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Componente Curricular Professor(a) Série/Ano Turma Data da aplic.:
Língua inglesa Renata Araujo Guizzetti 9° ano ABCDEFGHI ____/____/2023


Habilidade(s) e Competência: (EF09LI02-A) Compreender e compilar as ideias-chave de textos, charges e outros, tomando notas
para desenvolver as competências sociocomunicativas. (EF09LI14-A) Compreender os valores semânticos dos conectores
indicadores de adição, condição, oposição, contraste, conclusão e síntese para utilizá-los como auxiliares na construção da
argumentação e intencionalidade discursiva. EF09LI06-A) Distinguir fatos de opiniões em textos argumentativos da esfera
jornalística, para reconhecer o posicionamento de opiniões divergentes e convergentes entre textos e os elementos argumentativos
que as sustentam.
Tema/ objeto de conhecimento: Linking words, fatos e opiniões.

The Most Popular Sports In The World

Football (Soccer) is the most popular sport in the world. The sports of tennis, football (soccer), and
cricket all originated in England, but are drawn from older games that have been played throughout history.
Rugby and American football are similar, but American football players wear much more protective gear than
rugby players.Sports are popular for a number of reasons. Keeping healthy, for example, is often cited as a
reason for participating in sports. Others will tell you that they do sports for recreational purposes. Sports are
even more popular with people who do not necessarily participate in them, but love being spectators. Since
time immemorial, people have been awed and inspired by extraordinary human beings who are able to
perform tremendous athletic feats. Here is a brief discussion of the most popular sports in the world.
1. Football (Soccer) – 4 billion fans
Football, better known as soccer in the US and Canada, is the most popular sport in the world, with an
estimated following of 4 billion fans. Like some of the other sports on this list, the origins of football as we know
it are in England in the 19th century, though history points to people playing similar games as far back as two
thousand years, beginning in China. One reason for football’s popularity is that unlike other sports that require
expensive equipment, all you need to play football is a ball and your foot. Hence, anyone, rich or poor, can
enjoy the sport. It is played all over the world, but is particularly popular in Europe, Central and South America,
and Africa.
2. Cricket – 2.5 billion fans
Cricketer on the field in action. Image credit:
Cricket boasts a fan base of 2.5 billion. The game is most popular in the UK and some former British colonies,
notably India, Pakistan and Australia. Like baseball, it involves two teams, a bat, a large field, and scoring
runs. There are significant differences, however, including a long rectangular pitch at the center of a cricket
field, where the ball is thrown to a batsman, as opposed to a mound at the center of a baseball diamond facing
a batter at home plate.

1. Após a leitura do texto, responda as questões abaixo em inglês, em seu caderno:

a) Where did tennis, football (soccer), and cricket originate?
b) What are the reasons of sports being popular in the world?
c) Identify, in the text, one reason for soccer’s popularity.
d) Is Cricket most popular in South Africa?
e) What are the differences between cricket and baseball?
FACT: “A thing that is known or proved to be true.” In other words, facts are things that can be
independently verified, and something offered as a as fact can be proven or disproven by evidence. Both
“Rick is male” and “Hillary is female” are statements of fact that are demonstrably true, while “Rick is female”
and “Hillary is male” are statements offered as fact that are demonstrably false. FATO: “Uma coisa que é
conhecida ou provada ser verdadeira.” Em outras palavras, fatos são coisas que podem ser verificadas
independentemente e algo oferecido como fato pode ser provado ou refutado por evidências. Tanto “Rick é
homem” quanto “Hillary é mulher” são declarações de fato comprovadamente verdadeiras, enquanto “Rick é
mulher” e “Hillary é homem” são declarações oferecidas como fato que são comprovadamente falsas.

OPINION: “A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or
knowledge.” In other words, opinions are statements of values or feelings, and as such are not
independently verifiable. Both “Hillary is a good person” and “Rick is a good person” are statements of
opinion that cannot be independently verified or proven, true or false. They are not true or false, but simply
the POSITION of the person who holds them. PARECER (opinião): “Uma visão ou julgamento se formou
sobre algo, não necessariamente baseado em fatos ou conhecimentos”. Em outras palavras, opiniões são
declarações de valores ou sentimentos e, como tal, não são verificáveis de forma independente. Tanto
“Hillary é uma boa pessoa” quanto “Rick é uma boa pessoa” são declarações de opinião que não podem ser
verificadas independentemente ou comprovadas como verdadeiras ou falsas. Eles não são verdadeiros ou
falsos, mas simplesmente a POSIÇÃO da pessoa que os detém.

