A Survey On Data Collection For Machine Learning

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A Survey on Data Collection for Machine Learning:

a Big Data - AI Integration Perspective

Yuji Roh, Geon Heo, Steven Euijong Whang, Y. Roh, G. Heo, and S. E.

Whang are with the School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.
E-mail: {ryj113, heogoen2475, Corresponding author: S. E. Whang

Data collection is a major bottleneck in machine learning and an active research

topic in multiple communities. There are largely two reasons data collection has
recently become a critical issue. First, as machine learning is becoming more
widely-used, we are seeing new applications that do not necessarily have enough
labeled data. Second, unlike traditional machine learning where feature
engineering is the bottleneck, deep learning techniques automatically generate
features, but instead require large amounts of labeled data. Interestingly, recent
research in data collection comes not only from the machine learning, natural
language, and computer vision communities, but also from the data
management community due to the importance of handling large amounts of
data. In this survey, we perform a comprehensive study of data collection from a
data management point of view. Data collection largely consists of data
acquisition, data labeling, and improvement of existing data or models. We
provide a research landscape of these operations, provide guidelines on which
technique to use when, and identify interesting research challenges. The
integration of machine learning and data management for data collection is part
of a larger trend of Big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration and
opens many opportunities for new research.
data collection, data acquisition, data labeling, machine learning

Fig. 1: A high level research landscape of data collection for machine learning. The
topics that are at least partially contributed by the data management community are
highlighted using blue italic text. Hence, to fully understand the research landscape, one
needs to look at the literature from the viewpoints of both the machine learning and data
management communities.

We are living in exciting times where machine learning is having a

profound influence on a wide range of applications from text understanding,
image and speech recognition, to health care and genomics. As a striking
example, deep learning techniques are known to perform on par with
ophthalmologists on identifying diabetic eye diseases in images [1]. Much of the
recent success is due to better computation infrastructure and large amounts of
training data.

Among the many challenges in machine learning, data collection is

becoming one of the critical bottlenecks. It is known that the majority of the
time for running machine learning end-to-end is spent on preparing the data,
which includes collecting, cleaning, understanding, and feature engineering.
While all of these steps are time-consuming, data collection has recently become
a challenge due to the following reasons.

First, as machine learning is used in new applications, it is usually the case

that there is not enough training data. Traditional applications like machine
translation or object detection enjoy massive amounts of training data that have
been accumulated for decades. On the other hand, more recent applications
have little or no training data. As an illustration, smart factories are increasingly
becoming automated where product quality control is performed with machine
learning. Whenever there is a new product or a new defect to detect, there is
little or no training data to start with. The naïve approach of manual labeling
may not be feasible with a limited budget. This problem applies to any new and
specific application.

Moreover, as deep learning [2] becomes popular, there is even more need

for training data. In traditional machine learning, feature engineering is one of
the most challenging steps where the user needs to understand the application
and provide features used for training models. Deep learning, on the other
hand, can automatically generate features, but instead requires larger amounts
of training data to perform well [3].

As a result, there is a pressing need of accurate and scalable data collection

techniques in the era of Big data, which motivates us to conduct a
comprehensive survey of the data collection literature from a data management
point of view. There are largely three methods for data collection. First, if the
goal is to share and search new datasets, then data acquisition techniques can be
used to discover, augment, or generate datasets. Second, once the datasets are
available, various data labeling techniques can be used to label the individual
examples. Finally, instead of labeling new datasets, it may be better to improve
existing data or train on top of trained models using transfer learning
techniques. These three methods are not necessarily distinct and can be used
together. For example, one could search and label more datasets while
improving existing ones.

An interesting observation is that the data collection techniques come not

only from the machine learning community (including natural language
processing and computer vision, which traditionally use machine learning
heavily), but more recently also from the data management community.
Figure 1 shows an overview of the research landscape where the topics that have
contributions from the data management community are highlighted with blue
italic text. Traditionally, labeling data has been a natural focus of research for
machine learning tasks. For example, semi-supervised learning is a classical
problem where model training is done on a small amount of labeled data and a
larger amount of unlabeled data. However, as machine learning needs to be
performed on large amounts of training data, data management issues including
how to acquire large datasets, how to perform data labeling at scale, and how to
improve the quality of large amounts of existing data become more relevant.
Hence, to fully understand the research landscape of data collection, one needs
to understand the literature from both the machine learning and data
management communities.

While there are many surveys on data collection that are either limited to
one discipline or a class of techniques, to our knowledge, this survey is the first
to bridge the machine learning (including natural language processing and
computer vision) and data management disciplines. We contend that a machine
learning user needs to know the techniques on all sides to make informed
decisions on which techniques to use when. This convergence is part of a larger
integration of the areas of Big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) where data
management plays a role in almost all aspects of machine learning [4, 5].
We note that many sub-topics including semi-supervised learning, active
learning, and transfer learning are large enough to have their own surveys. The
goal of this survey is not to go into all the depths of these sub-topics, but to
focus on breadth and identify what data collection techniques are relevant for
machine learning purposes and what research challenges exist. Hence, we will
only cover the most representative work of the sub-topics, which are either the
best-performing or most recent ones. In addition, sometimes the boundary
between operations (e.g., data acquisition and data labeling) is not clear cut. In
those cases, we will clarify that the techniques are relevant in both operations.

Fig. 2: A decision flow chart for data collection. Starting from the top left, Sally can
start by asking whether the existing data or model should be improved. Each following
question leads to a specific technique that can be used for acquiring and labeling data or
improving existing data or models. This flow chart does not cover all the details in this
survey. For example, data labeling techniques like self learning and crowdsourcing can
be performed together as described in Section 3.2.1. Also, some questions (e.g.,
“Enough labels for self learning?”) are not easy to answer and may require an in-depth
understanding of the application and given data.

Motivating Example To motivate the need to explore the techniques in Figure 1,

we present a running example on data collection based on our experience with
collaborating with the industry on a smart factory application. Suppose that
Sally is a data scientist who works on product quality for a smart factory. The
factory may produce manufacturing components like gears where it is important
for them not to have scratches, dents, or any foreign substance. Sally may want
to train a model on images of the components, which can be used to
automatically classify whether each product has defects or not.

This application scenario is depicted in Figure 3. A general decision flow chart

of the data collection techniques that Sally can use is shown in Figure 2. For
example, if there is no data, then Sally could generate a dataset by installing
camera equipment. Then if she has enough budget for human computation, she
can use crowdsourcing platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk to label the
product images for defects. It is thus important for Sally to understand the
research landscape in order to make informed decisions for data collection. We
will discuss more details of the flow chart in the following sections.

Fig. 3: A running example for data collection. A smart factory may produce various
images of product components, which are classified as normal or defective by a
convolutional neural network model. Unfortunately, with an application this specific, it
is often difficult to find enough training data for training the model.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows:

 We review the data acquisition literature, which can be categorized into data
discovery, data augmentation, and data generation. Many of the techniques
require scalable solutions and have thus been studied by the data management
community (Section 2).

 We review the data labeling literature and group the techniques into three
approaches: utilizing existing labels, using crowdsourcing techniques, and using
weak supervision. While data labeling is traditionally a machine learning topic,
it is also studied in the data management community as scalability becomes an
issue (Section 3).

 We review techniques for improving existing data or models when acquiring

and labeling new data is not the best option. Improving data quality through
cleaning is a traditional data management topic where recent techniques are
increasingly focusing on machine learning applications (Section 4).

 We put all the techniques together and provide guidelines on how to decide
which data collection techniques to use when (Section 5).

 Based on the current research landscape, we identify interesting future research

challenges (Section 6).

Task Approach Techniques

Collaborative Analysis [6, 7, 8]

Sharing Web [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

Data discovery Collaborative and Web [15]

Data Lake [16, 17, 18]


Web [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]

Embeddings [27, 28]

Data augmentation Entity Augmentation [25, 26]

Joins [29, 30]

Data generation Crowdsourcin Gathering [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

Task Approach Techniques

Processing [39, 40, 36]

Generative Adversarial Networks [41]

Synthetic Data Image [42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48]

Text [49, 50, 51]

TABLE I: A classification of data acquisition techniques. Some of the techniques can be
used together. For example, data can be generated while augmenting existing data.
The goal of data acquisition is to find datasets that can be used to train machine
learning models. There are largely three approaches in the literature: data
discovery, data augmentation, and data generation. Data discovery is necessary
when one wants to share or search for new datasets and has become important
as more datasets are available on the Web and corporate data lakes [52, 16].
Data augmentation complements data discovery where existing datasets are
enhanced by adding more external data. Data generation can be used when
there is no available external dataset, but it is possible to generate crowdsourced
or synthetic datasets instead. The following sections will cover the three
operations in more detail. The individual techniques are classified in Table I.


