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DATE: 12th of January

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială Just4Kids
TIME: 45min
TEACHER: Andreea Drăgunea
COURSEBOOK: Power Up 2, Pupil’s Book and Activity Book
UNIT: A day on the farm
LESSON: The Friendly Farm
TYPE OF LESSON: Reading (Story - present continuous review in context)

MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Pupil’s Book, Activity Book, Power Up 2 Interactive App, Whiteboard, flashcards, markers.

1.1 Oferirea unei reacţii adecvate, în situaţii de comunicare uzuale, la o întrebare/ instrucţiune simplă rostită clar şi foarte rar.

1.3 Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de sesizarea semnificaţiei globale a unor filme şi a unor cântece pentru copii în limba modernă respectivă.

2.3 Participarea la jocuri de comunicare în care reproduce sau creează rime/ mesaje scurte.

2.4. Cererea şi oferirea unor informaţii scurte şi simple referitoare la localizarea obiectelor din universul imediat.

3.1. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple şi scurte din universul imediat.

AIM OF THE LESSON: to practice listening, reading, revise present continuous and understand when they hear the present continuous.
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

O1 Repeat present continuous.

O2 Identify present continuous in a story/sentence.
O3 Solve a listening exercise using present continuous and the story.
O3 Create sentences based on the story, using present continuous.

Stages of the Timing Interaction Competences Teacher does Students do Obs
Warm up 3 min T-Ss 1.1 Says hello and asks how are you Ss answer using the prompts (pictures)
Ss - T today?

Lead-in 7 min T-Ss 1.1 Checks the homework. Ss follows the instructions, draw and
Ss-T 2.4 Revises the countryside vocabulary then compare with their partner
Ss-Ss using the flashcards.
Asks Ss to draw:
Draw some mountains.
Draw a river from the mountains to
the lake…

Presentation 5 min T-Ss 1.1 Mime drinking and ask: What am I Ss answer and then one by one mime
Ss-T 2.3 doing? an action for their colleagues to guess
Ss-Ss I am drinking water. using present continuous.
Repeat with different verbs (sleep,
eat, plat tennis, swim, ride a bike,
run, throw a ball, watch TV)
Pre-reading 5min T-Ss 1.1 Says: Open your Pupil’s Book at Ss open the book and answer the
Ss-T 1.3 page 8. Who can you see in the questions.
3.1 pictures? What is Cameron? Is he a
Points to the second picture and
says: Look! The cat has got babies.
A baby cat is a kitten. A baby dog is
a puppy.
Points to the rest of the pictures and
Are the puppies old or young?
What colour are the kittens?
Has this puppy got a tail? Is it long
or short?
Points to the red sock in picture 6
and asks Whose sock is it?

While-reading 10 min T-Ss 1.1 Plays the video. Plays the video Ss watch the video.
Ss-T 1.3 again pausing after each picture and
3.1 asks questions: Ss read the story one by one.

1. Are the kittens ugly? Ss answer the questions.

2. Are the kittens sleeping?

3. What’s the one with the short tail


4. How many puppies are there?

5. What’s the one with the short tail


6. Whose ball is it?

7. What’s the puppy with the white

ear doing?

8. Why is Gracie angry?

Post-reading 10 min U-Ss 1.1 Activity 1 Activity 1

Individual 1.3
2.3 Pupil’s Book, page 8, ex. 1 Ss listen and show the number (1-6)
3.1 Plays the audio.

Activity 2 Activity 2

Activity Book, page 8, ex.1

Asks the Ss to read the sentences. Ss read, listen and circle the correct
Explains the task. Plays the audio. answer.

Activity 3 Activity 3

Activity Book, page 8, ex.2 In pairs the Ss have to talk about the
pictures using the words from the box.
Groups the Ss in pairs and explains
the task.

Feedback and 5min T-Ss 2.4 Asks each student to make a Ss make sentences and present them to
assignment Ss-Ss sentence about the story using the class
Group work Present Continuous. (If there is
enough time role-play)

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