Fingur Millet 2021

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Assessing Forage Potential of the Global Collection of Finger
Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) Conserved at the
ICRISAT Genebank
Chinnadura Backiyalakshmi 1,2 , Babu C 1 , Dagunapur Naresh Reddy 2 , Varijaksha P. Padmakumar 3 ,
Kodukul V. S. V. Prasad 3 , Vania Cristina Renno Azevedo 2 and Mani Vetriventhan 2, *

1 Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore 641003,
Tamil Nadu, India; [email protected] (C.B.); [email protected] (B.C.)
2 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru 502324,
Telangana State, India; [email protected] (D.N.R.); [email protected] (V.C.R.A.)
3 International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), ICRISAT Campus, Patancheru 502324, Telangana State,
India; [email protected] (V.P.P.); [email protected] (K.V.S.V.P.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Finger millet is an important drought-tolerant and grain-nutrient dense food crop grown
in semi-arid regions in Asia and Africa. The forage is used as a source of dry roughage for feeding
livestock. In this study, the finger millet diversity panel (310 accessions and four controls) representing

 the global collection of the finger millet germplasm conserved at the ICRISAT gene bank was assessed
for forage quality and diversity in the years 2018 and 2019. Results of the study suggested that finger
Citation: Backiyalakshmi, C.; C, B.;
Naresh Reddy, D.; Padmakumar, V.P.;
millet can generate stover yield ranging from 2890 to 10,779 kg ha−1 . Finger millet forage contained
Prasad, K.V.S.V.; Azevedo, V.C.R.; 6.47% to 8.15% of crude protein, >90% of dry matter content, 11.47% to 14.17% of ash content, 62.36%
Vetriventhan, M. Assessing Forage to 67.73% of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 33.07% to 38.37% of acid detergent fiber (ADF), 3.95% to
Potential of the Global Collection of 4.80% of acid detergent lignin (ADL), 6.18% to 6.89% of metabolizable energy (ME) and 45.21% to
Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) 49.09% of in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) with the grain yield of 810 to 3698 kg ha−1 at
Gaertn.) Conserved at the ICRISAT maturity stage. The per se performance between the races, regions, and biological status has been
Genebank. Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706. performed and differed significantly for important traits. The 314 accessions were grouped into five clusters based on the performance for food-feed traits. Except for crude protein, there was a
positive relationship between forage quality-positive traits and grain yield, indicating that agronomic
and forage quality traits could be improved simultaneously. The top 10 performing accessions for
Academic Editors: David Draper
important forage quality traits and accessions with multiple forage quality traits were identified.
Munt and Isabel Marques
This study provides a detailed understanding of the variability that exists in forage quality traits
Received: 12 June 2021
in crop residues and their association with agronomic traits in the finger millet germplasm. The
Accepted: 9 August 2021 identified top-performing accessions would be the key genetic resources for developing dual-purpose
Published: 26 August 2021 cultivars and the information from this study will be useful for future finger millet food-feed trait
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in Keywords: forage quality; food-feed trait; characterization; variability; genetic diversity
published maps and institutional affil-

1. Introduction
Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.), is a drought-tolerant cereal crop, well
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. adapted to the adverse environment of the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa. The
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. finger millet crop is highly self-pollinated and allotetraploid in nature (AABB) with the
This article is an open access article chromosome number 2n = 4x = 36. It has superior grain nutritional quality with multiple
distributed under the terms and health benefits [1–6]. It can produce substantial forage and grain yield even under low
conditions of the Creative Commons input conditions [7]. In the context of emerging climate change, there is a need to tap the
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// crop’s potential for a dual purpose like other millets because of the increasing demand [8].
Finger millet is primarily grown as a food crop, but it can also be used as a forage crop,

Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706.

Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 2 of 20

producing excellent hay and serving as a green forage for cattle, sheep, and goats [1,9–12].
In India, USA, Africa, and Ireland, finger millet straw is used as forage, but it is also used
for other purposes in Africa, such as string and thatching [1,13]. In comparison to forage
maize and sorghum, finger millet forage is high in micronutrients like calcium, phosphorus,
and potassium [14] and contains 61% of total digestible nutrients [15], 105 to 156 g kg−1
crude protein, 598 to 734 g kg−1 neutral detergent fibre, 268 to 382 g kg−1 acid detergent
fibre, 597 to 730 g kg−1 in vitro digestibility, and 387 to 552 g kg−1 neutral detergent fibre
digestibility [11]. Apart from yield and grain nutritional enhancement, improvement of
the forage quality of the crop residues becomes an integral part of plant breeding [16,17].
Multi-dimensional crop improvement is needed to obtain a sustainable increase in food-
forage traits [18]. In recent times, several studies have been reported in annual grasses
towards the characterization, evaluation, and the market value for forage yield and feed
quality in rice [17,19,20], wheat [21–24], maize [25], pearl millet [26], and sorghum [27,28].
In semi-arid regions, sorghum and pearl millet are the predominant cereal crops and it has
the additional value of the crop-by product that can feed livestock without compromising
the grain yield. To improve the forage quality of crop residues without comprising on grain
yield, crop improvement work has focused to breed dual-purpose cultivars in different
crops [28]. However, in the case of finger millet crop, forage improvement has not yet
attracted the plant breeding community and only a few studies have been reported on
forage quality characterization [11,13,29]. Trait variability is the most important criterion
in the selection process, and it can be explored through the characterization of germplasm,
which is the base material for any crop improvement program. With this background, we
performed this study (i) to assess the finger millet germplasm crop residues for its forage
quality; (ii) to study the association of forage quality traits with the agronomic traits; and
(iii) to identify the promising finger millet germplasm for superior forage quality traits.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Germplasm Details
A diversity panel of 310 accessions, along with four control cultivars (GPU 26, MR 6,
KMR 204, and VL 149) of finger millet, originating from 23 different countries, representing
the four geographical regions in the world: Africa (160), Asia (136), Europe (6), North
America (3) and nine Unknown origin accessions, were used for this study (Table S1). The
panel represents all the races of finger millet: vulgaris (202 accessions), plana (48 accessions),
elongata (31 accessions), compacta (28 accessions), and a few unclassified (5 accessions), and
their subraces. The diversity panel consists of both landraces (264 accessions) and breeding
material (50 accessions) (Table S1).

2.2. Experimental Details

The experiment was conducted in an alpha lattice design with three replications for
two consecutive years (2018 and 2019 rainy seasons) in alfisols at ICRISAT, Patancheru,
Telangana, India (17.53◦ N latitude, 78.27◦ E longitude, and 545 MSL) to evaluate the
accessions for agronomic and forage quality traits. Sowing was done in the third week
of July in both years. Year-wise weather parameters for the years 2018 and 2019 during
the crop growth period (July–December) are provided in Figure 1. Each accession was
planted in a single row of 4 m length with about 10 cm interplant spacing and row-to-row
spacing of 60 cm. Crop-specific agronomic and plant protection measures were followed.
Diammonium phosphate was applied at 100 kg ha−1 as a basal dose and urea was applied
at the rate of 100 kg ha−1 as a topdressing at the interval of 5 weeks DAS.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 3 of 20
Agronomy 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17

Figure Weatherparameter data
parameter of 2018
data and and
of 2018 2019 2019
seasons duringduring
seasons the finger
fingercrop growth
millet crop
growth stages.