Data discovery can be viewed as two steps. First, the generated data must be
indexed and published for sharing. Many collaborative systems are designed to
make this process easy. However, other systems are built without the intention
of sharing datasets. For these systems, a post-hoc approach must be used where
metadata is generated after the datasets are created, without the help of the
dataset owners. Next, someone else can search the datasets for their machine
learning tasks. Here the key challenges include how to scale the searching and
how to tell whether a dataset is suitable for a given machine learning task. We
discuss these two issues in the following sections.

Data Sharing

We study data systems that are designed with dataset sharing in mind. These
systems may focus on collaborative analysis, publishing on the Web, or both.
Collaborative Analysis In an environment where data scientists are
collaboratively analyzing different versions of datasets, DataHub [6, 7, 8] can be
used to host, share, combine, and analyze them. There are two components: a
dataset version control system inspired by Git (a version control system for
code) and a hosted platform on top of it, which provides data search, data
cleaning, data integration, and data visualization.

A common use case of DataHub is where individuals or teams run machine

learning tasks on their own versions of a dataset and later merge with other
versions if necessary.

Web A different approach of sharing datasets is to publish them on the Web.

Google Fusion Tables [9, 10, 11] is a cloud-based service for data management
and integration. Fusion Tables enables users to upload structured data (e.g.,
spreadsheets) and provides tools for visually analyzing, filtering, and
aggregating the data. The datasets that are published through Fusion Tables on
the Web can be crawled by search engines and show up in search results. The
datasets are therefore primarily accessible through Web search. Fusion Tables
has been widely used in data journalism for creating interactive maps of data
and adding them in articles. In addition, there are many data marketplaces
including CKAN [12], Quandl [13], and DataMarket [14] where users can buy
and sell datasets or find public datasets.

Collaborative and Web More recently, we are seeing a merging of collaborative

and Web-based systems. For example, Kaggle [15] makes it easy to share
datasets on the Web and even host data science competitions for models trained
on the datasets. A Kaggle competition host posts a dataset along with a
description of the challenge. Participants can then experiment with their
techniques and compete with each other. After the deadline passes, a prize is
given to the winner of the competition. Kaggle currently has thousands of public
datasets and code snippets (called kernels) from competitions. In comparison to
DataHub and Fusion Tables, the Kaggle datasets are coupled with competitions
and are thus more readily usable for machine learning purposes.

Data Searching

While the previous data systems are platforms for sharing datasets, we now
explore systems that are mainly designed for searching datasets where the
number of datasets tends to be high. This setting is common within large
companies or on the Web.

Data Lake Data searching systems have become more popular with the advent
of data lakes [52, 16] in corporate environments where many datasets are
generated internally, but they are not easily discoverable by other teams or
individuals within the company. Providing a way to search datasets and analyze
them has significant business value because the teams or individuals do not
have to make redundant efforts to re-generate the datasets for their machine
learning tasks. Most of the recent data lake systems have come from the
industry. In many cases, it is not feasible for all the dataset owners to publish
datasets through one system. Instead, a post-hoc approach becomes necessary
where datasets are processed for searching after they are created, and no effort
is required on the dataset owner’s side.

As an early solution for data lakes, IBM proposed a system [16] that enables

datasets to be curated and then searched. IBM estimates that 70% of the time
spent on analytic projects is concerned with discovering, cleaning, and
integrating datasets that are scattered among many business applications. Thus,
IBM takes the stance of creating, filling, maintaining, and governing the data
lake where these processes are collectively called data wrangling. When
analyzing data, users do not perform the analytics directly on the data lake, but
extract data sets and store them separately. Before this step, the users can do a
preliminary exploration of datasets, e.g., visualizing them to determine if the
dataset is useful and does not contain anomalies that need further investigation.
While supporting data curation in the data lake saves users from processing raw
data, it does limit the scalability of how many datasets can be indexed.

More recently, scalability has become a pressing issue for handling data
lakes that consists of most datasets in a large company. Google Data Search
(GOODS) [17] is a system that catalogues the metadata of tens of billions of
datasets from various storage systems within Google. GOODS infers various
metadata including owner information and provenance information (by looking
up job logs), analyzes the contents of the datasets, and collects input from users.

At the core is a central catalog, which contains the metadata and is indexed
for data searching. Due to Google’s scale, there are many technical challenges
including scaling to the number of datasets, supporting a variety of data formats
where the costs for extracting metadata may differ, updating the catalog entries
due to the frequent churn of datasets, dealing with uncertainty in metadata
discovery, computing dataset importance for search ranking, and recovering
dataset semantics that are missing. To find datasets, users can use keywords
queries on the GOODS frontend and view profile pages of the datasets that
appear in the search results. In addition, users can track the provenance of a
dataset to see which datasets were used to create the given dataset and those
that rely on it.

Finally, expressive queries are also important for searching a data lake.
While GOODS scales, one downside is that it only supports simple keyword
queries. The DATA CIVILIZER system [18, 53] complements GOODS by focusing
more on the discovery aspect of datasets. Specifically, DATA CIVILIZER consists of
a module for building a linkage graph of data. Assuming that datasets have
schema, the nodes in the linkage graph are columns of tables while edges are
relationships like primary key-foreign key (PK-FK) relationships. A data
discovery module then supports a rich set of discovery queries on the linkage
graph, which can help users more easily discover the relevant datasets.

Web As the Web contains large numbers of structured datasets, there have
been significant efforts to automatically extract the useful ones. One of the most
successful systems is WebTables [20, 19], which automatically extracts
structured data that is published online in the form of HTML tables. For
example, WebTables extracts all Wikipedia infoboxes. Initially, about 14.1
billion HTML tables are collected from the Google search web crawl. Then a
classifier is applied to determine which tables can be viewed as relational
database tables. Each relational table consists of a schema that describes the
columns and a set of tuples. In comparison to the above data lake systems,
WebTables collects structured data from the Web.

As Web data tends to be much more diverse than say those in a corporate
environment, the table extraction techniques have been extended in multiple
ways as well. One direction is to extend table extraction beyond identifying
HTML tags by extracting relational data in the form of vertical tables and lists
and leveraging knowledge bases [22, 23]. Table searching also evolved where, in
addition to keyword searching, row-subset queries, entity-attribute queries, and
column search were introduced [24]. Finally, techniques for enhancing the
tables [25, 26] were proposed where entities or attribute values are added to
make the tables more complete.

Recently, a service called Google Dataset Search [21] was launched for

searching repositories of datasets on the Web. The motivation is that there are
thousands of data repositories on the Web that contain millions of datasets that
are not easy to search. Dataset Search lets dataset providers describe their
datasets using various metadata (e.g., author, publication date, how the data
was collected, and terms for using the data) so that they become more
searcheable. In comparison to the fully-automatic WebTables, dataset providers
may need to do some manual work, but have the opportunity to make their
datasets more searcheable. In comparison to GOODS, Dataset Search targets the
Web instead of a data lake.


Another approach to acquiring data is to augment existing datasets with

external data. In the machine learning community, adding pre-trained
embeddings is a common way to increase the features to train on. In the data
management community, entity augmentation techniques have been proposed
to further enrich existing entity information. A recent line of work observes that
in practice, many companies use relational databases where the training data is
divided into smaller tables.
As a result, one must decide whether joining the tables improves model
accuracy and is thus worth the effort. We note that there is a heavy literature on
data integration [54, 55] that could also be considered as data augmentation.
However, data integration is a general problem that is not necessarily focused
on machine learning, so a comprehensive study is out of the scope of this


A common data augmentation is to generate and use embeddings that represent

words, entities, or knowledge. In particular, word embeddings have been
successfully used to solve many problems in natural language processing (NLP).
Word2vec [27] is a seminal work where, given a text corpus, a word is
represented by a vector of real numbers that captures the linguistic context of
the word in the corpus. The word vectors can be generated by training a shallow
two-layer neural network to reconstruct the surrounding words in the corpus.

