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Published by the
Philippine Statistics Authority
Provincial Statistical Office
Redepermavic Bldg., North Capitol, Estancia, Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines 5600

2020 Edition


Chief Statistical Specialist

Statistical Specialist II


Statistical Analyst Statistical Staff

In an effort to provide disaggregated and granular data, the Philippine

Statistics Authority has published the second edition of the The Countryside in
Figures. This publication aims to provide data users, planners, researchers, and
stakeholder’s ready reference for their program.

As quality data are sought after nowadays, Countryside in Figures aspires to

efficiently cater the needs of an information-driven society and at the same time
promote the importance and use of statistics we have compiled through the years.
This reference material is comprised of tables accompanied with comprehensive
analysis pertaining to the demography, social and economic statistics of the Aklan
Province, specifically categorize into the following topics: population, housing, vital
statistics, education, justice and crime, transportation, public works and highways,
health, social assistance program, agriculture, fisheries, prices and tourism statistics.
Data presented are systematically arranged in order for the users to easily grasp the
information and to fully relay its content.

The office, gratefully acknowledges the effort and contributions extended

by selected government agencies in providing their respective statistical data to
complement the second edition of this CIF. Our cooperation with you, is something
we always look forward to, especially amidst this COVID-19 pandemic, where our
forces restrained and sources limited. True to our mission, of delivering relevant and
reliable statistics and services that are available and accessible to the public.


Chief Statistical Specialist

October 2020
PSA-Aklan Technical Staff iii
Foreword iv
Overview of the Province 1
History 2
Location, Land Area, Political Subdivisions, Physical Attributes 5
Topography 8
Physical Characteristics 10
Land Resource 11
Water Resources 11
Marine and Coastal Water Resources 12
More than Figures 14
The Province of Aklan 15
Municipality of Altavas 17
Municipality of Balete 19
Municipality of Banga 21
Municipality of Batan 23
Municipality of Buruanga 26
Municipality of Ibajay 29
Municipality of Kalibo 32
Municipality of Lezo 35
Municipality of Libacao 38
Municipality of Madalag 41
Municipality of Makato 44
Municipality of Malay 46
Municipality of Malinao 49
Municipality of Nabas 52
Municipality of New Washington 55
Municipality of Numancia 58
Municipality of Tangalan 61
Chapter 1 Population 64
Chapter 2 Housing 121
Chapter 3 Vital Statistics 170
Chapter 4 Poverty Statistics 182
Chapter 5 Education 190
Chapter 6 Justice and Crime 236
Chapter 7 Transportation, Public Works and Highways 247
Chapter 8 Social Assistance Program 273
Chapter 9 Health Care and Services 281
Chapter 10 Agriculture 294
Chapter 11 Fisheries 312
Chapter 12 Prices 321
Chapter 13 Tourism Statistics 341
Appendices 350
Glossary of Terms 351
Data sources 363
Overview of the

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

Regarded as to be the country’s oldest province, the written history of Aklan
takes us back to the middle of the 13th century when ten Bornean datus, together
with their families, fled the oppressive rule of the Bornean king, Sultan Makatunaw.

In search for freedom, new lands and better fortunes, they left Borneo’s shore
on a flotilla of balangays (ships) sailing northward. And one day, in 1250 (circa), they
landed on the bank of the Sirwakan River near the present town of San Joaquin,
Iloilo. Immediately after, Datu Puti, the leader of the expedition, came in contact
with the Atis, the black-skinned, pygmy aborigines of Panay Island. The Ati king
named Marikudo and his queen, Maniwang-tiwang, welcomed the newcomers.
Datu Puti asked Marikudo if the latter’s people would be willing to move into the
hinterlands and mountains in favor of the newcomers.

An agreement was reached. The price for the land was a gold saduk (wide-
brimmed helmet), a chain of pure gold necklace, and some gifts consisting of
colored clothes, decorated arms, and fanciful trinkets. The historic sale (Barter of
Panay) was sealed by a sumptuous banquet attended by both the Atis and the
Bornean peoples, and everybody had a joyous celebration – feasting, dancing and
singing. The celebration is commemorated every year, during the blooming season
of mangoes, or at about the same time of the year when the purchase was
consummated. In later years, when the Ati descendants of Marikudo withdrew to
the mountains, the settlers chose to perpetuate the celebration. In the absence of
the Atis, some of the settlers smeared themselves with soot to simulate the Atis. Thus,
from then on, the celebration that has withstood the tests of centuries came to be
known as the Ati-atihan Festival. The island of Panay was divided into three “sakups”
(districts): Irong-Irong (now Iloilo) under Datu Paiburong; Hantik (now Antique) under
Datu Sumakwel; and Aklan (what was then Aklan and Capiz combined) under Datu
Bangkaya. These three “sakups” were united for mutual protection against enemy
attacks into one confederation called “Confederation of Madyaas” under the over
lordship of Datu Sumakwel who was the oldest and wisest of the ten Bornean datus.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

Our historians have overlooked an interesting fact about Datu Bangkaya’s

“sakup” of Aklan. It was originally (geographically and ethnologically also) the
valley of Aklan, centering in the present town of Kalibo. Since the days of Datu
Bangkaya, the people of this region have developed their own peculiar dialect,
distinct customs and traditions, and local culture. Thus, it has come to pass that the
present-day Aklanons possess a deep-rooted pride and loyalty to their own locality,
setting them apart from the
rest of the Capiceños. They
fondly aspire to be an
independent province,
separate and independent
from Capiz province. There is
further historical validity to
the Aklanons’ dream of a
separate province. As early
as 1433, according to
Parayan historical records,
there was already a well-
organized government on
Aklan soil under the rule of
Kalantiaw, the third chief of
Panay. This Aklan ruler wrote
the famous “Kalantiaw
Code” containing eighteen
sugo (orders) which reveal
the high degree of civilization
which the people of Aklan had then.
Following that spirit of patriotic desire, after having developed their ideals of
freedom and having progressed in education and culture, in commerce and
industry, and in political maturity and experience, whenever occasions presented,
the people of Aklan, through their chosen leaders, had taken the issue of separation
and independence:

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

 April 14, 1901 – Don Natalio B. Acevedo, Aklan delegation head, presented
the first memorial for the separation of Aklan from Capiz to the Junta Magna
headed by Commissioner Dean C. Worcester;

 1920 - Representatives Jose Alba Urquiola and Eufrosino Alba of the second
and third districts of Capiz, respectively, presented a Bill for Aklan’s formal
separation from Capiz;

 1925 to 1930 - Representatives Manuel Laserna and Teodulfo Suner from the
third district of Capiz filed a similar Bill. Subsequently, Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon
of the same succeeded in securing the approval of the Committee on
Provincial and Municipal Governments after the hearing, but was not able
to push it through due to time constraints. (source:

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

Location, Land Area, Political Subdivisions, Physical Attributes

Aklan is located in the northwestern portion of Panay Island. It is bounded

on the south by Capiz, east by the Sibuyan Sea, west by Antique, the northwest by
Sulu Sea, and on the northeast by Sibuyan Sea. It is cadastrally located between
latitude 11˚09’30” N and latitude 12˚01’00” N, and longitude 122˚34’45” (PAG-ASA).
The northernmost limit of Aklan is Lapuz-Lapuz in Boracay Island (Malay), while the
southernmost limit is the point in the Municipality of Libacao where the borders of
Aklan, Antique, and Capiz meet. The easternmost part of the province is the eastern
shoreline of Barangay Mambuquiao in the Municipality of Batan; the westernmost
part is Pucio Point in the municipality of Buruanga.

Aklan is the region’s second smallest province having a total land area of
1,817.9 Km2, which is 8.99 percent of the regional land area and 0.61 percent of the
national land area.

The province is composed of two (2) congressional districts--- Western District

and Eastern District. The former consists of the towns of Numancia, Lezo, Malinao,
Makato, Tangalan, Ibajay, Nabas, Malay, and Buruanga, while the latter comprised
of the municipalities of Kalibo (the capital), Banga, Libacao, Madalag, Balete,
Altavas, New Washington, and Batan. The districts are subdivided into 327 basic
units called “barangays”.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

province is
to and from
key cities
like Manila
and Cebu
through air
and sea,
and Iloilo by
land transportation. Travel time between Manila and Aklan is approximately 18
hours by boat and 55 minutes by plane. Aklan has become a favorite tourist
destination with the lure of Ati-atihan Festival and Boracay Island’s fine white sand
beaches and crystal clear waters.

Aklan has become famous for the immaculate exquisiteness that nature has
imparted to it and its people, a remarkable place in the Philippines that has made
a clear-cut mark in the world map when it comes to luring in tourists. Aklan
province’s claim to fame is Boracay, an island that can be found approximately
one kilometer away from the north-western tip of the province. Boracay Island is
among the best beaches well known globally for its sugar fine white sand, sapphire
waters, amazing coral reefs, and exceptional sea shells. Besides the beaches,
Boracay upholds its legendary status for its fun and exciting nightlife.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

Aklan is all that and more. It is

proudly emphasized that this humble
coastal province is where the Kalibo Sto.
Niño Ati-atihan Festival, declared as “The
Mother of all Philippine Festivals,”
originated. This celebration lets people
from around the globe succumb to the
call of the festivities and adhere the
rhythmic dancing of the local crowd as
the sound of drums beckons. It is held in
commemoration of the peace
agreement between the Maraynons that
came over from Borneo and early Negrito
settlers, therefore participants willingly
blacken themselves with soot and put on

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

colorful tribal costumes. Later, Ati-atihan was celebrated during the feast of the Holy
Child Jesus, Sto. Niño. When in Aklan, people can become engrossed in the
province’s man-made attractions as it is considered a land of skilled weavers and
craftspeople. Piña; fiber made from the leaves of a pineapple plant was a textile
unique to the Philippines and is deemed as “The Queen of Philippine Fabrics.”
Consequently, Aklan has become the prime producer of piña cloth in the country.
Nowadays, international designers use pineapple fabric for their collection as well.

The Aklan Provincial Government boasts that beyond sand, sound and fiber,
the province has an active economy, finding its richness of agriculture and marine
resources as income-generating means. Aklan is packed with entrepreneurial
residents who served as channels from which have various industries have spawned.
This has in turn given the government inspiration to be in quest of innovative and
ground-breaking avenues for its development even as thriving to enhance the
traditional (source:


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

Aklan is a mountainous province with over one-third of its land area sloping
at 30 percent on the average. It is still one of the few provinces in the country to
maintain a total of some 709 hectares of virgin forest. Mountain ranges traverse the
island: one; the northern “knot” of Duyang and Tagacan; and the other, the
Albinian mountain ranges in the west. Mount Madyaas, at 2117 meters, is the
second highest peak on Panay and is shared by Aklan and Antique. The province
has no active volcano, therefore, earthquakes have not been severe, although
three faults pass through it. The province has a total land area of 1,817 sq. kms.

Much of the province is drained of water into the Sibuyan Sea. Natural inland
water resources include rivers, streams, and creeks, springs and water falls. There is
only one lake in the province, Lake Lapu-lapu, located in the northern Malay town.
There are five major river systems. The largest and longest is the Aklan, which flows
some 60 kilometers from Capiz to the mouth in Kalibo. Ibajay river flows over 30
kilometers from Madalag to its mouth at Ibajay. The Tangalan, Jalo, and Talon
systems are much smaller. The highest waterfall in the province is the Dumalaylay
which falls some 100 meters.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

The coastline of Aklan stretches for some 155 kilometers along 10

municipalities and 73 barangays. The coastline has two major physical features:
Batan Bay in the south-east and Boracay Island at the northern tip of Panay Island.

The plains of Aklan constitute an area of 100 square kilometers shaped into
a diamond that includes the central towns of Malinao and Banga and the western
coastal towns of New Washington, Kalibo and Makato.

Marshlands are along the coastal towns, comprising over 50 square

kilometers (

Physical Characteristics

Aklan is
mainly an
since almost
hectares or
60.44% of its
total land
area is wide
plains or
rolling hills devoted to rice and other agricultural crops. The remaining 71,342.64
hectares or 39.56% are moderately sloping to very steep mountainous areas. Its
lowlands are flanked on the western and southern portions by continuous mountain
ranges running towards the south from the municipality of Madalag to Libacao and

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

Land Resource
Aklan has a total area of 181,794.64 hectares, of which 98.89% or 179,788.71
hectares is in the mainland and 1.12% or 2,005.93 hectares are in separate islands.
The province is endowed with several islands and islets. Based on the
inventory conducted by DENR’s Small Island Regional Management Committee,
there are six small islands in the province. Of the total, Boracay Island with three
barangays is the biggest and considered as one of the world’s top tourist
destinations. Being a tourist island, it is the most popular among the six small islands.
Meanwhile the province has two island barangays, Pinamuc-an in New Washington
and Tabon in Batan.

Water Resources

The natural inland water resources of the province include rivers, streams,
creeks, springs and waterfalls. It has one lake the Lupo-Lupo Lake located in
between Caticlan (Malay) and Unidos (Nabas).

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

There are five major rivers in the province: the Aklan-Dumalaylay-Timbaban

River; Ibajay River; Tangalan River; Jal-o-Magadinan-Pulijan River and Tabon River
in Altavas. Of these, the Aklan-Dumalaylay-Timbaban River is the largest and
longest river with primary waterways of 1761.6 kilometers downstream. This is the
major river basin that traverses the municipalities of Libacao, Madalag, Malinao,
Banga, Lezo, Numancia and Kalibo. This is within the Proclaimed Aklan Watershed
and Forest Reserve of the province with an area of 2,064 km2 located in the
municipalities of Libacao and Madalag.

Other inland water resources are springs, and waterfalls. The Basang
Underground Cold Spring, Hurom-Hurom Cold Spring, Manguilo and Fern Valley are
located in Nabas, Aklan. The province has also several waterfalls that include Jawili
Falls Aquaga, Magata, Dalamu-an in Malay; Tagaroroc in Nabas, Wasak-Wasak
and Tigis in Buruanga; Mayubay in Libacao and Salimono Falls in Makato.

The main function of these water resources are for tourism, recreation,
domestic, industrial and agricultural uses.

Marine and Coastal Water Resources

Twelve out of the 17 municipalities of the province are bordering on coastal

waters, from east to west: Batan, Altavas, Balete, New Washington, Kalibo,
Numancia, Makato, Tangalan, Ibajay, Nabas, Malay and Buruanga. These are

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Overview of the Province

more or less 140 km long at the northeast coast of Sibuyan Sea. The municipality of
Buruanga borders on the Cuyo East Pass with about 15 km long at the west coast.

2020 Edition

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


1st District Hon. Carlito S. Marquez
2nd District Hon. Teodoro T. Haresco, Jr.
Governor: Hon. Florencio T. Miraflores
Vice-Governor Hon. Reynaldo M. Quimpo
Sangguniang Panlalawigan Members
1st District Hon. Nemesio P. Neron

Hon. Emmanuel Soviet Russia A. Dela Cruz

Hon. Juris B. Sucro

Hon. Harry C. Sucgang

Hon. Immanuel L. Sodusta

2nd District Hon. Jose Miguel M. Miraflores

Hon. Jay E. Tejada

Hon. Esel L. Flores

Hon. Nelson T. Santamaria

Hon. Ramon S. Gelito

Total Population: 574, 823
Household Population: 572, 599
PGR: 1.35
Number of Municipalities: 17
Number of Barangays: 327
Number of HHs: 133, 679
Average HH size: 4.3
Population Density: 327
Number of Occupied Housing Units 132, 784
Land Area ( 1,760.30
Legislative Districts 2
Income Class: 2nd

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Denny B. Refol Jr.
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Denny D. Refol Sr.
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Confesor F. Inocencio III
Hon. Neslyn May L. Belarmino
Hon. Ric D’ Cor M. Dalida
Hon. Mylah Flor I. Villas
Hon. Roger S. Oquendo
Hon. Mary Ellen Q. Masangya
Hon. Joly A. Solita
Hon. Hernan E. Catuiran
Total Population: 24, 619
Household Population: 24, 578
PGR: 0.55
Number of Barangays 14
Number of HHs: 5, 991
Average HH size: 4.1
Population Density: 226
Number of Occupied Housing Units 5,950
Land Area ( 109.05
District 1st District
Electorate 17, 448
Number of Schools 6,955
Income Class: 4th
Festivals and Events: Altavas Sto. Nino Festival
Historical Marker of General Ananias
Spots and Attraction
Tinagong Dagat
Products and Produce Puto Seko (dried rice cake delicacy)

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Dexter M. Calizo
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Patrick F. Lachica
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Inocentes F. Bantigue, Jr.

Hon. Roman R. Villaruel

Hon. Jose Roger D. Feliciano
Hon. Evelyn V. Villanueva
Hon. Agnes D. Recidoro
Hon. Karl V. Yasa
Hon. Rex C. Delos Reyes
Hon. Ralph B. Cleope
Total Population: 28,920
Household Population: 28,920
PGR: 1.18
Number of Barangays 10
Number of HHs: 6,999
Average HH size: 4.1
Population Density: 243
Number of Occupied Housing Units 6,974
Land Area ( 118.93
District 1st District
Electorate 18,111
Number of Schools 6,785
Income Class: 4th
Festivals and Events: Enchanting Balete
Kultura Balete, Agtawagon Hill, Basura
Spots and Attraction
Garden, Kabuhi-an Center
Piña Cloth, Nito Crafts, Pinipig,
Products and Produce
Rambutan, Oyster, crabs, prawns

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Erlinda M. Maming
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Noel L. Redison
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Stanley Leigh G. Macahilig

Hon. Ronald Ray D. Imperial

Hon. Josel M. Rata
Hon. Abe R. Pastrana Jr.
Hon. Teddy C. Tupas
Hon. Larry T. Maming
Hon. Johnny M. Rentillo
Hon. Allen M. Maming
Total Population: 39,505
Household Population: 39,380
PGR: 0.71
Number of Barangays 30
Number of HHs: 9,250
Average HH size: 4.3
Population Density: 467
Number of Occupied Housing Units 9,243
Land Area ( 84.53
District 1st District
Electorate 27,931
Number of Schools 8,890
Income Class: 3rd
Festivals and Events: Saguiban Festival
Pag Aeaw-aeaw
Spots and Attraction Aklan State University (ASU),
Manduyog Hill

Products and Produce Rambutan, Pomelo

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Rodell R. Ramos
Vice-Mayor: Hon. William R. Bautista Jr.
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. JK AMR L. Demeterio

Hon. Rina V. Sarceno

Hon. Anna Lisa B. Panado
Hon. Eric A. Del Rosario
Hon. Adam C. Mamay
Hon. Jeona B. Parco
Hon. Dennis A. Perlas
Hon. Myrlin S. Cortes
Total Population: 32, 032
Household Population: 32,029
PGR: 1. 06
Number of Barangays 20
Number of HHs: 7, 967
Average HH size: 4.0
Population Density: 404
Number of Occupied Housing Units 7,929
Land Area ( 79.22
District 1st District
Electorate 27,931
Number of Schools 8,158
Income Class: 4th


Festivals and Events: Batan Ati-ati Malakara Festival
Juez De Cuchillo, Kalantiaw Shrine,
Spots and Attraction
OB- OB Hill

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Pristine Beaches of Barangay
Songcolan, Mandong, Napti and
Mambuquiao, Camanci Falls, Angas
White Stone Mountain, Pandan Hills,
Our Lady of the Immaculate
Conception Parish Church, Batan Sea
Port, Sand Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila
Parish Church, Coral Garden, Old
Spanish Relics
Special Puto, Steamed Rice Cake
Products and Produce
(famous flavor of cheese & buko)

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Concepcion D. Labindao
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Femy C. Dumaguin
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Wevena Q. Malayas

Hon. Allan P. Dagohoy

Hon. Dextero S. Obrique
Hon. Gerald A. Panagsagan
Hon. Jerry F. Dagohoy
Hon. Joseph C. Dela Peña
Hon. Ferolina D. Beliran
Hon. Carlos D. Dumalaog
Total Population: 19,003
Household Population: 19,003
PGR: 2.19
Number of Barangays 15
Number of HHs: 4,239
Average HH size: 4.5
Population Density: 215
Number of Occupied Housing Units 4,219
Land Area ( 56.44
District 2nd District
Electorate 12,409
Number of Schools 5,062
Income Class: 5th


Festivals and Events: Altavas Sto. Nino Festival
Ingus-ingus Hill, Ashram Balay
Spots and Attraction Pagduaw, Saint Anthony of Padua
Parish Church, Ariel’s Point, Sabang

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Cave, Sapsapon Cave, Tigis Falls,
Talisay Beach, Hinugtan White Beach,
Tuburan Baybay, Pagatpat Mangrove,
Haciende Maria

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Jose Enrique M. Miraflores
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Plaridel M. Solidum
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Cyril M. Alag

Hon. Audinnei A. Aguirre

Hon. Rano B. Hontiveros
Hon. Rita S. Magbiray
Hon. Nestor Francisco M. Inocencio
Hon. Lowell S. Fernandez
Hon. Hazzi S. Ilinon
Hon. Mihrel S. Senatin
Total Population: 49,564
Household Population: 49,527
PGR: 1.74
Number of Barangays 35
Number of HHs: 11,019
Average HH size: 4.5
Population Density: 312
Number of Occupied Housing Units 10,931
Land Area ( 158.90
District 2nd District
Electorate 30,949
Number of Schools 13,339
Income Class: 3rd


Ibajay Ati-ati Mun. and Devotional
Festivals and Events:

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Katuggan it Ibajay, Campo Verde,
Spots and Attraction Alejandro Melchor’s Birthplace, Ibajay
Beach, Ibajay Rivers, Ibajay Falls
Intricately designed jars, vases, vessels,
flower pots and bricks, “Linumak”
Products and Produce
mashed banana, Homemade

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Emerson S. Lachica
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Cynthia C. Dela Cruz
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Mark Ace L. Bautista

Hon. Mark V. Quimpo

Hon. Phillip Y. Kimpo, Jr.
Hon. Daisy Sucro Briones
Hon. Buen Joy V. French
Hon. Matt Aaron P. Guzman
Hon. Ketchie F. Luces
Hon. Augusto C. Tolentino
Total Population: 80,605
Household Population: 80,041
PGR: 1.48
Number of Barangays 16
Number of HHs: 17,930
Average HH size: 4.5
Population Density: 1,588
Number of Occupied Housing Units 17,784
Land Area ( 50.75
District 1st District
Electorate 51,070
Number of Schools 29,498
Income Class: 1st


Kalibo Sto. Niño Ati-atihan Festival
XIX Martyrs of Aklan
Festivals and Events:
Aklan Day Celebration
Aklan Piña and Fiber Festival

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Kalibo Food Festival
Higante Contest
Feast of St. John the Baptist
Kalibo DayIwag it Kalibonhon
Aklan Freedom Shrine
Tigayon Hill & Caves
Museo it Akean
Spots and Attraction Piña Village
Ati-Atihan Village
Kalibo Cathedral
Bakhawan Eco-Park
Piña fiber, cloth and textile
Products and Produce Sweet longganisa, Chorizo, Tocino and

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Mary Lenete R. Fernandez
Vice-Mayor: Hon. George R. Villarubia
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Meekia F. Icasas

Hon. Mary Lucy R. Dela Cruz

Hon. Redentor U. Taran
Hon. Peter Cyril F. Besana
Hon. Ulysses R. Irabon
Hon. Romy R. Abello
Hon. Rafael M. Silverio
Hon. Ermeda L. Morales
Total Population: 15,224
Household Population: 15,224
PGR: 0.91
Number of Barangays 12
Number of HHs: 3,590
Average HH size: 4.2
Population Density: 651
Number of Occupied Housing Units 3,491
Land Area ( 23.40
District 2nd District
Electorate 9,667
Number of Schools 3,091
Income Class: 3rd


Festivals and Events: Bayangan Festival
Lezo Plaza
Spots and Attraction Lezo Pottery
Lezo Church

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Clay pots and jars
“Ampaw” pop-rice squares made of
Products and Produce
cooked rice, deeply fried into crispy
and sugar coated

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Charito I. Navarosa
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Vincent I. Navarosa
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. John Randy P. Zapata

Hon. Getulio M. Esto

Hon. Mila A. Lanciso
Hon. Teodoro N. Villorente, Jr.
Hon. Robert Z. Navarrete
Hon. Napoleon N. Navarosa
Hon. Danilo Z. Zorilla
Hon. Benette D. Teodosio
Total Population: 28,241
Household Population: 28,238
PGR: 0.16
Number of Barangays 24
Number of HHs: 6,575
Average HH size: 4.3
Population Density: 111
Number of Occupied Housing Units 6,556
Land Area ( 254.98
District 1st District
Electorate 18,919
Number of Schools 8,173
Income Class: 3rd


Baesa Parada
Festivals and Events:
Kali-ugyon Festival
Spots and Attraction
The Wild River

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Water Falls
Inland Adventure Trek
Rice, Cattle, Bananas, Copra,
Vegetables, Bamboo, Root Crops
Fruits such as Lanzones, Durian,
Products and Produce
Marang, Mangosteen, Seedless
Pomelo, Chicp, Rambutan, Local

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Alfonso A. Gubatina
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Rex T. Gubatina
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Allan N. Lim

Hon. Eudes R. Torres

Hon. Orlando I. Inosanto, Jr.
Hon. Eleazar N. Roa
Hon. Anthony P. Nabor
Hon. Jandy N. Navarette
Hon. Julius L. Nadua
Hon. Decarth N. Gonzales
Total Population: 18,389
Household Population: 18,385
PGR: 0.23
Number of Barangays 25
Number of HHs: 4,260
Average HH size: 4.3
Population Density: 68
Number of Occupied Housing Units 4,239
Land Area ( 269.60
District 1st District
Electorate 12,836
Number of Schools 4,790
Income Class: 4th


Festivals and Events: Tinuom Festivals
Likitinon White Rocks
Spots and Attraction Hanging Bridge
Agtughangin Falls

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Pineapple, Camote and Ube
Fruits such as Lanzones, Rambutan,
Products and Produce and Marang
Coconut and Abaca
Narra, Acacia and Mahogany

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Abencio T. Torres
Hon. Ramon Anselmo Martin D.
Legaspi, III
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Nilo M. Amboboyog

Hon. Marlene Mae Blaire T. Igham

Hon. Nerli F. Dela Cena
Hon. Randy R. Vargas
Hon. Rhine I. Roldan
Hon. Abencio Honeyboy P. Torres
Hon. Leoncito Y. Mationg
Hon. Steven M. Tejada
Total Population: 27, 262
Household Population: 27,223
PGR: 1.31
Number of Barangays 18
Number of HHs: 6,581
Average HH size: 4.1
Population Density: 422
Number of Occupied Housing Units 6,538
Land Area ( 103.45
District 2nd District
Electorate 27,931
Number of Schools 6,828
Income Class: 4th
Festivals and Events: Makato Sr. Sto. Ati-atihan Festival
Aklan Sports Complex
Spots and Attraction
Salimuno Falls

Products and Produce Copra

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Frolibar S. Bautista
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Niño F. Cawaling
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Dalidig Y. Sumndad

Hon. Lloyd B. Maming

Hon. Danilo G. Delos Santos
Hon. Maylynn T. Aguirre-Graf
Hon. Nickie M. Cahilig
Hon. Dante C. Pagsuguiron
Hon. Junthir L. Flores
Total Population: 52, 973
Household Population: 51,745
PGR: 2.80
Number of Barangays 17
Number of HHs: 12,664
Average HH size: 4.1
Population Density: 803
Number of Occupied Housing Units 12,618
Land Area ( 10.66
District 2nd District
Electorate 40,913
Number of Schools 13,797
Income Class: 1st


Malay Day
Festivals and Events:
Fiesta De Obreros
Boracay Island
Spots and Attraction Pangihan Cave
Malay Ecological Park

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Bat Caves
Preserved Dead Forest
Nabaoy Reforestation
Agnaga Mini Falls and Cold Spring
Nagata Falls
Naasug Point
Motag Living Museum
Calamansi Muffins
“Chori-burger” grilled chorizo meat
Products and Produce
that is smeared with a thick sweet-
spicy sauce then placed in the bun.)

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Josephine I. Iquiña
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Wilbert Ariel I. Igoy
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Gregorio V. Imperial, Jr.

Hon. Ricardo C. Ibarreta

Hon. Christian Amado D. Ilio
Hon. Eleanor G. Agustino
Hon. Junito I. Iscala
Hon. Tsaldariz D. Ildesa
Hon. Raul R. Quinisio
Hon. Frederick I. Rey
Total Population: 23,194
Household Population: 23,175
PGR: 0.73
Number of Barangays 23
Number of HHs: 5,419
Average HH size: 4.3
Population Density: 125
Number of Occupied Housing Units 5,411
Land Area ( 186.01
District 2nd District
Electorate 15,758
Number of Schools 6,126
Income Class: 4th


Malinao Ati-atihan Festival
El Levantamiento Delos Ochenta Y Dos
Festivals and Events:
De Liloan
Pascua sa Malinao Festival

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Candido Iban Monument
Spots and Attraction Fatima Hill
Manomong Falls

Products and Produce Nigo (use for drying grains)

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. James V. Solanoy
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Wilfredo S. Cezar
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Celon T. Dela Torre

Hon. Stephen Z. Bolivar

Hon. Leovilyn S. Dela Torre
Hon. Cognito D. Palomata, Jr.
Hon. Maria Fe T. Lasaleta
Hon. Ciciron Myton C. Palanog
Hon. Joselito E. Santiago
Hon. Rhuna F. Tigpos
Total Population: 36,435
Household Population: 36,393
PGR: 3.09
Number of Barangays 20
Number of HHs: 7,918
Average HH size: 4.6
Population Density: 376
Number of Occupied Housing Units 7,829
Land Area ( 96.82
District 2nd District
Electorate 22,962
Number of Schools 11,960
Income Class: 4th


Festivals and Events: Bariw Festival
Laserna Cold Spring
Spots and Attraction Basang Cave
Tagororoc Ecotourism Destination

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Colorful bags, hats, mats and purses
Products and Produce
made from bariw leaves

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Shimonette P. Francisco
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Kristian V. Peralta
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Raul G. Sucgang

Hon. Estrella E. Velarde

Hon. Gerry C. Andrade
Hon. Roly O. Equiña, Jr.
Hon. Sonie C. Gacay
Hon. Diosilio F. Malonosan
Hon. Lollybee D. Leyson
Hon. Junie D. Repiano
Total Population: 45,007
Household Population: 44,904
PGR: 1.27
Number of Barangays 16
Number of HHs: 10,853
Average HH size: 4.1
Population Density: 675
Number of Occupied Housing Units 10,820
Land Area ( 66.69
District 1st District
Electorate 30,415
Number of Schools 10,252
Income Class: 3rd


Festivals and Events: “Pacto de Sangre” or Blood Compact
Tambak Sea Wall
Spots and Attraction Pink Sisters Convent
The Jaime L. Sin Monument

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Isla Kapispisan
Exotic and delicious delicacy (like
“hale-hale” sea shell, “Tamiluk” wood
worm, and “Sasing” another type of
“Ibos” (glutinous rice, cooked in
Products and Produce
coconut milk and wrapped in cocon
Local snacks (like “suman” and
Fresh tuba or coconut wine

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Jeserel T. Templonuevo
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Rogelio M. Enero, II
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Mariel Cielo M. Coching

Hon. Jerome T. Vega

Hon. Rose F. Nepomuceno
Hon. Florentino C. Fernandez
Hon. Adelma T. Regalado
Hon. Jossel V. Maribojo, Jr.
Hon. Lilyn V. Jauod
Hon. Romeo N. Ricafuente
Total Population: 31,934
Household Population: 31,920
PGR: 1.28
Number of Barangays 17
Number of HHs: 7,433
Average HH size: 4.3
Population Density: 1,107
Number of Occupied Housing Units 7,332
Land Area ( 28.84
District 2nd District
Electorate 22,781
Number of Schools 6,476
Income Class: 4th


Festivals and Events: Lechon Parade
Vermi-Composting Farms
Spots and Attraction Nahaunang Atis (First Aetas)
Clustered Century-Old Acacia Trees

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mouth-watering and best tasting
Products and Produce

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Mayor: Hon. Gary T. Fuentes
Vice-Mayor: Hon. Gene T. Fuentes
Sangguniang Bayan Members: Hon. Audie T. Señeris

Hon. Elizer A. Aguirre

Hon. Glenn F. Tigson
Hon. Nolina T. Toriaga
Hon. Edina T. Gelito
Hon. Alexander N. Tefora
Hon. Peter A. Ascaño
Hon. Vicente V. Garino
Total Population: 21,916
Household Population: 21,914
PGR: 1.49
Number of Barangays 15
Number of HHs: 4,991
Average HH size: 4.4
Population Density: 294
Number of Occupied Housing Units 4,920
Land Area ( 62.03
District 2nd District
Electorate 14,399
Number of Schools 5,752
Income Class: 5th


Bugna Festival
Festivals and Events:
Heroes of Vivo Tangalan
Afga Wave Rock Formation
Spots and Attraction
St. John Nepomucene Parish Church

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Portfolio


Jawili Falls
Jawili Beach
Jawili Mangrove Footwalk
Campo Verde
Marine Sanctuary and Coral Garden

Products and Produce Fresh and affordable seafood

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Indicator Particulars
Total Population The Province of Aklan posted a total population of
574, 823 persons as of August 2015 Census of
Population. The population size increased by 39,
098 over its 2010 population count of 535, 725. Aklan
ranks 4th among the five (5) provinces in Western
Visayas when it comes to population size and the
fastest growing province in terms of population

Household Population The Aklan province posted a household population

of 572,599 persons as of August 2015 Census of
Population. This increased by 7.31 percent or 39,026
persons more than the household population in
2010 with 533,573. Moreover, there were 133,679
households in 2015, higher by 15.1 percent than
116,123 households recorded in 2010. Ratio of
household population to number of households
further implies that there are 430 persons in every
100 households.

Among the 17 municipalities, Kalibo (capital) has

the highest household population comprising 14.0
percent or 80,041 persons. It was followed by Malay
with 9.0 percent or 51,745 persons, and Ibajay with
8.6 percent or 49,527 persons. On the other hand,
Lezo posted the lowest with 15,224. Followed next
by Madalag and Buruanga with 18,385 persons
and 19,003 persons, respectively.

Nabas was the fastest growing municipality in terms

of household population, went up by 17.2 percent
from 31,051 persons in 2010 to 36,393 persons in
2015. Ranked next was Malay with 44,331 persons
recorded in 2010 grew up to 51,745 persons during
the reference period while, Buruanga increased by
12.0 percent from 16,961 persons in 2010 to 19,003
persons in 2015. Similarly, they were the fastest
growing municipalities in terms of number of

Conversely, the municipality of Malinao declined

based on household population with 23,175
persons in 2015, which was 3.8 percent less than
24,086 persons reported in 2010. Meanwhile,
Libacao and Madalag went up by 0.9 percent and

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Indicator Particulars
1.2 percent compared to their respective levels in
2010. However, based on number of households,
slowest growing municipalities were Malinao.
Libacao, and Kalibo with 6.0 percent, 6.6 percent,
and 7.5 percent, respectively.

Furthermore, most of the municipalities showed

decrements in average household sizes, posing
highest in Madalag with -14.7 percent change from
5.0 persons in 2010 to 4.3 persons in 2015. Followed
by Altavas with -11.3 percent and New Washington
with -11.1 percent. On the contrary, average
household size increased in Kalibo by 1.0 percent
with 4.46 persons in 2010 compared to 4.5 persons
in 2015.

Household population are mostly composed of

working-aged individuals aging 15 to 64 years old.
This age group accounted for 62.9 percent of the
total count, while dependents aging 0 to 14 years
old accounted for 30.2 percent and dependents
aging 65 years old and above comprised 6.9
percent. This further resulted to dependency ratio
of 75 percent. In other words, there are 75
dependents in every 100 working-aged individuals.

Among municipalities, highest dependency ratio

was in Libacao with 85 percent, followed by Nabas
with 84 percent and Buruanga with 81 percent. On
the other hand, lowest dependency ratio was in
Kalibo with 67 percent while, Numancia with 68
percent and New Washington with 72 percent.

Household Population 10 Among household population 10 years old and

Years Old and Over by over, about 44.3 percent are single with 202,182
Marital Status persons and 39.6 percent are married with 180,388
persons. Distantly followed are in common-law or
live-in individuals which accounted for 9.4 percent
or 42,962 individuals.

It was observed that there were 4,455 senior citizens

(persons aged 60 years old and over) who are still
single and about 15 percent of them have reached
80 years old and over

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Indicator Particulars
On the other hand, there were 371 individuals who
were already married during the reference period,
while there are 20,516 married persons who were in
their 20s.

Additionally, most of the 42,962 individuals in

common-law or live-in status aged between 25 to
29 years old, while 23.1 percent were between 20
to 24 years old and 5.3 percent were below 20
years old. On the other hand, about 2.9 percent or
1,235 persons were 60 years old and over. Out of
this figure, 71.9 percent were on their 60s, 23.6
percent were on their 70s and 4.5 percent were 80
years old and over.

Growth Rate The Aklan population increased at the rate of 1.35

percent annually, on the average, between the
period 2010-2015. This means that around 1 person
were added per year for every 100 persons in the
population. By comparison, the rate at which the
province’ population grew during the period 2000
to 2010 was higher at 1.73 percent.

Among the 17 municipalities, the Municipality of

Nabas was the fastest growing town having a
population growth rate of 3.09 percent. This growth
is almost three times the rate of the provincial (1.35
percent) and regional levels (1.25 percent). The
rapid increase in the population growth could be
attributed to in-migration due to its developing
tourism industry.

Following Nabas is Malay, with 2.80 percent and

Buruanga with 2.19 percent. These three
neighboring municipalities are noted for their
booming tourism industry.

On the other hand, Libacao has lowest population

growth rate with 0.16 percent share to the total
population of the province. This was followed by
Madalag and Altavas with 0.23 percent and 0.55
percent, respectively. Other municipalities which
exceeded provincial and regional population
growth rate (PGR) average are Ibajay (1.74),

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Indicator Particulars
Tangalan (1.49), Kalibo (1.48), Makato (1.31),
Numancia (1.28) and New Washington (1.27).

Municipalities with Highest Kalibo, the capital town, has the largest population
Recorded Population with 80, 605. This was followed by Malay with 52, 973
and Ibajay with 49,564, respectively. The combined
population of these three municipalities comprised
one-third (31.90%) of the Aklan’s population.

On the other hand, Lezo has the least population

with 15, 224. This is followed by Madalag with 18, 389
and Buruanga with 19, 003. The three towns
constitute the smallest municipalities in the

Of the 327 barangays in Aklan, the largest in terms

of population size is Manoc-Manoc in Malay with
14, 810 persons, followed by Andagaw in Kalibo (12,
703), Balabag in Malay (12, 296), Poblacion in
Kalibo (11, 751), and Buswang New in Kalibo (10,
431). The first two barangays are the second and
third most populous barangays in Western Visayas.

Population Density Aklan’s population density went up to an average

of 327 persons per square kilometer in 2000.
Compared to 304 persons per square kilometer in
2010, a 7.3 percent increase in the population
density was observed from 2010 to 2015. Aklan
ranked second among the five provinces in
Western Visayas in terms of population density and
has the highest increase from 2000 to 2015.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Statistical Tables


Table 1.1 Population Enumerated in Various Censuses by 70

City/Municipality: 1903 - 2015

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 72

2010, and 2015

Table 1.3 Annual Population Growth Rate by Municipality, Aklan: 81


Table 1.4 Household Population, Number of Households, and Average 81

Household Size by Municipality: Aklan, 2015

Table 1.5 Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: 82

Aklan, 2015

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age 94

Group, Marital Status, Sex, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015

Table 1.7 Total Population by Religious Affiliation and Sex, Aklan: 2015 117

Table 1.8 Population, Land Area, Population Density, and Percent 118
Change in Population Density by Municipality, Aklan: 2000,
2010, and 2015

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.1 Population Enumerated in Various Censuses by City/Municipality: 1903

- 2015
Censal Year
1903 1918 1939 1948 1960
March 2 Dec 31 Jan 1 Oct 1 Feb 15

AKLAN* 110, 773 7/ 120,198 176,625 196,982 226,232

Altavas 4,636 6,046 8,882 10,238 13,325

Balete 1/ 5,529 9,508 10,835 12,677

Banga 1/ 9,830 11,432 14,693 17,977 18,582

Batan 14, 315 8/ 11,966 14,714 17,466

Buruanga 6,120 8,050 11,351 12,514 8,393

Ibajay 14,774 17,542 22,740 24,086 25,305

Kalibo (Capital) 14,574 13,926 16,095 17,842 21,303

Lezo 2/ 3,612 11,503 20,253 6,008 5,942

Libacao 4,876 17, 125 9/ 13,523 14,913

Madalag 3/ 3,476 8,664 10,883

Makato 5,289 11,661 15,526 9,939 11,951

Malay 4/ 6,816

Malinao 5,027 8,230 10,768 11,000 12,987

Nabas 6,455 7,355 9,768 10,442 11,879

Washington 24,453 12,192 13,370
Numancia 5/ 6,548 12,883 9,065 10,194

Tangalan 6/ 3,009 6,765 7,650

* Part of Capiz in 1903, 1918 and 1939; created into a province on April 25, 1956 under R. A. No. 1414.
1/ Part of New Washington in 1918
2/ Includes Numancia in 1918; part of New Numancia in 1939
3/ Part of Libacao in 1918 and 1939
4/ Part of Buruanga in 1903, 1918, 1939 and 1948; created into a municipality on June 15, 1959 under

R.A. No. 281

5/ Part of Lezo in 1918; includes Lezo in 1939
6/ Part of Makato in 1918 and 1939
7/ Includes proportional undistributed non-christian population of 2, 703
8/ Includes New Washington, formerly part of Batan
9/ Includes non-christian population of 1, 869

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1- Continued
Censal Year
1970 1975 1980 1990 1995
May 6 May 1 May 1 May 1 Sep 1
AKLAN 263,358 293,349 324,563 380,497 410,539
Altavas 14,519 16,855 17,443 20,531 21,475
Balete 14,310 15,827 17,300 19,842 19,972
Banga 21,560 22,462 25,034 28,651 30,071
Batan 20,025 21,248 23,393 25,710 26,415
Buruanga 9,291 10,311 10,764 12,653 12,665
Ibajay 27,129 30,343 31,214 35,640 36,184
Kalibo (Capital) 30,247 31,947 39,894 51,387 58,065
Lezo 6,890 8,224 9,625 10,343 11,536
Libacao 15,837 20,243 21,683 21,429 22,812
Madalag 12,440 14,209 14,128 15,166 16,659
Makato 13,287 14,972 16,732 19,230 21,955
Malay 7,623 8,770 9,120 14,378 19,406
Malinao 14,947 16,483 18,117 20,180 21,509
Nabas 13,850 15,051 16,607 20,538 21,391
19,131 22,131 26,119 30,147 31,896
Numancia 12,285 13,764 16,216 19,899 22,356
Tangalan 9,987 10,509 11,174 14,773 16,172

TABLE 1- Continued
Censal Year
2000 2007 2010 2015
May 1 May 1 May 1 May 1
AKLAN 451,314 495,122 535,725 574,823
Altavas 22,496 23,692 23,919 24,619
Balete 23,616 26,360 27,197 28,920
Banga 32,128 34,276 38,063 39,505

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

TABLE 1- Continued
Censal Year
2000 2007 2010 2015
May 1 May 1 May 1 May 1
Batan 27,889 29,243 30,312 32,032
Buruanga 15,077 15,767 16,962 19,003
Ibajay 39,643 42,742 45,279 49,564
Kalibo (Capital) 62,438 69,700 74,619 80,605
Lezo 12,393 13,077 14,518 15,224
Libacao 25,983 26,610 28,005 28,241
Madalag 17,441 17,889 18,168 18,389
Makato 22,777 25,043 25,461 27,262
Malay 24,519 32,110 45,811 52,973
Malinao 23,699 23,921 24,108 23,194
Nabas 25,014 28,345 31,052 36,435
New Washington 33,981 39,656 42,112 45,007
Numancia 24,614 27,570 29,862 31,934
Tangalan 17,606 19,121 20,277 21,916

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Municipality/Barangay 2000 2010 2015
AKLAN 451,314 535,725 574,823

ALTAVAS 22,496 23,919 24,619

Cabangila 1,565 1,705 1,705
Cabugao 1,835 1,708 1,964
Catmon 1,205 1,504 1,208
Dalipdip 766 698 772
Ginictan 1,460 1,527 1,521
Linayasan 1,638 1,860 1,872
Lumaynay 1,121 1,585 1,593
Lupo 2,163 2,251 2,127
Man-up 2,297 2,360 1,112
Odiong 2,713 2,961 3,028
Poblacion 2,583 2,465 4,406
Quinasay-an 486 459 491
Talon 1,337 1,587 1,589
Tibiao 1,327 1,249 1,231

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Municipality/Barangay 2000 2010 2015

BALETE 23,616 27,197 28,920

Aranas 4,229 5,083 5,256
Arcangel 3,276 3,454 3,486
Calizo 3,330 3,773 3,863
Cortes 2,257 2,872 3,278
Feliciano 2,345 2,788 2,883
Fulgencio 2,576 3,230 3,568
Guanko 1,111 1,322 1,321
Morales 2,455 2,619 3,184
Oquendo 1,186 1,226 1,234
Poblacion 851 830 847

BANGA 32,128 38,063 39,505

Agbanawan 1,176 1,458 1,524
Bacan 1,321 1,637 1,703
Badiangan 1,562 1,644 1,747
Cerrudo 1,045 1,237 1,485
Cupang 542 736 740
Daguitan 456 477 459
Daja Norte 1,465 1,563 1,340
Daja Sur 748 602 512
Dingle 621 723 698
Jumarap 1,468 1,744 1,835
Lapnag 451 594 627
Libas 1,443 1,662 1,717
Linabuan Sur 2,633 3,455 3,756
Mambog 1,303 1,596 1,803
Mangan 1,187 1,632 1,542
Muguing 654 695 764
Pagsanghan 1,341 1,735 1,917
Palale 573 599 678
Poblacion 2,017 2,469 1,997
Polo 951 1,240 955
Polocate 1,501 1,638 1,707
San Isidro 218 305 320
Sibalew 934 940 989
Sigcay 844 974 1,012
Taba-ao 1,018 1,196 1,164
Tabayon 1,163 1,454 1,777
Tinapuay 417 381 457
Torralba 1,474 1,550 1,890
Ugsod 1,160 1,426 1,566

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Municipality/Barangay 2000 2010 2015