2.3. Phenotyping
Phenotypingfor forAgronomic
Data on seven agronomic traits,
Data on seven agronomic traits, namely days
namely to 50%
days flowering,
to 50% days to
flowering, maturity,
days plant
to maturity,
height, basal tillers number, grain yield, stover yield (dry), and harvest index (HI = grain
plant height, basal tillers number, grain yield, stover yield (dry), and harvest index (HI =
yield/biological yield) were recorded and compared for the response on forage quality
grain yield/biological yield) were recorded and compared for the response on forage qual-
traits. Days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, grain yield, and stover yield were recorded
ity traits. Days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, grain yield, and stover yield were rec-
on a plot basis. The remaining traits were recorded on five representative plants from
orded on a plot basis. The remaining traits were recorded on five representative plants
each row of individual accessions. Grain and stover yield per plot were converted into
from each row of individual accessions. Grain and stover yield per plot were converted
yield kg ha−1 . −1
into yield kg ha .
2.4. Forage Quality Trait Assessment
2.4. Forage Quality Trait Assessment
For forage quality traits analysis, 1 m length of plants in the middle of a 4 m row
of eachForaccession
forage quality traits analysis,
was harvested 1 m length
at maturity stage,of plants in chopped
sun-dried, the middle of small
into a 4 mpieces,
row of
each accession was harvested at maturity stage, sun-dried, chopped
and ground into a powder to pass through a 1-mm sieve using hammer mills from the into small pieces, and
ground into a powder to pass through a 1-mm sieve using hammer
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) located at ICRISAT, Hyderabad. Then, the mills from the Inter-
samples Livestock
sent toResearch Institute
ILRI livestock (ILRI) located
nutritional at ICRISAT,
laboratory, Hyderabad.for
ICRISAT, Hyderabad, Then,
samples were sent to ILRI livestock nutritional laboratory, ICRISAT,
quality traits assessment. The forage quality traits such as dry matter content (Dm, %), ashHyderabad, for for-
age quality
content (%), traits
protein (CP,The forage quality
%), neutral detergenttraits such
fiber as dry
(NDF, %), matter content fiber
acid detergent (Dm,
%), ash content (%), crude protein (CP, %), neutral detergent fiber
(ADF, %), acid detergent lignin (ADL, %), in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD, %)(NDF, %), acid deter-
and fiber (ADF, %), acid (ME,
energy detergent
MJ/kg lignin (ADL,measured
dm) were %), in vitro
by organic matterspectroscopy
near-infrared digestibility
(NIRS) %) and against
calibrated metabolizable energywet
conventional (ME, MJ/kg dm)
laboratory were measured
analyses by near-infrared
[19,30]. The NIRS instru-
ment was a FOSS (NIRS) calibrated
Forage Analyzer against
5000 conventional
(FOSS XDS RCA, wet laboratory
Win ISI IV, analyses
Denmark) [19,30].
with instrument was a FOSS
software package Win Forage Analyzer
ISI II. The predicted5000values
all traits Wincorrected
ISI IV, Den- by
dry matter (Dm), and the percentage values were used for statistical analyses. The R2
mark) installed with the software package Win ISI II. The predicted values of all traits
were corrected
values for globalby dry matter
calibration of (Dm),
forageand the traits
quality percentage
variedvalues weretoused
from 0.84 for statistical
0.97 (0.84 for dry
matter, The
0.89 forRADL,
2 values0.92for
IVOMD, calibration
0.93 for ofADFforage
ME, 0.96 traits varied
for Ash andfromNDF, 0.84
0.97 (0.84 for dry matter, 0.89 for ADL, 0.92 for IVOMD, 0.93 for ADF and ME, 0.96 for
Ash and NDF, and 0.97 for CP).
2.5. Statistical Analysis
2.5. Statistical Analysisbetween the accessions and the years was determined by estimated
The significance
significance in the linear
between the mixed model
accessions andfor
years wasyears and pooled
determined data of
by estimated
two years using the restricted maximum likelihood (ReML) procedure
variance components in the linear mixed model for individual years and pooled datain Genstat 20thof
edition ( accessed on 7 January 2021), considering
two years using the restricted maximum likelihood (ReML) procedure in Genstat 20th the year as
fixed and(
edition treatment, block, replication as a random
accessed factor. The
on 7 January pooled
2021), mean datathe
considering had been
year as
used for downstream analysis. The broad-sense heritability (H2 b) was estimated using the
fixed and treatment, block, replication as a random factor. The pooled mean data had been
following formula andanalysis.
used for downstream categorized
Theas low (<0.30),
broad-sense medium (0.30–0.60),
heritability or high (>0.60):
(H2b) was estimated using the
following formula and categorized as low (<0.30), medium (0.30–0.60), or high (>0.60):
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 4 of 20

σ2 ge σ2 error
2 2 2
H b = σ g/ σ g + + , (1)
e re
where σ2 g is the genotypic variance, σ2 ge is the genotype × environment interaction
variance, σ2 error is the residual variance, r is the number of replications and e is the
number of environments (years). The significance of environmental (years) effects was
tested using Wald’s statistics [31]. The mean performance of the 15 traits on regions,
races, and biological type were compared using the Newman–Keuls test [32,33], using
the R package “agricolae” [34]. Association between 15 traits was estimated by correlation
coefficient and tested for significance in R software using “corrplot” package [35]. Gower’s
phenotypic distance matrix was estimated and hierarchical clustering was undertaken
following Ward.D2 method [36] using the R package “vegan” [37] and “cluster” [38], and
the cluster mean values were tested following the Newman–Keuls test. Promising finger
millet accessions for forage quality traits were identified based on per se performance.

3. Results
3.1. ReML Variance Components Analysis
ReML variance components analysis of the agronomic and forage quality data on
314 accessions revealed highly significant genotypic variance components in individual
years as well as in pooled data over years (Table 1). Similarly, the g × e variance compo-
nents were significant for all the traits except CP, and their values were lower than the
genotypic variance components for all the traits. Wald’s statistics was used to estimate the
environmental effects and found to be significant for all the traits.

Table 1. Estimated variance components for agronomic and forage quality traits of finger millet accessions evaluated in
2018 and 2019 at ICRISAT, Patancheru, India.

2018 2019 Pooled

Trait Wald Statistic
σ2 g # σ2 Error σ2 g σ2 Error σ2 g σ2 ge σ2 Error
for Years
Days to 50% flowering 89.01 ** 2.076 54.095 ** 2.545 65.996 ** 5.52 ** 8.85 * 2.411
Days to maturity 106.442 ** 4.599 57.588 ** 4.366 73.099 ** 9.023 ** 16.52 ** 4.526
Grain yield (kg ha−1 ) 483,310 ** 182,705 213,483 ** 98,715 185,838 ** 164,167 ** 465.66 ** 150,149
Stover yield (kg ha−1 ) 4,536,125 ** 2,344,396 1,140,943 ** 695,538 1,791,173 ** 1,015,857 ** 839.20 ** 1,562,927
Harvest index 0.002493 ** 0.00159 0.002178 ** 0.00112 0.001738 ** 0.000553 ** 10.46 ** 0.001
Basal tillers number 0.9857 ** 0.484 0.5001 ** 0.424 0.4667 ** 0.2728 ** 1285.83 ** 0.476
Plant height (cm) 125.41 ** 43.22 123.52 ** 36.04 105.35 ** 17.98 ** 153.17 ** 43.340
Dry matter (Dm) (%) 0.0938 ** 0.222 0.0404 ** 0.254 0.0242 ** 0.0445 ** 898.19 ** 0.517
Ash content (%) 0.3439 ** 0.733 0.752 ** 4.767 0.248 ** 0.297 ** 2276.71 ** 2.794
Crude protein (CP) (%) 0.2856 ** 0.511 0.1049 ** 0.597 0.1597 ** 0.0051 ns 289.64 ** 0.713
Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (%) 2.15 ** 3.654 1.616 ** 5.376 0.963 ** 0.902 ** 895.79 ** 4.575
Acid detergent fiber (ADF) (%) 2.472 ** 2.945 1.283 ** 1.682 1.195 ** 0.413 ** 1315.96 ** 3.272
Acid detergent lignin (ADL) (%) 0.04788 ** 0.0699 0.03828 ** 0.0964 0.03183 ** 0.00832 * 2184.52 ** 0.092
Metabolizable energy (ME) (MJ/kg Dm) 0.03261 ** 0.0587 0.016 ** 0.112 0.01766 ** 0.00582 * 16.48 ** 0.090
In vitro organic matter digestibility
1.118 ** 2.022 0.557 ** 3.639 0.555 ** 0.249 * 73.63 ** 2.992
(IVOMD) (%)

*, ** Significant at p ≤ 0.05, 0.01 probability levels, respectively; ns—not significant; # σ2 g—genotypic variance; σ2 ge—genotypic ×
environment variance, and σ2 error—error variance.