There are two possible models for training word vectors: Continuous Bag-of-
Words (CBOW) and Skip-gram. While CBOW predicts a word based on its
surrounding words, Skip-gram does the opposite and predicts the surrounding
words based on a given word. As a result, two words that occur in similar
contexts tend to have similar word vectors. A fascinating application of word
vectors is performing arithmetic operations on the word vectors. For example,
the result of subtracting the word vector of “king” by that of “queen” is similar to
the result of subtracting the word vector of “man” by that of “woman”. Since
word2vec was proposed, there have been many extensions including GloVe [28],
which improves word vectors by also taking into account global corpus
statistics, and Doc2Vec [56], which generates representations of documents.

Entity Augmentation

In many cases, datasets are incomplete and need to be filled in by gathering

more information. The missing information can either be values or entire
features. An early system called Octopus [25] composes Web search queries
using keys of the table containing the entities. Then all the Web tables in the
resulting Web pages are clustered by schema, and the tables in the most
relevant cluster are joined with the entity table. More recently,
InfoGatherer [26] takes a holistic approach using Web tables on the Web. The
entity augmentation is performed by filling in missing values of attributes in
some or all of the entities by matching multiple Web tables using schema
matching. To help the user decide which attributes to fill in, InfoGatherer
identifies synonymous attributes in the Web tables.


Relational databases are widely used in the industry, and there is a growing
interest to use tables as training data for machine learning. However, most
machine learning toolkits assume that a training dataset is a single file and
ignore the fact that there are typically multiple tables in a database due to
normalization. The key question is whether joining the tables and augmenting
the information is useful for model training. The Hamlet system [29] addresses
this problem by determining if key-foreign key (KFK) joins are necessary for
improving the model accuracy for linear classifiers and propose decision rules to
predict when it is safe to avoid joins and, as a result, significantly reduce the
total runtime.

A surprising result is that joins can often be avoided without negatively

influencing the model’s accuracy. Intuitively, a foreign key determines the entire
record of the joining table, so the features brought in by a join do not add a lot
more information. More recently, the Hamlet++ system [30] extends Hamlet by
answering the same question on three other classifiers – decision trees, non-
linear SVMs, and artificial neural networks – and shows that such high-capacity
classifiers are even more robust to avoiding KFK joins.


If there are no existing datasets that can be used for training, then another
option is to generate the datasets either manually or automatically. For manual
construction, crowdsourcing is the standard method where human workers are
given tasks to gather the necessary bits of data that collectively become the
generated dataset. Alternatively, automatic techniques can be used to generate
synthetic datasets. Note that data generation can also be viewed as data
augmentation if there is existing data where some missing parts needs to be
filled in.


Crowdsourcing is used to solve a wide range of problems, and there are many
surveys as well [57, 58, 59, 60]. One of the earliest and most popular platforms
is Amazon Mechanical Turk [61] where tasks (called HITs) are assigned to
human workers, and workers are compensated for finishing the tasks. Since
then, many other crowdsourcing platforms have been developed, and research
on crowdsourcing has flourished in the areas of data management, machine
learning, and human computer interaction. There is a wide range of
crowdsourcing tasks from simple ones like labeling images up to complex ones
like collaboratively writing that involve multiple steps.

In this section, we narrow the scope and focus on crowdsourcing techniques

that are specific to data generation tasks. A closely-related topic is using
crowdsourcing for data labeling, which we will cover in Section 3.2.2. A recent
survey [62] provides an extensive discussion on the challenges for such data
crowdsourcing. Another survey [63] touches on the theoretical foundations of
data crowdsourcing. According to both surveys, data generation using
crowdsourcing can be divided into two steps: gathering data
and preprocessing data.
Gathering data One way to categorize data gathering techniques is whether
the tasks are procedural or declarative. A procedural task is where the task
creator defines explicit steps and assigns them to workers. For example, one
may write a computer program that issues tasks to workers. TurKit [31] allows
users to write scripts that include HITs using a crash-and-return programming
model where a script can be re-executed without re-running costly functions
with side effects. AUTOMAN [32] is a domain-specific language embedded in
Scala where crowdsourcing tasks can be invoked like conventional functions.
Dog [33] is a high-level programming language that compiles into MapReduce
tasks that can be performed by humans or machines.

A declarative task is when the task creator specifies high-level data

requirements, and the workers provide the data that satisfy them. For example,
a database users may pose an SQL query like “SELECT title, director, genre,
rating FROM MOVIES WHERE genre = ’science fiction”’ to gather movie
ratings data for a recommendation system. Deco [34] uses a simple extension of
SQL and defines precise semantics for arbitrary queries on stored data and data
collected by the crowd. CrowdDB [35] focuses on the systems aspect of using
crowdsourcing to answer queries that cannot be answered automatically.

Another way to categorize data gathering is whether the data is assumed to

be closed-world or open-world. Under a closed-world assumption, the data is
assumed to be “known” and entirely collectable by asking the right
questions. ASKIT! [37] uses this assumption and focuses on the problem of
determining which questions should be directed to which users, in order to
minimize the uncertainty of the collected data. In an open-world assumption,
there is no longer a guarantee that all the data can be collected. Instead, one
must estimate if enough data was collected. Statistical tools [38] have been
proposed for scanning a single table with predicates like “SELECT FLAVORS
FROM ICE_CREAM.” Initially, many flavors can be collected, but the rate of
new flavors will inevitably slow down, and statistical methods are used to
estimate the future rate of new values.

Data gathering is not limited to collecting entire records of a table.

CrowdFill [64] is a system for collecting parts of structured data from the crowd.
Instead of posing specific questions to workers, CrowdFill shows a partially-
filled table. Workers can then fill in the empty cells and also upvote or downvote
data entered by other workers. CrowdFill provides a collaborative environment
and allows the specification of constraints on values and mechanisms for
resolving conflicts when workers are filling in values of the same
record. ALFRED [65] uses the crowd to train extractors that can then be used to
acquire data. ALFRED asks simple yes/no membership questions on the
contents of Web pages to workers and uses the answers to infer the extraction

The quality of the rules can be improved by recruiting multiple workers.

Preprocessing data Once the data is gathered, one may want to preprocess the
data to make it suitable for machine learning purposes. While many possible
crowd operations have been proposed, the ones that are relevant include data
curation, entity resolution, and joining datasets. Data Tamer [39] is an end-to-
end data curation system that can clean and transform datasets and
semantically integrate with other datasets. Data Tamer has a crowdsourcing
component (called Data Tamer Exchange), which assigns tasks to workers. The
supported operations are attribute identification (i.e., determine if two
attributes are the same) and entity resolution (i.e., determine if two entities are
the same). Corleone [40] is a hands-off crowdsourcing system, which
crowdsources the entire workflow of entity resolution to workers. Qurk [36] is a
system for aggregating, sorting, and joining datasets.

For both gathering and preprocessing data, quality control is an important

challenge as well. The issues include designing the right interface to maximize
worker productivity, managing workers who may have different levels of skills
(or may even be spammers), and decomposing problems into smaller tasks and
aggregating them. Several surveys [58, 59, 60] cover these issues in detail.

Synthetic Data Generation

Generating synthetic data along with labels is increasingly being used in

machine learning due to its low cost and flexibility [66]. While there are general
techniques like the recent Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs) [41, 2, 67, 68], many other techniques tend to be application specific.
We first provide a brief introduction of GANs and then present some
representative synthetic data generation techniques for image and text data. The
goal is to illustrate the wide range of synthetic data generation techniques.
Generative Adversarial Networks GANs were proposed to train two contesting
neural networks: a generative network and a discriminative network. The
generative network learns to map from a latent space to a data distribution, and
the discriminative network discriminates examples from the true distribution
from the candidates produced by the generative network.

The objective of the generative network is to increase the error rate of the
discriminative network. That is, the generative network attempts to fool the
discriminative network into thinking that its candidates are from the true
distribution. GANs have been used to generate synthetic images and videos that
look realistic in many applications.

Image data Much of the synthetic image generation research was done in

the computer vision community. Given the wide range of vision problems, we
are not aware of a comprehensive survey on synthetic data generation and will
only focus on a few representative problems. In object detection, it is possible to
learn 3D models of objects and give variations (e.g., rotate a car 90 degrees) to
generate another realistic image [42, 43]. If the training data is a rapid sequence
of images frames in time [44] the objects of a frame can be assumed to move in
a linear trajectory between consecutive frames. Text within images is another
application where one can vary the fonts, sizes, and colors of the text to generate
large amounts of synthetic text images [45, 46].

