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Write a WELL-DETAILED reflection using EXAMPLES that is at least a page in length on the

following question. Include a minimum of SIX reasons.

 Ensure you reference examples and details from the in-class experiences with the
back-to-back drawings, nails on a string exercise, mock interviews and escape the
bomb activity.

Why is effective communication considered a fundamental skill to have in the workplace and
in life?

 To talk and listen to ourselves: It is crucial to acknowledge our emotions to avoid

internalizing our problems and bringing stress and anxiety to our lives. Moreover, listening to
our body and mind is an act of self-love and can boost happiness. For instance, diets lead to
food restriction and long periods of fasting which result in less productive people who will
likely binge eat due to the extreme hunger they suffered from. Similarly, a person who is sleep
deprived might not be productive throughout the day and might get easily distracted.
Accordingly, listening to our body and mind improves our mental and physical health.

 To create healthy relationships: The effective use of words, actions, and body language leads
to the creation of positive interpersonal relationships. Whether it is between people you do
not talk with very often or your loved ones. Not only the words we use but also the way we
move our hands and eyes display our emotions. Thus, it is key to know how to behave
respectfully with others to avoid being rude and having problems. For instance, for the nails
on a string exercise, the teams had to discuss ideas and work together to achieve the task.
Due to the short period of time that was given, we had to work under pressure and control
our frustration to avoid arguing with our team and wasting time. By the end of the exercise,
we had improved our communication and patience skills.

 To work with a team to achieve a common goal: Humans are different from animals because
we are social, rational, and emotional beings. Life would be extremely complicated if we had
no one to help us with a task or to share their knowledge on a specific topic. Accordingly,
teamwork is fundamental to our society. For instance, people must work as a team to run a
company, build schools, put a fire down, among thousands of other activities. The bomb
activity was challenging and exciting because we learned how to communicate between those
who were looking at the bomb and those who were reading the manual, giving a lot of detail
and asking multiple questions. Moreover, as we had a certain amount of time to defuse the
bomb, my team divided the pages of the manual between our members to conquer the task.
The bomb activity can be seen in real life, more specifically in an emergency OR, when a group
of doctors work together to save a patient's life and must communicate effectively to discuss
the procedure and other instructions. In addition, doctors often run against time and work
under a lot of pressure as they teach residents while operating. Thus, doctors and many other
professionals must have strong communication skills to be successful at their jobs.

 To build real friendships/ relationships: A professional relationship is quite different from a

personal relationship. Personal relationships allow us to grow as humans and overcome
difficult times. Hence, there must be good communication and genuine affection to build a
long-lasting friendship. Likewise, communication is fundamental to building trust and love
with others. Friends guide and support each other's decisions and go through good and bad
times together. However, it is necessary to know how to communicate with our friends to set
boundaries and speak up when we disagree with a behavior or decision and figure things out,
so the friendship is not lost. Furthermore, when the communication inside a relationship
struggles and the other person is hurting our mental health, it is okay to stay away from the
person and prioritize ourselves.

 To achieve your dreams: The path to achieving a dream is challenging and requires hard
work. Nevertheless, having the support of others makes it easier and faster. On one hand,
our friends, parents, and loved ones provide us with emotional and financial support to
accomplish our goals such as going to university, starting a business, or moving to another
country. However, we may also need to ask for professional help and communicate formally
with teachers and other authorities to complete a task. For instance, a person needs to
communicate with real estate agents, architects, lawyers, or financial institutions to be able to
buy a house. Likewise, when applying for a scholarship, students are required to write a letter
or emails to academic coordinators and recruiters. Accordingly, it is quite helpful to know how
to communicate formally with such authorities to get the help we need or complete a legal
procedure we wouldn't be able to do on our own. Regarding the mock interviews, we learned
how to communicate our skills with the interviewer, as well as practice our body language
skills in a formal setting. Furthermore, we learned the importance of bringing enthusiasm and
using your words wisely to “sell yourself”.

 To feel loved: Communication is necessary to know that we are not all alone in this world.
Love and affection can also be demonstrated through non-verbal communication such as
asking whether a person arrived home safely, making/buying food when someone feels down,
or writing a meaningful birthday text to your loved ones. Small details make a difference and
demonstrate the importance of people in our lives. Physical affection, a small detail, a
message of support, or even quality time can make someone's day better and help them go
through rough days. For instance, despite being able to choose our partners for the back-to-
back drawing activity, the first few times we were not close to the original drawing because
we failed to ask effective questions or give enough details. However, as we kept practicing, we
learned different techniques to express our ideas and our process of thinking. In real life,
sometimes it can be difficult to communicate effectively with our loved ones and ask for the
help we need because of fear. However, our words can help us get the support we need to
face adversity and let ourselves know that we are not alone.

*Don’t forget to upload to your BLOG JOURNAL page when done.

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