3.2. Genetic Variability and Heritability

In the individual years, all the agronomic traits differed significantly between the two
years, except for days to 50% flowering and days to maturity. The average days to 50%
flowering (74 days in 2018 and 75 days in 2019) and days to maturity (108 in 2018, 107
in 2019) were similar in both years. Grain yield and stover yield in 2019 (1865 kg ha−1 ,
5598 kg ha−1 ) were lower than in 2018 (2666 kg ha−1 , 8559 kg ha−1 ). Similarly, the forage
quality traits differed significantly between two years (Table 2). The H2 b of all traits
varied from 0.14 to 0.98 in 2018 and 0.14 to 0.96 in 2019. All the agronomic traits showed
high heritability in both the years except for basal tillers in 2019 which showed moderate
heritability (0.54). Among forage quality traits, Dm (0.14) in both years and ash (0.28), NDF
(0.23), ADL (0.28) in 2019 had low heritability whereas the remaining traits had moderate
heritability in both the years.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 5 of 20

Table 2. Mean, range, and heritability on agronomic and forage quality traits of 314 finger millet accessions evaluated in 2018 and 2019 at ICRISAT, Patancheru, India.

Trait Season Mean Range Heritability (H2 b) # CV% SED LSD (p ≤ 0.05)
Pooled 74 ± 0.47 51–97 0.95 2.08 1.27 2.49
Days to 50% flowering 2018 74 ± 0.53 a † 50–99 0.98 1.94 1.18 2.31
2019 75 ± 0.41 a 53–97 0.96 2.13 1.30 2.56
Pooled 107 ± 0.5 85–130 0.93 1.98 1.74 3.41
Days to maturity 2018 108 ± 0.58 a 84–134 0.96 1.99 1.75 3.44
2019 107 ± 0.42 a 86–128 0.93 1.96 1.71 3.35
Pooled 2267 ± 28 810–3698 0.63 17.09 316 620
Grain yield (kg ha−1 ) 2018 2666 ± 37 a 615–4416 0.73 16.03 349 685
2019 1865 ± 24 b 731–3331 0.68 16.85 256 503
Pooled 7078 ± 81 2890–10,779 0.70 17.66 1020 2001
Stover yield (kg ha−1 ) 2018 8559 ± 111 a 2998–13,423 0.66 17.89 1250 2454
2019 5598 ± 55 b 2952–8944 0.62 14.90 680 1336
Pooled 0.25 ± 0.002 0.12–0.37 0.77 15.68 0.03 0.06
Harvest index 2018 0.24 ± 0.003 b 0.12–0.39 0.61 16.50 0.03 0.06
2019 0.25 ± 0.002 a 0.11–0.36 0.66 13.36 0.03 0.05
Pooled 4 ± 0.04 3–7 0.68 15.69 0.56 1.10
Basal tillers number 2018 5 ± 0.05 a 4–9 0.67 13.03 0.57 1.12
2019 3 ± 0.04 b 2–6 0.54 18.87 0.53 1.04
Pooled 120 ± 0.59 84–143 0.87 5.50 5.38 10.54
Plant height (cm) 2018 123 ± 0.6 a 85–150 0.74 5.36 5.37 10.54
2019 117 ± 0.6 b 78–138 0.77 5.13 4.90 9.62
Pooled 90.42 ± 0 90.39–90.44 0.18 0.80 0.59 1.15
Dry matter (Dm) (%) 2018 90.84 ± 0.01 a 90.15–91.78 0.14 0.52 0.38 0.76
2019 89.99 ± 0.01 b 89.64–90.36 0.14 0.56 0.41 0.81
Pooled 12.42 ± 0.02 11.47–14.17 0.29 13.46 1.36 2.68
Ash content (%) 2018 10.31 ± 0.03 b 9.12–11.69 0.32 8.30 0.70 1.37
2019 14.53 ± 0.03 a 13.44–16.75 0.28 15.02 1.78 3.50
Pooled 7.23 ± 0.02 6.47–8.15 0.57 11.68 0.69 1.35
Crude protein (CP) (%) 2018 7.56 ± 0.02 a 6.50–8.82 0.36 9.45 0.58 1.15
2019 6.9 ± 0.01 b 6.42–7.60 0.30 11.19 0.63 1.24
Pooled 64.94 ± 0.05 62.36–67.73 0.44 3.29 1.75 3.42
Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (%) 2018 66.8 ± 0.07 a 62.96–69.55 0.37 2.86 1.56 3.06
2019 63.08 ± 0.05 b 60.03–65.39 0.23 3.68 1.89 3.72
Pooled 35.87 ± 0.06 33.07–38.37 0.61 5.04 1.48 2.90
Acid detergent fiber (ADF) (%) 2018 37.64 ± 0.08 a 34.33–40.58 0.46 4.56 1.40 2.75
2019 34.1 ± 0.05 b 31.43–36.80 0.43 3.80 1.06 2.08
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 6 of 20

Table 2. Cont.

Trait Season Mean Range Heritability (H2 b) # CV% SED LSD (p ≤ 0.05)
Pooled 4.39 ± 0.01 3.95–4.80 0.62 6.90 0.25 0.48
Acid detergent lignin (ADL) (%) 2018 4.76 ± 0.01 a 4.31–5.19 0.41 5.56 0.22 0.42
2019 4.02 ± 0.01 b 3.65–4.36 0.28 7.71 0.25 0.50
Pooled 6.57 ± 0.01 6.18–6.89 0.50 4.56 0.24 0.48
Metabolizable energy (ME) (MJ/kg Dm) 2018 6.54 ± 0.01 b 6.08–7.09 0.36 3.70 0.20 0.39
2019 6.6 ± 0 a 6.27–6.77 0.33 5.07 0.27 0.54
Pooled 47.28 ± 0.04 45.21–49.09 0.47 3.66 1.41 2.77
In vitro organic matter digestibility
2018 46.9 ± 0.05 b 43.87–49.84 0.36 3.03 1.16 2.28
(IVOMD) (%)
2019 47.66 ± 0.02a 45.83–48.75 0.33 4.00 1.56 3.06
† Mean followed by the same letters are not significant at p ≤ 0.05, and means followed by different letters are significant at p ≤ 0.05. # CV—coefficient of variation; SED—standard error of a difference;
LSD—least significant difference.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 7 of 20

Based on the pooled data over two years, the finger millet accessions matured in 85
to 130 days and produced a grain yield of 810 to 3698 kg ha−1 . Plant height and basal
tillers number are the important forage traits that varied from 84 to 143 cm and 3 to 7,
respectively. Stover yield (dry) of the tested accessions varied from 2890 to 10,779 kg ha−1
with a mean of 7078 kg ha−1 . The forage quality traits namely Dm (90.39–90.44%), ME
(6.18–6.89 MJ/kg Dm), and ADL (3.95–4.80%) had a very low range of variation, while the
remaining traits namely ash content (11.47–14.17%), CP (6.47–8.15%), NDF (62.36–67.73%),
ADF (33.07–38.37%), and IVOMD (45.21–49.09%) showed moderate variability (Table 2).
The estimated heritability of all traits varied from low (0.18) to high (0.95) (Table 2). All
the agronomic traits showed high heritability. Among the forage quality traits, ADF (0.61)
and ADL (0.62) showed high H2 b while CP (0.57), NDF (0.44), ME (0.50), IVOMD (0.47)
showed moderate H2 b, and Dm (0.18) and Ash (0.29) showed low H2 b.