An alternative approach to generating image datasets is to start from a large

set of noisy images and select the clean ones. Xia et al. [47] searches the Web for
images with noise and then uses a density-based measure to cluster the images
and remove outliers. Bai et al. [48] exploits large click-through logs, which
contains queries of users and the images that were clicked by those users. A
deep neural network is used to learn representations of the words and images
and compute word-word and image-word similarities. The noisy images that
have low similarities to their categories are then removed.

Text data Generating synthetic text data has mostly been studied in the natural
language processing community. Paraphrasing [49] is a classical problem of
generating alternative expressions that have the same semantic meaning. For
example “What does X do for a living?” is a paraphrase of “What is X’s job?”.

We briefly cover two recent methods – one is syntax-based and the other
semantics-based – that uses paraphrasing to generate large amounts of
synthetic text data. Syntactically controlled paraphrase networks [50] (SCPNs)
can be trained to produce paraphrases of a sentence with different sentence
structures. Semantically equivalent adversarial rules for text [51] (SEARs) have
been proposed for perturbing input text while preserving its semantics. SEARs
can be used to debug a model by applying them on training data and seeing if
the re-trained model changes its predictions. In addition, there are many
paraphrasing techniques that are not covered in this survey.

Category Approach learning Techniques

all [69, 70, 71, 72, 73]


Existing regression all [74, 75, 76]

Label propagation graph [77]

Crowd- Active learning all all [78, 79, 80]


Semi- classificatio text [81, 82]

supervised+Activ n
e learning


graph [84]
Category Approach learning Techniques

Crowdsourcing all all [65, 85, 86]

Data classificatio
all [87, 88, 89]
programming n
classificatio [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97
Fact extraction text
n ]

TABLE II: A classification of data labeling techniques. Some of the techniques can be
used for the same application. For example, for classification on graph data, both self-
labeled techniques and label propagation can be used.

Once enough data has been acquired, the next step is to label individual
examples. For instance, given an image dataset of industrial components in a
smart factory application, workers can start annotating if there are any defects
in the components. In many cases, data acquisition is done along with data
labeling. When extracting facts from the Web and constructing a knowledge
base, then each fact is assumed to be correct and thus implicitly labeled as true.
When discussing the data labeling literature, it is easier to separate it from data
acquisition as the techniques can be quite different.

We believe the following categories provide a reasonable view of

understanding the data labeling landscape:

 Use existing labels: An early idea of data labeling is to exploit any existing
labels. There is an extensive literature on semi-supervised learning where the
idea is to learn from the labels to predict the rest of the labels.

 Crowd-based: The next set of techniques are based on crowdsourcing. A simple

approach is to label individual examples. A more advanced technique is to use
active learning where questions to ask are more carefully selected. More
recently, many crowdsourcing techniques have been proposed to help workers
become more effective in labeling.
 Weak labels: While it is desirable to generate correct labels all the time, this
process may be too expensive. An alternative approach is to generate less than
perfect labels (i.e., weak labels), but in large quantities to compensate for the
lower quality. Recently, the latter approach is gaining more popularity as
labeled data is scarce in many new applications.

Table II shows where different labeling approaches fit into the categories.

In addition, each labeling approach can be further categorized as follows:

 Machine learning task: In supervised learning, the two categories are

classification (e.g., whether a piece of text has a positive sentiment) and
regression (e.g., the estimated salary of a person). Most of the data labeling
research has been focused on classification problems rather than regression
problems, possibly because data labeling is simpler in a classification setting.

 Data type: Depending on the data type (e.g., text, images, and graphs) the data
labeling techniques differ significantly. For example, information extraction
from text is very different from object detection on images.


A common setting in machine learning is to have a small amount of labeled

data, which is expensive to produce with humans, along with a much larger
amount of unlabeled data. Semi-supervised learning techniques [98] exploit
both labeled and unlabeled data to make predictions. In a transductive learning
setting, the entire unlabeled data is available while in an inductive learning
setting, some unlabeled data is available, but the predictions must be on unseen
data. Semi-supervised learning is a broad topic, and we focus on a smaller
branch of research called self-labeled techniques [99] where the goal is to
generate more labels by trusting one’s own predictions. In addition to the
general techniques, there are graph-based label propagation techniques that are
specialized for graph data.


For semi-supervised learning techniques for classification, we consider the best-

performing techniques in a survey that focuses on labeling data [99], which are
summarized in Figure 4. The performance results are similar regardless of using
transductive or inductive learning. The simplest class of semi-supervised
learning techniques include Self Training [69] where one model is trained using
one learning algorithm on one set of features. The next class trains multiple
classifiers by sampling the training data several times and training a model for
each sample. The techniques include Tri-training [70] and Co-training by
Committee [71]. The next class uses multiple learning algorithms and includes
Democratic Co-learning [72]. The final class uses multiple views, which are
subsets of features that are conditionally independent given the class, and
includes Co-training [73].
According to the survey, these algorithms result in similar transductive or
inductive accuracies when averaged on 55 datasets from the UCI [100] and
KEEL dataset [101] repositories. Here accuracy is defined as the portion of
classifications by the trained model that are correct. However, not all of these
techniques are generally-applicable where one can plug in any machine learning
algorithm and use any set of features. First, Co-training assumes that the feature
can be divided into two subsets that are conditionally independent given the
label (also called sufficient and redundant views), which is not always possible.
Second, Democratic Co-learning assumes three different machine learning
algorithms, which is not always possible if there is only one algorithm to use.

Fig. 4: A simplified classification of semi-supervised learning techniques for self

labeling according to a survey [99] using the best-performing techniques regardless of
inductive or transductive learning.

Single Classifier, Algorithm, and View The first category is where there is only
one classifier, learning algorithm, and view. Self-training [69] initially trains a
model on the labeled examples. The model is then applied to all the unlabeled
data where the examples are ranked by the confidences in their predictions. The
most confident predictions are then added into the labeled examples. This
process repeats until all the unlabeled examples are labeled. While there is no
assumption on the data, there is an implicit assumption that the predictions of
its own trained model tends to be correct, especially for the ones with high
confidence. This method is simple and effective, and has been successfully used
in real applications.

Multiple Classifiers Using multiple classifiers reduces the chance for classifiers

to be incorrectly trained by chance. We cover two representative techniques.

Tri-training [70] initially trains three models on the labeled examples using

Bagging for the ensemble learning algorithm. Then each model is updated
iteratively where the other two models make predictions on the unlabeled
examples, and only the examples with the same predictions are used in
conjunction with the original labeled examples to re-train the model. The
iteration stops when no model changes. Finally, the unlabeled examples are
labeled using majority voting where at least two models must agree with each
other. Compared to Co-training, Tri-training does not require sufficient and
redundant views, which makes it more widely applicable.
Co-training by Committee (Bagging) [71] is similar to Tri-training, but uses
an ensemble of any number of models and other ensemble learning algorithms.
However, among the ensemble learning algorithms bagging, boosting, and
random subspace method, bagging (also used by Tri-training) has the best
empirical performance according to the survey [99]. Given a training set,
Bagging creates N models where each model is trained on bootstrap samples.
Each model is trained on the current labeled data and then evaluated on a
sample of the unlabeled data. Among the predictions, the most confident ones
are added to the labeled data, and the same number of unlabeled examples are
randomly chosen and added from the remaining unlabeled data. Then the next
model is trained on the updated labeled data. This process is repeated until all
examples are labeled.

Multiple Learning Algorithms Democratic Co-learning [72] uses a set of

different learning algorithms (in the experiments, they are Naive Bayes, C4.5,
and 3-nearest neighbor) are used to train a set of classifiers separately on the
same training data. Predictions on new examples are generated by combining
the results of the three classifiers using weighted voting. The new labels are then
added to the training set of the classifiers whose predictions are different from
the majority results. This process repeats until no more data is added to the
training data of a classifier.

Multiple Views Co-training [73] splits the feature set into two sufficient and

redundant views, which means that one set of features is sufficient for learning
and independent of learning with the other set of features given the label. For
each feature set, a model is trained and then used to teach the model trained on
the other feature set. The co-trained models can minimize errors by maximizing
their agreements over the unlabeled examples.


