART™ unit.

 SMART™ Cover A Glass Reinforced Plastic cover is supplied with the unit which
provides protection for both operators and for the attached biomass.

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 9 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

The combination of maintaining low DO concentrations and simple mechanism of

aeration leads to operational energy savings of 40% as compared to conventional
treatment systems. The high density of attached biomass enables higher loading
and removal rates by the SMART™ units. Higher removal rates result in smaller
footprint of the HYBACS™ system and lower capital costs as compared to
conventional systems.

Figure 3. Diverse zones of SMART™ Biomass Layer

The porous nature of the mesh plates allows the SMART™ unit to hold a large
volume of active biomass (MLVSS) from the RAS recycle and aid transfer of oxygen
and pollutants to the biomass as shown in Figure 3. .

The biomass in SMARTTM units is versatile and offers appropriate conditions for the
removal of BOD at very low energy, leading to significant savings in operational

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 10 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

2.3 Activated Sludge (HPOAS) Basins

The aerobic (Oxic Nitrification) HYBACS™ system requires that separate bioreactor
sections be developed.

• The existing HPOAS tanks will be utilized for further treatment to achieve
effluent requirements.

2.4 Summary of Power Consumption

Power Required in SMART Unit

Power required per SMART motor kW 1.5
Number of SMART Units Nr 12
Total Power Required kW 18

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 11 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

3 Scope
3.1 Scope of Supply

The following table outlines HYBACS™ systems’ scope of supply for the proposed

Item Qty. Description

SMARTTM units, including motors, gear drives, DO

1 12 analyzers, local control panels, air sparge system and
GRP covers.

Sets of O&M Manuals

2 2

Sets of Detailed Shop Drawings

3 2

Service Days, to inspect equipment installation, test all

4 20 supplied components, assist in start-up and train plant

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 12 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

3.2 Items by Others

The following items are specifically not by Infilco. They may or may not be required.

• Air Main Piping and all accessories
including valves, bolts gaskets and • Non-potable water supply
connectors for attaching to drop pipes
• Chemical Feed Systems for alkalinity • Overflow structures including baffles and
correction, methanol and defoamer weir plates
• Chemicals for operation: Including • Online instrumentation such as pH, DO,
methanol, alkaline solution, defoamer Temperature, etc.
• Cleanouts • Power

• Concrete • Process & Sparge Air Blowers

• Drains • Sludge handling and disposal

• Engines/Generators • Support Platforms

• Transformers
• Foam control
• Steel Tanks
• Hoses /Bibs • Variable Frequency Drives

• Laboratory • Ventilation

• Ladders • Walkways/Roofing/Stairs/Gratings/Handrails

• Lighting • Wireways/Wiring

• Liquid sampling and analytical work • Yard Hydrants

• Motor Control Center (MCC) • Yard Piping

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 13 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

3.3 Additional Items by Installing Contractor

1. Obtain necessary construction permits and licenses, construction drawings

(including interconnecting piping drawings) field office space, telephone
service, and temporary electrical service.
2. All site preparation, grading, locating foundation placement, excavation for
foundation, underground piping, conduits and drains.
3. Demolition and/or removal of any existing structures, equipment or facilities
required for construction and installation of the HYBACS TM system.
4. Installation of all foundation - supply and installation of all embedded or
underground piping, conduits and drains.
5. All backfill, compaction, finish grading, earthwork and final paving.
6. Receiving (preparation of receiving reports), unloading, storage, maintenance
preservation and protection of all equipment and materials supplied by Infilco.
7. Installation of all equipment and materials supplied by Infilco.
8. Supply, fabrication, installation, cleaning, pickling and/or passivation of all
interconnecting steel piping components.
9. Provide and install all embedded pipe sections and valves for tank drains and
reactor inlets and elbows.
10. All cutting, welding, fitting and finishing for all field fabricated piping.
11. Supply and installation of all flange gaskets and bolts for all piping
12. Supply and installation of all pipe supports and wall penetrations.
13. Install and provide all motor control centers, motor starters, panels, field
wiring, wireways, supports and transformers.
14. Install all control panels and instrumentation as supplied by Infilco, as
15. Supply and install all electrical power and control wiring and conduit to the
equipment served plus interconnection between the Infilco equipment as
required, including wire, cable, junction boxes, fittings, conduit, cable trays,
safety disconnect switches, circuit breakers, etc.
16. Supply and install all insulation, supports, drains, gauges, hold down clamps,
condensate drain systems, flanges, flex pipe joints, expansion joints, boots,
gaskets, adhesives, fasteners, safety signs, and any specialty items such as
17. All labor, materials, supplies and utilities as required for start-up including
laboratory facilities and analytical work.
18. Provide all chemicals required for plant operation and all chemicals,
lubricants, glycol, oils or grease and other supplies thereafter.
Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 14 June 14, 2013
Proposal No. 50136944.02

19. Install all anchor bolts and mounting hardware supplied by Infilco; and supply
and install all anchor bolts and mounting hardware not specifically supplied by
20. Provide all nameplates, safety signs and labels.
21. Provide all additional support beams and/or slabs.
22. Provide and install all manual valves.
23. Provide and install all piping required to interconnect to the Infilco’s
24. The Contractor shall coordinate the installation and timing of interface points
such as piping and electrical with the Infilco Supplier.

All other necessary equipment and services not otherwise listed as

specifically supplied by Infilco.

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 15 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02

Our current budget estimate price for HYBACS™ System, as described in this
proposal is:

Description Price

HYBACS™ System As Advised By Rep


1. Our Price and Payment Terms are based on IDI's standard terms and
conditions, which can be provided upon request.
2. This price will be valid for thirty (30) days.
3. All prices are excluding New York state sales and use taxes and any federal
taxes which shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner. No additional
duties will have to be paid for the equipment supplied by IDI.
4. Pricing is subject to the following indices for the items in scope of supply
calculated from the original proposal date and is in accordance with the
Scope of Supply and terms of this proposal and any changes that may
require the price to be adjusted. Any other escalation indices can be
discussed further and mutually agreed upon.
a. For Plastic material including biofilm carriers, mixers, components of
aeration system: BLS PPI for Plastics Material & Resins Manufacturing
b. For screens, mixers and components of aeration system:
Stainless Steel Flat Rolled Coil

Shipping Terms
FOB Shipping Point, Full Freight Allowed

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 16 June 14, 2013

Proposal No. 50136944.02
Appendix E – Membrane Bioreactor Vendor

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2
Proposal for
Oak Orchard WWTP Retrofit
ZeeWeed® MBR Wastewater Treatment System
Submitted to:

1 Remington Park Drive
Cazenovia, NY 13035
Attention: Jason Greene, P.E.
Project Engineer

June 18, 2013

Proposal Number: 826660

ZENON Environmental Corporation

d/b/a GE Water & Process Technologies
3239 Dundas Street West, Oakville, ON L6M 4B2 Canada
Richard Pineo, Channel Sales Manager
(905) 465 3030 ext. 3269
[email protected]

Local Representation by:

Scott Lenhardt
Pro Aqua, Inc.
1 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 204, Toronto, ON
[email protected]
GE Water & Process Technologies
Confidential and Proprietary Information

GE submits the information contained in this document for evaluation by GHD only.
Customer agrees not to reveal its contents except to those necessary for evaluation. Copies
of this document may not be made without the prior written consent of GE Water & Process
Technologies Management. If the preceding is not acceptable to GHD, this document shall
be returned to GE.

1 GE ZeeWeed MBR Process Description................................................................................... 4

1.1 ZMOD - Low LifeCycle Cost MBR ........................................................................................................... 5
1.2 LEAPmbr Simple, Reliable, Efficient .................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Membrane life, cleanability & replacement ..................................................................................... 6
1.4 ZMOD - Simple MBR Operations ............................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Membrane Aeration System Design .................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Membrane Cleaning Systems................................................................................................................. 7
2 Basis of Design ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Influent Flow Rates ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Influent Quality and Pollutant Loads ................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Effluent Quality .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3 Process Design and System Configuration ......................................................................... 10
3.1 Preliminary Process Design ................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 System Configuration............................................................................................................................... 10
4 Scope of Supply ......................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Scope of Supply by GE ............................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Customer Scope of Supply..................................................................................................................... 12
5 Commercial Offer ..................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Pricing Table ................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Equipment Shipment and Delivery..................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Pricing Notes ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Appendix A Typical Equipment and Cutsheets

Appendix B Warranties
Appendix C Preliminary Layout

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 3
1 GE ZeeWeed MBR Process Description
GE ZeeWeed Membrane
The ZeeWeed membrane bioreactor (MBR) process is a GE technology that consists of a
suspended growth biological reactor integrated with an ultrafiltration membrane system,
using the ZeeWeed hollow fiber membrane. Essentially, the ultrafiltration system replaces the
solids separation function of secondary clarifiers and sand filters in a conventional activated
sludge system.

The ZeeWeed membrane has been designed for exceptional durability. This is achieved
through a patented reinforced fiber backing to which the membrane with special chemical
treatment is bonded. The reinforced fiber backing strengthens the membrane and protects it
from breaking, without reducing its flux capacity.