3.3. Mean Comparison among Races, Regions, and Biological Status

The means of both agronomic and forage quality traits were compared among different
races, regions of origin, and biological status (Table 3). Among the races, the race vulgaris
flowered significantly earlier than the other races (73 days) and matured in 105 days, while
race plana and elongata matured up to 112 days. Race plana had a higher stover yield
(7721 kg ha−1 ), ME (6.63 MJ/kg Dm), and IVOMD (47.58%) than race vulgaris (stover
yield-6833 kg ha−1 , ME-6.55 MJ/kg Dm, IVOMD-47.19%), low in NDF (64.78%) than in
race elongata (65.27%). Race compacta had low ADL (4.33%), which differed significantly
from the race elongata (4.42%). Among regions, we compared means of agronomic and
forage quality traits only between Africa and Asia while accessions from Europe, North
America, and unknown origin were not included because only a few accessions (<10)
were available. Accessions from Africa were late flowering (seven days later than Asia
accessions), produced tall plants (123 cm) with a low number of tillers (4 tillers), and higher
stover yield (7440 kg ha−1 ) than accessions from Asia (Table 3). For forage traits, accessions
from Asia were high in crude protein (7.36%), while low in NDF (64.78%) (low value is
desirable), and energy sources such as ME (6.54 MJ/kg Dm) and IVOMD (47.12%) than
African accessions. There was no significant difference between accessions of Africa and
Asia for average grain yield, Dm, ADF, and ADL. Similarly, landraces and breeding lines
differed significantly for 10 of 15 traits, except for stover yield, Dm, ADL, ME, and IVOMD.
On average, breeding lines matured early and produced higher grain yield (2583 kg ha−1 )
with higher HI (0.27), ash content (12.55%), and CP (7.31%), and lower ADF (35.58%) and
NDF (64.67%) than landraces.

3.4. Correlation among Forage Quality Traits and Agronomic Traits

Correlation coefficients were estimated using pooled data over two years for the
agronomic and forage quality traits to determine the relationships among forage quality
traits and agronomic traits (Table 4). Among the forage quality traits, stronger positive
correlations were observed between fiber fractions (ADF, NDF, ADL); ash and CP; IVOMD
and ME. Forage quality positive traits such as IVOMD and ME had a significantly neg-
ative correlation with all other forage quality traits. The CP content was significant and
negatively associated with both NDF and ADL. Dm had a significantly positive association
with ash content, ADF, ADL, and a non-significant association with CP and NDF. Ash
content showed a significantly negative correlation with NDF, while it was non-significant
association with ADF and ADL.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 8 of 20

Table 3. Mean comparison on races, region, and biological status of 314 finger millet accessions on agronomic and forage quality traits.

Race Region Biological Status

Trait #
Compacta Elongata Plana Vulgaris Africa Asia Breeding Lines Landraces
DF 75 ± 1.82 ab † 78 ± 1.43 a 79 ± 0.95 a 73 ± 0.56 b 78 ± 0.52 a 71 ± 0.72 b 70 ± 1.14 b 75 ± 0.5 a
DM 108 ± 1.94 ab 111 ± 1.55 a 112 ± 1.04 a 105 ± 0.59 b 111 ± 0.56 a 103 ± 0.75 b 103 ± 1.19 b 108 ± 0.53 a
GY 2261 ± 86 a 2149 ± 120 a 2295 ± 63 a 2267 ± 331 a 2252 ± 34 a 2307 ± 48 a 2583 ± 57 a 2206 ± 29 b
SY 7374 ± 300 ab 7227 ± 241 ab 7721 ± 169 a 6833 ± 100 b 7440 ± 83 a 6620 ± 142 b 7184 ± 253 a 7058 ± 83 a
HI 0.24 ± 0.01 a 0.23 ± 0.01 a 0.23 ± 0.01 a 0.25 ± 0.02 a 0.23 ± 0.01 b 0.26 ± 0.01 a 0.27 ± 0.01 a 0.24 ± 0.01 b
BTN 4 ± 0.10 a 4 ± 0.14 a 4 ± 0.06 a 5 ± 0.05 b 4 ± 0.05 b 5 ± 0.06 a 5 ± 0.09 a 4 ± 0.04 b
PH 118 ± 1.96 a 121 ± 2.15 a 124 ± 1.45 a 119 ± 0.71 a 123 ± 0.65 a 115 ± 0.88 b 116 ± 1.48 b 121 ± 0.63 a
Dm 90.42 ± 0.001 a 90.42 ± 0.001 a 90.42 ± 0.001 a 90.42 ± 0.001 a 90.42 ± 0.001 a 90.42 ± 0.001 a 90.42 ± 0.001 a 90.42 ± 0.001 a
Ash 12.46 ± 0.08 a 12.26 ± 0.08 a 12.41 ± 0.06 a 12.45 ± 0.03 a 12.28 ± 0.03 b 12.6 ± 0.04 a 12.55 ± 0.05 a 12.4 ± 0.03 b
CP 7.25 ± 0.05 a 7.16 ± 0.06 a 7.12 ± 0.04 a 7.27 ± 0.02 a 7.13 ± 0.02b 7.36 ± 0.02 a 7.31 ± 0.03 a 7.22 ± 0.02 b
NDF 64.58 ± 0.19 b 65.27 ± 0.21 a 64.78 ± 0.14 b 65 ± 0.06 ab 65.07 ± 0.08 a 64.78 ± 0.08 b 64.67 ± 0.13 b 64.99 ± 0.06 a
ADF 35.55 ± 0.21 a 36.08 ± 0.21 a 35.64 ± 0.14 a 35.96 ± 0.07 a 35.89 ± 0.08 a 35.86 ± 0.09 a 35.58 ± 0.15 b 35.93 ± 0.06 a
ADL 4.33 ± 0.03 b 4.42 ± 0.03 a 4.35 ± 0.02 ab 4.41 ± 0.01 ab 4.4 ± 0.01 a 4.39 ± 0.01 a 4.37 ± 0.02 a 4.4 ± 0.01 a
ME 6.59 ± 0.02 ab 6.58 ± 0.02 ab 6.63 ± 0.02 a 6.55 ± 0.01 b 6.6 ± 0.01 a 6.54 ± 0.01 b 6.54 ± 0.01 a 6.58 ± 0.01 a
IVOMD 47.42 ± 0.11 ab 47.28 ± 0.10 ab 47.58 ± 0.09 a 47.19 ± 0.04 b 47.41 ± 0.05 a 47.12 ± 0.05 b 47.13 ± 0.08 a 47.31 ± 0.04 a
#DF = Days to 50% flowering, DM = Days to maturity, GY = Grain yield (kg ha−1 ), SY = Stover yield (kg ha−1 ), HI = Harvest index, BTN = Basal tillers number, PH = Plant height (cm), Dm = Dry matter (%), Ash
content (%), CP = Crude protein (%), NDF = Neutral detergent fiber (%), ADF = Acid detergent fiber (%), ADL = Acid detergent lignin (%), ME = Metabolizable energy (MJ/kg Dm), IVOMD = In vitro organic
matter digestibility (%); † Mean followed by the same letters are not significant at p ≤ 0.05, and means followed by different letters are significant at p ≤ 0.05.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 9 of 20

Table 4. Correlation among forage quality and agronomic traits in 314 finger millet accessions.


