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CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
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Learning Teaching Experience 10: Thoughtful Planning: A Prelude to Effective Learning

Teaching Experience and : Learning Teaching Through Initial Teaching

Name: Dizon, Cristel Kate P. Course/Section: BEED 4C Date: 05/06/2023

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Maria Luz B. Pineda Subject: Science
I. Intended Learning Outcome: Demonstrate skills in planning a relevant and responsive

II. Experiential Tasks:

a. Exposure: Building up my Repertoire of Planning Skills
b. Participation: Walking Through the Planning Tasks
c. Identification: Exploring Lesson Plan Format Options
d. Internalization: Creating and Recreating Lesson Plan Format
e. Dissemination: Demonstrating my Planning Skills

5.1 EXPOSURE: Getting Ready for My Initial Teaching

Your direct participation in your learning teaching journey begins with planning and
trying it yourself with a single lesson, either an isolated or a continuing lesson in your Mentor
Teacher’s class. Request your Mentor Teacher if you can look over his/her lesson plan for the
1. Observe how a day’s lesson is planned for the subject you will most likely teach. Record
the MT’s activities.
Parts of the MT’s
Lesson Plan
A. Developing Mastery
B. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living objects
C. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
D. Evaluating learning
E. Additional Activities for application or remediation

The Landforms

1. Describe the different landforms

1. Study the different landforms shown in the picture below:

2. Answer the following questions:

a. What landforms can be seen in your community?
b. What living things are found in the different landforms?

F. Developing Mastery
Group the following as to bodies of water and landforms. Use the table below.
hill river
lake sea
mountain stream
plain valley
plateau volcano
Bodies of Water Landforms

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living objects

Give at least three reasons why bodies of water and landforms are important to people and
to other living things.
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Remember this
 Bodies of water and landforms are found in the surroundings
 There are many bodies of water in our country. These are rivers, lakes, seas,
oceans, and streams
 Landforms include mountains, hills, valleys, plateaus, and plains
 Bodies of water and landforms are important to people and other living things.

I. Evaluating learning
A. Matching Type: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Column A Column B
_____ 1. lake A. body of water surrounded by land
_____ 2. ocean B. water that falls from a higher place like a cliff
_____ 3. sea or mountain
_____ 4. stream C. smaller than an ocean with salty water
_____ 5. waterfall D. running or flowing water smaller than a river
E. largest body of water

B. Write the letter of the correct answer.

_____ 6. What do you call a plain found between two mountains?
A. hill B. mountain C. valley D. volcano

_____ 7. It is a mountain with an opening or crater at the top.

A. hill B. mountain C. valley D. volcano
_____ 8. It is a large flat surface of land which is good for planting.
A. hill B. mountain C. plain D. volcano

_____ 9. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?

A. mountain B. plain C. river D. volcano

_____ 10. Which of the following landform is surrounded by water?

A. hill B. island C. plateau D. valley

J. Additional Activities for application or remediation

In a separate sheet of paper, draw and color a landform or body of water of your choice.
Give its name and describe it.

2. How does your MT label the lesson components?

Through his strategy. Because we have our own strategy that we can do for the lessons.

5.2 PARTICIPATION: My First Teaching Plan

1. Begin to plan for your teaching. Confer with your Mentor Teacher to determine
the specifics of the assigned subject matter.
2. Ask if there are preferred strategies for the different phases of the lesson: Introduction,
Development, and Assessment. Ask if there are negotiable or you can freely choose.
3. You may include this as an entry to your growth portfolio.

Growth Portfolio Entry No. 10-A

My First Teaching Plan

Subject: Science
Grade Level: 3
Time: 7:30-8:20

I. Objectives
At the end of the fifty minutes session, 80% of the students are expected to:
a. Explain the meaning of the heat.
b. Identify the things that give off heat.
c. Create a example of source of heat.
II. Subject Matter
Topic : Sources of Heat
Reference/s : Book in Science
(pp.150)Value: : Appreciation

III. Materials

IV. Activities


A. Introduction
. Preparation
 Prayer
“Class let us pray, Scarlet can you
please lead the prayer?” “Yes Ma’am, Our Father….

 Greetings and Checking “Good morning Ma’am! Good morning

ofAttendance Classmates!”
“Good morning Class!”
“None Ma’am”
“Is anybody absent today?” Very good!
Give yourself a Good Job Clap! “G.O.OD.J.O.B good job! Good job!”

 Recall and Review

“Last time we tackled about Uses of
Lights, Different lights can be use in
different ways.”

