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Revit Architecture 2021

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for Electrical Workers

An Introductory Guide for Electrical Workers

Elise Moss

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Revit Families


Revit Families
Revit projects use Revit families.

There are three types of families:

• System
• In-Place
• Loadable

System families are specific to a project. You can copy system families from one project to
another, but they are not stand-alone files, like loadable/model families. Examples of system
families are walls, conduits, wires, and ceilings.

In-Place families are elements which are created “on the fly” using massing tools. Users often
create an in-place family for a feature that is unique to a project. A generator or electrical
equipment that is specialized may be created using massing tools, so that users can see the
amount of space it takes up in a project.

Loadable families are the most common type of family. Examples include cable trays, power
devices, and electrical equipment. These are external files which are inserted/loaded into a
project and placed in the desired location. These families can be counted and their properties can
be organized in schedules. These elements can be created from scratch using the Family Editor
using family templates. They can be created and loaded into a project, as well as deleted or saved
from a project.

Revit families are defined using parameters. There are two types of parameters: Type and

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Revit elements are defined by a hierarchy.

In the Revit Project Browser under the Families folder, you see the families organized into
categories. Lighting Fixtures is a Category. The Plain Recessed Lighting Fixture is a Family. A
family is an element that represents a specific component used in a project. Each Family can
have several different types. This lighting fixture has different types which are defined by size
and voltage. The family type doesn’t change regardless of where it is placed in the project. If
you place a 1x4 lighting fixture in the living room or the bedroom, it is still a 1x4 lighting

Every time you place or define a family in a project, you are creating an “instance” of that
family. Location is an instance parameter. Hardware or finish can be unique to each family
places, so these can also be instance properties. Type properties are properties that are common
to all elements of that type. Instance properties are properties that are unique to each individual

Revit Families

Throughout the rest of the text, we will be creating new types of families.
Here are the basic steps to creating a new family.

1. Select the element you want to define (switch gear, receptacle, panel, etc.).
2. Select Edit Type from the Properties pane.
3. Select Duplicate.
4. Rename: Enter a new name for your family type.
5. Redefine: Edit the structure, assign new materials, and change the dimensions.
6. Reload or Reassign: Assign the new type to the element.

Elements are the building blocks of any Revit Project. Everything used in a Revit project is
considered an element.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

There are three classes of Revit families:

• Model
• Datum
• View-Specific.

Model families are families which you can physically touch if you were walking through a
building, such as walls or electrical panels. A host model family is an element which can be
used to hold or place other components. For example, a wall can host a door, window, or
electrical panel. An element which is placed on a host is considered a component. Datums are
levels, grids, and survey points. They are used to constrain the project. View-specific families
are annotations, like dimensions or text, and detail items, like filled regions

Non-hosted families can be placed anywhere in the view. They are typically placed aligned to
the elevation of the view. If you need to offset them from the elevation, place the element in the
view, then select it, then change the offset from elevation value in the Properties palette to the
desired location.

Hosted families must be placed on a surface or work plane and the surface must be visible in the
view. If a fixture needs to be placed on a ceiling, the view needs to be a ceiling plan. Check on
the ribbon to specify the type of face to be used for placement. If the placement face is deleted,
any elements hosted by the face will also be deleted. If the placement face is moved, then the
elements will also move.

Electrical Devices
The workflow to add electrical devices.

1. Select a category of family to add to the model on the ribbon.

2. Use the Type selector to choose the exact type in the category.
3. Place it as required on a vertical, horizontal, or work plane face.
4. Adjust the instance properties of the family in the Properties palette.
5. Tag if needed.

Revit Families

Some guidelines when working with Revit families to help you work efficiently:
• Familiarize yourself with the content libraries which come with the software as well as
the libraries used within your company. Then, when you are looking for a specific
family, you might be able to use or modify an existing family.
• When you modify a Revit family or element, save the family under a new name and save
it to a custom library location, preferably on your company’s server. This will make the
family type available across projects as well as to other users in your company.
• Avoid accidentally selecting elements in a view so they don’t get modified.
• If you hover your cursor over an element, a small dialog will appear informing you of the
family and type.