Relatively less research has been done for semi-supervised learning for
regression. Co-regularized least squares regression [74] is a least squares
regression algorithm based on the co-learning approach. Another co-regularized
framework [75] utilizes sufficient and redundant views similar to Co-training.
Co-training regressors [76] uses two k-nearest neighbor regressors with
different distance metrics. In each iteration, a regressor labels the unlabeled
data that can be labeled most confidently by the other regressor. After the
iterations, the final prediction of an example is made by averaging the
regression estimates by the two regressors. Co-training Regressors can be
extended by using any other base regressor.

Graph-based Label Propagation

Graph-based label propagation techniques exploit the graph structure of

examples based on their similarities. For example, if an image is labeled as a
dog, then similar images down the graph can also be labeled as dogs with some
probability. The further the distance, the lower the probability of label
propagation. Graph-based label propagation has applications in computer
vision, information retrieval, social networks, and natural language processing.
Zhu et al. [102] proposed a semi-supervised learning based on a Gaussian
random field model where the unlabeled and labeled examples form a weighted
graph. The mean of the field is characterized in terms of harmonic functions and
can be efficiently computed using matrix methods or belief propagation. The
MAD-Sketch algorithm [103] was proposed to further reduce the space and time
complexities of graph-based SSL algorithms using count-min sketching.

In particular, the space complexity per node is reduced

from O(m) to O(log m) under certain conditions where m is the number
of distinct labels, and a similar improvement is achieved for the time
complexity. Recently, a family of algorithms called EXPANDER [77] were
proposed to further reduce the space complexity per node to O(1) and
compute the MAD-Sketch algorithm in a distributed fashion.


The most accurate way to label examples is to do it manually. A well known use
case is the ImageNet image classification dataset [104] where tens of millions of
images were organized according to a semantic hierarchy by WordNet using
Amazon Mechanical Turk. However, ImageNet is an ambitious project that took
years to complete, which most machine learning users cannot afford for their
own applications. Traditionally, active learning has been a key technique in the
machine learning community for carefully choosing the right examples to label
and thus minimize cost. More recently, crowdsourcing techniques for labeling
have been proposed where there can be many workers who are not necessarily
experts in labeling. Hence, there is more emphasis on how to assign tasks to
workers, what interfaces to use, and how to ensure high quality labels. While
crowdsourcing data labeling is closely related to crowdsourcing data acquisition,
the individual techniques are different.

Active Learning

Active learning [105] focuses on selecting the most “interesting” unlabeled

examples to give to the crowd for labeling. The workers are expected to be very
accurate, so there is less emphasis on how to interact with those with less
expertise. While some references view active learning as a special case of semi-
supervised learning, the key difference is that there is a human-in-the-loop. The
key challenge is choosing the right examples to ask given a limited budget, and
we describe the most prominent techniques.

Uncertain Examples Uncertainty Sampling [78] is the simplest in active

learning and chooses the next unlabeled example that the model prediction is
most uncertain. For example, if the model is a binary classifier, uncertainty
sampling chooses the example whose probability is nearest to 0.5. If there are
more than three class labels, we could choose the example whose prediction is
the least confident. The downside of this approach is that it throws away the
information of all the other possible labels. So an improved version called
margin sampling is to choose the example whose probability difference between
the most and second-most probable labels is the largest. This method can be
further generalized using entropy as the uncertainty measure where entropy is
an information-theoretic measure for the amount of information to encode a

Query-by-Committee [79] extends uncertainty sampling by training a

committee of models on the same labeled data. Each model can vote when
labeling each example, and the most informative example is considered to be
the one where the most models disagree with each other. More formally, this
approach minimizes the version space, which is the space of all possible
classifiers that give the same classification results as (and are thus consistent
with) the labeled data. The challenge is to train models that represent different
regions of the version space and have some amount of disagreement. Various
methods have been proposed [105], but there does not seem to be a clear
winner. One general method is called query-by-bagging [106], which uses
bagging as an ensemble learning algorithm and trains models on bootstrap
samples. There is no general agreement on the best number of models to train,
which is application-specific.

Both uncertainty sampling and query-by-committee focus on individual

examples instead of the entire set of examples, they run into the danger of
choosing examples that are outliers according to the example distribution.

Decision Theoretic Approaches Another line of active learning performs

decision-theoretic approaches. Here the objective could be to choose an
example that maximizes the estimated model accuracy [108]. Other possible
objectives include reducing the generalization error [109] and variance [107].

Roy and McCallum [109] estimates future error as follows: if the measure is

log loss, then the entropy of the predicted class distribution is considered the
error rate; if the measure is 0-1 loss, the maximum probability among all classes
is the error rate. Each example to label is chosen by taking a sample of the
unlabeled data and choosing the example that minimizes the estimated error

Regression Active learning techniques can also be extended to regression

problems. For uncertainty sampling, instead of computing the entropy of
classes, one can compute the output variance of the predictions and select the
examples with the highest variance. Query-by-committee can also be extended
to regression [80] by training a committee of models and selecting the examples
where the variance among the committee’s predictions is the largest. This
approach is said to work well when the bias of the models is small. Also, this
approach is said to be robust to overspecification, which reduces the chance of

Self and Active Learning Combined The data labeling techniques we

consider are complementary to each other and can be used together. In fact,
semi-supervised learning and active learning have a history of being used
together [81, 110, 83, 84, 82]. A key observation is that the two techniques solve
opposite problems where semi-supervised learning finds the predictions with
the highest confidence and adds them to the labeled examples while active
learning finds the predictions with the lowest confidence (using uncertainty
sampling, query-by-committee, or density-weighted method) and sends them
for manual labeling.

There are various ways semi-supervised learning can be used with active
learning. McCallum and Nigam [81] improves the Query-By-Committee (QBC)
technique and combines it with Expectation-Maximization (EM), which
effectively performs semi-supervised learning. Given a set of documents for
training data, active learning is done by selecting the documents that are closer
to others (and thus representative), but have committee disagreement, for
labeling. In addition, the EM algorithm is used to further infer the rest of the

The active learning and EM can either be done separately or interleaved.

Zhou et al. [83] proposes the semi-supervised active image retrieval (SSAIR)
approach where the focus is on image retrieval. SSAIR is inspired by the co-
training method where initially two classifiers are trained from the labeled data.
Then each learner passes the most relevant/irrelevant images to the other
classifier. The classifiers are then retrained with the additional labels, and their
results are combined.

The images that still have low confidence are selected to be labeled by
humans. Zhu et al. [84] combines semi-supervised and active learning under a
Gaussian random field model. The labeled and unlabeled examples are
represented as vertices in a graph where edges are weighted by similarities
between examples. This framework enables one to compute the next question
that minimizes the expected generalization error efficiently for active learning.
Once the new labels are added to the labeled data, semi-supervised learning is
performed using harmonic functions.

Tomanek and Hahn [82] propose semi-supervised active learning (SeSAL)

for sequence labeling tasks, which include POS tagging, chunking, or named
entity recognition (NER). Here the examples are sequences of text. The idea is
to use active learning for the subsequences that have the highest training utility
within the selected sentences and use semi-supervised learning to automatically
label the rest of the subsequences. The utility of a subsequence is highest when
the current model is least confident about the labeling.


In comparison to active learning, the crowdsourcing techniques here are more

focused on running tasks with many workers who are not necessarily labeling
experts. As a result, workers may make mistakes, and there is a heavy
literature [57, 111] on improving the interaction with workers, evaluating
workers so they are reliable, and reducing any bias that the workers may have.
User Interaction A major challenge in user interaction is to effectively provide
instructions to workers on how to perform the labeling. The traditional
approach is to provide some guidelines for labeling to the workers up front and
then let them make a best effort to follow them. However, the guidelines are
often incomplete and do not cover all possible scenarios, leaving the workers in
the dark. Revolt [85] is a system that attempts to fix this problem through
collaborative crowdsourcing. Here workers work in three steps: Voting where
workers vote just like in traditional labeling, Explaining where workers justify
their rational for labeling, and Categorize where workers review explanations
from other workers and tag any conflicting labels. This information can then be
used to make post-hoc judgements of the label decision boundaries.