Constant flow/flux capacity is achieved by:

Patented special chemical treatment for
membrane surface
Outside-in flow design keeps solids on
the outside of the membrane
Automated backpulse keeps solids away
from the membrane pores
Automated air scouring sweeps solids
away from the membrane surface

ZeeWeed ultrafiltration membranes are immersed in an aeration tank, in direct contact with
mixed liquor. Through the use of a permeate pump, a small suction is applied to a header
connected to the membranes. The suction draws the treated water through the hollow fiber
ultrafiltration membranes. Permeate is then directed to disinfection or discharge facilities.
Intermittent airflow is introduced to the bottom of the membrane module, producing
turbulence that scours the external surface of the hollow fibers. This scouring action
transfers rejected solids away from the membrane surface.

ZeeWeed membrane bioreactor technology effectively overcomes the problems associated

with poor settling of sludge in conventional activated sludge processes. ZeeWeed MBR

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 4
technology permits bioreactor operation
with considerably higher mixed liquor solids
concentrations than conventional activated
sludge systems that are limited by sludge
settling. The ZeeWeed MBR process is
typically operated at a mixed liquor
suspended solids (MLSS) concentration in
the range of 8,000 to 10,000 mg/L. Elevated
biomass concentrations allow for highly
effective removal of both soluble and
particulate biodegradable material in the
waste stream. The ZeeWeed MBR process
combines the unit operations of aeration,
secondary clarification and filtration into a single process, producing a high quality effluent,
simplifying operation and greatly reducing space requirements.

1.1 ZMOD - Low LifeCycle Cost MBR

At the heart of ZMOD are the two most important parameters in a Low Lifecycle Cost MBR
which are efficiency in MBR design & operation and the best chance of long membrane life in

1.2 LEAPmbr Simple, Reliable, Efficient

ZMOD is designed to incorporate the latest innovations of LEAPmbr technology making
ZMOD the most energy efficient and productive MBR that GE Water is able to provide to
LEAPmbr s combined initiatives will directly impact your plant design by:
Improving your Productivity by 15%,
Decreasing your membrane system footprint by 20%,
Removing equipment needed to provide aeration to
your membranes by 50%,
Saving you over 30% in MBR power costs

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 5
Figure 1: Example LEAP System - (Z-MOD-L)

1.3 Membrane life, cleanability & replacement

ZMOD incorporates GE Water s ZW500 membrane technology with the following key benefits
to ensure an owner s peace of mind for the life of their MBR facility:
ZeeWeed MBR membrane with a proven membrane life and high resistance to upset
System designed with multiple cleaning options to ensure the highest chance of
achieving maximum membrane life
GE Water as a single point of responsibility provides an integrated supply chain
between the system & membrane warranty provider and the membrane
A straight forward membrane warranty with clear performance triggers

1.4 ZMOD - Simple MBR Operations

ZMOD is designed to ensure the MBR system is simple to operate without compromising any
operational robustness.
The operators have a range of flexible options to ensure the MBR system is able to meet
varying operating conditions should they arise.

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 6
1.5 Membrane Aeration System Design
Aeration is one of the most important operations for successful long term MBR operation and
is a significant proponent of operating cost.
ZMOD utilizes a very simple aeration strategy which minimizes the amount of
instrumentation and controls required to achieve a energy efficient method for membrane
No complex control loops or complicated airflow measurement devices are required for
LEAP MBR Aeration Technology to achieve energy efficiency.

1.6 Membrane Cleaning Systems

GE has developed MBR design principles based on best engineering practices that ensure the
permeability of the membrane is maintained over the life of the membranes.
A fully automated suite of membrane maintenance procedures will ensure long-term,
ation, including:
In situ chemical membrane cleaning performed directly in the membrane process
tanks so your operators don t waste time moving cassettes,
The ability to increase or decrease the frequency of maintenance cleans to fit the
operating conditions.
The ability to backpulse when needed to greatly improve your operator s ability to
recover from non-design conditions.
The above cleaning systems are automated resulting in operators having available a full
suite of comprehensive cleaning systems which are simple to use and initiate.

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 7
2 Basis of Design
2.1 Influent Flow Rates
After reviewing the plant information provided, GE understands that the following tank
volumes are available:

Total Available Usable

Tank Name Number of Tanks Reference
Tank Volume (Gallon)
- Will still be used in the
MBR system
Pure Oxygen Tank 2 1,050,000 - Oxygenation capacity
is 20,000 lb O2/day at
MLSS = 4.5 5 g/L
Secondary Will be retrofit to biological
4 180,000
Flocculation Tank tanks
One part of each final
settling tank will be retrofit
Final Settling Tank 6 1,250,000 to membrane tank and the
remainder will be changed
to biological tank

Based on the available tank volumes, the resultant influent design flow rates can be
increased as described in the table below:

Parameter Quantity Unit

Average Day Flow 14.0 mgd
Maximum Month Flow 16.8 mgd
Maximum Day Flow 21.0 mgd
Peak Hour Flow 28.0 mgd
Maximum Flow with one train offline for
18.2 mgd
maintenance or cleaning (less than 24 hrs)
Note: Any flow conditions that exceed the above-noted flow limits must be equalized prior to treatment in the
membrane bioreactor unit.
Average Day Flow (ADF) The average flow rate occurring over a 24-hour period based on annual flow rate

Maximum Month Flow (MMF) The average flow rate occurring over a 24-hour period during the 30-day
period with the highest flow based on annual flow rate data.
Maximum Day Flow (MDF) The maximum flow rate averaged over a 24-hour period occurring within annual
flow rate data.
Peak Hour Flow (PHF) The maximum flow rate sustained over a 1-hour period based on annual flow rate

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 8
2.2 Influent Quality and Pollutant Loads
The design solution proposed is based on the wastewater characteristics detailed below.

Current Maximum
Parameter Pollutant Loads Influent Loads Reference
(lb/day) after Retrofit
Temperature 10 18 oC - -
BOD 199 mg/L 14,500 27,900
BOD, after 30% removal in the
139 mg/L - -
Primary Clarifier primary clarifier
TSS 134 mg/L 9,840 18,787
TSS, after Primary 50% removal in the
67 mg/L - -
Clarifier primary clarifier
TKN 25.2 mg/L 1,840 3,533
TKN, after 5% removal in the
23.9 mg/L - -
Primary Clarifier primary clarifier
NH3-N 20.2 mg/L 1,480 2,832
TP 3.8 mg/L 275 533
Alkalinity n/a - -

2.3 Effluent Quality

The following performance parameters are expected upon equipment start-up based on the
data listed in Section 2.1 and 2.2 and the biological and membrane designs presented in
Section 3.

Effluent Permit at Expected Effluent

Parameter Unit
16.8 mgd (MMF) Quality
BOD 14.9 (2,085 lb/day) 5 mg/L
TSS 17.8 (2,500 lb/day) 5 mg/L
NH3-N 2.8 (400 lb/day) 1 (1) mg/L
TP 1 1 mg/L
Settleable Solids 0.3 Not Detectable mg/L
Turbidity n/a 1 NTU
pH 6-9 6-9 SU
1) Ammonia requirement is only for summer at a minimum temperature of 14°C.

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 9
3 Process Design and System Configuration
3.1 Preliminary Process Design
Parameter Quantity Unit Reference
The MLSS concentration in the existing
pure oxygen aeration system will be
Aerobic 1:
1,050,000 US gal increased to around 8,000 mg/L. Other
Pure oxygen tank volume
operating conditions will not change in the
new MBR system.
Aerobic 2: Flocculation tank
180,000 US gal To be converted to aerobic tanks
Aerobic 3:
766,700 US gal Retrofit of the existing final settling tanks.
Part of secondary clarifiers
Membrane Tank Volume 401,500 US gal Retrofit of the existing final settling tanks.
Total MBR Volume 2,398,200 US gal
Design HRT at MMF 3.43 Hour
Design SRT at MMF 13.1 Day
Design MLSS in aerobic tanks 8,000mg/L mg/L

3.2 System Configuration

The following membrane design will be able to treat the flows presented in Section 2.1.
Number of membrane trains in operation can be reduced as seasonal influent flow

Parameter Quantity/Description
Type of Membrane ZeeWeed® 500d
Membrane Trains 6
Total Membrane Cassettes Installed Per Train 12
Total Membrane Cassette Space Per Train 14
Membrane Modules Installed Per Train 576
Membrane Cassettes Installed in the Plant 72
Membrane Modules Installed in the Plant 3,456

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 10
4 Scope of Supply
4.1 Scope of Supply by GE
Quantity Description (1)
ZeeWeed® Membranes
72 ZeeWeed® 500d membrane cassettes
3,456 ZeeWeed® 500d membrane modules
180 Membrane cassette support beams
72 sets Pins, hangers, hanger braces, and brackets for membrane cassette installation
72 sets Couplings, fasteners and gaskets
6 Permeate collection headers (316L SS)
6 Air distribution headers (304L SS)
72 Membrane cassette permeate isolation valves
72 Membrane cassette air isolation valves
6 Membrane tank level transmitters with isolation valves
12 Membrane tank level switches
Permeate Pumping System
4 End-suction centrifugal pumps with associated isolation valves.
1 Temperature indicator
6 Pressure transmitters
6 Permeate magnetic flow meters
6 Air Extraction Systems
6 Permeate turbidity meters
Backpulse Pumping System
1+1 End-suction centrifugal pumps with associated isolation valves.
1 Permeate magnetic flow meter
1 Permeate water main pressure indicator
Membrane Air Scour System
Membrane air scour TURBO blowers, complete with required isolation valves, check
6 Automatic butterfly valves for membrane aeration isolation
Recirculation Pumps
6 Mixed Liquor Recirculation pumps with associated valves
Biological Process Equipment
2+1 Process air TURBO blowers, complete with required isolation valves and check valves
Lot Fine bubble diffusers
6 DO transmitter in the biological tanks
6 pH transmitter in the biological tanks
6 Level transmitter in the biological tanks
Sludge Wasting
1 Wasted sludge magnetic flow meter