Lighting Fixtures
Lighting fixtures follow the same workflow as other electrical devices and are powered the same
way. They also have the ability to calculate an average estimated illumination level for spaces.

When loading light fixture families, make sure to pull them from the MEP folder, not the
Architectural folder.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Exercise 2-1:
Working with Revit Families and Elements
Drawing Name: elements.rvt
Estimated Time: 20 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Identifying elements and their families in a project

 Place a Component

1. Open elements.rvt.

This file is downloaded from the publisher’s website.

2. Open the Level 2 Lighting Plan.

3. Right click and select Zoom In Region.

4. Draw a rectangle/region in the upper left corner of the


5. Hover the cursor over one of the lighting fixtures labeled

Note that the family and type are displayed.
6. Pan down.
Hover the cursor over one of the lighting fixtures labeled
Note that the family and type are displayed.
The ‘B’ and ‘C’ lighting fixtures are the same family, but
different types.

Revit Families

7. Select the ‘C’ lighting fixture that is located on the upper


8. Note that the Family and Type are displayed in the

Properties panel.

9. Select the small down arrow located at the top of the

Properties panel.

This is called the Type Selector.

10. Select the 1x8-277v from the Type Selector list.

Press ESC to release the selection.

11. Notice that the element is updated to the new type which
you selected.

12. Open the Level 2 view under Ceiling Plans.

Look in the Coordination category.

Note that the lighting fixture which was changed in the

previous view updated in this view.

Revit has bi-directional associativity. This means that if

you make a change to a model element in one view, the
change is propagated throughout the model. All the views

This only applies to model elements – NOT to annotation

elements. Annotation elements, like dimensions and notes
– are view-specific.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

13. Open the Lighting Fixture Schedule view.

The schedule is a view-element. The light fixtures are a

component/model element.

Notice the quantities for Type Mark A and Type Mark B.

These quantities updated when the fixture was changed.
14. Open the Section 18 view under Sections (Building

15. Hover your cursor over one of the electrical panels.

Note that the family and type are displayed.

16. Select the View tab on the ribbon.

17. Select Tile Views.

18. The four open views are tiled.

19. Click in the upper left window to activate it.

Double click on the mouse wheel to Zoom
Repeat for the other windows.

Revit Families

20. In the window with the schedule:

Put your mouse in the field for Family and

Type for the ‘C’ type mark fixture.

Notice how the lighting fixture is highlighted

in the other windows.

21. Close without saving.

Many electricians need to determine the location of the stud framing in a wall as they are routing
their wiring between the studs. Most Revit projects created by electrical workers are defined by
using a host project which links to the files provided by the architect and the other sub-
contractors. It is helpful to be able to select elements that reside in the linked file, so you can
identify them and determine how they are defined.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Exercise 2-2:
Identifying a Wall in a Linked File
Drawing Name: simple-building.rvt
Estimated Time: 10 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 System Families
 Revit Links
 Walls

1. Open simple-building.rvt.

This file is downloaded from the publisher’s website.

2. This project uses a Linked Revit project.

Open the Insert tab on the ribbon.

Select Manage Links.

3. The linked file is named Simple-


Because the files are now in a new

location, the link has to be re-

Select Reload From.

4. Locate the file in the downloaded files

from the publisher’s website.

Select Open.
5. The file now shows as loaded.

Click OK to close the dialog.

Revit Families

6. In the lower right hand corner of the

display are selection tools.

The link tool allows you to select

elements which are linked to the host

The select underlay tool allows you to

select elements which are part of the
linked file.
See if you can select the right vertical wall using the TAB key.

8. On the Properties palette, select Edit


9. Select Edit next to Structure.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

You see how the wall has been defined
by the architect.

Notice that it has an exterior side and

an interior side.

