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Pre-service teacher’s name Warlinyer Ortiz Vente
Choose the teaching practicum Práctica Professional
x x Práctica Integral
you belong to Dirigida
Name of the school Gimnasio Buenaventura
Grade(s) 11th Grade February 7th to 17th /2023

Criteria Comments

Organization The teacher has a clear registration of his classes. Each

class that is prepared by him has an objective or goal
Evidences preparation and organization of the
that he wants they reach, since the comprehension of
lesson; it is thorough; states clear and specific
the topic until the practice of it, the teacher always is
objectives; sets time planning according to the
on time at the classroom and he tries to take
objectives of the lesson, emphasizes and
advantage of each minute in order to fulfill what he
summarizes main points, meets class at scheduled

The teacher seems to be quite pedagogic, so before

starting the classes the teacher usually does a dynamic
Teaching methodology in order to encourage students to participate in the
Uses relevant teaching methods, aids, materials, class that is going to be developed. Teacher says that
techniques, and technology; includes variety, he uses an introductory song or motivational video to
balance, imagination, group involvement; uses give students a wide idea or a small demonstration of
examples that are simple, clear, precise, and the theme they will see, when the teacher explains the
appropriate; stays focused on and meets stated classes, he does it in a way that all the students
objectives. understand and get focus to the knowledge he is
transmitting them.
To make his classes more interesting and get out of
the traditional method where the teacher is just before
the students explaining a topic on the whiteboard,
Use of materials what the teacher does is to use some electric devises
like: video beans, TVs, or speakers throughout these
Selects resources and materials according to the
the students guide by the teacher work in their abilities
objectives of the lesson.
of speaking, listening, reading and there are any
classes he says he uses flash cards, to show pictures
according to the topic is being performance.

The teacher has the ability of catching students’

Classroom management attention, he keeps the control and discipline in the
Uses time wisely; attends to course interaction; classroom, when any student wants to say something
demonstrates leadership ability; maintains or ask for a permission, he raises his/her hand and the
discipline and control; has the ability to deal with teacher allows him/her to express themselves, the
occasional classroom management problems. teacher talks to students softly and in a good manner.

The teacher uses basic expressions in order that the

students respond him when he asks them, students
have a good comprehension of the teacher’s
Use of language commands or expressions because he makes a good
Uses language according to the students’ level; pronunciation of the words, he tries those students
uses suitable tone and volume of voice; relies on communicate in English most of the time, that the
the use of body language and gestures to make students feel encouraged with the classes and show
something clearer. interest for the class. On the other hand, he is
motivating students to speak just in English by having
a class 90% in English.
He shows a good dominion of the topics, he knows the
Knowledge of topics meaning and correct spelling or pronunciation of the
Shows good command and knowledge of the words he uses at the class and give constantly students
topic(s); demonstrates breadth and depth of vocabularies and expressions with the objective of
mastery. enriching students communicative skill.

Rapport He is an enthusiast teacher, he is quite polite and do

not accept students do not participate at the classes he
Holds interest of students; is respectful, fair, and
motivates them, he repeats them until they get it and
impartial; provides feedback, encourages
he always make a feed back about the class the day
participation; interacts with students, shows
after when he meets students again...

General comments
To summarize the observation of these days I say that the teacher is an engaged person, he loves
to do his best, it is shown in the classes, in the patience and compromise he does his job, like
teacher has clear what he wants to get from the students in each class, students show interest in
his classes because they say they learn easily, they practice and they have interaction each other.

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