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 11
Quantity Description (1)
1 Manual isolation valve
1 Automatic isolation valve
Membrane Cleaning Systems
1 Wall-mounted sodium hypochlorite feed system - includes two (2) dosing pumps,
and associated valves and piping
1 Wall-mounted citric acid feed system - includes two (2) dosing pumps, and
associated valves and piping
Process Chemical Dosing Systems
1 Wall-mounted sodium hydroxide feed system - includes two (2) dosing pumps, and
associated valves and piping
1 Wall-mounted ferric chloride feed system - includes two (2) dosing pumps, and
associated valves and piping
Electrical Control
1 Master control panel with Allen Bradley PLC and HMI
6 Membrane train control I/O panels
1 ZMOD-500D membrane cassette lifting module
1+1 Air compressors c/w associated refrigerated air driers, filter, pressure switch, and
Included Equipment general arrangement and layout drawings
Included Operating & maintenance manuals
Field service and start-up assistance (2) - 120 days support over 7 site visits from GE
Included Water field-service personnel for equipment installation, commissioning, plant start-
up and operator training
Included GE Insight Diagnostic and Monitor Service for the first year
Included 24/7 emergency phone support for the first year
Included Equipment mechanical warranty - 1 year or 18 months from shipment
Included Membrane warranty 2 years membrane full replacement warranty
1) All GE supplied equipment is designed for installation in an unclassified area.
2) Additional field service hours will be billed separately from the proposed system capital cost at a rate plus
living and traveling expenses. Detailed GE Water service rates are available upon request.

4.2 Customer Scope of Supply

All delivery or services not specified in the GE Scope of Supply are included in the Customer
Scope of Supply. Supply by Installation Contractor or OTHERS includes but is not limited to:

Overall plant design

Review of Equipment Drawings and Specifications
Civil works, buildings, equipment foundation pads, etc. including but not limited to:

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 12
Building for housing GE supplied equipment including permeate pumps,
blowers, etc. Note: electrical equipment including the PLC may require air-
conditioned rooms to prevent overheating of sensitive electronic equipment
depending on local climatic conditions
Equipment access platforms, walkways, stairs, etc.
Pre-treatment 2 mm fine screens
Process and membrane tanks - retrofit of the existing secondary flocculation and
final clarifier tanks
Chemical Storage day/bulk tanks
Lifting equipment for membrane cassettes service
Raw Sewage Influent facilities for collection and disposal of fine screenings
Raw materials and utilities during equipment start-up and operation
Laboratory Services after Performance Test
Operating and Maintenance Personnel during equipment Checkout, Start-Up and
Receiving, unloading and safe storage of equipment at site until ready for installation
Storage of membrane cassettes on site if required and must meet GE s requirements.
Equipment installation including but not limited to:
Installation of any other loose-shipped GE supplied equipment not listed
specifically in the proposal
SCADA if required, and Integration of plant SCADA system, equipment and
MCCs, electrical switchgear, VFDs, panel boards, transformers and any other
equipment necessary to provide power distribution and control for equipment
included in the Membrane System Scope of Supply
Any disposal requirement for Glycerin purged from the membranes
Any disposal requirements for chemical cleaning waste
Process and utilities piping, pipe supports, hangers, valves etc. including but not
limited to:
All interconnecting piping including pump and blower piping manifolds
Finished water storage, and pumping equipment
Installation materials for instrumentation and automatic pneumatic valves including
but not limited to air/sample line tubing, fittings, isolating valves & mountings
Equipment anchor bolts, brackets, and fasteners for GE supplied equipment
Design for Seismic Zone and Wind load.

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 13
Any on-site painting or touch-up painting of equipment supplied
Touch up primer and finish paint surfaces on equipment as required at the
completion of the project
Installation materials for instrumentation and pneumatic automatic valves including
but not limited to air, sample line tubing, fittings, isolating valves and mountings
Provision of temporary pre-commissioning screens prior to membrane tank, if
Provision of any temporary piping, fittings and valving necessary for plant startup, as

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 14
5 Commercial Offer
5.1 Pricing Table
Pricing for the proposed equipment and services is summarized in the table below. All pricing
is based on the operating conditions and influent analysis that are detailed in the Basis of
Design in Section 2 of the proposal.

Item Price Unit

Budgetary MBR System Price per Scope of Supply of Section 4.1 $9,410,000 USD

The pricing herein is for budgetary purposes only and does not constitute an offer of sale. All
orders are subject to review and acceptance by GE Water & Process Technologies.

5.2 Equipment Shipment and Delivery

Equipment Shipment estimated at 32 to 41 weeks after order acceptance. The Buyer and
Seller will arrange a kick off meeting after contract acceptance to develop firm shipment

Typical Drawing Submission and Equipment Shipment Schedule

10-14 2-3 20-24 2

weeks weeks weeks weeks
Acceptance of PO
Submission of
Plant Operations

The delivery schedule is presented based on current workload backlogs and production
capacity. If a formal purchase order is not approved within the period of validity of this
proposal, the delivery schedule is subject to review and adjustment.

The time indicated for approval submittals can be staged in order to provide design
details in 3-4 weeks (P&IDs, Manufacturer s cut sheet, Bill of Materials, etc.) with detailed
fabrication drawings and electrical drawings being submitted at the end of the
submission period.

5.3 Pricing Notes

All prices quoted are in US dollars
All pricing is FCA Oakville, Canada.

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 15
No taxes or duties are included in the above-noted pricing. All taxes and duties are
for the account of the purchaser.
The equipment delivery date, start date, and date of commencement of operations
are to be negotiated
Commercial Terms and Conditions shall be in accordance with GE s Standard Terms
and Conditions of Sale.
This proposal and the rates provided herein are subject to final site, environmental,
and financial due diligence by GE Water & Process Technologies.

Seller s price and delivery schedule are based on the assumption that Buyer will take delivery
as and when foreseen by the schedule. Where this is not the case, the Parties must agree in
advance an alternative place of delivery, failing which the Seller will be entitled to ship the
equipment to storage.

Appendix A Typical Equipment and Cutsheets

Appendix B Warranties
Appendix C Preliminary Layout

GE Confidential and Proprietary Information

Proposal #: 826660 Page 16
Appendix F – Full IFAS Conversion Vendor Information

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2

METEOR IFAS/MBBR technology is based on
» The METEOR® process can be used
proprietary polyethylene biofilm carriers, which, for a wide range of biological treatment
when added to a treatment basin, provide a large applications:
internal surface area for the growth of micro- • Increased Flow Capacity
organisms. • BOD Removal Enhancement
• Nitrification for Ammonia Removal
• Total Nitrogen Removal
• Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus


» IFAS/MBBR systems were designed to » A 22mm diameter carrier offers the ability
optimize mass transfer, biomass density to utilize a larger screen mesh size,
and contaminant removal rates through thereby minimizing headloss across the
intensive research. screen and the tendency to foul.
» The combination of large aperture area, » Highly resilient process for flow and
high specific biomass and UV resistance contaminant loading variations.
makes Meteor® well suited for IFAS/MBBR


The Meteor® IFAS/MBBR technology offers flexible solutions to a The upgrade to IFAS or MBBR often consists of simply adding
multitude of biological process upgrade applications such as nitrogen carriers and screens to existing basins and can therefore be
removal, treatment capacity increase and wastewater reuse. completed in a cost-effective and timely manner without major
civil engineering requirements and no requirement for additional
Carrier size, geometry and specific internal surface area are critical land. PLC based control system optimize IFAS/MBBR process
features. Our unique carriers have been designed with optimal performance by minimizing energy and chemical costs.
performance in mind.

IFAS, the integrated fixed film activated sludge (Meteor®) Conventional activated sludge bioreactors are generally
process incorporates the positive traits of two fundamental retrofitted with the addition of IFAS carrier retaining screens
biological treatment processes, namely fixed-film technology and modifications to the aeration grid to accommodate the
and suspended growth technology (conventional activated addition of IFAS biofilm carriers. The media facilitates the
sludge), together into one hybrid system. growth of attached biomass and due to its size, is fluidized
throughout the bioreactor.
By combining high biomass quantities typical of IFAS fixed-
film technologies with fluidization typical of a conventional In MBBR systems all the biomass is supported on the biofilm
activated sludge (CAS), the Meteor® technology achieves carrier with no recycled activated sludge.
high removal rates in a small volume.

METEOR® : An easy-to-implement and cost effective way to upgrade WWTPs



This attached growth significantly increases the microbial

population within the tank, thereby increasing the SRT of the PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS
system without increasing the suspended growth population.

Such conditions are conducive to the proliferation of nitrifying » Easy installation

autotrophic bacteria and can be designed to ensure that a » Nitrification and denitrification in cold water
sufficient population exists to maintain nitrification through conditions
cold water conditions when process kinetics slow down. The
biofilm carriers can also be added to anoxic tanks to improve » Minimal plant downtime for process implemen-
denitrification, if necessary. tation
» Non-invasive basin retrofit
These characteristics make Meteor® technology an attractive
option for upgrading existing BOD removal facilities for nitrogen » Adaptable to many basin geometries, process
removal in response to new regulatory requirements without designs and configurations
costly physical expansion. Since addition of biofilm carriers » Quick system start-up
reduces/eliminates dependence on the suspended growth
phase, this technology is also advantageous after secondary » Requires no additional land
treatment where virtually no mixed liquor suspended solids » Operating procedures are unchanged
(MLSS) are available.