Two people can hold opposite OPINIONS, but they cannot hold opposite FACTS. Duas pessoas podem
ter opiniões opostas, mas não podem ter fatos opostos.

2. Leia cada frase e em seguida circule se ela é um fato ou opinião:

a) José Sarney was the President of Brazil in 1990. FACT/OPINION
b) Gabriel Sara is the greatest soccer player in Brazil. FACT / OPINION
c) Dom Casmurro was written by Machado de Assis. FACT /OPINION
d) Oranges contain both calcium and vitamin C. FACT /OPINION
e) Cats are the prettiest animals. FACT/OPINION

Let’s read a text about Joe’s mother and do some exercises!

Joe and his family lived in Itaguaru. But his mother got a new job in Rio Verde. So, they moved to Rio
Verde last month. He likes his new house. He thinks Rio Verde is a great city. There are 241.518 inhabitants
there. His mother is an agronomist and studies sustainable ways to make soils more productive and
profitable throughout the world. Disponível em:

3. Assinale V para sentenças verdadeiras ou F para falsas:

a) ( ) Joe’s mother is an agronomist and she works in Itaguaru.
b) ( ) Joe likes his new house in Rio Verde.
c) ( ) Joe’s Family moved to Rio Verde.
d) ( ) Joe studies sustainable ways to make soils more productive.

4. Leia o texto novamente e retire duas sentenças que sejam FACTS e duas que sejam OPINIONS.

Leia o texto e responda a questão 5:

5. Responda a essas perguntas de acordo com o texto.
a) Por que Katie não tem certeza de ir acampar no parque nacional?
b) Os ursos pretos ficam longe das pessoas?
c) Quando ela terá medo?
d) O que acontecerá se você deixar os ursos sozinhos?

6. Combine os símbolos gráficos com o significado correto:


• Exemplificando: For example (por exemplo), such as (tais como), for instance (por exemplo), in
the case of (no caso de), as shown by (como mostrado por, como indicado por, como
representado por);
• Contrastando ideias: But(mas), however(no entanto, contudo, todavia,
entretanto), nevertheless (no entanto, contudo, todavia, entretanto), all the same (mesmo
assim); although (embora), even though (embora); while (enquanto que); despite the fact
that (apesar disso), in spite of the fact that (apesar disso); nonetheless (contudo, todavia,
entretanto); on the contrary (pelo contrário); as opposed to (em oposição a); whereas (enquanto
que); in contrast (em comparação).
• Explicando as razões: Because (porque, pois), for (pois), because of (por causa de) as a
result (em consequência), as a consequence (consequentemente), accordingly
(consequentemente), thus (consequentemente), for that reason (por essa razão); in turn (por sua
vez); due to (devido a) owing to (devido a).
7. Identifique o valor semântico (adição, contraste, condição, oposição, escolha, dentre outros) dos
seguintes conectivos

a) […] HOWEVER, understanding your insurance policy […] ____________________________________

b) […] costly coverage gaps OR frustration with your insurer […] _________________________________

c) […] a lot of terms AND phrases that may be confusing […] ____________________________________

d) […] BUT it is important […] _____________________________________________________________

8. Leia cada frase e em seguida circule se ela é um fato ou opinião.)

a) While your car may be perfect for you, it may not be perfect for someone else for a myriad of reasons.
b) The world’s first automobile was developed by Carl Benz in 1885. FACT/OPINION
c) Note that more than 95% of the cars in the U.S. have automatic transmission. On the other hand, in
Europe and Japan, more than 80 percent of cars sold have manual transmissions. FACT/OPINION
d) My car is more beautiful than my friend’s car. FACT/OPINION

9.Responda as perguntas em inglês:

a) Will computers be everywhere in 2030?
b) What will wake people up in 2030?
c) What wil happen when you will walk into the kitchen?
d) Why won’t you need a rucksack?

10. Reescreva a sentença usando duas linking words para tornar o texto mais claro e coeso.

I like my cats a lot. They are stinky. Yesterday they escaped from the house we live. They stayed
outside all night long.

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