Pdea Forms

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Room 203, Stewart House, Traill College

310 London Street, Peterborough, ON, K9H 7P4

phone: (705) 775-2873
www.cupe3908.org email: [email protected]

Local 3908 Graduate Teaching Assistants

Professional Development and Employee Assistance (PDEA) Information

PDEA application deadlines are:
November 15, March 15 and July 15
Professional Development

Application Procedures

Although CUPE 3908 Unit 2 members are not

required to engage in research and scholarship as
part of their employment responsibilities under the
Collective Agreement, eligible employees may
submit professional and academic development
applications for assistance from the fund to a
maximum per employee of not more than $200 per

Submit a copy of the completed PDEA application form(s)

attached below. You can submit for Professional Development,
UHIP, or both if you qualify. The forms are available at our
website: www.cupe3908.org, or can be obtained at the union
Deliver your application by:

Regular Mail: to Attn. Unit 2 PDEA Committee, CUPE

Local 3908, Trent University, Traill College, 310 London
St., Peterborough, ON, K9J 7P4.

Inter-Office Mail: to Attn. Unit 2 PDF Committee, CUPE

3908, Stewart House 203 - Traill College.

Drop Off: At Porters room in Wallis Hall / Traill College

Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm or at CUPE
office. Note: There is no drop-off box at the CUPE office
but you can drop by please be sure to call first and let
us know youre coming.

Employee Assistance (UHIP)

Recognizing that CUPE members coming from
abroad pay much more for the University Health
Insurance Plan, members who are paying UHIP
fees can apply for assistance to a maximum of not
more than $200 per year.
All full-time Graduate Teaching Assistants
(working appointments totaling 240 hrs for the
year) may submit applications for PDEA
reimbursement. Receipts for professional
development must be from the year you apply.

Please do not fax or email your application.

Your claim will be processed by the Unit 2 PDEA subcommittee
using the formula and criteria listed in this package.

Should you receive PDEA funding, please be sure
to acknowledge the support of CUPE Local 3908
and Trent University in conference programs and

You will receive an email and letter notification whether you

receive PDEA funding or not. Your cheque will be issued and
mailed where you receive your pay stub.

Funding Formula
As outlined in Appendix E of the Unit 2 Collective Agreement, there is a fund of $15,000 available to members for PDEA coverage up to
$200 per member each year.
Applicants who apply for PDEA will be subject to the following funding formula:
If the amount of money requested by members in a process period is less than the amount of money remaining in the fund, all eligible
applicants will be reimbursed for their requests, upon approval of the PDEA subcommittee, up to $200 each per year.
If the amount of money requested by members in a process period exceeds the amount of money remaining in the fund, the PDEA
committee will calculate the amount remaining in the fund as a percentage of the total amount approved for payment.
For example: If there is $1000 left in the fund and the total requested funds is $1500, eligible applicants will receive 2/3 of their requested
funds. This will ensure an equitable distribution of funds between members.

PDEA Professional Development Application

CUPE Local 3908 Unit 2 Graduate Teaching Assistants at Trent University

Employee/Student #

Home Address (please include postal code):


Home Phone:


Trent Phone:

Department Employed in:

Department Enrolled in (MA/MSc/PhD):

Basic Information: Note: Provide name, location and attendance date of conference, course, etc.
Application Type: Note: can be more than one and provide original receipts to a maximum of $200
Conference Research Professional & Academic Development Instructional Development Capital Costs
1. Travel

______ km @ $0.37/km, Air/Bus/Train/Parking/Taxi

2. Living Expenses


3. Conference/Workshop Fees/Registration

4. Other (please specify) _______________________________________

5. Total Expenses

6. Total PDEA Amount Awarded for Current Round


PDEA application deadlines: November 15, March 15 and July 15

Please provide a description of the event you attended and how it relates to your professional
and academic development as a GTA


I hereby declare that the above information is accurate.
Applicants Signature______________________
Date: ________________

PDEA University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) Application

CUPE Local 3908 Unit 2 Graduate Teaching Assistants at Trent University


Employee/Student #

Home Address (please include postal code):


Home Phone:


Trent Phone:

Department Enrolled in (MA/MSc/PhD):

Department Employed in:



Summer/Work Term Savings

Part-Time Earnings (Sept-Apr)
Graduate Studies Bursary



Heat and Hydro (if not

included in rent)
Other Awards/Funding - specify
Graduate Studies Bursary
Other - specify
Total Expenses
Total Income
Number of Dependents: ___ Ages: ________________
Current Debt to Trent: $__________

PDEA application deadlines: November 15, March 15 and July 15

Please provide a description of your financial situation that demonstrates need for the UHIP
reimbursement. Provide any additional documents that may help in this regard.

I hereby declare that the above information is accurate, and understand that the PDEA subcommittee will assess the
form and access my University Health Insurance Plan registration information to determine eligibility.
Applicants Signature______________________

Date: ________________

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