BATAN 27,889 30,312 32,032

Ambolong 2,072 2,047 2,302
Angas 1,220 1,456 1,577
Bay-ang 1,845 2,096 2,120
Caiyang 764 832 941
Cabugao 1,897 1,948 2,408
Camaligan 2,488 2,616 2,821
Camanci 2,154 2,544 2,628
Ipil 432 504 484
Lalab 2,400 2,820 2,990
Lupit 1,396 1,593 1,562
Magpag-ong 1,187 1,432 1,359
Magubahay 371 596 550
Mambuquiao 1,367 1,418 1,442
Man-up 898 911 972
Mandong 1,565 1,525 1,701
Napti 906 1,011 1,120
Palay 1,334 1,453 1,371
Poblacion 1,756 1,547 1,611
Songcolan 1,128 1,122 1,160
Tabon 709 841 913

BURUANGA 15,077 16,962 19,003

Alegria 1,635 1,695 1,709
Bagongbayan 904 951 1,050
Balusbos 719 930 1,085
Bel-is 601 695 722
Cabugan 582 696 882
El Progreso 793 946 1,147
Habana 1,382 1,605 1,850
Katipunan 1,354 1,708 2,006
Mayapay 861 1,033 1,106
Nazareth 1,476 1,696 1,923
Panilongan 872 1,062 1,186
Poblacion 1,253 1,116 1,062
Santander 1,106 1,210 1,330
Tag-osip 247 255 299
Tigum 1,292 1,364 1,646

IBAJAY 39,643 45,279 49,564

Agbago 1,414 1,857 1,826
Agdugayan 1,028 1,071 1,221

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Municipality/Barangay 2000 2010 2015
Antipolo 755 727 817
Aparicio 684 733 887
Aquino 2,461 2,791 3,095
Aslum 954 1,220 1,434
Bagacay 856 949 1,077
Batuan 1,010 1,059 1,186
Buenavista 383 461 485
Bugtongbato 1,183 1,281 1,577
Cabugao 191 210 225
Capilijan 837 974 1,060
Colongcolong 880 1,030 1,137
Laguinbanua 2,502 2,894 3,226
Mabusao 492 631 661
Malindog 169 187 198
Maloco 2,371 2,581 2,635
Mina-a 534 614 683
Monlaque 650 808 899
Naile 2,097 2,325 2,517
Naisud 2,359 2,838 3,055
Naligusan 736 758 833
Ondoy 1,927 2,294 2,484
Poblacion 2,506 2,804 2,944
Polo 724 1,019 1,095
Regador 1,609 1,904 1,998
Rivera 184 199 240
Rizal 1,057 1,272 1,307
San Isidro 1,525 1,609 1,704
San Jose 1,408 1,684 2,048
Santa Cruz 1,223 1,142 1,278
Tagbaya 1,247 1,721 1,761
Tul-ang 465 628 829
Unat 779 741 820
Yawan 443 263 322

KALIBO (Capital) 62,438 74,619 80,605

Andagaw 9,990 12,607 12,703
Bachaw Norte 1,806 2,031 2,336
Bachaw Sur 2,285 2,688 3,131
Briones 1,074 1,246 1,321
Buswang New 7,592 9,231 10,431
Buswang Old 2,534 2,420 3,247
Caano 1,300 1,488 1,803
Estancia 6,417 8,672 8,372

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Municipality/Barangay 2000 2010 2015
Linabuan Norte 3,239 4,058 4,130
Mabilo 1,959 2,298 2,378
Mobo 1,195 1,939 1,543
Nalook 2,249 2,879 3,323
Poblacion 11,358 11,018 11,751
Pook 4,249 5,010 5,744
Tigayon 3,495 4,648 5,640
Tinigaw 1,696 2,386 2,752

LEZO 12,393 14,518 15,224

Agcawilan 1,183 1,351 1,565
Bagto 919 1,027 997
Bugasongan 889 1,183 1,231
Carugdog 1,139 1,369 1,428
Cogon 664 893 970
Ibao 1,179 1,317 1,413
Mina 984 1,052 1,158
Poblacion 1,765 2,113 1,975
Santa Cruz 1,131 1,132 1,238
Santa Cruz Bigaa 846 1,038 1,086
Silakat-Nonok 760 856 919
Tayhawan 934 1,187 1,244

LIBACAO 25,983 28,005 28,241

Agmailig 661 755 736
Alfonso XII 1,369 1,323 1,331
Batobato 447 453 501
Bonza 334 333 395
Calacabian 1,070 932 865
Calamcan 478 613 620
Can-Awan 544 542 487
Casit-an 301 342 352
Dalagsa-an 1,611 2,173 1,908
Guadalupe 1,094 1,412 1,529
Janlud 858 740 1,011
Julita 1,666 1,763 1,971
Luctoga 1,352 1,451 1,442
Magugba 649 644 600
Manika 2,902 2,622 2,091
Ogsip 979 1,066 920
Ortega 1,557 1,309 1,248
Oyang 903 1,028 1,068
Pampango 1,392 1,360 1,455

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Municipality/Barangay 2000 2010 2015
Pinonoy 672 708 727
Poblacion 2,735 3,661 4,010
Rivera 521 596 648
Rosal 1,218 1,476 1,591
Sibalew 670 703 735

MADALAG 17,441 18,168 18,389

Alaminos 1,097 1,071 1,257
Alas-as 720 684 710
Bacyang 530 439 509
Balactasan 700 722 735
Cabangahan 362 494 433
Cabilawan 511 616 487
Catabana 525 513 448
Dit-Ana 442 395 441
Galicia 245 362 363
Guinatu-an 400 404 445
Logohon 444 523 504
Mamba 757 756 830
Maria Cristina 965 938 887
Medina 1,023 1,085 1,105
Mercedes 544 543 546
Napnot 498 789 517
Pang-Itan 1,011 893 906
Paningayan 1,074 1,352 1,127
Panipiason 1,374 1,326 1,484
Poblacion 1,686 1,562 1,775
San Jose 672 863 937
Singay 373 450 413
Talangban 486 437 506
Talimagao 344 345 347
Tigbawan 658 606 677

MAKATO 22,777 25,461 27,262

Agbalogo 888 990 1,127
Aglucay 588 521 557
Alibagon 497 543 641
Bagong Barrio 385 429 487
Baybay 1,708 1,916 2,077
Cabatanga 877 1,144 1,246
Cajilo 1,350 1,294 1,446
Calangcang 1,290 1,701 1,715
Calimbajan 1,571 1,855 2,068

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Municipality/Barangay 2000 2010 2015
Castillo 744 791 956
Cayangwan 1,954 2,058 2,125
Dumga 1,856 2,107 2,170
Libang 1,353 1,561 1,401
Mantiguib 1,579 1,778 1,921
Poblacion 2,866 3,172 3,288
Tibiawan 718 785 869
Tina 1,014 1,094 1,223
Tugas 1,539 1,722 1,945

MALAY 24,519 45,811 52,973

Argao 757 1,078 1,213
Balabag 4,430 11,076 12,296
Balusbus 950 1,079 1,310
Cabulihan 579 575 772
Caticlan 3,987 6,593 7,996
Cogon 489 544 647
Cubay Norte 240 327 365
Cubay Sur 849 1,153 1,423
Dumlog 526 768 863
Manoc-Manoc 5,656 12,526 14,810
Naasug 426 547 557
Nabaoy 829 1,025 1,220
Napaan 417 649 751
Poblacion 1,117 1,255 1,304
San Viray 700 1,031 1,382
Yapak 1,917 4,767 5,161
Motag 650 818 903

MALINAO 23,699 24,108 23,194

Banaybanay 972 1,007 919
Biga-a 839 805 879
Bulabud 1,800 1,764 1,551
Cabayugan 1,005 1,260 1,228
Capataga 102 129 40
Cogon 423 419 491
Dangcalan 893 723 679
Kinalangay Nuevo 814 952 968
Kinalangay Viejo 1,984 1,871 2,043
Lilo-an 1,398 1,478 1,437
Malandayon 844 767 876
Manhanip 1,119 1,177 1,149
Navitas 1,244 1,290 1,170

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Municipality/Barangay 2000 2010 2015
Osman 562 715 691
Poblacion 1,754 1,660 1,505
Rosario 2,189 2,199 1,889
San Dimas 1,042 892 873
San Ramon 812 893 940
San Roque 1,284 1,413 1,406
Sipac 545 522 417
Sugnod 509 476 498
Tambuan 1,228 1,346 1,163
Tigpalas 337 350 382

NABAS 25,014 31,052 36,435

Alimbo-Baybay 788 1,020 1,356
Buenasuerte 1,335 1,603 2,009
Buenafortuna 858 1,107 1,262
Buenavista 1,230 1,434 1,491
Gibon 2,346 2,887 3,239
Habana 787 1,096 1,313
Laserna 2,175 2,497 2,950
Libertad 1,060 1,263 1,653
Magallanes 582 680 885
Matabana 582 642 854
Nagustan 2,273 2,937 3,307
Pawa 255 208 309
Pinatuad 611 729 736
Poblacion 1,775 1,897 2,115
Rizal 967 1,291 1,489
Solido 1,366 1,757 1,855
Tagororoc 605 846 1,091
Toledo 1,914 2,222 2,608
Unidos 1,986 2,344 3,066
Union 1,519 2,592 2,847

NEW WASHINGTON 33,981 42,112 45,007

Candelaria 1,055 1,626 1,708
Cawayan 2,948 3,784 4,168
Dumaguit 1,864 1,996 2,139
Fatima 1,057 1,182 1,219
Guinbaliwan 2,363 2,813 3,031
Jalas 1,039 1,648 1,518
Jugas 1,956 2,427 2,577
Lawa-an 1,173 1,414 1,361
Mabilo 2,304 3,035 3,552

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.2 Total Population by Municipality and Barangay, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Municipality/Barangay 2000 2010 2015
Mataphao 1,622 1,554 1,842
Ochando 2,469 3,028 3,369
Pinamuk-an 2,322 2,692 2,951
Poblacion 5,411 6,036 5,974
Polo 2,003 3,476 3,514
Puis 1,855 2,360 2,675
Tambak 2,540 3,041 3,409

NUMANCIA 24,614 29,862 31,934

Albasan 1,234 1,503 1,526
Aliputos 1,566 2,132 2,493
Badio 1,399 1,470 1,551
Bubog 1,281 1,639 1,647
Bulwang 3,269 4,170 4,401
Camanci Norte 2,003 2,488 2,880
Camanci Sur 816 977 1,085
Dongon East 1,306 1,593 1,915
Dongon West 1,697 2,071 2,185
Joyao-joyao 1,440 1,609 1,696
Laguinbanua East 1,823 2,081 2,354
Laguinbanua West 1,431 1,708 1,714
Marianos 892 1,003 1,052
Navitas 1,205 1,465 1,451
Poblacion 1,478 1,536 1,573
Pusiw 1,034 1,484 1,454
Tabangka 740 933 957

TANGALAN 17,606 20,277 21,916

Afga 1,233 1,472 1,612
Baybay 1,395 1,582 1,597
Dapdap 810 966 1,042
Dumatad 886 1,051 1,130
Jawili 1,396 1,732 1,822
Lanipga 315 312 330
Napatag 216 280 224
Panayakan 2,170 2,684 3,116
Poblacion 1,314 1,429 1,516
Pudiot 1,459 1,617 1,828
Tagas 1,870 2,017 2,407
Tamalagon 2,120 2,497 2,609
Tamokoe 212 228 154
Tondog 1,625 1,745 1,955
Vivo 585 665 574
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2000, 2010, and 2015 Census of Population

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.3 Annual Population Growth Rate by Municipality, Aklan: 2000-2015

Province/ Municipality 2000-2010 2010-2015
AKLAN 1.73 1.35
Altavas 0.61 0.55
Balete 1.42 1.18
Banga 1.71 0.71
Batan 0.84 1.06
Buruanga 1.18 2.19
Ibajay 1.34 1.74
Kalibo (Capital) 1.8 1.48
Lezo 1.59 0.91
Libacao 0.75 0.16
Madalag 0.41 0.23
Makato 1.12 1.31
Malay 6.45 2.8
Malinao 0.17 -0.73
Nabas 2.18 3.09
New Washington 2.17 1.27
Numancia 1.95 1.28
Tangalan 1.42 1.49
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Table 1.4 Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household

Size by Municipality: Aklan, 2015
Province/ Household Number of Average
Municipality Population Households Household Size
AKLAN 572,599 133,679 4.3
Altavas 24,578 5,991 4.1
Balete 28,920 6,999 4.1
Banga 39,380 9,250 4.3
Batan 32,029 7,967 4.0
Buruanga 19,003 4,239 4.5
Ibajay 49,527 11,019 4.5
Kalibo (Capital) 80,041 17,930 4.5
Lezo 15,224 3,590 4.2
Libacao 28,238 6,575 4.3
Madalag 18,385 4,260 4.3
Makato 27,223 6,581 4.1
Malay 51,745 12,664 4.1
Malinao 23,175 5,419 4.3
Nabas 36,393 7,918 4.6
New Washington 44,904 10,853 4.1
Numancia 31,920 7,433 4.3
Tangalan 21,914 4,991 4.4
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
All Ages 572,599 291,148 281,451
Under 1 10,753 5,600 5,153
1-4 46,061 24,013 22,048
5-9 59,749 31,119 28,630
10 - 14 56,561 29,152 27,409
15 - 19 57,063 29,628 27,435
20 - 24 54,094 27,969 26,125
25 - 29 46,574 24,337 22,237
30 - 34 40,770 21,373 19,397
35 - 39 35,990 18,811 17,179
40 - 44 31,105 16,244 14,861
45 - 49 29,295 15,157 14,138
50 - 54 25,675 12,970 12,705
55 - 59 21,825 10,781 11,044
60 - 64 17,806 8,636 9,170
65 - 69 13,856 6,170 7,686
70 - 74 10,057 4,112 5,945
75 - 79 7,426 2,747 4,679
80 years old and over 7,939 2,329 5,610
0-4 56,814 29,613 27,201
0 - 14 173,124 89,884 83,240
15 - 64 360,197 185,906 174,291
18 years and over 364,682 183,185 181,497
60 years and over 57,084 23,994 33,090
65 years and over 39,278 15,358 23,920

All Ages 24,578 12,460 12,118
Under 1 439 225 214
1-4 1,953 969 984
5-9 2,455 1,332 1,123
10 - 14 2,458 1,302 1,156
15 - 19 2,399 1,278 1,121
20 - 24 2,187 1,146 1,041
25 - 29 1,803 933 870
30 - 34 1,522 817 705
35 - 39 1,530 817 713
40 - 44 1,343 683 660
45 - 49 1,346 697 649

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
50 - 54 1,231 629 602
55 - 59 1,070 522 548
60 - 64 856 406 450
65 - 69 671 295 376
70 - 74 497 178 319
75 - 79 404 132 272
80 years old and over 414 99 315
0-4 2,392 1,194 1,198
0 - 14 7,305 3,828 3,477
15 - 64 15,287 7,928 7,359
18 years and over 15,757 7,821 7,936
60 years and over 2,842 1,110 1,732
65 years and over 1,986 704 1,282

All Ages 28,920 14,832 14,088
Under 1 500 266 234
1-4 2,245 1,175 1,070
5-9 2,999 1,568 1,431
10 - 14 2,889 1,489 1,400
15 - 19 3,059 1,615 1,444
20 - 24 2,912 1,523 1,389
25 - 29 2,412 1,271 1,141
30 - 34 2,039 1,097 942
35 - 39 1,710 890 820
40 - 44 1,532 796 736
45 - 49 1,465 781 684
50 - 54 1,254 632 622
55 - 59 1,088 564 524
60 - 64 897 435 462
65 - 69 598 265 333
70 - 74 519 204 315
75 - 79 406 152 254
80 years old and over 396 109 287
0-4 2,745 1,441 1,304
0 - 14 8,633 4,498 4,135
15 - 64 18,368 9,604 8,764
18 years and over 18,423 9,330 9,093
60 years and over 2,816 1,165 1,651
65 years and over 1,919 730 1,189

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female

All Ages 39,380 19,857 19,523
Under 1 666 339 327
1-4 2,925 1,497 1,428
5-9 3,936 2,037 1,899
10 - 14 3,762 1,922 1,840
15 - 19 3,991 2,098 1,893
20 - 24 3,618 1,895 1,723
25 - 29 2,964 1,526 1,438
30 - 34 2,710 1,411 1,299
35 - 39 2,346 1,223 1,123
40 - 44 2,150 1,136 1,014
45 - 49 2,097 1,023 1,074
50 - 54 1,894 946 948
55 - 59 1,688 842 846
60 - 64 1,357 696 661
65 - 69 1,148 534 614
70 - 74 835 342 493
75 - 79 623 210 413
80 years old and over 670 180 490
0-4 3,591 1,836 1,755
0 - 14 11,289 5,795 5,494
15 - 64 24,815 12,796 12,019
18 years and over 25,678 12,800 12,878
60 years and over 4,633 1,962 2,671
65 years and over 3,276 1,266 2,010

All Ages 32,029 16,356 15,673
Under 1 561 313 248
1-4 2,463 1,338 1,125
5-9 3,331 1,754 1,577
10 - 14 3,422 1,776 1,646
15 - 19 3,229 1,708 1,521
20 - 24 2,628 1,380 1,248
25 - 29 2,139 1,100 1,039
30 - 34 1,969 1,033 936
35 - 39 1,913 1,005 908
40 - 44 1,766 932 834

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
45 - 49 1,678 876 802
50 - 54 1,592 833 759
55 - 59 1,452 722 730
60 - 64 1,185 580 605
65 - 69 893 381 512
70 - 74 646 270 376
75 - 79 549 185 364
80 years old and over 613 170 443
0-4 3,024 1,651 1,373
0 - 14 9,777 5,181 4,596
15 - 64 19,551 10,169 9,382
18 years and over 20,173 10,083 10,090
60 years and over 3,886 1,586 2,300
65 years and over 2,701 1,006 1,695

All Ages 19,003 9,660 9,343
Under 1 393 180 213
1-4 1,628 821 807
5-9 2,065 1,099 966
10 - 14 1,948 1,005 943
15 - 19 1,893 997 896
20 - 24 1,775 874 901
25 - 29 1,523 817 706
30 - 34 1,336 670 666
35 - 39 1,200 633 567
40 - 44 1,046 570 476
45 - 49 933 492 441
50 - 54 737 361 376
55 - 59 637 337 300
60 - 64 539 258 281
65 - 69 487 221 266
70 - 74 370 155 215
75 - 79 273 105 168
80 years old and over 220 65 155
0-4 2,021 1,001 1,020
0 - 14 6,034 3,105 2,929
15 - 64 11,619 6,009 5,610
18 years and over 11,802 5,917 5,885
60 years and over 1,889 804 1,085

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
65 years and over 1,350 546 804

All Ages 49,527 25,347 24,180
Under 1 904 470 434
1-4 3,801 1,945 1,856
5-9 5,185 2,716 2,469
10 - 14 4,908 2,530 2,378
15 - 19 4,945 2,614 2,331
20 - 24 4,587 2,391 2,196
25 - 29 4,011 2,198 1,813
30 - 34 3,533 1,866 1,667
35 - 39 3,007 1,600 1,407
40 - 44 2,551 1,349 1,202
45 - 49 2,474 1,282 1,192
50 - 54 2,300 1,169 1,131
55 - 59 1,913 938 975
60 - 64 1,536 737 799
65 - 69 1,329 624 705
70 - 74 1,002 385 617
75 - 79 752 281 471
80 years old and over 789 252 537
0-4 4,705 2,415 2,290
0 - 14 14,798 7,661 7,137
15 - 64 30,857 16,144 14,713
18 years and over 31,709 16,103 15,606
60 years and over 5,408 2,279 3,129
65 years and over 3,872 1,542 2,330

Kalibo (Capital)
All Ages 80,041 39,885 40,156
Under 1 1,472 772 700
1-4 5,855 3,125 2,730
5-9 7,671 4,055 3,616
10 - 14 7,446 3,828 3,618
15 - 19 7,669 3,849 3,820
20 - 24 7,498 3,795 3,703
25 - 29 6,519 3,296 3,223
30 - 34 5,927 2,997 2,930
35 - 39 5,548 2,800 2,748

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
40 - 44 4,600 2,325 2,275
45 - 49 4,530 2,235 2,295
50 - 54 3,910 1,895 2,015
55 - 59 3,374 1,610 1,764
60 - 64 2,721 1,256 1,465
65 - 69 1,991 880 1,111
70 - 74 1,297 509 788
75 - 79 921 349 572
80 years old and over 1,092 309 783
0-4 7,327 3,897 3,430
0 - 14 22,444 11,780 10,664
15 - 64 52,296 26,058 26,238
18 years and over 53,026 25,767 27,259
60 years and over 8,022 3,303 4,719
65 years and over 5,301 2,047 3,254

All Ages 15,224 7,726 7,498
Under 1 283 141 142
1-4 1,222 653 569
5-9 1,490 766 724
10 - 14 1,356 690 666
15 - 19 1,363 728 635
20 - 24 1,373 690 683
25 - 29 1,231 656 575
30 - 34 1,137 603 534
35 - 39 1,062 554 508
40 - 44 844 421 423
45 - 49 796 431 365
50 - 54 712 361 351
55 - 59 631 319 312
60 - 64 509 240 269
65 - 69 431 204 227
70 - 74 304 120 184
75 - 79 208 75 133
80 years old and over 272 74 198
0-4 1,505 794 711
0 - 14 4,351 2,250 2,101
15 - 64 9,658 5,003 4,655
18 years and over 10,057 5,032 5,025

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
60 years and over 1,724 713 1,011
65 years and over 1,215 473 742

All Ages 28,238 14,337 13,901
Under 1 557 279 278
1-4 2,570 1,324 1,246
5-9 3,296 1,598 1,698
10 - 14 3,173 1,630 1,543
15 - 19 3,118 1,574 1,544
20 - 24 2,826 1,479 1,347
25 - 29 2,269 1,226 1,043
30 - 34 1,771 914 857
35 - 39 1,453 755 698
40 - 44 1,383 692 691
45 - 49 1,291 671 620
50 - 54 1,141 606 535
55 - 59 949 468 481
60 - 64 712 371 341
65 - 69 567 268 299
70 - 74 453 202 251
75 - 79 328 137 191
80 years old and over 381 143 238
0-4 3,127 1,603 1,524
0 - 14 9,596 4,831 4,765
15 - 64 16,913 8,756 8,157
18 years and over 16,709 8,558 8,151
60 years and over 2,441 1,121 1,320
65 years and over 1,729 750 979

Madalag 18,385 9,517 8,868

All Ages 303 156 147
Under 1 1,455 764 691
1-4 1,970 991 979
5-9 2,025 1,090 935
10 - 14 2,030 1,077 953
15 - 19 1,776 949 827
20 - 24 1,405 737 668
25 - 29 1,132 615 517
30 - 34 1,041 562 479

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
35 - 39 946 494 452
40 - 44 886 472 414
45 - 49 774 385 389
50 - 54 684 349 335
55 - 59 557 295 262
60 - 64 479 221 258
65 - 69 373 157 216
70 - 74 272 109 163
75 - 79 277 94 183
80 years old and over 1,758 920 838
0-4 5,753 3,001 2,752
0 - 14 11,231 5,935 5,296
15 - 64 11,360 5,863 5,497
18 years and over 1,958 876 1,082
60 years and over 1,401 581 820
65 years and over 18,385 9,517 8,868

All Ages 27,223 13,908 13,315
Under 1 506 281 225
1-4 2,184 1,177 1,007
5-9 2,900 1,525 1,375
10 - 14 2,649 1,357 1,292
15 - 19 2,676 1,372 1,304
20 - 24 2,499 1,267 1,232
25 - 29 2,111 1,113 998
30 - 34 1,923 1,000 923
35 - 39 1,636 863 773
40 - 44 1,523 813 710
45 - 49 1,389 748 641
50 - 54 1,235 655 580
55 - 59 1,035 509 526
60 - 64 946 461 485
65 - 69 756 316 440
70 - 74 510 212 298
75 - 79 353 133 220
80 years old and over 392 106 286
0-4 2,690 1,458 1,232
0 - 14 8,239 4,340 3,899
15 - 64 16,973 8,801 8,172

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
18 years and over 17,358 8,727 8,631
60 years and over 2,957 1,228 1,729
65 years and over 2,011 767 1,244

All Ages 51,745 26,634 25,111
Under 1 1,178 589 589
1-4 4,825 2,502 2,323
5-9 5,767 3,007 2,760
10 - 14 4,890 2,473 2,417
15 - 19 4,892 2,514 2,378
20 - 24 5,892 2,959 2,933
25 - 29 5,475 2,859 2,616
30 - 34 4,555 2,473 2,082
35 - 39 3,726 2,014 1,712
40 - 44 2,714 1,451 1,263
45 - 49 2,285 1,212 1,073
50 - 54 1,702 838 864
55 - 59 1,231 621 610
60 - 64 926 439 487
65 - 69 650 268 382
70 - 74 439 192 247
75 - 79 304 125 179
80 years old and over 294 98 196
0-4 6,003 3,091 2,912
0 - 14 16,660 8,571 8,089
15 - 64 33,398 17,380 16,018
18 years and over 32,203 16,578 15,625
60 years and over 2,613 1,122 1,491
65 years and over 1,687 683 1,004

All Ages 23,175 11,799 11,376
Under 1 372 182 190
1-4 1,865 966 899
5-9 2,339 1,239 1,100
10 - 14 2,328 1,221 1,107
15 - 19 2,227 1,159 1,068
20 - 24 2,059 1,097 962
25 - 29 1,758 932 826

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
30 - 34 1,536 809 727
35 - 39 1,393 733 660
40 - 44 1,210 624 586
45 - 49 1,179 639 540
50 - 54 1,054 527 527
55 - 59 897 428 469
60 - 64 864 446 418
65 - 69 679 300 379
70 - 74 537 218 319
75 - 79 395 137 258
80 years old and over 483 142 341
0-4 2,237 1,148 1,089
0 - 14 6,904 3,608 3,296
15 - 64 14,177 7,394 6,783
18 years and over 14,873 7,471 7,402
60 years and over 2,958 1,243 1,715
65 years and over 2,094 797 1,297

All Ages 36,393 18,759 17,634
Under 1 827 431 396
1-4 3,303 1,719 1,584
5-9 4,197 2,208 1,989
10 - 14 3,933 2,057 1,876
15 - 19 3,913 2,068 1,845
20 - 24 3,479 1,877 1,602
25 - 29 2,883 1,508 1,375
30 - 34 2,409 1,265 1,144
35 - 39 2,151 1,134 1,017
40 - 44 1,927 1,005 922
45 - 49 1,685 860 825
50 - 54 1,446 723 723
55 - 59 1,195 592 603
60 - 64 909 436 473
65 - 69 750 321 429
70 - 74 601 267 334
75 - 79 388 139 249
80 years old and over 397 149 248
0-4 4,130 2,150 1,980
0 - 14 12,260 6,415 5,845

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
15 - 64 21,997 11,468 10,529
18 years and over 21,735 11,078 10,657
60 years and over 3,045 1,312 1,733
65 years and over 2,136 876 1,260

New Washington
All Ages 44,904 22,778 22,126
Under 1 806 436 370
1-4 3,585 1,860 1,725
5-9 4,596 2,338 2,258
10 - 14 4,261 2,204 2,057
15 - 19 4,431 2,242 2,189
20 - 24 4,183 2,174 2,009
25 - 29 3,675 1,931 1,744
30 - 34 3,234 1,689 1,545
35 - 39 2,836 1,433 1,403
40 - 44 2,474 1,284 1,190
45 - 49 2,424 1,258 1,166
50 - 54 2,125 1,124 1,001
55 - 59 1,745 885 860
60 - 64 1,488 732 756
65 - 69 1,117 494 623
70 - 74 770 316 454
75 - 79 587 230 357
80 years old and over 567 148 419
0-4 4,391 2,296 2,095
0 - 14 13,248 6,838 6,410
15 - 64 28,615 14,752 13,863
18 years and over 28,969 14,586 14,383
60 years and over 4,529 1,920 2,609
65 years and over 3,041 1,188 1,853

All Ages 31,920 16,081 15,839
Under 1 565 296 269
1-4 2,348 1,203 1,145
5-9 3,179 1,692 1,487
10 - 14 2,920 1,481 1,439
15 - 19 2,931 1,540 1,391
20 - 24 2,773 1,409 1,364

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
25 - 29 2,686 1,316 1,370
30 - 34 2,575 1,323 1,252
35 - 39 2,149 1,142 1,007
40 - 44 1,932 1,007 925
45 - 49 1,694 871 823
50 - 54 1,541 779 762
55 - 59 1,382 653 729
60 - 64 1,125 527 598
65 - 69 809 368 441
70 - 74 553 229 324
75 - 79 389 149 240
80 years old and over 369 96 273
0-4 2,913 1,499 1,414
0 - 14 9,012 4,672 4,340
15 - 64 20,788 10,567 10,221
18 years and over 21,163 10,488 10,675
60 years and over 3,245 1,369 1,876
65 years and over 2,120 842 1,278

All Ages 21,914 11,212 10,702
Under 1 421 244 177
1-4 1,834 975 859
5-9 2,373 1,194 1,179
10 - 14 2,193 1,097 1,096
15 - 19 2,297 1,195 1,102
20 - 24 2,029 1,064 965
25 - 29 1,710 918 792
30 - 34 1,462 791 671
35 - 39 1,289 653 636
40 - 44 1,164 662 502
45 - 49 1,143 609 534
50 - 54 1,027 507 520
55 - 59 854 422 432
60 - 64 679 321 358
65 - 69 501 210 291
70 - 74 351 156 195
75 - 79 274 99 175
80 years old and over 313 95 218
0-4 2,255 1,219 1,036

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.5. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality: Aklan,
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
0 - 14 6,821 3,510 3,311
15 - 64 13,654 7,142 6,512
18 years and over 13,687 6,983 6,704
60 years and over 2,118 881 1,237
65 years and over 1,439 560 879
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
Both Sexes 456,036 202,182 180,388 25,295 5,209 42,962 -
Below 20 113,624 110,985 371 1 1 2,266 -
20 - 24 54,094 38,655 5,413 11 85 9,930 -
25 - 29 46,574 20,475 15,103 105 424 10,467 -
30 - 34 40,770 10,225 22,595 195 600 7,155 -
35 - 39 35,990 5,819 24,518 372 704 4,577 -
40 - 44 31,105 3,990 22,924 584 655 2,952 -
45 - 49 29,295 3,280 22,116 1,058 758 2,083 -
50 - 54 25,675 2,463 19,470 1,743 626 1,373 -
55 - 59 21,825 1,835 16,047 2,474 545 924 -
60 - 64 17,806 1,422 12,338 3,144 346 556 -
65 - 69 13,856 1,081 8,690 3,518 235 332 -
70 - 74 10,057 752 5,372 3,611 125 197 -
75 - 79 7,426 531 3,306 3,422 72 95 -
80 years 7,939 669 2,125 5,057 33 55 -
old and over

Male 230,416 112,463 89,627 4,957 2,147 21,222 -

Below 20 58,780 58,275 63 1 - 441 -
20 - 24 27,969 22,331 1,689 5 14 3,930 -
25 - 29 24,337 12,585 6,258 35 97 5,362 -
30 - 34 21,373 6,497 10,523 53 220 4,080 -
35 - 39 18,811 3,749 12,026 116 274 2,646 -
40 - 44 16,244 2,591 11,485 159 302 1,707 -
45 - 49 15,157 2,145 11,303 296 330 1,083 -
50 - 54 12,970 1,449 10,095 398 285 743 -
55 - 59 10,781 1,074 8,428 522 252 505 -
60 - 64 8,636 740 6,783 641 156 316 -
65 - 69 6,170 478 4,741 633 117 201 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
70 - 74 4,112 286 2,998 656 54 118 -
75 - 79 2,747 145 1,917 599 32 54 -
80 years
2,329 118 1,318 843 14 36 -
old and over

Female 225,620 89,719 90,761 20,338 3,062 21,740 -

Below 20 54,844 52,710 308 - 1 1,825 -
20 - 24 26,125 16,324 3,724 6 71 6,000 -
25 - 29 22,237 7,890 8,845 70 327 5,105 -
30 - 34 19,397 3,728 12,072 142 380 3,075 -
35 - 39 17,179 2,070 12,492 256 430 1,931 -
40 - 44 14,861 1,399 11,439 425 353 1,245 -
45 - 49 14,138 1,135 10,813 762 428 1,000 -
50 - 54 12,705 1,014 9,375 1,345 341 630 -
55 - 59 11,044 761 7,619 1,952 293 419 -
60 - 64 9,170 682 5,555 2,503 190 240 -
65 - 69 7,686 603 3,949 2,885 118 131 -
70 - 74 5,945 466 2,374 2,955 71 79 -
75 - 79 4,679 386 1,389 2,823 40 41 -
80 years 5,610 551 807 4,214 19 19 -
old and over

Both Sexes 19,731 8,468 7,570 1,374 339 1,980 -
Below 20 4,857 4,734 10 - - 113 -
20 - 24 2,187 1,552 164 - 12 459 -
25 - 29 1,803 795 503 5 30 470 -
30 - 34 1,522 411 757 8 28 318 -
35 - 39 1,530 242 1,016 15 44 213 -
40 - 44 1,343 165 979 31 44 124 -
45 - 49 1,346 149 990 40 64 103 -
50 - 54 1,231 113 906 94 42 76 -
55 - 59 1,070 83 762 141 32 52 -
60 - 64 856 55 586 168 14 33 -
65 - 69 671 71 390 178 19 13 -
70 - 74 497 39 250 198 7 3 -
75 - 79 404 19 163 217 3 2 -
80 years
414 40 94 279 - 1 -
old and over

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
Male 9,934 4,831 3,775 214 145 969 -
Below 20 2,580 2,555 1 - - 24 -
20 - 24 1,146 928 49 - - 169 -
25 - 29 933 497 189 1 8 238 -
30 - 34 817 264 352 1 14 186 -
35 - 39 817 176 489 3 18 131 -
40 - 44 683 109 471 11 23 69 -
45 - 49 697 102 513 7 29 46 -
50 - 54 629 67 479 20 14 49 -
55 - 59 522 49 402 27 18 26 -
60 - 64 406 29 316 35 5 21 -
65 - 69 295 31 226 20 10 8 -
70 - 74 178 10 137 26 3 2 -
75 - 79 132 4 94 31 3 - -
80 years
99 10 57 32 - - -
old and over

Female 9,797 3,637 3,795 1,160 194 1,011 -

Below 20 2,277 2,179 9 - - 89 -
20 - 24 1,041 624 115 - 12 290 -
25 - 29 870 298 314 4 22 232 -
30 - 34 705 147 405 7 14 132 -
35 - 39 713 66 527 12 26 82 -
40 - 44 660 56 508 20 21 55 -
45 - 49 649 47 477 33 35 57 -
50 - 54 602 46 427 74 28 27 -
55 - 59 548 34 360 114 14 26 -
60 - 64 450 26 270 133 9 12 -
65 - 69 376 40 164 158 9 5 -
70 - 74 319 29 113 172 4 1 -
75 - 79 272 15 69 186 - 2 -
80 years
315 30 37 247 - 1 -
old and over

Both Sexes 23,176 10,668 8,915 1,224 252 2,117 -
Below 20 5,948 5,819 20 - - 109 -
20 - 24 2,912 2,119 258 - - 535 -
25 - 29 2,412 1,127 730 5 21 529 -
30 - 34 2,039 551 1,129 5 26 328 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
35 - 39 1,710 281 1,173 20 45 191 -
40 - 44 1,532 184 1,147 29 21 151 -
45 - 49 1,465 180 1,100 60 39 86 -
50 - 54 1,254 97 968 88 30 71 -
55 - 59 1,088 98 806 115 29 40 -
60 - 64 897 68 620 160 20 29 -
65 - 69 598 52 386 132 11 17 -
70 - 74 519 36 269 193 5 16 -
75 - 79 406 30 191 171 3 11 -
80 years
396 26 118 246 2 4 -
old and over

Male 11,823 5,966 4,437 251 119 1,050 -

Below 20 3,104 3,090 1 - - 13 -
20 - 24 1,523 1,227 86 - - 210 -
25 - 29 1,271 690 296 - 3 282 -
30 - 34 1,097 354 530 2 6 205 -
35 - 39 890 174 572 5 23 116 -
40 - 44 796 119 565 12 13 87 -
45 - 49 781 112 584 24 24 37 -
50 - 54 632 56 501 25 14 36 -
55 - 59 564 63 430 31 17 23 -
60 - 64 435 34 346 31 11 13 -
65 - 69 265 22 201 25 5 12 -
70 - 74 204 11 151 32 2 8 -
75 - 79 152 9 106 31 1 5 -
80 years 109 5 68 33 - 3 -
old and over

Female 11,353 4,702 4,478 973 133 1,067 -

Below 20 2,844 2,729 19 - - 96 -
20 - 24 1,389 892 172 - - 325 -
25 - 29 1,141 437 434 5 18 247 -
30 - 34 942 197 599 3 20 123 -
35 - 39 820 107 601 15 22 75 -
40 - 44 736 65 582 17 8 64 -
45 - 49 684 68 516 36 15 49 -
50 - 54 622 41 467 63 16 35 -
55 - 59 524 35 376 84 12 17 -
60 - 64 462 34 274 129 9 16 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
65 - 69 333 30 185 107 6 5 -
70 - 74 315 25 118 161 3 8 -
75 - 79 254 21 85 140 2 6 -
80 years
287 21 50 213 2 1 -
old and over

Both Sexes 31,853 14,276 12,769 2,006 367 2,435 -
Below 20 7,753 7,595 26 - - 132 -
20 - 24 3,618 2,784 320 1 - 513 -
25 - 29 2,964 1,451 952 6 29 526 -
30 - 34 2,710 750 1,507 11 42 400 -
35 - 39 2,346 383 1,595 32 44 292 -
40 - 44 2,150 293 1,569 37 59 192 -
45 - 49 2,097 264 1,564 87 59 123 -
50 - 54 1,894 178 1,459 129 30 98 -
55 - 59 1,688 159 1,246 180 42 61 -
60 - 64 1,357 127 935 226 29 40 -
65 - 69 1,148 103 698 302 20 25 -
70 - 74 835 76 458 270 8 23 -
75 - 79 623 49 277 287 4 6 -
80 years 670 64 163 438 1 4 -
old and over

Male 15,984 7,916 6,352 379 147 1,190 -

Below 20 4,020 3,982 7 - - 31 -
20 - 24 1,895 1,600 104 - - 191 -
25 - 29 1,526 871 371 1 6 277 -
30 - 34 1,411 467 719 3 13 209 -
35 - 39 1,223 251 782 11 14 165 -
40 - 44 1,136 202 794 3 29 108 -
45 - 49 1,023 166 749 19 25 64 -
50 - 54 946 101 749 26 14 56 -
55 - 59 842 104 649 46 14 29 -
60 - 64 696 71 524 59 15 27 -
65 - 69 534 50 394 65 10 15 -
70 - 74 342 31 254 39 5 13 -
75 - 79 210 10 150 47 1 2 -
80 years
180 10 106 60 1 3 -
old and over

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
Female 15,869 6,360 6,417 1,627 220 1,245 -
Below 20 3,733 3,613 19 - - 101 -
20 - 24 1,723 1,184 216 1 - 322 -
25 - 29 1,438 580 581 5 23 249 -
30 - 34 1,299 283 788 8 29 191 -
35 - 39 1,123 132 813 21 30 127 -
40 - 44 1,014 91 775 34 30 84 -
45 - 49 1,074 98 815 68 34 59 -
50 - 54 948 77 710 103 16 42 -
55 - 59 846 55 597 134 28 32 -
60 - 64 661 56 411 167 14 13 -
65 - 69 614 53 304 237 10 10 -
70 - 74 493 45 204 231 3 10 -
75 - 79 413 39 127 240 3 4 -
80 years
490 54 57 378 - 1 -
old and over

Both Sexes 25,674 11,333 10,188 1,718 242 2,193 -
Below 20 6,651 6,551 24 - - 76 -
20 - 24 2,628 1,978 231 - 4 415 -
25 - 29 2,139 973 649 6 10 501 -
30 - 34 1,969 518 1,049 6 20 376 -
35 - 39 1,913 332 1,272 20 26 263 -
40 - 44 1,766 259 1,265 32 32 178 -
45 - 49 1,678 183 1,269 53 28 145 -
50 - 54 1,592 145 1,211 109 32 95 -
55 - 59 1,452 129 1,087 149 31 56 -
60 - 64 1,185 86 855 195 19 30 -
65 - 69 893 63 566 221 17 26 -
70 - 74 646 37 331 253 9 16 -
75 - 79 549 30 231 271 8 9 -
80 years
613 49 148 403 6 7 -
old and over

Male 12,951 6,378 5,048 334 114 1,077 -

Below 20 3,484 3,469 4 - - 11 -
20 - 24 1,380 1,154 79 - - 147 -
25 - 29 1,100 609 242 3 3 243 -
30 - 34 1,033 330 479 2 10 212 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
35 - 39 1,005 224 592 9 16 164 -
40 - 44 932 174 623 15 13 107 -
45 - 49 876 128 648 18 12 70 -
50 - 54 833 100 643 30 17 43 -
55 - 59 722 81 562 36 13 30 -
60 - 64 580 50 471 32 10 17 -
65 - 69 381 29 289 40 9 14 -
70 - 74 270 14 197 44 3 12 -
75 - 79 185 10 122 46 4 3 -
80 years
170 6 97 59 4 4 -
old and over

Female 12,723 4,955 5,140 1,384 128 1,116 -

Below 20 3,167 3,082 20 - - 65 -
20 - 24 1,248 824 152 - 4 268 -
25 - 29 1,039 364 407 3 7 258 -
30 - 34 936 188 570 4 10 164 -
35 - 39 908 108 680 11 10 99 -
40 - 44 834 85 642 17 19 71 -
45 - 49 802 55 621 35 16 75 -
50 - 54 759 45 568 79 15 52 -
55 - 59 730 48 525 113 18 26 -
60 - 64 605 36 384 163 9 13 -
65 - 69 512 34 277 181 8 12 -
70 - 74 376 23 134 209 6 4 -
75 - 79 364 20 109 225 4 6 -
80 years
443 43 51 344 2 3 -
old and over

Both Sexes 14,917 6,802 5,485 794 186 1,650 -
Below 20 3,841 3,749 15 - - 77 -
20 - 24 1,775 1,239 131 - 13 392 -
25 - 29 1,523 686 399 4 19 415 -
30 - 34 1,336 336 677 4 16 303 -
35 - 39 1,200 231 762 15 25 167 -
40 - 44 1,046 149 742 21 22 112 -
45 - 49 933 114 687 31 30 71 -
50 - 54 737 75 547 49 21 45 -
55 - 59 637 49 476 71 14 27 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
60 - 64 539 40 389 79 16 15 -
65 - 69 487 38 308 123 6 12 -
70 - 74 370 31 192 137 4 6 -
75 - 79 273 32 101 134 - 6 -
80 years 220 33 59 126 - 2 -
old and over

Male 7,560 3,730 2,730 213 72 815 -

Below 20 2,002 1,982 3 - - 17 -
20 - 24 874 694 36 - 2 142 -
25 - 29 817 409 180 1 2 225 -
30 - 34 670 204 286 1 6 173 -
35 - 39 633 150 375 5 9 94 -
40 - 44 570 93 392 7 11 67 -
45 - 49 492 72 355 14 14 37 -
50 - 54 361 41 273 16 9 22 -
55 - 59 337 29 262 24 8 14 -
60 - 64 258 21 199 22 7 9 -
65 - 69 221 15 169 28 3 6 -
70 - 74 155 11 101 38 1 4 -
75 - 79 105 7 62 32 - 4 -
80 years
65 2 37 25 - 1 -
old and over

Female 7,357 3,072 2,755 581 114 835 -

Below 20 1,839 1,767 12 - - 60 -
20 - 24 901 545 95 - 11 250 -
25 - 29 706 277 219 3 17 190 -
30 - 34 666 132 391 3 10 130 -
35 - 39 567 81 387 10 16 73 -
40 - 44 476 56 350 14 11 45 -
45 - 49 441 42 332 17 16 34 -
50 - 54 376 34 274 33 12 23 -
55 - 59 300 20 214 47 6 13 -
60 - 64 281 19 190 57 9 6 -
65 - 69 266 23 139 95 3 6 -
70 - 74 215 20 91 99 3 2 -
75 - 79 168 25 39 102 - 2 -
80 years
155 31 22 101 - 1 -
old and over

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
Both Sexes 39,637 17,988 16,143 2,299 355 2,852 -
Below 20 9,853 9,661 36 - - 156 -
20 - 24 4,587 3,406 509 - - 672 -
25 - 29 4,011 1,879 1,465 9 25 633 -
30 - 34 3,533 958 2,035 16 42 482 -
35 - 39 3,007 518 2,124 24 33 308 -
40 - 44 2,551 350 1,931 41 45 184 -
45 - 49 2,474 285 1,916 76 56 141 -
50 - 54 2,300 270 1,731 146 49 104 -
55 - 59 1,913 153 1,425 207 47 81 -
60 - 64 1,536 141 1,079 253 18 45 -
65 - 69 1,329 129 822 330 21 27 -
70 - 74 1,002 96 519 365 10 12 -
75 - 79 752 72 335 333 6 6 -
80 years
789 70 216 499 3 1 -
old and over

Male 20,216 10,198 8,007 447 168 1,396 -

Below 20 5,144 5,112 5 - - 27 -
20 - 24 2,391 2,010 133 - - 248 -
25 - 29 2,198 1,209 632 2 5 350 -
30 - 34 1,866 631 942 2 17 274 -
35 - 39 1,600 349 1,055 9 19 168 -
40 - 44 1,349 243 954 9 26 117 -
45 - 49 1,282 198 975 16 22 71 -
50 - 54 1,169 166 892 31 28 52 -
55 - 59 938 92 738 42 20 46 -
60 - 64 737 62 596 46 11 22 -
65 - 69 624 58 471 72 12 11 -
70 - 74 385 34 277 65 4 5 -
75 - 79 281 21 193 61 2 4 -
80 years
252 13 144 92 2 1 -
old and over

Female 19,421 7,790 8,136 1,852 187 1,456 -

Below 20 4,709 4,549 31 - - 129 -
20 - 24 2,196 1,396 376 - - 424 -
25 - 29 1,813 670 833 7 20 283 -
30 - 34 1,667 327 1,093 14 25 208 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
35 - 39 1,407 169 1,069 15 14 140 -
40 - 44 1,202 107 977 32 19 67 -
45 - 49 1,192 87 941 60 34 70 -
50 - 54 1,131 104 839 115 21 52 -
55 - 59 975 61 687 165 27 35 -
60 - 64 799 79 483 207 7 23 -
65 - 69 705 71 351 258 9 16 -
70 - 74 617 62 242 300 6 7 -
75 - 79 471 51 142 272 4 2 -
80 years
537 57 72 407 1 - -
old and over