“We use traffic lights to control traffic


This is a traffic lights. Where do we use

traffic lights?
“Very Good!” “We use colorful lights to decorate

This is a colorful lights. Where do we use

colorful lights?”
“Very Good!” “We use light house to guide boats and
ships Ma’am”

This is a light house. Where do we uselight

“Very Good!”
“We use sun to see things around us
This is a sun. Where do we use sun?”“Very

Always remember that light has many

uses. Light is needed in order to see things
and also safety is needed in using light to
avoid its harmful effects.”
Ma’am, Ma’am!”
“Heat Ma’am”
“Okay class we will be having a short

“All you need to do is you rub your hands for

30 seconds. And then put your hands in to
your face.”

The question is what do you feel?”

“Yes Justine?

“Okay very good!”

“You will feel heat when you rub your hands

together and your hands transfer the heat
to your face.”

B. Development Plan

“Let’s identify first what is Heat”

“Heat is a energy that is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in

 “Heat is the transfer of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object. For example, a lighted
match (higher temperature object) will transfer heat to a large pan filled with lukewarm water
(lower temperature object).

 “The sun is the main source of light and heat of Earth”

 “Sources of heat are thing that give off heat.”

 “There are some example of Sources of Heat.”

Burning Wood
When burning of wood, the chemical energy in the wood is released as heat because of the
chemical reaction of wood and oxygen.

Fire in Gas Stove

In order to heat your food, your gas stove releases gas that is ignited into heat- producing

Kettle with boiling water

Convection is the mode of heat transfer that is taking place in boiling of a water.

Lighted coal
It has lots of energy in it. When it is burned, it makes heat and even lightenergy


It is the primary source of heat. The heat of the sun can dry our clothes, grow our food and
generate electricity.

It is produced when there is a source of fuel and oxygen. In cold Countries theymake use of fireplaces
o provide heat to their homes.


“Is heat important to us humans?”

“Very good!”

“Class, always remember that the heat is very important in our daily life in warming the house,
cooking, heating the water and drying the washed clothes. And every matter has heat energy.”

“Do you understand class?” “Very good.”

C. Assessment

There are things that give off heat. Write the name of these things that give off heat.

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters from the box to form the correct word.

Ifre nove

atlf onir snu

lhgetid hraccloa






“Put check (/)if the picture is giving off heat and put a cross (×) if it does not giving off heat.”

Electric Toaster

Lighted Charcoal

Hot cup of coffee

Water with ice

V. Assignment:
“Do you have appliances or things at home that give off heat? Name them.”

5.3 IDENTIFICATION: Exploring Lesson Plan Format Options
Request your Mentor Teacher to allow you to study the lesson plan format being
followed in your school. Record the major parts and a brief description of contents.

Lesson Plan Format of My Mentor Teacher

Major Parts Brief Description of Content

Objectives - Description of the topic
Procedure- the presentation and discussion of the lesson.
A. Developing Mastery
A. Developing Mastery- this is the activity of the pupils.
B. Finding practical
B. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily
applications of concepts
living objects -this is the activity of the pupils to show the
and skills in daily living
importance of the lesson.
C. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson-
C. Making generalizations
the pupils need to remember the lesson for today.
and abstractions about the
D. Evaluating learning - activity of the pupils to know if they
understood the lesson
D. Evaluating learning

Additional Activities for

E. Additional Activities for application or remediation- this is
application or remediation
the assignment that the pupils do.
5.4 INTERNALIZATION: Creating and Recreating Lesson Plan Format
Confer with your Mentor Teacher regarding the expected format of your lesson plan.
Expected Format of My First Attempt in Lesson Planning

Preparation Preparation

 Prayer  Prayer- Prayer is similar to a child talking to their father. A

 Greeting and Checking child naturally asks his father for the items they need, as

of Attendance well as for advice or direction.

 Greeting and Checking of Attendance-One of the most

Lesson Proper important components of communication is the greeting,

 Motivation which starts conversations.

 Presenation

 Discussion Lesson Proper

 Generalization  Motivation- The lesson's motivation section's goal is to

 Valuing pique students' interest in the lesson's subject.

 Presenation-The main component of a lesson plan is

Assessment Proper usually the presentation.

 Application  Discussion-A discussion's objective is to encourage

 Evaluation students to practice thinking critically about the course

 Assignment material. You take on the role of facilitator. Instead of

providing information, you design and lead the


 Generalization-The student can apply what they have learnt

in sessions.
 Valuing- to know the importance of the lesson.

