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REG.NO: 19TD0516
DATE : 8TH MAY 2023
History of chatbot
Creating a chatbot
Types of chatbot
Role of chatbot in 2023
Upcoming chatbot
Advantages and Disadvantages

A Chabot is a computer program that is designed to simulate conversation with human

users, typically through text-based or voice-based interactions. Chat bots use natural language
processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to understand the intent behind
the user's message and generate an appropriate response.

Chat bots can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks, such as answering frequently asked
questions, providing customer support, scheduling appointments, ordering products, and much
more. They can be integrated into messaging apps, websites, social media platforms, and other
digital channels to provide a seamless and convenient user experience.

Chat bots have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer several benefits to
businesses and users alike. For businesses, chat bots can help reduce costs, increase efficiency,
and improve customer satisfaction. For users, chat bots provide instant responses, personalized
interactions, and 24/7 availability.

Overall, chat bots are a powerful tool for businesses looking to enhance their customer service
and streamline their operations.
The history of chat bots can be traced back to the mid-1960s, when a computer program
called ELIZA was created by MIT professor Joseph Weizenbaum. ELIZA was designed to
simulate human-like conversations by using natural language processing techniques to respond
to simple prompts and questions.

In the 1970s and 1980s, chat bots continued to evolve with the development of more
sophisticated natural language processing algorithms and the growth of the personal computer
industry. One notable Chabot from this era was PARRY, a program created by Kenneth Colby
that simulated the behavior of a paranoid schizophrenic patient.

After parry there were Jabberwacky and then Dr.Sbaitso. They did not create much impact on
the field of chat bots. The 1990s saw the emergence of online chat rooms and instant
messaging services, which provided a new platform for chat bots to interact with users. Some
of the most popular chat bots during this time included Smarter Child, a virtual assistant that
could answer questions and provide information on a variety of topics, and ALICE, an AI
program designed to simulate conversation.

In the 2000s and beyond, chat bots continued to advance with the advent of artificial
intelligence and machine learning technologies. Today, chat bots are commonly used in a
variety of industries, including customer service, healthcare, and e-commerce, to provide quick
and personalized responses to user inquiries.

In 2010, Apple launched SIRI to reply text, audio and videos. Soon followed by GOOGLE
ASSISTANT from Google and CORTANA from Microsoft. In 2014 ALEXA was launched
by Amazon and now in 2023 we have CHATGPT. With the rise of natural language
processing and machine learning, chat bots are expected to become even more sophisticated
and intelligent in the years to come.

Chat bots are created using a combination of software development, machine learning,
and natural language processing (NLP) techniques. Here is a general overview of the steps
involved in creating a Chabot:

Define the purpose and scope of the Chabot: This involves identifying the goals of the
Chabot, the target audience, and the type of conversations it will have.
Choose a Chabot platform: There are many Chabot development platforms available, each
with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some popular platforms include Dialog flow,
Microsoft Bot Framework, and IBM Watson Assistant.

Design the conversation flow: This involves creating a set of possible user inputs and
corresponding Chabot responses. The conversation flow can be designed using a visual editor
or through programming.

Train the Chabot: To understand user inputs and generate appropriate responses, the Chabot
needs to be trained on a large dataset of real conversations. This involves using machine
learning algorithms to identify patterns and trends in the data.

Integrate the Chabot with messaging platforms: Once the Chabot is trained and tested, it
can be integrated with messaging platforms such as Face book Messenger, Slack, or

Deploy the Chabot: The Chabot can now be made available to users, either through a website,
social media platform, or mobile app.

Continuously improve the Chabot: As users interact with the Chabot, it can collect feedback
and data on its performance. This information can be used to make improvements and updates
to the Chabot over time.

Overall, creating a Chabot can be a complex process that requires expertise in several different
areas. However, with the right tools and approach, it is possible to create a Chabot that can
engage with users and provide valuable assistance.

A Chabot brain, also known as the conversational AI engine, is the underlying technology that
enables a Chabot to understand and respond to user queries. The brain consists of several key
components that work together to provide a seamless conversational experience:

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is a technique that enables the Chabot to
understand human language. The NLP component breaks down the user's message into
individual words and phrases, and then analyzes them to determine their meaning.
2. Intent Recognition: Intent recognition is a process that identifies the purpose or
intention behind the user's message. The intent recognition component uses NLP to
analyze the user's message and determine the user's intended action or request.
3. Dialogue Management: Dialogue management is the process of generating a response
to the user's message based on the intent recognition results. The dialogue management
component selects the appropriate response from a pre-built database of responses,
based on the user's intent.
4. Machine Learning: Machine learning is a technique that enables the Chabot to learn
from previous interactions with users and improve its responses over time. The machine
learning component uses algorithms to analyze previous conversations and identify
patterns in user behavior, allowing the Chabot to adapt its responses accordingly.

5. Integration: Integration is the process of connecting the Chabot to various systems and
platforms, such as customer service software, social media, and e-commerce platforms.
Integration allows the Chabot to access data from these systems and provide more
personalized and relevant responses to users.

In summary, the Chabot brain works by processing the user's message using natural
language processing and intent recognition, generating a response using dialogue
management, and learning from previous interactions using machine learning.