Multiple basin configurations are possible depending on TECHNICAL FEATURES
existing installations and effluent objectives (i.e. roughing
reactor before CAS for enhanced BOD removal, separate
stage nitrification and/or denitrification following CAS, MLE » Increased capacity of activated sludge basins
process or 4-stage process for total nitrogen removal, or a by 100% to 200% with an in-basin retrofit
5-stage process for TN and TP removal). » Upgrade of existing BOD removal facilities to
• Unique biofilm carriers were developed specifically for full nitrification and total nitrogen removal in
IFAS®/MBBR operation with high MLSS values – other media response to new regulatory requirements:
were designed for operation with no return sludge. The - Ammonia removal to < 1 mg/L NH3-N
geometry of the carrier prevents overgrowth and provides - Nitrate removal to < 1 mg/L NO3-N
excellent mass transfer. - Total Nitrogen removal to < 3 mg/L TN
• The biofilm carriers have larger apertures (internal openings) » Suspended solids with better settling
to prevent and resist clogging tendencies. The large characteristics than that from conventional
apertures are designed to allow high mass transfer rates to
activated sludge
promote active treatment productivity.
» Reduced suspended growth MLSS after a
• The biofilm carriers are significantly larger than other free-
floating media types. The larger media size allows installation retrofit, resulting in reduced solids loading
of screens that have much larger openings. This mitigates on the clarifiers
the impact of overall plant headloss that can be a problem » Increase in oxygen transfer efficiency due to
for processes employing smaller media. the presence of the media
• Surface area - 450 m2/m3
• Surface area - 515 m2/m3

• The biofilm carriers are made from high quality High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE), and unlike other media, are formulated
with UV inhibitors for a long service life (twenty years or
more) even in open basins exposed to constant sunlight.
• Meteor® process is compatible with both coarse and fine bubble
aeration. Some competing media are not compatible with fine
bubble due to reduced scour of small apertures in the media.


Infilco Degremont offers an array of water, wastewater and variety of product disciplines in our BIOLOGICAL department,
industrial treatment solutions for any size client. Headworks, our engineers carefully evaluate each application to provide
clarification, filtration, biological and disinfection systems the most cost-effective and efficient treatment solution.
are several of the product disciplines in our portfolio. With a

If interested in this product, check out some of the

complementary products:
• Biofor® • ABW®
• Ferazur /Mangazur
® ®
• Cannon Mixer®
• 2PAD
• Climber Screen® • Thermylis
• Helico® • DensaDeg®
• Vortex • AquaDAF®

Infilco Degremont offers pilot systems and services for this
and many other of our product offerings. Pilot studies are a
practical means of optimizing physical-chemical and biological
process designs and offer the client several benefits, such as:

• Proof of system reliability

• Optimal design conditions for the full-scale system
• Free raw water lab analysis
• Regulatory approval

If interested in a pilot study for this system, please contact us

for a proposal and more information.

Infilco Degremont sells parts and components for most Infilco Degremont offers cost-effective rebuilds and upgrades
INFILCO brand equipment as well as parts for demineralizers, for INFILCO provided systems, no matter what year they were
thickeners, nozzles, pressure filters, and valves. We offer built. If you are interested in an economical alternative to
reliable spare parts at competitive prices. We maintain records installing a whole new system, contact us for a proposal.
of previous installations to quickly identify your requirements.
Many items are shipped directly from stock for quick delivery.



8007 Discovery Drive 1375, route Transcanadienne,
Richmond, VA 23229-8605, USA Bureau 400
Tel: +1 804 756 7600 Dorval (Qc) H9P 2W8, Canada
Fax: +1 804 756 7643 Tel: +1 514 683 1200
info-infi[email protected] Fax: +1 514 683 1203
[email protected]

Copyright © 2010 Infilco Degremont Inc., Degremont Technologies - BOS03202EN-V3-08/2010 - Subject to change without prior notice, contact Degremont Technologies for more information.
Design Proposal

Project: Oak Orchard WWTP, NY

Engineer: GHD
Proposal No. 50136944.01
Date: June 10, 2013
P.O. BOX 71390, RICHMOND, VA 23255-1390 USA
TEL 804 756-7600 | FAX 804 756-7643

June 10, 2013

Jason Greene

Re: Oak Orchard WWTP, NY

Inquiry No. 50136944.01

Dear Mr. Greene:

With regard to your recent request for a proposal for the Oak Orchard WWTP, NY,
Infilco Degremont, Inc. (IDI) is pleased to submit a preliminary proposal for a
METEOR® system for your review.

The process has been designed for treating the primary effluent with a design flow of
10 MGD (assumed peak flow 20 MGD) by implementing a METEOR® system in the
BOD Removal/Nitrification IFAS configuration by utilizing the entire volume of the two
(2) existing HPOAS tanks to bring effluent BOD to < 25 mg/l year round and seasonally
(summer) Ammonia-N to < 4.8 mg/l. The maximum system capacity was also modeled
and it was seen that a design flow of up to 12.5 MGD can be treated to the above
limits. The system is currently limited hydraulically, as in the absence of HRT
constraints and with the addition of more media, an even higher flow could be
potentially treated. If the secondary flocculation tank volume can also be included with
the HPOAS volume then the combined tankage modified with an IFAS can treat flows
up to 14.75 MGD to the effluent limits mentioned above. It may be noted that in case of
the HPOAS IFAS retrofit, the existing HPOAS pure oxygen generation aeration system
would be replaced by a standard fine diffused air aeration system (latter included as
part of scope of supply for IFAS system).

We have endeavored to provide complete information in this proposal. However, if you

have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Randy,
our regional sales representative, or me directly.


Mudit Gangal
Senior Application Engineer - Biological Systems Group


P.O. BOX 71390, RICHMOND, VA 23255-1390 USA
TEL 804 756-7600 | FAX 804 756-7643

Regional Business Manager Sales Representative

Mervyn Bowen Randy Ott
Degremont Technologies - Infilco GP Jager & Associates, Inc.
P. O. Box 71390 7505 Moccasin Path
Richmond, VA 23255-1390 Liverpool, NY 13090

Tel: 804/756-7786 Tel: 315/652-5627

Fax: 804/756-7643 Fax: 315/944-3199
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]




1. APPLICATION .................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Project Background .......................................................................................... 4

1.2 Process Design Basis ........................................................................................ 4

2. TREATMENT APPROACH ................................................................................... 5

2.1 METEOR® DESIGN ............................................................................................. 6

2.2 Design Analysis ................................................................................................. 7

2.3 Aeration System ................................................................................................ 8

2.4 NutriCell™ 450 Biofilm Carriers ....................................................................... 8

2.5 Carrier Retaining Screens ................................................................................. 9

3. SCOPE ............................................................................................................... 10

3.1 Scope of Supply................................................................................................ 10

4. BUDGET PRICE ................................................................................................. 14




1.1 Project Background

The Oak Orchard WWTP, NY is looking at upgrading its facilities to increase
treatment capacity and meet strict effluent limits. An Integrated Fixed Film Activated
Sludge (IFAS) process is attractive to the client as it allows removal of pollutants in a
compact footprint without the need to build additional tanks. The system has been
designed for a flow of 10 MGD. The objective of the proposed design is to treat the
primary effluent flows with design conditions listed in Table 1 and achieve year
round effluent BOD < 25 mg/ and seasonal (summer) effluent Ammonia-N less than
4.8 mg/l.

1.2 Process Design Basis

The METEOR® system design and performance is based on the design information
provided by GHD. Table 1 summarizes the flows and water quality parameters used
for the proposed design.

Table 1. Design Parameters for Oak Orchard WWTP, NY

Treatment Parameter Influent Treated Effluent
Design Flow, MGD 10

Peak Flow, MGD 20 (assumed)

Design Temperature, oC 141

MLSS, mg/l 4,500

BOD5, mg/l 149 < 25

TSS, mg/l 72

TKN, mg/l 24.71

NH3-N, mg/l 19.75 < 4.82

For seasonal Nitrification which is the governing design condition. For BOD
Removal a design temperature of 10 °C has been used
From June 16 to October 31

Note: The IFAS system is not designed for Phosphorus Removal and any reduction
in the same is incidental

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 4

Proposal No. 50136944.01


The biological process proposed is the METEOR® system, which is an Integrated

Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) biofilm carrier process. The concept consists of
addition of NUTRICELL™450 biofilm carriers, carrier retaining screens and aeration
system to the METEOR® system basin. This process employs proprietary mobile
biomass carriers (NUTRICELL™450) to support a very high concentration of
attached biomass. The neutrally buoyant HDPE NUTRICELL™450 biofilm carriers
within each bioreactor tank provide a stable base for the growth of a diverse
community of micro-organisms.
The attached growth biofilm carriers have a very high surface-to-volume ratio,
allowing for a high concentration of biological growth to thrive within the internally
protected areas. The detached biomass from the attached growth biofilm carriers will
remain suspended within the Fluidized Fixed Film reactor, and is continuously
removed from the process by the existing flow stream, resulting in an operator free
biological system.