DF 0.996 ** 0.024 0.647 ** −0.621 ** −0.408 ** 0.405 ** −0.379 ** −0.395 ** −0.325 ** 0.034 −0.211 ** −0.251 ** 0.405 ** 0.358 **
DM 0.021 0.643 ** −0.617 ** −0.410 ** 0.392 ** −0.383 ** −0.398 ** −0.319 ** 0.034 −0.209 ** −0.248 ** 0.403 ** 0.356 **
GY 0.453 ** 0.531 ** 0.140 * 0.019 −0.071 −0.044 −0.232 ** −0.043 −0.137 * −0.046 0.056 0.005
SY −0.469 ** −0.231 ** 0.540 ** −0.216 ** −0.396 ** −0.500 ** −0.185 ** −0.442 ** −0.378 ** 0.479 ** 0.384 **
HI 0.400 ** −0.516 ** 0.143 * 0.343 ** 0.225 ** 0.100 0.249 ** 0.308 ** −0.379 ** −0.344 **
BTN −0.290 ** 0.039 0.123 * 0.070 0.175 ** 0.301 ** 0.283 ** −0.357 ** −0.364 **
PH 0.000 −0.423 ** −0.521 ** 0.163 ** 0.000 0.011 0.283 ** 0.183 **
Dm 0.195 ** 0.082 −0.043 0.113 * 0.139 * −0.150 ** −0.151 **
Ash 0.658 ** −0.374 ** −0.054 −0.095 −0.482 ** −0.338 **
CP −0.287 ** −0.108 −0.119 * −0.480 ** −0.313 **
NDF 0.777 ** 0.843 ** −0.395 ** −0.493 **
ADF 0.845 ** −0.539 ** −0.566 **
ADL −0.646 ** −0.730 **
ME 0.976 **
#DF = Days to 50% flowering, DM = Days to maturity, GY = Grain yield (kg ha−1 ), SY = Stover yield (kg ha−1 ), HI = Harvest index, BTN = Basal tillers number, PH = Plant height (cm), Dm = Dry matter (%), Ash
content (%), CP = Crude protein (%), NDF = Neutral detergent fiber (%), ADF = Acid detergent fiber (%), ADL = Acid detergent lignin (%), ME = Metabolizable energy (MJ/kg Dm), IVOMD = In vitro organic
matter digestibility (%); *, ** Significant at p ≤ 0.05, 0.01 probability levels, respectively.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 10 of 20

Correlation between forage quality traits with agronomic traits showed that days to
50% flowering and maturity tended to be significantly positively associated with ME, and
IVOMD while this relationship was inversely related (significant) with Dm, ash, CP, ADF,
and ADL and non-significant association with NDF. Stover yield had a significantly positive
correlation with ME and IVOMD while this relationship was negative but significant with
remaining forage quality traits. HI had a positive significant correlation with Dm, ash, CP,
ADF, and ADL, whereas significantly negatively correlated with ME and IVOMD. Similarly,
basal tillers number showed a significant negative association with IVOMD and ME, and a
significantly positive association with fiber fractions and ash content. A significant positive
association was observed between plant height with NDF, ME, and IVOMD, and a negative
significant correlation with ash and CP.
Since the performance of finger millet germplasm differed based on regions and
biological status, correlation coefficients were performed separately on landraces, breeding
lines, African, and Asian accessions and their results compared to gain knowledge on any
effect of regions and biological status on forage quality traits. Correlations of agronomic
and forage quality traits in the breeding lines, landraces, African, and Asian germplasms
differed considerably (Table S2a,b). For example, correlations between agronomic and
forage quality traits in the landraces indicated that the traits namely Dm, Ash, and crude
protein contents were significantly negatively associated with days to 50% flowering, days
to maturity, and stover yield, while these correlations were non-significant in the breeding
lines. The Ash content in the landraces was significantly negatively associated with all the
agronomic traits except grain yield. Similarly, in Asia, correlations between days to 50%
flowering, maturity and grain yield with ADF and ADL were significantly negative while
these correlations were non-significant in the African germplasm.
Among the forage quality traits, Dm showed a significant positive correlation with ash
content in the landraces while non-significant in the breeding lines (Table S2a). Similarly, CP,
NDF, ADF, and ADL showed a significant positive correlation with Dm while a significant
negative correlation with ME in the breeding lines; however, all these traits showed non-
significant association in the landraces. The CP in the landraces showed a significantly
negative correlation with NDF, ME, and IVOMD while these were non-significant in
the breeding lines. The ash content in the landraces was significantly and negatively
associated with NDF and IVOMD while it was non-significant in the breeding lines. The
remaining forage quality traits in both landraces and breeding lines had similar associations.
Correlation-based on regions indicated that the correlations between Dm with Ash, ADF,
and ADL were significantly positive, while ME and IVOMD were negatively correlated
with Dm in the accessions from Asia whereas it was non-significant in accessions from
Africa (Table S2b). The NDF with Dm and crude protein with NDF, ADF, and ADL were
non-significant in Asia accessions while these relationships were significant and negative
in Africa accessions. All the remaining correlations among the forage quality traits were
similar in Asian and African accessions.

3.5. Cluster Analysis

The cluster analysis of finger millet accessions using both agronomic and forage
quality traits grouped into 5 distinct clusters (Figure 2). The number of accessions in each
group varied from 41 in cluster 3 to 72 in cluster 4 (Table 5). Cluster 1 consisted of 64
accessions, while cluster 2 and cluster 5 had 66 and 71 accessions, respectively. Among
5 clusters, cluster 3 mainly consists of accessions from Asia, particularly from India and
Nepal, the remaining clusters had a mixture of accessions from Africa and Asia. The mean
values of each cluster significantly differed for all traits, except for dry matter content and
grain yield. On average, accessions in clusters 3 and 5 were early flowering accessions,
while those in clusters 1, 2, and 4 were late-flowering accessions (Table 5). Interestingly,
accessions in cluster 1 were found to have desirable forage yield and quality traits (higher
grain and stover yield with a low value of fiber components and higher stover digestibility).
Most of the top selected accessions for forage traits were in cluster 1 (Table 6). On average,
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 11 of 20

the phenotypic within-cluster distance was higher in cluster 1 (0.163), followed by clusters
3 and 5 which had a similar value (0.153), while cluster 4 had the lowest mean distance
of 0.137. The highest average distance between clusters was observed between clusters
Agronomy 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 1
3 of 17
and 3 (0.303) while a low distance was observed between cluster 2 and cluster 4 (0.173)
(Table 6).

Figure 2. Dendrogram showing the clustering of 314 finger millet accessions based on forage quality and agronomic traits.
Figure 2. Dendrogram
Coloured showing
branches indicate the clustering
clusters ofleft
1 to 5 (from 314to
finger millet accessions based on forage quality and agronomic traits.
Coloured branches indicate clusters 1 to 5 (from left to right).

Table 5. Mean comparison among five clusters for agronomic and forage quality traits in 314 finger millet accessions.