The Core boundary is the boundary

around the stud or framing. Anything
outside of the core boundary is
considered a wrapped layer and is
usually a finish, like gypsum board or

11. Press OK twice to close the dialogs.

12. Left click in the window to release the selection.
13. Close the file without saving.

Revit Families

Exercise 2-3:
Place a Lighting Fixture and a Switch
Drawing Name: simple-building.rvt
Estimated Time: 10 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 System Families
 Revit Links
 Walls

1. Open simple-building.rvt.

This file is downloaded from the publisher’s website.

2. In the Project Browser, activate/open

the 1-Ceiling Elec Ceiling Plan.

3. Activate the Systems tab of the ribbon.

Select Lighting Fixture.

4. Use the Type Selector to select Plain Recessed

Lighting Fixture:2x4 – 277.

The Type Selector is the small down arrow located

to the right of the family name. The Type Selector
is used when a family has more than one version

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

5. The ribbon has changed to a contextual

Enable Place on Face.
This means the fixture will be hosted by
a work plane.
6. Use the SPACEBAR to rotate the light

Place two lighting fixtures in the upper

left room.

7. In the Project Browser, activate/open the 1-Lighting

floor plan.

Notice you see the lighting fixtures you placed in the

ceiling plan. This is because Revit is a BIM software. If
you make a change to the model, any relevant views
will update.

8. Activate the Systems tab of the ribbon.

Select Lighting under the Device drop-

down list.

Revit Families

9. Use the Type Selector to select

Lighting Switches – Single Pole.

10. Place the switch to the left of the door

in the upper left room where the
lighting fixtures were placed.

11. Note that the Elevation from the Level

is set to 4’-0”.

Save the project as ex2-3.rvt.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Exercise 2-4:
Select and Modify a Component
Drawing Name: modify.rvt
Estimated Time: 5 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Filter
 Type Selector

1. Open or continue working in ex2-3.rvt.

2. If you open the modify file, remember you have to

reload the linked file.

3. In the Project Browser, activate/open the 1-Lighting

floor plan.

4. Left click at the upper left corner of the room with the
lighting fixtures. Hold down the left mouse button to
create a window.

Left click at the lower right corner of the room with the
lighting fixtures.

This creates a selection group using a window.

5. Select the Filter tool from the ribbon.

Revit Families

6. Uncheck any items in the list except for Lighting


Press OK.
7. Use the Type Selector to change the lighting fixtures to
1x4 – 277.

Press ESC to release the selection.

8. The lighting fixtures update.

Save the project as ex2-4.rvt.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Exercise 2-5:
Copy a Component
Drawing Name: copy.rvt
Estimated Time: 5 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Copy
 Type Selector

1. Open copy.rvt.

2. In the Project Browser, activate/open the 1-Ceiling

Elec Ceiling plan.

3. Window around the first room to select the two lighting


4. Select the Copy tool on the ribbon.

Revit Families

Select the top left corner of the first room as the base

Select the top left corner of the second room as the

target point.

6. Save the file as ex2-5.rvt.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Exercise 2-6:
Mirror a Component
Drawing Name: mirror.rvt
Estimated Time: 5 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Mirror→Draw Axis

1. Open mirror.rvt.

2. In the Project Browser, activate/open the 1-Ceiling

Elec Ceiling plan.

3. Window around the lighting fixtures to select them.

4. Select the Mirror→Draw Axis tool.

5. Select the top of the center line of the wall.

Select the bottom of the center line of the wall.

6. The light fixtures are mirrored to the other rooms.

Save as ex2-6.rvt.

Revit Families

Exercise 2-7:
Align a Component
Drawing Name: align.rvt
Estimated Time: 5 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Align

1. Open align.rvt.

2. In the Project Browser, activate/open the 1-Ceiling

Elec Ceiling plan.

3. Select the ALIGN tool on the Modify ribbon.

4. Select the ceiling grid line to the left of the lighting fixture.

Select the left edge of the lighting fixture.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

5. The lighting fixture’s position adjusts.

6. Use the ALIGN tool to

adjust the position of the
lighting fixtures so they
are aligned to the ceiling

Save as ex2-7.rvt.