METEOR® Process Advantages:

 Increased Nitrification - via biofilm retention in basin. Nitrifiers on the biofilm

carriers have extended retention time and proliferate resulting in consistently
low effluent Ammonia-N

 Improved Process Stability - during peak flow conditions resulting from

retention of biomass in treatment basin

 NUTRICELL™450 - biofilm carriers were specifically designed for hybrid

applications allowing large screen openings and biofilm carrier apertures.
Local production in the US minimizes shipping, duties and installation time.

 Field Proven at Full Scale - Has recently been selected for similar plants
such as Moorhead, MN, the Region of Peel (Canada), City of Raisio
(Finland), Groton, CT, Falling Creek, VA and Proctor’s Creek, VA, East
Providence WWTP, RI and has been evaluated using full-scale testing at the
Waterdown WWTP.

 Upgrade Within Existing Basin - Enables the upgrade of conventional

activated sludge plants without additional real estate.
Conventional activated sludge processes may experience inconsistent Nitrification at
low Solids Retention Times (SRT) due to fluctuations in flow and operation. The
biomass retention offered by biofilm carriers maintains a stable population of
heterotrophic bacteria, despite flow variation that would otherwise cause washout.
The fixed film nature of NUTRICELL™450 prevents washout, and provides a larger
biomass population, resulting in a consistent effluent at lower suspended solids

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 5

Proposal No. 50136944.01

Biomass retention on the carriers enables a much lower solids load to pass through
the downstream units, for the biofilm is retained in the aeration basin. The biofilm
thickness and mass is self-regulating, responding to both high and low mass


The system for the Oak Orchard WWTP, NY has been designed using proprietary
models to perform process selection and to determine the optimal biofilm carrier fill
fractions and other operating parameters. An extensive analysis of design
alternatives revealed that a BOD Removal/Nitrification METEOR® (IFAS Biofilm
Carrier process) would be suitable for the application as it is capable of achieving
the desired effluent BOD/Ammonia-N values.

The processes proposed comprise the following stages of treatment:

1. Preliminary treatment will consist of influent screening (6 – 9 mm) and primary


2. The METEOR® process will be implemented in the two existing HPOAS tanks
by the addition of biofilm carriers and installation of screens and an aeration
system. System setup is based on the increased ability of the modified
system to bring about BOD and Ammonia-N reduction due to the addition of
biofilm carriers. This process is ideal for achieving low effluent BOD and
Ammonia-N levels.

3. NUTRICELL™450 biofilm carriers will be added to the tanks, resulting in

increased biomass concentrations due to the active biomass growth on the
biofilm carriers. The attached biomass on the biofilm carriers will enhance the
BOD removal/Nitrification function without increasing basin MLSS, thereby
optimizing the use of the secondary clarifiers. Air will be supplied to the
aeration tank by means of existing blowers and if necessary, by new blowers.

4. Our proposal includes the cost of providing a complete new fine bubble
diffused aeration system.

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 6

Proposal No. 50136944.01

Figure 1. Process Schematic of the METEOR® process

2.2 Design Analysis

A summary of the METEOR® IFAS design is provided in Table 2.

The design has the following main features:
• Sixty one percent (61%) fill fraction of biofilm carriers is recommended in the
IFAS tanks for a design flow of 12.5 MGD (max capacity). A lower fill fraction
would be needed to treat the current design flow of 10 MGD.

Table 2. Design Summary for Oak Orchard WWTP Project

Parameter Design 1
Flow MGD 12.5
NH3-N mg/l < 4.81
BOD mg/l < 25
Aerobic Zone (R2) Volume gal 1,046,920
Biofilm carrier fill in R2 % 61
Biofilm carrier Type NUTRICELL™450
2 3
Biofilm carrier Surface Area m /m 450
Biofilm carrier Volume m 2,417
Carrier Retaining Screens # 10
Process Air Flow Required scfm 13,525

Seasonal (Summer) limit

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 7

Proposal No. 50136944.01

2.3 Aeration System

Air requirement is based on the estimated amount of oxygen required and the
amount of air needed to thoroughly mix the bioreactor. The total air requirement for
the proposed designs is indicated in Table 2. Note that this air requirement is based
on a fine bubble air diffusion system at 18 oC.
The aeration system will consist of 304L stainless and PVC vertical dropleg including
elbow and vertical flange for connection to the air main at the top of the tank and
bottom connection to the air manifold. Piping upstream of flanged elbow will be
provided by others. The dropleg will be connected to Schedule 40 PVC manifold
which will have further connections to each air distributor header. The manifold pipes
will be provided with stainless steel supports and hold down strap, cradle and
adjusting and locking mechanism. The PVC distribution headers will consist of
factory installed diffuser holders, positive locking fixed anti-rotational joint
connections, support stands with hold down clamp, locating plate and anchor bolts.
The aeration system for each grid will be complete with a purge system with eductor
piping and isolation valve.
The fine bubble aeration system is provided due to its primary advantage of higher
oxygen transfer efficiency and consequent lower air requirements and energy costs
as compared to coarse air bubble aeration system.

2.4 NutriCell™ 450 Biofilm Carriers

The fluidized fixed film reactor utilizes NUTRICELLTM450 biofilm carriers.

NUTRICELLTM450 has the following advantages for this application:

 Automatically Responds to Load Fluctuations - As the contaminant load

increases, the microbial population in the biofilm increases, enabling additional
treatment capacity. Likewise, during low loading conditions, the population self
adjusts and decreases through aggressive sloughing action.
 Resilient to Toxic Shocking – in a toxic situation, the outer layer of dead
bacteria is removed by normal detachment mechanisms present in the bioreactor
while the inner layer provides a seed for microbial growth and enables the
system to continue treatment of the contaminant load

 High Surface Area Fixed Film Biomedia - Suspended carrier elements

designed for high rate fixed-film biological digestion within a small footprint.
 Biomass Retention – Nitrifiers are protected from washout by retention in the
basin on the biomass carrier. Recovery period following suspended biomass
washout is significantly reduced due to the retention of fixed film biomass in the
system and constant re-seeding of the basin with nitrifiers.

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 8

Proposal No. 50136944.01

Figure 1. NUTRICELLTM450 Biomass carrier with biofilm growth, as an example

2.5 Carrier Retaining Screens

The biofilm carriers retaining screens are horizontal in orientation (Figure 2) that can
be flange or slide-in mounted. The screens are manufactured from 304L stainless
steel wedge wire. Each screen has abundant open area, with slot widths of 3/8” (10
mm) to provide excellent flow capacity. The biomass carriers constantly scour the
screen surface and keep it free from debris. The large size of biomass carriers
enables large screen openings, resulting in significantly reduced headloss across
the screens, and less of a tendency to foul. The headloss through the screens is
expected to be less than 0.5 inch. The total number of screens is based on
hydraulically handling the assumed peak flow of 20 MGD plus RAS flow of 6.25
MGD (Total = 26.25 MGD). Each screen is designed for a flow of 40 gpm/ft2.
Therefore, each 36-inch diameter and 60-inch long cylindrical screen is designed for
a flow 1,885 gpm.

Figure 2. Typical cylindrical flange mounted screen (assembly)

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 9

Proposal No. 50136944.01


3.1 Scope of Supply

The following table outlines Degremont’s METEOR® system scope of supply.

Item Qty. Description

2,419 m3
1 NUTRICELL™450 Biofilm carriers delivered in super sacks

304 L SS Biofilm Carriers Retaining Screens; 36” dia x 60”

long Horizontal Cylindrical Screen Assemblies including
2 10 • Mounting hardware
2 • Overflow Screens
4 • Drain screens

Fine Bubble aeration system with diffusers, basin piping for

3 1 c/w drop legs, flanged diffuser pipes, mounting brackets and
connection fasteners. Capacity: 13,525 SCFM
4 2 Sets of O&M Manuals
5 2 Sets of Detailed Shop Drawings
Service Days, to inspect equipment installation, test all
6 20 supplied components, assist in start-up and train plant

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 10

Proposal No. 50136944.01

3.2 Items by Others

The following items are specifically not by Infilco Degremont. They may or may not be

• Air Main Piping and all accessories
including valves, bolts gaskets and • Non-potable water supply
connectors for attaching to drop pipes
• Chemical Feed Systems for alkalinity • Overflow structures including baffles and
correction, methanol and defoamer weir plates
• Chemicals for operation: Including • Online instrumentation such as pH, DO,
methanol, alkaline solution, defoamer Temperature, etc.
• Cleanouts • Power

• Concrete • Process air blowers

• Control Panel • Recirculation Piping and Supports

• Drains • Sludge handling and disposal

• Engines/Generators • Support Platforms

• Foam control • Transformers

• Hoses /Bibs • Variable Frequency Drives

• Laboratory • Ventilation

• Ladders • Walkways/Roofing/Stairs/Gratings/Handrails

• Lighting • Wireways/Wiring

• Liquid sampling and analytical work • Yard Hydrants

• Motor Control Center (MCC) • Yard Piping

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 11

Proposal No. 50136944.01

3.3 Additional Items by Installing Contractor

1. Obtain necessary construction permits and licenses, construction drawings

(including interconnecting piping drawings) field office space, telephone
service, and temporary electrical service.
2. All site preparation, grading, locating foundation placement, excavation for
foundation, underground piping, conduits and drains.
3. Demolition and/or removal of any existing structures, equipment or facilities
required for construction and installation of the METEOR® system.
4. Installation of all foundation - supply and installation of all embedded or
underground piping, conduits and drains.
5. All backfill, compaction, finish grading, earthwork and final paving.
6. Receiving (preparation of receiving reports), unloading, storage, maintenance
preservation and protection of all equipment and materials supplied by Infilco.
7. Installation of all equipment and materials supplied by Infilco.
8. Supply, fabrication, installation, cleaning, pickling and/or passivation of all
interconnecting steel piping components.
9. Provide and install all embedded pipe sections and valves for tank drains and
reactor inlets and elbows.
10. All cutting, welding, fitting and finishing for all field fabricated piping.
11. Supply and installation of all flange gaskets and bolts for all piping
12. Supply and installation of all pipe supports and wall penetrations.
13. Install and provide all motor control centers, motor starters, panels, field
wiring, wireways, supports and transformers.
14. Install all control panels and instrumentation as supplied by Infilco, as
15. Supply and install all electrical power and control wiring and conduit to the
equipment served plus interconnection between the Infilco equipment as
required, including wire, cable, junction boxes, fittings, conduit, cable trays,
safety disconnect switches, circuit breakers, etc.
16. Supply and install all insulation, supports, drains, gauges, hold down clamps,
condensate drain systems, flanges, flex pipe joints, expansion joints, boots,
gaskets, adhesives, fasteners, safety signs, and any specialty items such as
17. All labor, materials, supplies and utilities as required for start-up including
laboratory facilities and analytical work.
18. Provide all chemicals required for plant operation and all chemicals,
lubricants, glycol, oils or grease and other supplies thereafter.

