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Multiply your results using the

latest features in Performance Max

Why Performance Max

Advertisers who use Performance Max
Performance Max uses the full power of Google’s AI
achieve on average over 18% more
to help you find untapped and incremental conversion conversions at a similar cost per action.
opportunities across all Google Ads channels. Source: Google Data, Global, Ads, November - December 2022

You asked . . . and we answered with NEW ways to optimize and prove the incremental value of
your Performance Max campaigns! Now available in Google Ads (learn more):


Exclude specific queries you don’t want to See how Performance Max drives incremental
show ads for results against your current campaign mix
● Applies to all campaigns that serve on Search and ● Set up 2 types of experiments: a Performance Max
Shopping inventory, except Discovery campaigns uplift experiment on top of your current campaign
mix or vs. Standard Shopping campaigns.
● Maintains brand suitability
Pro Tip: If the experiment is successful and you fully
Pro Tip: Watch out for how exclusions impact
launch your campaign, increase budget to maximize
your reach and performance.
coverage as the campaign serves on more traffic.


Upload a feed of landing page URLs to refine Build videos directly within Performance Max
where you want to send traffic to campaign setup
● When final URL expansion is ON, page feeds help ● The video creation tool populates pre-made video
Google’s AI understand that these URLs are templates tailored to your campaign goal
important, but does not restrict its matching to ● Gives you more creative control to build and preview
them. high-quality assets
● With final URL expansion OFF, Google’s AI will
restrict its matching to just these URLs. Pro Tip: Create multiple videos using templates
with varying ratios and formats so your videos can
Pro Tip: Group URLs using labels to make them be shown in a wider range of inventory and
easier to use in a campaign or asset group. placements.


Campaign-level brand exclusions Asset group reporting Budget pacing insights

Control which brands your campaign View conversions, conversion Uncover opportunities to optimize
matches to - including your own - so your value, cost, and a variety of other your budget by seeing how much your
Performance Max campaigns won’t serve metrics at the asset group level. campaigns have spent and are
for branded queries you want to avoid on Use this data to guide your projected to spend, along with your
Search and Shopping inventory. Applying creative strategy and improve current and forecasted performance.
these exclusions will also block traffic from your campaigns by testing Understand at a glance how your
most brand misspellings and brand searches entirely new asset groups and/or campaign is pacing, whether there’s
in a foreign language. If any brands are new assets within existing asset an opportunity to change or
missing from the list, you’ll see an option in groups. redistribute budget, and get
Google Ads to request additions. customized recommendations to
maximize your budget utilization.

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