Final Test

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Final test-English File b. Does c.

c. Are d. to be work
d. Is 14. ‘Was Debussy from France?’ ‘Yes, ___.’
Name: 7. It’s my ___ computer. a. he were
a. Parents’ b. was
Age: b. Parent c. there were
c. Parent’s d. he was
Date: d. Parents 15. I’m Italian. ___ family are from Venice.
8. It’s ten ___ seven. 6:50 a. Our
1. We ___ American. a. to b. My
a. not b. for c. Her
b. not are c. at d. Me
c. aren’t d. in 16. What ___ do tomorrow?
d. isn’t 9. I ___ to classical music. a. are you going
2. ___ this magazine 2 years ago? a. never to listen b. you going
a. Do you read b. listen never c. are you going to
b. Are you going to read c. never listen d. do you go to
c. Are you reading d. don’t never listen 17. Today’s dinner is ___ than yesterday’s.
d. Did you read 10. Would you like ___ coffee? a. more good
3. This is our new teacher. ___ name is Mark. a. an b. gooder
a. His b. another c. better
b. Her c. some d. more better
c. He d. more one 18. They’re ___.
d. Its 11. I haven’t ___ this photo before. a. bigs cars
4. Is Mont Blanc ___ mountain in Europe? a. see b. cars bigs
a. The higher b. saw c. big cars
b. The most highest c. to see d. bigs car
c. The more high d. seen 19. They didn’t ___ the tickets.
d. The highest 12. I can’t see. Where are my ___? a. booking
5. British people ___ tea with milk. a. glasses b. booked
a. to drink b. stamps c. to book
b. drink c. keys d. book
c. drinks d. lipsticks
d. are drink 13. I like ___ in the morning.
6. ___ you like Chinese food? a. that I work
a. Do b. working 20. Where is the ball?
a) In the box c. a d. can’t
b) On the box d. any 35. “Box, key, fox” make plural nouns:
c) Under the box 28. She ___ to cook for her boyfriend. a. Boxs, keys, foxs
d) Behind the box a. isn’t going b. Boxes, keys, foxs
21. ___ the time? b. isn’t go c. Boxes, keys, foxes
a. What is c. aren’t going d. Boxs, keys, foxes
b. What is it d. doesn’t go
36. Write 10 words about house parts/furniture
c. What 29. The elephant is ___ animal in the world.
d. What it is a. the bigger
22. She ___ to the gym every day. b. the most big
a. gets 37. I am wearing… now
c. biggest
b. goes d. the biggest
c. has 30. ___ yesterday?
d. does a. You studied 38. Write 5 names of the places
23. I ___ do my homework last night. b. Did you studied
a. not could c. Did you study 39. Which article do we use: _moon, _sun, _earth
b. didn’t d. Studied you a) - the/the/the
c. don’t 31. James would like ___ basketball. b) - the/the/an
d. can’t a. playing c) - a/a/an
24. He ___ playing the piano. b. to play d) - -/-/an
a. are c. play 40. Which article do we use? _work, _lunch, _internet
b. does d. to playing a) - -/-/an
c. is 32. I always ___. b) - -/-/the
d. has a. work hard c) - -/-/-
25. He ___ jeans. b. hard work d) - the/the/the
a. doesn’t usually wear c. hardly work
b. isn’t usually wearing d. work hardly
c. wears usually 33. We ___ to Canada.
d. doesn’t wear usually a. haven’t be
26. I ___ my new job last week. b. hasn’t been
a. have begun c. hasn’t be
b. began d. haven’t been
c. am begin 34. He ___ follow instructions.
d. begin a. doesn’t cans
27. There isn’t ___ pasta in the kitchen. b. not can
a. some c. isn’t can
b. many

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