Assessment Proper

 Application- offers exercises that encourage students to

apply what they've learned to events or contexts outside of

the class and make connections to their own life

 Evaluation- technique for evaluating a teacher's

performance in a classroom

 Assignment- It gives pupils the chance to learn, practice,

and show that they have mastered the learning objectives.

1. Compare and contrast the parts of the lesson plans shared with the Mentor Teacher?

When you teach it to the students, it’s extremely simple to teach because one lesson takes
a week to teach and requires 2-3 days for discussion and 2 days for student activities. My
mentor teacher’s lesson plan is simple, has few components, and its parts are not very

2. What could be the advantages of developing detailed lesson plans for initial teaching?

It provides a sense of direction in regard to the syllabus and aids the teacher in becoming
more structured. Additionally, it makes the teacher feel more assured when presenting the
lesson. It offers a helpful foundation for future planning and aids the teacher in creating
lessons that are adaptable for various student needs.

5.5 DISSEMINATION: Demonstrating my Planning Skills

Lesson planning is the centerpiece of your preparation for initial teaching. Most often,
your Mentor Teacher will require you to submit a detailed plan several days before turning over
the class to you to assure continuity of instruction. It is therefore necessary that you work jointly
with your Mentor Teacher in your planning and teaching tasks.

In preparing a Lesson Plan, consider the following:

● Objective: Be specific and remember the acronym S.M.A.R.T.

(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Oriented)

● Content: Include major concepts to be covered

● Materials: Specify everything that are indispensable to your lessons. As much as possible
be creative and resourceful enough despite limited budget.

● Development: Indicate the methods, techniques, activities you intend to use and specific
questions you intend to ask. Make provisions for incidental learning.

● Assessment: Determine how the objectives are successfully achieved.

For your Growth Portfolio Entry No. 9, request your Mentor Teacher to suggest an
anticipated lesson. Write a plan following the suggested detailed format. Find out the prior
learnings upon which you will build up your lesson activities.

Growth Portfolio Entry No. 9

A Teaching Plan: My First Attempt

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of people, animals,
plant, lakes, rivers, streams, hills, mountains, and other
landforms, and their importance
Performance Standard: The learners should be able to express their concerns about
their surroundings through teacher-guided and self-directed
Learning Competency: The learners should be able to relate the importance of the
surroundings to people and other living things

CONTENT: Lesson 2: Bodies of Water and Landforms in the Community

Teacher’s Guide pp. 175-179
Learner’s Material pp. 151-155
Other Learning Resources

K. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
In the previous lesson, you have learned about the things found in your surroundings. As
a review, answer the following questions:
1. What are the things that you can see in your surroundings? Give at least 3 things.
2. Name two living things and two non-living things found in your surroundings.

L. Establishing the purpose for the lesson

Study the following pictures. Guess and write the missing letters to complete the word.
Clues are given to guide you.

s ___ ____
Clue: The water is salty. It is located near v__ __c__ __o
beaches. Clue: When it erupts, it gives off smoke,
ash, and lava

In this lesson you will learn about the different bodies of water and landforms in
your surroundings.

M. Presenting examples and instances of the new lesson

Let’s Study

Bodies of Water in the Community

Bodies of water are described in different names. These are rivers, streams,
ponds, bays, gulfs, and seas. A stream is a body of water with a current confined within
a bed and stream banks. It moves to a lower level in a channel on land. A river is a
natural water course flowing towards a lake, sea, or ocean. Examples are the Pampanga
River, Pasig River, and Cagayan River. A lake is a body of relatively still water of
considerable size, localized in a basin that is surrounded by land apart from a river,
stream, or other form of moving water that serves to feed or drain the lake. Examples
of this are the Laguna Lake and Taal Lake. A pond is a small lake. Most often in a natural
depression. It is also surrounded by land. A sea is a large body of water that may be
connected with an ocean or may be a large lake that lacks a natural outlet. Examples
are the West Philippine Sea, Sulu Sea, and Camotes Sea. Oceans are the ultimate bodies
of water. Examples are the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Arctic

Landforms in the Community

A landform is the physical appearance of the Earth’s landscape. These landforms can be
mountains, hills, valleys, plateaus, volcanoes, peninsulas, and plains. Common
landforms in the country are the Mt. Apo in Davao, the highest mountain in the
Philippines; the Chocolate Hills of Bohol; the Cagayan Valley, Plateuas of Bukidnon
planted with rice and corn, pineapple, banana, and sugarcane. The Central Plains of
Luzon is the largest plain in the country and is the gateway to the Northern Luzon
regions and the Mayon Volcano in Albay is noted for its perfect cone.

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