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 12

Proposal No. 50136944.01

19. Install all anchor bolts and mounting hardware supplied by Infilco; and supply
and install all anchor bolts and mounting hardware not specifically supplied by
20. Provide all nameplates, safety signs and labels.
21. Provide all additional support beams and/or slabs.
22. Provide and install all manual valves.
23. Provide and install all piping required to interconnect to the Infilco’s
24. The Contractor shall coordinate the installation and timing of interface points
such as piping and electrical with the Infilco Supplier.

All other necessary equipment and services not otherwise listed as

specifically supplied by Infilco.

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 13

Proposal No. 50136944.01


Our current budget estimate price for METEOR® System, as described in this
proposal is:

Description Price

METEOR® System as described in Sections

As Advised by Rep
1, 2 and 3


1. Our Price and Payment Terms are based on IDI's standard terms and
conditions, which can be provided upon request.
2. This price will be valid for thirty (30) days.
3. All prices are excluding New York state sales and use taxes and any
federal taxes which shall be the sole responsibility of the Client. No additional
duties will have to be paid for the equipment supplied by IDI.
4. Pricing is subject to the following indices for the items in scope of supply
calculated from the original proposal date and is in accordance with the Scope of
Supply and terms of this proposal and any changes that may require the price to
be adjusted. Any other escalation indices can be discussed further and mutually
agreed upon.
a. For Plastic materials: BLS PPI for Plastics Material & Resins
b. For steel components: Stainless Steel Flat Rolled Coil

Shipping Terms
FOB Shipping Point, Full Freight Allowed

Oak Orchard WWTP, NY 14

Proposal No. 50136944.01
Appendix G – Webitat Media in Effluent Lagoons
Vendor Information

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2
June 18, 2013

To: Jason Greene, Project Engineer

GHD, Inc.
1 Remington Park Drive
Cazenovia NY 13035

Sub: Oak Orchard NY WWTP: ENTEX WebitatTM for Lagoons

Dear Jason,

Thank you for the opportunity to present a conceptual design for the Oak Orchard WWTP. We
understand the near-term objective includes increasing the existing treatment capacity without
constructing new tankage. Based on the information provided, ENTEX proposes incorporating a
Webitat fixed-film process into the existing lagoon system. The proposed Webitat system will
allow the lagoon process to treat an additional 209 ppd of NH3 (equivalent 1 MGD at 25 ppm
influent NH3).

The Webitat process will create a series of self-sustained, high rate biological reactors.
Additionally, the Webitat system is capable of providing several key process benefits:

1. Increased stabilized biomass and process stability

2. Aeration cycling for energy optimization and denitrification
3. No baffles, covers or earthwork required for Webitat IO&M
4. Minimized solids inventory management compared to other processes

ENTEX’s scope of supply includes a total of Thirty (30) Webitat modules. Each Webitat unit will
be equipped with an integral aeration grid for scour and oxygen transfer. A blower will be
dedicated to the Webitat processes. Aeration valving and an ENTEX Control system will be
included to automate Webitat sequences. ENTEX’s budgetary quotation for this scope of supply
is $1,820,550.00. Should you have any questions regarding the information found in this
proposal, do not hesitate to contact ENTEX.


Jason Bowman
Regional Manager

400 Silver Cedar Court, Suite 200, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

919.933.2770 phone 919.287.2258 fax
Basis of Design

ENTEX’s design assessment has been based on the conditions shown below. It is assumed that
sufficient screening is in place to minimize debris, inerts and solids (screening by others). The
Webitat Lagoon process has been modeled in the absence of a Return Activated Sludge to
minimize solids inventory management. The Webitat system has been conservatively modeled
by assuming prior treatment processes have no impact on ammonia. Therefore, all nitrification
is assumed to occur in the Webitat lagoon processes. Should, for example, the assumption be
modified to treat 50% of the ammonia, the number of Webitat units required will decrease

Parameter Influent
Flow, mgd 1.0
BOD, mg/L 240
TSS, mg/L 160
Ammonia, mg/L 25
pH 7-8
Temp, °C 7 (min)
Alkalinity, mg/l CaCO3 200

Design Concept

ENTEX’s Webitat system is engineered to actively manage the attached biomass environment
to optimize kinetic rates. These high rate reactors enhance mixing and substrate transfer, while
adding aeration and fixed biomass to an otherwise limited treatment environment.

ENTEX has determined that a total of Thirty (30) Webitat modules will be required to provide
surface area for added nitrification capacity. A total of ~220,000 square feet of BioWeb media
will be used. The Webitat modules should be divided equally among the lagoons. ENTEX
recommends continuous operation of the Webitat aeration to create a series of complete
mixed reactors. This will minimize bypass and further increase substrate contact time.

Note: Depending upon the plants seasonal treatment objectives and energy considerations,
each Webitat system has the ability to run in either full aerobic mode or alternating aerobic-
anoxic mode. In this manner, Webitat can enhance denitrification to recover alkalinity and
oxygen, as well as decrease operational costs by minimizing blower draw. ENTEX recommends
establishing nitrification prior to cycling Webitat units.

ENTEX Technologies Inc. Page 2


ENTEX’s Webitat process utilizes a high rate air scour through an enclosed fixed-film module to
create a large air lift pump mechanism. This arrangement ensures a high shear of the attached
growth biomass and further increases kinetic performance by continually circulating substrate.
In this manner, the substrate-biological contact time is increased. Additionally, the shearing
action helps to seed the rest of the lagoon.

The Webitat modules arrive completely assembled. Each module weighs ~2,000 lbs and can be
lowered into the lagoon with a crane. The only connections necessary are to connect a 3-inch
airline to the top of each Webitat module to main process aeration header located on the
lagoon bank. Each module will have a dedicated 3-inch drop pipe with a male NPT connection
(bolts, hose, fittings, and or additional piping outside of the Webitat modules are not included
within this proposal). Each Webitat module will operate at a minimum 30-35 scfm and will have
a dedicated motor actuated 3-inch valve for flow adjustment/isolation. Each valve will be
located along the lagoon bank for easy access. A dedicated Webitat blower will provide
aeration to the Webitat units. A dedicated Webitat PLC will be incorporated to automate
Webitat process and provide operational flexibility. The existing surface aerators will remain

Figure #1. Webitat modules with integral aeration.

ENTEX Technologies Inc. Page 3

Scope of supply

Each ENTEX project is custom engineered. Drawings are not available at this time. Drawings will
follow 4-6 weeks after acceptable order.

A total of Thirty (30) Webitat modules, providing ~220,000

square feet of BioWeb fixed media. Complete with SS frame,
BioWeb Modules
lifting lugs and baseplates. Frame dimensions 10-ft x 7.5-ft x
11-ft H.
BioWeb Module Integral
PVC coarse bubble aeration grid.
Webitat Process Valving A total of Thirty (30) 3-inch actuated valves, Hayward or equal.
One (1) blower, dedicated to Webitat processes, ~ 1,500 scfm
peak operation for high rate scour. Standby not included.
Blower VFD Included. Size tbd upon final process conditions.
Blower Ancillary
Not included
Blower Enclosure Not included
PLC, OIT and One (1) PLC to monitor and control valve position and blower
Instrumentation speed.
Analog/Digital I/O Not included
Spare I/O Not included

Additional items included:

• Process Engineering for all equipment, equipment sizing and selection
• Review and approval of P&I Diagram for the ENTEX scope of supply
• Preliminary General Arrangement Drawings, review and approval of final General
Arrangement Drawings for the ENTEX supplied equipment
• Review of biological process reactor drawings, excluding structural design
• Manufacturers’ service for installation inspection
• Startup supervision and training
• Freight

Items not included (including but not limited to):

• Unloading and storage of materials on-site, Installation and labor
• Start-up and operation are not included
• Interconnecting piping and valves, installation and interconnections
• Electrical, including motor controllers
• Chemical addition and or Chemical analysis
• Baffles and Support structures

ENTEX Technologies Inc. Page 4

Contact Information

Should you have any questions regarding the material found in this proposal, please do not
hesitate to contact Jason Bowman of ENTEX Technologies Inc, or Rob Adams of KET.

ENTEX Technologies Inc.