Revit Families

Exercise 2-8:
Draw, Modify, and Offset Cable Trays
Drawing Name: cable_trays.rvt
Estimated Time: 30 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Cable Trays
 Offset
 Trim
 Split
 Options Bar
 Properties

1. Open cable_trays.rvt.

2. In the Project Browser, activate/open the 1-Power floor


3. Activate the Systems ribbon.

Select the Cable Tray tool.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

4. Select the Trough Cable Tray from the Type Selector.

5. On the Options bar:

Set the Width to 6”.

Set the Height to 2”.
Set the Middle Elevation
to 10’-0”.
6. Left click to place the
start of the cable tray at
the left side of the
corrider (indicated by 1).

Left click to place the end

of the cable tray at the
right side of the corrider
(indicated by 2).

7. Press ESC to complete placing the tray but remain in the Cable Tray command.
8. Place a second cable tray perpendicular to the first
cable tray and into the Mech/Elec room (lower left).

Right click and select Cancel to exit the command.

Revit Families

9. This is what the layout

should look like.

10. Select the vertical cable tray so it is highlighted.

11. Select the Offset tool.

12. On the Options bar:

Enable Numerical.
Set the Offset to 15’-0”.
Enable Copy.
13. Left pick the cable tray.

Use the Preview to determine the cable tray is placed to

the right.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

14. Repeat the Offset to place

a total of five vertical
cable trays.

15. Select the Trim to Corner tool on the Modify ribbon.

16. Select the horizontal cable tray and the far right cable

17. The two cable trays are joined.

18. On the Modify ribbon:

Select the Trim/Extend Multiple tool.

19. Select the lower line of

the horizontal cable tray
to define the boundary of
the trim.
20. Left pick to the right of
the fourth vertical cable
tray to start the

Left pick to the left of the

second vertical cable tray
to complete the

Revit Families

21. This is the cable tray

layout so far.

22. Select the Split tool on the Modify ribbon.

23. Use the temporary dimension to split the cable tray 7’-
0” from the end.

Right click and select Cancel twice to exit the


24. Select the lower part of the cable tray.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

25. On the Options bar:

Set the Width to 4”.

26. Save as ex2-8.rvt.

Revit Families

Exercise 2-9:
Place Light Fixtures and Switches (reprised)
Drawing Name: i_elec_circuits.rvt
Estimated Time: 20 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Place Components
 Copy

1. Open i_elec_circuits.rvt.

2. This file uses RME Imperial-Arch as the linked file. Use

the Manage Links tool on the Insert tab to reload the file,
if necessary.

3. Verify that you are in the 3rd Floor Ceiling Plan view.

4. Use Zoom In Region to change the

display to focus on Classroom 5 Room
307 between Grids 5 and 6.

5. Activate the Systems tab of the ribbon.

Select Lighting Fixture.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

6. Use the Type Selector to select Plain Recessed

Lighting Fixture:2x4 – 277.

The Type Selector is the small down arrow located

to the right of the family name. The Type Selector
is used when a family has more than one version

7. The ribbon has changed to a contextual


Enable Place on Face.

This means the fixture will be hosted by

a work plane.
8. Use the SPACE BAR to rotate the component prior to

Left click to place in the upper left area of the room.

9. Select the light fixture you just placed.

10. Select the Copy tool from the ribbon.

11. Left click to select the upper left corner of the light fixture
as the base point.
Move the cursor to the right and type 8’ for the distance.
Press ENTER or left click to complete the copy.

12. Repeat to place a third light fixture 8’ to the right of the

copied/second light fixture.

Revit Families

13. Use the CTL key to select the three light fixtures.
Use the COPY tool to place a copy of the three fixtures 8’
below them.

14. Repeat to place a third row of light fixtures 8’ below the

second row.

15. The room should show a total of nine light fixtures.

16. Open the 3rd Floor Lighting floor plan.

17. Select Component→Place a Component.

18. Use the Type Selector to locate the Lighting

Switches→Three Way.