Both Sexes 65,043 28,226 26,018 3,691 1,141 5,967 -
Below 20 15,115 14,782 38 - - 295 -
20 - 24 7,498 5,510 636 - 27 1,325 -
25 - 29 6,519 2,984 1,970 11 97 1,457 -
30 - 34 5,927 1,552 3,203 38 151 983 -
35 - 39 5,548 881 3,800 50 169 648 -
40 - 44 4,600 625 3,308 99 150 418 -
45 - 49 4,530 544 3,326 181 146 333 -
50 - 54 3,910 418 2,896 267 131 198 -
55 - 59 3,374 316 2,389 420 105 144 -
60 - 64 2,721 230 1,823 529 74 65 -
65 - 69 1,991 151 1,220 517 51 52 -
70 - 74 1,297 83 694 475 19 26 -
75 - 79 921 52 440 399 16 14 -
80 years
1,092 98 275 705 5 9 -
old and over

Male 31,933 15,056 12,875 661 393 2,948 -

Below 20 7,677 7,596 7 - - 74 -
20 - 24 3,795 3,040 207 - 5 543 -
25 - 29 3,296 1,752 810 5 24 705 -
30 - 34 2,997 923 1,469 10 52 543 -
35 - 39 2,800 516 1,826 16 64 378 -
40 - 44 2,325 366 1,652 19 56 232 -
45 - 49 2,235 301 1,669 44 46 175 -
50 - 54 1,895 206 1,482 50 45 112 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
55 - 59 1,610 151 1,264 64 49 82 -
60 - 64 1,256 102 985 107 25 37 -
65 - 69 880 47 692 90 17 34 -
70 - 74 509 25 374 89 5 16 -
75 - 79 349 16 268 51 4 10 -
80 years
309 15 170 116 1 7 -
old and over

Female 33,110 13,170 13,143 3,030 748 3,019 -

Below 20 7,438 7,186 31 - - 221 -
20 - 24 3,703 2,470 429 - 22 782 -
25 - 29 3,223 1,232 1,160 6 73 752 -
30 - 34 2,930 629 1,734 28 99 440 -
35 - 39 2,748 365 1,974 34 105 270 -
40 - 44 2,275 259 1,656 80 94 186 -
45 - 49 2,295 243 1,657 137 100 158 -
50 - 54 2,015 212 1,414 217 86 86 -
55 - 59 1,764 165 1,125 356 56 62 -
60 - 64 1,465 128 838 422 49 28 -
65 - 69 1,111 104 528 427 34 18 -
70 - 74 788 58 320 386 14 10 -
75 - 79 572 36 172 348 12 4 -
80 years
783 83 105 589 4 2 -
old and over

Both Sexes 12,229 5,162 5,110 826 170 961 -
Below 20 2,719 2,638 5 - - 76 -
20 - 24 1,373 974 169 - - 230 -
25 - 29 1,231 565 424 - 14 228 -
30 - 34 1,137 295 654 13 19 156 -
35 - 39 1,062 204 727 10 22 99 -
40 - 44 844 118 642 18 18 48 -
45 - 49 796 98 587 37 26 48 -
50 - 54 712 67 525 63 28 29 -
55 - 59 631 56 449 86 20 20 -
60 - 64 509 44 345 97 10 13 -
65 - 69 431 32 281 103 4 11 -
70 - 74 304 24 158 116 3 3 -
75 - 79 208 22 91 90 5 - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
80 years
272 25 53 193 1 - -
old and over

Male 6,166 2,904 2,548 169 71 474 -

Below 20 1,418 1,401 - - - 17 -
20 - 24 690 540 49 - - 101 -
25 - 29 656 357 174 - 2 123 -
30 - 34 603 189 316 5 8 85 -
35 - 39 554 130 363 2 6 53 -
40 - 44 421 74 304 6 9 28 -
45 - 49 431 68 317 8 12 26 -
50 - 54 361 45 272 15 12 17 -
55 - 59 319 38 233 20 15 13 -
60 - 64 240 24 187 23 1 5 -
65 - 69 204 18 161 20 2 3 -
70 - 74 120 10 84 21 2 3 -
75 - 79 75 5 54 15 1 - -
80 years
74 5 34 34 1 - -
old and over

Female 6,063 2,258 2,562 657 99 487 -

Below 20 1,301 1,237 5 - - 59 -
20 - 24 683 434 120 - - 129 -
25 - 29 575 208 250 - 12 105 -
30 - 34 534 106 338 8 11 71 -
35 - 39 508 74 364 8 16 46 -
40 - 44 423 44 338 12 9 20 -
45 - 49 365 30 270 29 14 22 -
50 - 54 351 22 253 48 16 12 -
55 - 59 312 18 216 66 5 7 -
60 - 64 269 20 158 74 9 8 -
65 - 69 227 14 120 83 2 8 -
70 - 74 184 14 74 95 1 - -
75 - 79 133 17 37 75 4 - -
80 years
198 20 19 159 - - -
old and over

Both Sexes 21,815 10,071 9,259 1,040 199 1,246 -
Below 20 6,291 6,076 52 - - 163 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
20 - 24 2,826 1,982 500 - 2 342 -
25 - 29 2,269 946 1,008 10 17 288 -
30 - 34 1,771 403 1,173 13 23 159 -
35 - 39 1,453 206 1,103 21 26 97 -
40 - 44 1,383 126 1,143 36 19 59 -
45 - 49 1,291 102 1,065 56 27 41 -
50 - 54 1,141 57 950 78 25 31 -
55 - 59 949 57 732 103 25 32 -
60 - 64 712 34 529 119 13 17 -
65 - 69 567 32 389 129 5 12 -
70 - 74 453 26 290 127 6 4 -
75 - 79 328 12 185 123 7 1 -
80 years
381 12 140 225 4 - -
old and over

Male 11,136 5,566 4,624 238 92 616 -

Below 20 3,204 3,168 8 - - 28 -
20 - 24 1,479 1,161 161 - - 157 -
25 - 29 1,226 621 430 4 3 168 -
30 - 34 914 241 564 3 7 99 -
35 - 39 755 122 564 3 13 53 -
40 - 44 692 76 562 12 9 33 -
45 - 49 671 67 550 20 13 21 -
50 - 54 606 34 513 26 15 18 -
55 - 59 468 33 378 26 14 17 -
60 - 64 371 18 310 22 9 12 -
65 - 69 268 15 219 26 2 6 -
70 - 74 202 8 169 19 3 3 -
75 - 79 137 - 111 22 3 1 -
80 years
143 2 85 55 1 - -
old and over

Female 10,679 4,505 4,635 802 107 630 -

Below 20 3,087 2,908 44 - - 135 -
20 - 24 1,347 821 339 - 2 185 -
25 - 29 1,043 325 578 6 14 120 -
30 - 34 857 162 609 10 16 60 -
35 - 39 698 84 539 18 13 44 -
40 - 44 691 50 581 24 10 26 -
45 - 49 620 35 515 36 14 20 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
50 - 54 535 23 437 52 10 13 -
55 - 59 481 24 354 77 11 15 -
60 - 64 341 16 219 97 4 5 -
65 - 69 299 17 170 103 3 6 -
70 - 74 251 18 121 108 3 1 -
75 - 79 191 12 74 101 4 - -
80 years
238 10 55 170 3 - -
old and over

Both Sexes 14,657 6,847 5,558 805 82 1,365 -
Below 20 4,055 3,980 8 - - 67 -
20 - 24 1,776 1,294 157 1 - 324 -
25 - 29 1,405 648 437 6 8 306 -
30 - 34 1,132 287 606 7 8 224 -
35 - 39 1,041 178 695 3 7 158 -
40 - 44 946 130 697 13 8 98 -
45 - 49 886 73 694 35 18 66 -
50 - 54 774 66 613 41 17 37 -
55 - 59 684 61 515 73 9 26 -
60 - 64 557 47 389 94 4 23 -
65 - 69 479 26 325 113 1 14 -
70 - 74 373 29 199 132 2 11 -
75 - 79 272 14 123 130 - 5 -
80 years
277 14 100 157 - 6 -
old and over

Male 7,606 3,953 2,766 175 37 675 -

Below 20 2,167 2,158 - - - 9 -
20 - 24 949 776 52 - - 121 -
25 - 29 737 407 172 3 1 154 -
30 - 34 615 197 275 2 4 137 -
35 - 39 562 131 333 1 2 95 -
40 - 44 494 93 339 5 5 52 -
45 - 49 472 57 357 12 8 38 -
50 - 54 385 30 318 11 8 18 -
55 - 59 349 40 270 22 4 13 -
60 - 64 295 31 221 25 4 14 -
65 - 69 221 12 177 19 1 12 -
70 - 74 157 13 113 26 - 5 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
75 - 79 109 5 75 27 - 2 -
80 years 94 3 64 22 - 5 -
old and over

Female 7,051 2,894 2,792 630 45 690 -

Below 20 1,888 1,822 8 - - 58 -
20 - 24 827 518 105 1 - 203 -
25 - 29 668 241 265 3 7 152 -
30 - 34 517 90 331 5 4 87 -
35 - 39 479 47 362 2 5 63 -
40 - 44 452 37 358 8 3 46 -
45 - 49 414 16 337 23 10 28 -
50 - 54 389 36 295 30 9 19 -
55 - 59 335 21 245 51 5 13 -
60 - 64 262 16 168 69 - 9 -
65 - 69 258 14 148 94 - 2 -
70 - 74 216 16 86 106 2 6 -
75 - 79 163 9 48 103 - 3 -
80 years
183 11 36 135 - 1 -
old and over

Both Sexes 21,633 9,634 8,604 1,350 348 1,697 -
Below 20 5,325 5,223 10 - - 92 -
20 - 24 2,499 1,810 271 3 - 415 -
25 - 29 2,111 967 718 1 38 387 -
30 - 34 1,923 466 1,129 7 52 269 -
35 - 39 1,636 299 1,107 16 46 168 -
40 - 44 1,523 231 1,084 32 48 128 -
45 - 49 1,389 173 1,029 57 38 92 -
50 - 54 1,235 128 947 81 31 48 -
55 - 59 1,035 102 756 105 34 38 -
60 - 64 946 78 633 174 31 30 -
65 - 69 756 53 434 242 13 14 -
70 - 74 510 37 265 188 11 9 -
75 - 79 353 36 130 176 5 6 -
80 years
392 31 91 268 1 1 -
old and over

Male 10,925 5,418 4,267 268 135 837 -

Below 20 2,729 2,710 1 - - 18 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
20 - 24 1,267 1,032 78 3 - 154 -
25 - 29 1,113 601 290 - 9 213 -
30 - 34 1,000 318 519 3 14 146 -
35 - 39 863 204 541 4 13 101 -
40 - 44 813 169 541 6 26 71 -
45 - 49 748 129 526 22 19 52 -
50 - 54 655 89 507 16 16 27 -
55 - 59 509 62 396 20 13 18 -
60 - 64 461 39 351 38 14 19 -
65 - 69 316 27 238 37 5 9 -
70 - 74 212 17 150 38 4 3 -
75 - 79 133 13 74 39 2 5 -
80 years
106 8 55 42 - 1 -
old and over

Female 10,708 4,216 4,337 1,082 213 860 -

Below 20 2,596 2,513 9 - - 74 -
20 - 24 1,232 778 193 - - 261 -
25 - 29 998 366 428 1 29 174 -
30 - 34 923 148 610 4 38 123 -
35 - 39 773 95 566 12 33 67 -
40 - 44 710 62 543 26 22 57 -
45 - 49 641 44 503 35 19 40 -
50 - 54 580 39 440 65 15 21 -
55 - 59 526 40 360 85 21 20 -
60 - 64 485 39 282 136 17 11 -
65 - 69 440 26 196 205 8 5 -
70 - 74 298 20 115 150 7 6 -
75 - 79 220 23 56 137 3 1 -
80 years
286 23 36 226 1 - -
old and over

Both Sexes 39,975 17,187 14,580 1,134 342 6,732 -
Below 20 9,782 9,421 40 - - 321 -
20 - 24 5,892 3,616 644 1 3 1,628 -
25 - 29 5,475 1,843 1,771 12 31 1,818 -
30 - 34 4,555 914 2,422 23 41 1,155 -
35 - 39 3,726 460 2,433 38 52 743 -
40 - 44 2,714 257 1,939 49 44 425 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
45 - 49 2,285 179 1,736 60 45 265 -
50 - 54 1,702 159 1,231 100 46 166 -
55 - 59 1,231 95 868 131 34 103 -
60 - 64 926 83 617 146 27 53 -
65 - 69 650 56 395 160 12 27 -
70 - 74 439 53 241 125 5 15 -
75 - 79 304 23 146 125 2 8 -
80 years
294 28 97 164 - 5 -
old and over

Male 20,536 9,457 7,344 232 133 3,370 -

Below 20 4,987 4,911 8 - - 68 -
20 - 24 2,959 2,060 215 - - 684 -
25 - 29 2,859 1,134 798 3 9 915 -
30 - 34 2,473 588 1,186 9 17 673 -
35 - 39 2,014 295 1,281 6 15 417 -
40 - 44 1,451 144 1,025 11 16 255 -
45 - 49 1,212 105 932 10 20 145 -
50 - 54 838 80 622 29 18 89 -
55 - 59 621 49 481 22 12 57 -
60 - 64 439 37 327 30 14 31 -
65 - 69 268 21 195 26 7 19 -
70 - 74 192 20 136 23 3 10 -
75 - 79 125 5 88 25 2 5 -
80 years
98 8 50 38 - 2 -
old and over

Female 19,439 7,730 7,236 902 209 3,362 -

Below 20 4,795 4,510 32 - - 253 -
20 - 24 2,933 1,556 429 1 3 944 -
25 - 29 2,616 709 973 9 22 903 -
30 - 34 2,082 326 1,236 14 24 482 -
35 - 39 1,712 165 1,152 32 37 326 -
40 - 44 1,263 113 914 38 28 170 -
45 - 49 1,073 74 804 50 25 120 -
50 - 54 864 79 609 71 28 77 -
55 - 59 610 46 387 109 22 46 -
60 - 64 487 46 290 116 13 22 -
65 - 69 382 35 200 134 5 8 -
70 - 74 247 33 105 102 2 5 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
75 - 79 179 18 58 100 - 3 -
80 years
196 20 47 126 - 3 -
old and over

Both Sexes 18,599 8,284 7,202 1,276 223 1,614 -
Below 20 4,555 4,459 7 - - 89 -
20 - 24 2,059 1,559 156 - - 344 -
25 - 29 1,758 875 457 6 14 406 -
30 - 34 1,536 416 802 3 21 294 -
35 - 39 1,393 251 915 12 26 189 -
40 - 44 1,210 164 881 21 28 116 -
45 - 49 1,179 130 911 41 30 67 -
50 - 54 1,054 109 802 72 30 41 -
55 - 59 897 78 669 103 22 25 -
60 - 64 864 77 596 148 20 23 -
65 - 69 679 46 437 174 14 8 -
70 - 74 537 42 275 204 13 3 -
75 - 79 395 36 169 184 2 4 -
80 years
483 42 125 308 3 5 -
old and over

Male 9,412 4,718 3,571 229 104 790 -

Below 20 2,380 2,366 - - - 14 -
20 - 24 1,097 928 45 - - 124 -
25 - 29 932 553 170 - 6 203 -
30 - 34 809 273 356 1 10 169 -
35 - 39 733 160 449 6 10 108 -
40 - 44 624 118 425 3 13 65 -
45 - 49 639 98 468 10 20 43 -
50 - 54 527 62 413 16 14 22 -
55 - 59 428 46 339 22 9 12 -
60 - 64 446 53 344 24 7 18 -
65 - 69 300 29 228 30 8 5 -
70 - 74 218 16 158 36 6 2 -
75 - 79 137 7 100 27 1 2 -
80 years
142 9 76 54 - 3 -
old and over

Female 9,187 3,566 3,631 1,047 119 824 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
Below 20 2,175 2,093 7 - - 75 -
20 - 24 962 631 111 - - 220 -
25 - 29 826 322 287 6 8 203 -
30 - 34 727 143 446 2 11 125 -
35 - 39 660 91 466 6 16 81 -
40 - 44 586 46 456 18 15 51 -
45 - 49 540 32 443 31 10 24 -
50 - 54 527 47 389 56 16 19 -
55 - 59 469 32 330 81 13 13 -
60 - 64 418 24 252 124 13 5 -
65 - 69 379 17 209 144 6 3 -
70 - 74 319 26 117 168 7 1 -
75 - 79 258 29 69 157 1 2 -
80 years
341 33 49 254 3 2 -
old and over

Both Sexes 28,066 12,927 10,225 1,426 189 3,299 -
Below 20 7,846 7,651 27 1 1 166 -
20 - 24 3,479 2,403 296 3 7 770 -
25 - 29 2,883 1,152 846 6 9 870 -
30 - 34 2,409 545 1,255 11 23 575 -
35 - 39 2,151 334 1,401 31 30 355 -
40 - 44 1,927 223 1,445 40 17 202 -
45 - 49 1,685 193 1,263 71 29 129 -
50 - 54 1,446 116 1,092 123 23 92 -
55 - 59 1,195 92 885 135 22 61 -
60 - 64 909 70 605 186 8 40 -
65 - 69 750 48 477 190 13 22 -
70 - 74 601 41 336 211 4 9 -
75 - 79 388 28 170 183 - 7 -
80 years
397 31 127 235 3 1 -
old and over

Male 14,401 7,295 5,075 314 74 1,643 -

Below 20 4,125 4,082 9 1 - 33 -
20 - 24 1,877 1,473 92 2 1 309 -
25 - 29 1,508 718 350 4 2 434 -
30 - 34 1,265 352 570 4 5 334 -
35 - 39 1,134 203 687 15 8 221 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
40 - 44 1,005 137 732 8 9 119 -
45 - 49 860 131 638 23 11 57 -
50 - 54 723 64 569 23 13 54 -
55 - 59 592 53 465 30 11 33 -
60 - 64 436 30 342 39 3 22 -
65 - 69 321 18 247 33 7 16 -
70 - 74 267 21 200 39 2 5 -
75 - 79 139 6 93 35 - 5 -
80 years
149 7 81 58 2 1 -
old and over

Female 13,665 5,632 5,150 1,112 115 1,656 -

Below 20 3,721 3,569 18 - 1 133 -
20 - 24 1,602 930 204 1 6 461 -
25 - 29 1,375 434 496 2 7 436 -
30 - 34 1,144 193 685 7 18 241 -
35 - 39 1,017 131 714 16 22 134 -
40 - 44 922 86 713 32 8 83 -
45 - 49 825 62 625 48 18 72 -
50 - 54 723 52 523 100 10 38 -
55 - 59 603 39 420 105 11 28 -
60 - 64 473 40 263 147 5 18 -
65 - 69 429 30 230 157 6 6 -
70 - 74 334 20 136 172 2 4 -
75 - 79 249 22 77 148 - 2 -
80 years
248 24 46 177 1 - -
old and over

Both Sexes 35,917 15,798 14,594 1,879 290 3,356 -
Below 20 8,692 8,510 22 - - 160 -
20 - 24 4,183 3,018 428 - - 737 -
25 - 29 3,675 1,701 1,122 8 22 822 -
30 - 34 3,234 876 1,771 17 31 539 -
35 - 39 2,836 425 1,983 27 44 357 -
40 - 44 2,474 333 1,826 38 33 244 -
45 - 49 2,424 289 1,844 64 46 181 -
50 - 54 2,125 206 1,605 131 38 145 -
55 - 59 1,745 125 1,325 186 29 80 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
60 - 64 1,488 114 1,067 237 17 53 -
65 - 69 1,117 77 753 250 14 23 -
70 - 74 770 41 432 279 7 11 -
75 - 79 587 33 259 284 8 3 -
80 years
567 50 157 358 1 1 -
old and over

Male 18,144 8,792 7,200 356 136 1,660 -

Below 20 4,446 4,417 4 - - 25 -
20 - 24 2,174 1,739 131 - - 304 -
25 - 29 1,931 1,036 472 4 4 415 -
30 - 34 1,689 558 809 3 17 302 -
35 - 39 1,433 259 949 10 17 198 -
40 - 44 1,284 221 903 12 13 135 -
45 - 49 1,258 192 929 14 22 101 -
50 - 54 1,124 142 851 25 23 83 -
55 - 59 885 80 704 41 13 47 -
60 - 64 732 67 581 50 8 26 -
65 - 69 494 38 394 40 9 13 -
70 - 74 316 22 231 51 5 7 -
75 - 79 230 10 153 59 5 3 -
80 years
148 11 89 47 - 1 -
old and over

Female 17,773 7,006 7,394 1,523 154 1,696 -

Below 20 4,246 4,093 18 - - 135 -
20 - 24 2,009 1,279 297 - - 433 -
25 - 29 1,744 665 650 4 18 407 -
30 - 34 1,545 318 962 14 14 237 -
35 - 39 1,403 166 1,034 17 27 159 -
40 - 44 1,190 112 923 26 20 109 -
45 - 49 1,166 97 915 50 24 80 -
50 - 54 1,001 64 754 106 15 62 -
55 - 59 860 45 621 145 16 33 -
60 - 64 756 47 486 187 9 27 -
65 - 69 623 39 359 210 5 10 -
70 - 74 454 19 201 228 2 4 -
75 - 79 357 23 106 225 3 - -
80 years
419 39 68 311 1 - -
old and over

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated

Both Sexes 25,828 10,912 11,305 1,459 247 1,905 -
Below 20 5,851 5,737 22 - - 92 -
20 - 24 2,773 2,009 332 2 3 427 -
25 - 29 2,686 1,182 1,043 7 18 436 -
30 - 34 2,575 611 1,591 9 28 336 -
35 - 39 2,149 409 1,502 21 32 185 -
40 - 44 1,932 233 1,471 24 41 163 -
45 - 49 1,694 209 1,271 71 44 99 -
50 - 54 1,541 167 1,198 101 25 50 -
55 - 59 1,382 112 1,028 169 24 49 -
60 - 64 1,125 75 811 198 13 28 -
65 - 69 809 67 497 216 8 21 -
70 - 74 553 37 285 209 7 15 -
75 - 79 389 32 169 184 2 2 -
80 years
369 32 85 248 2 2 -
old and over

Male 12,890 5,959 5,610 284 99 938 -

Below 20 3,021 2,996 4 - - 21 -
20 - 24 1,409 1,117 116 - 1 175 -
25 - 29 1,316 663 431 2 6 214 -
30 - 34 1,323 373 755 1 12 182 -
35 - 39 1,142 267 752 6 11 106 -
40 - 44 1,007 143 739 13 15 97 -
45 - 49 871 140 641 22 17 51 -
50 - 54 779 104 616 25 10 24 -
55 - 59 653 59 523 30 12 29 -
60 - 64 527 38 433 36 3 17 -
65 - 69 368 29 281 40 7 11 -
70 - 74 229 16 164 38 2 9 -
75 - 79 149 12 103 31 2 1 -
80 years
96 2 52 40 1 1 -
old and over

Female 12,938 4,953 5,695 1,175 148 967 -

Below 20 2,830 2,741 18 - - 71 -
20 - 24 1,364 892 216 2 2 252 -
25 - 29 1,370 519 612 5 12 222 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
30 - 34 1,252 238 836 8 16 154 -
35 - 39 1,007 142 750 15 21 79 -
40 - 44 925 90 732 11 26 66 -
45 - 49 823 69 630 49 27 48 -
50 - 54 762 63 582 76 15 26 -
55 - 59 729 53 505 139 12 20 -
60 - 64 598 37 378 162 10 11 -
65 - 69 441 38 216 176 1 10 -
70 - 74 324 21 121 171 5 6 -
75 - 79 240 20 66 153 - 1 -
80 years
273 30 33 208 1 1 -
old and ove

Both Sexes 17,286 7,599 6,863 994 237 1,593 -
Below 20 4,490 4,399 9 - - 82 -
20 - 24 2,029 1,402 211 - 14 402 -
25 - 29 1,710 701 609 3 22 375 -
30 - 34 1,462 336 835 4 29 258 -
35 - 39 1,289 185 910 17 33 144 -
40 - 44 1,164 150 855 23 26 110 -
45 - 49 1,143 115 864 38 33 93 -
50 - 54 1,027 92 789 71 28 47 -
55 - 59 854 70 629 100 26 29 -
60 - 64 679 53 459 135 13 19 -
65 - 69 501 37 312 138 6 8 -
70 - 74 351 24 178 129 5 15 -
75 - 79 274 11 126 131 1 5 -
80 years
313 24 77 205 1 6 -
old and over

Male 8,799 4,326 3,398 193 108 774 -

Below 20 2,292 2,280 1 - - 11 -
20 - 24 1,064 852 56 - 5 151 -
25 - 29 918 458 251 2 4 203 -
30 - 34 791 235 396 1 8 151 -
35 - 39 653 138 416 5 16 78 -
40 - 44 662 110 464 7 16 65 -
45 - 49 609 79 452 13 16 49 -
50 - 54 507 62 395 14 15 21 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Marital Status
Sex/Age Common-
10 Years Divorced/
Group Single Married Widowed Law/ Unknown
Old and Separated
55 - 59 422 45 332 19 10 16 -
60 - 64 321 34 250 22 9 6 -
65 - 69 210 19 159 22 3 7 -
70 - 74 156 7 102 32 4 11 -
75 - 79 99 5 71 20 1 2 -
80 years
95 2 53 36 1 3 -
old and over

Female 8,487 3,273 3,465 801 129 819 -

Below 20 2,198 2,119 8 - - 71 -
20 - 24 965 550 155 - 9 251 -
25 - 29 792 243 358 1 18 172 -
30 - 34 671 101 439 3 21 107 -
35 - 39 636 47 494 12 17 66 -
40 - 44 502 40 391 16 10 45 -
45 - 49 534 36 412 25 17 44 -
50 - 54 520 30 394 57 13 26 -
55 - 59 432 25 297 81 16 13 -
60 - 64 358 19 209 113 4 13 -
65 - 69 291 18 153 116 3 1 -
70 - 74 195 17 76 97 1 4 -
75 - 79 175 6 55 111 - 3 -
80 years
218 22 24 169 - 3 -
old and ove
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Table 1.7 Total Population by Religious Affiliation and Sex, Aklan: 2015
Religious Affiliation Both Sexes Male Female
Total 574,823 292,791 282,032
Aglipay 6,542 3,313 3,229
Association of Baptist Churches in
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao 33 14 19
Association of Fundamental Baptist
Churches in the Philippines 3,945 1,979 1,966
Bible Baptist Church 1,376 675 701
Bread of Life Ministries 9 5 4
Buddhist 44 26 18
Church of Christ 264 136 128

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.7 Total Population by Religious Affiliation and Sex, Aklan: 2015
Religious Affiliation Both Sexes Male Female
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day
Saints 1,442 691 751
Convention of the Philippine Baptist
Church 598 300 298
Crusaders of the Divine Church of
Christ, Incorporated 24 16 8
Door of Faith 10 4 6
Evangelical Christian Outreach
Foundation 84 37 47
Evangelicals (Philippine Council of
Evangelical Churches) 16,461 8,153 8,308
Iglesia ni Cristo 9,043 4,593 4,450
Iglesia sa Dios Espiritu Santo,
Incorporated 17 10 7
International Baptist Missionary
Fellowship 20 11 9
Islam 1,724 870 854
Jehovah’s Witness 3,365 1,563 1,802
Jesus is Lord Church 371 185 186
Miracle Revival Church of the
Philippines 12 4 8
National Council of Churches in the
Philippines 575 310 265
Philippine Ecumenical Christian Church 7 4 3
Philippine Independent Catholic
Church 13 8 5
Potter’s House Christian Center 33 22 11
Roman Catholic, including Catholic
Charismatic 521,444 266,301 255,143
Seventh Day Adventist 6,641 3,187 3,454
United Church of Christ in the
Philippines 361 199 162
United Pentecostal Church
(Philippines), Incorporated 297 149 148
Victory Chapel Christian Fellowship 68 26 42
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Table 1.8 Population, Land Area, Population Density, and Percent Change in
Population Density by Municipality, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Population Land Area
Province/ (square
Municipality 2000 2010 2015 kilometers)
Aklan 451,314 535,725 574,823 1,760.30
Altavas 22,496 23,919 24,619 109.05

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.8 Population, Land Area, Population Density, and Percent Change in
Population Density by Municipality, Aklan: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Population Land Area
Province/ (square
Municipality 2000 2010 2015 kilometers)
Balete 23,616 27,197 28,920 118.93
Banga 32,128 38,063 39,505 84.53
Batan 27,889 30,312 32,032 79.22
Buruanga 15,077 16,962 19,003 56.44
Ibajay 39,643 45,279 49,564 158.90
Kalibo (Capital) 62,438 74,619 80,605 50.75
Lezo 12,393 14,518 15,224 23.40
Libacao 25,983 28,005 28,241 254.98
Madalag 17,441 18,168 18,389 269.60
Makato 22,777 25,461 27,262 103.45
Malay 24,519 45,811 52,973 10.66
Malinao 23,699 24,108 23,194 186.01
Nabas 25,014 31,052 36,435 96.82
New Washington 33,981 42,112 45,007 66.69
Numancia 24,614 29,862 31,934 28.84
Tangalan 17,606 20,277 21,916 62.03
Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2000 and 2010 Census of Population and Housing, and 2015
Census of Population and Land Management Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural
Resources, 2013 Masterlist of Land Areas of Cities and Municipalities

Table 1.8- Continued

Population Density
Percent Change in Population
Province/ (person per square
Municipality kilometer)
2000 2010 2015 2000-2010 2000-2015 2010-2015
Aklan 256 304 327 18.7 27.4 7.3
Altavas 206 219 226 6.3 9.4 2.9
Balete 199 229 243 15.2 22.5 6.3
Banga 380 450 467 18.5 23.0 3.8
Batan 352 383 404 8.7 14.9 5.7
Buruanga 267 301 337 12.5 26.0 12.0
Ibajay * 249 285 312 14.2 25.0 9.5
Kalibo (Capital) 1,230 1,470 1,588 19.5 29.1 8.0
Lezo 530 620 651 17.1 22.8 4.9
Libacao 102 110 111 7.8 8.7 0.8
Madalag 65 67 68 4.2 5.4 1.2
Makato 220 246 264 11.8 19.7 7.1
Malay 2,300 4,297 4,969 86.8 116.0 15.6
Malinao 127 130 125 1.7 (2.1) (3.8)
Nabas 258 321 376 24.1 45.7 17.3
New Washington 510 631 675 23.9 32.4 6.9

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 1

Table 1.8- Continued

Population Density
Percent Change in Population
Province/ (person per square
Municipality kilometer)
2000 2010 2015 2000-2010 2000-2015 2010-2015
Numancia 853 1,035 1,107 21.3 29.7 6.9
Tangalan 284 327 353 15.2 24.5 8.1
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2000, 2010, and Census of Population and Housing

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Indicator Particulars
Occupied Housing Units The Province of Aklan recorded a total of 132,784
occupied housing units as of August 1, 2015. This
showed an increase of 15.4 percent or 17,698
housing units from 115,086 reported in 2010. This
translates to a ratio of 101 households for every 100
occupied housing units, with an average of 431
persons per 100 occupied housing units. In 2010,
there were 101 households per 100 occupied
housing units with an average of 459 persons in
every 100 occupied housing units.

Occupied Housing Units by Among the municipalities of Aklan, Kalibo posted

Municipality with the highest number of occupied housing units
of 17,784 or 13.4 percent of the total occupied
housing units in the province. It was followed by
Malay with 12,618 units (9.5 percent) and Ibajay
with 10,931 units (8.2 percent). On the contrary,
ranked lowest was the municipality of Lezo with
3,491 (2.6 percent), Buruanga with 4,219 (3.2
percent), and Madalag with 4,239 (3.2 percent).

Highest increase was noted in Malay which went up

by 25.6 percent to 12,618 compared from 10,043
units recorded in 2010. This was seconded by Nabas
with 23.6 percent (from 6,336 in 2010 to 7,829 in
2015) and Buruanga with 21.5 percent (from 3,473
in 2010 to 4,219 in 2015).

Occupied Housing Units by Of the 132,784 occupied housing units in Aklan,

Type of Building/House single houses were the most common among all
types of building/house which accounted for 95.3
percent. It went up by 14.6 percent compared to
110,392 single houses reported in 2010. Likewise,
duplex-type houses shared 2.8 percent and
increased by 81.8 percent from 2,009 in 2010 to
3,652 in 2015. Highest increase was noted in multi-
unit residential structures in which it increased by
152.0 percent from 946 units in 2010, it went up to
2,384 units in 2015. On the other hand, other types
of building each accounted for less than one
percent and exhibited decrease in 2015.

Likewise, there is about 428 persons in every 100

households. Among building types, average
household size of households occupying single

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Indicator Particulars
houses decreased from 462 persons per 100
households recorded in 2010 down to 431 persons
per 100 households in 2015. Similarly, average
household size of households occupying duplex-
type buildings dropped from 425 persons per 100
households in 2010 to 399 persons per 100
households in 2015. On the contrary, average
household sizes of households occupying other
type of buildings showed increase from 2010 to

Ratio of Households and In 2015, there are 101 households in every 100
Household Population to occupied housing units in Aklan, which implies that
Occupied Housing Units there are occupied housing units in the province
inhibited by more than one household. Highest ratio
of households to occupied housing units was noted
in the municipality of Lezo with 103 households per
100 occupied housing units. Only municipalities of
Banga, Batan, Libacao, Malay, Malinao, and New
Washington have a 1 is to 1 ratio of households to
occupied housing units.

In addition, ratio of household population to

occupied housing units is highest in the municipality
of Nabas in which it recorded 465 persons per 100
occupied housing units. It was followed by Ibajay
with 453 persons per 100 occupied housing units
and Buruanga with 450 persons per 100 occupied
housing units. Conversely, Batan posted the lowest
ratio of 404 persons per 100 occupied housing units.
Malay and Altavas, followed next, with 410 persons
and 413 persons per 100 occupied housing units,

Construction Materials of In 2015, about two-fifths (42.4 percent or 56,261

Roof and Outer Walls of units) of the occupied housing units in the province
Occupied Housing Units have outer walls made of concrete/brick/stone. It
increased by 24.0 percent compared to 45,358
occupied housing units in 2010. On the other hand,
occupied housing units with outer walls made of
bamboo/cogon/nipa/anahaw declined by 6.8
percent from 48,997 housing units in 2010 to 45,684
housing units in 2015.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Indicator Particulars
Meanwhile, occupied housing units with roofs
made of galvanized iron/aluminium increased by
62.0 percent from 52,349 housing units in 2010 to
84,792 housing units in 2015. Roofs made of
bamboo/cogon/nipa/ anahaw dropped by 32.5
percent from 58,054 housing units in 2010 to 39,179
housing units in 2015.

Tenure Status of Occupied Out of 133,679 households in 2015, three out of five
Housing Units and Lot (or 61.0 percent) households lived in house and lots
that they own or possess.

Moreover, households who own houses which

occupied lots that are rent-free with consent of
owner accounted for 26.5 percent, while 4.9
percent own houses but rent the lot they occupied,
3.5 percent rent house/room and lot, and 3.3
percent lived in rent-free house and lot with
consent of the owner. Other categories of tenure
status each accounted for less than one percent.

Fuel for Lighting In 2015, about nine out of ten (93.9 percent or
125,466) households have been reached by supply
of electricity, higher by 20.3 percent compared to
104,283 households recorded in 2010. This means
that most households in the province use electricity
as their fuel for lighting. However, there were 6,691
households (5.21 percent) who still use kerosene
(gas), but it dropped by 36.9 percent from 11,029
households who used this type of fuel in 2010.
Meanwhile, other fuels each shared less than one

Source of Water for Drinking Majority (19.6 percent) of the households in Aklan
in 2015 used shared tubed/piped deep well as their
source of water for drinking. It was followed by
households who own use faucet community water
system with 19.5 percent, and 17.1 percent drink
bottled water. On the contrary, there were 3.0
percent who drink water from unprotected sping
and 2.3 percent from tubed/piped shallow well.

Moreover, households who drink from their own

faucet community water system dropped by 16.9
percent compared to 31,427 households in 2010.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Indicator Particulars
On the contrary, households who drink bottled
water increased by over three times its value in 2010
with 5,498. It is also important to note that there are
no more households who drink water from lakes,
rivers, rain, and peddlers in 2015.

Source of Water for About three in ten (or 27.9 percent) households
Cooking have own use faucet community water system as
source of water used for cooking. Followed next
was shared tubed/piped deep well with 21.5
percent, own use tubed/piped deep well with 15.2
percent, and shared faucet community water
system with 14.0 percent. Conversely, 2.9 percent
made use of water from unprotected spring, 2.6
percent from tubed/piped shallow well, and 1.4
percent used bottled water.

In addition, households who use bottled water for

cooking increased by almost 10 times it value in
2010 with 179. Followed next were households who
use water from shared tubed/piped deep well with
55.0 percent, and those who use water from shared
faucet community water system with 50.5 percent.
It is also noted that no households use water for
cooking from lakes, rivers, rain and peddlers in 2015.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Statistical Tables


Table 2.1 Occupied Housing Units by Municipality, Aklan: 1960 – 2015 127

Table 2.2 Number of Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, 128

Household Population, Average Household Size, and Ratio
of Households and Household Population to Occupied
Housing Units by Type of Building and Municipality8, Aklan:

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the 135

Roof and the Outer Walls, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015

Table 2.4 Number of Households by Type of Building, Tenure Status of 151

the Housing Unit/Lot, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015

Table 2.5 Number of Households by Kind of Fuel for Lighting and 164
Municipality, Aklan: 2015

Table 2.6 Number of Households by Main Source of Water Supply for 166
Drinking and Municipality, Aklan: 2015

Table 2.7 Number of Households by Main Source of Water Supply for 168
Cooking and Municipality, Aklan: 2015

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.1 Occupied Housing Units by Municipality, Aklan: 1960 - 2015

Censal Year
1960 1970 1980 1990
Feb 15 May 6 May 1 May 1
AKLAN 41,386 46,381 57,795 70,413
Altavas 2,334 2,521 3,122 3,767
Balete 2,242 2,416 3,139 3,591
Banga 3,242 3,667 4,447 5,449
Batan 3,201 3,613 4,167 4,960
Buruanga 1,498 1,672 1,987 2,281
Ibajay 4,653 5,015 5,592 6,747
Kalibo (Capital) 3,867 5,101 7,000 9,376
Lezo 1,176 1,267 1,792 2,036
Libacao 2,782 2,681 3,554 3,748
Madalag 2,039 2,086 2,333 2,617
Makato 2,091 2,369 2,939 3,560
Malay 1,158 1,375 1,743 2,758
Malinao 2,681 2,850 3,478 3,740
Nabas 2,152 2,520 3,062 3,700
New Washington 2,890 3,358 4,555 5,648
Numancia 1,978 2,181 2,901 3,757
Tangalan 1,402 1,689 1,984 2,678
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 2.1- Continued

Censal Year
2000 2007 2010 2015
May 1 May 1 May 1 May 1
AKLAN 86,600 102,402 115,086 132,784
Altavas 4,107 4,884 5,139 5,950
Balete 4,520 5,654 6,041 6,974
Banga 6,436 7,069 7,849 9,243
Batan 5,830 6,398 6,917 7,929

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.1- Continued

Censal Year
2000 2007 2010 2015
May 1 May 1 May 1 May 1
Buruanga 2,730 3,198 3,473 4,219
Ibajay 7,581 9,069 9,820 10,931
Kalibo (Capital) 12,473 14,746 16,519 17,784
Lezo 2,486 2,893 3,107 3,491
Libacao 4,550 5,206 5,959 6,556
Madalag 3,064 3,479 3,587 4,239
Makato 4,305 4,991 5,526 6,538
Malay 4,712 6,405 10,043 12,618
Malinao 4,355 4,697 5,068 5,411
Nabas 4,627 5,749 6,336 7,829
New Washington 6,673 8,120 9,063 10,820
Numancia 4,858 5,817 6,426 7,332
Tangalan 3,293 4,027 4,213 4,920
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 2.2 Number of Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, Household Population,
Average Household Size, and Ratio of Households and Household Population to Occupied
Housing Units by Type of Building and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Ratio of
Ratio of
Occupied Number of Average Population
Type of Building and Household to
Housing Households Household to
Municipality Population* Occupied
Units * Size Occupied
Total 132,784 133,679 572,599 4.28 1.01 4.31
Single house 126,483 127,312 549,264 4.31 1.01 4.34
Duplex 3,652 3,686 14,711 3.99 1.01 4.03
2,384 2,403 7,557 3.14 1.01 3.17
industrial/ 178 179 659 3.68 1.01 3.70
Institutional living
2 2 3 1.50 1.00 1.50
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 85 97 405 4.18 1.14 4.77

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.2 Number of Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, Household Population,
Average Household Size, and Ratio of Households and Household Population to Occupied
Housing Units by Type of Building and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Ratio of
Ratio of
Occupied Number of Average Population
Type of Building and Household to
Housing Households Household to
Municipality Population* Occupied
Units * Size Occupied
Total 5,950 5,991 24,578 4.10 1.01 4.13
Single house 5,815 5,854 24,017 4.10 1.01 4.13
Duplex 104 104 423 4.07 1.00 4.07
23 23 93 4.04 1.00 4.04
industrial/ 7 8 37 4.63 1.14 5.29
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 1 2 8 4.00 2.00 8.00

Total 6,974 6,999 28,920 4.13 1.00 4.15
Single house 6,905 6,929 28,624 4.13 1.00 4.15
Duplex 48 48 204 4.25 1.00 4.25
16 17 78 4.59 1.06 4.88
industrial/ 3 3 9 3.00 1.00 3.00
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 2 2 5 2.50 1.00 2.50

Total 9,243 9,250 39,380 4.26 1.00 4.26
Single house 9,029 9,036 38,538 4.26 1.00 4.27
Duplex 174 174 699 4.02 1.00 4.02
34 34 115 3.38 1.00 3.38
industrial/ 6 6 28 4.67 1.00 4.67
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - - -


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.2 Number of Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, Household Population,
Average Household Size, and Ratio of Households and Household Population to Occupied
Housing Units by Type of Building and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Ratio of
Ratio of
Occupied Number of Average Population
Type of Building and Household to
Housing Households Household to
Municipality Population* Occupied
Units * Size Occupied
Total 7,929 7,967 32,029 4.02 1.01 4.04
Single house 7,837 7,872 31,637 4.02 1.00 4.04
Duplex 76 76 316 4.16 1.00 4.16
10 10 43 4.30 1.00 4.30
industrial/ - - - - - -
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 6 9 33 3.67 1.50 5.50

Total 4,219 4,239 19,003 4.48 1.01 4.50
Single house 4,032 4,052 18,234 4.50 1.01 4.52
Duplex 152 152 620 4.08 1.00 4.08
31 31 138 4.45 1.00 4.45
industrial/ 2 2 6 3.00 1.00 3.00
Institutional living
1 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 1 1 4 4.00 1.00 4.00

Total 10,931 11,019 49,527 4.49 1.01 4.53
Single house 10,658 10,739 48,310 4.50 1.01 4.53
Duplex 230 233 1,002 4.30 1.01 4.36
31 31 144 4.65 1.00 4.65
industrial/ 5 5 22 4.40 1.00 4.40
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 7 11 49 4.45 1.57 7.00

Kalibo (Capital)
Total 17,784 17,930 80,041 4.46 1.01 4.50

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.2 Number of Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, Household Population,
Average Household Size, and Ratio of Households and Household Population to Occupied
Housing Units by Type of Building and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Ratio of
Ratio of
Occupied Number of Average Population
Type of Building and Household to
Housing Households Household to
Municipality Population* Occupied
Units * Size Occupied
Single house 16,287 16,413 73,907 4.50 1.01 4.54
Duplex 866 877 3,641 4.15 1.01 4.20
539 546 2,145 3.93 1.01 3.98
industrial/ 67 67 226 3.37 1.00 3.37
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 25 27 122 4.52 1.08 4.88

Total 3,491 3,590 15,224 4.24 1.03 4.36
Single house 3,394 3,490 14,793 4.24 1.03 4.36
Duplex 84 87 364 4.18 1.04 4.33
6 6 26 4.33 1.00 4.33
industrial/ 4 4 18 4.50 1.00 4.50
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 3 3 23 7.67 1.00 7.67

Total 6,556 6,575 28,238 4.29 1.00 4.31
Single house 6,436 6,454 27,765 4.30 1.00 4.31
Duplex 94 94 365 3.88 1.00 3.88
20 21 80 3.81 1.05 4.00
industrial/ 4 4 17 4.25 1.00 4.25
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 2 2 11 5.50 1.00 5.50

Total 4,239 4,260 18,385 4.32 1.01 4.34
Single house 4,198 4,219 18,230 4.32 1.01 4.34

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.2 Number of Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, Household Population,
Average Household Size, and Ratio of Households and Household Population to Occupied
Housing Units by Type of Building and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Ratio of
Ratio of
Occupied Number of Average Population
Type of Building and Household to
Housing Households Household to
Municipality Population* Occupied
Units * Size Occupied
Duplex 38 38 145 3.82 1.00 3.82
- - - - - -
industrial/ - - - - - -
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 3 3 10 3.33 1.00 3.33

Total 6,538 6,581 27,223 4.14 1.01 4.16
Single house 6,514 6,557 27,129 4.14 1.01 4.17
Duplex 20 20 76 3.80 1.00 3.80
- - - - - -
industrial/ - - - - - -
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 4 4 18 4.50 1.00 4.50

Total 12,618 12,664 51,745 4.09 1.00 4.10
Single house 10,346 10,371 44,876 4.33 1.00 4.34
Duplex 796 807 2,950 3.66 1.01 3.71
1,397 1,407 3,631 2.58 1.01 2.60
industrial/ 62 62 233 3.76 1.00 3.76
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 17 17 55 3.24 1.00 3.24

Total 5,411 5,419 23,175 4.28 1.00 4.28
Single house 5,292 5,300 22,699 4.28 1.00 4.29
Duplex 94 94 375 3.99 1.00 3.99

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.2 Number of Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, Household Population,
Average Household Size, and Ratio of Households and Household Population to Occupied
Housing Units by Type of Building and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Ratio of
Ratio of
Occupied Number of Average Population
Type of Building and Household to
Housing Households Household to
Municipality Population* Occupied
Units * Size Occupied
19 19 81 4.26 1.00 4.26
industrial/ 4 4 13 3.25 1.00 3.25
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 2 2 7 3.50 1.00 3.50

Total 7,829 7,918 36,393 4.60 1.01 4.65
Single house 7,444 7,530 34,828 4.63 1.01 4.68
Duplex 290 292 1,193 4.09 1.01 4.11
89 89 337 3.79 1.00 3.79
industrial/ 1 1 3 3.00 1.00 3.00
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 5 6 32 5.33 1.20 6.40

New Washington
Total 10,820 10,853 44,904 4.14 1.00 4.15
Single house 10,594 10,627 44,027 4.14 1.00 4.16
Duplex 172 172 711 4.13 1.00 4.13
52 52 159 3.06 1.00 3.06
industrial/ - - - - - -
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 2 2 7 3.50 1.00 3.50