1. Scripted bots: Scripted bots are computer programs that are designed to perform
specific tasks according to a predetermined set of instructions or scripts. These bots are
programmed to automate repetitive tasks, such as sending automated replies to
customer inquiries or scheduling social media posts. Scripted bots are typically
designed to follow a specific workflow and operate within a well-defined set of
parameters. They are often used in customer service, sales, marketing, and other areas
where there are predictable and routine tasks that can be automated. However, scripted
bots are limited by their pre-defined set of instructions and are not able to adapt to
novel situations or handle complex tasks that require human judgment and decision-
2. AI bots: AI bots, also known as intelligent bots or chat bots, are computer programs
that are designed to simulate human conversation and perform tasks autonomously
using artificial intelligence techniques. These bots are powered by machine learning
algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) technology, which enable them to
understand human language and respond in a way that is natural and intuitive.

AI bots are used in a variety of applications, including customer service, sales, and
marketing. They can handle a wide range of tasks, from answering simple queries to
providing personalized recommendations and assistance. Additionally, AI bots can learn
from interactions with users and adapt their responses over time to improve the quality of
their service.

One of the main advantages of AI bots is that they can operate 24/7 without requiring
breaks or time off, which can help businesses provide round-the-clock customer support.
However, AI bots are not perfect and may occasionally make mistakes or struggle with
complex tasks that require human intervention. Therefore, they are typically used in
conjunction with human support to ensure that customers receive the best possible service.


In 2023, chat bots are likely to play an increasingly important role in a variety of
industries and applications. Here are a few potential ways in which chat bots may be used:

Customer service: Chat bots are already being used by many businesses to provide quick and
efficient customer support. In 2023, we can expect to see even more advanced chat bots that
are capable of understanding natural language and providing more personalized and accurate
responses to customer inquiries.

Healthcare: Chat bots are being used in the healthcare industry to provide basic medical
advice, schedule appointments, and answer common questions. In 2023, we can expect to see
chat bots become even more integrated into healthcare systems, potentially assisting with
remote patient monitoring and offering personalized health coaching.
Education: Chat bots may play an increasingly important role in education, particularly in
online learning environments. In 2023, we may see chat bots that are capable of providing
personalized tutoring, answering student questions, and offering feedback on assignments.

Personal assistance: Chat bots may become even more integrated into our daily lives as
virtual personal assistants. In 2023, we may see chat bots that are capable of scheduling
appointments, managing our calendars, and even making purchases on our behalf.

Overall, chat bots are likely to continue to evolve and become even more sophisticated in the
years to come, playing an increasingly important role in a wide range of industries and

After the rise of Chatgpt excepts says that Google will lose its power compared to the
AI. In reply to those feedbacks Google is going to launch their own Chabot named MAGI.
There are almost 160 top employees of Google working in this project. As far now details
about Magi is excepted to be released by Google on 10th May 2023.

Magi may have voice and dialog-based conversation with users. May generate one or more
response at given short time interval. Most experts are waiting for Google to answer their
questions. Will Magi take over AI industry?
Chat bots offer several advantages over traditional methods of customer service and
communication. Here are some of the main advantages of chat bots:

Available 24/7: Chat bots can be available around the clock, providing customers with
immediate assistance and support at any time of day or night. This can help to improve
customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Faster response times: Chat bots are able to provide quick responses to customer inquiries,
often within seconds. This can help to reduce wait times and improve the overall customer

Cost-effective: Chat bots can be more cost-effective than human customer service
representatives, as they can handle a large volume of inquiries simultaneously and do not
require breaks or time off.

Scalability: Chat bots can easily scale to handle large volumes of inquiries, making them an
ideal solution for businesses that experience fluctuations in customer demand.

Personalization: Chat bots can be programmed to provide personalized responses and

recommendations based on user preferences and past behavior, helping to improve the overall
customer experience.

Data collection: Chat bots can collect valuable data on customer preferences and behavior,
which can be used to improve products and services and provide more personalized

Overall, chat bots offer several advantages over traditional customer service methods,
providing businesses with a cost-effective and efficient way to improve customer satisfaction
and engagement.

While chat bots offer many advantages such as 24/7 availability and quick response time, they
also have some disadvantages. Here are a few:

Limited Scope: Chat bots are designed to handle specific tasks and are not always able to
answer questions outside of their programmed knowledge. This can lead to frustration for users
who are looking for more comprehensive answers or assistance.
Lack of Personalization: Chat bots lack the ability to understand the nuances of human
communication, making it difficult for them to provide personalized responses. This can lead
to a feeling of disconnection between the user and the Chabot.

Technical Limitations: Chat bots rely on artificial intelligence and machine learning
algorithms, which may not always function as intended. This can lead to inaccurate or
irrelevant responses, which can be frustrating for users.

Security Concerns: Chat bots collect and store user data, which can be vulnerable to hacking
or data breaches. This can lead to a loss of sensitive information or a violation of user privacy.

Cost: Developing and maintaining a Chabot can be expensive, especially for small businesses
or startups. The cost of development, training, and maintenance can be prohibitive for some

Lack of Emotional Intelligence: Chat bots are not capable of understanding human emotions
or providing emotional support. This can be a major drawback in situations where users are
seeking emotional support or guidance.

In conclusion, chat bots offer several benefits such as 24/7 availability, quick response times,
and cost savings for businesses. However, they also have some limitations and disadvantages
such as limited scope, lack of personalization, technical limitations, security concerns, and lack
of emotional intelligence.

Despite these limitations, chat bots continue to evolve and improve, offering more advanced
capabilities such as natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and voice recognition.
With continued advancements in technology, chat bots have the potential to become even more
useful and effective in the future.

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