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Detailed Lesson Plan


English 3

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to;
a. Define pronouns
b. Identify pronouns
c. Appreciate the use of pronouns in our daily lives and
d. Use pronouns correctly in sentences.
Topic: Personal Pronoun
Reference: XSEED Book Quarter page 3 &4
Material: Laptop and PowerPoint


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayers  AMEN
Let’s bow our head and feel the
presence of the lord.  Good Morning Teacher

(Play video of prayer)


2. Greetings
Good morning Class

Before we start, I will introduce

myself. My name is Angelee Susano,
you can call me Teacher Angie,
currently on my 4th year level in my
chosen course which is Bachelor of
Science in Elementary Education. As
part and requirements of this course,
I’m here in front of you for my
teaching demonstration. I need your
full cooperation and participation to
fulfill the final task of my degree.

Can I ask for your support and

cooperation Grade 4 student?
 Yes, Ma’am

3. Checking of Attendance

Is everybody present today?

 Yes, ma’am
Good to hear that all present

4. Review (Previous Topic/Lesson)

Class what was we discuss last


 …….
Do you have any questions about
the previous topic?

 No, ma’am

Before we start, I want to remind

you our class rules.
1. Open your camera so I could
be able to se your handsome
and beautiful faces.
2. Unmute your mic if you want
to say something or
participate in the class, but
you should say your name so
I could recognize you.
3. Participate and enjoy our
discussion today.

Are all clears with that Grade 3?

 Yes, ma’am

That’s good
 Class
Class, repeat what will I say

If I say:
 Class
Class you will say Class

Again, if I say class

 Class, class

If I say Class, class

what will you say?
 Claaaaasssss

If I say Claaaaasssss
 Claaaaasssss
What will you say?


I think we are ready for the for a new topic


Is my voice loud and clear?

 Yes, ma’am

Shall we start?

 Yes, ma’am
Jumble Bee!
Arrange the word to form a sentence

1. love food I healthy eating.

 I love eating healthy food.

Very good!

2. so you beautiful are

 You are so beautiful
Very good!

3. foods we eating nutritious are

 We are eating nutritious food



1. Analysis
The reason why we do such things
today is to lighten us up because I’m
going to teach the Personal Pronoun.

What is Personal Pronoun?

it replaces the nouns or nouns in a

There are two kinds of Pronouns

1. Subject
2. Object

Let us first discuss the

a. Subject pronoun
-perform the action in a

Do you have any idea what is the

different between a singular and
plural in a subject pronoun based
on the given table?

 Singular plural represents only

one thing, but plural represent
more than one.
Very Good!

How about the 1st, 2nd and 3rd

person referring too? Do you
have any idea?

 None, ma’am

Who can give a try?


Ask we contract in many

sentences we usually refer to the
speaker or the listener. To
describe those people in the
sentence we refer if to


The speaker is called the 1st


The listener is called the 2nd


Speaker – 1st person

Listener – 2nd person

Who do we refer or call the

speaker in a sentence?
 The 1st person

How about the listener?

 The 2nd person

Very Good!

Speaker – 1st person

Listener – 2nd person

For example, the two first

personal pronoun I and WE

The pronoun I is called the 1st

person singular pronoun and WE
is the 1st personal Plural

Who among you can create a

simple sentence using I and WE?

Very good you use I (singular)

 I am pretty
How about the word WE?

Very Good you use WE (plural)

In this example can someone  We are going to the church


I love eating healthy food.

In this sentence, the subject

pronoun is I. it is the action used

in first person singular form.  I love eating healthy food.

Who wants to read?

We love eating nutritious foods.

What is the subject pronoun in

the sentence?

Very Good!

The subject pronoun in the

sentence is we. It is first person
plural form.
 We love eating nutritious foods.

The pronoun YOU are called the

second person pronoun. As you  WE
can see this is under the singular
and plural subject pronoun?

Why is that so, anyone? Do you

have any idea?

Very Good!
YOU could either replace a
singular or a plural subject.

Who among you could create or

contract a sentence using YOU in
singular subject? Anyone?

Very Good!

How about You in plural form?

 Because YOU could either

replace a subject
Very Good!

You are both late for class.

You boys, be sure to stay warm.

In both sentences, you are the

subject. It is in second person
used as second person in plural  You bring the ball.

The four remaining pronouns are

he, she, it and they are
 You go to gym after work.

considered as in what pronoun?

Very Good!

Third person pronoun, refer to

someone or something other the
speaker or the listener.

If we are taking about a subject

Girl, we are referring to what
pronoun SHE.

How about subject Boy as a

subject, we are referring to what

Very Good!  Third Person Pronoun

Can you contract a sentence

using 3rd person in Singular form
(he, she or it)?

Very Good!
How about the word They in
third person plural form?

Very Good!
 HE
1. She loves baking.
2. He plays basketball at the
3. It is not your responsibility.
4. They baked cake yesterday.
 He plays basketball
In this sentence we are referring
to only one person that’s why
they are in plural from for no. 1
to 3.

For no. 4 we are referring to

more the one person that’s why
it was under in plural form.  They will perform today.

Do you have any question about the subject


b. Object pronoun

Now let us focus on another type

of Personal Pronoun.


THEM – the object pronoun is
the reciever of the action.

What object pronoun did you

 None
Very Good!
Object Pronoun

Person Singular Plural

1 Person ME US
2nd Person YOU YOU
3rd Person HIM THEM

 The nurse gave me a shot.


Who can read?

 Me
Jenny offers me a cake.

The pronoun me, is the receiver

in the sentence. It answers the
question to “to whom” Jenny
offer the cake. it is first person

The teacher told you both to

study hard. Examples:

The pronounce you is the

receiver in the sentence. It
answers the question to “to
whom”. It is in second person
plural.  Jenny offers me a cake.

Can someone use YOU in a

sentence an tell me if it is in
singular or plural form.

Very Good!

Who can read?

Christin saved her for

The pronoun her, is receiver in

the sentences. It answers the
question who it is in third person
 I will tell you a story.
If we are talking about HER it You in singular form.
refers to a BOY or a GIRL?

How about if we are taking about

HIM it refers to what gender?

Who can read?

The gift that arrived is for them.  Christin saved her for
The pronoun them, is the
receiver in the sentence. It is in
third personal plural.



D. Generalization  The gift that arrived is for them.

Did you understand our lesson?

Let’s see. If you really understand

I will ask some question
regarding our lesson today.

Miesha, what is Pronoun?

Very good!
What are the 2-type personal

Great! Thank you for answering

I’m glad that you really
understand our lesson.

 Pronoun is word that replaces

noun or noun phrases.

The personal pronoun is subject and

object pronoun.

1. Click the link:
2. Fill out the blank with the correct personal pronoun to complete the sentence.

3. After the last item which is the no. 5

A screen like this will pop up, click the Leaderboard

4. Enter your name (full name)

5. After you enter your name you will see your scores in the leaderboard
Note: Teacher Angie will only get the score and submit it to Ma’am Sophia

Contact a paragraph (2 to 3 sentences) about yourself. Underline the personal pronoun your
sentences. Submit in google classroom.

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