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Mr. Amrendra Kumar,


Subject: Offer of Employment as “SITE ENGINEER”

Dear Mr. Amrendra Kumar,
This is with respect to your application and subsequent interaction you had with us. We are
pleased to extend an offer of employment with KNOSPE & CO. LLP (hereafter referred to as
‘the company’) on the following terms and condition (“Letter of Appointment”). You are being
appointed to the position of “SITE ENGINEER” of Built Heritage with effect from 16-July-
You will devote your time and attention to the business of the company, admitting to the rules
and regulations in force from time to time and Your position with the Company calls for whole
time employment and you shall devote yourself exclusively to the functions/operations/
business of the Company. You will not take up any other work with or without remuneration
consideration (part time or otherwise or in name of any family members) or work on advisory
capacity or be interested directly or indirectly in any other trade or business, during your
employment with the Company, without prior written permission from the Company.

ROLE Civil Engineer

DATE OF JOINING 16-July-2022
CTC (Cost to Company) INR 25000/- (per month)

Please refer to:

● Annexure 1 for Compensation Plans, Benefits and Terms of Employment.

C a nd id a te 's S ig na tur e


a. Your monthly fixed compensation will be INR 25000/- ( CTC)

b. Further, EPF (Employee Provident Fund) will be contributed from the employee’s salary.


a. According to the HR policy of the Company, Neither Travelling Allowances (TA) nor Daily
Allowance (DA) will be paid.


a. You will be on probation for a period of three months; only after which your service will be
confirmed subjected to satisfactory performance and the target achieved.
b. Your probation can be extended or shortened at the sole discretion of the company.


The company can periodically (every 3 months) evaluate an employee’s performance based on the
responsibilities and target assigned.


Core Time Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Flexible Time Sunday Depending on the project and necessity

As per the requirement of the company’s project and business; the company reserves the sole
rights to bring alterations in your working days and hours.
Minimum 8 hours of work is mandatory.


a. According to the company’s HR policy, punctuality and consistency is expected from all
b. Attendance of an employee will be considered as a vital factor during performance
assessment of the employee.
c. The salary calculation will be based on your attendance. The attendance will be calculated
either manually or electronically.

a. According to the HR policy of the company, every employee working on Sundays is entitled
to take 2 days leave per month.
b. According to the HR policy of the company, every employee is entitled to 12 leaves in a year
on the first year of their joining.
c. According to the HR policy of the company, every employee is entitled to 24 leaves in a year
from the second year of their joining the company. 15 days will be considered as a paid leave
and 9 days will be granted as sick leave in an entire year.
d. Festival holiday will be additional throughout the year as observed by the company.
e. Employee must give three days prior notice to the HR ‘Namrata Sinha of the company via
email at [email protected] before taking the leave. The employee must also mention
the duration of the leave.
f. The company reserves the right to grant or deny permission for the leave application submitted
by the employee; as per the requirement of the ongoing project and business of the company.


a. Employee can be transferred/ seconded to any of the company’s construction site or when
necessary, in the tenure of performing your duties.
b. The terms and condition relating to transfer/ secondment shall be stated in the relevant
document executed at the time of such secondment/ transfer.


a. Your services with the company may be terminated by either party upon giving a written notice
of 30 calendar days notice or salary in lieu in such notices.
b. The company may terminate your services, should you be absent from work or incapacitated
from performing your duties owing to ill health or accident for a period of 30 days by giving
you 15 days’ notice in writing of its intention to do so.
c. You are liable to be summarily dismissed, should be guilty of breach of this appointment,
insobriety, addiction to drugs, dishonesty, disobedience, neglect of duty or any other
misconduct under the company service rules which is detrimental to the business or interest of
the company.
d. At the time of termination, the employee must return all the business and project related data’s,
documents, systems/laptops or any other goods provided by the company, to the Reporting
manager/HR as applicable.
e. During the period of your employment and for the period of 1 years after cessation of
employment relationships your will not be employed, engage or interested (directly or
indirectly in any part of any business or undertaking carried on which would or might compete
with any business or prospective business whether actually carry on or is in the course of
development by the company on the date of termination of the agreement.

a. The Company will be the owner of intellectual property right in all creations, adaptations,
inventions, innovations, patents, improvements and discoveries made by you during the course
of your employment and in connection with your employment with the Company. All creations,
adaptations, inventions, improvements and discoveries made solely by you or jointly while in
the employment with the Company needs to be disclosed to the Company and the Company has
the sole right, title and interest on such creations, inventions, improvements and discoveries.
b. You hereby assign to the Company your worldwide and perpetual rights in the intellectual
property right in all such creations, adaptations, inventions, improvements and discoveries that
shall be made by you during the course of your employment and in connection with your
employment with the Company.
c. You will not do anything in conflict with the Company’s intellectual property rights and will
cooperate fully to protect such intellectual property rights of the Company against
misappropriation or infringement by third parties.
d. If you come across any cases of infringement of the Company’s intellectual property rights, you
will promptly notify the Company of such infringement and assist the Company in any and all
ways to protect the intellectual property rights.

Validity of this letter would be 7 days of issuance. Any request for change in date of joining
must be sent to the HR ‘Namrata Sinha’ via email at [email protected] 3 days prior
to your date of joining as given earlier. Also contact immediately if you require an alternate date
of joining.

You are required to submit a copy of the following documents along with the signed copy of this letter
within one week of the date of joining the Company. In case of any discrepancy found in the
documents/details furnished, the company reserves the right to revoke the offer letter/terminate your
employment without any prior notice or notice period.

SI. No. Documents Details

1. 10th standard marks card Mandatory

2. 12th standard marks card Mandatory

3. Marksheet for all the year of graduation, degree, diploma Mandatory


4. Relieving letter from last organization worked Mandatory

5. Passport size photographs Mandatory

6. Professional Qualification marks cards and certificate

7. Post graduate mark card and certificate (if applicable) Mandatory

8. Driving License Optional

9. ID Proof- One ID proof issued by the Govt of India – Mandatory

Driving License/Passport/PAN Card/Voter’s ID

10. Aadhar Card Mandatory

In token of your acceptance of this offer kindly sign and return a copy of this letter at the earliest to the
We heartly welcome you to the KNOSPE (Conservation & Restoration) family and wish you a
successful and rewarding career over the years to come.
Yours sincerely,
Knospe & Co LLP

(Signature) Name:
(Mukul Prasad) Signature :
Authorized Signatory Date:

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