19. Place a light switch next to each door located at the south
wall of the room.

20. Save as ex2-9.rvt.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Exercise 2-10:
Adding and Modifying Equipment, Devices
and Fixtures
Drawing Name: adding_elements.rvt
Estimated Time: 20 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Place Components
 Electrical Equipment
 Load Families
 Type Selector
 Naming Equipment

1. Open adding_elements.rvt.

2. Verify that you are in the Main Floor – Power floor plan

3. Zoom into the Electrical Room: 215.

4. Activate the Systems ribbon.

5. Select the Electrical Equipment tool.

6. Press Yes.

Revit Families

7. Browse to the Distribution folder under US

Imperial\Electrical\MEP\Electric Power.

8. Hold down the CTL key to make a

multiple selection.

Select Lighting and Appliance

Panelboard – 208V MLO and Lighting
and Appliance Panelboard – 480V

Press Open.
9. On the Properties palette:

Verify that the Lighting and Appliance Panelboard –

208V MLO-225A is active.

This is a face-based component, meaning it needs a

vertical or horizontal face to be placed. Since it is a
hosted component, if the wall where it is placed moves, it
will also move.

10. Place it on the east wall of Room 215.

Type ESC out of the command.

11. Select the panel that was just placed.

On the Properties palette, note the elevation from the


Left click anywhere in the display window to release the

12. Select the Electrical Equipment tool.

Using the Type Selector:

Select Lighting and Appliance Panelboard – 480V MLO

Note that by default it is located at the same elevation as

the other panelboard.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

13. Place the Lighting and Appliance Panelboard – 480V

MLO 250A above the other panelboard close to the door
with a space between the two elements.

14. Select the Electrical Equipment tool.

15. Select Load Family.

16. Browse to the Generation and Transformation


Select the Dry Type Transformer – 480-208Y120-

NEMA Type 2.

Press Open.

17. Use the Type Selector to select the 45 kVA type.

18. Place the transformer next to the panelboards in Room


Use the SPACEBAR to rotate the element prior to


Escape out of the command.

Remember that if you hover the cursor over an element a
tooltip will appear showing you the element information.

19. Select the 208V MLO panelboard.

In the Properties palette:

Scroll down to the General area.
Type LP1 in the Panel Name.

Revit Families

20. Select the 480V MLO panelboard.

In the Properties palette:

Scroll down to the General area.
Type HP1 in the Panel Name.

21. Select the Transformer.

In the Properties palette:

Scroll down to the General area.
Type T1 in the Panel Name.

22. Save as ex2-10.rvt.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Exercise 2-11:
Adding Receptacles
Drawing Name: receptacles.rvt
Estimated Time: 15 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Place Components
 Electrical Fixture
 Load Families
 Type Selector

1. Open receptacles.rvt.

2. Verify that you are in the Main Floor – Power view.

3. Activate the Systems ribbon.

Select Device→Electrical Fixture.

4. Press Yes.

5. Browse to the Terminals folder under Electric Power.

Revit Families

6. Select the Duplex Receptacle.

Press Open.

7. Select the GFCI type from the Properties palette.

8. Place a GFCI receptacle next to each of the sinks in the


Note that the receptacles are hosted by walls. You do not

see the models unless you hover over a wall.

9. Select one of the receptacles that was placed.

Note the elevation of the receptacle in the Properties

10. Select Device→Electrical Fixture.

11. Select the Standard type from the Properties palette.

Note the elevation of the receptacle in the Properties

12. Place four receptacles in each of the sleeping quarters as

13. Save as ex2-11.rvt.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Exercise 2-12:
Create a New Family Type
Drawing Name: receptacle_family.rvt
Estimated Time: 20 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Place Components
 Electrical Fixtures
 Load Families
 Type Selector
 Type Properties
 New Type

1. Open receptacle_family.rvt.

2. Open the Main Floor – Power floor plan.

3. In the Project Browser:

Scroll down to the Families category.

Locate the Electrical Fixtures folder.
Locate the Duplex Receptacle family.

There are currently two types:

• Standard

Revit Families

4. Highlight the Duplex Receptacle family.

Right click and select New Type.