Total 7,332 7,433 31,920 4.29 1.01 4.35
Single house 6,912 7,009 30,279 4.32 1.01 4.38
Duplex 294 297 1,126 3.79 1.01 3.83

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.2 Number of Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, Household Population,
Average Household Size, and Ratio of Households and Household Population to Occupied
Housing Units by Type of Building and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Ratio of
Ratio of
Occupied Number of Average Population
Type of Building and Household to
Housing Households Household to
Municipality Population* Occupied
Units * Size Occupied
108 108 448 4.15 1.00 4.15
industrial/ 13 13 47 3.62 1.00 3.62
Institutional living
1 1 2 2.00 1.00 2.00
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 4 5 18 3.60 1.25 4.50

Total 4,920 4,991 21,914 4.39 1.01 4.45
Single house 4,790 4,860 21,371 4.40 1.02 4.46
Duplex 120 121 501 4.14 1.01 4.18
9 9 39 4.33 1.00 4.33
industrial/ - - - - - -
Institutional living
- - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
Not Reported 1 1 3 3.00 1.00 3.00
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Roof and the Outer Walls,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Total Bamboo/
Galvanized Tile/ galvanized
the Outer Walls and Occupied cogon/
iron/ concrete/ iron and
Municipality Housing nipa/
aluminum clay tile half
Units anahaw
Total 132,784 84,792 1,717 6,280 39,179
Concrete/brick/stone 56,261 50,715 1,455 894 3,021
Wood 12,411 6,752 62 524 5,001
concrete/brick/stone 16,319 9,430 140 3,856 2,842
and half wood
998 466 59 223 247

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Roof and the Outer Walls,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Total Bamboo/
Galvanized Tile/ galvanized
the Outer Walls and Occupied cogon/
iron/ concrete/ iron and
Municipality Housing nipa/
aluminum clay tile half
Units anahaw
45,684 16,895 - 754 27,800
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
656 207 - 14 189
ovised materials
Trapal 216 113 - - 74
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 239 214 1 15 5

Total 5,950 4,296 33 160 1,401
Concrete/brick/stone 2,053 1,944 33 14 62
Wood 486 332 - 10 139
concrete/brick/stone 744 543 - 115 85
and half wood
16 10 - 2 4
2,546 1,420 - 19 1,101
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
91 33 - - 10
ovised materials
Trapal - - - - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 14 14 - - -

Total 6,974 4,268 29 96 2,499
Concrete/brick/stone 1,670 1,512 28 3 122
Wood 814 498 1 8 297
concrete/brick/stone 565 401 - 49 106
and half wood
16 10 - 1 4
3,863 1,825 - 33 1,960
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Roof and the Outer Walls,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Total Bamboo/
Galvanized Tile/ galvanized
the Outer Walls and Occupied cogon/
iron/ concrete/ iron and
Municipality Housing nipa/
aluminum clay tile half
Units anahaw
22 8 - 2 5
ovised materials
Trapal 13 3 - - 5
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 11 11 - - -

Total 9,243 6,409 160 542 2,119
Concrete/brick/stone 4,302 3,895 145 57 203
Wood 706 430 5 19 252
concrete/brick/stone 1,078 558 7 360 152
and half wood
173 47 3 25 98
2,859 1,386 - 79 1,386
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
58 37 - - 20
ovised materials
Trapal 54 45 - - 8
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 13 11 - 2 -

Total 7,929 5,068 16 195 2,603
Concrete/brick/stone 3,209 2,925 13 26 242
Wood 572 410 - 3 156
concrete/brick/stone 940 633 3 119 185
and half wood
31 19 - 2 9
3,086 1,051 - 40 1,974
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
52 10 - 4 20
ovised materials
Trapal 30 12 - - 17
Others - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Roof and the Outer Walls,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Total Bamboo/
Galvanized Tile/ galvanized
the Outer Walls and Occupied cogon/
iron/ concrete/ iron and
Municipality Housing nipa/
aluminum clay tile half
Units anahaw
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 9 8 - 1 -

Total 4,219 3,161 42 110 902
Concrete/brick/stone 1,597 1,516 40 22 19
Wood 295 231 1 6 57
concrete/brick/stone 614 495 1 71 47
and half wood
8 8 - - -
1,680 893 - 11 774
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
8 5 - - 2
ovised materials
Trapal 8 4 - - 3
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 9 9 - - -

Total 10,931 8,353 30 446 2,066
Concrete/brick/stone 5,529 5,354 24 46 105
Wood 784 480 1 26 273
concrete/brick/stone 1,168 714 2 324 126
and half wood
58 40 2 8 8
3,298 1,712 - 41 1,537
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
63 27 - - 16
ovised materials
Trapal 5 2 - - 1
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 26 24 1 1 -

Kalibo (Capital)

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Roof and the Outer Walls,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Total Bamboo/
Galvanized Tile/ galvanized
the Outer Walls and Occupied cogon/
iron/ concrete/ iron and
Municipality Housing nipa/
aluminum clay tile half
Units anahaw
Total 17,784 12,234 329 863 4,302
Concrete/brick/stone 9,689 8,770 297 169 448
Wood 1,731 916 3 110 695
concrete/brick/stone 2,275 1,273 28 506 464
and half wood
123 101 1 6 15
3,874 1,121 - 71 2,656
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
41 16 - 1 14
ovised materials
Trapal 25 11 - - 10
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 26 26 - - -

Total 3,491 2,065 34 277 1,098
Concrete/brick/stone 1,638 1,500 32 9 96
Wood 132 74 - 2 56
concrete/brick/stone 596 252 2 255 81
and half wood
24 19 - 2 3
1,084 212 - 9 859
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
7 - - - 1
ovised materials
Trapal 2 - - - 2
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 8 8 - - -

Total 6,556 2,943 122 280 3,183
Concrete/brick/stone 1,126 954 89 52 31
Wood 708 238 - 15 454

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Roof and the Outer Walls,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Total Bamboo/
Galvanized Tile/ galvanized
the Outer Walls and Occupied cogon/
iron/ concrete/ iron and
Municipality Housing nipa/
aluminum clay tile half
Units anahaw
concrete/brick/stone 731 403 33 159 134
and half wood
20 12 - 3 5
3,926 1,304 - 50 2,553
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
10 1 - - 4
ovised materials
Trapal 15 12 - - 2
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 20 19 - 1 -

Total 4,239 2,545 39 270 1,382
Concrete/brick/stone 734 638 37 27 32
Wood 337 252 - 38 47
concrete/brick/stone 589 373 1 127 88
and half wood
18 8 1 5 4
2,547 1,264 - 73 1,208
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
4 2 - - 2
ovised materials
Trapal 3 1 - - 1
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 7 7 - - -

Total 6,538 3,302 91 455 2,474
Concrete/brick/stone 2,590 2,054 51 78 275
Wood 690 229 - 54 378
concrete/brick/stone 420 165 - 154 96
and half wood

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Roof and the Outer Walls,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Total Bamboo/
Galvanized Tile/ galvanized
the Outer Walls and Occupied cogon/
iron/ concrete/ iron and
Municipality Housing nipa/
aluminum clay tile half
Units anahaw
233 16 40 125 52
2,555 818 - 39 1,657
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
24 3 - - 14
ovised materials
Trapal 14 10 - - 2
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 12 7 - 5 -

Total 12,618 7,010 333 639 4,608
Concrete/brick/stone 4,413 3,907 249 93 156
Wood 2,678 1,312 47 107 1,209
concrete/brick/stone 1,683 981 32 328 340
and half wood
58 18 5 18 17
3,710 749 - 88 2,867
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
21 3 - - 13
ovised materials
Trapal 11 4 - - 3
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 44 36 - 5 3

Total 5,411 3,539 30 165 1,674
Concrete/brick/stone 2,187 2,039 26 14 107
Wood 334 237 1 10 86
concrete/brick/stone 503 365 3 57 78
and half wood
12 4 - 3 5
2,345 872 - 81 1,390

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Roof and the Outer Walls,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Total Bamboo/
Galvanized Tile/ galvanized
the Outer Walls and Occupied cogon/
iron/ concrete/ iron and
Municipality Housing nipa/
aluminum clay tile half
Units anahaw
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
16 10 - - 6
ovised materials
Trapal 4 2 - - 2
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 10 10 - - -

Total 7,829 4,608 213 741 2,225
Concrete/brick/stone 3,735 3,270 192 50 221
Wood 225 138 - 9 74
concrete/brick/stone 1,249 462 16 602 163
and half wood
63 31 5 20 6
2,487 671 - 55 1,750
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
51 21 - 5 8
ovised materials
Trapal 7 3 - - 3
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 12 12 - - -

New Washington
Total 10,820 6,810 63 637 3,166
Concrete/brick/stone 5,255 4,638 56 90 458
Wood 1,042 543 1 78 417
concrete/brick/stone 1,821 1,028 6 430 344
and half wood
110 104 - - 6
2,411 474 - 37 1,884
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
158 16 - 2 48
ovised materials

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Roof and the Outer Walls,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Total Bamboo/
Galvanized Tile/ galvanized
the Outer Walls and Occupied cogon/
iron/ concrete/ iron and
Municipality Housing nipa/
aluminum clay tile half
Units anahaw
Trapal 13 1 - - 9
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 10 6 - - -

Total 7,332 5,112 115 315 1,764
Concrete/brick/stone 4,273 3,780 108 118 264
Wood 444 231 1 24 186
concrete/brick/stone 870 521 6 161 182
and half wood
15 10 - 1 4
1,697 552 - 11 1,118
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
18 12 - - 4
ovised materials
Trapal 12 3 - - 6
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 3 3 - - -

Total 4,920 3,069 38 89 1,713
Concrete/brick/stone 2,261 2,019 35 26 180
Wood 433 201 1 5 225
concrete/brick/stone 473 263 - 39 171
and half wood
20 9 2 2 7
1,716 571 - 17 1,126
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
12 3 - - 2
ovised materials
Trapal - - - - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported 5 3 - - 2

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housin

Table 2.3- Continued
Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Makeshift/
the Outer Walls and salvaged/ Not
Asbestos Trapal Others
Municipality improvised Reported
Total 6 638 166 - 6
Concrete/brick/stone 6 156 14 - -
Wood - 53 19 - -
concrete/brick/stone - 48 3 - -
and half wood
- 2 1 - -
- 140 93 - 2
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 236 10 - -
ovised materials
Trapal - 3 26 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - 4

Total - 50 10 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
Wood - 2 3 - -
concrete/brick/stone - 1 - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 2 4 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 45 3 - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - - - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 43 39 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - 3 2 - -
Wood - 3 7 - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3- Continued

Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Makeshift/
the Outer Walls and salvaged/ Not
Asbestos Trapal Others
Municipality improvised Reported
concrete/brick/stone - 8 1 - -
and half wood
- 1 - - -
- 21 24 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 7 - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - 5 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 5 8 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - - 2 - -
Wood - - - - -
concrete/brick/stone - 1 - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 3 5 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 1 - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - 1 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 33 14 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - 3 - - -
Wood - 1 2 - -
concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
and half wood
- 1 - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3- Continued

Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Makeshift/
the Outer Walls and salvaged/ Not
Asbestos Trapal Others
Municipality improvised Reported
- 11 10 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 16 2 - -
ovised materials
Trapal - 1 - - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 2 2 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
Wood - - - - -
concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 1 1 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 1 - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - 1 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 29 7 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
Wood - 3 1 - -
concrete/brick/stone - 2 - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 5 3 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 19 1 - -
ovised materials

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3- Continued

Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Makeshift/
the Outer Walls and salvaged/ Not
Asbestos Trapal Others
Municipality improvised Reported
Trapal - - 2 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Kalibo (Capital)
Total - 36 18 - 2
Concrete/brick/stone - 3 2 - -
Wood - 6 1 - -
concrete/brick/stone - 3 1 - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 15 9 - 2
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 9 1 - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - 4 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 14 3 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - - 1 - -
Wood - - - - -
concrete/brick/stone - 6 - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 2 2 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 6 - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - - - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3- Continued

Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Makeshift/
the Outer Walls and salvaged/ Not
Asbestos Trapal Others
Municipality improvised Reported
Total - 19 9 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
Wood - 1 - - -
concrete/brick/stone - 2 - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 11 8 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 5 - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - 1 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - - 3 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
Wood - - - - -
concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- - 2 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- - - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - 1 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 209 7 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - 131 1 - -
Wood - 29 - - -
concrete/brick/stone - 5 - - -
and half wood

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3- Continued

Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Makeshift/
the Outer Walls and salvaged/ Not
Asbestos Trapal Others
Municipality improvised Reported
- - - - -
- 37 4 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 7 - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - 2 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total 6 9 13 - -
Concrete/brick/stone 6 2 - - -
Wood - - 3 - -
concrete/brick/stone - 1 1 - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 2 4 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 4 1 - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - 4 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 2 1 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - - 1 - -
Wood - - - - -
concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 2 - - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3- Continued

Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Makeshift/
the Outer Walls and salvaged/ Not
Asbestos Trapal Others
Municipality improvised Reported
- - - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - - - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 40 2 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - 2 - - -
Wood - 4 - - -
concrete/brick/stone - 6 - - -
and half wood
- - 1 - -
- 10 1 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 17 - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - 1 - - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

New Washington
Total - 133 7 - 4
Concrete/brick/stone - 11 2 - -
Wood - 2 1 - -
concrete/brick/stone - 13 - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 15 1 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 91 1 - -
ovised materials
Trapal - 1 2 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - 4

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.3- Continued

Construction Materials of the Roof
Construction Materials of Makeshift/
the Outer Walls and salvaged/ Not
Asbestos Trapal Others
Municipality improvised Reported

Total - 6 20 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - 1 2 - -
Wood - 1 1 - -
concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 2 14 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 2 - - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - 3 - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

Total - 8 3 - -
Concrete/brick/stone - - 1 - -
Wood - 1 - - -
concrete/brick/stone - - - - -
and half wood
- - - - -
- 1 1 - -
Asbestos - - - - -
Glass - - - - -
- 6 1 - -
ovised materials
Trapal - - - - -
Others - - - - -
No walls - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4 Number of Households by Type of Building, Tenure Status of the Housing Unit/Lot,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Type of Building
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Number of
Single Multi-unit
and Lot and Municipality Households* Duplex
house residential

Total 133,679 127,312 3,686 2,403

Own or owner like possession of
house and lot 81,570 78,783 2,107 543
Rent house/room including lot
4,631 2,781 470 1,340
Own house rent lot
6,585 6,072 256 227
Own house rent-free lot with
consent of owner 35,444 34,581 629 194
Own house rent-free lot without
consent of owner 901 865 30 6
Rent-free house and lot with
consent of owner 4,431 4,122 186 93
Rent-free house and lot without
consent of owner 117 108 8 -
Not Applicable
- - - -
Not Reported
- - - -

Total 5,991 5,854 104 23
Own or owner like possession of
2,456 2,391 50 11
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 53 44 7 -
Own house rent lot 217 209 8 -
Own house rent-free lot with
3,063 3,019 32 10
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
11 11 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
184 173 7 2
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
7 7 - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 6,999 6,929 48 17
Own or owner like possession of
2,192 2,178 12 -
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 19 11 1 7
Own house rent lot 221 220 1 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4 Number of Households by Type of Building, Tenure Status of the Housing Unit/Lot,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Type of Building
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Number of
Single Multi-unit
and Lot and Municipality Households* Duplex
house residential
Own house rent-free lot with
4,507 4,461 33 10
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
18 18 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
42 41 1 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 9,250 9,036 174 34
Own or owner like possession of
6,318 6,170 121 24
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 75 59 10 6
Own house rent lot 146 144 2 -
Own house rent-free lot with
2,283 2,246 35 -
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
26 26 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
399 388 6 4
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
3 3 - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 7,967 7,872 76 10
Own or owner like possession of
4,966 4,916 46 -
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 47 40 3 4
Own house rent lot 30 30 - -
Own house rent-free lot with
2,686 2,650 25 6
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
23 23 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
215 213 2 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 4,239 4,052 152 31

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4 Number of Households by Type of Building, Tenure Status of the Housing Unit/Lot,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Type of Building
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Number of
Single Multi-unit
and Lot and Municipality Households* Duplex
house residential
Own or owner like possession of
3,424 3,262 129 30
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 16 15 1 -
Own house rent lot 43 42 1 -
Own house rent-free lot with
610 597 12 1
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
18 18 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
126 116 9 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
2 2 - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 11,019 10,739 233 31
Own or owner like possession of
7,529 7,346 154 18
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 85 79 2 4
Own house rent lot 290 286 3 1
Own house rent-free lot with
2,611 2,548 55 4
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
51 49 2 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
443 422 16 4
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
10 9 1 -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Kalibo (Capital)
Total 17,930 16,413 877 546
Own or owner like possession of
11,392 10,691 500 151
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 1,159 752 135 261
Own house rent lot 1,724 1,617 52 42
Own house rent-free lot with
2,794 2,586 139 60
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
146 138 8 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
694 610 41 32
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
21 19 2 -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4 Number of Households by Type of Building, Tenure Status of the Housing Unit/Lot,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Type of Building
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Number of
Single Multi-unit
and Lot and Municipality Households* Duplex
house residential
Not Reported - - - -

Total 3,590 3,490 87 6
Own or owner like possession of
2,623 2,548 67 5
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 21 21 - -
Own house rent lot 62 57 1 -
Own house rent-free lot with
723 704 18 1
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
32 32 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
127 126 1 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
2 2 - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 6,575 6,454 94 21
Own or owner like possession of
3,074 3,002 52 17
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 27 25 - -
Own house rent lot 375 357 14 3
Own house rent-free lot with
2,925 2,900 24 1
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
22 22 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
138 137 1 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
14 11 3 -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 4,260 4,219 38 -
Own or owner like possession of
2,055 2,037 16 -
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 12 12 - -
Own house rent lot 468 456 12 -
Own house rent-free lot with
1,631 1,621 9 -
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
11 11 - -
consent of owner

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4 Number of Households by Type of Building, Tenure Status of the Housing Unit/Lot,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Type of Building
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Number of
Single Multi-unit
and Lot and Municipality Households* Duplex
house residential
Rent-free house and lot with
80 79 1 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
3 3 - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 6,581 6,557 20 -
Own or owner like possession of
3,725 3,710 11 -
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 48 48 - -
Own house rent lot 42 42 - -
Own house rent-free lot with
2,527 2,520 7 -
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
3 1 2 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
232 232 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
4 4 - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 12,664 10,371 807 1,407
Own or owner like possession of
6,368 5,855 306 178
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 2,585 1,284 281 997
Own house rent lot 1,793 1,486 125 171
Own house rent-free lot with
1,328 1,244 53 27
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
125 119 4 2
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
452 371 37 32
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
13 12 1 -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 5,419 5,300 94 19
Own or owner like possession of
3,802 3,731 65 4
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 33 21 3 8
Own house rent lot 37 35 1 1

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4 Number of Households by Type of Building, Tenure Status of the Housing Unit/Lot,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Type of Building
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Number of
Single Multi-unit
and Lot and Municipality Households* Duplex
house residential
Own house rent-free lot with
1,253 1,227 22 2
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
48 48 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
237 229 3 4
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
9 9 - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 7,918 7,530 292 89
Own or owner like possession of
6,269 5,975 226 61
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 143 132 5 6
Own house rent lot 90 85 1 4
Own house rent-free lot with
1,121 1,065 41 15
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
181 168 10 3
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
109 101 8 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
5 4 1 -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

New Washington
Total 10,853 10,627 172 52
Own or owner like possession of
7,165 7,051 108 6
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 85 84 1 -
Own house rent lot 732 722 10 -
Own house rent-free lot with
2,612 2,519 46 45
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
68 67 1 -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
183 176 6 1
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
8 8 - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 7,433 7,009 297 108

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4 Number of Households by Type of Building, Tenure Status of the Housing Unit/Lot,
and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Type of Building
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Number of
Single Multi-unit
and Lot and Municipality Households* Duplex
house residential
Own or owner like possession of
5,159 4,948 167 35
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 219 150 21 47
Own house rent lot 279 249 24 5
Own house rent-free lot with
1,093 1,035 43 9
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
50 46 3 1
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
617 566 39 11
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
16 15 - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 4,991 4,860 121 9
Own or owner like possession of
3,053 2,972 77 3
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 4 4 - -
Own house rent lot 36 35 1 -
Own house rent-free lot with
1,677 1,639 35 3
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
68 68 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
153 142 8 3
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 2.4- Continued

Commercial/ Institutional
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Not
industrial/ living Others
and Lot and Municipality Reported
agricultural quarter
Total 179 2 - 97
Own or owner like possession of
89 1 - 47
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 32 - - 8
Own house rent lot 16 - - 14
Own house rent-free lot with
13 - - 27
consent of owner

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4- Continued

Commercial/ Institutional
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Not
industrial/ living Others
and Lot and Municipality Reported
agricultural quarter
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
28 1 - 1
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
1 - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 8 - - 2
Own or owner like possession of
4 - - -
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 2 - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - 2
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
2 - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 3 - - 2
Own or owner like possession of
2 - - -
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
1 - - 2
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 6 - - -
Own or owner like possession of
3 - - -
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4- Continued

Commercial/ Institutional
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Not
industrial/ living Others
and Lot and Municipality Reported
agricultural quarter
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
2 - - -
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
1 - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total - - - 9
Own or owner like possession of
- - - 4
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - 5
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 2 1 - 1
Own or owner like possession of
1 1 - 1
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
1 - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 5 - - 11

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4- Continued

Commercial/ Institutional
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Not
industrial/ living Others
and Lot and Municipality Reported
agricultural quarter
Own or owner like possession of
2 - - 9
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
2 - - 2
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
1 - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Kalibo (Capital)
Total 67 - - 27
Own or owner like possession of
43 - - 7
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 9 - - 2
Own house rent lot 4 - - 9
Own house rent-free lot with
1 - - 8
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
10 - - 1
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 4 - - 3
Own or owner like possession of
1 - - 2
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -
Own house rent lot 3 - - 1
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4- Continued

Commercial/ Institutional
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Not
industrial/ living Others
and Lot and Municipality Reported
agricultural quarter

Total 4 - - 2
Own or owner like possession of
2 - - 1
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 2 - - -
Own house rent lot - - - 1
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total - - - 3
Own or owner like possession of
- - - 2
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - 1
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total - - - 4
Own or owner like possession of
- - - 4
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- - - -
consent of owner

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4- Continued

Commercial/ Institutional
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Not
industrial/ living Others
and Lot and Municipality Reported
agricultural quarter
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 62 - - 17
Own or owner like possession of
23 - - 6
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 17 - - 6
Own house rent lot 8 - - 3
Own house rent-free lot with
2 - - 2
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
12 - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 4 - - 2
Own or owner like possession of
1 - - 1
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 1 - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
1 - - 1
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
1 - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 1 - - 6
Own or owner like possession of
1 - - 6
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - -
consent of owner

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4- Continued

Commercial/ Institutional
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Not
industrial/ living Others
and Lot and Municipality Reported
agricultural quarter
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

New Washington
Total - - - 2
Own or owner like possession of
- - - -
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - 2
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total 13 1 - 5
Own or owner like possession of
6 - - 3
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot 1 - - -
Own house rent lot 1 - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
4 - - 2
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- 1 - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
1 - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Total - - - 1
Own or owner like possession of
- - - 1
house and lot
Rent house/room including lot - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.4- Continued

Commercial/ Institutional
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit Not
industrial/ living Others
and Lot and Municipality Reported
agricultural quarter
Own house rent lot - - - -
Own house rent-free lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Own house rent-free lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot with
- - - -
consent of owner
Rent-free house and lot without
- - - -
consent of owner
Not Applicable - - - -
Not Reported - - - -

Table 2.5 Number of Households by Kind of Fuel for Lighting and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Fuel for Lighting
Number of Liquefied
Municipality Fuel for Kerosene (vegetable
Households* Petroleum
Lighting (Gas) animal and
Gas (LPG)
AKLAN 133,679 125,466 6,961 - -
Altavas 5,991 5,688 288 - -
Balete 6,999 6,097 602 - -
Banga 9,250 8,700 537 - -
Batan 7,967 7,517 257 - -
Buruanga 4,239 4,112 122 - -
Ibajay 11,019 10,605 403 - -
Kalibo (Capital) 17,930 17,681 226 - -
Lezo 3,590 3,456 134 - -
Libacao 6,575 4,533 1,530 - -
Madalag 4,260 3,150 1,011 - -
Makato 6,581 6,179 373 - -
Malay 12,664 12,431 200 - -
Malinao 5,419 5,116 303 - -
Nabas 7,918 7,648 270 - -
New Washington 10,853 10,527 318 - -
Numancia 7,433 7,296 130 - -
Tangalan 4,991 4,730 257 - -
* Excludes households in relocation area.
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.5- Continued

Fuel for Lighting
Municipality Not
Solar panel Solar lamp Others None
AKLAN 381 842 29 - -
Altavas 2 13 - - -
Balete 27 273 - - -
Banga 6 7 - - -
Batan 17 171 5 - -
Buruanga - 5 - - -
Ibajay - 11 - - -
Kalibo (Capital) 1 8 14 - -
Lezo - - - - -
Libacao 264 248 - - -
Madalag 25 74 - - -
Makato 25 4 - - -
Malay 4 19 10 - -
Malinao - - - - -
Nabas - - - - -
New Washington 5 3 - - -
Numancia 3 4 - - -
Tangalan 2 2 - - -

Table 2.6 Number of Households by Main Source of Water Supply for Drinking and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Source of Water Supply for Drinking
Own use Shared
Number of faucet faucet Own use Shared
Households* community community tubed/piped tubed/piped
water water deep well deep well
system system
AKLAN 133,679 26,112 18,646 14,021 26,159
Altavas 5,991 61 135 584 2,507
Balete 6,999 1,414 1,115 463 213
Banga 9,250 2,182 721 2,307 1,777
Batan 7,967 524 723 365 3,899
Buruanga 4,239 729 1,649 89 322
Ibajay 11,019 387 736 1,707 3,967
17,930 7,984 2,628 869 325
Lezo 3,590 355 188 864 1,405
Libacao 6,575 876 316 422 545

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.6 Number of Households by Main Source of Water Supply for Drinking and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Source of Water Supply for Drinking
Own use Shared
Number of faucet faucet Own use Shared
Households* community community tubed/piped tubed/piped
water water deep well deep well
system system
Madalag 4,260 109 716 309 329
Makato 6,581 351 647 783 2,709
Malay 12,664 5,229 3,220 349 960
Malinao 5,419 660 741 889 1,369
Nabas 7,918 315 916 1,786 1,831
10,853 4,084 3,375 510 722
Numancia 7,433 807 303 1,113 1,044
Tangalan 4,991 45 517 612 2,235
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 2.6- Continued

Source of Water Supply for Drinking
Lake, river,
Municipality Tubed/piped Protected Unprotected
Dug well rain and
shallow well spring spring
AKLAN 3,056 10,469 8,404 3,957 -
Altavas 20 1,693 127 65 -
Balete 54 2,860 180 480 -
Banga 135 941 436 119 -
Batan 22 561 232 28 -
Buruanga 358 271 645 98 -
Ibajay 525 122 1,127 803 -
163 47 117 - -
Lezo 12 27 60 - -
Libacao 526 1,466 1,421 984 -
Madalag 78 648 1,147 503 -
Makato 253 80 517 35 -
Malay 61 207 627 59 -
Malinao 137 558 425 134 -
Nabas 110 540 811 447 -
67 343 56 - -
Numancia 226 68 19 - -
Tangalan 309 37 457 202 -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.6- Continued

Source of Water Supply for Drinking
Municipality Bottled Not
Peddler Others
water Reported
AKLAN - 22,855 - -
Altavas - 799 - -
Balete - 220 - -
Banga - 632 - -
Batan - 1,613 - -
Buruanga - 78 - -
Ibajay - 1,645 - -
Kalibo (Capital) - 5,797 - -
Lezo - 679 - -
Libacao - 19 - -
Madalag - 421 - -
Makato - 1,206 - -
Malay - 1,952 - -
Malinao - 506 - -
Nabas - 1,162 - -
New Washington - 1,696 - -
Numancia - 3,853 - -
Tangalan - 577 - -

Table 2.7 Number of Households by Main Source of Water Supply for Cooking and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Source of Water Supply for Cooking
Own use Shared
Number of faucet faucet Own use Shared
Households* community community tubed/piped tubed/piped
water water deep well deep well
system system
AKLAN 133,679 37,244 18,747 20,301 28,749
Altavas 5,991 220 230 805 2,649
Balete 6,999 1,495 1,017 475 219
Banga 9,250 2,507 592 2,634 1,821
Batan 7,967 645 727 906 4,581
Buruanga 4,239 1,001 1,507 222 458
Ibajay 11,019 463 813 2,604 4,283
17,930 12,769 2,400 1,575 709
Lezo 3,590 697 201 1,153 1,399
Libacao 6,575 876 312 420 547
Madalag 4,260 147 745 363 372
Makato 6,581 764 705 1,195 2,848
Malay 12,664 6,305 3,814 477 914
Malinao 5,419 1,016 711 988 1,358

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.7 Number of Households by Main Source of Water Supply for Cooking and
Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Source of Water Supply for Cooking
Own use Shared
Number of faucet faucet Own use Shared
Households* community community tubed/piped tubed/piped
water water deep well deep well
system system
Nabas 7,918 436 906 2,533 1,935
10,853 5,197 3,217 768 886
Numancia 7,433 2,637 389 2,267 1,382
Tangalan 4,991 69 461 916 2,388
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 2.7- Continued

Source of Water Supply for Cooking
Lake, river,
Municipality Tubed/piped Protected Unprotected
Dug well rain and
shallow well spring spring
AKLAN 3,411 11,475 7,937 3,926 -
Altavas 24 1,828 119 64 -
Balete 56 3,020 170 471 -
Banga 134 1,002 388 130 -
Batan 23 726 205 29 -
Buruanga 125 197 624 98 -
Ibajay 566 124 1,133 862 -
197 97 30 - -
Lezo 16 66 21 - -
Libacao 536 1,479 1,416 984 -
Madalag 90 676 1,157 493 -
Makato 315 130 488 35 -
Malay 66 158 458 61 -
Malinao 144 631 426 130 -
Nabas 227 615 801 359 -
97 542 17 4 -
Numancia 425 149 2 - -
Tangalan 370 35 482 206 -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 2

Table 2.7- Continued

Source of Water Supply for Cooking
Municipality Bottled Not
Peddler Others
water Reported
AKLAN - 1,889 - -
Altavas - 52 - -
Balete - 76 - -
Banga - 42 - -
Batan - 125 - -
Buruanga - 7 - -
Ibajay - 171 - -
Kalibo (Capital) - 153 - -
Lezo - 37 - -
Libacao - 5 - -
Madalag - 217 - -
Makato - 101 - -
Malay - 411 - -
Malinao - 15 - -
Nabas - 106 - -
New Washington - 125 - -
Numancia - 182 - -
Tangalan - 64 - -

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Indicator Particulars
Total Registered Live Births Registered live births in the Province of Aklan
by Place of Occurrence pegged at 9,131 in 2018. This showed a negative
annual growth of 1.33 percent from 9,254 live births
recorded in the previous year. On the average,
there are 25 registered births per day.

There are more male births than female births

registered in 2018, in which males comprised 52.7
percent or 4,811 births while 4,320 or 47.3 percent
are females. This translates to a sex ratio of 111
males per 100 females.

Among the 17 municipalities of Aklan, highest

number of live births is registered in Kalibo (capital)
which recorded 6,115 live births accounting to 67
percent of the total births in the province. It
contracted by 3.52 percent compared to 5,907
births reported a year ago. Distantly followed were
municipalities of Ibajay and Malay with 737 births
and 707 births, respectively.

On the other hand, only 16 live births were recorded

in Numancia and 39 in Batan, consisting 0.18
percent and 0.43 percent, respectively.
Meanwhile, Lezo recorded 45 live births (0.49
percent). It is also important to note that the
decrement in the total number of registered live
births is due to the decrease in number of registered
live births in each municipality.

Total Registered Live Births It was revealed that nine in every 10 births in 2018
by Attendant at Birth were attended by health care professionals. It
recorded 8,193 births or 89.73 percent. This
proportion is higher than 8,171 births (88.3 percent)
recorded in the past year.

On the other hand, proportion of births attended

by traditional birth attendants declined from 1,074
births or 11.6 percent in 2017 to 927 or 10.15 percent
in 2018.

Most of these births attended by traditional birth

attendants occurred in areas far from the capital or

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Indicator Particulars
hospitals/ birthing clinics. Topmost municipality is
Libacao with 231 births out of 242 registered births
in the municipality (95.5 percent). Seconded by
Nabas with 199 births out of 224 total births (85.3
percent) and followed by Madalag with 48 births
out of 135 total births (35.6 percent).

Total Registered Live Births Highest registered live birth based on the usual
by Usual Residence of residence of mother was observed in the
Mother municipality of Kalibo with 1,383 births in 2018. This
was followed by the Municipality of Malay with 965
births and Ibajay with 784 births. It was also noted
that there are 135 mothers who usually resides in
Aklan gave birth to their children outside the

Sex Ratio Municipalities of Madalag and New Washington

posted the highest sex ratio of 150 males in every
100 female births in 2018. New Washington followed
next with 147 while Malinao and Balete tied at the
third spot with 127. On the contrary, Numancia and
Altavas showed more female births than male births
in 2018, acquiring a sex ratio of 60 and 84 males in
every 100 females, respectively. Similar result was
observed in Lezo, Makato and Buruanga with sex
ratio of 88, 91 and 95 respectively. Meanwhile,
Malay and Nabas have same sex ratio of 96 males
in every 100 females during the reference period.
The rest of the municipalities posted sex ratio of
more than 100.

Total Registered Marriage In 2018, the total registered marriages reached

by Place of Occurrence total of 2,506, translating to an average of seven (7)
marriages held in a day. It dropped by 8.9 percent
compared to 2,751 recorded marriages in 2017.

Highest number of marriages solemnized this year

was noted in the municipality of Kalibo which
consist of 589 marriages or 23.5 percent, followed
by Malay with 199 or 7.9 percent, and Ibajay with
196 marriages or 7.8 percent.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Indicator Particulars

On the other hand, 65 marriages occurred in

Madalag during this year, while 71 marriage
ceremonies were held in Lezo, and 76 marriages for
were registered each for Balete, Batan and

Highest increase in marriages occurred in Libacao

with 79 percent from 100 marriages in 2017.
Followed next is Buruanga with 73.5 percent
increase compared to 46 marriages in the past
year and Lezo with 54.4 percent increase from 46
marriages in the previous year.

On the contrary, biggest decrease is noted in Batan

with 54.5 percent drop compared to 167 marriages
in 2017. This is followed by Malay with 48.8 percent
from 389 marriages in 2017 and 36.1 percent
decrease in Balete from 119 marriages in 2017.

Total Registered Deaths by In 2018, the total registered deaths in Aklan posted
Place of Occurrence at 3,971, inched down by 1.71 percent compared
to 4,039 deaths reported a year ago. This translates
to 11 daily deaths recorded this year.

Among the municipalities, Kalibo posted with

highest death incidence with 1,768 or 44.5 percent
of the total. This was distantly followed by Ibajay
with 312 deaths or 7.9 percent, New Washington
with 183 deaths or 4.6 percent, Malay with 176
deaths or 4.4 percent, and Batan with 172 deaths
or 4.3 percent.

Lezo is the fastest increasing municipality in terms of

death incidence with 21.4 percent increase from 66
deaths in the past year to 84 deaths this period.
Madalag ranked next which went up by 16.5
percent from 71 deaths in 2017 to 85 deaths and
Altavas with 137 deaths in 2017 went up by 11
percent to 154 deaths in 2018.

On the other hand, biggest drop was noted in

Banga which slid by 27.6 percent from 199 deaths
in 2017 down to 156 deaths in 2018. Death

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Indicator Particulars
incidences in Malay also declined by 17.6 percent
while the remaining municipalities posted
decrements in death incidence by less than 10

Total Registered Deaths by Based on the residence of the deceased, Kalibo

Usual Place of Residence has the highest number with 625 deaths (15.4
of the Deceased percent), Ibajay and New Washington with 372
deaths (9.2 percent) and 314 deaths (7.7 percent),
respectively. There are 90 deaths of persons who
reside outside of Aklan but died in the province.

All of the municipalities, except Kalibo exhibited

increase in death incidences from 2017 to 2018,
wherein highest was noted in Lezo and Madalag
which increased more than 100 percent during this
period compared to the previous year of 66 deaths
and 71 deaths respectively. Followed by Numancia
with 90.4 percent (from 125 deaths in 2017 to 238
deaths in 2018) and Malinao with 79.4 percent
(from 107 deaths in 2017 to 192 deaths in 2018).

Conversely, Kalibo, though with the highest number

of deaths, on the contrary showed highest drop by
65.7 percent (from 1,821 deaths in 2017 to 625
deaths in 2018).

Infant Deaths A total of 119 infants died in 2018, 7 percent lower

than 128 infant deaths recorded in 2017. This
resulted to a decrease in infant mortality rate from
1,383 deaths per 100,000 live births to 1,303 deaths
per 100,000 live births.

Among municipalities, Batan posted with highest

infant mortality rate of 7,962 deaths per 100,000 live
births. This is followed by Numancia with 6,250
deaths per 100,000 live births and Tangalan with
1,987 deaths per 100,000 live births.

Maternal deaths Nine deaths occurred in 2018 are maternal deaths,

increased by 125 percent or more than twice the
number of maternal deaths compared to 4 deaths

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Indicator Particulars
recorded in 2017. It recorded maternal mortality
rate of 99 per 100,000 live births.

New Washington and Tangalan are the top

municipalities with highest maternal death rates
with 2,381 deaths and 2,000 deaths per 100,000 live
births, respectively. Kalibo recorded maternal
death rates of 49 deaths 100,000 live births during
the reference period.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Statistical Tables


Table 3.1 Live Births by Sex of the Child and by Place of Occurrence, 177
Aklan: 2017-2018

Table 3.2 Live Births by Attendant at Birth and by Place of 177

Occurrence, Aklan: 2017-2018

Table 3.3 Live Births by Sex of the Child and by Usual Residence of 179
Mother Aklan 2017-2018

Table 3.4 Marriages By Place Of Occurrence, Aklan 2017- 2018 179

Table 3.5 Deaths by Place Of Occurrence, Aklan 2017 - 2018 180

Table 3.6 Deaths by Usual Place of Residence, Aklan: 2017 - 2018 180

Table 3.7 Infant Deaths by Usual Residence and by Sex, Aklan: 2017- 181

Table 3.8 Maternal Deaths by Usual Residence, Aklan: 2017-2018 181

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Table 3.1 Live Births by Sex of the Child and by Place of Occurrence, Aklan:
2017 2018
Place of Occurrence
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female
AKLAN 9,254 4,778 4,476 9,131 4,811 4,320
Altavas 182 89 93 197 90 107
Balete 184 91 93 191 107 84
Banga 55 28 27 55 29 26
Batan 77 45 32 39 21 18
Buruanga 114 58 56 113 55 58
Ibajay 667 322 345 737 377 360
Kalibo (Capital) 5,907 3,068 2,839 6,115 3,277 2,838
Lezo 87 49 38 45 21 24
Libacao 299 165 134 242 124 118
Madalag 117 51 66 135 81 54
Makato 129 74 55 105 50 55
Malay 797 382 415 707 346 361
Malinao 72 34 38 118 66 52
Nabas 232 115 117 224 110 114
New Washington 211 130 81 42 25 17
Numancia 54 33 21 16 6 10
Tangalan 70 44 26 50 26 24
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division

Table 3.2 Live Births by Attendant at Birth and by Place of Occurrence, Aklan:
Attendant at Birth
Place of Occurrence Traditional
Health Not
Total Birth Others
Professional Stated
AKLAN 9,254 8,171 1,074 4 5
Altavas 182 161 21 - -
Balete 184 176 8 - -
Banga 55 40 15 - -
Batan 77 57 20 - -
Buruanga 114 70 44 - -
Ibajay 667 531 136 - -
Kalibo (Capital) 5,907 5,799 108 - -
Lezo 87 87 - - -
Libacao 299 15 281 2 1
Madalag 117 65 52 - -
Makato 129 112 17 - -
Malay 797 628 165 1 3

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Table 3.2 Live Births by Attendant at Birth and by Place of Occurrence, Aklan:
Attendant at Birth
Place of Occurrence Traditional
Health Not
Total Birth Others
Professional Stated
Malinao 72 64 7 - 1
Nabas 232 50 182 - -
New Washington 211 205 6 - -
Numancia 54 45 8 1 -
Tangalan 70 66 4 - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division

Table 3.2- Continued

Attendant at Birth
Place of Occurrence Traditional
Health Not
Total Birth Others
Professional Stated
AKLAN 9,131 8,193 927 11 -
Altavas 197 174 23 - -
Balete 191 185 5 1 -
Banga 55 42 13 - -
Batan 39 27 12 - -
Buruanga 113 79 33 1 -
Ibajay 737 644 93 - -
Kalibo (Capital) 6,115 6,004 111 - -
Lezo 45 41 4 - -
Libacao 242 7 231 4 -
Madalag 135 87 48 - -
Makato 105 88 17 - -
Malay 707 578 128 1 -
Malinao 118 113 5 - -
Nabas 224 33 191 - -
New Washington 42 34 8 - -
Numancia 16 8 4 4 -
Tangalan 50 49 1 - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Table 3.3 Live Births by Sex of the Child and by Usual Residence of Mother Aklan 2017-2018
2017 2018
Usual Residence of
Both Both
Mother by Municiplaity Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes
AKLAN 9,419 4,873 4,546 9,266 4,871 4,395
Altavas 340 162 178 323 167 156
Balete 435 227 208 420 233 187
Banga 756 378 378 726 377 349
Batan 488 260 228 553 304 249
Buruanga 241 120 121 249 124 125
Ibajay 739 352 387 784 414 370
Kalibo 1,400 732 668 1,383 712 671
Lezo 235 131 104 219 114 105
Libacao 433 222 211 392 210 182
Madalag 266 137 129 268 148 120
Makato 492 266 226 438 223 215
Malay 1,089 539 550 965 503 462
Malinao 306 166 140 323 174 149
Nabas 612 316 296 672 340 332
New Washington 714 392 322 693 368 325
Numancia 485 257 228 488 264 224
Tangalan 388 216 172 370 196 174
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division

Table 3.4 Marriages by Place of Occurrence, Aklan 2017- 2018

2017 2018 Percent Change
AKLAN 2,751 2,506 (8.91)
Altavas 92 77 (16.30)
Balete 119 76 (36.13)
Banga 166 167 0.60
Batan 167 76 (54.49)
Buruanga 49 85 73.47
Ibajay 207 196 (5.31)
Kalibo 508 589 15.94
Lezo 46 71 54.35
Libacao 100 179 79.00
Madalag 89 65 (26.97)
Makato 134 112 (16.42)
Malay 389 199 (48.84)
Malinao 94 76 (19.15)
Nabas 140 106 (24.29)
New Washington 178 180 1.12
Numancia 198 137 (30.81)
Tangalan 75 115 53.33
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Table 3.5 Deaths by Place of Occurrence: Aklan, 2017 - 2018

2017 2018 Percent Change
(Place of Occurrence)
AKLAN 4,039 3,971 (1.68)
Altavas 137 154 12.41
Balete 105 97 (7.62)
Banga 199 156 (21.61)
Batan 182 172 (5.49)
Buruanga 84 85 1.19
Ibajay 299 312 4.35
Kalibo 1,821 1,768 (2.91)
Lezo 66 84 27.27
Libacao 92 94 2.17
Madalag 71 85 19.72
Makato 119 120 0.84
Malay 207 176 (14.98)
Malinao 107 110 2.80
Nabas 154 153 (0.65)
New Washington 185 183 (1.08)
Numancia 125 135 8.00
Tangalan 86 87 1.16

Table 3.6 Deaths by Usual Place of Residence, Aklan: 2017 - 2018

2017 2018 Percent Change
AKLAN 2,751 2,506 (8.91)
Altavas 92 77 (16.30)
Balete 119 76 (36.13)
Banga 166 167 0.60
Batan 167 76 (54.49)
Buruanga 49 85 73.47
Ibajay 207 196 (5.31)
Kalibo 508 589 15.94
Lezo 46 71 54.35
Libacao 100 179 79.00
Madalag 89 65 (26.97)
Makato 134 112 (16.42)
Malay 389 199 (48.84)
Malinao 94 76 (19.15)
Nabas 140 106 (24.29)
New Washington 178 180 1.12
Numancia 198 137 (30.81)
Tangalan 75 115 53.33
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 3

Table 3.7 Infant Deaths by Usual Residence and by Sex, Aklan: 2017-2018
2017 2018
(Place of Occurrence)
AKLAN 128 119
Altavas 2 2
Balete 2 1
Banga 2 3
Batan 2 3
Buruanga 1 0
Ibajay 6 3
Kalibo 96 94
Lezo 0 1
Libacao 2 4
Madalag 0 0
Makato 0 1
Malay 7 4
Malinao 0 0
Nabas 2 0
New Washington 3 0
Numancia 1 1
Tangalan 2 2
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division

Table 3.8 Maternal Deaths by Usual Residence, Aklan: 2015-2016

2015 2016 2017 2018
AKLAN 12 7 4 9
Altavas 0 1 0 1
Balete 2 1 0 0
Banga 0 1 0 0
Batan 2 0 0 0
Buruanga 0 1 1 0
Ibajay 0 0 1 0
Kalibo 2 2 0 3
Lezo 1 0 0 0
Libacao 0 0 0 1
Madalag 1 0 0 0
Makato 1 0 0 0
Malay 1 0 2 1
Malinao 1 0 0 0
Nabas 0 1 0 1
New Washington 0 0 0 1
Numancia 1 0 0 0
Tangalan 0 0 0 1
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 4

Indicator Particulars
Food Threshold In 2018, an Aklanon family of five needed at least
PhP6,892, on the average, in order to meet the
family’s basic food needs for a month or an
average of PhP227 per day, satisfying the nutritional
requirements based on the Recommended Energy
and Nutrient Intake (RENI). This amount is referred to
as the food threshold. This is 6.8 percent higher than
PhP6,455 threshold recorded in 2015.

Food Threshold Among Food threshold for a family of five amounted to

Urban and Rural Areas PhP7,228 per month among the urban areas of
Aklan and PhP6,859 per month among the rural
areas of the province.

Poverty Threshold No less than PhP9,888, on the average, was

needed by an Aklanon family of five in order to
meet both basic food and non-food needs,
translating to PhP325 per day. This amount indicates
the poverty threshold. This is 6.8 percent higher than
PhP9,243 threshold recorded in 2015.

Poverty Incidence among In the province of Aklan, about nine in every 100
Population and Families families (8.8 percent or 12,820 families) fall short in
meeting their basic food and non-food needs in
2018 and are considered as poor families. The
proportion of poor families (poverty incidence)
contracted by 26.9 percent compared to
proportion recorded in 2015 with 12.0 percent.
Meanwhile, three out of 25 Aklanon individuals
(12.1 percent or 72,080 individuals) are considered
poor whose monthly income in 2018 is less than the
poverty threshold. This proportion, however,
decreased by 24.5 percent compared to 16.1
percent reported in 2015.

