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Student Name: Lee Hehir


Subject: Graphics Topic(s): Recap exercises, developments

Pupil Year Group: 2nd No. of Pupils: 24
Lesson Number: 1 Length of lesson: 40 minutes
Date: 7th Nov 22 Time of Lesson: 10:00


Relevant Previous Knowledge: Students have studied chapters of: Getting started in graphics, angles,
plane figures, orthographic projection and conic sections.

Relevant Previous Skills: Pupils have basic use of graphical equipment including set squares and T-

square. Their neatness and presentation are of a good standard

Observations (Previous Lesson): Students are familiar with drawing equipment (T square, compass,
set squares) and have good knowledge of how to operate them. Some students struggle with
neatness and accuracy while using sliding set squares to draw parallel lines.


Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson; what are your reasons for KEY*
planning the lesson in this way? (1 para or bullets).

I believe it is really important for your first lesson with the class to be a recap of their RL
previous knowledge done so in a super active way in order to begin to build your
relationship with the class. If your fist lesson plan is “boring” or “hard” the students won’t
be keen to get involved , especially with a new teacher. This is why this lesson will mostly NL
contain recap learning where the students will be more keen to answer and take part in the
lesson. For the end of the lesson there should be time to introduce the new topic we will be
starting , we will start by completing a fun activity on the chapter.

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning


*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

1.8 Communicate the progression of ideas and thinking during the course of an activity using a
variety of media

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Write answers to Fully completed recap A
be enabled to: questions on a recap sheet
sheet (group work) Quickly entering
Recap previous knowledge, gaining
mentimeter website with
more knowledge as this is done (Spiral
Display key words on controlled classroom
Mentimeter word wall

2.1 Visualise the manipulation of 3D shapes

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Group work Students comfortable C
be enabled to: talking aloud in class
Peer teaching
Be comfortable around me, feeling at Comfortable working in
Allow students to work in
ease asking questions or partaking in pairs
2.1 Visualise the manipulation of 3D shapes

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Solve a task where Students work collectively C
be enabled to: students will work in as a group
groups to do real life
Begin to understand the topic of Students develop
Developments cardboard box



TIME To begin I will greet the students at Students will enter in an orderly O
the door. Students will enter and fashion, taking a seat in their
10:00-10:05 take a seat. I will then proceed to assigned seats. Students will now
introduce myself and explain that I be free to ask any questions they
will be teaching them for the next 8 have about me being their new
weeks. I will then take the roll and teacher.
make sure students are in assigned


TIME In order to get to know the Students will partake in a game of

students we will play a game of heads up. Recapping on previous
heads up (ice breaker). Students topics/ key words as well as CL
will get a sticky note and place it on bonding as a class. (Including
their heads, written on this will be teacher)
a word. Word may be relevant to GI
graphics or could also be Heads Up: Students will be put into
something relevant to young groups. One person from the first
teenagers. Students will have to act group will come to the top of the
out and describe the word. This is a class. I will present game on board MI
fun way for me and the students to (so everyone can see, for students
get loose and get to know each without a device) students will then
other. have to describe the words.

Now the students should be ready

for an active class and will be more
willing to interact with my
questions etc.… I will start then by
handing out a recap sheet where
students will fill in the questions to O
give me an idea on what they’ve
done in class to date. While the Students will fill out recap sheet, on L
students fill these outs I will set up this will be questions regarding
my PowerPoint for the day. The previous topics and key words from G
PowerPoint will include todays each.
learning outcomes followed by an 8
week plan which will outline the Students will then work together to
topics and activities that we will add to their own individual recap
cover over my time. Once students sheets, when completed students
have completed recap sheets we will add answers to mentimeter
will discuss this in small groups first ( raising hands and stating name to
(circles of learning) followed by do so)
doing it as a whole group using
mentimeter to present a word wall
on the board.

The final part of this lesson is to

introduce our first topics,
developments. The activity we will
do to begin the topic is I will
Students will be given boxes to
present the class with 4 different
10:25-10:35 examine in groups (approximately
types of cardboard boxes e.g.
groups of 4/5) they will answer the
cereal box, shoe box, storage box
questions which will be presented
etc.…. In groups the students will
on the board.
have to answer a number of
questions and calculations. We will
then compare the differences
between each groups boxes


TIME To end the lesson I will get Students will identify old learning O
students to identify three pieces of and new learning in todays lesson L
old information that they have to recap on the class.
used in the lesson and identifying
10:35-10:40 three pieces of new information Students pack up belongings.
that they have learned during the
lesson. Students then complete exit card
and hand it to me as they leave in
an orderly fashion row by row.
Students will be allowed to pack up
5 minutes early in order to
complete an exit card before

On this each students will have to

fill in their names, something they
enjoy about this subject, and a
hobby they have outside of school.

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.




Exit Card

Heads Up

Recap Sheet

Class rules


[You have options regarding how you would like to do lesson/daily reflections. Below is one method
(text). You may alternatively use other means of reflection- journaling, podcast, video, using a
specific reflection model, etc.].

Q. What went well in this lesson, and why? (1 para)

Q. What did not go as well as hoped, in this lesson, and why? (1 para)

Q. What might I do to improve this lesson, were I to deliver it again? (1 para)

Q. What did I observe today, in general terms, that I need to follow up on, next class? (e.g. student
engagement, classroom management issues, poor/unwieldy entrance and exit from the
classroom, lighting in the room, visibility of the screen from the back of the room, absenteeism,
SEN challenges, H&S, etc.). Bullet points.

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