Jason Bowman, Regional Manager
400 Silver Cedar Court, Suite 200
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Email: [email protected]
T: 919.619.9843

Falleson Associates, Inc.

Fred Falleson, District Representative
Email: [email protected]
T: 315.638.4734

ENTEX Technologies Inc. Page 5

Appendix H – Cost Estimates

GHD | Oak Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Evaluation, Onondaga County, NY 8615142.2
Oak Orchard WPCP 7/22/2013 8615142
Client Date Job No.
Present Worth Analysis JOR
Subject Comp. By Checked By

Magnetite Ballasted
Annual Cost Component Settling MBBR Pre-treatment IFAS Post-treatment
Maintenance Costs $ 50,000 $ 21,260 $ 13,160
Materials Costs $ 94,900 $ 10,630 $ 2,632
Power Requirements: $ 98,147 $ 215,063 $ 104,273
Annual O&M Cost in Year 2013 Dollars $ 243,000 $ 247,000 $ 120,100
20 Year Present Woth O&M Costs $ 4,400,000 $ 4,500,000 $ 2,200,000
Capital Costs $ 7,060,000 $ 6,500,000 $ 4,150,000
Total 20 Year Present Worth Costs $ 11,460,000 $ 11,000,000 $ 6,350,000

1. Only elements not common to all options were considered for the O&M comparison

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13


Project: Oak Orchard WPCP Computed By: JOR

Location: Baldwinsville, NY Checked By:
Owner: Design Status of Est.: PER
Description: Magnetite Ballasted Settling Project No: 8615142
Quantity Material Equipment Labor
Description No. Basis Per Total Per Total Man $/Man Total Total
Units Unit Unit Hours Hour Cost

BioMag System 1 LS $2,442,000 $2,442,000 $488,400 $2,930,400
Magnetite Silo (incl)
BRAS Flow Meters (2) (incl)
Ballast Tank Mixer (1) (incl)
Ballast Tank Pumps (1) (incl)
Shear Mills (3) (incl)
WAS Pumps (1) (incl)
Magnetic Drums (3) (incl)
sludge blanket detectors (6) (incl)
TSS probes (2) (Incl)
PLC (incl)
Ballast Mix Tank 1 LS $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Reactor Mixers 6 EA $20,000 $219,000 $65,700 $284,700

Process Piping/Valves 1 LS $122,100 $122,100 $122,100

Sludge Process Building

Demo 1 LS $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Building Mods 1 LS $200,000 $200,000 $200,000

1 LS $350,000 $350,000 $350,000

Mob/Demob 1 LS $200,000 $200,000 $200,000

General Conditions 8% $291,000 8% $0.00 8% $44,300

Subtotal $3,929,100 $0 $598,400 $4,528,000
Overhead 10% $392,900 10% $0 10% $59,800
Profit 10% $392,900 10% $0 10% $59,800
Subtotal $4,714,900 $0 $718,000 $5,433,000
Contingency 30% $1,414,500 30% $0 30% $215,400
TOTAL $6,129,000 $0 $933,000 $7,060,000
G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13
$BioMag 7/24/2013

Project: Oak Orchard WPCP Computed By: JOR

Location: Baldwinsville, NY Checked By:
Owner: Design Status of Est.: PER
Description: MBBR Pre-treatment Project No: 8615142
Quantity Material Equipment Labor
Description No. Basis Per Total Per Total Man $/Man Total Total
Units Unit Unit Hours Hour Cost

Hauling 1123 CY $7 $8,195 $0 0.11 $38 $4,693 $12,890

Additional Site Work 1 LS $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Bypass Pumping 1 LS $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
Dewatering 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 $50,000

Slab Concrete 296 CY $550 $162,963 $162,960
Wall Concrete 325 CY $850 $276,250 $276,250
Piles 2857 LF $70 $200,000 $200,000
Primary Eff Channel Mods 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
Reactor Piping Penetrations 2 EA $7,500 $15,000 $15,000
Tank Access Stairs 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 $50,000

Package System 1 EA $713,000 $713,000 $213,900 $926,900
Diffusers (incl)
In Basin Piping (incl)
Basin Screens (incl)
Basin Media (incl)
Blowers 2 EA $100,000 $200,000 $60,000 $260,000
Side Stream Pumping 2 EA $75,000 $150,000 $45,000 $195,000
Spare Pump 1 EA $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Tank Weir Gates 4 EA $18,000 $72,000 $72,000
New Fine Screens (6mm) 1 LS $375,000 $375,000 $112,500 $487,500
Weirs 20 LF $50 $1,000 $1,000

Process Piping/Valves 1 LS $201,740 $201,740 $201,740
Reactor Tank Piping 1 LS $68,921 $68,921 $68,920

Oxygen Generation Building

Building Mods 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 $100,000

EI&C 1 LS $350,000 $350,000 $350,000

Mob/Demob 1 LS $200,000 $200,000 $200,000

General Conditions 8% $273,500 8% $0.00 8% $34,900

Subtotal $3,692,600 $0 $471,000 $4,164,000
Overhead 10% $369,300 10% $0 10% $47,100
Profit 10% $369,300 10% $0 10% $47,100
Subtotal $4,431,200 $0 $565,200 $4,996,000
Contingency 30% $1,329,400 30% $0 30% $169,600
TOTAL $5,761,000 $0 $735,000 $6,500,000

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13

MBBR Pre-treatment 7/24/2013

Project: Oak Orchard WPCP Computed By: JOR

Location: Baldwinsville, NY Checked By:
Owner: Design Status of Est.: PER
Description: IFAS Post-treatment Project No: 8615142
Quantity Material Equipment Labor
Description No. Basis Per Total Per Total Man $/Man Total Total
Units Unit Unit Hours Hour Cost

Reactor Eff Channel Mods 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
Piping Penetrations 2 EA $7,500 $15,000 $15,000
Concrete Demolition 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
Concrete Repair 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 $100,000

Package System 1 EA $658,000 $658,000 $197,400 $855,400
Diffusers (incl)
In Basin Piping (incl)
Basin Screens (incl)
Basin Media (incl)
Controls (PLC) (incl)
Blowers (incl)
Tank Weir Gates 4 EA $18,000 $72,000 $72,000
Weirs 20 LF $50 $1,000 $1,000
Existing Flocculation Demo 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
New Fine Screens (6mm) 1 LS $375,000 $375,000 $112,500 $487,500

Piping 1 LS $30,000 $30,000 $30,000

Oxygen Generation Building

Building Mods 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 $100,000

1 LS $350,000 $350,000 $350,000

Mob/Demob 1 LS $200,000 $200,000 $200,000

General Conditions 8% $172,100 8% $0.00 8% $24,800

Subtotal $2,323,100 $0 $334,700 $2,658,000
Overhead 10% $232,300 10% $0 10% $33,500
Profit 10% $232,300 10% $0 10% $33,500
Subtotal $2,787,700 $0 $401,700 $3,189,000
Contingency 30% $836,300 30% $0 30% $120,500
TOTAL $3,624,000 $0 $522,000 $4,150,000

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13

IFAS Post-treatment 7/24/2013
Oak Orchard
Magnetite Ballasted Settling

1. Start-up flows assumed to be current design flows
2. Upgrade construction begin in Year 2014 will be completed in Year January 2016.
3. O&M costs increase at annual rate of inflation of 3%.
4. Present worth value of future costs estimated at 4%.

$ 243,000.00 O&M Cost

O&M Cost in current dollars Present worth with annual
No. of Years Year with inflation interest
1 2016 $243,000 $243,000
2 2017 $250,290 $240,663
3 2018 $257,799 $238,349
4 2019 $265,533 $236,058
5 2020 $273,499 $233,788
6 2021 $281,704 $231,540
7 2022 $290,155 $229,313
8 2023 $298,859 $227,109
9 2024 $307,825 $224,925
10 2025 $317,060 $222,762
11 2026 $326,572 $220,620
12 2027 $336,369 $218,499
13 2028 $346,460 $216,398
14 2029 $356,854 $214,317
15 2030 $367,559 $212,256
16 2031 $378,586 $210,215
17 2032 $389,944 $208,194
18 2033 $401,642 $206,192
19 2034 $413,691 $204,210
20 2035 $426,102 $202,246

TOTAL (20 Yr. PW ): $4,400,000

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\

Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13
BioMag O&M Summary 5 of 13 7/24/2013

Project: Oak Orchard WPCP Computed By: JOR

Location: Baldwinsville, NY Checked By:
Owner: Design Status of Est.: Prelim
Description: Biomag O&M Costs Project No: 8614629

Objective: Calculate Annual O&M Cost at design capacity of 5.3 mgd after upgrade is completed.