Subsistence Incidence Proportion of food poor families (subsistence

among Population and incidence) pegged at 1.0 percent (1,440 families)
Families during the reference period. These are families
whose income in 2018 fall below the food threshold.
However, it went up from 0.6 percent reported in
2015. Moreover, food poor individuals were

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 4

Indicator Particulars
estimated at 1.8 percent (10,900 individuals) which
also increased from 0.9 percent estimate in 2015.

Income Gap, Poverty Gap On the average, incomes of poor families of five
and Severity of Poverty were short by 15.6 percent of the poverty threshold.
This simply means that a poor family/individual will
need an additional income of PhP1,542 in order to
get out of poverty. This income gap increased by
32.4 percent compared to Php1,165 (12.6 percent)
shortfall of incomes of poor families/individuals
reported in 2015.

Additionally, poverty gap was estimated at 1.4

percent in 2018, dropped by 0.1 percent
compared to 1.5 percent gap in 2015. This means
that the ratio of total income shortfall of poor
families/individuals to total number of
families/individuals is PhP135 less than the poverty
threshold. On the contrary, level of severity of
poverty pegged at 0.34 percent, slightly increased
compared to 0.28 percent reported in 2015.

Annual Per Capita On the average, a person consumed 124.63

Consumption kilogram of plain rice in 2015, translating to 2.40 kg
a week or approximately 10 kg a month. Also, a
person consumes an average of 1.13 eggs every
week or approximately 5 eggs per month. A person
eats an average of 4.4 pieces of pandesal every
month and 3.8 pieces of buns every month in 2015.

Furthermore, a person consumes 1.8 kg of banana

saba a month or 22.23 kg a year. Other food
commodities consumed by a person every month,
on the average, amounted to less than a kilogram.

Conversely, higher annual per capita consumption

was shown by persons from rural areas in
consuming most of the livestock and poultry
products, noodles, and rice and corn. Difference in
level of consumption between urban and rural
people is greatly visible in their consumption of plain
rice, in which rural people consumes 9.6 kg more
than consumption in urban areas

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 4

Statistical Tables


Table 4.1 Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold, Poverty Incidence and 186
Magnitude of Poor Families with Measures of Precision,
Aklan: 2015 and 2018

Table 4.2 Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold, Poverty Incidence and 186
Magnitude of Poor Population with Measures of Precision,
Aklan: 2015 and 2018

Table 4.3 Annual Per Capita Food Threshold, Subsistence Incidence 186
and Magnitude of Subsistence Poor Families with Measures
of Precision, Aklan: 2015 and 2018

Table 4.4 Annual Per Capita Food Threshold, Subsistence Incidence 186
and Magnitude of Subsistence Poor Population with
Measures of Precision, Aklan: 2015 and 2018

Table 4.5 Income Gap, Poverty Gap and Severity of Poverty, Aklan: 187
2015 and 2018

Table 4.6 Annual Per Capita Food and Poverty Threshold, by 187
Urban/Rural Classification, Aklan: 2015 and 2018

Table 4.7 Estimated Annual Per Capita Consumption by Commodity, 187

Aklan: 2015-2016 (in kilogram)

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 4

Table 4.1 Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold, Poverty Incidence and
Magnitude of Poor Families with Measures of Precision,Aklan: 2015 and 2018
Annual Poverty Incidence among Families
Annual Per
Capita Poverty
Coefficient 90%
Period Poverty Incidence Standard
of Confidence
Threshold among Error
Variation Interval
(in PhP) Families (%)
2015* 22,184 12.0 29.8 3.6 6.1 17.8
2018 23,730 8.8 14.0 1.2 6.7 10.8

Table 4.2. Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold, Poverty Incidence and
Magnitude of Poor Population with Measures of Precision, Aklan: 2015 and 2018
Annual Per Annual
Capita Poverty Coefficient 90%
Period Poverty Incidence of Confidence
Threshold among Variation Interval
(in PhP) Population
2015* 22,184 16.1 31.8 5.1 7.7 24.5
2018 23,730 12.1 13 1.6 9.5 14.7

Table 4.3 Annual Per Capita Food Threshold, Subsistence Incidence and
Magnitude of Subsistence Poor Families with Measures of Precision, Aklan: 2015
and 2018
Annual Per
Subsistence Coefficient 90%
Capita Food Standard
Period Incidence of Confidence
Threshold Error
among Variation Interval
(in PhP)
2015* 15,491 0.6 94.6 0.5 0.0 1.4
2018 16,541 1.0 36.3 0.4 0.4 1.6

Table 4.4 Annual Per Capita Food Threshold, Subsistence Incidence and
Magnitude of Subsistence Poor Population with Measures of Precision, Aklan:
2015 and 2018
Annual Per
Subsistence Coefficient 90%
Capita Food Standard
Period Incidence of Confidence
Threshold (in Error
among Variation Interval
2015* 15,491 0.9 96.6 0.9 0.0 2.3
2018 16,541 1.8 36.7 0.7 0.7 2.9

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 4

Table 4.5 Income Gap, Poverty Gap and Severity of Poverty, Aklan: 2015 and

Poverty measure 2015* 2018 Increase/ Decrease

Income Gap 12.6 15.6 3.1

Poverty Gap 1.5 1.4 (0.1)
Severity of Poverty 0.3 0.3 0.1

Table 4.6. Annual Per Capita Food and Poverty Threshold, by Urban/Rural
Classification, Aklan: 2015 and 2018
Annual Per Capita Poverty
Annual Per Capita Food Threshold
Period (in Pesos)
(in Pesos)
Urban Rural Urban Rural
2015* 16,352 15,491 23,417 22,184
2018 17,348 16,461 24,843 23,572

Table 4.7 Estimated Annual Per Capita Consumption by Commodity, Aklan:

2015-2016 (in kilogram)
Commodity All Barangays Urban Barangays Rural Barangays
Rice and Corn
Rice (plain) 124.628 115.261 124.825
Corn 0.374 0.350 0.375
Root Crops
Sweet Potato 2.697 3.687 2.677
Cassava 5.851 4.095 5.888
Gabi 0.419 0.187 0.424
White Potato 0.500 1.068 0.488
Legumes and
Ampalaya 3.737 3.849 3.735
Eggplant 3.379 3.656 3.373
Chayote 0.231 0.522 0.224
Gourd (upo) 0.224 0.635 0.215
Squash 3.297 2.473 3.315
Okra 1.250 1.413 1.247
Carrots 0.410 0.919 0.399
Cabbage 1.199 2.069 1.181
Pechay 1.257 2.663 1.227

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 4

Table 4.7 Estimated Annual Per Capita Consumption by Commodity, Aklan:

2015-2016 (in kilogram)
Commodity All Barangays Urban Barangays Rural Barangays
Stringbeans 1.623 1.848 1.618
Habitchuelas 0.057 0.038 0.057
Mongo 0.814 0.352 0.824
Tomato 2.137 3.055 2.118
Onion 3.249 3.021 3.254
Garlic 1.564 1.571 1.564
Banana (except
saba) 10.349 9.661 10.363
Saba 22.228 15.395 22.371
Mango 1.815 2.769 1.795
Pineapple 1.117 1.516 1.109
Papaya (ripe) 6.293 3.602 6.350
Calamansi 1.326 2.122 1.309
Livestock and
Poultry Products
Pork 10.258 9.797 10.268
Beef 1.289 2.378 1.266
Carabeef 0.221 0.225
Chevon (goat) 0.006 0.006
Chicken 7.388 5.875 7.420
Duck 0.375 0.217 0.379
Chicken Egg* 58.712 57.619 58.735
Duck Egg* 3.261 7.213 3.178
/pasteurized milk* 0.117 0.783 0.103
Fish and Other
Marine Products
Milkfish 7.883 9.187 7.855
Tilapia 1.596 2.232 1.582
(Galunggong) 2.843 5.937 2.778
Tuna (all
species) 1.410 3.895 1.358
Dalagang bukid 0.124 0.870 0.108
Shirmp 2.255 5.064 2.196
Mussels 0.563 1.481 0.543
Bihon 1.668 0.997 1.682
Sotanghon 0.204 0.426 0.200
Pasta 0.293 0.217 0.295
Canton 0.422 0.109 0.429
Fresh miki 0.700 0.015 0.714
Instant noodles 1.965 1.468 1.976

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 4

Table 4.7 Estimated Annual Per Capita Consumption by Commodity, Aklan:

2015-2016 (in kilogram)
Commodity All Barangays Urban Barangays Rural Barangays
Rice noodles
(misua) 0.085 0.084 0.085
Pandesal* 54.077 172.033 51.600
bread*** 3.096 4.210 3.073
Buns* 47.260 37.342 47.469
*in piece
**in liter
***in pack
Source: 2015-2016 Survey of Food Demand, Philippine Statistics Authority

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Indicator Particulars
Enrollment by District Level Of the 19 districts in Aklan, District of Kalibo I and
Malay consistently have the highest number of
enrollments between school year 2014-2015 to
2018-2019, being always in the top 3 ranking. The
District of Kalibo I garnered a total of 15, 647
enrollees in SY 2017-2018, which is 7.32 percent
higher than its enrollment the previous year. This
was followed by the district of Kalibo II and Nabas,
having enrollees not less than 10,000 every year
and is positively increasing.

In school year 2016-2017, it was noted that the

District of Banga's number of enrollment hikes up by
43.45 percent from its previous year causing it to be
second in rank in the said year when it was steadily
standing in the sixth place from the previous years.

Furthermore, the district of Tangalan's enrollees

booms in SY 2017-2018 when its numbers grows by
more than half (55%) of the previous year. It is also
the only district wherein no private schools are
registered. On the other hand, the bottom two
districts in terms of enrollment are Lezo and
Madalag with 2,908 and 4, 624 average numbers of
enrollees, respectively. While the District of Ibajay II
and Malay has the slowest growing enrollees for the
past 5 years having an average growth of 0.427
and 1.087 percent.

Enrollment by Year Level From 2014-2019 the Province of Aklan has an

average enrollees of 141,210. Of this number,
121,653 came from public schools, while 19,558 are
in private institutions. Both schools offer pre-school,
elementary, junior high and senior high level of
education, however only public schools has a non-
graded level of education.

For the past five years, non-graded level of

education accumulates small number of enrollees
to public school, for example in 2019, there are 380
enrollees which only accounts 0.28 percent of all
enrollees. Nevertheless, it can be seen that the
typical number of public enrollees are 72 percent
higher than private enrollees with a difference of
102,095 enrollees in Aklan.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Indicator Particulars

Among school levels, Elementary and Junior high

are the prominent grade levels in Aklan such that in
every 151 enrollees, 81 are in elementary and 47 in
junior high level. In SY 2016-2017, the 80,722
elementary and 52,273 junior high schools already
comprise 93 percent of all schools in the Division of

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Statistical Tables


Table 5.1 Number of Enrollment by Grade Level, by Type of School, 195

and by District: Division of Aklan, SY 2014-2019

Table 5.2 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 201
Completed, and Age, Aklan: 2015

Table 5.3 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 203
Completed and Age, Altavas: 2015

Table 5.4 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 204
Completed and Age, Balete: 2015

Table 5.5 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 206
Completed and Age, Banga: 2015

Table 5.6 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 207
Completed and Age, Batan: 2015

Table 5.7 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 209
Completed and Age, Buruanga: 2015

Table 5.8 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 210
Completed and Age, Ibajay: 2015

Table 5.9 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 212
Completed and Age, Kalibo: 2015

Table 5.10 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 213
Completed and Age, Lezo: 2015

Table 5.11 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 215
Completed and Age, Libacao: 2015

Table 5.12 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 216
Completed and Age, Madalag: 2015

Table 5.13 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 218
Completed and Age, Makato: 2015

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Statistical Tables

Table 5.14 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 219
Completed and Age, Malay: 2015

Table 5.15 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 221
Completed and Age, Malinao: 2015

Table 5.16 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 223
Completed and Age, Nabas: 2015

Table 5.17 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 224
Completed and Age, New Washington: 2015

Table 5.18 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 226
Completed and Age, Numancia: 2015

Table 5.19 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade 227
Completed and Age, Tangalan: 2015

Table 5.20 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over 229
by Age Group, Sex, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.1 Number of Enrollment by Grade Level, by Type of School, and by

District: Division of Aklan, SY 2014-2019
Division/ SY 2014-2015 SY 2015-2016 SY 2016-2017
Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total
Division of
119,975 19,786 139,761 120,886 20,118 141,004 124,097 18,769 142,866
Pre-school 10,311 2,989 13,300 9,366 3,334 12,700 8,014 1,535 9,549
Elementary 75,562 6,282 81,844 75,913 6,723 82,636 74,265 6,457 80,722
Junior High
33,888 10,515 44,403 35,344 10,061 45,405 41,535 10,738 52,273
Senior High
- - - - - - 6,810 3,097 9,907
214 - 214 263 - 263 283 39 322
District of
Altavas 6,145 279 6,424 6,039 348 6,387 6,375 298 6,673

Pre-school 406 210 616 357 218 575 301 103 404

Elementary 3,465 69 3,534 3,418 130 3,548 3,341 28 3,369

Junior High
School 2,254 - 2,254 2,236 - 2,236 2,179 109 2,288
Senior High
School - - - - - - 530 19 549
Graded 20 - 20 28 - 28 24 39 63
District of
Balete 5,631 537 6,168 5,452 497 5,949 5,939 446 6,385

Pre-school 418 164 582 466 140 606 356 28 384

Elementary 3,593 32 3,625 3,554 28 3,582 3,460 34 3,494

Junior High
School 1,620 341 1,961 1,432 329 1,761 1,803 333 2,136
Senior High
School - - - - - - 320 51 371
Graded - - - - - - - - -
District of
Banga 7,784 381 8,165 7,917 301 8,218 14,204 327 14,531

Pre-school 651 191 842 552 101 653 510 109 619

Elementary 4,818 - 4,818 4,890 29 4,919 4,758 - 4,758

Junior High
School 2,278 190 2,468 2,438 171 2,609 8,446 188 8,634
Senior High
School - - - - - - 446 30 476
Graded 37 - 37 37 - 37 44 - 44
District of
Batan 7,050 332 7,382 7,274 335 7,609 7,437 356 7,793

Pre-school 634 28 662 539 48 587 458 19 477

Elementary 4,425 121 4,546 4,400 119 4,519 4,256 130 4,386
Junior High
School 1,991 183 2,174 2,335 168 2,503 2,372 159 2,531
Senior High
School - - - - - - 351 48 399
Graded - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.1 Number of Enrollment by Grade Level, by Type of School, and by

District: Division of Aklan, SY 2014-2019
Division/ SY 2014-2015 SY 2015-2016 SY 2016-2017
Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total
District of
Buruanga 4,197 223 4,420 4,196 243 4,439 4,538 284 4,822

Pre-school 357 35 392 350 32 382 304 39 343

Elementary 2,598 - 2,598 2,590 - 2,590 2,540 - 2,540

Junior High
School 1,242 188 1,430 1,256 211 1,467 1,372 223 1,595
Senior High
School - - - - - - 309 22 331
Graded - - - - - - 13 - 13
District of
Ibajay I 5,949 1,439 7,388 5,678 1,392 7,070 6,081 1,576 7,657

Pre-school 747 121 868 443 131 574 405 44 449

Elementary 3,480 349 3,829 3,512 280 3,792 3,520 307 3,827
Junior High
School 1,722 969 2,691 1,696 981 2,677 1,782 1,027 2,809
Senior High
School - - - - - - 354 198 552
Graded - - - 27 - 27 20 - 20
District of
Ibajay II 4,616 73 4,689 4,991 61 5,052 4,682 10 4,692

Pre-school 423 8 431 428 8 436 324 10 334

Elementary 3,105 65 3,170 3,063 53 3,116 2,991 - 2,991

Junior High
School 1,088 - 1,088 1,500 - 1,500 1,113 - 1,113
Senior High
School - - - - - - 254 - 254
Graded - - - - - - - - -
District of
Kalibo I 7,480 6,222 13,702 7,513 6,302 13,815 7,570 7,010 14,580

Pre-school 633 598 1,231 584 570 1,154 564 306 870

Elementary 4,830 2,644 7,474 4,898 2,648 7,546 4,830 2,624 7,454
Junior High
School 1,966 2,980 4,946 1,977 3,084 5,061 1,919 3,178 5,097
Senior High
School - - - - - - 210 902 1,112
Graded 51 - 51 54 - 54 47 - 47
District of
Kalibo II 6,653 4,336 10,989 6,696 3,938 10,634 6,867 5,039 11,906

Pre-school 592 443 1,035 510 491 1,001 432 230 662

Elementary 4,591 1,058 5,649 4,590 1,181 5,771 4,392 1,077 5,469
Junior High
School 1,398 2,835 4,233 1,522 2,266 3,788 1,679 2,418 4,097
Senior High
School - - - - - - 284 1,314 1,598

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.1 Number of Enrollment by Grade Level, by Type of School, and by

District: Division of Aklan, SY 2014-2019
Division/ SY 2014-2015 SY 2015-2016 SY 2016-2017
Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total
Graded 72 - 72 74 - 74 80 - 80
District of
Lezo 2,420 279 2,699 2,419 387 2,806 2,471 440 2,911

Pre-school 239 29 268 225 62 287 173 18 191

Elementary 1,573 - 1,573 1,582 90 1,672 1,604 108 1,712

Junior High
School 608 250 858 612 235 847 615 242 857
Senior High
School - - - - - - 79 72 151
Graded - - - - - - - - -
District of
Libacao 7,517 201 7,718 7,463 213 7,676 7,700 137 7,837

Pre-school 583 112 695 491 115 606 474 45 519

Elementary 5,020 89 5,109 4,999 98 5,097 4,724 92 4,816

Junior High
School 1,914 - 1,914 1,973 - 1,973 2,104 - 2,104
Senior High
School - - - - - - 398 - 398
Graded - - - - - - - - -
District of
Madalag 4,481 - 4,481 4,400 - 4,400 4,624 - 4,624

Pre-school 354 - 354 295 - 295 307 - 307

Elementary 2,799 - 2,799 2,733 - 2,733 2,588 - 2,588

Junior High
School 1,328 - 1,328 1,372 - 1,372 1,462 - 1,462
Senior High
School - - - - - - 267 - 267
Graded - - - - - - - - -
District of
Makato 5,679 366 6,045 5,753 336 6,089 6,000 376 6,376

Pre-school 505 66 571 489 50 539 403 22 425

Elementary 3,639 18 3,657 3,687 22 3,709 3,624 16 3,640

Junior High
School 1,535 282 1,817 1,577 264 1,841 1,646 288 1,934
Senior High
School - - - - - - 327 50 377
Graded - - - - - - - - -
District of
Malay 10,563 2,508 13,071 11,332 2,998 14,330 11,218 2,877 14,095

Pre-school 936 584 1,520 854 805 1,659 753 353 1,106

Elementary 6,646 1,558 8,204 6,769 1,739 8,508 6,674 1,854 8,528
Junior High
School 2,965 366 3,331 3,687 454 4,141 3,264 607 3,871

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.1 Number of Enrollment by Grade Level, by Type of School, and by

District: Division of Aklan, SY 2014-2019
Division/ SY 2014-2015 SY 2015-2016 SY 2016-2017
Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total
Senior High
School - - - - - - 496 63 559
Graded 16 - 16 22 - 22 31 - 31
District of
Malinao 5,262 279 5,541 5,189 323 5,512 5,379 320 5,699

Pre-school 434 29 463 419 35 454 340 14 354

Elementary 3,211 - 3,211 3,172 - 3,172 3,094 - 3,094

Junior High
School 1,617 250 1,867 1,598 288 1,886 1,587 306 1,893
Senior High
School - - - - - - 358 - 358
Graded - - - - - - - - -
District of
Nabas 9,458 993 10,451 9,538 1,076 10,614 10,147 1,214 11,361

Pre-school 747 65 812 743 152 895 649 69 718

Elementary 6,016 78 6,094 6,075 80 6,155 6,059 77 6,136

Junior High
School 2,695 850 3,545 2,720 844 3,564 2,790 893 3,683
Senior High
School - - - - - - 649 175 824
Graded - - - - - - - - -

District of
Washington 8,450 833 9,283 8,494 881 9,375 8,601 692 9,293

Pre-school 692 272 964 690 288 978 535 96 631

Elementary 5,298 201 5,499 5,327 226 5,553 5,221 110 5,331
Junior High
School 2,460 360 2,820 2,477 367 2,844 2,382 393 2,775
Senior High
School - - - - - - 463 93 556
Graded - - - - - - - - -
District of
Numancia 5,314 505 5,819 5,417 487 5,904 5,663 464 6,127

Pre-school 509 34 543 480 88 568 389 30 419

Elementary 3,496 - 3,496 3,627 - 3,627 3,582 - 3,582

Junior High
School 1,291 471 1,762 1,289 399 1,688 1,377 374 1,751
Senior High
School - - - - - - 291 60 351
Graded 18 - 18 21 - 21 24 - 24
District of
Tangalan 5,326 - 5,326 5,125 - 5,125 5,411 - 5,411

Pre-school 451 - 451 451 - 451 337 - 337

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.1 Number of Enrollment by Grade Level, by Type of School, and by

District: Division of Aklan, SY 2014-2019
Division/ SY 2014-2015 SY 2015-2016 SY 2016-2017
Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total
Elementary 2,959 - 2,959 3,027 - 3,027 3,007 - 3,007
Junior High
School 1,916 - 1,916 1,647 - 1,647 1,643 - 1,643
Senior High
School - - - - - - 424 - 424
Graded - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.1- Continued

Division/ District SY 2017-2018 SY 2018-2019
Office Public Private Total Public Private Total
Division of Aklan 120,776 19,268 140,044 118,470 18,280 136,750
Pre-school 10,919 1,511 12,430 10,962 1,544 12,506
Elementary 71,828 6,284 78,112 66,946 4,813 71,759
Junior High School 37,698 11,473 49,171 40,182 11,923 52,105
Senior High School 12,333 6,208 18,541 12,766 6,416 19,182
Non-Graded 331 - 331 380 - 380
District of Altavas 6,885 199 7,084 6,740 215 6,955
Pre-school 476 90 566 430 109 539
Elementary 3,069 98 3,167 3,012 84 3,096
Junior High School 2,313 11 2,324 2,375 22 2,397
Senior High School 992 - 992 890 - 890
Non-Graded 35 - 35 33 - 33
District of Balete 5,821 549 6,370 6,233 552 6,785
Pre-school 534 54 588 476 47 523
Elementary 3,197 54 3,251 3,170 68 3,238
Junior High School 1,449 326 1,775 1,921 300 2,221
Senior High School 641 115 756 666 137 803
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of Banga 8,512 348 8,860 8,510 380 8,890
Pre-school 662 82 744 638 68 706
Elementary 4,505 - 4,505 4,369 - 4,369
Junior High School 2,459 210 2,669 2,525 241 2,766
Senior High School 836 56 892 920 71 991
Non-Graded 50 - 50 58 - 58
District of Batan 7,766 398 8,164 7,797 361 8,158
Pre-school 593 24 617 616 21 637
Elementary 3,943 123 4,066 3,745 111 3,856
Junior High School 2,425 164 2,589 2,603 166 2,769
Senior High School 805 87 892 833 63 896
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of Buruanga 4,609 268 4,877 4,797 265 5,062
Pre-school 368 26 394 386 35 421
Elementary 2,475 - 2,475 2,416 - 2,416
Junior High School 1,233 182 1,415 1,439 173 1,612
Senior High School 518 60 578 540 57 597
Non-Graded 15 - 15 16 - 16
District of Ibajay I 6,399 1,924 8,323 6,509 2,040 8,549
Pre-school 517 55 572 523 47 570
Elementary 3,324 266 3,590 3,176 198 3,374
Junior High School 1,927 1,123 3,050 2,114 1,242 3,356
Senior High School 611 480 1,091 668 553 1,221
Non-Graded 20 - 20 28 - 28
District of Ibajay II 4,752 - 4,752 4,790 - 4,790
Pre-school 340 - 340 429 - 429

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.1- Continued

Division/ District SY 2017-2018 SY 2018-2019
Office Public Private Total Public Private Total
Elementary 2,346 - 2,346 2,212 - 2,212
Junior High School 1,573 - 1,573 1,658 - 1,658
Senior High School 493 - 493 491 - 491
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of Kalibo I 7,834 7,813 15,647 7,987 7,532 15,519
Pre-school 814 299 1,113 771 270 1,041
Elementary 4,494 2,447 6,941 4,636 1,917 6,553
Junior High School 2,118 3,370 5,488 2,039 3,544 5,583
Senior High School 352 1,697 2,049 476 1,801 2,277
Non-Graded 56 - 56 65 - 65
District of Kalibo II 7,252 6,642 13,894 7,453 6,526 13,979
Pre-school 687 233 920 739 296 1,035
Elementary 4,071 1,017 5,088 3,945 877 4,822
Junior High School 1,820 2,802 4,622 2,001 2,727 4,728
Senior High School 581 2,590 3,171 661 2,626 3,287
Non-Graded 93 - 93 107 - 107
District of Lezo 2,549 482 3,031 2,652 439 3,091
Pre-school 241 28 269 264 13 277
Elementary 1,529 79 1,608 1,519 56 1,575
Junior High School 616 249 865 652 258 910
Senior High School 163 126 289 217 112 329
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of Libacao 8,046 132 8,178 8,057 116 8,173
Pre-school 651 44 695 583 58 641
Elementary 4,254 88 4,342 4,027 58 4,085
Junior High School 2,437 - 2,437 2,719 - 2,719
Senior High School 704 - 704 728 - 728
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of Madalag 4,752 - 4,752 4,790 - 4,790
Pre-school 340 - 340 429 - 429
Elementary 2,346 - 2,346 2,212 - 2,212
Junior High School 1,573 - 1,573 1,658 - 1,658
Senior High School 493 - 493 491 - 491
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of Makato 6,218 433 6,651 6,343 485 6,828
Pre-school 544 16 560 594 27 621
Elementary 3,390 15 3,405 3,313 17 3,330
Junior High School 1,706 299 2,005 1,814 335 2,149
Senior High School 578 103 681 622 106 728
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of Malay 11,851 2,878 14,729 11,625 2,172 13,797
Pre-school 1,012 322 1,334 945 315 1,260
Elementary 6,432 1,792 8,224 5,991 1,148 7,139
Junior High School 3,451 648 4,099 3,627 589 4,216
Senior High School 924 116 1,040 1,026 120 1,146
Non-Graded 32 - 32 36 - 36
District of Malinao 5,629 523 6,152 5,545 581 6,126
Pre-school 488 23 511 439 15 454
Elementary 2,870 5 2,875 2,838 12 2,850
Junior High School 1,614 362 1,976 1,593 422 2,015
Senior High School 657 133 790 675 132 807
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of Nabas 10,588 1,436 12,024 10,473 1,487 11,960
Pre-school 840 57 897 855 69 924
Elementary 5,546 93 5,639 5,287 83 5,370
Junior High School 3,136 959 4,095 3,313 1,046 4,359
Senior High School 1,066 327 1,393 1,018 289 1,307
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of New 9,144 966 10,110 9,248 1,004 10,252
Washington 737 129 866 849 128 977
Elementary 4,921 207 5,128 4,924 184 5,108
Junior High School 2,661 426 3,087 2,684 469 3,153

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.1- Continued

Division/ District SY 2017-2018 SY 2018-2019
Office Public Private Total Public Private Total
Senior High School 825 204 1,029 791 223 1,014
Non-Graded - - - - - -
District of Numancia 6,083 485 6,568 5,935 541 6,476
Pre-school 553 29 582 560 26 586
Elementary 3,606 - 3,606 3,317 - 3,317
Junior High School 1,446 342 1,788 1,585 389 1,974
Senior High School 448 114 562 445 126 571
Non-Graded 30 - 30 28 - 28
District of Tangalan 8,419 - 8,419 5,752 - 5,752
Pre-school 522 - 522 436 - 436
Elementary 5,510 - 5,510 2,837 - 2,837
Junior High School 1,741 - 1,741 1,862 - 1,862
Senior High School 646 - 646 608 - 608
Non-Graded - - - 9 - 9

Table 5.2 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed,
and Age, Aklan: 2015
Total Age
5 Years 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/
and Over

11,73 12,20 12,29 11,91 11,59 11,64 11,55 11,09 10,88

Both Sexes 518,000 8 9 3 7 7 5 9 1 3
No Grade
Completed 12,512 5,657 537 105 57 61 50 58 39 45

Pre-School 15,246 6,081 7,954 926 129 46 26 12 8 12

Education 108 - 7 5 6 13 11 3 3 4

Elementary 167,921 - 3,711 11,257 11,725 11,477 11,558 11,486 9,656 4,992
1st - 4th
Grade 90,566 - 3,711 11,257 11,725 11,477 9,619 4,097 1,430 756
5th - 6th
Grade 27,293 - - - - - 1,939 6,303 3,550 1,054

Graduate 50,062 - - - - - - 1,086 4,676 3,182

High School 183,585 - - - - - - - 1,385 5,830

e 69,129 - - - - - - - 1,385 5,830

Graduate 114,456 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 23,779 - - - - - - - - -

e 258 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 23,521 - - - - - - - - -
e 46,393 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 67,440 - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.2 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed,
and Age, Aklan: 2015
Total Age
5 Years 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/
and Over
Baccalaureate 1,016 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.2- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 11,397 12,176 11,176 11,502 11,041 11,360 54,635 47,034 41,053 201,694
No Grade
Completed 57 57 64 65 62 71 365 320 301 4,541

Pre-School 8 4 4 3 3 6 15 7 - 2
Education 3 6 6 1 6 3 15 5 6 5

Elementary 2,109 1,465 1,040 1,069 976 973 5,611 5,731 5,626 67,459
1st - 4th
Grade 444 388 294 380 356 331 2,129 2,096 2,142 27,934
5th - 6th
Grade 534 360 241 223 187 197 1,045 1,081 961 9,618

Graduate 1,131 717 505 466 433 445 2,437 2,554 2,523 29,907

High School 9,220 10,644 8,891 6,592 5,295 4,897 23,743 20,884 17,806 68,398

Undergraduate 9,220 9,771 4,950 2,415 1,677 1,288 5,475 4,694 4,110 18,314

Graduate - 873 3,941 4,177 3,618 3,609 18,268 16,190 13,696 50,084
Secondary - - 1 2 6 663 3,912 4,190 3,310 11,695

Undergraduate - - 1 2 6 6 39 32 36 136

Graduate - - - - - 657 3,873 4,158 3,274 11,559

Undergraduate - - 1,170 3,770 4,693 4,317 9,252 4,940 4,150 14,101
Degree Holder - - - - - 430 11,700 10,902 9,778 34,630
Baccalaureate - - - - - - 22 55 76 863

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.3 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Altavas: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 22,227 458 488 493 483 533 508 514 463 492
No Grade
Completed 666 329 29 7 3 3 - 1 4 1

Pre-School 547 129 344 66 4 1 1 - 1 -

Education 18 - 1 2 - 1 5 - - -

Elementary 8,232 - 114 418 476 528 502 513 414 240
1st - 4th
Grade 4,336 - 114 418 476 528 446 220 69 39
5th - 6th
Grade 1,352 - - - - - 56 259 158 39

Graduate 2,544 - - - - - - 34 187 162

High School 7,950 - - - - - - - 44 251

Undergraduate 3,189 - - - - - - - 44 251

Graduate 4,761 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 627 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 5 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 622 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,828 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 2,295 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 64 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.3- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 481 549 483 484 450 433 2,195 1,807 1,528 9,385
No Grade
Completed 2 7 3 4 4 4 25 14 18 208

Pre-School - - - - - - - 1 - -
Education 3 1 2 - 1 - 1 - - 1

Elementary 85 71 33 59 46 50 320 310 244 3,809

1st - 4th
Grade 13 21 11 27 16 14 139 104 99 1,582

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.3- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over
5th - 6th
Grade 17 14 6 9 6 8 62 65 33 620

Graduate 55 36 16 23 24 28 119 141 112 1,607

High School 391 470 411 280 220 177 926 829 719 3,232

Undergraduate 391 442 230 99 76 48 220 184 195 1,009

Graduate - 28 181 181 144 129 706 645 524 2,223

Secondary - - - - - 8 74 98 88 359

Undergraduate - - - - - - - 1 - 4

Graduate - - - - - 8 74 97 88 355
Undergraduate - - 34 141 179 187 417 180 138 552
Degree Holder - - - - - 7 429 371 316 1,172
Baccalaureate - - - - - - 3 4 5 52

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.4 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Balete: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 26,175 602 608 588 624 577 555 640 554 580
No Grade
Completed 813 339 41 5 1 5 8 4 2 4

Pre-School 705 263 376 56 6 1 1 - - -

Education 3 - - - - 1 - - - -

Elementary 10,221 - 191 527 617 570 546 636 469 261
1st - 4th
Grade 5,218 - 191 527 617 570 444 204 63 32
5th - 6th
Grade 1,609 - - - - - 102 367 142 49

Graduate 3,394 - - - - - - 65 264 180

High School 9,436 - - - - - - - 83 315

Undergraduate 3,546 - - - - - - - 83 315

Graduate 5,890 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 571 - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.4 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Balete: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Undergraduate - - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 571 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,158 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 2,252 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 16 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.4- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 560 682 560 622 589 606 2,912 2,412 2,039 9,865
No Grade
Completed 3 4 1 - 4 5 25 13 23 326

Pre-School - 2 - - - - - - - -
Education - - 1 - - 1 - - - -

Elementary 108 83 57 86 73 85 427 413 391 4,681

1st - 4th
Grade 21 21 15 24 27 24 140 127 117 2,054
5th - 6th
Grade 21 13 8 22 9 15 61 74 64 662

Graduate 66 49 34 40 37 46 226 212 210 1,965

High School 449 593 461 355 303 269 1,379 1,151 933 3,145

Undergraduate 449 539 231 118 86 53 315 255 195 907

Graduate - 54 230 237 217 216 1,064 896 738 2,238

Secondary - - - - - 18 82 135 86 250

Undergraduate - - - - - - - - - -

Graduate - - - - - 18 82 135 86 250

Undergraduate - - 40 181 209 212 486 242 218 570
Degree Holder - - - - - 16 513 458 387 878
Baccalaureate - - - - - - - - 1 15

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.5 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Banga: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 35,914 762 840 783 799 753 805 717 732 745
No Grade
Completed 633 239 16 4 4 2 1 3 4 1

Pre-School 1,094 523 514 51 5 1 - - - -

Education 20 - 2 - 3 3 - 1 - -

Elementary 11,077 - 308 728 787 747 804 713 612 293
1st - 4th
Grade 5,730 - 308 728 787 747 593 187 70 37
5th - 6th
Grade 1,803 - - - - - 211 401 208 41

Graduate 3,544 - - - - - - 125 334 215

High School 11,703 - - - - - - - 116 451

Undergraduate 4,627 - - - - - - - 116 451

Graduate 7,076 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 1,562 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 14 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 1,548 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 3,791 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 5,884 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 150 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.5- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 764 871 777 783 795 818 3,646 2,972 2,712 14,840
No Grade
Completed 4 2 4 6 6 5 22 22 14 274

Pre-School - - - - - - - - - -
Education - 1 1 1 2 - 2 1 2 1

Elementary 125 83 63 53 51 55 281 281 328 4,765

1st - 4th
Grade 25 17 14 15 16 17 101 90 96 1,882

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.5- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over
5th - 6th
Grade 20 22 15 7 14 13 53 42 54 702

Graduate 80 44 34 31 21 25 127 149 178 2,181

High School 635 785 612 398 314 269 1,365 1,141 1,037 4,580

Undergraduate 635 710 338 136 88 72 299 227 231 1,324

Graduate - 75 274 262 226 197 1,066 914 806 3,256

Secondary - - - - 1 40 222 224 199 876

Undergraduate - - - - 1 1 - 1 1 10

Graduate - - - - - 39 222 223 198 866

Undergraduate - - 97 325 421 408 675 337 321 1,207
Degree Holder - - - - - 41 1,073 957 800 3,013
Baccalaureate - - - - - - 6 9 11 124

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.6 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Batan: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 29,008 664 650 703 663 651 709 681 669 673
No Grade
Completed 469 166 12 4 2 4 5 2 2 3

Pre-School 971 498 387 52 18 4 1 - 1 2

Education 9 - 2 1 - 2 - - - -

Elementary 10,249 - 249 646 643 641 703 679 590 289
1st - 4th
Grade 5,519 - 249 646 643 641 593 257 87 49
5th - 6th
Grade 1,759 - - - - - 110 364 207 50

Graduate 2,971 - - - - - - 58 296 190

High School 11,239 - - - - - - - 76 379

Undergraduate 4,474 - - - - - - - 76 379

Graduate 6,765 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 1,144 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 16 - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.6 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Batan: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Graduate 1,128 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,234 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 2,642 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 51 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.6- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 690 753 671 655 576 574 2,628 2,139 1,969 12,290
No Grade
Completed 6 5 2 5 2 6 16 16 11 200

Pre-School 1 - 1 - - 2 4 - - -
Education - - - - 1 1 1 - 1 -

Elementary 135 67 64 60 46 41 282 273 290 4,551

1st - 4th
Grade 32 24 18 23 21 19 95 90 129 1,903
5th - 6th
Grade 31 13 15 17 10 7 62 67 57 749

Graduate 72 30 31 20 15 15 125 116 104 1,899

High School 548 681 527 379 280 255 1,198 1,095 1,016 4,805

Undergraduate 548 637 308 137 90 64 318 283 296 1,338

Graduate - 44 219 242 190 191 880 812 720 3,467

Secondary - - - - - 31 188 157 145 623

Undergraduate - - - - - - 5 2 1 8

Graduate - - - - - 31 183 155 144 615

Undergraduate - - 77 211 247 223 421 202 167 686
Degree Holder - - - - - 15 518 396 336 1,377
Baccalaureate - - - - - - - - 3 48

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.7 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Buruanga: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 16,982 406 452 418 417 372 381 371 400 399
No Grade
Completed 301 188 19 2 1 1 3 1 1 1

Pre-School 544 218 279 36 2 4 1 1 1 1

Education - - - - - - - - - -

Elementary 5,713 - 154 380 414 367 377 369 341 191
1st - 4th
Grade 2,951 - 154 380 414 367 314 117 44 31
5th - 6th
Grade 1,096 - - - - - 63 219 144 47

Graduate 1,666 - - - - - - 33 153 113

High School 6,687 - - - - - - - 57 206

Undergraduate 2,670 - - - - - - - 57 206

Graduate 4,017 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 776 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 12 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 764 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,373 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 1,575 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 13 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.7- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 397 402 395 370 365 361 1,775 1,523 1,336 6,442
No Grade
Completed - 3 3 1 1 1 10 6 6 53

Pre-School - - 1 - - - - - - -
Education - - - - - - - - - -

Elementary 69 57 41 29 29 33 176 184 167 2,335

1st - 4th
Grade 7 10 10 3 11 10 62 67 55 895

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.7- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over
5th - 6th
Grade 15 10 12 11 5 11 42 44 39 434

Graduate 47 37 19 15 13 12 72 73 73 1,006

High School 328 342 326 244 184 192 884 799 687 2,438

Undergraduate 328 328 187 98 53 54 210 179 189 781

Graduate - 14 139 146 131 138 674 620 498 1,657

Secondary - - - - - 18 115 110 101 432

Undergraduate - - - - - 1 - 1 1 9

Graduate - - - - - 17 115 109 100 423

Undergraduate - - 24 96 151 95 268 160 143 436
Degree Holder - - - - - 22 322 263 232 736
Baccalaureate - - - - - - - 1 - 12

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.8 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Ibajay: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 44,859 980 1,016 1,100 1,024 1,065 1,030 992 981 897
No Grade
Completed 1,340 651 54 11 6 8 4 4 3 4

Pre-School 1,064 329 662 58 5 3 2 - - 1

Education 1 - - - - - - - - -

Elementary 14,881 - 300 1,031 1,013 1,054 1,024 988 878 455
1st - 4th
Grade 8,200 - 300 1,031 1,013 1,054 905 389 111 61
5th - 6th
Grade 2,413 - - - - - 119 542 342 90

Graduate 4,268 - - - - - - 57 425 304

High School 17,315 - - - - - - - 100 437

Undergraduate 5,798 - - - - - - - 100 437

Graduate 11,517 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 2,478 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 35 - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.8 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Ibajay: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Graduate 2,443 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 3,096 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 4,574 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 110 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.8- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 1,009 1,033 974 1,016 966 966 4,594 4,017 3,538 17,661
No Grade
Completed 6 2 6 4 8 8 35 40 25 461

Pre-School - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Education - - 1 - - - - - - -

Elementary 169 110 77 97 68 77 439 481 500 6,120

1st - 4th
Grade 24 37 19 41 31 25 168 172 187 2,632
5th - 6th
Grade 48 27 14 22 7 17 90 100 88 907

Graduate 97 46 44 34 30 35 181 209 225 2,581

High School 834 920 816 621 541 491 2,149 1,934 1,724 6,748

Undergraduate 834 877 453 216 155 93 359 371 325 1,578

Graduate - 43 363 405 386 398 1,790 1,563 1,399 5,170

Secondary - - - 1 1 64 500 479 331 1,102

Undergraduate - - - 1 1 - 4 1 7 21

Graduate - - - - - 64 496 478 324 1,081

Undergraduate - - 74 292 347 293 610 299 283 898
Degree Holder - - - - - 33 859 777 666 2,239
Baccalaureate - - - - - - 1 7 9 93

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.9 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Kalibo: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 73,278 1,449 1,526 1,633 1,551 1,512 1,591 1,482 1,428 1,401
No Grade
Completed 1,288 773 83 17 7 7 4 2 5 5

Pre-School 1,802 676 968 128 17 7 2 3 1 -

Education 24 - 1 1 1 2 1 - 1 3

Elementary 18,782 - 474 1,487 1,526 1,496 1,584 1,477 1,241 593
1st - 4th
Grade 10,008 - 474 1,487 1,526 1,496 1,343 518 149 80
5th - 6th
Grade 2,873 - - - - - 241 826 451 120

Graduate 5,901 - - - - - - 133 641 393

High School 21,802 - - - - - - - 180 800

Undergraduate 8,758 - - - - - - - 180 800

Graduate 13,044 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 4,647 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 28 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 4,619 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 8,317 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 16,390 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 226 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.9- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 1,544 1,517 1,465 1,599 1,527 1,596 7,592 6,629 6,012 30,224
No Grade
Completed 6 5 10 6 7 4 33 30 21 263

Pre-School - - - - - - - - - -
Education - 1 1 - 1 - 5 - 3 3

Elementary 253 142 109 121 97 79 588 592 529 6,394

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.9- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over
1st - 4th
Grade 57 30 30 35 30 27 185 183 174 2,184
5th - 6th
Grade 62 35 24 33 21 14 93 105 82 766

Graduate 134 77 55 53 46 38 310 304 273 3,444

High School 1,285 1,369 1,155 775 534 516 2,448 2,170 1,955 8,615

Undergraduate 1,285 1,210 615 262 179 145 672 622 532 2,256

Graduate - 159 540 513 355 371 1,776 1,548 1,423 6,359
Secondary - - - - - 120 684 746 612 2,485

Undergraduate - - - - - - 3 3 4 18

Graduate - - - - - 120 681 743 608 2,467

Undergraduate - - 190 697 888 785 1,602 824 633 2,698
Degree Holder - - - - - 92 2,226 2,256 2,245 9,571
Baccalaureate - - - - - - 6 11 14 195

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.10 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Lezo: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 13,719 308 295 323 275 289 269 278 282 266
No Grade
Completed 166 83 3 3 1 1 - 2 2 -

Pre-School 416 225 168 22 1 - - - - -

Education 3 - - - - - - - 1 -

Elementary 4,155 - 124 298 273 288 269 276 216 87

1st - 4th
Grade 2,018 - 124 298 273 288 177 67 20 11
5th - 6th
Grade 639 - - - - - 92 148 71 10

Graduate 1,498 - - - - - - 61 125 66

High School 4,831 - - - - - - - 63 179

Undergraduate 1,696 - - - - - - - 63 179

Graduate 3,135 - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.10 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Lezo: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over
Secondary 731 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 6 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 725 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,258 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 2,155 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 4 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.10- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 261 277 275 264 283 264 1,373 1,231 1,137 5,769
No Grade
Completed 1 2 - 1 2 - 2 2 2 59

Pre-School - - - - - - - - - -
Education - - - - - - 1 1 - -

Elementary 15 20 14 22 24 26 101 115 101 1,886

1st - 4th
Grade 1 6 3 10 6 5 27 31 26 645
5th - 6th
Grade 2 2 2 4 7 6 17 21 13 244

Graduate 12 12 9 8 11 15 57 63 62 997

High School 245 255 211 125 143 125 627 513 456 1,889

Undergraduate 245 207 115 41 38 23 109 101 88 487

Graduate - 48 96 84 105 102 518 412 368 1,402

Secondary - - - - - 12 91 139 111 378

Undergraduate - - - - - - - 1 1 4

Graduate - - - - - 12 91 138 110 374

Undergraduate - - 50 116 114 91 205 133 112 437
Degree Holder - - - - - 10 346 328 355 1,116
Baccalaureate - - - - - - - - - 4

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.10- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.11 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Libacao: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 25,114 663 687 632 704 610 682 681 629 581
No Grade
Completed 1,679 304 45 13 12 14 6 7 3 3

Pre-School 842 359 404 50 13 5 5 2 1 1

Education 2 - - - - 2 - - - -

Elementary 11,378 - 238 569 679 589 671 672 540 314
1st - 4th
Grade 6,855 - 238 569 679 589 541 267 138 73
5th - 6th
Grade 1,891 - - - - - 130 342 201 108

Graduate 2,632 - - - - - - 63 201 133

High School 6,640 - - - - - - - 85 263

Undergraduate 3,601 - - - - - - - 85 263

Graduate 3,039 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 632 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 15 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 617 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,026 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 1,911 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 4 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.11- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 600 680 646 607 561 624 2,826 2,269 1,772 8,660

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.11- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over
No Grade
Completed 3 7 5 9 5 11 58 64 77 1,033

Pre-School 1 - - 1 - - - - - -
Education - - - - - - - - - -

Elementary 217 185 136 105 113 106 610 660 571 4,403
1st - 4th
Grade 52 60 39 28 36 51 293 334 308 2,560
5th - 6th
Grade 62 48 35 27 28 20 112 111 94 573

Graduate 103 77 62 50 49 35 205 215 169 1,270

High School 379 488 420 344 267 258 1,041 825 594 1,676

Undergraduate 379 453 332 233 174 132 415 301 223 611

Graduate - 35 88 111 93 126 626 524 371 1,065

Secondary - - - - - 10 135 141 94 252

Undergraduate - - - - - - 4 - 3 8

Graduate - - - - - 10 131 141 91 244

Undergraduate - - 85 148 176 228 577 229 173 410
Degree Holder - - - - - 11 405 350 263 882
Baccalaureate - - - - - - - - - 4