Cluster 1 (64) Cluster 2 (66) Cluster 3 (41) Cluster 4 (72) Cluster 5 (71)
Trait #
Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range
DF 77 b † 67–91 83 a 65–97 62d 51–75 76 b 67–88 70c 60–76
DM 110 b 99–125 116 a 96–130 94d 85–107 109 b 99–122 103 c 92–109
GY 2368 a 1554–3214 2006 b 810–2909 2059 b 1233–2924 2377 a 1235–3538 2427 a 1324–3698
SY 8290 a 5957–10,779 7557 b 3760–10,123 5012 d 2891–6617 7244 b 5805–10,186 6567 c 4726–9478
HI 0.22 d 0.17–0.27 0.21 e 0.12–0.29 0.29 a 0.21–0.37 0.25c 0.16–0.32 0.27 b 0.2–0.34
BTN 4d 3–6 4 cd 3–7 5a 4–7 5b 3–7 4 bc 3–6
PH 124 a 102–138 121 ab 95–143 109 c 84–122 124 a 110–140 117 b 93–132
Dm 90.419 b 90.404–90.441 90.414 c 90.4–90.427 90.424 a 90.413–90.435 90.417 b 90.403–90.427 90.418 b 90.405–90.435
Ash 12.44 b 11.64–13.78 12.18 c 11.49–12.85 12.74 a 11.82–14.17 12.28 c 11.52–13.18 12.60 a 11.47–13.57
CP 7.18 c 6.58–8.05 7.17 c 6.47–7.88 7.50a 7.09–8.15 7.07 c 6.57–7.53 7.34 b 6.77–7.91
NDF 63.88 d 62.37–65.41 65.04 b 63.8–66.42 65.31 b 62.94–67.09 65.91 a 64.07–67.74 64.61c 63.25–65.74
ADF 34.67 c 33.08–36.16 35.73 b 34.51–37.17 36.65 a 34.56–37.54 36.72 a 35.28–38.37 35.78 b 34.26–37.04
ADL 4.20 c 3.96–4.49 4.35 b 4.18–4.59 4.54 a 4.16–4.79 4.54 a 4.4–4.81 4.37 b 4.16–4.62
ME 6.68 a 6.46–6.9 6.62 b 6.47–6.76 6.44 d 6.19–6.57 6.53 c 6.37–6.69 6.55 c 6.38–6.79
IVOMD 47.90 a 46.77–49.09 47.56 b 46.69–48.11 46.56 e 45.21–47.53 46.94 d 45.82–47.93 47.23 c 46.21–48.57
# DF = Days to 50% flowering, DM = Days to maturity, GY = Grain yield (kg ha−1), SY = Stover yield (kg ha−1), HI = Harvest

index, BTN = Basal tillers number, PH = Plant height (cm), Dm = Dry matter (%), Ash content (%), CP = Crude protein (%),
NDF = Neutral detergent fiber (%), ADF = Acid detergent fiber (%), ADL = Acid detergent lignin (%), ME = Metabolizable
energy (MJ/kg Dm), IVOMD = In vitro organic matter digestibility (%). † Mean followed by the same letters are not signif-
icant at p ≤ 0.05, and means followed by different letters are significant at p ≤ 0.05. Values in the parenthesis represent the
number of accessions present in each cluster.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 12 of 20

Table 5. Mean comparison among five clusters for agronomic and forage quality traits in 314 finger millet accessions.

Cluster 1 (64) Cluster 2 (66) Cluster 3 (41) Cluster 4 (72) Cluster 5 (71)
Trait #
Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range
DF 77 b† 67–91 83 a 65–97 62d 51–75 76 b 67–88 70c 60–76
DM 110 b 99–125 116 a 96–130 94d 85–107 109 b 99–122 103 c 92–109
GY 2368 a 1554–3214 2006 b 810–2909 2059 b 1233–2924 2377 a 1235–3538 2427 a 1324–3698
SY 8290 a 5957–10,779 7557 b 3760–10,123 5012 d 2891–6617 7244 b 5805–10,186 6567 c 4726–9478
HI 0.22 d 0.17–0.27 0.21 e 0.12–0.29 0.29 a 0.21–0.37 0.25c 0.16–0.32 0.27 b 0.2–0.34
BTN 4d 3–6 4 cd 3–7 5a 4–7 5b 3–7 4 bc 3–6
PH 124 a 102–138 121 ab 95–143 109 c 84–122 124 a 110–140 117 b 93–132
Dm 90.419 b 90.404–90.441 90.414 c 90.4–90.427 90.424 a 90.413–90.435 90.417 b 90.403–90.427 90.418 b 90.405–90.435
Ash 12.44 b 11.64–13.78 12.18 c 11.49–12.85 12.74 a 11.82–14.17 12.28 c 11.52–13.18 12.60 a 11.47–13.57
CP 7.18 c 6.58–8.05 7.17 c 6.47–7.88 7.50a 7.09–8.15 7.07 c 6.57–7.53 7.34 b 6.77–7.91
NDF 63.88 d 62.37–65.41 65.04 b 63.8–66.42 65.31 b 62.94–67.09 65.91 a 64.07–67.74 64.61c 63.25–65.74
ADF 34.67 c 33.08–36.16 35.73 b 34.51–37.17 36.65 a 34.56–37.54 36.72 a 35.28–38.37 35.78 b 34.26–37.04
ADL 4.20 c 3.96–4.49 4.35 b 4.18–4.59 4.54 a 4.16–4.79 4.54 a 4.4–4.81 4.37 b 4.16–4.62
ME 6.68 a 6.46–6.9 6.62 b 6.47–6.76 6.44 d 6.19–6.57 6.53 c 6.37–6.69 6.55 c 6.38–6.79
IVOMD 47.90 a 46.77–49.09 47.56 b 46.69–48.11 46.56 e 45.21–47.53 46.94 d 45.82–47.93 47.23 c 46.21–48.57
#DF = Days to 50% flowering, DM = Days to maturity, GY = Grain yield (kg ha−1 ), SY = Stover yield (kg ha−1 ), HI = Harvest index, BTN = Basal tillers number, PH = Plant height (cm), Dm = Dry matter (%), Ash
content (%), CP = Crude protein (%), NDF = Neutral detergent fiber (%), ADF = Acid detergent fiber (%), ADL = Acid detergent lignin (%), ME = Metabolizable energy (MJ/kg Dm), IVOMD = In vitro organic
matter digestibility (%). † Mean followed by the same letters are not significant at p ≤ 0.05, and means followed by different letters are significant at p ≤ 0.05. Values in the parenthesis represent the number of
accessions present in each cluster.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 13 of 20

Table 6. Gower’s phenotypic distance (mean) within and among five clusters.

Cluster 1 2 3 4 5
1 0.163 † 0.203 0.303 0.219 0.284
2 0.144 0.193 0.173 0.191
3 0.153 0.217 0.184
4 0.137 0.185
5 0.153
† Values in bold indicate the within-cluster mean of five clusters.

3.6. Promising Trait-Specific Accessions

Promising trait-specific accessions for forage quality traits were identified and com-
pared with the mean value of important agronomic traits such as days to 50% flowering
and grain yield. All the identified accessions were significantly higher than the overall
mean for the respective traits. The top 10 accessions with desirable values for each forage
quality trait and multiple quality traits were identified (Tables 7 and 8). Among the multiple
quality traits, IE 5435 was found to be a promising source for 7 forage quality traits while
IE 3723 and IE 3821 for 6 traits. The remaining accessions were the superior source for 3 or
4 forage quality traits. The top 10 promising multiple forage quality traits accessions had a
wide range of days to 50% flowering from 61 to 91 days and yield ranging from 1596 to
2787 kg ha−1 .

Table 7. Top 10 finger millet accessions with the high value of each forage quality trait.

