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ITHIVELLIA syncrasies of their master.

Ithivellia’s six archfae can
each serve as unique patrons

for mages that hope to tap
into fae magicks. This short
guide will introduce you to the

ome spellcasters immortal rulers of the Seelie
gain their magi- Court and present you with
cal abilities from useful tips for how you might
powerful entities develop the relationship be-
that live beyond the realm of tween master and pupil. This
men. These patrons bestow guide contains no spoilers for
incredible gifts, but there is the central quest of Ithivellia,
always a price; after all, even so it should be equally useful
immortal otherworldly beings for players designing their
have needs. Crafting memora- warlock PCs or for GMs who
ble and nuanced characters re- need extra materials to fine-
quires an equally complex rela- tune warlock/patron relation-
tionship between the mage in ships.
question and their command- For more information
ing patrons. Thus, the starting about Ithivellia, check out
point for any compelling war-
lock is understanding the idio-
Diadne is typically seen as the most archetypal archfae, a lively he-
donist with an even arsenal of fae abilities. However, once every
thousand years or so, she suffuses with an unimaginable surplus
of magic, outshining every other source of fae energy across the

Principality. She lives her life in waiting for these brief moments
of godly power.

More than any other archfae, Diadne is capricious. Her mood

swings are legendary and may drive away potential petitioners.
She has dabbled in just about every hobby imaginable and regu-
larly spends time away from her enchanted home. She is prone to
bouts of melancholy but also appreciates transient pleasures more
than her insouciant kin. She does not condescend or belittle mor-

tals. Many mistake her casual rapport for indifference, but this
could not be further from the truth.

Diadne seeks the wisdom of those who are lucky enough not to be
cursed with immortality. More than anything, she needs mortal
therapists, experienced travelers who can offer guidance that Di-
adne cannot extract from her fae sycophants. Diadne also needs

Potential Relationships
entertainment, and she will spurn any warlocks who refuse to
amuse her whenever she is bored.

Diadne is one of the few archfae who might actually engage in a

romantic relationship with her warlock. She is obsessed with mor-
tals, particularly because she believes their short lives give more
meaning to their actions. As such, she will be endlessly curious
about her warlock’s mundane experiences, prying into their day-
to-day lives with a level of inquisitiveness some will find inap-
Few associate the archfae with justice and order, but someone in
Ithivellia has to be a stickler for rules and traditions. Swee is thus
the most judicial of archfae, a harsh master with no patience for
rule-breakers or the senseless japes of her peers. She views her-
self as a mother to all fae creatures. Most fae see her as a mother

too, but that may just be because Swee is the unrivaled master of
mind-altering enchantments.

Swee is stern and serious. She has a mind for laws and contracts, a
proclivity that serves her well when consorting with greedy war-
locks. She may not be as fun as other archfae, but mages who form

pacts with Swee can be sure they will get exactly what they signed
up for. After all, fae bargains are binding.

Though Swee claims to want nothing more than a return to tradi-

tional fae values, the reality is that she craves worship. She wants
all beings in her orbit to see her as a God, the leader of all fae. Any
who fail to hold her in the highest esteem will suffer her wrath. In
exchange for magical gifts, Swee will demand that warlocks spread

Potential Relationships
the word of her great deeds, her unrivaled beauty, and her (disput-
able) benevolence.

Warlocks sworn to Matriarch Swee tend to act more like paladins

than chaotic mages. Swee demands of them a strict adherence to
fae laws that would normally never apply to them, even when such
actions are inconvenient (e.g. avoiding circles of salt or cold iron).
Swee acts like a schoolmarm, chastising supplicants who fail to
meet her standards.
Some fae are simply inscrutable, and Atheri is undoubtedly the
most enigmatic of all. She’s a weaver of arcane silks and also con-
founding illusions, a tender of gardens both literal and metaphor-
ic. She speaks in riddles, and if her unusual behavior is in service

of any greater goal, no one can quite determine what that goal
might be.

Atheri says few words, and what little she does say is characteris-
tically enigmatic. She is not warm and friendly, but it would also
be wrong to describe her as standoffish. She is aloof and scatter-

brained, and whether that's evidence of deeper schemes or sheer
lunacy is anyone’s guess.

Typically, Atheri does not rely on others. She works toward her
unusual goals in strange and secret moves. As part of these plans,
however, she frequently needs unusual plants: ferns from the edge
of the world, flowers that bloom once a century, or succulents that

Potential Relationships
require meticulous care. She will demand that warlocks go out of
their way to procure these plants during their journeys.