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.12 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Madalag: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 16,631 361 426 367 389 427 414 396 385 394
No Grade
Completed 848 167 16 3 1 - - 2 - 3

Pre-School 550 194 306 32 6 - 3 1 - 1

Education 4 - - - - - - - - -

Elementary 7,262 - 104 332 382 427 411 393 341 228
1st - 4th
Grade 4,415 - 104 332 382 427 367 162 87 38
5th - 6th
Grade 1,100 - - - - - 44 210 123 64

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.12 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Madalag: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Graduate 1,747 - - - - - - 21 131 126

High School 5,275 - - - - - - - 44 162

Undergraduate 2,181 - - - - - - - 44 162

Graduate 3,094 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 508 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 18 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 490 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,001 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 1,160 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 23 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.12- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 436 421 420 431 391 367 1,778 1,405 1,133 6,290
No Grade
Completed 2 3 2 1 5 6 31 32 21 553

Pre-School - - - - 1 1 2 3 - -
Education - - - - - 1 1 2 - -

Elementary 137 74 58 55 48 43 296 290 315 3,328

1st - 4th
Grade 24 13 13 27 23 16 153 124 163 1,960
5th - 6th
Grade 41 24 18 5 4 10 58 49 47 403

Graduate 72 37 27 23 21 17 85 117 105 965

High School 297 344 334 278 221 179 860 616 485 1,455

Undergraduate 297 322 219 128 78 53 209 155 128 386

Graduate - 22 115 150 143 126 651 461 357 1,069

Secondary - - - - 1 21 92 105 68 221

Undergraduate - - - - 1 1 4 1 1 10

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.12- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Graduate - - - - - 20 88 104 67 211

Undergraduate - - 26 97 115 103 267 105 74 214
Degree Holder - - - - - 13 226 250 167 504
Baccalaureate - - - - - - 3 2 3 15

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.13 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Makato: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 24,572 586 607 630 542 535 544 543 535 501
No Grade
Completed 540 252 30 2 3 2 4 2 2 1

Pre-School 803 334 415 36 5 1 3 2 - 2

Education 8 - - - 1 - 3 - - -

Elementary 8,075 - 162 592 533 532 534 539 459 208
1st - 4th
Grade 4,355 - 162 592 533 532 448 167 41 34
5th - 6th
Grade 1,310 - - - - - 86 314 156 33

Graduate 2,410 - - - - - - 58 262 141

High School 8,675 - - - - - - - 74 290

Undergraduate 3,163 - - - - - - - 74 290

Graduate 5,512 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 1,138 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate - - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 1,138 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,055 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 3,236 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 42 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.13- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 526 570 552 510 512 538 2,506 2,122 1,932 9,781
No Grade
Completed 1 2 8 3 3 1 15 9 9 191

Pre-School - - - - - - 3 2 - -
Education - 1 - - 1 - 2 - - -

Elementary 68 54 45 30 36 43 249 290 297 3,404

1st - 4th
Grade 12 13 15 19 14 17 107 103 104 1,442
5th - 6th
Grade 19 16 8 3 3 6 43 59 60 504

Graduate 37 25 22 8 19 20 99 128 133 1,458

High School 457 513 448 313 222 220 1,110 906 832 3,290

Undergraduate 457 464 201 104 60 52 202 207 194 858

Graduate - 49 247 209 162 168 908 699 638 2,432

Secondary - - - - - 40 167 188 149 594

Undergraduate - - - - - - - - - -

Graduate - - - - - 40 167 188 149 594

Undergraduate - - 51 164 250 210 372 177 169 662
Degree Holder - - - - - 24 588 548 474 1,602
Baccalaureate - - - - - - - 2 2 38

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.14 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Malay: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 46,970 1,197 1,210 1,135 1,132 1,093 1,023 984 943 980
No Grade
Completed 931 639 56 12 4 5 4 8 6 5

Pre-School 1,460 558 752 107 28 4 1 1 2 1

Education 4 - - - - - - 1 1 -

Elementary 13,085 - 402 1,016 1,100 1,084 1,018 974 797 495

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.14 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Malay: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over
1st - 4th
Grade 7,079 - 402 1,016 1,100 1,084 800 380 151 88
5th - 6th
Grade 2,199 - - - - - 218 483 302 111

Graduate 3,807 - - - - - - 111 344 296

High School 19,663 - - - - - - - 137 479

Undergraduate 6,304 - - - - - - - 137 479

Graduate 13,359 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 1,786 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 22 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 1,764 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 4,914 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 5,074 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 53 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.14- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 966 987 933 978 1,006 1,060 6,268 5,786 4,715 14,574
No Grade
Completed 6 2 3 6 3 4 21 12 14 121

Pre-School 2 - - - - 2 2 - - -
Education - 2 - - - - - - - -

Elementary 186 151 103 118 105 85 521 501 491 3,938
1st - 4th
Grade 47 44 30 45 29 25 150 155 156 1,377
5th - 6th
Grade 53 43 25 21 29 19 107 102 107 579

Graduate 86 64 48 52 47 41 264 244 228 1,982

High School 772 832 761 642 570 584 3,189 2,965 2,271 6,461

Undergraduate 772 759 453 222 171 147 689 552 427 1,496

Graduate - 73 308 420 399 437 2,500 2,413 1,844 4,965

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.14- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over
Secondary - - - - 2 64 391 400 299 630

Undergraduate - - - - 2 - 6 4 4 6

Graduate - - - - - 64 385 396 295 624

Undergraduate - - 66 212 326 281 1,028 835 713 1,453
Degree Holder - - - - - 40 1,116 1,071 920 1,927
Baccalaureate - - - - - - - 2 7 44

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.15 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Malinao: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 20,957 426 480 495 495 443 456 493 448 461
No Grade
Completed 650 274 38 6 3 - 2 2 - 2

Pre-School 562 152 353 45 3 3 - - - -

Education 2 - - - - 1 1 - - -

Elementary 7,549 - 89 444 489 439 453 491 412 190

1st - 4th
Grade 4,230 - 89 444 489 439 405 181 82 35
5th - 6th
Grade 1,186 - - - - - 48 294 151 46

Graduate 2,133 - - - - - - 16 179 109

High School 7,054 - - - - - - - 36 269

Undergraduate 2,898 - - - - - - - 36 269

Graduate 4,156 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 1,224 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 35 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 1,189 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,449 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 2,418 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 49 - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.15 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Malinao: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.15- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 472 520 433 446 384 446 2,059 1,758 1,538 8,704
No Grade
Completed 4 - 5 3 1 2 16 9 12 271

Pre-School 1 - 2 1 - 1 - 1 - -
Education - - - - - - - - - -

Elementary 91 67 42 39 42 46 237 237 257 3,484

1st - 4th
Grade 25 15 14 13 19 20 116 109 113 1,622
5th - 6th
Grade 26 15 10 8 9 12 40 40 38 449

Graduate 40 37 18 18 14 14 81 88 106 1,413

High School 376 453 360 257 200 183 856 751 643 2,670

Undergraduate 376 431 188 114 68 49 202 170 156 839

Graduate - 22 172 143 132 134 654 581 487 1,831

Secondary - - - 1 1 39 212 218 151 602

Undergraduate - - - 1 1 - 4 4 6 19

Graduate - - - - - 39 208 214 145 583

Undergraduate - - 24 145 140 169 280 149 122 420
Degree Holder - - - - - 6 458 390 348 1,216
Baccalaureate - - - - - - - 3 5 41

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.16 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Nabas: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 32,305 788 844 906 834 825 798 797 822 709
No Grade
Completed 636 417 34 6 2 4 2 6 1 4

Pre-School 956 371 540 40 1 - - - 1 -

Education 2 - - 1 - - - - - -

Elementary 10,584 - 270 859 831 821 796 791 753 385
1st - 4th
Grade 5,696 - 270 859 831 821 649 336 132 53
5th - 6th
Grade 1,786 - - - - - 147 385 340 93

Graduate 3,102 - - - - - - 70 281 239

High School 13,745 - - - - - - - 67 320

Undergraduate 4,590 - - - - - - - 67 320

Graduate 9,155 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 1,172 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 11 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 1,161 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,549 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 2,639 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 22 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing
Table 5.16- Continued
Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 807 836 787 776 758 758 3,485 2,889 2,414 11,472
No Grade
Completed 4 2 3 5 4 3 15 8 8 108

Pre-School 1 - - - - - 2 - - -
Education - - - - - - - 1 - -

Elementary 161 101 68 52 62 60 304 295 300 3,675

1st - 4th
Grade 42 28 24 23 26 23 115 111 106 1,247
5th - 6th
Grade 49 25 13 8 11 11 64 58 59 523

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.16- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Graduate 70 48 31 21 25 26 125 126 135 1,905

High School 641 733 647 515 441 420 1,920 1,656 1,335 5,050

Undergraduate 641 674 374 176 102 95 391 313 244 1,193

Graduate - 59 273 339 339 325 1,529 1,343 1,091 3,857

Secondary - - - - - 31 210 218 171 542

Undergraduate - - - - - 2 2 3 - 4

Graduate - - - - - 29 208 215 171 538

Undergraduate - - 69 204 251 223 544 283 228 747
Degree Holder - - - - - 21 489 425 370 1,334
Baccalaureate - - - - - - 1 3 2 16

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.17 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, New Washington: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 40,607 940 948 933 898 881 914 882 829 784
No Grade
Completed 628 335 34 4 4 4 3 3 2 2

Pre-School 1,351 605 652 73 5 8 3 1 - 1

Education - - - - - - - - - -

Elementary 12,563 - 262 856 889 869 908 878 705 310
1st - 4th
Grade 6,425 - 262 856 889 869 770 267 96 43
5th - 6th
Grade 1,948 - - - - - 138 517 224 59

Graduate 4,190 - - - - - - 94 385 208

High School 14,581 - - - - - - - 122 471

Undergraduate 5,526 - - - - - - - 122 471

Graduate 9,055 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 2,132 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 1 - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.17 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, New Washington: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Graduate 2,131 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 3,921 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 5,361 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 70 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.17- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 856 965 844 883 862 887 4,193 3,677 3,239 16,192
No Grade
Completed 3 4 4 3 3 4 14 18 17 167

Pre-School 1 1 - - - - 1 - - -
Education - - - - - - - - - -

Elementary 139 88 55 65 61 62 395 400 444 5,177

1st - 4th
Grade 33 17 16 19 17 19 134 146 157 1,815
5th - 6th
Grade 31 27 18 11 13 9 72 70 66 693

Graduate 75 44 21 35 31 34 189 184 221 2,669

High School 713 872 651 447 399 346 1,831 1,666 1,351 5,712

Undergraduate 713 782 332 147 122 93 430 384 314 1,616

Graduate - 90 319 300 277 253 1,401 1,282 1,037 4,096

Secondary - - - - - 61 328 382 318 1,043

Undergraduate - - - - - - - 1 - -

Graduate - - - - - 61 328 381 318 1,043

Undergraduate - - 134 368 399 364 697 366 312 1,281
Degree Holder - - - - - 50 926 843 787 2,755
Baccalaureate - - - - - - 1 2 10 57

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.18 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Numancia: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 29,021 647 663 639 633 597 548 637 567 578
No Grade
Completed 486 288 17 4 1 1 2 5 1 3

Pre-School 921 359 494 51 6 2 2 1 - 2

Education 6 - - - 1 1 1 - - 1

Elementary 7,453 - 152 584 625 593 543 631 504 280
1st - 4th
Grade 3,966 - 152 584 625 593 483 230 51 29
5th - 6th
Grade 1,181 - - - - - 60 359 204 57

Graduate 2,306 - - - - - - 42 249 194

High School 9,425 - - - - - - - 62 292

Undergraduate 3,273 - - - - - - - 62 292

Graduate 6,152 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 1,772 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 30 - - - - - - - - -

Graduate 1,742 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,925 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 5,963 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 70 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing
Table 5.18- Continued
Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 590 618 522 606 582 605 2,776 2,688 2,576 11,949
No Grade
Completed 3 3 3 3 1 5 9 19 15 103

Pre-School 1 - - - 1 - - - - 2
Education - - - - - - 2 - - -

Elementary 80 59 33 37 37 36 179 193 199 2,688

1st - 4th
Grade 17 16 11 14 20 7 62 58 75 939
5th - 6th
Grade 22 13 10 8 3 7 30 35 25 348

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.18- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Graduate 41 30 12 15 14 22 87 100 99 1,401

High School 506 556 406 318 231 192 967 1,010 1,024 3,861

Undergraduate 506 520 213 95 69 55 216 190 190 865

Graduate - 36 193 223 162 137 751 820 834 2,996

Secondary - - - - - 58 268 297 233 916

Undergraduate - - - - - 1 5 8 3 13

Graduate - - - - - 57 263 289 230 903

Undergraduate - - 80 248 312 290 513 270 247 965
Degree Holder - - - - - 24 838 892 857 3,352
Baccalaureate - - - - - - - 7 1 62

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.19 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Tangalan: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Both Sexes 19,661 501 469 515 454 434 418 471 424 442
No Grade
Completed 438 213 10 2 2 - 2 4 1 3

Pre-School 658 288 340 23 4 2 1 - - -

Education 2 - 1 - - - - 1 - -

Elementary 6,662 - 118 490 448 432 415 466 384 173
1st - 4th
Grade 3,565 - 118 490 448 432 341 148 39 23
5th - 6th
Grade 1,148 - - - - - 74 273 126 37

Graduate 1,949 - - - - - - 45 219 113

High School 7,564 - - - - - - - 39 266

Undergraduate 2,835 - - - - - - - 39 266

Graduate 4,729 - - - - - - - - -
Secondary 879 - - - - - - - - -

Undergraduate 10 - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.19 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade Completed
and Age, Tangalan: 2015
Highest Total Age
Grade/Year Population
Completed, 5 Years
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex and City/ Old
Municipality and Over

Graduate 869 - - - - - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,498 - - - - - - - - -
Degree Holder 1,911 - - - - - - - - -
Baccalaureate 49 - - - - - - - - -

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

Table 5.19- Continued

Highest Age
Completed, 35 &
14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-59 30-34
Sex and City/ over

Both Sexes 438 495 439 472 434 457 2,029 1,710 1,463 7,596
No Grade
Completed 3 4 2 5 3 2 18 6 8 150

Pre-School - - - - - - - - - -
Education - - - - - - - - - -

Elementary 71 53 42 41 38 46 206 216 202 2,821

1st - 4th
Grade 12 16 12 14 14 12 82 92 77 1,195
5th - 6th
Grade 15 13 8 7 8 12 39 39 35 462

Graduate 44 24 22 20 16 22 85 85 90 1,164

High School 364 438 345 301 225 221 993 857 744 2,771

Undergraduate 364 416 161 89 68 60 219 200 183 770

Graduate - 22 184 212 157 161 774 657 561 2,001

Secondary - - 1 - - 28 153 153 154 390

Undergraduate - - 1 - - - 2 1 4 2

Graduate - - - - - 28 151 152 150 388

Undergraduate - - 49 125 168 155 290 149 97 465
Degree Holder - - - - - 5 368 327 255 956
Baccalaureate - - - - - - 1 2 3 43

Not Stated - - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.20 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group,
Sex, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Population
Age Group Literate
10 years old and over
Both Both
Municipality Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes
Total 456,036 230,416 225,620 447,259 225,500 221,759
10 - 14 56,561 29,152 27,409 56,213 28,931 27,282
15 - 19 57,063 29,628 27,435 56,659 29,344 27,315
20 - 24 54,094 27,969 26,125 53,617 27,632 25,985
25 - 29 46,574 24,337 22,237 46,133 24,049 22,084
30 - 34 40,770 21,373 19,397 40,326 21,070 19,256
35 - 39 35,990 18,811 17,179 35,502 18,498 17,004
40 - 44 31,105 16,244 14,861 30,534 15,877 14,657
45 - 49 29,295 15,157 14,138 28,594 14,732 13,862
50 - 54 25,675 12,970 12,705 24,997 12,572 12,425
55 - 59 21,825 10,781 11,044 21,180 10,403 10,777
60 - 64 17,806 8,636 9,170 17,201 8,267 8,934
65 years old
39,278 15,358 23,920 36,303 14,125 22,178
and over

Total 19,731 9,934 9,797 19,284 9,698 9,586
10 - 14 2,458 1,302 1,156 2,443 1,290 1,153
15 - 19 2,399 1,278 1,121 2,368 1,255 1,113
20 - 24 2,187 1,146 1,041 2,152 1,121 1,031
25 - 29 1,803 933 870 1,786 920 866
30 - 34 1,522 817 705 1,493 799 694
35 - 39 1,530 817 713 1,506 799 707
40 - 44 1,343 683 660 1,319 666 653
45 - 49 1,346 697 649 1,321 683 638
50 - 54 1,231 629 602 1,204 613 591
55 - 59 1,070 522 548 1,038 509 529
60 - 64 856 406 450 826 397 429
65 years old
1,986 704 1,282 1,828 646 1,182
and over

Total 23,176 11,823 11,353 22,523 11,445 11,078
10 - 14 2,889 1,489 1,400 2,863 1,473 1,390
15 - 19 3,059 1,615 1,444 3,037 1,601 1,436
20 - 24 2,912 1,523 1,389 2,882 1,505 1,377
25 - 29 2,412 1,271 1,141 2,390 1,255 1,135
30 - 34 2,039 1,097 942 2,010 1,076 934
35 - 39 1,710 890 820 1,684 870 814
40 - 44 1,532 796 736 1,495 767 728
45 - 49 1,465 781 684 1,423 754 669
50 - 54 1,254 632 622 1,204 597 607
55 - 59 1,088 564 524 1,037 523 514
60 - 64 897 435 462 858 408 450

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.20 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group,
Sex, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Population
Age Group Literate
10 years old and over
Both Both
Municipality Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes
65 years old
1,919 730 1,189 1,640 616 1,024
and over

Total 31,853 15,984 15,869 31,325 15,708 15,617
10 - 14 3,762 1,922 1,840 3,748 1,911 1,837
15 - 19 3,991 2,098 1,893 3,964 2,080 1,884
20 - 24 3,618 1,895 1,723 3,594 1,882 1,712
25 - 29 2,964 1,526 1,438 2,937 1,515 1,422
30 - 34 2,710 1,411 1,299 2,691 1,401 1,290
35 - 39 2,346 1,223 1,123 2,315 1,206 1,109
40 - 44 2,150 1,136 1,014 2,130 1,124 1,006
45 - 49 2,097 1,023 1,074 2,060 1,000 1,060
50 - 54 1,894 946 948 1,862 929 933
55 - 59 1,688 842 846 1,646 817 829
60 - 64 1,357 696 661 1,308 667 641
65 years old
3,276 1,266 2,010 3,070 1,176 1,894
and over

Total 25,674 12,951 12,723 25,172 12,669 12,503
10 - 14 3,422 1,776 1,646 3,398 1,757 1,641
15 - 19 3,229 1,708 1,521 3,205 1,688 1,517
20 - 24 2,628 1,380 1,248 2,606 1,364 1,242
25 - 29 2,139 1,100 1,039 2,121 1,090 1,031
30 - 34 1,969 1,033 936 1,946 1,014 932
35 - 39 1,913 1,005 908 1,888 986 902
40 - 44 1,766 932 834 1,739 915 824
45 - 49 1,678 876 802 1,644 858 786
50 - 54 1,592 833 759 1,557 817 740
55 - 59 1,452 722 730 1,423 704 719
60 - 64 1,185 580 605 1,142 552 590
65 years old
2,701 1,006 1,695 2,503 924 1,579
and over

Total 14,917 7,560 7,357 14,786 7,497 7,289
10 - 14 1,948 1,005 943 1,939 999 940
15 - 19 1,893 997 896 1,882 992 890
20 - 24 1,775 874 901 1,765 867 898
25 - 29 1,523 817 706 1,516 813 703
30 - 34 1,336 670 666 1,330 667 663
35 - 39 1,200 633 567 1,194 630 564
40 - 44 1,046 570 476 1,037 566 471
45 - 49 933 492 441 927 489 438
50 - 54 737 361 376 735 359 376

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.20 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group,
Sex, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Population
Age Group Literate
10 years old and over
Both Both
Municipality Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes
55 - 59 637 337 300 628 330 298
60 - 64 539 258 281 532 255 277
65 years old
1,350 546 804 1,301 530 771
and over

Total 39,637 20,216 19,421 38,786 19,712 19,074
10 - 14 4,908 2,530 2,378 4,879 2,513 2,366
15 - 19 4,945 2,614 2,331 4,909 2,589 2,320
20 - 24 4,587 2,391 2,196 4,540 2,360 2,180
25 - 29 4,011 2,198 1,813 3,956 2,161 1,795
30 - 34 3,533 1,866 1,667 3,497 1,838 1,659
35 - 39 3,007 1,600 1,407 2,962 1,566 1,396
40 - 44 2,551 1,349 1,202 2,508 1,316 1,192
45 - 49 2,474 1,282 1,192 2,406 1,234 1,172
50 - 54 2,300 1,169 1,131 2,224 1,116 1,108
55 - 59 1,913 938 975 1,855 901 954
60 - 64 1,536 737 799 1,489 706 783
65 years old
3,872 1,542 2,330 3,561 1,412 2,149
and over

Total 65,043 31,933 33,110 64,580 31,683 32,897
10 - 14 7,446 3,828 3,618 7,419 3,810 3,609
15 - 19 7,669 3,849 3,820 7,637 3,824 3,813
20 - 24 7,498 3,795 3,703 7,460 3,761 3,699
25 - 29 6,519 3,296 3,223 6,481 3,276 3,205
30 - 34 5,927 2,997 2,930 5,899 2,977 2,922
35 - 39 5,548 2,800 2,748 5,529 2,787 2,742
40 - 44 4,600 2,325 2,275 4,575 2,308 2,267
45 - 49 4,530 2,235 2,295 4,501 2,218 2,283
50 - 54 3,910 1,895 2,015 3,878 1,879 1,999
55 - 59 3,374 1,610 1,764 3,351 1,599 1,752
60 - 64 2,721 1,256 1,465 2,695 1,241 1,454
65 years old
5,301 2,047 3,254 5,155 2,003 3,152
and over

Total 12,229 6,166 6,063 12,094 6,087 6,007
10 - 14 1,356 690 666 1,348 686 662
15 - 19 1,363 728 635 1,358 724 634
20 - 24 1,373 690 683 1,371 689 682
25 - 29 1,231 656 575 1,227 653 574
30 - 34 1,137 603 534 1,133 599 534
35 - 39 1,062 554 508 1,053 547 506
40 - 44 844 421 423 835 414 421

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.20 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group,
Sex, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Population
Age Group Literate
10 years old and over
Both Both
Municipality Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes
45 - 49 796 431 365 786 425 361
50 - 54 712 361 351 704 355 349
55 - 59 631 319 312 618 311 307
60 - 64 509 240 269 498 231 267
65 years old
1,215 473 742 1,163 453 710
and over

Total 21,815 11,136 10,679 20,219 10,267 9,952
10 - 14 3,173 1,630 1,543 3,147 1,615 1,532
15 - 19 3,118 1,574 1,544 3,080 1,548 1,532
20 - 24 2,826 1,479 1,347 2,758 1,428 1,330
25 - 29 2,269 1,226 1,043 2,193 1,178 1,015
30 - 34 1,771 914 857 1,677 861 816
35 - 39 1,453 755 698 1,344 700 644
40 - 44 1,383 692 691 1,224 604 620
45 - 49 1,291 671 620 1,104 570 534
50 - 54 1,141 606 535 981 512 469
55 - 59 949 468 481 804 391 413
60 - 64 712 371 341 604 303 301
65 years old
1,729 750 979 1,303 557 746
and over

Total 14,657 7,606 7,051 13,619 6,973 6,646
10 - 14 2,025 1,090 935 2,011 1,080 931
15 - 19 2,030 1,077 953 2,003 1,053 950
20 - 24 1,776 949 827 1,727 910 817
25 - 29 1,405 737 668 1,353 696 657
30 - 34 1,132 615 517 1,085 576 509
35 - 39 1,041 562 479 984 520 464
40 - 44 946 494 452 865 440 425
45 - 49 886 472 414 793 414 379
50 - 54 774 385 389 683 335 348
55 - 59 684 349 335 594 293 301
60 - 64 557 295 262 477 241 236
65 years old
1,401 581 820 1,044 415 629
and over

Total 21,633 10,925 10,708 21,245 10,697 10,548
10 - 14 2,649 1,357 1,292 2,628 1,341 1,287
15 - 19 2,676 1,372 1,304 2,651 1,354 1,297
20 - 24 2,499 1,267 1,232 2,473 1,254 1,219
25 - 29 2,111 1,113 998 2,098 1,107 991
30 - 34 1,923 1,000 923 1,901 980 921

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.20 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group,
Sex, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Population
Age Group Literate
10 years old and over
Both Both
Municipality Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes
35 - 39 1,636 863 773 1,615 850 765
40 - 44 1,523 813 710 1,502 796 706
45 - 49 1,389 748 641 1,364 731 633
50 - 54 1,235 655 580 1,201 634 567
55 - 59 1,035 509 526 1,011 491 520
60 - 64 946 461 485 925 449 476
65 years old
2,011 767 1,244 1,876 710 1,166
and over

Total 39,975 20,536 19,439 39,563 20,304 19,259
10 - 14 4,890 2,473 2,417 4,845 2,447 2,398
15 - 19 4,892 2,514 2,378 4,863 2,492 2,371
20 - 24 5,892 2,959 2,933 5,857 2,934 2,923
25 - 29 5,475 2,859 2,616 5,447 2,839 2,608
30 - 34 4,555 2,473 2,082 4,530 2,460 2,070
35 - 39 3,726 2,014 1,712 3,698 1,995 1,703
40 - 44 2,714 1,451 1,263 2,697 1,443 1,254
45 - 49 2,285 1,212 1,073 2,254 1,199 1,055
50 - 54 1,702 838 864 1,682 827 855
55 - 59 1,231 621 610 1,207 606 601
60 - 64 926 439 487 899 424 475
65 years old
1,687 683 1,004 1,584 638 946
and over

Total 18,599 9,412 9,187 18,112 9,147 8,965
10 - 14 2,328 1,221 1,107 2,313 1,212 1,101
15 - 19 2,227 1,159 1,068 2,209 1,148 1,061
20 - 24 2,059 1,097 962 2,037 1,079 958
25 - 29 1,758 932 826 1,747 925 822
30 - 34 1,536 809 727 1,516 797 719
35 - 39 1,393 733 660 1,375 723 652
40 - 44 1,210 624 586 1,187 608 579
45 - 49 1,179 639 540 1,146 612 534
50 - 54 1,054 527 527 1,015 502 513
55 - 59 897 428 469 861 407 454
60 - 64 864 446 418 819 418 401
65 years old
2,094 797 1,297 1,887 716 1,171
and over

Total 28,066 14,401 13,665 27,770 14,229 13,541
10 - 14 3,933 2,057 1,876 3,912 2,044 1,868
15 - 19 3,913 2,068 1,845 3,889 2,052 1,837
20 - 24 3,479 1,877 1,602 3,459 1,863 1,596

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.20 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group,
Sex, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Population
Age Group Literate
10 years old and over
Both Both
Municipality Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes
25 - 29 2,883 1,508 1,375 2,865 1,494 1,371
30 - 34 2,409 1,265 1,144 2,393 1,253 1,140
35 - 39 2,151 1,134 1,017 2,135 1,124 1,011
40 - 44 1,927 1,005 922 1,905 989 916
45 - 49 1,685 860 825 1,666 846 820
50 - 54 1,446 723 723 1,424 713 711
55 - 59 1,195 592 603 1,188 588 600
60 - 64 909 436 473 894 425 469
65 years old
2,136 876 1,260 2,040 838 1,202
and over

Total 35,917 18,144 17,773 35,624 17,994 17,630
10 - 14 4,261 2,204 2,057 4,245 2,194 2,051
15 - 19 4,431 2,242 2,189 4,410 2,229 2,181
20 - 24 4,183 2,174 2,009 4,164 2,163 2,001
25 - 29 3,675 1,931 1,744 3,653 1,916 1,737
30 - 34 3,234 1,689 1,545 3,216 1,676 1,540
35 - 39 2,836 1,433 1,403 2,822 1,426 1,396
40 - 44 2,474 1,284 1,190 2,454 1,274 1,180
45 - 49 2,424 1,258 1,166 2,406 1,249 1,157
50 - 54 2,125 1,124 1,001 2,111 1,117 994
55 - 59 1,745 885 860 1,722 877 845
60 - 64 1,488 732 756 1,466 719 747
65 years old
3,041 1,188 1,853 2,955 1,154 1,801
and over

Total 25,828 12,890 12,938 25,580 12,760 12,820
10 - 14 2,920 1,481 1,439 2,899 1,468 1,431
15 - 19 2,931 1,540 1,391 2,915 1,531 1,384
20 - 24 2,773 1,409 1,364 2,763 1,405 1,358
25 - 29 2,686 1,316 1,370 2,666 1,303 1,363
30 - 34 2,575 1,323 1,252 2,558 1,314 1,244
35 - 39 2,149 1,142 1,007 2,133 1,133 1,000
40 - 44 1,932 1,007 925 1,914 996 918
45 - 49 1,694 871 823 1,677 858 819
50 - 54 1,541 779 762 1,524 771 753
55 - 59 1,382 653 729 1,363 645 718
60 - 64 1,125 527 598 1,108 517 591
65 years old
2,120 842 1,278 2,060 819 1,241
and over

Total 17,286 8,799 8,487 16,977 8,630 8,347

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 5

Table 5.20 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group,
Sex, and Municipality, Aklan: 2015
Household Population
Age Group Literate
10 years old and over
Both Both
Municipality Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes
10 - 14 2,193 1,097 1,096 2,176 1,091 1,085
15 - 19 2,297 1,195 1,102 2,279 1,184 1,095
20 - 24 2,029 1,064 965 2,009 1,047 962
25 - 29 1,710 918 792 1,697 908 789
30 - 34 1,462 791 671 1,451 782 669
35 - 39 1,289 653 636 1,265 636 629
40 - 44 1,164 662 502 1,148 651 497
45 - 49 1,143 609 534 1,116 592 524
50 - 54 1,027 507 520 1,008 496 512
55 - 59 854 422 432 834 411 423
60 - 64 679 321 358 661 314 347
65 years old
1,439 560 879 1,333 518 815
and over
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population and Housing

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Indicator Particulars
Crime Incidence and Aklan crime volume posted a decrease of 58.32
Solution Rate percent between 2017 and 2018. Based on PNP
records, municipalities that largely contributed to
the drop of crime rates are municipality of Kalibo,
with a decrease of 67.92 percent, followed by
municipality of Malay and New Washington with a
decrease of 59.49 and 51.09 percent, respectively.
Furthermore, the area of Boracay was the most
improved in terms of number of crime cases from
the past two years with a 79.73 percent cut-off,
such as from an average monthly crime rate of 401,
it was reduced to 81, which means that for every
100,000 people, there were around 81 incidents of
crime every month.

On the other hand, the Municipal Police Station

(MPS) of Buruanga tops the bar in solving and
clearing of crime cases with an average of 88.53
percent solved and 100% percent cleared cases for
the past two years. Next in line, is the MPS of Malay
with 82.85 percent of solved cases and was
immediately followed by MPS of Altavas with 82.04

Moreover, MPS of Lezo and Libacao obtained high

percentage of crime solution efficiency with an
average of 95.94 and 94.74 percent cleared cases.

Crime Index Among crime indices, physical injury and theft have
the highest reported incidence under crimes
against person and crime against property,
correspondingly. This trend remains true for the past
two years. Cases of physical injury and theft in 2017,
reach up to 1,570 cases, which accounts for almost
86% percent of all crimes cases in the province. In
comparison, crimes of physical injury and theft in
2018 records a total of 355 cases, which shows a
decrease of 77.39 percent compared to the
previous year. On the other hand, homicide has the
lowest number of cases recorded in the province
with an average of 22 cases or about 1.91 percent.

For both 2017 and 2018, police stations of Boracay

and Kalibo were spotted in the top two, in terms of
reported index crimes inside their area of

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Indicator Particulars
jurisdiction, having an accumulated total of 881
and 633 reported cases, respectively. In addition,
the municipal police stations of Nabas, Altavas and
Boracay TAC show significant changes in numbers
of crimes reported in their area in which a decrease
of 95.8, 86.5 and about 84 percent was recorded in
2018, respectively. On the other hand, municipal
police station of Buruanga posted the lowest
number of reported crime incidents in the province
of Aklan with an average of 8 cases per year.

Cases Against Women In 2016, there are 972 reported cases against
women in Aklan, about 89 percent of these (or 863
cases) was filed under RA 9262 (Anti-Violence
Against Women and their Children Act of 2004) by
the VAWCE help desk. Whereas, reported cases
against Acts of Lasciviousness counts up to 58 cases
or approximately 6 percent. By year 2018, the total
number of cases against women is 249; a decrease
of 59.77 percent from the previous year was
recorded. In addition, a negative growth of around
36.50 is calculated for the past three years.

Traffic Accident From 2017 to 2018, on the average, the province of

Aklan reported 1,312 cases of traffic incidence. Of
this value 31.26 percent comes from Kalibo, 10.25
percent from Numancia and around 8.77 percent
from Ibajay municipal police station. Considering
the 1,662 cases in 2017, the province Aklan's traffic
incidence decreased by 42.18 percent in year
2018. On the contrary, municipal police station of
Madalag, Makato and New Washington's cases of
traffic incidence increased by 2-4 cases around this

Vehicular Accident The province of Aklan has reported, on average,

1,491 vehicular accidents that occured between
the period of 2016-2018. Most of this accidents are
due to reckless imprudence resulting to physical
injury that constitutes half or 50.08 percent of the
total vehicular accidents in the span of three years.
This was followed by reckless imprudence resulting
to damage to property with almost 46.39 percent
and lastly the reckless imprudence resulting to
homicide with approximately 3.53 percent.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Indicator Particulars
Moreover, the trend of vehicular accidents in the
province of Aklan, from 2016-2018 exhibits a
negative trend. It started from a total of 1,853
accidents in 2016 which decreased by
approximately 10.47 percent or 194 less accident in
2017, and declined more in 2018 with number of
accidents lowered by 42.07 percent in 2018. While,
on the average, it was on the month of May where
the highest number of accidents were recorded
with approximately 147 accidents happening
during this month.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Statistical Tables


Table 6.1 Crime Incidence and Solution Efficiency Rate: Aklan, 2017- 241

Table 6.2 Index Crimes by Municipality: Aklan, 2017-2018 242

Table 6.3 Reported Cases Against Women: Aklan, 2016-2018 243

Table 6.4 Number of Traffic Accident: Aklan, 2017-2018 244

Table 6.5 Number of Vehicular Accidents by Cause: Aklan, 2016 - 244


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Table 6.1 Crime Incidence and Solution Efficiency Rate: Aklan, 2017-2018
Crime Crime
Mun Police Ave
Crime Crime Solution Crime Clearance
Station Monthly
Volume Solve Efficiency Cleared Efficiency
Crime Rate
(%) (%)
Altavas 134 110 82.09 113 84.33 43.84
Balete 135 111 82.22 123 91.11 37.60
Banga 242 177 73.14 192 79.34 49.34
Batan 77 58 75.32 66 85.71 19.36
Boracay 1544 606 39.25 621 40.22 401.11
Buruanga 40 35 87.50 40 100.00 16.95
Ibajay 262 162 61.83 170 64.89 42.57
Kalibo 1755 1094 62.34 1138 64.84 175.36
Lezo 44 32 72.73 43 97.73 23.28
Libacao 49 36 73.47 47 95.92 13.97
Madalag 59 49 83.05 56 94.92 25.84
Makato 159 120 75.47 125 78.62 46.97
Malay 195 168 86.15 178 91.28 71.48
Malinao 71 53 74.65 62 87.32 24.65
Nabas 188 152 80.85 164 87.23 41.56
New 276 205 74.28 227 82.25 49.39
Numancia 300 228 76.00 239 79.67 75.66
Tangalan 103 90 87.38 92 89.32 37.85
Source: Aklan Police Provincial Office

Table 6.1- Continued

Crime Crime
Mun Police Ave
Crime Crime Solution Crime Clearance
Station Monthly
Volume Solve Efficiency Cleared Efficiency
Crime Rate
(%) (%)
Altavas 72 59 81.94 61 84.72 23.55
Balete 88 59 67.05 72 81.82 24.51
Banga 195 130 66.67 168 86.15 39.75
Batan 44 23 52.27 34 77.27 11.06
Boracay 313 140 44.73 152 48.56 81.31
Buruanga 21 19 90.48 21 100.00 8.90
Ibajay 159 105 66.04 114 71.70 25.84
Kalibo 563 357 63.41 386 68.56 56.25
Lezo 30 22 73.33 28 93.33 15.87
Libacao 27 18 66.67 25 92.59 7.70

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Table 6.1- Continued

Crime Crime
Mun Police Ave
Crime Crime Solution Crime Clearance
Station Monthly
Volume Solve Efficiency Cleared Efficiency
Crime Rate
(%) (%)
Madalag 43 31 72.09 36 83.72 18.83
Makato 153 114 74.51 132 86.27 45.20
Malay 79 59 74.68 68 86.08 28.96
Malinao 37 31 83.78 33 89.19 12.85
Nabas 145 106 73.10 123 84.83 32.05
New 135 108 80.00 123 91.11 24.16
Numancia 183 147 80.33 161 87.98 46.15
Tangalan 61 44 72.13 53 86.89 22.42
Source: Aklan Police Provincial Office

Table 6.2 Index Crimes by Municipality: Aklan, 2017-2018

2017 Index Crimes
Mun Police Against Person Against Property
Station Physical Carnapping
Murder Homicide Rape Robbery Theft (MC)
Total 28 28 810 69 80 760 51
Altavas 1 18 2 2 13 1
Balete 20 4 7 2
Banga 1 2 31 1 5 22 1
Batan 1 1 18 4 2 4
Boracay 4 5 301 14 19 407 9
Buruanga 2 7 2
Ibajay 2 1 34 4 1 22 1
Kalibo 4 5 207 13 23 204 29
Lezo 1 8 1 1 2
Libacao 1 2 12 3 1
Madalag 1 1 9 4 2 3
Makato 2 1 19 4 2 11 1
Malay 1 24 3 9 1
Malinao 2 1 14 6 1
Nabas 3 17 4 8
New 2 1 42 8 2 13 1
Numancia 4 1 23 4 11 22 4
Tangalan 2 1 6 1 3 6
Source: Aklan Police Provincial Office

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Table 6.2- Continued

2018 Index Crimes
Mun Police Against Person Against Property
Station Physical Carnapping Carnapping
Murder Homicide Rape Robbery Theft (MV) (MC)
Total 21 16 196 46 64 159 1 16
Altavas 3 1 1
Balete 1 8 4 2
Banga 2 23 6 4 3
Batan 2 1 6 5
Boracay 5 31 10 10 69 2
Buruanga 4 1
Ibajay 2 2 7 1 2 1
Kalibo 2 1 45 6 29 57 1 10
Lezo 8 3 1 2
Libacao 1 6 1 3 1 1
Madalag 1 3 3 2 2
Makato 2 1 6 2 5
Malay 1 1 8 3 3 5
Malinao 2 5 1
Nabas 1 11 1 2 3
New 1 10 2 1 3
Numancia 11 1 1 4 2
Tangalan 5 4 1 2
Source: Aklan Police Provincial Office

Table 6.3 Reported Cases Against Women: Aklan, 2016-2018

Cases 2016 2017 2018
Total 972 619 249
Acts of Lascviousness 58 46 32
RA 9995 (Anti Photo and Video 2 3 1
RA 10364 (Expanded Anti- 7 2 1
Trafficking in Persons Act of
RA 9262 (Anti-Violence Against 863 538 205
Women and their Children Act
of 2004)
RA 7877 (Sexual Harassment 2 2
Act of 31995)
Concubinage 2 3
Grave Scandal 1
Light Threat 1
Murder 1

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Table 6.3 Reported Cases Against Women: Aklan, 2016-2018

Cases 2016 2017 2018
Rape 35 25 7
Unjust Vexation 2
Simple Seduction 1
Source: Aklan Police Provincial Office

Table 6.4 Number of Traffic Accident: Aklan, 2017-2018

Municipal Police Station 2017 2018
Total 1, 662 961
Altavas 64 40
Balete 42 41
Banga 103 87
Batan 16 14
Boracay TAC 178 31
Buruanga 7 7
Ibajay 131 99
Kalibo 585 235
Lezo 11 5
Libacao 6 1
Madalag 10 12
Makato 74 79
Malay 64 19
Malinao 9 7
Nabas 88 77
New Washington 61 64
Numancia 158 111
Tangalan 55 32
Source: Aklan Police Provincial Office

Table 6.5 Number of Vehicular Accidents by Cause: Aklan, 2016 - 2018

Year 2016
Reckless Reckless
Month Imprudence Imprudence Total
(Damage to
(Homicide) (Physical Injury)
Total 49 935 869 1853
January 4 80 91 175
February 5 79 68 152
March 2 79 71 152
April 3 92 65 160
May 3 92 72 167
June 4 71 66 141
July 3 77 70 150
August 4 79 72 155

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Table 6.5 Number of Vehicular Accidents by Cause: Aklan, 2016 - 2018

Year 2016
Reckless Reckless
Month Imprudence Imprudence Total
(Damage to
(Homicide) (Physical Injury)
September 5 56 77 138
October 8 83 66 157
November 2 63 63 128
December 6 84 88 178
Source: Aklan Police Provincial Office

Table 6.5 - Continued

Year 2017
Reckless Reckless
Month Imprudence Imprudence Total
(Damage to
(Homicide) (Physical Injury)
Total 57 777 825 1659
January 4 71 82 157
February 3 62 76 141
March 6 58 59 123
April 3 73 75 151
May 5 74 94 173
June 4 73 80 157
July 2 60 69 131
August 2 64 82 148
September 9 67 58 134
October 6 60 60 126
November 3 47 43 93
December 10 68 47 125
Source: Aklan Police Provincial Office

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 6

Table 6.5 - Continued

Year 2018
Reckless Reckless
Month Imprudence Imprudence Total
(Damage to
(Homicide) (Physical Injury)
Total 52 528 381 961
January 6 63 52 121
February 5 37 34 76
March 5 64 42 111
April 5 50 29 84
May 2 57 43 102
June 4 33 32 69
July 4 36 30 70
August 5 45 19 69
September 1 36 25 62
October 7 43 32 82
November 5 25 16 46
December 3 39 27 69
Source: Aklan Police Provincial Office

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars
National Road by Surface The province’s national road has a total length of
Type 170.47 km, which is subdivided into three surface
types---concrete, asphalt and gravel. From 2014 to
2016 more or less 99% of roads are either concrete
or asphalt, while less than 1% accounts for a gravel
type surface. In this 5 years run, it was recorded in
2017, the longest concrete road surface about 16
km were turned into asphalt. Moreover, it is also in
the same year that all national roads surfaces are
made of either concrete or asphalt.

In 2018, around 106 km or 62% of the total road

length has asphalt surface while the remaining 64
km (38%) has concrete surface.

National Road by The province of Aklan recognizes eight (8) national

Classification roads namely Aklan East Road, Aklan West Road
(Kalibo-Nabas), Aklan West Road, Ibajay-Antique
Bdry Rd, Jaime Cardinal Sin Avenue (Kalibo-New
Washington), Jaime Cardinal Sin Ave, Altavas-
Jamindan Road (S00482PN) and Altavas-Jamindan
Road (S00479PN). An assessment of roads was
done, classifying their conditions whether it may be
good, fair, or poor. Two national roads that have
not been assessed are Aklan East Road and Aklan
West Road (Kalibo- Nabas).

Among the national roads, Aklan West Road

comprise the highest covered area with 48.84 km,
followed by Jaime Cardinal Sin Ave (Kalibo - New
Washington) with 9.75 km and Jaime Cardinal Sin
Ave (New Washington - Brgy. Dumaguit) with 9.04
km. Moreover, only the Altavas-Jamindan
(S00482PN) road with 0.69 km was fully assessed and
is classified to be in good condition. While, the
highest percentage of poor condtion roads
accounting to 2.77 km or 64.05 percent goes to the
Ibajay-Antique Bdry Rd.

Registered Vehicles The total number of vehicles registered in 2018 in the

province of Aklan is 38,696. In comparison with the
registered vehicle from the previous year which is
31,312, a growth rate of positive 23.58 was
calculated. For the type of vehicles in the province,
private or personally-owned vehicles are the

2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars
mainstreams means of transportation as it accounts
for 78.64 % of all vehicles in Aklan. This was followed
by the “For Hire” vehicles with 7,994 vehicles and
government-owned vehicles with less than 1%.
Between 2017 and 2018, mostly owned registered
private vehicle is motorcycle with an average of
17,034, followed by UV with 5,622 and light type
vehicle with 1,768. On the other hand, least owned
type of vehicle is heavy type having only 6
registered vehicles in 2017 and 10 in 2018.

Meanwhile, for the past two years the “For Hire”

vehicles experienced a negative growth rate at
5.37. All vehicles under this type follow this declining
trend except for TB-PUB which has a positive 27.37
growth rate, an addition of 26 registered vehicles
from 2017 to 2018. It was also in 2018 that no more
TRL type of vehicle was registered. Moreover, in
2018, UV vehicles increase by almost six times it
number the previous year.

Approved Building In 2019, a total of 805 building constructions based

Construction Projects on approved building permits was reported in the
Province of Aklan. It went up by 14.5 percent
compared to 703 approved building constructions
in 2018.

Of the total new construction projects, residential

type of building reported highest with a total of 484
buildings accounting for 60.1 percent of the total
constructions in Aklan. Moreover, this was 3.9
percent higher than 2018 output of 466 approved
building permits. It was followed by non-residential
buildings with 200 approved permits, higher by 14.3
percent from 175 constructions in the past year.

While, there were 12 approved applications for

additions, greater than eight applications posted in
2018 and approved applications for alterations also
doubled up to 109 in 2019 compared to 54
applications approved in 2018.

2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars

Value of constructions The total value of constructions in 2019, that is, P2.48
billion increased by 43.1 percent compared to its
value in 2018 with P1.73 billion. The average cost of
constructions per square meter of all types of
buildings in Aklan for the reference period was
computed at P13,308, excluding the value of
demolitions and street furniture.

Construction projects intended for residential

purposes reported the biggest value of P1.19 billion,
which also increased by 24.1 percent from P960.4
million recorded in the past year. Average cost per
square meter of this type was computed at P11,415,
an increase of 11.7 percent from the past year with

Meanwhile, the aggregate value of construction

for non-residential types in 2019 amounted to P1.06
billion, 62.3 percent higher than P656.2 million a
year ago. Moreover, the estimated average cost
per square meter reported was P13,205, which had
13.3 percent increase from P11,657 per square
meter reported in 2018.

