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(1.) Ordinary Land Registration

(2.) Cadastral Land Registration

STEP # 1: Survey of Land

§ Duly licensed surveyor (geodetic engineer)
§ Approved by the DENR-LMB
§ Duly approved survey plan, with the technical descriptions, must be
attached to petition [Original Tracing Cloth Plan is required. But in Republic
vs. Munoz, G.R. 151910 (2007), blueprint copies approved by LMB could

STEP #2: Filing of Petition in Court of Competent Jurisdiction

§ Qualifications of Applicant
§ Jurisdiction: RTC ‒ Exclusive Jurisdiction
§ EXCEPTION: R.A. 7691 ‒ Delegated Jurisdiction to First Level Courts:
• Where the lot sought to be registered is not the subject of
controversy or opposition; or
• Where the lot is contested but the value thereof does NOT exceed
§ Venue: RTC of the Province or City, where land is situated
§ See Sec. 15, P.D. 1529 for Contents of petition

STEP #3: Notice of Initial Hearing

STEP #4: Publication of Notice of Initial Hearing (45-90 days from Order)
§ Publication
• Official Gazette
• Newspaper of General Circulation
§ Mailing
• To persons named in the application
• DPWH, Provʼl. Governor or Mayor
• DAR, OSG, Forestry, Fisheries, etc.
§ Posting (In a conspicuous place)
• On each parcel of land
• Municipal/City Hall
STEP #5: Filing of Opposition

STEP# 6: Hearing

§ Petitioner/Applicant has the burden of proof to prove:

• Compliance with Jurisdictional Requirements
• Identity of the Land
• Land is Alienable and Disposable
• Possession and Ownership

STEP# 7: Issuance of Judgment

STEP #8: Finality of Judgment and Issuance of Court Order for LRA to Issue Decree
of Registration

STEP #9: Entry in the Registration Book and Issuance by the LRA of Decree of

STEP #10: Issuance of the Original Certificate of Title (OCT)

STEP #11: Sending of the OCT to the Registry of Deeds

STEP #12: Entry in the RD Registration Book of the OCT and Delivery of Ownerʼs
Duplicate Copy of Title to the Owner

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