Days to 50% Flowering Grain Yield

Trait Class Top Ten Accessions with High Trait Values
(Days) (kg ha−1 )
Stover yield (SY) IE 2039, IE 2045, IE 2939, IE 3473, IE 4699, IE 4700,
High 76–88 2088–3530
(kg ha−1 ) IE 4701, IE 4707, IE 5435, MR 6
IE 501, IE 588, IE 615, IE 872, IE 1055, IE 2217,
Dm Dry matter (Dm) (%) High 51–79 1616–3698
IE 3769, IE 5165, IE 5407, IE 5435
IE 2066, IE 2586, IE 2789, IE 2911, IE 4646, IE 3025,
Ash (%) Low * 60–95 1233–3342
IE 3443, IE 4497, IE 6326, IE 6537
IE 588, IE 2030, IE 2437, IE 2957, IE 4660, IE 4700,
Crude protein (CP) (%) High 51–85 1029–3140
IE 4816, IE 5736, IE 5817, IE 5956
IE 2437, IE 3129, IE 3130, IE 3723, IE 3821, IE 3947,
Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (%) Low * 55–81 1596–3313
IE 4654, IE 4737, IE 5435, IE 8602
IE 2045, IE 3128, IE 3129, IE 3723, IE 3821, IE 3947,
Acid detergent fiber (ADF) (%) Low * 66–84 2088–3121
IE 4654, IE 4699, IE 5249, IE 5435
IE 953, IE 2437, IE 2760, IE 3128, IE 3129, IE 3130,
Acid detergent lignin (ADL) (%) Low * 66–90 1596–3002
IE 3723, IE 3821, IE 4654, IE 5364
Metabolizable energy (ME) IE 2066, IE 2341, IE 2760, IE 3614, IE 3723, IE 3821,
High 60–90 1909–2870
(MJ/kg Dm) IE 3952, IE 4646, IE 5435, IE 8790
In vitro organic matter digestibility IE 2217, IE2341, IE 2760, IE 3129, IE 3614, IE 3723,
High 60–90 1909–2870
(IVOMD) (%) IE 3821, IE 4646, IE 5435, IE 8790
* Low quantity is desirable.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 14 of 20

Table 8. Finger millet accessions with high values of multiple forage quality traits.


Accession Region Biological Type
No. kg ha−1 (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) kg Dm) (%) (days) kg ha−1
IE 2066 5 7368 90.410 11.47 6.76 63.28 35.07 4.19 6.78 48.39 61 2496 Asia Improved cultivar
IE 2437 1 6623 90.419 13.06 8.05 62.97 34.77 4.01 6.60 47.90 81 1596 Africa Landrace
IE 3129 1 8924 90.411 12.14 7.46 63.09 33.09 4.03 6.77 48.51 80 2223 Asia Improved cultivar
IE 3614 1 8808 90.419 12.03 6.84 63.61 34.61 4.11 6.89 49.03 72 2118 Unidentified Landrace
IE 3723 1 9658 * 90.429 12.29 7.18 62.58 33.61 4.04 6.89 49.09 79 2278 Africa Landrace
IE 3821 1 9791 90.423 12.29 7.13 62.36 33.07 3.98 6.85 48.94 79 2138 Africa Landrace
IE 3952 1 9820 90.416 12.02 6.58 64.01 34.33 4.16 6.79 48.36 77 2647 Africa Landrace
IE 4700 1 10,158 90.421 13.38 7.86 63.38 34.14 4.17 6.53 47.30 86 2787 Asia Improved cultivar
IE 5435 1 10,640 90.432 12.03 6.87 62.96 33.57 4.12 6.88 48.97 80 2088 Africa Landrace
IE 8790 1 8139 90.412 12.20 7.11 63.29 34.18 4.10 6.79 48.52 91 2022 Africa Landrace
# DF = Days to 50% flowering, GY = Grain yield (kg ha−1 ), SY = Stover yield (kg ha−1 ), Dm = Dry matter (%), Ash content (%), CP = Crude protein (%), NDF = Neutral detergent fiber (%), ADF = Acid detergent
fiber (%), ADL = Acid detergent lignin (%); ME = Metabolizable energy (MJ/kg Dm), IVOMD = In vitro organic matter digestibility (%). * Values in bold indicate higher levels of multiple nutrients except for Ash,
NDF, ADF, and ADL were the lowest in desirable.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 15 of 20

4. Discussion
4.1. Variance Component and Heritability
Finger millet is a climate-resilient nutrient dense crop and can contribute potentially
to food, feed, and nutritional security in the changing climate scenario. Thus, research on
the forage quality of finger millet stover can support promoting it as a dual-purpose crop.
A wide variability present in germplasm collections provides the new diversity required
for trait improvement. The ICRISAT gene bank conserves a global collection of finger
millet germplasm. This study utilized a diversity panel of 314 accessions originating from
23 countries to assess variability and to identify promising germplasm for use in finger
millet improvement.
The ReML analysis variance indicated significant variability present in the germplasm
for forage quality traits and related agronomic traits (Table 1). The significance genotype
× environment interactions were also observed for all the traits except for crude protein,
indicating the significant role of the environment and their interaction with genotype on the
forage quality traits. However, all the agronomic traits namely days to flowering, maturity,
plant height, basal tillers number, grain, and stover yield showed higher heritability while
the forage quality traits showed low to moderate except ADF (0.61) and ADL (0.62) which
fall under the high heritability category. The traits with high heritability are controlled by
additive genes, have minimum environmental influences, therefore, the possibility of a
good response to selection [39]. However, the traits with low to moderate heritability are
suggested to be complex traits and highly influenced by the environment. In our study,
10 out of 15 traits had H2 b > 0.50, indicating the phenotypic selection could be effectively
used [23] to improve the forage quality traits in finger millet.

4.2. Variability and Mean Performance of Finger Millet for Forage Quality Traits
The mean performance of accessions showed a significant difference across the two
years for all agronomic and forage quality traits (Table 2). The seasonal changes during the
years 2018 and 2019 (Figure 1) could influence the growth and development of the finger
millet crop. In particular, variation in rainfall was higher in 2019 compared to 2018, and
the distribution was maximum during the flowering stage followed by in the vegetative
stage. This could be one of the reasons for a reduction in grain and stover yield during the
year 2019. The mean and range of minimum and maximum temperature were similar in
both years. Significant variability was found in the studied germplasm for forage quality
traits; on the other hand, Baath et al. [11] reported a higher range of variation among
11 germplasms conserved at the USDA-ARS Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit,
Griffin, GA, USA, compared to the results in this study. However, our study was the first
report in utilizing a large number of a diverse global collection of finger millet germplasm
and this can provide a greater range and potential of finger millet crop residues for forage
quality traits. In other crops, both a low variability for forage quality traits in wheat [21,22]
and higher variability in maize [25], sorghum [40], pearl millet [26], and rice [16,17,20]
were reported.
Stover yield is one of the key objectives of forage crop improvement. The total stover
yield in this study ranged from 2.8 to 10.7 tones ha−1 with a mean of 7.0 tones ha−1 . In previ-
ous studies, up to 12 tones ha−1 under irrigated conditions [11] and up to 3 tones ha−1 [12]
under rainfed condition was reported. The mean finger millet stover yield (7.0 tones ha−1 )
in this study was lower than that reported in sorghum of 11.04 tones ha−1 [40] but compa-
rable with rice (7.1 tones ha−1 ) [20] and higher than in wheat (6.1 tones ha−1 ) [41]. A good
quality feed (grass) should contain >9% CP, >85% dry matter, <50% NDF, <35% ADF [42].
Forage with high CP, IVOMD, ME, and lower ADF, NDF, ADL are more desirable for the
digestibility of the forage, thereby increasing animal feed intake [19,42].
Crude protein plays an important role in animal digestion because, for timely and
efficient digestion, rumen microbes need at least about 7% of CP in the diet. However, the
contribution of crude protein from cereal crop residues in the animal diet is low [40,43,44].
In our study, the crude protein content ranged from 6.47% to 8.15% with a mean of 7.23%,
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 16 of 20