Total Floor Area The total floor area during 2019 was estimated at
186,070 square meters. It went up by 23.2 percent
compared to 151,009 square meters in 2018. Of that
number, floor area of residential buildings
accounted for 56.1 percent or 104,446 square
meters, while non-residential type of building
constituted 43.3 percent or 80,649 square meters.
Both floor areas increased by 11.1 percent and 43.3
percent, respectively.

Residentials Buildings Most of the approved residential building

constructions in 2019 were of single-type. This
accounted for 382 buildings or 78.9 percent of the
total residential buildings, which posted an increase
of 16.8 percent compared to 327 buildings reported
in the past year.

It had a total aggregate value of P908.7 million

covering a floor area of 72,756 square meters,
translating to an average cost of P12,490 per

2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars
square meter. It was followed by apartment/
accessoria which comprised of 19.4 percent (94
building permits) of the total residential buildings
with an estimated construction value of P270.4
million and floor area of 30,594 square meters,
translating to an average cost of P8,839 per square
meter. Meanwhile, there were two approved
applications of duplex/quaduplex type and six
other type of residential buildings. On the average,
each square meter of duplex/quadruplex

Commercial Buildings Among the types of non-residential building,

commercial type reported the highest number of
construction projects with 116, comprising 58.0
percent of the total. Construction value for this type
was estimated at P561.4 million or 30.8 percent
higher than amount reported a year ago with
P429.3 million. This type covered total floor area of
44,421 square meters. On the average, cost per
square meter was at P12,638. This is followed by
institutional buildings with 62 or 31.0 percent and
industrial buildings with 20 or 10.0 percent. In
addition, there were one reported for agricultural
type and other type of non-residential building
constructed for this year.
Of the total new commercial building
constructions, stores accounted for 56.0 percent or
65 approved permits, hotels/motels and the like
comprised 20.7 percent or 24 constructrions.
Followed by other commercial buildings with 21
approved permits (18.1 percent), and
condominium/office/building with 6 (5.2 percent).

2020 Edition
Statistical Tables


Table 7.1 National Road and Bridge Length by Surface Type: Aklan, 254

Table 7.2 List of National Roads with Classification, Surface Type and 254
Condition: Aklan, as of May 2019

Table 7.3 Number of National Bridges by Type and Municipality: Aklan, 255
2017 and 2018

Table 7.4 Total Number of Registered Vehicle: Aklan, 2017 and 2018 255

Table 7.5 Distribution of Passenger Movement by Type of Flights and 256

by Airline Operator, Aklan: 2017-2018

Table 7.6 Distribution of Aircraft Movement by Type of Flights and by 257

Airline Operator, Aklan: 2017-2018

Table 7.7 Distribution of Cargo Movement by Type of Flights and by 258

Airline Operator, Aklan: 2017-2018

Number, Floor Area and Value of Constructions by Type 259

Table 7.8 :Aklan, 2018

TABLE 7.9 Number, Floor Area and Value of Residential 260

Table 7.9 Constructions by Type : Aklan, 2018

Number, Floor Area and Value of Non-Residential 261

Table 7.10 Constructions by Type : Aklan, 2018

Number, Floor Area and Value of Commercial Building 262

Table 7.11 Constructions by Type: Aklan, 2018

Number, Floor Area and Value of Industrial Building 263

Constructions by Type: Aklan, 2018
Table 7.12

Number, Floor Area and Value of Institutional Building 264

Table 7.13 Constructions by Type : Aklan, 2018

2020 Edition
Number, Floor Area and Value of Agricultural Building 265
Table 7.14
Constructions by Type: Aklan, 2018

Number, Floor Area and Value of Constructions by Type : 266

Table 7.15 Aklan, 2019

Number, Floor Area and Value of Residential Constructions 267

Table 7.16 by Type : Aklan, 2019

Number, Floor Area and Value of Non-Residential 268

Table 7.17 Constructions by Type : Aklan, 2019

Number, Floor Area and Value of Commercial Building 269

Table 7.18 Constructions by Type : Aklan, 2019

Number, Floor Area and Value of Industrial Building 270

Table 7.19 Constructions by Type : Aklan, 2019

Number, Floor Area and Value of Institutional Building 271

Table 7.20 Constructions by Type : Aklan, 2019

Number, Floor Area and Value of Agricultural Building 272

Table 7.21 Constructions by Type : Aklan, 2019

2020 Edition
Table 7.1 National Road and Bridge Length by Surface Type: Aklan, 2014-2018
Surface Type (km)
Concrete Asphalt Gravel Earth Total
2014 91.435 77.982 1.053 170.47
2015 86.045 83.572 0.853 170.47
2016 86.855 83.522 0.093 170.47
2017 70.868 99.602 170.47
2018 64.488 105.982 170.47
Source: DPWH, Aklan District Engineering Office

Table 7.2 List of National Roads with Classification, Surface Type and Condition: Aklan,
as of May 2019
Assessment (km)
Road Landmark Section Station Surface No
No. Total
Name Boundaries ID Limits Type Good Fair Poor Bad Assessmen
1* Aklan (Kalibo/ S00322P K0276+( Asphalt 17.000 17.000
East Numancia N -470)- Concre 30.587 30.587
Road Bdry-Aklan/ K0323+ te
Capiz Bdry.) 175
2* Aklan (Jct.Nabas- S00324P K0234+( Asphalt 38.355 38.355
West Kalibo/ N -905)- Concre 3.878 3.878
Road Numancia K0275+ te
(Kalibo- Bdry) 659
3** Aklan (Jct.Nabas- S00480P K0234+( Asphalt 1.166 0.719 37.826 39.711
West Buruanga/ N -933)- Concre 7.573 0.285 1.273 9.131
Road Libertad K0282+ te
Bdry) 172
4 Ibajay- (Jct.Nabas- S00331P K0229+( Concre 0.254 1.277 2.770 0.024 4.325
Antiqu Pandan, N -176)- te
e Bdry Antique K0233+
Rd Bdry) 099
5 Jaime Jaime S00335P K0278+( Asphalt 0.951 1.416 2.961 1.374 6.702
Cardin Cardinal Sin N -395)- Concre 0.494 1.567 0.973 0.014 3.048
al Sin Avenue K0287+ te
Avenue (Kalibo- 595
(Kalibo- New
New Washington
Washin )
6 Jaime Pob. New S00481P K0288+( Asphalt 1.361 0.298 1.659
Cardin Washington N -618)- Concre 4.259 2.484 0.636 7.379
al Sin -Brgy. K0296+ te
Ave Dumaguit 423
7 Altavas S00479P K0317+( Concre 6.057 1.451 0.452 0.045 8.005
- N -317)- te
Jamind K0324+
an 844
8 Altavas S00482P K0325+( Concre 0.690 0.690
- N -191)- te
Jamind K0325+ Gravel 0.000
an 499
Total 18.546 10.255 10.359 0.000 131.310 170.470
Source: DPWH, Aklan District Engineering Office
Notes: For No Assessment:
Items 1 and 2 and portion of Item 3 are under contracts of NRIMP II, Road Cluster 2; and in 2018, were on-process of turn-over to Aklan DEO
Preparations of 2019 road condition data, which now includes items 1, 2, and 3, are still on-going.

2020 Edition
Table 7.3 Number of National Bridges by Type and Municipality: Aklan, 2017 and
2017 2018
Mun Concret Stee Baile Other Concret Stee Baile Other
e l y s e l y s
Altavas 5 1 5 1
Balete 3 3
Banga 1 1
Batan 1 1
Buruanga 3 3
Ibajay 4 1 4 1
Kalibo 2 2
Lezo 0 0
Libacao 0 0
Madalag 0 0
Makato 3 3
Malay 3 2 3 2
Malinao 0 0
Nabas 6 6
New 0 0
Numancia 3 3
Tangalan 1 1
Source: DPWH, Aklan District Engineering Office
Tambak Bridge in New Washington is not yet listed in the Road and Bridge Information Application (RBIA) Confirm
Enterprise, the official road and bridge inventory and condition data of the department.

Table 7.4 Total Number of Registered Vehicle: Aklan, 2017 and 2018
Type of Vehicle 2017 2018
Private 22, 639 30, 430
Light 1, 414 2,122
Medium 112 162
Heavy 6 10
SUV 866 1, 186
UV 5, 580 5, 665
Truck 878 968
Truck Bus 24 8
Motor Cycle 13, 759 20, 309
For Hire 8, 448 7, 994

2020 Edition
Table 7.4 Total Number of Registered Vehicle: Aklan, 2017 and 2018
Type of Vehicle 2017 2018
PUJ 1, 151 1, 027
TB-PUB 95 121
TC 7, 112 6, 778
TH 88 68
Government 225 272
L 100 4
UV 16 111
MC 86 115
T 32 42
Total 31, 312 38, 696
Source: LTO, Kalibo District Office

Table 7.5 Distribution of Passenger Movement by Type of Flights and by Airline

Operator, Aklan: 2017-2018
No. Passenger
Airlines 2017 2018
Domestic Flights
Cebu Pacific 122,734 128,318 74,137 78,154
Philippine Airlines 132,196 132,351 85,606 86,475
Air Asia/Zest
Airways 278,899 287,091 131,332 134,910
Silk Air 960 6,271 5,834 2,479
Sky Jet 18 155 0 0
Pan Pacific 0 0 0 42
Tiger Scoot 0 0 742 0
Royal Air 0 0 0
General Ave 457 363 654 527
Total 535,264 554,549 298,305 302,587
International Flights
Philippine Airline 238,822 239,535 96,648 98,236
Cebu Pacific Air 154,600 153,445 65,853 65,007
Air Asia/ Zest Air 226,322 225,517 93,597 100,077
Tiger Scoot 18,534 19,485 9,901 10,355
China Airlines 9,497 9,629 1,014 739
Silk Air 5,645 6,051 2,169 1,927
OK Airline 5,261 4,718 25,076 25,217
Juneyao Air 6,542 5,915 13,675 13,937
Air Busan 1,819 1,637 2,492 2,560
Jin Air 1,229 573 17,168 18,363
Air Seoul 859 503 17,772 17,300

2020 Edition
Table 7.5 Distribution of Passenger Movement by Type of Flights and by Airline
Operator, Aklan: 2017-2018
No. Passenger
Airlines 2017 2018
Hong Kong
Express 12,949 12,884 0 0
Pan Pacific 31,378 30,886 44,566 44,512
Xiamen Air 0 0 12,005 12,006
Sichuan 0 0 5,186 5,539
Royal Air 0 0 1,504 1,579
Total 713,457 710,778 408,626 417,354
Grand Total 1,248,721 1,265,327 706,931 719,941
Source: Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines

Table 7.6 Distribution of Aircraft Movement by Type of Flights and by Airline

Operator, Aklan: 2017-2018
No. Passenger
Airlines 2017 2018
Domestic Flights
Cebu Pacific 1,493 1,493 758 758
Philippine Airlines 2,028 2,028 987 987
Air Asia/Zest
2,021 2,021 861 861
Silk Air 78 78 28 28
Sky Jet 2 2 0 0
Pan Pacific 9 9 42 42
Tiger Scoot 0 0 7 7
Royal Air 0 0 28 28
General Ave 118 118 142 142
Total 5,749 5,749 2,853 2,853
International Flights
Philippine Airline 1,813 1,813 630 630
Cebu Pacific Air 948 948 430 430
Air Asia/ Zest Air 1,554 1,554 719 719
Tiger Scoot 99 99 95 95
82 82 0 0
Silk Air 164 164 28 28
OK Airline 35 35 164 164
June Jao Air 53 53 103 103
Air Busan 13 13 16 16
Jin Air 7 7 116 116
Air Seoul 6 6 119 119
Hong Kong
90 90 0 0

2020 Edition
Table 7.6 Distribution of Aircraft Movement by Type of Flights and by Airline
Operator, Aklan: 2017-2018
No. Passenger
Airlines 2017 2018
Pan Pacific 266 266 480 480
Xiamen Air 0 0 83 83
Sichuan 0 0 33 33
Royal Air 0 0 30 30
China Eastern 8 8 1,014 739
Total 3,325 3,325 4,060 3,785
Grand Total 9,074 9,074 6,913 6,638
Source: Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines

Table 7.7 Distribution of Cargo Movement by Type of Flights and by Airline

Operator, Aklan: 2017-2018
No. Passenger
Airlines 2017 2018
Domestic Flights
Cebu Pacific 386,242 242,695 779,055 515,502
Philippine Airlines 799,636 372,101 405,516 118,873
Air Asia/Zest
Airways 1,073,916 936,860 780,164 927,798
Silk Air 0 0 0 0
Sky Jet 0 0 0 0
Pan Pacific 0 0 0 0
Tiger Scoot 0 0 0 0
Royal Air 0 0 0 0
General Ave 0 0 0 0
Total 2,259,794 1,551,656 1,964,735 1,562,173
International Flights
Philippine Airline 0 0 0 0
Cebu Pacific Air 0 0 0 0
Air Asia/ Zest Air 0 0 0 0
Tiger Scoot 0 0 0 0
China Airlines 0 0 0 0
Silk Air 0 0 0 0
OK Airline 0 0 0 0
June Yao Air 0 0 0 0
Air Busan 0 0 0 0
Jin Air 0 0 0 0
Air Seoul 0 0 0 0
Hong Kong
Express 0 0 0 0
Pan Pacific 0 0 0 0
Xiamen Air 0 0 0 0
Sichuan 0 0 0 0

2020 Edition
Table 7.7 Distribution of Cargo Movement by Type of Flights and by Airline
Operator, Aklan: 2017-2018
No. Passenger
Airlines 2017 2018
Royal Air 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 0 0 0 0

Table 7.8 Number, Floor Area and Value of Constructions by Type :Aklan, 2018
Total Residential
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 177 45,076 523,331 105 18,887 200,795
Q2 145 26,291 310,288 81 15,206 159,941
Q3 136 26,947 310,915 89 21,851 195,876
Q4 245 52,695 585,798 191 38,046 403,806
Total 703 151,009 1,730,332 466 93,990 960,418
Note: (Details of floor area and value may not add up to their respective totals due to rounding)

Table 7.8 - Continued

Addition Non-Residential
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
/ Period Number Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(10) (11) (12) (7) (8) (9)
Q1 5 595 7,496 58 25,594 298,338
Q2 3 128 1,551 44 10,957 129,594
Q3 - - - 27 5,096 56,098
Q4 - - - 46 14,649 172,193
Total 8 723 9,047 175 56,296 656,223
Note: (Details of floor area and value may not add up to their respective totals due to rounding)

Table 7.8 - Continued

Street Furniture/
Alteration and Repair Demolition/Moving
Value Value Value
/ Period Number Number Number
(PHP1,000) (PHP1,000) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 9 16,701 - - - -
Q2 17 19,203 - - - -

2020 Edition
Table 7.8 - Continued
Street Furniture/
Alteration and Repair Demolition/Moving
Value Value Value
/ Period Number Number Number
(PHP1,000) (PHP1,000) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q3 20 58,941 - - 3 4,056
Q4 8 9,800 - - 4 15,084
Total 54 104,645 - - 7 19,140

TABLE 7.9 Number, Floor Area and Value of Residential Constructions by Type :
Aklan, 2018

Total Single
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 105 18,887 200,795 93 14,393 143,857
Q2 81 15,206 159,941 73 12,700 132,013
Q3 89 21,851 195,876 77 17,601 150,286
Q4 191 38,046 403,806 84 15,157 162,962
Total 466 93,990 960,418 327 59,851 589,118
Npte: (Details of floor area and value may not add up to their respective totals due to rounding)

Table 7.9 - Continued

Duplex/Quadruplex Apartment/Accessoria
Quarter Floor
Numbe Floor Area Value Numbe Value
/ Area
r r
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 1 200 2,202 10 4,214 54,265
Q2 - - - 7 2,231 25,978
Q3 1 240 2,401 11 4,010 43,189
Q4 1 96 987 105 22,517 235,965
Total 3 536 5,590 133 32,972 359,397

Table 7.9 - Continued

Residential Condominium Other Residential
Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
/ Number Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 - - - 1 80 471
Q2 - - - 1 275 1,950

2020 Edition
Table 7.9 - Continued
Residential Condominium Other Residential
Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
/ Number Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q3 - - - - - -
Q4 - - - 1 276 3,892
Total - - - 3 631 6,312

TABLE 7.10 Number, Floor Area and Value of Non-Residential Constructions by

Type : Aklan, 2018
Total Commercial
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 58 25,594 298,338 40 18,103 216,445
Q2 44 10,957 129,594 29 6,873 76,579
Q3 27 5,096 56,098 17 2,787 26,678
Q4 46 14,649 172,193 23 7,627 109,604
Total 175 56,296 656,223 109 35,390 429,307
Note: (Details of floor area and value may not add up to their respective totals due to rounding)

Table 7.10 - Continued

Industrial Institutional
Quarter Value Floor Area Value
Number Area Number
/ Period
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 5 1,715 15,007 12 5,402 65,667
Q2 - - - 12 4,084 44,990
Q3 3 406 4,112 7 1,903 25,308
Q4 2 421 3,110 20 5,961 56,055
Total 10 2,542 22,229 51 17,350 192,019

Table 7.10 - Continued

Agricultural Other Non-Residential
Quarter / Value Value
Number Area Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Q1 1 374 1,219 - -
Q2 - - - 3 8,025
Q3 - - - - -

2020 Edition
Table 7.10 - Continued
Agricultural Other Non-Residential
Quarter / Value Value
Number Area Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Q4 1 640 3,424 - -
Total 2 1,014 4,643 3 8,025

TABLE 7.11 Number, Floor Area and Value of Commercial Building Constructions
by Type: Aklan, 2018
Total Banks
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
/ Period Number Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 40 18,103 216,445 - - -
Q2 29 6,873 76,579 - - -
Q3 17 2,787 26,678 1 320 3,316
Q4 23 7,627 109,604 - - -
Total 109 35,390 429,307 1 320 3,316
Note: (Details of floor area and value may not add up to their respective totals due to rounding)

Table 7.11- Continued

Hotel/Motel/etc. Condominium/Office Building
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Period Number Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 9 7,366 99,003 1 154 984
Q2 6 3,833 46,003 2 180 1,430
Q3 3 720 5,778 - - -
Q4 7 3,637 41,203 - - -
Total 25 15,556 191,987 3 334 2,414

2020 Edition
Table 7.11 - Continued
Store Other Commercial
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Period Number Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 22 9,290 103,581 8 1,293 12,877
Q2 13 1,604 16,509 8 1,256 12,637
Q3 11 1,109 12,334 2 638 5,250
Q4 14 3,846 66,831 2 144 1,570
Total 60 15,849 199,255 20 3,331 32,335

Table 7.12 Number, Floor Area and Value of Industrial Building Constructions by
Type: Aklan, 2018
Total Factory
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 5 1,715 15,007 - - -
Q3 3 406 4,112 - - -
Q4 2 421 3,110 - - -
Total 10 2,542 22,229 - - -
Note: (Details of floor area and value may not add up to their respective totals due to rounding)

Table 7.12 - Continued

Repair/Machine Shop Refinery
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 - - - - - -
Q3 1 56 510 - - -
Q4 - - - - - -
Total 1 56 510 - - -

2020 Edition
Table 7.12 - Continued
Printing Press Other Industrial
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 - - - 5 1,715 15,007
Q3 - - - 2 350 3,602
Q4 - - - 2 421 3,110
Total - - - 9 2,486 21,719

TABLE 7.13 Number, Floor Area and Value of Institutional Building Constructions by Type :
Aklan, 2018
Total School
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 12 5,402 65,667 7 2,731 32,089
Q2 12 4,084 44,990 8 2,830 33,290
Q3 7 1,903 25,308 4 1,463 19,429
Q4 20 5,961 56,055 15 3,980 42,751
Total 51 17,350 192,019 34 11,004 127,558
Note: (Details of floor area and value may not add up to their respective totals due to rounding)

Table 7.13 - Continued

Church/Other Religious Structures Hospital/Other Similar Structures
Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Quarter / Period Number Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 3 1,973 26,504 - - -
Q2 1 468 4,075 1 280 2,500
Q3 1 135 2,501 - - -
Q4 1 36 526 1 305 3,783
Total 6 2,612 33,606 2 585 6,283

2020 Edition
Table 7.13 - Continued
Welfare/Charitable Structures Other Institutional
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 - - - 2 698 7,074
Q2 - - - 2 506 5,125
Q3 - - - 2 305 3,378
Q4 - - - 3 1,640 8,995
Total - - - 9 3,149 24,572

Table 7.14 Number, Floor Area and Value of Agricultural Building Constructions
by Type: Aklan, 2018
Total Barn/Poultry House/etc.
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 1 374 1,219 1 374 1,219
Q4 1 640 3,424 1 640 3,424
Total 2 1,014 4,643 2 1,014 4,643
Note: (Details of floor area and value may not add up to their respective totals due to rounding)

Table 7.14 - Continued

Grain/Rice Mill Slaugther House Other Agricultural
Quarter Floor Floor Floor
Num Value Num Value Num Value
/ Area Area Area
ber ber ber
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Q1 - - - - - - - - -
Q4 - - -
Total - - - - - - - - -

2020 Edition
Table 7.15 Number, Floor Area and Value of Constructions by Type : Aklan, 2019

Total Residential
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 138 37,599 542,586 80 19,548 222,985
Q2 194 43,795 572,484 121 26,226 314,711
Q3 199 52,967 730,004 109 22,523 291,525
Q4 274 51,709 631,060 174 36,149 363,048
Total 805 186,070 2,476,134.41 484 104,446 1,192,268.63
Note: (Details may not add up to total due to rounding)

Table 7.15 - Continued

Non-Residential Addition
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 39 18051 286041.956 0 0 0
Q2 42 17,269 217,806 3 300 3,428
Q3 59 30,278 362,348 2 166 2,572
Q4 60 15,051 198,749 7 509 6,116
Total 200 80,649 1,064,944.07 12 975 12,115.468

Table 7.15 - Continued

Street Furniture/
Alteration and Repair Demolition/Moving
/ Period Value Value Value
Number Number Number
(PHP1,000) (PHP1,000) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 19 33559.123 0 0 3 10748.157
Q2 28 36,539 - - 1 300
Q3 29 73,560 - - 2 3,453
Q4 33 63,148 - - 3 11,912
Total 109 206806.24 0 0 9 26413.55

2020 Edition
TABLE 7.16 Number, Floor Area and Value of Residential Constructions by Type : Aklan,
Total Single

Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value

Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 80 19,548 222,985 70 15,561 182,744
Q2 121 26,226 314,711 107 21,387 257,470
Q3 109 22,523 291,525 97 18,335 234,336
Q4 174 36,149 363,048 108 17,473 234,161
Total 484 104,446 1,192,269 382 72,756 908,710
Note: (Details may not add up to total due to rounding)

Table 7.16 - Continued

Duplex/Quadruplex Apartment/Accessoria
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 - - - 9 3,807 38,341
Q2 - - - 11 4,196 49,430
Q3 1 39 291 11 4,149 56,899
Q4 1 138 2,025 63 18,442 125,743
Total 2 177 2,316 94 30,594 270,413

Table 7.16 - Continued

Residential Condominium Other Residential
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 - - - 1 180 1,900
Q2 - - - 3 643 7,811
Q3 - - - - - -
Q4 - - - 2 96 1,119
Total - - - 6 919 10,830

2020 Edition
TABLE 7.17 Number, Floor Area and Value of Non-Residential Constructions by Type :
Aklan, 2019
Total Commercial
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 39 18,051 286,042 25 11,437 152,317
Q2 42 17,269 217,806 24 10,190 126,374
Q3 59 30,278 362,348 33 17,224 205,650
Q4 60 15,051 198,749 34 5,570 77,047
Total 200 80,649 1,064,944 116 44,421 561,389
Note: (Details may not add up to total due to rounding)

Table 7.17 - Continued

Industrial Institutional
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 4 2,649 53,061 8 3,105 36,168
Q2 1 152 1,664 17 6,927 89,768
Q3 10 5,448 56,879 16 7,606 99,819
Q4 5 1,019 12,356 21 8,462 109,345
Total 20 9,268 123,959 62 26,100 335,100

Table 7.17 - Continued

Agricultural Other Non-Residential
Quarter Floor Area Value Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Q1 1 860 4,497 1 40,000
Q2 - - - - -
Q3 - - - - -
Q4 - - - - -
Total 1 860 4,497 1 40,000

2020 Edition
TABLE 7.18 Number, Floor Area and Value of Commercial Building Constructions by
Type : Aklan, 2019
Total Banks
Quarter / Floor Area Value Value
Number Number Area
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Q1 25 11,437 152,317 - - -
Q2 24 10,190 126,374 - - -
Q3 33 17,224 205,650 - - -
Q4 34 5,570 77,047 - - -
Total 116 44,421 561,389 - - -
Note: (Details may not add up to total due to rounding)

Table 7.18 - Continued

Hotel/Motel/etc. Condominium/Office Building
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 12 9,803 131,585 1 80 1,266
Q2 4 1,201 13,639 1 650 7,874
Q3 4 1,360 18,256 2 1,738 23,022
Q4 4 1,811 25,757 2 147 1,755
Total 24 14,175 189,237 6 2,615 33,917

Table 7.18 - Continued

Store Other Commercial
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 6 537 7,089 6 1,017 12,377
Q2 16 7,672 100,034 3 667 4,827
Q3 21 13,107 151,006 6 1,019 13,366
Q4 22 3,100 42,647 6 512 6,887
Total 65 24,416 300,776 21 3,215 37,457

2020 Edition
Table 7.19 Number, Floor Area and Value of Industrial Building Constructions
by Type : Aklan, 2019
Total Factory
Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
/ Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 4 2,649 53,061 - - -
Q2 1 152 1,664 - - -
Q3 10 5,448 56,879 - - -
Q4 5 1,019 12,356 4 966 11,390
Total 20 9,268 123,959 4 966 11,390
Note: (Details may not add up to total due to rounding)

Table 7.19 - Continued

Repair/Machine Shop Refinery
Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
/ Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 1 20 191 - - -
Q2 - - - - - -
Q3 - - - - - -
Q4 - - - - - -
Total 1 20 191 - - -

Table 7.19 - Continued

Printing Press Other Industrial
Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
/ Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 - - - 3 2,629 52,870
Q2 - - - 1 152 1,664
Q3 - - - 10 5,448 56,879
Q4 - - - 1 53 966
Total - - - 15 8,282 112,379

2020 Edition
TABLE 7.20 Number, Floor Area and Value of Institutional Building Constructions
by Type : Aklan, 2019
Total School
Quarter Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Number Number
/ Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 8 3,105 36,168 8 3,105 36,168
Q2 17 6,927 89,768 15 6,638 86,471
Q3 16 7,606 99,819 10 3,122 41,982
Q4 21 8,462 109,345 17 7,292 99,201
Total 62 26,100 335,100 50 20,157 263,822
Note: (Details may not add up to total due to rounding)

Table 7.20 - Continued

Church/Other Religious Structures Hospital/Other Similar Structures
Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
/ Number Number
Period (sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Q1 - - - - - -
Q2 1 89 1,375 - - -
Q3 - - - 1 50 550
Q4 - - - - - -
Total 1 89 1,375 1 50 550

Table 7.20 - Continued

Welfare/Charitable Structures Other Institutional
Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Quarter / Period Number Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Q1 - - - - - -
Q2 - - - 1 200 1,921
Q3 - - - 5 4,434 57,288
Q4 - - - 4 1,170 10,144
Total - - - 10 5,804 69,353

2020 Edition
TABLE 7.21 Number, Floor Area and Value of Agricultural Building Constructions
by Type : Aklan, 2019
Total Barn/Poultry House/etc.
Quarter / Floor Area Value Floor Area Value
Period Number Number
(sq.m.) (PHP1,000) (sq.m.) (PHP1,000)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Q1 1 860 4,497 - - -
Total 1 860 4,497 - - -
Note: (Details may not add up to total due to rounding)

Table 7.21 - Continued

Grain/Rice Mill Slaugther House Other Agricultural
Quart Floor Floor Floor
Numb Value Numb Value Numb Value
er / Area Area Area
er (PHP1,00 er (PHP1,00 er (PHP1,00
Period (sq.m.) (sq.m.) (sq.m.)
0) 0) 0)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Q1 - - - 1 860 4,497 - - -
Total - - - 1 860 4,497 - - -

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 8

Indicator Particulars
Households Covered for As of September 2019, the total active household
RCCT and MCCT members in Aklan covered by RCT and MCCT
reached 26,928. Of this number 97.65 percent are
under Regular Conditional Cash Transfer (RCCT)
while remaining percentage is under Modified
Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT), which is only
comprise of 632 beneficiaries coming from the
municipality of Libacao, Madalag and Malay.

Among the municipality of Aklan, Ibajay has the

highest number of beneficiaries counting up 2,460.
This was followed by Libacao and Kalibo with 2,367
and 2,179 respectively. Sum of the top three
municipalities’ accounts to almost 27 percent of all
beneficiaries. On the other hand, Buruanga and
Numancia have the lowest number of beneficiaries
with 857 and 999, respectively.

Status of Payments As of March 2019, Pamilyang Pilipino Pantawid

Program beneficiaries received a total fund of P3,
092,066,100.00 for the province of Aklan. This was
divided into three types of beneficiaries namely
RCCT, MCCT and Retro. Cash amounting to
3,027,797,200.00 pesos or around 97. 92 percent of
the funds were put under RCCT given that it has the
most number of beneficiaries. While about 2.08
percent of the funds were shared by MCCT and

For the RCCT, municipalities of Ibajay with fund of

P289, 311,300.00, Libacao with P289, 304,300.00
and New Washington with P234, 315,300.00 are
considered the highest funded municipalities in
Aklan. The sum of the three barangays constitutes
more or less 26.85 percent of the total RCCT fund.
In contrast, the municipality of Lezo got P61,
456,000.00 or about 2.03 percent and is considered
the lowest allocated fund.

On the other hand, 95.74 percent of the MCCT fund

was allocated to the municipalities of Lezo,
Libacao and Malay. However, despite the fact that
three mentioned municipalities have the highest
funds received from MCCT it appears that the

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 8

Indicator Particulars
average fund of Madalag and Libacao is eight (8)
times higher than that of Malay with a difference of
P16,559,550.00. It is also important to note that as of
March 2019 no fund were transferred nor received
by the municipality of Kalibo and Numancia under
the MCCT.

Furthermore, municipality of Ibajay, Libacao and

Banga dominated the funds from Retro having a
total amount of P7, 965,900.00 or 34.28 percent.
Consistent municipalities that received high funds
from the 4P’s program are Libacao and Ibajay
accumulating a total fund of P602, 712,200.00
around 19.50 percent of the entire total fund.

In general, around 99.32 percent of the all the

beneficiaries in Aklan have been given financial
assistance or are already paid under RCCT, MCCT
or Retro. While the remaining P23, 150,900 unpaid
grants account for less than 1 percent.

Municipalities with highest status of unpaid grants

are Balete, Libacao and Madalag with
accumulated amount of P13, 802,900 or about
59.62 percent of the unpaid grants.

Compliance Rate of As of July 2019, three periods were recorded that is

Household Members P1 for February to March, P2 for April to May and P3
for June to July. The verification process is handled
by the Compliance Verification System and is being
us as a basis for the provision of Grants.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 8

Statistical Tables


Table 8.1 Total Number of Active Household Members Covered for 277
Regular and Modified CCT by Municipality, Aklan: as of
September 2019

Table 8.2 Status of Payments of 4P’s Beneficiaries by Municipality, 277

Aklan: as of March 2019

Table 8.3 Compliance Rate of Household Members by Type of 279

Conditionality, Aklan: as of July 2019

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 8

Table 8.1 Total Number of Active Household Members Covered for Regular and
Modified CCT by Municipality, Aklan: as of September 2019
Municipality RCCT MCCT Total
Altavas 1,328 1,328
Balete 1,746 1,746
Banga 1,416 1,416
Batan 1,799 1,799
Buruanga 857 857
Ibajay 2,460 2,460
Kalibo (Capital) 2,179 2,179
Lezo 578 578
Libacao 2,367 298 2,665
Madalag 1,339 299 1,638
Makato 1,565 1,565
Malay 1,531 35 1,566
Malinao 1,301 1,301
Nabas 1,503 1,503
New Washington 2,154 2,154
Numancia 999 999
Tangalan 1,174 1,174
Grand Total 26,296 632 26,928
Source: Pantawid Pamilya Aklan Monitoring & Evaluation Unit

Table 8.2 Status of Payments of 4P’s Beneficiaries by Municipality, Aklan: as of

March 2019
Funded Paid Unpaid Funded Paid Unpaid

Altavas 261,000.00 234,000.00 27,000.00 146,229,600.00 145,406,300.00 823,300.00

Balete 244,500.00 237,000.00 7,500.00 219,322,600.00 212,416,900.00 6,905,700.00

Banga 66,000.00 56,000.00 10,000.00 168,520,100.00 167,833,800.00 686,300.00

Batan 131,500.00 123,000.00 8,500.00 210,960,000.00 210,101,400.00 858,600.00

Buruanga 118,000.00 118,000.00 - 111,627,300.00 110,823,400.00 803,900.00

Ibajay 271,500.00 268,000.00 3,500.00 289,311,300.00 288,145,400.00 1,165,900.00

208,498,000.00 207,975,100.00 522,900.00
Lezo 32,000.00 32,000.00 - 61,456,600.00 61,289,900.00 166,700.00

Libacao 18,197,900.00 18,121,900.00 1,000,300.00 289,304,300.00 285,765,500.00 3,538,800.00

Madalag 19,030,000.00 19,013,100.00 987,000.00 175,085,500.00 173,976,700.00 1,108,800.00

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 8

Table 8.2 Status of Payments of 4P’s Beneficiaries by Municipality, Aklan: as of

March 2019
Funded Paid Unpaid Funded Paid Unpaid

Makato 160,500.00 160,500.00 - 177,608,900.00 177,175,800.00 433,100.00

Malay 2,054,400.00 2,052,900.00 107,300.00 172,794,200.00 171,757,400.00 1,036,800.00

Malinao 160,500.00 149,000.00 11,500.00 138,660,500.00 138,436,700.00 223,800.00

Nabas 90,500.00 88,500.00 2,000.00 182,532,000.00 181,789,300.00 742,700.00

146,500.00 141,000.00 5,500.00 234,315,300.00 233,570,100.00 745,200.00
Numancia 98,736,200.00 98,603,900.00 132,300.00

Tangalan 65,000.00 65,000.00 - 142,834,800.00 142,437,100.00 397,700.00

Table 8.2- Continued

Retro Total
Municipality Total Funded Total Paid
Funded Paid Unpaid Unpaid

862,900.00 835,600.00 27,300.00 147,353,500.00 146,475,900.00 877,600.00
1,457,200.00 1,397,600.00 59,600.00 221,024,300.00 214,051,500.00 6,972,800.00
2,338,700.00 2,259,100.00 79,600.00 170,924,800.00 170,148,900.00 775,900.00
958,600.00 929,100.00 29,500.00 212,050,100.00 211,153,500.00 896,600.00
606,900.00 576,400.00 30,500.00 112,352,200.00 111,517,800.00 834,400.00
2,623,500.00 2,567,600.00 55,900.00 292,206,300.00 290,981,000.00 1,225,300.00
(Capital) 728,700.00 721,300.00 7,400.00 209,226,700.00 208,696,400.00 530,300.00
739,700.00 733,700.00 6,000.00 62,228,300.00 62,055,600.00 172,700.00
3,003,700.00 2,856,500.00 147,200.00 310,505,900.00 306,743,900.00 4,686,300.00
729,400.00 681,400.00 48,000.00 194,844,900.00 193,671,200.00 2,143,800.00
1,704,600.00 1,678,000.00 26,600.00 179,474,000.00 179,014,300.00 459,700.00
1,211,100.00 1,158,200.00 52,900.00 176,059,700.00 174,968,500.00 1,197,000.00
1,749,000.00 1,740,700.00 8,300.00 140,570,000.00 140,326,400.00 243,600.00
1,259,100.00 1,231,000.00 28,100.00 183,881,600.00 183,108,800.00 772,800.00
Washington 1,820,100.00 1,756,900.00 63,200.00 236,281,900.00 235,468,000.00 813,900.00
299,500.00 297,400.00 2,100.00 99,035,700.00 98,901,300.00 134,400.00
1,146,400.00 1,130,300.00 16,100.00 144,046,200.00 143,632,400.00 413,800.00
Source: Pantawid Pamilya Aklan Monitoring & Evaluation Unit

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 8

Table 8.3 Compliance Rate of Household Members by Type of Conditionality,

Aklan: as of July 2019
Municipality Education Health
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
Altavas 89.88% N/A 91.88% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Balete 89.52% N/A 91.35% 95.99% 100.00% 100.00%
Banga 88.56% N/A 90.38% 100.00% 100.00% 99.29%
Batan 91.58% N/A 94.02% 99.60% 100.00% 100.00%
Buruanga 89.88% N/A 90.97% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Ibajay 91.71% N/A 92.47% 99.34% 99.28% 100.00%
Kalibo (Capital) 89.26% N/A 89.68% 94.15% 100.00% 83.71%
Lezo 92.18% N/A 93.99% 100.00% 100.00% 97.01%
Libacao 85.72% N/A 86.21% 99.78% 99.76% 99.78%
Madalag 89.44% N/A 92.01% 99.16% 100.00% 99.59%
Makato 90.79% N/A 91.46% 100.00% 100.00% 99.41%
Malay 88.95% N/A 92.34% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Malinao 90.23% N/A 91.89% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Nabas 91.37% N/A 93.86% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Washington 90.77% N/A 92.17% 96.16% 96.37% 95.07%
Numancia 89.17% N/A 90.35% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Tangalan 89.22% N/A 91.97% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Overall 89.79% N/A 91.38% 98.52% 99.39% 98.25%
Period 1 (P1) February-March CVS Monitoring
Period 2 (P2)April - May CVS Monitoring. This period has no classes. Hence, no education and
deworming monitoring
Period 3 (P3) June - July CVS Monitoring
Source: Pantawid Pamilya Aklan Monitoring & Evaluation Unit

Table 8.3- Continued

Municipality FDS Deworming
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
Altavas 96.31% 97.23% 95.76% 100.00% N/A 99.69%
Balete 96.58% 96.38% 98.57% 100.00% N/A 99.88%
Banga 96.50% 96.65% 97.57% 100.00% N/A 99.85%
Batan 98.77% 98.89% 97.89% 100.00% N/A 100.00%
Buruanga 99.04% 99.87% 96.63% 100.00% N/A 100.00%
Ibajay 97.34% 99.20% 98.99% 100.00% N/A 99.47%
(Capital) 96.18% 96.59% 96.11% 100.00% N/A 99.80%
Lezo 98.24% 97.99% 98.10% 97.96% N/A 98.48%
Libacao 97.14% 98.92% 97.49% 100.00% N/A 99.74%
Madalag 97.81% 98.19% 95.89% 100.00% N/A 99.51%
Makato 97.60% 97.34% 96.81% 100.00% N/A 99.55%
Malay 97.43% 99.23% 97.12% 100.00% N/A 99.03%

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 8

Table 8.3- Continued

Municipality FDS Deworming
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
Malinao 96.66% 98.35% 97.39% 100.00% N/A 100.00%
Nabas 95.74% 97.73% 97.77% 100.00% N/A 88.61%
Washington 98.62% 99.13% 98.98% 99.67% N/A 99.60%
Numancia 97.88% 97.84% 96.05% 95.00% N/A 99.61%
Tangalan 97.54% 97.61% 95.23% 100.00% N/A 100.00%
Overall 97.31% 98.10% 97.35% 99.55% N/A 99.53%

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars
Nutritions of Infants and In 2018, a total of 2,777 infants and children ages 6
Children to 59 months in the Province of Aklan received iron.
About one (1) in five (5) infants ages 6 to 11 months
(19.9 percent) were given iron, while only one (1) in
every fifty infants and children ages 12 to 59 months
(1.8 percent) were given iron.

It was reported that a total of 282 infants and

children from 6 months to 59 months old were
anemic, and only 86.5 percent of them were given
iron supplements.

Moreover, it was estimated that about two (2) out

of five (5) infants and children ages 6 to 59 months
(41.5 percent) in Aklan received Vitamin A

Among 2,502 sick infants and children ages 6 to 59

months, about 75.5 percent were given Vitamin A.
Moreover, 77.8 percent of 893 sick 6-to-11-month
old infants were given Vitamin A, while 74.2 percent
of 1,609 sick infants and children ages 12 to 59
months old were given Vitamin A.

Meanwhile, 3,482 infants ages 6 to 11 months and

5,554 infants and children ages 12 to 23 months
received Micronutrient powder (MNP). Also, about
one (1) out of four (4) infants and children ages 12
to 59 months were given deworming tablets/syrups.
In 2018, 3,391 newborns out of 7,552 live births in
Aklan were referred for newborn screening and
only one (1) in every three (3) of them undergone
the screening.

It was reported that about 12 out of 25 infants seen

by medical professionals were exclusively breastfed
from birth until 6 months of age. Meanwhile, out of
7,552 live births in the Province of Aklan, 97.2
percent of the babies aging 6-8 months old have
eaten solid food.

2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars

Postpartum Care and In 2019, almost half of 11,332 postpartum women

Newborn Care together with their babies have completed at least
two (2) postpartum check-ups. Similarly, 5,689
postpartum women out of 11,332 (50.2 percent)
completed taking iron with folic acid supplements,
while 5,523 postpartum women (48.7 percent)
completed taking vitamin A supplements.

Prenatal Check-ups In 2019, a total of 11,332 pregnant women was

recorded in the Province of Aklan. More than half
of them (53.4 percent or 6,046 pregnant women)
submitted themselves to at least four prenatal
check-ups in 2019. Out of the 6,046 pregnant
women with at least four prenatal check-ups, 5,592
or 49.4 percent ages 20-49 years old, 451 or 4.0
percent are 15-19 years old and 0.03 percent are
10-14 years old.

Prenatal Supplements About two in every five pregnant women (4,314

pregnant women or 38.1 percent) in 2019 have
completed taking Calcium Carbonate
supplements during their pregnancy. Of this figure,
34.5 percent ages 20-49 years old, 3.6 percent ages
15-19 years old and 0.04 percent ages 10-14 years

In addition, only 64 women out of 11,332 pregnant

women (0.6 percent) have completed taking
iodine supplements during the prenatal period,
wherein 56 of them ages 20-49 years old, and eight
ages 15-19 years old.

Moreover, about three in every five pregnant

women (6,485 pregnant women or 57.2 percent) in
2019 have completed taking Folic Acid
supplements during their prenatal stage. More than
half of them (53.1 percent) ages 20-49 years old,
while 4.1 percent and 0.05 percent ages 15-19
years old and 10-14 years old, respectively.

Nutritional Status during first In 2019, only 5,090 pregnant women out of 11,332
trimester of prenancy expectant mothers (44.9 percent) in the Province of
Aklan were examined in terms of their Body Mass

2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars
Index (BMI) during their first trimester of pregnancy.
Among them, 3,771 ages 20-49 years old, 1,310
ages 15-19 years old and nine ages 10-14 years old.

About 17 in 20 pregnant women (84.6 percent)

examined resulted in normal BMI, while about two
in 20 women (10.6 percent) have high BMI and one
in 20 women (4.8 percent) has low BMI.

Prenatal Protecion against In 2019, 37.5 percent (4,251) of 11,332 pregnant

infection and tetanus women were given three doses of Tetanus
Diptheria (Td) vaccination, 28.0 percent (3,176)
were given two doses of Tetanus Diptheria (Td)
vaccination, and 9.4 percent (1,068) were given
one dose of deworming tablet.

Screening for diseases In 2019, a total of 2,088 prognant women

during pregnancy undergone screening for Hepatitis B and 3.8
percent among them tested positive. Similary, 1,863
pregnant women undergone screening for Syphilis
and 10.6 percent of them got positive results.
Meanwhile, 1,201 pregnant women were tested for
gestational diabetes and 3.3 percent of them were
diagnosed with the disease. Moreover, 716
pregnant women took Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) tests with no recorded positive results.

Blood Test during A total of 3,159 pregnant women (27.9 percent) out
pregnancy of 11,332 pregnant women in 2019 were tested for
Complete Blood Count or Hemoglobin and
Hematocrit Count in the Province of Aklan. It was
found that 10.5 percent among the tested
pregnant women were diagnosed with anemia or
with low blood/hemoglobin and hematocrit count.