Assumptions: Electrical Cost per KWH: $0.10 Estimated Electrical Cost

Additional Employee: 0
Operations Labor Costs:

Maint. Costs:
New Equipment:

Biomag Equipment Costs $2,500,000 May 2013 Proposal

Total Equipment Cost $2,500,000

Maintenance Cost/Year: $50,000 2% of equipment cost

Total Maintenance Cost/Year: $50,000

Materials Costs
Magnetite Recovery per year 237,250.0 650 lbs/d
Annual Cost: $94,900

Power Requirements
Power Requirement (kW-hr) 981,469 From electric spreadsheet tab
Annual Cost Summary:
Annual Additional Operation Labor Cost: $0 $0
Annual Maintenance Cost: $50,000 $50,000
Annual Materials Cost: $94,900 $94,900
Annual Power Requirements: $98,147 $98,100
Total Annual O & M Cost @ Rated Capacity: $243,047 $243,000

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13 Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13

Oak Orchard 7/22/13 8614629
Client Date Job No.
BIOMAG Electrical Cost Estimates JOR
Subject Comp. By Chkd By


Determine the power usage at a design average day flow of 5.3 mgd
Design criteria for piece of equipment is summarized in the table below.
Some power usage supplied by vendors as noted

For Pumps:
Pump horsepower determined with the following equation unless specified by a proposal:
HP = Q(gpm) x THD (ft) / 3956 x (eff%)

Power Cost ($/kW/hr) $0.10

Total Input
Operating Power per Power
Units Operating Operating Efficiency @ Total Power Hours of Days of Power
TDH or Total Brake Unit Consumed
Equipment at average flow Capacity Operating Nameplate Average Operation Operation Cost per
Discharge Horsepower Average per Year
(5.3 mgd) (per unit) Duty Point Horsepower Conditions per Day Per Week Year
Pressure Conditions kW*hr

Magnetic Drum Seperator 3 7 3.1332 9.3996 24 7 82,115 $8,211

Shear Mill 3 50 18.65 55.95 24 7 488,779 $48,878
Ballast Tank Mixers 1 3 2.238 2.238 24 7 19,551 $1,955
Ballast System Compressor 1 20 7.46 7.46 24 7 65,171 $6,517
BioMag BRAS Return Pumps 1 10 7.46 7.46 24 7 65,171 $6,517
Aerobic Mixers 3 10 7.46 22.38 24 7 195,512 $19,551
BioMag WAS Pumps 1 10 7.46 7.46 24 7 65,171 $6,517

Annual Power Consumption 981,469

Total Annual Power Cost $98,147

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13BioMag O&M Electrical

Oak Orchard

1. Start-up flows assumed to be current design flows
2. Upgrade construction begin in Year 2014 will be completed in Year January 2016.
3. O&M costs increase at annual rate of inflation of 3%.
4. Present worth value of future costs estimated at 4%.

$ 247,000.00 O&M Cost

O&M Cost in current dollars with Present worth with annual

No. of Years Year inflation interest
1 2016 $247,000 $247,000
2 2017 $254,410 $244,625
3 2018 $262,042 $242,273
4 2019 $269,904 $239,943
5 2020 $278,001 $237,636
6 2021 $286,341 $235,351
7 2022 $294,931 $233,088
8 2023 $303,779 $230,847
9 2024 $312,892 $228,627
10 2025 $322,279 $226,429
11 2026 $331,947 $224,252
12 2027 $341,906 $222,095
13 2028 $352,163 $219,960
14 2029 $362,728 $217,845
15 2030 $373,610 $215,750
16 2031 $384,818 $213,676
17 2032 $396,362 $211,621
18 2033 $408,253 $209,586
19 2034 $420,501 $207,571
20 2035 $433,116 $205,575

TOTAL (20 Yr. PW ): $4,500,000

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\

Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13
MBBR O&M Summary 8 of 13 7/24/2013

Project: Oak Orchard WPCP Computed By: JOR

Location: Baldwinsville, NY Checked By:
Owner: Design Status of Est.: Prelim
Description: MBBR O&M Costs Project No: 8614629

Objective: Calculate Annual O&M Cost at design capacity of 5.3 mgd after upgrade is completed.

Assumptions: Electrical Cost per KWH: $0.10 Estimated Electrical Cost

Additional Employee: 0
Operations Labor Costs:

Maint. Costs:
New Equipment:

MBBR Equipment Costs $1,063,000 June 21, 2013 Proposal

Total Equipment Cost $1,063,000

Maintenance Cost/Year: $21,260 2% of equipment cost

Total Maintenance Cost/Year: $21,260

Materials Costs
10,630.0 Additional Media
Annual Cost: $10,630

Power Requirements
Power Requirement (kW-hr) 2,150,628 From electric spreadsheet tab
$215,063 From electric spreadsheet tab
Annual Cost Summary:
Annual Additional Operation Labor Cost: $0 $0
Annual Maintenance Cost: $21,260 $21,300
Annual Materials Cost: $10,630 $10,630
Annual Power Requirements: $215,063 $215,100
Total Annual O & M Cost @ Rated Capacity: $246,953 $247,000

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13 Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13

Oak Orchard 7/22/13 8614629
Client Date Job No.
MBBR Electrical Cost Estimates - JOR
Subject Comp. By Chkd By


Determine the power usage at a design average day flow of 5.3 mgd
Design criteria for piece of equipment is summarized in the table below.
Some power usage supplied by vendors as noted

For Pumps:
Pump horsepower determined with the following equation unless specified by a proposal:
HP = Q(gpm) x THD (ft) / 3956 x (eff%)

Power Cost ($/kW/hr) $0.10

Total Input
Operating Power per Power
Operating Efficiency @ Total Power Hours of Days of Power
Units Operating TDH or Total Brake Unit Consumed
Equipment Capacity Operating Nameplate Average Operation Operation Cost per
at average flow Discharge Horsepower Average per Year
(per unit) Duty Point Horsepower Conditions per Day Per Week Year
Pressure Conditions kW*hr

Blowers 2 125 93.25 186.5 24 7 1,629,264 $162,926

Lift Pumps 2 3,500 25 80% 17.7 40 29.84 59.68 24 7 521,364 $52,136

Annual Power Consumption 2,150,628

Total Annual Power Cost $215,063

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13MBBR O&M Electrical

Oak Orchard
IFAS Post-treatment

1. Start-up flows assumed to be current design flows
2. Upgrade construction begin in Year 2014 will be completed in Year January 2016.
3. O&M costs increase at annual rate of inflation of 3%.
4. Present worth value of future costs estimated at 4%.

$ 120,100.00 O&M Cost

O&M Cost in current dollars
No. of Years Year with inflation Present worth with annual interest
1 2016 $120,100 $120,100
2 2017 $123,703 $118,945
3 2018 $127,414 $117,801
4 2019 $131,237 $116,669
5 2020 $135,174 $115,547
6 2021 $139,229 $114,436
7 2022 $143,406 $113,336
8 2023 $147,708 $112,246
9 2024 $152,139 $111,167
10 2025 $156,703 $110,098
11 2026 $161,404 $109,039
12 2027 $166,246 $107,991
13 2028 $171,234 $106,952
14 2029 $176,371 $105,924
15 2030 $181,662 $104,905
16 2031 $187,112 $103,897
17 2032 $192,725 $102,898
18 2033 $198,507 $101,908
19 2034 $204,462 $100,928
20 2035 $210,596 $99,958

TOTAL (20 Yr. PW ): $2,200,000

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\

Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13
IFAS O&M Summary 11 of 13 7/24/2013

Project: Oak Orchard WPCP Computed By: JOR

Location: Baldwinsville, NY Checked By:
Owner: Design Status of Est.: Prelim
Description: IFAS O&M Costs Project No: 8614629

Objective: Calculate Annual O&M Cost at design capacity of 5.3 mgd after upgrade is completed.

Assumptions: Electrical Cost per KWH: $0.10 Estimated Electrical Cost

Additional Employee: 0
Operations Labor Costs:

Maint. Costs:
New Equipment:

Equipment Costs $658,000 June 21, 2013 Proposal

Total Equipment Cost $658,000

Maintenance Cost/Year: $13,160 2% of equipment cost

Total Maintenance Cost/Year: $13,160

Materials Costs
6,580.0 Media
Annual Cost: $2,632

Power Requirements
Power Requirement (kW-hr) 1,042,729 From electric spreadsheet tab
Annual Cost Summary:
Annual Additional Operation Labor Cost: $0 $0
Annual Maintenance Cost: $13,160 $13,200
Annual Materials Cost: $2,632 $2,632
Annual Power Requirements: $104,273 $104,300
Total Annual O & M Cost @ Rated Capacity: $120,065 $120,100

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13 Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13

Oak Orchard 4/25/11 8614629
Client Date Job No.
IFAS Electrical Cost Estimates JOR
Subject Comp. By Chkd By


Determine the power usage at a design average day flow of 5.3 mgd
Design criteria for piece of equipment is summarized in the table below.
Some power usage supplied by vendors as noted

For Pumps:
Pump horsepower determined with the following equation unless specified by a proposal:
HP = Q(gpm) x THD (ft) / 3956 x (eff%)

Power Cost ($/kW/hr) $0.10

Total Input
Operating Power per Power
Operating Efficiency @ Total Power Hours of Days of Power
Units Operating TDH or Total Brake Unit Consumed
Equipment Capacity Operating Nameplate Average Operation Operation Cost per
at average flow Discharge Horsepower Average per Year
(per unit) Duty Point Horsepower Conditions per Day Per Week Year
Pressure Conditions kW*hr

Blowers 1 150 111.9 111.9 24 7 977,558 $97,756

Blowers 1 10 7.46 7.46 24 7 65,171 $6,517

Annual Power Consumption 1,042,729

Total Annual Power Cost $104,273

G:\86\15142\TECH (OakOrch)\Cost Estimates\Cost Estimate_Updated 7.17.13IFAS O&M Electrical

GHD Consulting Services Inc.
One Remington Park Drive
Cazenovia, NY 13035

T: (315) 679-5800 F: (315) 679-5801 E:

© GHD Inc 2013

This document is and shall remain the property of GHD. The document may only be used for the purpose
of assessing our offer of services and for inclusion in documentation for the engagement of GHD.
Unauthorized use of this document in any form whatsoever is prohibited.

Document Status

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