Warlocks who pledge themselves to Atheri may never truly com-

prehend how Atheri feels about the relationship. She likes mages
who respect the natural world, but beyond that, she is unlikely
to show great affection or reveal when she is displeased. In many
ways, Atheri is closer to a great old one than to her fae kin.
The other archfae look down on Uvis as lesser, for though he is a
capable fae spellweaver, he typically relies on scientific means to
achieve his goals. He is a scholar and a bookworm but also an avid
practitioner of many mystical arts: tarot, runic inscription, astrol-

ogy, etc. He usually keeps to himself, but he will slowly warm up to
mages who show a keen curiosity toward the world around them.

Uvis is quiet and guarded. He wants to understand a situation ful-

ly before acting or speaking. Most misinterpret this as antisocial
behavior, but it would be wiser to describe Uvis as a discerning
perfectionist. He has high standards for those close to him; any
who lack the motivation to comprehend the world around them or

become the best versions of themselves are not worthy of his at-

More than anything, Uvis seeks knowledge. He wants to under-

stand the magic that binds his realm to the rest of the cosmos and
commandeer new forms of arcana. Though he possesses great in-
nate talent, he strives to approach true godhood, not merely mag-

Potential Relationships
ical fluency. As such, warlocks who form a pact with Uvis must re-
veal to him any arcane secrets they uncover along their journeys.

Though Uvis has never attended any traditional university, he has

nevertheless assumed the persona of a prototypical professor. He
can be kind, but he only wants to work with pupils who are as rig-
orous in their pursuits as he is. There may be genuine affection in
this rapport, but that is a secondary matter to one of pure scholar-
ship and mentorship.
The quintessential bard, Ilidon is a storyteller, a joker, a musician,
and a reveler who extracts every ounce of joy from immortal life

that he can. He loves tragedy, to be sure, but he believes the story
of his own life to be the greatest comedy of all time. Ya gotta laugh.

Ilidon will never pass up a chance to throw a party or to make a

joke. He is kind, but it’s clear to most that they are not his highest
priority. Ilidon may just be the most popular man in all of the Prin-

cipality, but there is a loneliness that comes with this maximal ex-
troversion. Ilidon cannot stand those who take life too seriously.

Ilidon needs to tell stories, and he relies on travelers from beyond

his home to provide fodder for new epic tales. He feels he exhaust-
ed any inspiration he could possibly pull from his demiplanar
home eons ago, so now he thirsts for stories from realms noncon-

Potential Relationships
tiguous with his own. Warlocks are tasked with reporting back to
Ilidon with seeds for new narratives they uncover on their travels.

Ilidon can wear many hats. He is a teacher to many, notably the

raccoon musicians under his tutelage. He is also a generous lover
and may entreat his warlocks to a sexual relationship, though only
ever a transient one. Should his student demonstrate exceptional
skill, Ilidon may also engage in a bit of playful rivalry. For most,
however, he is merely a jovial drinking partner. Ilidon is as multi-
dimensional as the characters in his ballads and odes.
Raw strength is uncommon among fae, but Taynoth is the lead-
er of the hunt and must maintain an otherworldly physique. They
are the strongest, the most playful, and the most sexually active of
all archfae. Taynoth is whatever you want them to be, and they’ll

wield their unusual shapeshifting abilities to match any onlook-
er’s desires.

Taynoth wants—needs!—everyone to love them. They subtly

change their form to appear as attractive as possible to whoever
might behold them, an ability aided by their incredible ability to
suss out the desires of others. Taynoth is not terribly wise and like-
ly does not plan great schemes that will conflict with those of their

kin. Luckily, that rarely matters. They hunt, they perform feats of
athleticism, and they make love with unparalleled passion.

Few challenges remain for Taynoth. They’ve felled all legendary

beasts across the Principality and no one can compete with them
in the realm of sport. As such, what Taynoth wants most is any-
thing new to conquer: some new sporting event to dominate
or titan to wrestle. In lieu of that, they will want to spar and

Potential Relationships
compete with their supplicants. Taynoth will quickly dis-
tance themself from any who fail to impress.

Taynoth can become a best friend for a warlock. Their true admira-
tion is difficult to gain, but those who become excellent versions of
themselves—masters of their body and the world around them—
will be able to bond deeply with Taynoth.

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