In addition, providing the right labeling interface is critical for workers to

perform well. The challenge is that each application may have a different
interface that works best. We will not cover all the possible applications, but
instead illustrate a line of research for the problem of entity resolution where
the goal is to find records in a database that refer to the same real-world entity.
Here the label is whether two (or more) records are the same or not. Just for
this problem, there is a line of research on providing the best interface for
comparisons. CrowdER system [112] provides two types of interfaces to
compare records: pair-based and cluster-based. Qurk [36] uses a mapping
interface where multiple records on one side are matched with records on the
other side.

Quality control Controlling the quality of data labeling by the crowd is

important because the workers may vary significantly in their abilities to
provide labels. A simple way to ensure quality is to repeatedly label the same
example using multiple workers and perhaps take a majority voting at the end.
However, there are more sophisticated approaches as well. Vox Populi
[113] proposes techniques for pruning low-quality workers that can achieve
better labeling quality without having to repeatedly label examples. Obviously
this work is not the only contribution to crowd data labeling, and we defer to
several surveys [58, 59, 60] for a general discussion on quality control for

Scalability Scaling up crowdsourced labeling is another important

challenge. While traditional active learning techniques were proposed for this
purpose, more recently the data management community has started to apply
systems techniques for further scaling the algorithms to large datasets. In
particular, Mozafari et al. [86] proposes active learning algorithms that can run
in parallel. One algorithm (called Uncertainty) selects examples that the current
classifier is most uncertain about. A more sophisticated algorithm
(called MinExpError) combines the current model’s accuracy with the
uncertainty. A key idea is the use of bootstrap theory, which makes the
algorithms applicable to any classifier and also enables embarassingly-parallel

Regression In comparison to crowdsourcing research for classification

tasks, less attention has been given to regression tasks. Ok et al. [114] propose a
probabilistic model for crowdsourced regression for identifying reliable workers
and taking into account the heterogeneity of multiple workers to infer the
answers accurately. A Bayesian iterative algorithm, inspired by the belief
propagation algorithm, estimates the workers’ noise levels by exchanging
messages between workers and tasks.


As machine learning is used in a wider range of applications, it is mostly the

case that there is not enough labeled data. For example, in a smart factory
setting, any new product will have no labels for training a model for quality
control. As a result, weak supervision techniques have become increasingly
popular where the idea is to semi-automatically generate large quantities of
labels that are not as accurate as manual labels, but good enough for the trained
model to obtain a reasonably-high accuracy. This approach is especially useful
when there are large amounts of data, and manual labeling becomes infeasible.
We first discuss the recently proposed data programming paradigm and then
various custom techniques for fact extraction.

Data Programming

As data labeling at scale becomes more important especially for deep learning
applications, data programming [89] has been proposed as a solution for
generating large amounts of weak labels using multiple labeling functions
instead of individual labeling. Figure 5 illustrates how data programming can be
used for Sally’s smart factory application. A labeling function can be any
computer program that either generates a label for an example or refrains to do

For example, a labeling function that checks if a tweet has a positive sentiment
may check if certain positive words appear in the text. Since a single labeling
function by itself may not be accurate enough or not be able to generate labels
for all examples, multiple labeling functions are implemented and combined
into a generative model, which is then used to generate large amounts of weak
labels with reasonable quality. Alternatively, voting methods like majority
voting can be used to combine the labeling functions. Finally, a noise-aware
discriminative model is trained on the weak labels. Data programming has been
implemented in the state-of-art Snorkel system [115], which is becoming
increasingly popular.
Fig. 5: A workflow of using data programming for a smart factory application. In this
scenario, Sally is using crowdsourcing to annotate defects on component images. Next,
the annotations can be automatically converted to labeling functions. Then the labeling
functions are combined either into a generative model or using majority voting. Finally,
the combined model generates weak labels that are used to train a discriminative model.

Data programming has advantages both in terms of model accuracy and

usability. A key observation for generating weak labels is that training a
discriminative model on large amounts of weak labels may result in higher
accuracy than training with fewer manual labels. In terms of usability,
implementing labeling functions can be an intuitive process for humans
compared to feature engineering in traditional machine learning [116].

What makes data programming effective is the way it combines multiple

labeling functions into the generative model by fitting a probabilistic graphical
model. A naïve approach to combine labeling functions is to take a majority
vote. However, this approach cannot handle pathological cases where many
labeling functions are near identical, which defeats the purpose of majority

Instead, labeling functions that are more correlated with each other will
have less influence on the predicted label. In addition, labeling functions that
are outliers are also trained to have less influence in order to cancel out the
noise. Theoretical analysis [3] shows that, if the labeling functions are
reasonably accurate, then the predictions made by the generative model
becomes arbitrarily close to the true labels.

A generative model performs better than majority voting when there are
empirically about 10 to 100 labeling functions that are complementing each
other. If there are fewer than about 10 labeling functions, there is not enough
correlated labeling functions to train the generative model accurately. On the
other hand, if there are more than about 100 labeling functions, a theoretical
analysis [117] shows that taking a majority vote produces arbitrarily accurate
labels and is sufficient for our purposes.

Labeling functions can be implemented in several ways [89] using patterns,

knowledge bases, any weak classifier, and labeling function generators.
However, the difficulty of implementing labeling functions varies depending on
the application. For example, suppose that we want to analyze text data. While a
labeling function that looks up a few keywords is easy to implement, a labeling
function that uses sophisticated NLP techniques for generating dependency
parsings of sentences is non-trivial.

Implementing labeling functions for other types of data (e.g., images) is

even more challenging as it is not even conceptually clear how to process the
examples and extract information. While an assumption is that a few domain
experts can come up with enough labeling functions, an interesting direction is
to use standard crowdsourcing platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk to help
many non-experts collaborate on implementing the labeling functions [118, 32].

Implementing labeling functions usually cannot be done in a single step

and may require several iterations of debugging. For example, one can use
Socratic learning [119] where the generative and discriminative models are
compared on a set of test examples. Ideally, if the two models are perfect, then
there should be no difference in their predictions. However, the generative
model tends to be less accurate than the discriminative model because it was
only trained based on imperfect labeling functions whereas the discriminative
model has access to the features of the examples. The difference between the
models can identified using model interpretation tools like LIME [120] and
Anchors [121] and be used by the user to further debug and improve the labeling

A potential disadvantage of generative models is that controlling the

accuracy is not straightforward. If one needs to maximize recall, for example, it
is difficult to adjust a parameter and increase the recall while trading off some
precision. In this case, one can resort to a simple voting method (which
generalizes the majority voting scheme where at least half of the voters need to
label positive) and adjust the number of votes needed to give a positive label.

Several systems have been developed for data programming.

DeepDive [87] is a precursor of data programming and supports fast knowledge
base construction on dark data using information extraction. DeepDive
effectively uses humans to extract features, implement supervision rules
(similar to labeling functions), and supports incremental maintenance of
inference. DDLite [88] is the first system to use data programming and supports
rapid prototyping of labeling functions through an interactive interface. The
primary application is information extraction, and DDLite has been used to
extract chemicals, diseases, and anatomical named entities.

Compared to DeepDive, it has a simpler Python syntax and does not require
complex setup involving databases. Snorkel [122, 115] is the most recent system
for data programming. Compared to DDLite, Snorkel is a full-fledged product
that is widely used in the industry. Snorkel enables users to use weak labels
from all available weak label sources, supports any type of classifier, and
provides rapid results in response to the user’s input. More recently, Snorkel has
been extended to solve massively multi-task learning [123].

Data programming is designed for classification and does not readily

support regression. To make an extension to regression, the labeling functions
must return real numbers instead of discrete values. In addition, the
probabilistic graphical model used for training generative models must be able
to return a continuous distribution of possible values for labels.
Fact Extraction

We now consider the more specific application of fact extraction. Knowledge

bases contain facts that are extracted from various sources including the Web. A
fact could describe an attribute of an entity (e.g., ⟨Germany, capital, Berlin⟩).
The facts can be considered positively-labeled examples.