which was comparable to the finger millet germplasm mean value (7.45%) [13] and it
is sufficient for better feed digestion. The range of CP in this study was low compared
to another study in 11 accessions of finger millet (10.5% to 15.6%) conserved at USDA-
ARS [11], but higher than in rice (4.06% to 7.80%) and wheat (3.68% to 4.43%) straw [20,22].
The mean value of the NDF in the finger millet crop residue was higher (65%) than
the desirable level (<50%) [42]. However, the observed mean value of ADF was on a par
with the recommended level (35%) and constitute about half the portion of NDF. The mean
ADF and NDF values of finger millet in this study were lower than in rice (ADF 51–52%;
NDF 66.0%) [18,20] and wheat (ADF-50–51%; NDF-77.5%) [18,22]. The observed mean
ADL was higher than in rice (3.9%) [20] but lower than in wheat (5.9%) [22]. The IVOMD
followed by CP is the key determinant of the nutritional value of the forage [45,46]. The
proportion of the feed that the animal can digest is denoted by IVOMD and summarizes all
the effects and interactions of N, ADF, NDF, and ADL [44,47]. The average IVOMD value
in finger millet in this study (47%) was higher than the reported value in rice (42%) [17,20]
whereas lower than in wheat (up to 48%) [21,22]. In livestock production, energy is the
second major limiting factor in animal performance, next to CP and it is measured by
evaluating the ME content of the feed [48,49]. The mean ME in finger millet was lower than
in wheat (7.0 MJ/kg Dm) [22], groundnut (7.9 MJ/kg Dm) [27]. Dry matter estimates can
be used to compare the different feeds on the equivalent premise, monitoring the animal
dry matter intake, and evaluate the moisture content of the particular feed [42]. However,
the variability in our finger millet dry matter content was too narrow and the value was
above >90%.
The per se performance of accessions among regions, races, and biological status
showed a significant effect on forage traits (Table 3). Among regions, accessions from
Asia had superior forage quality such as high protein content, and low in NDF with high
grain yield than accessions from Africa. Nonetheless, stover yield was high in the African
germplasm. Similarly, breeding lines had better forage quality traits than landraces and
both did not differ for stover yield and energy sources.

4.3. Relationship among Agronomic and Forage Quality Traits

In the entire set (Table 4), the correlation between the forage quality positive traits
such as IVOMD and ME was positive and significant with stover yield, and both were
non-significant and negligible with grain yield indicating that it is possible to improve
stover yield and grain yield in the background of higher energy sources and digestibility.
The CP is one of the key factors in forage quality traits to determine the feed value but
the correlations between CP with IVOMD and ME, and also with grain yield and stover
yield were negatively significant. It is to be notified that cereals’ crop residues were mainly
used as an energy source for livestock rather than a protein supplement. Thus, reduction
in the CP concentration during the forage quality traits improvement in finger millet
can be compensated with the N richer supplementation. CP with IVOMD was positive
and significant in finger millet [13] and Napier grass [50], whereas it was negative and
non-significant in sorghum [28]. The negatively significant correlation between CP and
grain yield was also reported in rice and wheat [20,51]. In this study, significant negative
associations were observed between in vitro digestibility traits (IVOMD and ME) and
stover yield with fiber components showing increases in cellular components reducing
the stover biomass and in vitro digestibility. Similar findings were also reported in finger
millet [13], sorghum [28], and Napier grass [50]. Remarkably, we identified three accessions
(IE 3821, IE 3723, and IE 5435) that had high stover yield, IVOMD, and ME, and low
ADF, NDF, and ADL content that can create more palatability and intake. Forage quality
traits improvement need to be such that it should not be exploited at the expense of the
grain yield. In our study, we found that grain yield had a non-significant association with
IVOMD, ME, Dm, NDF, and ADL, while positively associated with stover yield. Similar
findings of a non-significant association between forage quality trait and grain yield were
reported in rice [17]. It signifies that there is a huge possibility in finger millet accessions
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 17 of 20

for the development of the dual-purpose crop. Interestingly, a non-significant association

between IVOMD and ME with CP was observed in breeding lines, while these associations
were significantly negative in landraces and regions (Table S2a,b). This shows that during
the breeding program of cultivar development, there was an improvement in the positive
traits such as in vitro digestibility and crude protein. The IVOMD and ME showed a
non-significant association with grain yield, a significantly positive association with stover
yield, and a significantly negative association with fiber fractions in the entire set as well as
in the breeding lines, landraces, and regions. This indicates that finger millet has a huge
potential to be utilized as a dual-purpose (grain and forage) crop.

4.4. Promising Trait-Specific Sources

The promising top 10 accessions for each trait and 10 accessions for multiple forage
quality traits (Tables 7 and 8) were identified. These accessions could be used as parental
lines in a hybridization program to develop and release as dual-purpose cultivars. The top
10 multiple forage quality traits identified were from both African (Kenya and Uganda)
and Asian (India), and most of them were landraces (seven landraces and three breeding
lines). Clustering of 314 finger millet accessions using both forage quality and related
agronomic traits resulted in five major clusters, and the clustering pattern was mainly
based on the performance of accessions for food-feed traits (Tables 5 and 6). Cluster 1
had most of the superior performing accessions for forage quality traits. These clustering
and phenotypic distance results would be helpful to identify the diverse parents in the
hybridization program to breed finger millet dual-purpose cultivars. Also, three accessions
namely IE 4701, IE 3134, and IE 4707 were identified with higher grain yield (>3200 kg ha−1 )
and stover yield (>9400 kg ha−1 ). In that accession, IE 4704 had the above mean value
for other forage quality traits namely CP, ME, IVOMD, Dm, and lower than mean value
(desirable) for ADF, NDF, and ADL could be effectively used to breed finger millet forage
cum grain cultivar.

5. Conclusions
Finger millet is a subsistence crop like other millets, well known for the quality of
its grain, which has several health benefits. It is one of the important food crops in the
semi-arid regions of the world, providing food and nutritional security. The finger millet
stover is used as forage to some extent but not admired like forage sorghum and pearl
millet, due to a lack of scientific research on the quantity and quality of finger millet crop
residues. The identification of forage value in the finger millet stover offers a unique
opportunity to ameliorate the availability of forage to smallholder livestock farmers. This
research provides a detailed insight on diversity and variability for forage quality traits
in the diverse set of finger millet accessions. Our results showed that finger millet crop
residues had higher forage quality than rice and wheat while comparable with sorghum
and pearl millet. Thus, it can be added to regular feed supplements for livestock like other
cereals crop residues. Identified promising lines can be used in a breeding program to
develop superior high-yielding cultivars with improvement in forage quality traits, which
could significantly contribute to livestock feeding. This study can give ideas and scope to
breeders for breeding dual-purpose finger millet cultivars.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at

10.3390/agronomy11091706/s1, Table S1: Passport data of 314 finger millet accessions used in the
study. Table S2a: Correlation coefficients among forage quality and agronomic traits of breeding lines
(n = 50; Lower diagonal) and landraces (n = 264; upper diagonal) of finger millet germplasm. Table
S2b: Correlation coefficients among forage quality and agronomic traits of finger millet accessions
from Africa (n = 160; lower diagonal) and Asia (n = 136; upper diagonal).
Author Contributions: M.V. to the conception and design of the study. This work is part of C.B.’s
Ph.D. thesis research. B.C. and M.V. supported student research as chairman, and co-chairman, re-
spectively. C.B. and M.V. performed the statistical analysis and wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1706 18 of 20

V.P.P. and K.V.S.V.P. supported forage quality lab analysis. D.N.R. supported phenotypic data collec-
tion and analysis. V.C.R.A. for overall support for this study. All authors contributed to manuscript
revision, read, and approved the submitted version. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was undertaken as part of the CGIAR Genebank platform coordinated by Crop
Trust, and the CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All the required data provided as Supplementary Tables. Researchers
can approach the corresponding author for any additional information required.
Acknowledgments: The authors are thankful to Ramesh Reddy, Shanku Reddy, Raju Jadhav, and
Manish Reddy for their help in field trials; also duly acknowledged ILRI livestock nutritional
laboratory, ICRISAT, Hyderabad for their support in the forage trait analysis.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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