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P.3  Meaning of a set
 Naming sets
 Forming sets
 Comparing sets
 Empty sets
 Finding number of members in a set
 Identifying common members in given sets
 Representing sets on Venn diagrams
 Listing elements from a Venn diagram

P.4  Meaning of a set

 Identifying sets
 Naming sets
 Forming sets
 Finding number of members in a set
 Equal sets
 Equivalent sets
 Empty sets
 Identifying common members in given sets
 Representing sets on venn diagrams
 Listing elements from a venn diagram

P.5  Meaning of a set and symbols used

 Types of sets
 Intersection of sets
 Union of sets
 Difference of sets
 Describing parts of a venn diagram
 Representing sets on venn diagrams
 Listing elements from a venn diagram

P.6  Meaning of a set and symbols used

 Types of sets
 Describing parts of a venn diagram
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 Difference of sets
 Complement of sets
 Listing elements from a venn diagram
 Representing sets on venn diagrams
 Listing subsets and proper subsets
 Finding number of subsets using the formulae
 Finding number of elements when given subsets and proper subsets
 Number of elements in a venn diagram
 Solving problems using a venn diagrami
 Application of sets

P.7  Finite and infinite sets

 Describing parts of a venn diagram
 Listing elements from a venn diagram
 Representing sets on venn diagrams
 Subsets
 Number of elements in a venn diagram
 Solving problems using a venn diagramii
 Application of sets

P.3  Forming numerals from digits
 Finding number after, before and between
 Place values of numbers up to thousands
 Values of numbers up to 9,999
 Drawing bundles and sticks
 Showing numbers on the abacus
 Writing numbers from the abacus
 Expanded form
 Writing in short form
 Writing in words
 Writing in figures

P.4  Forming numerals from digits

 Place values of numbers up to ten thousands
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 values of numbers up to 99,999
 Expanded form
 Writing in short form
 Writing in words
 Writing in figures
 Rounding off to the nearest thousands
 Rounding off using a number line
 Writing Hindu Arabic to Roman Numerals(up to XX)
 Writing Roman Numerals to Hindu Arabic

P.5  Forming numerals from digits

 Place values of numbers up to millions
 values of numbers up to 999,999
 Expanded form
 Writing in short form
 Writing in words
 Writing in figures
 Rounding off to the nearest ten thousands
 Writing Hindu Arabic to Roman Numerals
 Writing Roman Numerals to Hindu Arabic

P.6  Forming numerals from digits

 Place values and values of numbers up to millions
 Writing in words
 Writing in figures
 Expanded form
 Rounding off
 Roman numerals

P.7  Forming numerals from digits

 Place values and values of numbers up to hundred millions
 Writing in words
 Writing in figure
 Expanded form
 Standard form
 Rounding off

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 Roman numerals
 BASES..................................................26
 Basic names of bases
 Place values and values of bases
 Converting from non decimal bases to decimal bases
 Converting from decimal bases to non decimal bases
 Converting from non decimal bases to non decimal bases
 Addition of bases
 Subtraction of bases
 Multiplication of bases
 Division of bases
 Solving for unknown bases

P.3  Addition of numbers horizontally
 Addition of numbers without carrying
 Addition of numbers with carrying
 Solving algebraic problems with addition
 Addition using abacus
 Simple word problems on addition
 Subtraction of numbers horizontally
 Subtraction of numbers without carrying
 Subtraction of numbers with carrying
 Solving algebraic problems with Subtraction
 Subtraction using abacus
 Simple word problems on Subtraction
 Completing puzzles
 Completing magic squares
 Multiplication using repeated addition
 Multiplication of numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
 Word problems on multiplication
 Commutative property on multiplication
 Completing puzzles
 Solving algebraic problems on multiplication
 Division using repeated subtraction
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 Division of numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 with and
without remainders
 Word problems on division
 Completing puzzles
 Solving algebraic problems on division

P.4  Addition of numbers up to 5 digits

 Simple word problems on addition
 Subtraction of numbers up to 5 digits
 Simple word problems on subtraction
 Multiplication by 10, 100, 1000
 Multiplication using repeated addition
 Multiplication by a one digit number
 Multiplication of multi digit numbers by multi digit numbers
 Simple word problems on multiplication
 Division using repeated subtraction
 Division of whole numbers with and without remainders
 Simple word problems on division numbers