There are various approaches to extracting facts. If precision is critically

important, then manual curation should be part of the knowledge base
construction as in Freebase [90] and Google Knowledge Graph. Otherwise, the
extraction techniques depend on the data source. YAGO [91, 92] extracts facts
from Wikipedia using classes in WordNet. Ollie [93], ReVerb [94], and
ReNoun [95] and open information extraction systems that apply patterns to
Web text. Knowledge Vault [96] also extracts from Web content, but combines
facts from text, tabular data, page structure, and human annotations.
Biperpedia [97] extracts the attributes of entities from a query stream and Web
he Never-Ending Language Learner (NELL) system [124, 125] continuously
extracts structured information from the unstructured Web and constructs a
knowledge base that consists of entities and relationships. Initially, NELL starts
with a seed ontology, which contains entities of classes (e.g., person, fruit, and
emotion) and relationships among the entities
(e.g., playsOnTeam(athlete,sportsTeam) and playsInstrument
(musician,instrument)). NELL analyzes hundreds of millions of Web
pages and identifies new entities in the given classes as well as entity pairs of the
relationships by matching patterns on their surrounding phrases. The resulting
entities and relationships can then be used as the next training data for
constructing even more patterns. NELL has been collecting facts continuously
since 2010. The extraction techniques can be viewed as distant supervision
generating weak labels.


An alternative approach to acquiring new data and labeling it is to improve the

labeling of any existing datasets or improving the model training. This approach
makes sense for a number of scenarios. First, it may be difficult to find new
datasets because the application is too novel or non-trivial for others to have
produced datasets. Second, simply adding more data may not significantly
improve the model’s accuracy anymore. In this case, re-labeling or cleaning the
existing data may be the faster way to increase the accuracy. Alternatively, the
model training can be made more robust to noise and bias, or the model can be
trained from an existing model using transfer learning techniques. In the
following sections, we explore techniques for improving existing labels and
improving existing models. The techniques are summarized in Table III.
Task Techniques

Data Cleaning [126, 127, 128, 129]

Improve Data

Re-labeling [130]

Robust Against
Noise [131, 132, 133, 134]

Transfer Learning [135, 136, 137]

TABLE III: A classification of techniques for improving existing data and models.


A major problem in machine learning is that the data can be noisy and the labels
incorrect. This problem occurs frequently in practice, so production machine
learning platforms like TensorFlow Extended (TFX) [138] have separate
components [139] to reduce data errors as much as possible though analysis and
validation. In case the labels are also noisy, re-labeling the examples becomes
necessary as well. We explore recent advances in data cleaning with a focus on
machine learning and then techniques for re-labeling.

Data Cleaning

It is common for the data itself to be noisy. For example, some values may be
out of range (e.g., a latitude value is beyond [-90, 90]) or use different units by
mistake (e.g., some intervals are in hours while other are in minutes). There is a
heavy literature on various integrity constraints (e.g., domain constraints,
referential integrity constraints, and functional dependencies) that can improve
data quality as well. HoloClean [128] is a state-of-art data cleaning system that
uses quality rules, value correlations, and reference data to build a probabilistic
model that captures how the data was generated. HoloClean then generates a
probabilistic program for repairing the data.
An interesting line of recent work is cleaning techniques that are tailored
for machine learning purposes. ActiveClean [126] is a model training framework
that iteratively suggests samples of data to clean based on how much the
cleaning improves the model accuracy and the likelihood that the data is dirty.
An analyst can then perform transformations and filtering to clean each sample.
ActiveClean treats the training and cleaning as a form of stochastic gradiant
descent and uses convex-loss models (SVMs, linear and logistic regression) to
guarantee global solutions for clean models. BoostClean [127] solves an
important class of inconsistencies where an attribute value is outside an allowed

BoostClean takes as input a dataset and a set of functions that can detect
these errors and repair functions that can fix them. Each pair of detection and
repair functions can produce a new model trained on the cleaned data.
BoostClean uses statistical boosting to find the best ensemble of pairs that
maximize the final model’s accuracy. Recently, TARS [129] was proposed to
solve the problem of cleaning crowdsourced labels using oracles. TARS provides
two pieces of advice. First, given test data with noisy labels, it uses an estimation
technique to predict how well the model may perform on the true labels. The
estimation is shown to be unbiased, and confidence intervals are computed to
bound the error. Second, given training data with noisy labels, TARS determines
which examples to send to an oracle in order to maximize the expected model
improvement of cleaning each noisy label.


Trained models are only as good as their training data, and it is important to
obtain high quality data labels. Simply labeling more data may not improve the
model accuracy further. Indeed, Sheng et al. [130] shows that, if the labels are
noisy, then the model accuracy plateaus from some point and does not increase
further, no matter how many more labeling is done. The solution is to improve
the quality of existing labels. The authors show that repeated labeling using
workers of certain individual qualities can significantly improve model accuracy
where a straightforward round robin approach already give substantial
improvements, and being more selective in labeling gives even better results.


In addition to improving the data, there are also ways to improve the model
training itself. Making the model training more robust against noise or bias is an
active area of research. Another popular approach is to use transfer learning
where previously-trained models are used as a starting point to train the current
Robust Against Noise and Bias

A common scenario in machine learning is that there is a large number of noisy

or even adversarial labels and a relatively smaller number of clean labels.
Simply discarding the noisy labels will result in reduced training data, which is
not desirable for complex models. Hence, there has been extensive research (see
the survey [140]) on how to make the model training still use noisy labels by
becoming more robust. For specific techniques, Xiao et al. [131] propose a
general framework for training convolutional neural networks on images with a
small number of clean labels and many noisy labels.

The idea is to model the relationships between images, class labels, and label
noises with a probabilistic graphical model and integrate it into the model
training. Label noise is categorized into two types: confusing noise, which is
caused by confusing content in the images, and pure random noise, which is
caused by technical bugs like mismatches between images and their
surrounding text.

The true labels and noise types are treated as latent variables, and an EM
algorithm is used for inference. Webly supervised learning [132] is a technique
for training a convolutional neural network on clean and noisy images on the
Web. First, the model is trained on top-ranked images from search engines,
which tend to be clean because they are highly-ranked, but also biased in the
sense that objects tends to be centered in the image with a clean background.

Then relationships are discovered among the clean images, which are then used
to adapt the model to more noisier images that are harder to classify. This
method suggests that it is worth training on easy and hard data separately.

Goodfellow et al. [141] take a different approach where they explain why

machine learning models including neural networks may misclassify adversarial
examples. While previous research attempts to explain this phenomenon by
focusing on nonlinearity and overfitting, the authors show that it is the model’s
linear behavior in high-dimensional spaces that makes it vulnerable. That is,
making many small changes on the features of an example can result in a large
change to the output prediction. As a result, generating large amounts of
adversarial examples becomes easier using linear perturbation.

Even if the labels themselves are clean, it may be the case that the labels are
imbalanced. SMOTE [134] performs over-sampling for minority classes that
need more examples. Simply replicating examples may lead to overfitting, so the
over-sampling must be done with care. The basic SMOTE algorithm finds for
each minority example the k minority class nearest neighbors and then
generates synthetic examples along the line segments joining the minority
example and its nearest neighbors. The number of samples to generate per
original minority sample can be adjusted based on neighboring examples. 
SMOTE can be combined with under-sampling the majority class where
examples in that class are randomly removed. This combination of sampling
results in better model accuracy than when only the majority class is under-
sampled. He and Garcia [133] provide a comprehensive survey on learning from
imbalanced data.

Transfer Learning

Transfer learning is a popular approach for training models when there is not
enough training data or time to train from scratch. Starting from an existing
model that is well trained (also called a source task), one can incrementally
train a new model (a target task) that already performs well. For example, a
convolutional neural networks like AlexNet [142] and VGGNet [143] can be used
to train a model for a different, but related vision problem. Recently, Google
announced TensorFlow Hub [137], which enables users to easily re-use an
existing model to train an accurate model, even with a small dataset.

From a data management perspective, an interesting question is how tools like

TensorFlow Hub can be extended to index the metadata of models and provide
search as a service, just like for datasets. The metadata for models may be quite
different than metadata for data because one needs to determine if a model can
be used for transfer learning in her own application. Since transfer learning is
primarily a machine learning topic that does not significantly involve data
management, we only summarize the high-level ideas based on
surveys [135, 136].

An early survey of transfer learning [135] identifies three main research

issues in transfer learning: what to transfer, how to transfer, and when to
transfer. That is, we need to decide what part of knowledge can be transferred,
what methods should be used to transfer the knowledge, and whether
transferring this knowledge is appropriate and does not have any negative

Inductive transfer learning is used when the source task and target task are
different while the two domains may or may not be the same. Here a task can be
categorizing a document while a domain could be a set of university webpages to

Transductive transfer learning is used when the source and target tasks
are the same, but the domains are different. 