5. Name the new type TV.

6. Right click on the TV type.

Select Type Properties.

7. Set the Default Elevation to 7’ 6”.

Set the Load to 600.00 VA.

8. Scroll down to the Other category.

Locate the Label field.
Set the Value to TV.
Press OK.
9. Highlight the Duplex Receptacle family.
Right click and select New Type.

10. Name the new type EWC.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

11. Right click on the EWC type.

Select Type Properties.

12. Set the Default Elevation to 4’ 0”.

Set the Load to 600.00 VA.

13. Scroll down to the Other category.

Locate the Label field.
Set the Value to EWC.
Press OK.
14. Using the left mouse button, drag and drop the EWC
receptacle family to place it on the wall outside the Room
212 - Men’s Lavatory.

15. Using the left mouse button, drag and drop the EWC
receptacle family to place it on the west wall in Room 205
– Ready Room.

16. Using the left mouse button, drag and drop the TV
receptacle family to place it on the south wall in Room
205 – Ready Room.

17. Save as ex2-12.rvt.

Revit Families

Revit doesn’t have a lot of MEP families which work well with creating legends. In this
exercise, we create a detail component family which can be used when creating an electrical
symbol legend.

Exercise 2-13:
Create a Detail Component Family
Drawing Name: none
Estimated Time: 10 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Families
 Detail Components
 Detail Lines
 Dimensions

1. Go to Files→New→Family.

2. Select the Detail Item.rft template.

Press Open.
3. Select Line from the Create ribbon.

4. On the ribbon:

Set the line style to Heavy Lines.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

5. Draw a 1’ radius circle above the horizontal reference


6. Select the Circle.

On the Properties palette:
Enable Center Mark Visible.


Use the ALIGNED dimension tool on the Create ribbon

to position the circle 2’ 10” above the horizontal reference

8. Select Line from the Create ribbon.

9. On the ribbon:

Set the line style to Heavy Lines.

10. Draw a vertical line from the horizontal reference plane to

intersect with the circle.

Use the temporary dimension to position the line 6” left of

the circle’s center.

Revit Families


Select the vertical line.

Select Mirror →Pick Axis.
Select the vertical reference plane/dashed green line.

12. A second vertical line is placed.

13. Save as receptacle_symbol.rfa.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Exercise 2-14:
Create a Detail Item Family

Drawing Name: new family

Estimated Time: 20 minutes

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

 Detail Component families

1. Go to File→New→Family.

2. Browse to the English_I folder under Family


3. Select the Detail Item template.

Click Open.

4. Select Line on the Create tab.

5. Draw a square.

Revit Families

Place a continuous dimension in the vertical
and horizontal direction to center the square
on the insertion point.
To place the dimension, select one line, then
the center reference plane, then the next line,
then left click to place.
Left click on the EQ icon to set the dimension

Place an overall horizontal dimension and an
overall vertical dimension.
To place the dimensions, select the outside
lines, then left click to add the dimension.

8. Select the horizontal dimension.

9. On the ribbon:
Select New to add a label parameter to the

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

10. Type Width in the Name field.

Enable Instance.
Click OK.

11. You should see Width in front of the

dimension value now.

12. Select the vertical dimension.

13. On the ribbon:

Select New to add a label parameter to the

14. Type Depth in the Name field.

Enable Instance.
Click OK.

15. You should see Depth in front of the

dimension value now.

Revit Families

16. Select Family Types from the ribbon.

17. Set the Default values for the Depth and

Width to 3’ 0”.
Click Apply.

The values in the display window should update.
If the values do not update, you did not place the
dimensions correctly. You will need to delete the dimensions
and try again.

Close the Family Types dialog.

19. Select Line on the Create tab.

20. Set the line style to Medium Lines.

21. Disable Chain on the Options bar.

Draw two lines to indicate a center mark.

23. Save as switchboard-section.rfa.

This family will be used in an exercise in Lesson 9.

Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers

Lab Exercises
Create the following legend symbols:



Revit Families



Revit Architecture for Electrical Workers



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