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Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy

BS PHARMACY Lecture Activity Sheet #1

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: _________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________ Date: ________________
Learning Objectives
At the end of the activity, you will be able to:
• Define Health Technology Assessment and its related terms.
• Explain the importance of Health Technology in improving health outcomes
What is a health technology?
As defined in the implementing rules and regulation of the RA 11223 or the UHC Act, a health technology
refers to the application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines,
procedures, and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives (Philippines, 2019).
Health technologies include pharmaceuticals, devices, procedures and organizational systems used in health
What is Health Technology Assessment (HTA)?
Health technology assessment (HTA) is defined under the RA 11223 or the UHC Act as a systematic
evaluation of properties, effects, or impact of health-related technologies, devices, medicines, vaccines,
procedures, and all other health-related systems developed to solve a health problem and improve the quality
of life and health outcomes, utilizing a multidisciplinary process to evaluate the clinical, economic,
organizational, social, and ethical issues of a health intervention or health technology.
What is the legal and policy framework of HTA in the Philippines?
The following laws and national policies serve as the legal basis of HTA as a tool for healthcare decision-
makers in making evidence-based decisions on the funding and use of health technologies in the Philippine
healthcare system:

• RA 10606: National Health Insurance Act of 2013 mandated the utilization of HTA in guiding
PhilHealth’s coverage of health services (Congress of the Philippines, 2013).
• AO 2016 - 0034: The New Implementing Guidelines of the Philippine National Formulary System
(PNFS) required that any medicine considered for inclusion in the PNF shall be assessed its benefit-
risk assessment (safety and efficacy), cost27 effectiveness, affordability and public health relevance.
(Department of Health, 2016).
• AO 2018-0026: Framework for the Use of HTA to Guide Coverage Decisions in Support of UHC
provided an explicit framework for a systematic and consistent use of HTA to guide health coverage
decisions of both the DOH and PhilHealth (Department of Health, 2018).
• RA 11223: Universal Healthcare Act institutionalized HTA as a fair and transparent priority-setting
mechanism that shall be recommendatory to the DOH and PhilHealth for the development of policies,
programs, regulations, and the determination of a range of entitlements such as drugs, medicines,
pharmaceutical products, other devices, procedures, and services (Congress of the Philippines, 2019).

Prepared by: Princess C. Cedeño, RPh

DMC COLLEGE FOUNDATION INC. Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy
BS PHARMACY Lecture Activity Sheet #1

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: _________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________ Date: ________________
What is the general process of HTA in the Philippines?
The following figure outlines the general process of conducting an HTA in the Philippines. The Philippine HTA
Process Guide contains the step-by-step process and the roles of the different stakeholders involved in each

What is the purpose of this document?

The purpose of this document is to provide mandatory guidance to researchers in conducting HTA based on
the prioritized topics (mainly Assessment stage as illustrated in the HTA process flow above) and producing a
standardized HTA report that will be used to inform all public funding, coverage, and resource reallocation/
optimization decisions made by the DOH and PhilHealth.
The specific objectives of this document are as follows:

• To provide clear guidelines to researchers on methodological standards in evaluating the clinical and
economic value of health technologies as well as other relevant aspects on the adoption of health
technologies including sources of data in conducting assessments

Prepared by: Princess C. Cedeño, RPh

DMC COLLEGE FOUNDATION INC. Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy
BS PHARMACY Lecture Activity Sheet #1

• To ensure the consistency of methods and reporting standards of researchers so that HTA reports
meet the needs of the HTA Council and healthcare decision-makers for timely, comprehensive, reliable,
relevant, rigorous, and accurate evidence on health technologies.
• To give guidance to healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public on the decision
framework of the HTAC and healthcare decision-makers.
What is the scope of this document?
HTA aims to produce recommendations for healthcare decision-makers on the use of the following health

• Medicines
• Vaccines
• Medical devices
• Medical and surgical procedures
• Screening procedures and diagnostics
• Promotive and preventive health interventions
• Traditional and complementary medicine
• Other health interventions and technologies such as systems, organizations, and delivery systems of
This document, however, only applies to pharmaceutical products to be listed in the PNF, different health
technologies and services delivered by DOH public health programs, vaccines covered under the National
Immunization Program, and the benefits packages developed and covered by PhilHealth.

Prepared by: Princess C. Cedeño, RPh

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