Unsupervised transfer learning is similar to inductive transfer learning

where the source and target tasks are different, but uses unsupervised learning
tasks like clustering and dimensionality reduction.

The three approaches above can also be divided based on what to

transfer. Instance-based transfer learning assumes that the examples of the
source can be re-used in the target by re-weighting them. Feature-
representation transfer learning assumes that the features that represent the
data of the source task can be used to represent the data of the target
task. Parameter transfer learning assumes that the source and target tasks
share some parameters or prior distributions that can be re-used. Relational
knowledge transfer learning assumes that certain relationships within the data
of the source task can be re-used in the target task.

More recent surveys [136, 144] classify most of the traditional transfer

learning techniques as homogeneous transfer learning where the feature spaces
of the source and target tasks are the same. In addition, the surveys identify a
relatively new class of techniques called heterogeneous transfer learning where
the feature spaces are different, but the source and target examples are
extracted from the same domain.

Heterogeneous transfer learning largely falls into two categories:

asymmetric and symmetric transformation. In an asymmetric approach,
features of the source task are transformed to the features of the target task. In a
symmetric approach, the assumption is that there

is a common latent feature space that unifies the source and target
features. Transfer learning has been successfully used in many applications
including text sentiment analysis, image classification, human activity
classification, software defect detection, and multi-language text classification.


We now return to Sally’s scenario and provide an end-to-end guideline for data
collection (summarized as the workflow in Figure 2). If there is no or little data
to start with then Sally would need to acquire datasets. She can either search for
relevant datasets either on the Web or within the company data lake, or decide
to generate a dataset herself by installing camera equipment for taking photos of
the products within the factory. If the products also had some metadata, Sally
could also augment that data with external information about the product.

Once the data is available, then Sally can choose among the labeling
techniques using the categories discussed in Section 3. If there are enough
existing labels, then self labeling using semi-supervised learning is an attractive
option. There are many variants of self labeling depending on the assumptions
on the model training as we studied. If there are not enough labels, Sally can
decide to generate some using the crowd-based techniques using a budget.

If there are only a few experts available for labeling, active learning may be
the right choice, assuming that the important examples that influence the model
can be narrowed down. If there are many workers who do not necessarily have
expertise, general crowdsourcing methods can be used. If Sally does not have
enough budget for crowd-based methods or if it is simply not worth the cost,
and if the model training can tolerate weak labels, then weak supervision
techniques like data programming and label propagation can be used.
If Sally has existing labels, she may also want to make sure whether they
can be improved in quality. If the data is noisy or biased, then the various data
cleaning techniques can be used. If there are existing models for product quality
through tools like TensorFlow Hub, they can be used to further improve the
model using transfer learning.

Through our experience, we also realize that it is not always easy to

determine if there is enough data and labels. For example, even if the dataset is
small or there are few labels, as long as the distribution of data is easy to learn,
then automatic approaches like semi-supervised learning will do the job better
than manual approaches like active learning. Another hard-to-measure factor is
the amount of human effort needed.

When comparing active learning versus data programming, we need to

compare the tasks of labeling examples and implementing labeling functions,
which are quite different. Depending on the application, implementing a
program on examples can range from trivial (e.g., look for certain keywords) to
almost impossible (e.g., general object detection). Hence, even if data
programming is an attractive option, one must determine the actual effort of
programming, which cannot be determined with a few yes or no questions.

Another thing to keep in mind is how the labeling techniques tradeoff

accuracy and scalability. Manual labeling is obviously the most accurate, but
least scalable. Active learning scales better than the manual approach, but is still
limited to how fast humans can label. Data programming produces weak labels,
which tend to have lower accuracy than manual labels. On the other hand, data
programming can scale better than active learning assuming that the initial cost
of implementing labeling functions and debugging them is reasonable. Semi-
supervised learning obviously scales the best with automatic labeling. The
labeling accuracy depends on the accuracy of the model trained on existing
labels. Combining self labeling with active learning is a good example of taking
the best of both worlds.


Although data collection was traditionally a topic in the machine learning, as the
amount of training data is increasing, data management research is becoming
just as relevant, and we are observing a convergence of the two disciplines. As
such, there needs to be more awareness on how the research landscape will
evolve for both communities and more effort to better integrate the techniques.
Data Evaluation An open question is how to evaluate whether the right data
was collected with sufficient quantity.

First, it may not be clear if we have found the best datasets for a machine
learning task and whether the amount of data is enough to train a model with
sufficient accuracy. In some cases, there may be too many datasets, and simply
collecting and integrating all of them may have a negative affect on model
training. As a result, selecting the right datasets becomes an important problem.
Moreover, if the datasets are dynamic (e.g., they are streams of signals from
sensors) and change in quality, then the choice of datasets may have to change
dynamically as well. Second, many data discovery tools rely on dataset owners
to annotate their datasets for better discovery, but more automatic techniques
for understanding and extracting metadata from the data are needed.

While most of the data collection work assumes that the model training
comes after the data collection, another important avenue is to augment or
improve the data based on how the model performs. While there is a heavy
literature on model interpretation [120, 121], it is not clear how to address
feedback on the data level. In the model fairness literature [145], one approach
to reducing unfairness is to fix the data. In data cleaning, ActiveClean and
BoostClean are interesting approaches for fixing the data to improve model
accuracy. A key challenge is analyzing the model, which becomes harder for
complex models like deep neural networks.

Performance Tradeoff While traditional labeling techniques focus on accuracy,

there is a recent push towards generating large amounts of weak labels. We
need to better understand the tradeoffs of accuracy versus scalability to make
informed decisions on which approach to use when. For example, simply having
more weak labels does not necessarily mean the model’s accuracy will eventually
reach a perfect accuracy. At some point, it may be worth investing in humans or
using transfer learning to make additional improvements. Such decisions can be
made through some trial and error, but an interesting question is whether there
is a more systematic way to do such evaluations.

Crowdsourcing Despite the many efforts in crowdsourcing, leveraging humans

is still a non-trivial task. Dealing with humans involves designing the right tasks
and interfaces, ensuring that the worker quality is good enough, and setting the
right price for tasks. The recent data programming paradigm introduces a new
set of challenges where workers now have to implement labeling functions
instead of providing labels themselves. One idea is to improve the quality of
such collaborative programming by making the programming of labeling
functions drastically easier, say by introducing libraries or templates for

Empirical comparison of techniques Although we showed a flowchart on when

to use which techniques, it is far from complete, as many factors are application-
specific and can only be determined by looking at the data and application. For
example, if the model training can be done with a small number of labels, then
we may not have to perform data labeling using crowdsourcing. In addition, the
estimated human efforts in labeling and data programming may not follow any
theoretical model in practice. For example, humans may find programming for
certain applications much more difficult and time-consuming than other
applications depending on their expertise. Hence, there needs to be more
empirical research on how effective these techniques are in practice.

Generalizing and integrating techniques We observed that many data

collection techniques were application or data type specific and were often small
parts of a larger research. As machine learning becomes widely used in just
about any application, there needs to be more effort in generalizing the
techniques to other problems. In data labeling, most of the research effort has
been focused on classification tasks and much less on regression tasks. An
interesting question is which classification techniques can also be extended to
regression. It is also worth exploring if application-specific techniques can be
generalized further. For example, the NELL system continuously extracts facts
from the Web indefinitely. This idea can possibly be applied to collecting any
type of data from any source, although the technical details may differ. Finally,
given the variety of techniques for data collection, there needs to be more
research on end-to-end solutions that combine techniques for data acquisition,
data labeling, and improvements of existing data and models.


As machine learning becomes more widely used, it becomes more important to

acquire large amounts of data and label data, especially for state-of-art neural
networks. Traditionally, the machine learning, natural language processing, and
computer vision communities has contributed to this problem – primarily on
data labeling techniques including semi-supervised learning and active learning.
Recently, in the era of Big data, the data management community is also
contributing to numerous subproblems in data acquisition, data labeling, and
improvement of existing data. In this survey, we have investigated the research
landscape of how all these technique complement each other and have provided
guidelines on deciding which technique can be used when. Finally, we have
discussed interesting data collection challenges that remain to be addressed. In
the future, we expect the integration of Big data and AI to happen not only in
data collection, but in all aspects of machine learning.


This research was supported by the Engineering Research Center Program

through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the
Korean Government MSIT (NRF-2018R1A5A1059921), by SK Telecom, and by a
Google AI Focused Research Award.

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