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SAMR Lesson Plan

This is a 3rd grade Social Studies lesson about landforms in California.


CCSS HSS 3.1.1 Identify geographical features in their local region (eg. deserts, mountains,
valleys, coastal areas, lakes, etc.)

Lesson Objective

Students will be able to identify and label a desert, mountain range, lake, ocean and valley in


3rd grade Social Studies textbook

Lined writing paper
Pencil and eraser
Outline map of California
Colored pencils

Guided Practice

● As a whole class, choral read the pages in the Social Studies textbook about California
landforms. Look at the pictures, photographs and maps in the book together and discuss.

Independent Practice

● Pass out lined paper and outline map of California to each student.
● Students get together in pairs to answer the questions at the end of the chapter on their
lined paper. Then use the outline map and colored pencils to locate and label each of the
following landforms in California: a desert, a mountain range, a lake, ocean and a valley.

Modified Lesson

(S) Substitution:

Materials - Laptops will be replaced for the Social Studies textbook and answering end of
chapter questions.
Activity - Students will access the Social Studies textbook online and read chorally with the class
the pages about landforms in California. They will then get with their partner to type the answers
to the end of the chapter questions in a Google Doc. Students will then use their paper California
outline map to locate and label each of the following landforms in California: a desert, a
mountain range, a lake, ocean and a valley.

(A) Augmentation:

Activity - Students will log in to Google Classroom on their laptops. Teacher will assign a
hyperlink for students to view. The hyperlink will take them to a Youtube video that will
instruct them about landforms of California. Then students will access the interactive outline
map of California assigned to them in Google Classroom. They will work with a partner to each
locate and label a desert, mountain range, lake, ocean and valley on the interactive map.

(M) Modification:

Activity - Students will do the above activity in Augmentation, but will then work with their
partner to locate these landforms on Google Earth.

(R) Redefinition:

Activity - Students will complete the above Augmentation and Modification activities. This time
they will make a screen recording of themselves (in partners) showing the California landforms
on Google Earth. This recording will be shared with their classmates to be reviewed and graded.
It will also be published on Padlet.

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