P.5  Addition of numbers up to 6 digits

 Simple word problems on addition
 Subtraction of numbers up to 6 digits
 Simple word problems on subtraction
 Multiplication by 10, 100, 1000
 Multiplication using repeated addition
 Multiplication by a one digit number
 Multiplication of multi digit numbers by multi digit numbers
 Simple word problems on multiplication
 Division using repeated subtraction
 Division of whole numbers with and without remainders by a one
digit number.
 Division of whole numbers with and without remainders by a
two digit number
 Simple word problems on division numbers

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 Place values and values of digits in base five
 Showing numbers on the abacus
 Writing numbers in base five in words and figures
 Expanding numbers in base five
 Grouping numbers in base five
 Changing from base five to base ten
 Changing from base ten to base five
 Addition of numbers in base five
 Subtraction of numbers in base five

P.6  Addition of big numbers up to millions

 Subtraction of big numbers up to millions
 Multiplication of big numbers up to millions
 Division of big numbers up to millions
 Properties of numbers

P.7  Addition of big numbers up to ten millions

 Subtraction of big numbers to ten millions
 Multiplication of big numbers to ten millions
 Division of big numbers to ten millions
 Properties of numbers
 Laws of indices
 Application of indices

P.3 

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P.4 

P.5 

P.6 

P.7  Divisibility tests

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 Types of numbers
 Prime factorization
 LCM and HCF
 Application of LCM and HCF
 Consecutive numbers
 Squares and square roots
 Cube roots

P.3 

P.4 

P.5 

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P.6 

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P.7  Addition and subtraction of fractions
 Multiplication of fractions
 Division of fractions
 Mixed operation on fractions (using BODMAS)
 Application of fractions
 Application of fractions involving “of the remainder”
 Application of fractions involving “taps”
 Changing vulgar fractions to decimals
 Changing non-recurring decimals to vulgar fractions
 Changing recurring decimals to vulgar fractions
 Addition and subtraction of decimals
 Multiplication of decimals
 Division of decimals
 Mixed operations
 Application of decimals
 Expressing quantities as ratios
 Sharing in ratios
 Solving problems on ratios
 Increase and decrease in ratios
 Finding ratio of increase and decrease
 Finding numbers increased in ratio
 Finding numbers decreased in ratios
 Direct proportions
 Inverse proportions
 PERCENTAGES....................................................66
 Expressing quantities as percentages
 Expressing one quantity as a percentage of another
 Forming and solving equations
 Increasing or decreasing quantities using percentages
 Finding percentage of increase and decrease
 Finding original numbers after increase
 Finding original numbers after decrease
 Percentage increase and decrease
 Percentage profit and loss

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 Finding selling price(SP) when cost price (CP) percentage profit
or loss are given
 Finding cost price(CP) when given selling price (SP) and
percentage profit.
 Finding cost price(CP) when given selling price (SP) and
percentage loss.
 Mixed application of profit and loss
 Finding discount
 Percentage discount
 Finding marked price when given percentage discount and
cash price
 Finding simple interest
 Finding rate
 Finding time
 Finding principal
 More about simple interest

P.5 

P.6 

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P.7  Arranging and ordering integers using a number line

 Addition and subtraction of integers with and without a
number line.
 Multiplication of integers with and without a number line.
 Division of integers with and without a number line.
 Writing mathematical statements / sentences


 Writing numbers in finite system
 Equivalences in finite system
 Addition in finite system
 Subtraction in finite system
 Multiplication in finite system
 Division in finite system
 Application of finite system in days of the week.
 Application of finite system in 12 and 24 hour time.
 Application of finite system in months of the year.
 Applying more than one finite in solving problems
 Solving equations


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P.3 

P.4 

P.5 

P.6 

P.7  Temperature graphs

 Solving problems on pie charts
 Construction of pie charts

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 Measures of central tendency and range (statistics)
 Complex mean / average
 Probability
 Plotting coordinates
 Plotting and joining coordinates
 Completing tables using equation of line
 Drawing lines for given ordered pairs

P.3 

P.4 

P.5 

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P.6 

P.3 

P.4 

P.5 

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P.6 

P.7  Converting from 12 hr clock to 24 hr clock

 Converting from 24 hr clock to 12 hr clock
 Duration
 Distance, speed and time
 Changing from km/hr to m/sec and vice versa
 Average speed
 Time tables
 Travel graphs
 Drawing travel graphs

P.3 

P.4 
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P.5 

P.6 
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P.7  Names of polygons

 Interior and exterior angles
 Finding number of sides of a polygon
 Finding number of triangles and right angles
 Finding number of sides when given right angles and triangles
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 Finding interior angle sum
 Finding number of sides when given interior angle sum
 Angles of an isosceles triangle
 Interior and exterior angles of a triangle
 More about angles on triangles
 Interior angles of other polygons
 Exterior angles of polygons
 Angles on parallel lines
 More about angles on parallel lines
 Properties of quadrilaterals
 Complementary angles
 Supplementary angles
 Constructing special angles
 Constructing other angles
 Constructing perpendicular bisectors
 Constructing perpendicular lines from a point
 Construction of a square using diagonals
 Construction of a rectangle when given one side and diagonals
 Construction of a triangle when given sides(SSS)
 Construction of a triangle when given two sides and one angle(SAS)
 Construction of a triangle when given two angles and one side(ASA)
 Construction of a rhombus when given diagonals
 Construction of a rhombus when given side and angle
 Construction of a parallelogram when given side and angle
 Construction of a parallelogram when given diagonals and side
 Construction of a parallelogram when given sides and one diagonal
 Construction of a trapezium
 Rotations and revolutions
 Angles on a compass and clock face
 Ordinary bearing (directions)
 True bearing
 More about true bearing
 Opposite bearing
 Expressing distance in a given scale

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 Scale drawing

P.3 

P.4 

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P.5 

P.6 

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P.7  Conversion of length, mass and capacity. (review)

 Finding perimeter. (review)
 Finding area of simple shapes. (review)
 Finding area of square, rhombus and kite using diagonals.
 Finding perimeter and area of parallelogram
 Comparing sides of polygons
 Using apothem to find area
 More about area
 Circle properties
 Finding circumference of a circle and parts of a circle
 Finding perimeter of a circle and parts of a circle
 Finding radius or diameter when given circumference
 Finding radius or diameter when given perimeter
 More about perimeter (irregular figures)
 Finding area of a circle and parts of a circle
 Finding radius or diameter when given area
 Finding area of combined shapes
 Finding shaded area
 More about circumference (revolutions)
 More about perimeter. (no. of poles)
 Converting from square metres (cm2) to square centimetres (cm2)

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and vice versa
 Converting from square kilometres (km2) to square metres (m2) and
vice versa
 Converting from cubic metres (cm3) to cubic centimetres (cm3) and
vice versa
 Volume and capacity of cylinders
 Finding missing sides when given volume of a cylinder
 Volume and capacity of triangular prisms
 Finding missing sides when given volume of a triangular prism
 More about cylinders
 Volume and capacity of trapezoidal prisms
 TSA of cubes and cuboids
 Find missing sides when given TSA of cubes and cuboids
 TSA of a triangular prism
 TSA of a trapezoidal prism
 TSA of closed cylinders
 TSA of cylinders closed one end
 TSA of hollow cylinders
 Packing boxes in boxes
 Packing cylinders in boxes
 Comparing volume of different objects

P.4 

P.5 

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P.6 

P.7 
 Substitution
 Collecting like terms
 Addition and subtraction of fractional algebraic terms
 Multiplication and division of fractional algebraic terms
 Factorizing completely
 Removing brackets
 Removing brackets in fractional algebraic terms
 Solving simple equations
 Solving equations involving squares and square roots
 Solving equations involving brackets
 Solving equations involving fractions
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 Forming and solving equations
 Application of algebra in ages
 Finding solution sets
 Solving and writing solution sets
 Finding solution sets with compound inequalities
 Solving and writing solution sets with compound inequalities

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