2020 Edition
Statistical Tables


Table 9.1 Number and Proportion of Infants and Children Ages 6 287
to 59 months given Iron and Vitamin A: Aklan, 2018

Table 9.2 Number of Anemic Infants and Children given with Iron 287
by sex: Aklan, 2018

Table 9.3 Number of Sick Infants and children ages 6 to 59 288

months given Vitamin A: Aklan, 2018

Table 9.4 Number and proportion of Infants and Children Given 288
MNP and Deworming Tablets/Syrups: Aklan, 2018

Table 9.5 Number of Newborn referred and done screening: 289

Aklan, 2018

Table 9.6 Number and proportion of infants who are exclusively 289
breastfed until 6 months old: Aklan, 2018

Table 9.7 Number of Infants ages 6-8 months old who received 289
solid food: Aklan, 2018

Table 9.8 Number and proportion of postpartum women 289

together with their newborn who completed at least 2
postpartum check-ups: Aklan 2019
Table 9.9 Number and proportion of postpartum women who 290
completed postpartum supplements: Aklan, 2019

Table 9.10 Number and proportion of Pregnant Women with at least 4 290
or more Prenatal Check-ups by Age group: Aklan, 2019

Table 9.11 No. of Pregnant women who Completed taking 290

supplements by Age group and Type of Supplement: Aklan,
Table 9.12 Number and proportion of pregnant women according to 291
their nutritional status by Age group: Aklan, 2019

2020 Edition
Table 9.13 Number and proportion of Pregnant Women given prenatal 291
protection against infection and tetanus: Aklan, 2019

Table 9.14 Number and proportion of pregnant women screened for 292
Diseases: Aklan, 2019

Table 9.15 Number and proportion of pregnant women tested positive 292
for Diseases: Aklan, 2019

Table 9.16 Number and proportion of pregnant women tested for 292
Complete Blood Count or Hemoglobin and Hematocrit
Count: Aklan, 2019
Table 9.17 Number and proportion of pregnant women tested for 293
Complete Blood Count or Hemoglobin and Hematocrit
Count diagnosed with anemia: Aklan, 2019

2020 Edition
Table 9.1 Number and Proportion of Infants and Children Ages 6 to 59 months
given Iron and Vitamin A: Aklan, 2018
Elig. Pop Infants 6-11
Type of
Total (Total
Population Pop. * Male Female Total %
Received Iron 597,721 8,069 835 770 1,605 19.9
597,721 8,069 4,405 4,297 8,702 107.8
Vitamin A

Table 9.1 – Continued

Elig. Children 12-59 Months
Type of Pop.
Nutritional (Total
Population Male Female Total %
Support Pop.
* 10.8%)
597,721 64,554 609 563 1,172 1.8
597,721 64,554 10,961 10,470 21,431 33.2
Vitamin A

Table 9.1 – Continued

Elig. Pop. All Ages
Type of
Total (Total
Population Pop. Male Female Total %
* 12.15%)
597,721 72,623 1,444 1,333 2,777 3.8
597,721 72,623 15,366 14,767 30,133 41.5
Vitamin A

Table 9.2 Number of Anemic Infants and Children given with Iron by sex: Aklan,
Seen Received Iron
Age Group
Male Female Total Male Female Total %
Total 141 141 282 121 123 244 86.5
Infants 6-11
74 70 144 59 59 118 81.9
Months Old
Children 12-
67 71 138 62 64 126 91.3
59 Months old

2020 Edition

Table 9.3 Number of Sick Infants and children ages 6 to 59 months given Vitamin
A: Aklan, 2018
Seen Given Vitamin A
Age Group
Male Female Total Male Female Total %
Total 1,339 1,163 2,502 1,019 870 1,889 75.50

6 to 11 months 480 413 893 383 312 695 77.83

12 to 59 months 859 750 1609 636 558 1194 74.21


Table 9.4 Number and proportion of Infants and Children Given MNP and
Deworming Tablets/Syrups: Aklan, 2018
Ages 6-11 Mos. Received MNP
Total E.Pop (Total
Population Pop * 1.35%)
Male Female Total %

Aklan 597,721 8,069 1,803 1,679 3,482 43.2


Table 9.4 – Continued

Ages 6-11
Total Ages 12-23 Mos. Received MNP
Province Received
% Male Female Total %
Aklan 597,721 43.2 2,806 2,748 5,554 68.8
Table 9.4 – Continued
E.Pop 12-59 Mos. Given Deworming
Total (Total Tablets/Syrup
Population Pop *
Male Female Total %
Aklan 597,721 8,207 8,007 16,214 25.1

2020 Edition
Table 9.5 Number of Newborn referred and done screening: Aklan, 2018
Newborn for screening
Referred Done %
Province Live – births
Male Female Total Male Female Total Done

Aklan 7,552 1,785 1,606 3,391 610 522 1,132 33.4


Table 9.6 Number and proportion of infants who are exclusively breastfed until 6
months old: Aklan, 2018
Elig. Pop. Infant age 6 mos. Seen Ex. Breastfed until 6th mos.
Total (Total
Population Pop Male Female Total Male Female Total %
x 2.7%)
Aklan 597,721 16,138 4,415 4,274 8,689 3,887 3,807 7,694 47.67

Table 9.7 Number of Infants ages 6-8 months old who received solid food: Aklan, 2018
Received Solid Food 6-8 mos.

Province Live – births

Male Female Total %

Aklan 7,552 3,789 3,550 7,339 97.18


Table 9.8 Number and proportion of postpartum women together with their
newborn who completed at least 2 postpartum check-ups: Aklan 2019
Completed at least 2 postpartum check-ups
No. of Postpartum Age Group
Women (based on 10-14 yrs 15-19 20-49 yrs
Eligible Pop. (TP x old yrs old old Total %
GR Factor))
No. % No. % No. %
Aklan 11,332 5 0.04 451 4.0 5,198 45.9 5,654 49.9

2020 Edition
Table 9.9 Number and proportion of postpartum women who completed postpartum
supplements: Aklan, 2019
Completed postpartum supplements
No. of Postpartum Age Group
Type of Women (based on
Supplement Eligible Pop. (TP x 15-19 20-49 yrs
10-14 yrs old Total %
GR Factor)) yrs old old
No. % No. % No. %
Iron with
11,332 5 0.04 368 3.3 5,316 46.9 5,689 50.2
Folic Acid
Vitamin A 11,332 5 0.04 485 4.3 5,033 44.4 5,523 48.7

Table 9.10 Number and proportion of Pregnant Women with at least 4 or more
Prenatal Check-ups by Age group: Aklan, 2019
Pregnant women with at least 4 prenatal check-ups
No. of Age Group
Province Pregnant 10-14 yrs 15-19 yrs 20-49 yrs old
Total %
Women old old
No. % No. % No. %
Aklan 11,332 3 0.03 451 3.98 5,592 49.35 6,046 53.35

Table 9.11 No. of Pregnant women who Completed taking supplements by

Age group and Type of Supplement: Aklan, 2019
Number of Pregnant Women who completed
taking Prenatal Supplements
No. of
Type of Age Group
Supplement 10-14 yrs 15-19 yrs
Women 20-49 yrs old Total %
old old
No. % No. % No. %
11,332 5 0.04 404 3.57 3,905 34.46 4,314 38.1
Iodine 11,332 - 0.00 8 0.07 56 0.49 64 0.6
Folic Acid 11,332 6 0.05 464 4.09 6,015 53.08 6,485 57.2

2020 Edition
Table 9.12 Number and proportion of pregnant women according to their
nutritional status by Age group : Aklan, 2019
Pregnant women seen during the 1st trimester according to their Body Mass

Nutritional Age Group (years old)

Total %
Status 10-14 15-19 20-49
Total 9 1,310 3,771 5,090 100.00
Normal BMI 8 1,228 3,071 4,307 84.62
Low BMI 1 37 208 246 4.83
High BMI 0 45 492 537 10.6

Table 9.13 Number and proportion of Pregnant Women given prenatal

protection against infection and tetanus: Aklan, 2019
Type of Pregnant women given prenatal protection against
prenatal infection and tetanus
No. of
protection Age Group
against 10-14 yrs
Women old 15-19 yrs old 20-49 yrs old Total %
and tetanus No. % No. % No. %
one (1)
dose of
11,332 3 0.03 144 1.27 921 8.13 1,068 9.42
2 doses of
Diptheria 11,332 6 0.05 337 2.97 2,833 25.00 3,176 28.03
3 doses of
Diptheria 11,332 1 0.01 303 2.67 3,947 34.83 4,251 37.51

2020 Edition
Table 9.14 Number and proportion of pregnant women screened for
Diseases: Aklan, 2019
Screened for Diseases
No. of Age Group
Type of
Pregnant 10-14 yrs 15-19 yrs 20-49 yrs
Disease Total %
Women old old old
No. % No. % No. %
11,332 2 0.02 110 0.97 1,089 9.61 1,201 10.60
Hepatitis B 11,332 5 0.04 173 1.53 1,910 16.85 2,088 18.43
HIV 11,332 1 0.01 63 0.56 652 5.75 716 6.32
Syphilis 11,332 5 0.04 172 1.52 1,686 14.88 1,863 16.44

Table 9.15 Number and proportion of pregnant women tested positive for Diseases:
Aklan, 2019
Total No. of Tested positive for Diseases
Pregnant Age Group
Type of
Women 10-14 yrs 15-19 yrs 20-49 yrs
Disease Total %
Screened for old old old
Diseases No. % No. % No. %
1,201 0 0.00 3 0.25 37 3.08 40 3.33
Hepatitis B 2,088 1 0.05 6 0.29 73 3.50 80 3.83
HIV - 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Syphilis 1,863 1 0.05 34 1.83 162 8.70 197 10.57

Table 9.16 Number and proportion of pregnant women tested for Complete Blood
Count or Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Count: Aklan, 2019
Tested for CBC/Hgb and Hct
Age Group %
No. of Pregnant
10-14 yrs 15-19 20-49
Women Total
old yrs old yrs old
No. % No. % No. %
11,332 5 0.04 262 2.31 2,892 25.52 3,159 27.88

2020 Edition
Table 9.17 Number and proportion of pregnant women tested for Complete Blood
Count or Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Count diagnosed with anemia: Aklan, 2019
Tested for CBC/Hgb and Hct diagnosed with anemia
Age Group
No. of Pregnant
Province 10-14 15-19 20-49
Women Total %
yrs old yrs old yrs old
No. % No. % No. %
Aklan 3,159 1 0.03 1.58 280 8.86 331 10.48

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Indicator Particulars
Volume of Palay The volume of palay production in the province of
Production Aklan in 2019 pegged at 94,163 metric tons,
dropped by 11.7 percent from 106,608 metric tons
reported in 2018. Aklan’s production is only 4.5
percent of the total palay produced in Western
Visayas with about 2.1 million metric tons, which
puts Aklan on the 5th highest production among the
six provinces of the region.

On the average, palay yielded2.79 metric tons per

hectare, lower than 2.93 metric tons per hectare
produced in the previous year.

Of the total palay produce, 54.6 percent were

harvested from irrigated farms valuing to 51,412 MT,
while 45.4 percent came from rainfed farms or
42,751 MT. Both type of palay harvests exhibited
annual decrements with 17.4 percent and 3.7
percent, respectively. On the average, irrigated
palay farms outputted 3.21 metric tons per hectare
while, rainfed palay farms yielded 2.41 metric tons
per hectare. Yield per hectare for irrigated and
rainfed palay went down by 4.1 percent and 3.3
percent, respectively.

Moreover, highest production was recorded during

the fourth quarter of 2019 with 40,597 metric tons,
while lowest during the second quarter or the dry
season which produced only 5,895 metric tons.

Area Harvested for Palay The estimated total area harvested for palay during
this year was 33,780 thousand hectares. The area
planted/harvested was smaller by 7.3 percent
compared to 36,438 thousand hectares reported a
year ago.

Of the total area harvested, 52.5 percent are from

rainfed farms, while 47.5 percent are from irrigated
rice lands. Area harvested for irrigated farms
contracted by 13.8 percent (from 18,609 thousand
ha in 2018 to 16,037 thousand ha in 2019), while
rainfed farms declined by 0.5 percent (from 17,829
thousand ha in 2018 to 17,743 thousand ha in 2019).

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Indicator Particulars
Volume of Corn Production The total corn production of Aklan in the 2019 was
estimated at 3,717 metric tons, an increase of 2.5
percent compared to 3,626 metric tons produced
in 2018.

Over one percent of the total production of corn in

Western Visayas was harvested in Aklan, which
placed the province in the 5th rank from the highest
corn producer among the six provinces of the
region. Yield per hectare pegged at 2.66 MT, an
increase of 0.2 percent from 2.65 MT in the past

Of the two types of corn, yellow corn has a higher

production with 2,999 MT or 80.7 percent of the
total corn production in Aklan. Its harvest increased
by 1.8 percent compared to 2,946 MT reported in

On the other hand, white corn comprised 19.3

percent (or 718 MT) of the total corn produced. Its
production inched up by 5.6 percent compared to
680 MT reported in the previous year.

Yellow corn yield per hectare pegged at 2.89 MT

and white corn yield 2.0 MT per hectare.

In addition, most corn were produced in the

second quarter of 2019 with 1,286 metric tons;
however, it declined the highest by 3.53 percent
compared to 1,333 metric tons produced in the
same quarter in 2018. It was followed by production
in the 4th quarter and 3rd quarter with 952 MT and
924 MT, respectively. On the contrary, lowest
production of corn was recorded in the first quarter
of 2019 with 472 metric tons, but the period showed
increase of 13.1 percent from 417 metric tons
harvested in the same period last year.

Area Harvested for Corn The area harvested for corn in 2019 was estimated
at 1,399 thousand hectares or 2.3 percent larger
than the reported figure in 2018 with 1,367
thousand hectares. Area harvested for yellow corn
comprised the biggest share with 74.3 percent or

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Indicator Particulars
1,039 thousand hectares. It inched up by 1.7
percent compared to 1,022 thousand hectares
reported a year ago. Also, area harvested for white
corn went up by 4.4 percent from 345 thousand
hectares in 2018 to 360 thousand hectares in 2019.

Volume of Other Crops In 2019, the Province of Aklan produced a total of

Production 132,193.4 metric tons of crops other than palay and
corn. Of this value, coconut (with husk) produced
41.7 percent or 55,102.4 metric tons, followed by
banana with 24.2 percent or 31,933.1 metric tons
and banana saba with 19.5 percent or 25,728.3
metric tons. Cassava ranked next with 4.8 percent
or 6,346.3 metric tons while abaca produced a
total of 2,509.4 metric tons or 1.9 percent.

On the contrary, lowest locally produced crops are

Pili nut (with shell) and cashew (ripe fruit with nut)
with 60kg, respectively. Followed next are coffee
arabica (dried berries) and mangosteen with 100kg
each and durian with 180kg.

In addition, total production of other crops yielded

a positive growth of 4.1 percent compared to
127,030.5 metric tons produced in 2018. Pili Nut with
shell production posted highest increase of 50.0
percent from 40 kg in 2018 to 60 kg in 2019. It was
followed by tamarind with 21.7 percent from 230 kg
in 2018 to 280 kg in 2019. Roses, distantly followed,
increased by 9.3 percent, and watermelon and
rambutan with 8.5 percent and 7.1 percent,

Conversely, cashew (ripe fruit with nut) exhibited

highest drop of 14.3 percent from 70 kg in 2018 to
60 kg in 2019. Also, abaca dropped by 8.2 percent
compared to 2,734.4 produced a year ago, while
ampalaya fruit and pineapple declined by 4.3
percent and 4.2 percent, respectively.

Total Volume of Livestock The volume of livestock and poultry production in

and Poultry Production in Aklan for the year 2019 pegged at 37,798 metric
Aklan tons. It increased by 4.6 percent compared to its

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Indicator Particulars
production reported in 2018 with 36, 151 metric

Of the total production, livestock comprised 64.6

percent or 24,407.4 metric tons, while poultry
comprised 35.4 percent or 13,390.3 metric tons.

Volume of Poultry Chicken registered with highest production among

Production the poultry products with 13,390 MT, comprising 85.7
percent of the total poultry production. The
production went up by 19.9 percent from its 2018
volume of 11,470.4 MT. Aklan comprised 9.8
percent out of 117,438.6 MT of chicken produced
in Western Visayas during the reference period. It is
the 3rd highest chicken producing province in
Region VI.

Meanwhile, chicken eggs produced 1,715.5 MT

during the reference period, an increase of 6.2
percent compared to 1,615.3 MT recorded in 2018.
Duck eggs were estimated at 147.5 MT or 6.4
percent increase from 138.6 MT in 2018. Moreover,
there were 56.9 MT of ducks produced in 2019, went
up by 7.0 percent compared to 53.2 MT.

Volume of Livestock The volume of production for livestock declined by

Production 1.5 percent compared to 24,773 MT in 2018, while
poultry production moved up by 17.7 percent
compared to its previous year’s value of 11,378 MT.

Of the total livestock production, hog recorded the

highest with 19,823 MT, which comprised 81.1
percent of the total output. It posted positive
growth of 1.2 percent compared to the previous
year’s level of 19,580 MT.

About 10.3 percent of the 191,899 MT total hog

production in Western Visayas came from Aklan. It
comes third from the highest hog producing
province in Western Visayas, next to Iloilo and
Negros Occidental.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Indicator Particulars
Meanwhile, cattle produced 3,098.2 MT, which
contracted by 11.2 percent from 3,487.6 MT
recorded in the past year. It was followed by
carabao with 1,245 MT, however, it slid by 14.5
percent compared to 1,455.4 MT produced in 2018,
and goat produced 241.1 MT, which also
decreased by 3.5 percent compared to 250 MT in
the previous year.

Total Livestock and Poultry Number of livestock and poultry animals in the
Inventory in Aklan Province of Aklan averages to 1,515,251 heads
every quarter from April 1, 2019 to January 1, 2020.
Of this value, 90.0 percent are poultry animals
which is about 1.36 million heads, while, livestock
animals accounted for 10.0 percent or 152,124
heads. Apparently, the latter year acquired lower
average inventories by type of livestock animal
than the past year’s report, which posted highest
drop of 8.1 percent from 8,541 goats in 2018 to
7,849 goats in 2019. Conversely, chickens and
ducks increased in number, on the average, by 3.4
percent and 1.0 percent, respectively, from 2018 to

Livestock Inventory Inventory of hogs is highest during October 1, 2019

with 108,919 heads. Most of these hogs were raised
in backyard farms comprising 95.2 percent of the
total output during the reference period.
Meanwhile, lowest inventory was recorded during
July 1, 2019 with 103,111 heads.

Inventories recorded quarterly posted negative

annual growths. Highest drop pegged during the
last quarter (as January 1, 2020) from 111,996 heads
in the previous year to 103,665 heads during the
period in review. On the other hand, lowest
decrease recorded during April 1, 2019 inventory
(4.3 percent drop) with 108,519 heads compared
to 113,451 heads in the past year.

This was followed by cattle with 21,951 heads in the

first half of 2019 and 21,818 heads in the second
half. In the first and second semester of 2019,

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Indicator Particulars
carabao recorded 17,215 heads and 17,103 heads,
respectively, while goat has 7,575 heads and 8,123
heads, respectively.

In the first half of 2019, number of all livestock

animals showed decrements compared to their
inventories in 2018, having goat with highest drop
from 8,287 heads in 2018 to 7,575 heads in 2019.
Followed by carabao which dropped by 3.2
percent from 17,780 heads in 2018 to 17,215 heads
in 2019, while cattle declined by 2.1 percent from
22,420 heads in 2018 to 21,951 heads in 2019.

Meanwhile, in the second semester of 2019, cattle

exhibited increase of 1.2 percent from 21,567
heads on January 1, 2019 to 21,818 heads on
January 1, 2020.

On the contrary, goat posted with the highest

decrease of 7.6 percent from 8,794 heads in the
previous year to 8,123 heads in the reference year.
Carabao followed next with 1.3 percent drop from
17,320 heads in the past year to 17,103 heads a
year after.

Poultry Inventory Chicken inventory is highest during the first quarter

of 2019 (as of April 1, 2019) with 1.5 million birds while
lowest during the third quarter (as of October 1,
2019) with 1.14 million birds. Most of these chickens
are native/improved type. Moreover, number of
chickens showed annual increments during the first
half of 2019, in which highest is noted during the
second quarter (as of July 1) with 45.0 percent from
995,289 birds in 2018 to 1.44 million birds in 2019.
Followed by the first quarter (as of April 1) with 1.03
million birds in 2018 increased by 37.2 percent to 1.5
million birds in 2019. On the contrary, Inventories
during the third quarter (as of October 1) dropped
by 17.9 percent from 995,289 birds in the past year
to 1.14 million birds in 2019 and inventory in the last
quarter (as of January 1) went down by 5.0 percent
from 1.41 million birds in the previous year to 1.34
million birds a year after.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Indicator Particulars
On the other hand, ducks went up in number
during the first half of the 2019 with 3.5 percent from
53,839 birds in 2018 to 55,741 birds in 2019, while
ducks during the second semester of 2019 declined
in number by 1.4 percent from 56,453 birds in 2018
to 55,648 birds in 2019.

Number of Animals A total of 146,307 metric tons of livestock animals

slaughtered from was slaughtered in slaughter houses in 2019. Most
slaughterhouses of these were hogs accounting for 91.4 percent or
133,696 metric tons. Distantly followed by cattle
with 10,605 metric tons, carabao at 1,933 metric
tons and goat with 73 metric tons.

Most of the livestock animals exhibited increments

from 2018 to 2019. Volume of hogs slaughtered
increased by 13.5 percent compared to 117,792
metric tons slaughtered a year ago. Similarly, cattle
and carabao increased by 9.0 percent and 6.1
percent, respectively. On the contrary, there is a
decreasing volume of goats slaughtered in
slaughterhouses with 8.7 percent drop from 67
metric tons recorded in 2018.

Number and Area of In the Province of Aklan, there are a total of 66,000
Holding/Farms holdings/farms in 2012. It increased by 113.0
percent compared to 31,000 holdings/farms
recorded in 1980. Total agricultural area covers 32
thousand hectares, resulting to an average of 5,000
square meters (0.5 hectares) per holding/farm.
Area of holdings/farms increased by 40.0 percent
compared to 53 thousand hectares recorded in
1980, while average area of farms increased by
72.0 percent compared to 1.7 hectares reported in

Number (in thousands) of About four in every five holdings/farms (83.3

Holdings/Farms by Selected percent) have an area of less than one hectare.
Characteristics Meanwhile, two out of three holdings/farms (66.7
percent) consist of only one parcel. About 98.5
percent of the holdings/farms are under single

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Indicator Particulars
proprietorship. The rest are owned by partnership,
corporation, cooperative, government Institutions,
and other legal organizations.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Statistical Tables


Table 10.1 Volume of Production and Area Harvested for Palay by 305
Type, Aklan: 2018 and 2019

Table 10.2 Volume of Production of Palay (in metric tons) by Quarter, 305
Aklan: 2018 and 2019

Table 10.3 Area Harvested of Palay (in thousand hectares) by Quarter, 305
Aklan: 2018 and 2019

Table 10.4 Volume of Production and Area Harvested for Corn by Type, 306
Aklan: 2018 and 2019

Table 10.5 Volume of Production of Corn (in metric tons) by Quarter, 306
Aklan: 2018 and 2019

Table 10.6 Area Harvested of Corn (in thousand hectares) by Quarter, 306
Aklan: 2018 and 2019

Table 10.7 Volume of Production of Other Crops, Aklan: 2018-2019 307

Table 10.8 Volume of Production of Livestock and Poultry, Aklan: 2018 308
and 2019

Table 10.9 Inventory of Livestock and Poultry by Reference Date: Aklan, 309
April 1, 2018 to January 1, 2020

Table 10.10 Animals Slaughtered in Slaughterhouses by Animal 309

Type, Aklan: 2014-2019

Table 10.11 Number and Area of Holdings/Farms, Aklan: 1980 and 2012 310

Table 10.12 Number (in thousands) of Holdings/Farms by Selected 310

Characteristics, Aklan: 2012

Table 10.13 Number (in thousands) and Area (in thousand hectares) of 311
Holding/Farm Parcels by Land Tenure, Aklan: 2012

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Table 10.14 Number (in thousands) and Area (in thousand hectares) of 311
Holding/Farm Parcels by Main Use, Aklan: 2012

Table 10.15 Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels Planted with Top 311
Five Permanent Crops by Compact Planting and Province:
Aklan, 2012

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Table 10.1. Volume of Production and Area Harvested for Palay by Type, Aklan:
2018 and 2019
PALAY 2018 2019 Growth (%)
A. Volume of Production (in MT) 106,608 94,163 (11.67)
Irrigated 62,205 51,412 (17.35)
Rainfed 44,403 42,751 (3.72)
B. Area Harvested (in thousand Ha) 36,438 33,780 (7.29)
Irrigated 18,609 16,037 (13.82)
Rainfed 17,829 17,743 (0.48)
C. Yield/Hectare 2.93 2.79 (4.72)
Irrigated 3.34 3.21 (4.10)
Rainfed 2.49 2.41 (3.25)
D. Western Visayas – Volume of
2,232,293 2,077,790 (6.92)
Production (in MT)
Production in metric tons (MT), Area in thousand Hectares (Ha)
Source: OpenSTAT, Philippine Statistics Authority

Table 10.2. Volume of Production of Palay (in metric tons) by Quarter, Aklan:
2018 and 2019
Year/Quarter 2018 2019 Growth (%)
Quarter 1 45,402 39,242 (13.57)
Quarter 2 9,727 5,895 (39.40)
Quarter 3 29,361 8,429 (71.29)
Quarter 4 22,118 40,597 83.55
Production in metric tons (MT), Area in thousand Hectares (Ha)
Source: OpenSTAT, Philippine Statistics Authority

Table 10.3. Area Harvested of Palay (in thousand hectares) by Quarter, Aklan:
2018 and 2019
Year/Quarter 2018 2019 Growth (%)
Quarter 1 15,694 14,774 (5.86)
Quarter 2 3,540 2,605 (26.41)
Quarter 3 9,812 2,679 (72.70)
Quarter 4 7,392 13,722 85.63
Production in metric tons (MT), Area in thousand Hectares (Ha)
Source: OpenSTAT, Philippine Statistics Authority

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Table 10.4. Volume of Production and Area Harvested for Corn by Type, Aklan:
2018 and 2019
CORN 2018 2019 Growth (%)
A. Volume of Production (in MT) 3,626 3,717 2.50
White Corn 680 718 5.59
Yellow Corn 2,946 2,999 1.79
B. Area Harvested (in Ha) 1,367 1,399 2.34
White Corn 345 360 4.35
Yellow Corn 1,022 1,039 1.66
C. Yield/Hectare 2.65 2.66 0.16
White Corn 1.97 1.99 1.19
Yellow Corn 2.88 2.89 0.12
D. Western Visayas – Volume of
310,839 313,975 1.01
Production (in MT)
Production in metric tons (MT), Area in Hectares (Ha)
Source: Open STAT, Philippine Statistics Authority

Table 10.5. Volume of Production of Corn (in metric tons) by Quarter, Aklan: 2018
and 2019
Year/Quarter 2018 2019 Growth (%)
Quarter 1 417 472 13.12
Quarter 2 1,333 1,286 (3.53)
Quarter 3 924 1,008 9.14
Quarter 4 952 951 (0.16)
Production in metric tons (MT), Area in thousand Hectares (Ha)
Source: OpenSTAT, Philippine Statistics Authority

Table 10.6 Area Harvested of Corn (in thousand hectares) by Quarter, Aklan:
2018 and 2019
Year/Quarter 2018 2019 Growth (%)
Quarter 1 195 199 2.05
Quarter 2 485 487 0.41
Quarter 3 311 327 5.14
Quarter 4 376 386 2.66
Production in metric tons (MT), Area in thousand Hectares (Ha)
Source: OpenSTAT, Philippine Statistics Authority

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Table 10.7 Volume of Production of Other Crops, Aklan: 2018-2019

Volume of Production (in MT) Growth
Type of Crop
2018 2019 Rate
127,030.5 132,193.39 4.1
Abaca 2,734.4 2,509.35 (8.2)
Cacao 2.1 2.21 5.7
Cashew (ripe fruit with nut) 0.07 0.06 (14.3)
Coconut (with husk) 52,842.3 55,102.35 4.3
Coffee (dried berries) .. 0.50
Coffee Arabica (dried berries) .. 0.10
Coffee Robusta (dried berries) .. 0.40
Orchids 2.2 2.07 (4.2)
Pili Nut (with shell) 0.04 0.06 50.0
Roses 1.0 1.06 9.3
Banana 30,196.9 31,933.05 5.7
Banana Cavendish 28.6 29.34 2.5
Banana Lakatan 280.0 287.86 2.8
Banana Saba 24,180.0 25,728.30 6.4
Calamansi 411.9 411.36 (0.1)
Durian 0.2 0.18 5.9
Lanzones 10.7 10.27 (3.8)
Mandarin 6.6 6.33 (4.1)
Mango 1,252.7 1,284.38 2.5
Mango Carabao 208.3 216.16 3.8
Mangosteen .. 0.10
Papaya 599.1 593.64 (0.9)
Pineapple 164.8 157.90 (4.2)
Rambutan 66.3 71.03 7.1
Tamarind 0.23 0.28 21.7
Watermelon 310.6 336.89 8.5
Ampalaya Fruit 176.6 168.93 (4.3)
Bottle gourd/Upo 31.3 30.22 (3.4)
Cassava 6,502.9 6,346.34 (2.4)
Eggplant 229.4 220.38 (3.9)
Ginger 219.4 220.90 0.7
Greater yam/Ubi 144.5 141.85 (1.8)
Lady’s finger/Okra 56.8 56.57 (0.3)
Lettuce 1.5 1.57 2.6
Mung bean/Mongo 101.0 91.84 (9.1)
Onion (mature bulb) .. ..

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Table 10.7 Volume of Production of Other Crops, Aklan: 2018-2019

Volume of Production (in MT) Growth
Type of Crop
2018 2019 Rate
Peanut 47.2 46.36 (1.7)
Pechay, Native 142.7 137.27 (3.8)
Radish 58.5 56.18 (4.0)
Snap beans/Habitchuelas 6.5 6.21 (4.2)
Squash Fruit 825.0 810.02 (1.8)
Stringbeans 487.7 486.90 (0.2)
Swamp cabbage/Kangkong 1,410.6 1,392.66
Sweet Potato 2,094.2 2,102.95 0.4
Taro/Gabi 1,061.1 1,060.96 (0.0)
Tomato 134.6 130.05 (3.4)

Table 10.8 Volume of Production of Livestock and Poultry, Aklan: 2018 and 2019
SUBSECTOR Growth Rates
2018 2019
TOTAL 36,150.9 37,797.7 4.56

LIVESTOCK 24,773.0 24,407.4 (1.48)

Carabao 1,455.4 1,245.0 (14.46)
Cattle 3,487.6 3,098.2 (11.17)
Hog 19,580.0 19,823.1 1.24
Goat 250.0 241.1 (3.55)

POULTRY 11,378.0 13,390.3 17.69

Chicken 9,570.9 11,470.4 19.85
Chicken Eggs 1,615.3 1,715.5 6.20
Duck 53.2 56.9 7.03
Duck Eggs 138.6 147.5 6.43

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Table 10.9 Inventory of Livestock and Poultry by Reference Date: Aklan, April 1,
2018 to January 1, 2020
Reference 2018 2018 2018 2019
Type of
date/ Farm Average
Animal April 1 July 1 October 1 January 1

ALL ANIMALS 1,206,000 1,205,909 1,500,238 1,627,198 1,478,858

Total 17,780 17,320 17,550
Carabao Backyard 17,780 17,320 17,550
Commercial .. ..
Total 22,420 21,567 21,994
Cattle Backyard 22,317 21,450 21,884
Commercial 103 117 110
Total 8,287 8,794 8,541
Goat Backyard 8,287 8,794 8,541
Commercial .. ..
Total 113,451 108,294 114,041 111,996 111,444
Hog Backyard 105,891 101,505 107,594 105,005 104,701
Commercial 7,560 6,789 6,447 6,991 6,742
Total 1,092,549 995,289 1,386,197 1,411,068 1,264,185
Broiler 317,420 193,770 579,916 558,574 444,087
Layers 15,179 16,399 25,941 25,694 22,678
Native 759,950 785,120 780,340 826,800 797,420
Total 53,839 56,453 55,146
Duck Backyard 51,931 54,190 53,061
Commercial 1,908 2,263 2,086

Table 10.10 Animals Slaughtered in Slaughterhouses by Animal Type,

Aklan: 2014-2019
Animal Type 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Total 97,263 119,196 145,352 143,236 129,971 146,307
Carabao 1,735 1,628 1,962 2,372 2,118 1,933
Cattle 7,790 9,640 9,968 10,372 9,994 10,605
Goat 937 195 191 94 67 73
Hog 86,801 107,733 133,231 130,398 117,792 133,696

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Table 10.11 Number and Area of Holdings/Farms, Aklan: 1980 and 2012

Number of Holdings/ Area of Holdings/ Farms Average Area of Holding/

Farms (in Thousands) (in Thousand Hectares) Farm (in Hectares)

Percent Percent Percent

1980 2012 1980 2012 1980 2012
Change Change Change

31 66 113.0 53 32 40.0 1.7 0.5 72.0

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Census of Agriculture and Fisheries 2012

Table 10.12 Number (in thousands) of Holdings/Farms by Selected

Characteristics, Aklan: 2012
Selected Characteristics Number (in Thousands)
Total Number of Holding/Farms 66
Size of Holding/Farm
<1.0 hectare 55
1.0 to 2.9 hectares 9
3.0 to 7.0 hectares 1
>7.0 hectares *
Number of Parcels
1 parcel 44
2 parcels 17
3 parcels 3
4 or more parcels 1
Legal Status of Holder/Operator
Individual Proprietor 65
Government Institutions/Others
Notes: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
*Denotes <500 holdings/farms
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Census of Agriculture and Fisheries 2012

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 9

Table 10.13 Number (in thousands) and Area (in thousand hectares) of
Holding/Farm Parcels by Land Tenure, Aklan: 2012
All Fully Leased/
Land Tenure like Tenanted Others*
Parcels Owned Rented
Number of
Holding/ 94 33 27 22 5 7
Farm Parcels
Area of
Holding/ 32 10 7 10 2 2
Farm Parcels
*Includes rent-free, under CLT/CLOA, CADT/CALT, CBFMA/stewardship and other tenure status
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Census of Agriculture and Fisheries 2012

Table 10.14 Number (in thousands) and Area (in thousand hectares) of
Holding/Farm Parcels by Main Use, Aklan: 2012
Under Under
Land Tenure All Parcels Temporary Permanent Homelot Others
Crops Crops
Number of
Holding/ Farm 94 33 13 48 1
Area of
Holding/ Farm 32 16 10 6 *
Notes: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
*Denotes <500 holdings/farms

Table 10.15 Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels Planted with Top Five
Permanent Crops by Compact Planting and Province: Aklan, 2012
Area of Parcels Planted
Permanent Crops Number of Parcels
(in Hectares)
Coconut 1, 300 1, 000
Abaca 400 200
Banana 500 200
Kalamansi 100 *
Nipa 100 *

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars
Total Volume of Production Volume of production of fisheries, on the average,
outputted 25,767.3 metric tons from 2018 to 2019.
Harvest is highest during 2019 with 26,458.84 metric
tons and lowest in 2014 with 21,095.2 metric tons.
Most of the productions were cultured species of
fishes and other fishery products with an annual
average catch of 13,327.3 metric tons. Municipal
fishing yielded an average of 9,140 metric tons a
year, while commercial fishing produced 989.93
metric tons a year during the reference period.
Moreover, production level fluctuates every year
yielding an average of 4.8 percent annual change.
Highest difference was in 2017 to 2018 with 12.5
percent and lowest in 2015 to 2016 with -1.9

Volume of Production of In 2019, the annual production of Commercial

Commercial Fishing fisheries registered a harvest of 908.24 metrics tons
of fishes in the province of Aklan, lowered by 144.88
metric tons or approximately 13.43 percent
compared to last years’ production of 1,049.12
metric tons. On the average, the province
produces 978.68 metric tons of fishes from
Commercial fishing between the period of 2018 to
2019. Among the 32 identified common fishes in the
province, Roundscad (Galunggong) has the
highest harvest of 157.32 metric tons, followed by
Indo-pacific mackerel (Hasa-hasa) with a harvest
of 76.93 mertric tons and Skipjack (Gulyasan) with
70.11 metric tons during the reference period. On
the other hand, Blue crab and Spansih mackerel
(Tanigue) were recorded to have the lowest
production with 1.91 and 0.81 metric tons
respectively, constituting only 0.30 percent of the
total harvest. Furthermore, the difference in the
production of Acetes (Alamang) between 2019
and 2018 is noted to be 8.11 metric tons, almost
double of the previous year’s production of 4.86
metric tons while Grouper’s production during 2019
also spiked up more than twice its value of 3.75
metric tons in 2018.

2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars
Volume of Production of The province of Aklan, on the average, produces
Marine Fisheries 8,214.67 metric tons of fisheries from Municipal
fishing between 2018 to 2019. During the reference
period volume production of Municipal fisheries
registered a harvest of 7,895.4 metrics tons of fishes,
lowered by 638.6 metric tons or approximately 7.48
percent compared to last years’ production of
8,533.94 metric tons.

Among the 32 identified common fishes in the

province, Roundscad (Galunggong) has the
highest harvest of 604.26 metric tons, followed by
Bali Sardinella (Tamban) with a harvest of 487.09
mertric tons and Indo-pacific mackerel (Hasa-
hasa) with 480.88 metric tons during the reference
period. On the other hand, Parrot fish (Loro) and
Porgies (Pargo) were recorded to have the lowest
production with 0.09 and 3.84 metric tons
respectively, constituting only 0.050 percent of the
total harvest.

Volume of Production of The province of Aklan, on the average, produces

Inland Fisheries 648.65 metric tons of fisheries from Inland fishing
between 2018 to 2019. During the reference period
volume production of lnland fisheries registered a
harvest of 665.25 metrics tons of fishes, higher by
33.21 metric tons or approximately 5.25 percent
compared to last years’ production of 632.04
metric tons.

Among the identified common fishes in the

province, Freshwater goby (Biya) has the highest
harvest of 70.08 metric tons, followed by Tilapia with
a harvest of 52.13 mertric tons and Mullet (Kapak)
with 50.26 metric tons during the reference period.
On the other hand, Catfish and Carp were
recorded to have the lowest production with 2.96
and 3.36 metric tons respectively, constituting only
0.95 percent of the total harvest.

While, for crustaceans, Endeavor prawn (Suahe)

has the highest harvest of 60.89 MT.

2020 Edition
Indicator Particulars
Volume of Production of In 2019, the annual production of Aquaculture
Aquaculture Fisheries fisheries registered a harvest of 16,989.96 metrics
tons of fishes in the province of Aklan, highered by
2,129.32 metric tons or approximately 14.33 percent
compared to last years’ production of 14,860.64
metric tons.

The top five cultured species produced in 2019 are

milkfish cultured in brackish water fishpond with
13,667.60 metric tons, oyster with 616.5 metric tons,
tiger prawn cultured in brackish water fishpond with
265.49 metric tons, mussel with 76.98 metric tons
and brackish water pen-cultured milkfish with 73.23
metric tons.

2020 Edition
Statistical Tables


Table 11.1 Volume of Fisheries Production by Subsectors: Aklan, 2018- 317


Table 11.2 Volume of Commercial Fisheries by Type of Species: Aklan, 317


Table 11.3 Volume of Marine Municipal Fisheries by Type of Species: 318

Aklan, 2018-2019

Table 11.4 Volume of Inland Municipal Fisheries by Type of Species: 319

Aklan, 2018-2019

Table 11.5 Volume of Aquaculture Fisheries by Type of Species and by 320

Type of Environment: Aklan, 2018-2019

2020 Edition
Table 11.1 Volume of Fisheries Production by Subsectors: Aklan, 2014-2019
Volume of Production (in MT)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Total 21,095.20 23,134.50 22,694.33 22,284.68 25,075.74 26,458.84
Commercial 1,010.25 1,029.61 971.18 971.15 1,049.12 908.24
Municipal 8,927.37 9,737.33 9,236.79 9,211.87 9,165.98 8560.64
Marine 8,199.35 9,003.53 8,719.36 8,667.49 8,533.94 7895.39
Inland 728.02 733.80 517.43 544.38 632.04 665.25
Aquaculture 11,157.58 12,367.56 12,486.36 12,101.66 14,860.64 16989.96

Table 11. 2 Volume of Commercial Fisheries by Type of Species: Aklan, 2018-

Volume of Production (in MT)
Type of Species
2018 2019
Total 1049.12 908.24
Acetes (Alamang) 3.85 ..
Anchovies (Dilis) 198.91 157.32
Big-eyed scad (Matangbaka) 88.48 76.93

Bigeye tuna (Tambakol/ Bariles) 74.34 70.11

Blue crab (Alimasag) 59.17 56.61
Caesio (Dalagang-bukid) 67.77 55.28
Cavalla (Talakitok) 42.73 43.86
Crevalle (Salay-salay) 47.99 42.64
Eastern little tuna (Bonito) 33.22 34.22
Fimbriated sardines (Tunsoy) 96.29 33.80
Flying fish (Bolador) 33.54 29.71
..Frigate tuna (Tulingan) 24.47 28.26
Goatfish (Saramulyete) 26.67 27.53
Grouper (Lapu-lapu) 28.38 26.37
Hairtail (Espada) 28.61 26.31
Indian mackerel (Alumahan) 28.00 25.59
Bali sardinella (Tamban) 24.52 25.24
Indo-pacific mackerel (Hasa-hasa) 19.60 21.94
Mullet (Kapak) 22.69 21.72
Parrot fish (Loro) 15.90 16.65
Porgies (Pargo) 11.58 13.16
Round herring (Tulis) 12.59 12.97

2020 Edition
Table 11. 2 – Continued
Volume of Production (in MT)
Type of Species
2018 2019
Roundscad (Galunggong) 11.24 12.41
Siganid (Samaral) 4.86 11.36
Skipjack (Gulyasan) 10.17 10.33
Slipmouth (Sapsap) 3.75 7.84
Snapper (Maya-maya) 5.93 6.40
Spanish mackerel (Tanigue) 5.40 5.67
Squid (Pusit) 6.59 2.68
Threadfin bream (Bisugo) 7.97 2.62
Yellowfin tuna (Tambakol/Bariles) 1.51 1.90
Others 2.40 0.81

Table 11.3 Volume of Marine Municipal Fisheries by Type of Species: Aklan,

Volume of Production (in MT)
Type of Species
2018 2019
TOTAL 8,533.94 7895.39
Acetes (Alamang) 180.89 136.05
Anchovies (Dilis) 501.86 434.16
Big-eyed scad (Matangbaka) 424.54 435.00
Bigeye tuna (Tambakol/ Bariles) 107.47 132.73
Blue crab (Alimasag) 182.14 145.41
Caesio (Dalagang-bukid) 145.85 141.52
Cavalla (Talakitok) 117.44 125.71
Crevalle (Salay-salay) 329.19 286.58
Eastern little tuna (Bonito) 339.24 327.18
Fimbriated sardines (Tunsoy) 303.87 265.60
Flying fish (Bolador) 39.79 39.93
Frigate tuna (Tulingan) 370.43 376.97
Goatfish (Saramulyete) 252.17 184.13
Grouper (Lapu-lapu) 58.28 57.87
Hairtail (Espada) 190.65 181.34
Indian mackerel (Alumahan) 327.1 315.20
Bali sardinella (Tamban) 481.56 487.09
Indo-pacific mackerel (Hasa-hasa) 516.27 480.88
Mullet (Kapak) 145.43 163.24
Parrot fish (Loro) 32 0.09
Porgies (Pargo) 1.55 3.84
Round herring (Tulis) 55.17 58.10
Roundscad (Galunggong) 677.4 604.26
Siganid (Samaral) 194.28 172.35
Skipjack (Gulyasan) 403.14 392.24

2020 Edition
Table 11.3 – Continued
Volume of Production (in MT)
Type of Species
2018 2019
Slipmouth (Sapsap) 499.78 426.82
Snapper (Maya-maya) 94.56 86.45
Spanish mackerel (Tanigue) 222.08 231.12
Squid (Pusit) 203.62 184.50
Threadfin bream (Bisugo) 390.57 395.90
Yellowfin tuna (Tambakol/Bariles) 344.31 361.75

Table 11.4 Volume of Inland Municipal Fisheries by Type of Species: Aklan, 2018-
Volume of Production (in MT)
Type of Species
2018 2019
TOTAL 632.04 665.25
FISH 319.14 347.98
Carp 7.14 3.36
Catfish (Hito) 0.51 2.96
Eel (Igat) 25.24 30.25
Freshwater goby (Biya) 82.98 70.08
Gourami .. ..
Milkfish (Bangus) .. ..
Mullet (Kapak) 44.37 50.26
Sardines (Tawilis) .. ..
Tilapia 50.9 52.13
Other fishes 108 113.43
CRUSTACEANS 262.2 261.99
Blue crab (Alimasag) 27.9 29.73
Endeavor prawn (Suahe) 60.89 50.34

Freshwater crab (Talangka) .. ..

Freshwater shrimp (Hipon) 12.6 26.93

Lobster (Ulang) 59.88 42.69
Mud crab (Alimango) 21.57 21.77
Tiger prawn (Sugpo) 14.18 15.15
Other crustaceans 58.2 54.26
MOLLUSCS 50.7 55.28
Oyster (Talaba) 9.5 19.74
Other molluscs 41.2 27.79

2020 Edition
Table 11.5 Volume of Aquaculture Fisheries by Type of Species and by Type of
Environment: Aklan, 2018-2019
Type of Species Volume of Production (in MT)
2018 2019
TOTAL 14,860.64 16989.96
BF – Milkfish 13,677.60 15750.01
BF – Tilapia 35.61 51.48
BF – Tiger prawn 265.49 256.41
BF – Mudcrab 33.62 30.43
BF – Endeavor prawn 38.91 35.69
BF – White shrimp 0.05 0.07
BF – Grouper 0.03 0.01
BF – Siganid .. ..
BF – Others 8.65 6.38
BP – Milkfish 73.23 76.25
BP – Grouper 0.25 0.23
BC – Grouper 4.17 6.31
BC – Siganid 0.1 0.16
BC – Others 0.19 0.22
FF – Tilapia 15.1 0.20
FF – Catfish 14.15 29.88
OYSTER 616.5 706.85
MUSSEL 76.98 39.39

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Indicator Particulars
Consumer Price Index The price surveys conducted in 2019 in the Province
of Aklan resulted in an average Consumer Price
Index for all items of 118.4, which is 1.9 index points
higher than 116.5 index recorded in 2018. This
means that a consumer will need an additional of
P18.40 in 2019 in order to buy a 100-peso worth of
the same goods and services bought in 2012.

In 2019, consumer price indices showed an

increasing trend which December registered the
highest index of 120.2 while, the month of May has
the lowest index with 117.0. As shown in Figure 1,
indices showed positive growths every month
compared to their values in the past year.

The average inflation rate in Aklan in 2019 pegged

at 1.6 percent. This was 70.9 percent lower
compared to 5.5 percent IF recorded in 2018.
Meanwhile, Figure 2 shows that inflation rates in
every month of 2019 exhibited lower rates than in

In 2019, inflation rate was recorded highest in July

with 2.8 percent, which is almost half the rate in the
same period in 2018 with 5.5 percent. This was
followed by the month of January 2019 and
December 2019 with 2.6 percent, respectively.
From this point, inflation rate continuously slid to 0.6
percent in October 2019, and started to show
increments up to December 2019.

On the other hand, the lowest inflation rate was

apparent in months of April and October 2019 with
0.6 percent.

Among major group commodities, Alcoholic

Beverages and Tobacco posted with highest index
of 183.0. This was followed by Furnishings,
Household Equipment, and House Maintenance
with 131.1, and Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
with 123.0. All major commodities exhibited an
upward movement in price indices, except
Education with 95.6 index last year which dropped
to 82.8 index in 2019. Highest increase was

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Indicator Particulars
observed in Furnishings, Household Equipment and
House Maintenance with 6.6 percent higher from
123.0 in 2018, Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and
Other Fuels have 4.4 percent change from 123.0 in
the past year, while Recreation and Culture
increased by 4.3 percent compared to 114.7 index
recorded a year ago.
Increment in Furnishings, Household Equipment and
Maintenance is highly attributed by price index of
Routine Household Maintenance subgroup with 7.3
percent increase from 125.1 in 2018 to 134.2 in 2019.
On the other hand, Food and Non-Alcoholic
Beverages exhibited the lowest increment with 0.3
index points from 122.7 in 2018. Meanwhile, among
food commodities, highest inflation rate was
observed in Food Products NEC with 12.3 percent
from 108.0 in 2018 to 121.3 in 2019. It was followed
by vegetables with 3.6 percent from 135.4 a year
ago and Corn with 3.0 percent from 127.6 in the
previous year.
On the contrary, price index of Rice exhibited
negative growth by 3.4 percent compared to 123.2
index reported in 2018 to 119.0 index this year. Also,
Fishes, Sugar, jam and related products and Meat
declined annually by 1.6 percent, 2.0 percent and
0.4 percent, respectively.

Due to the increasing trend of price indices, the

purchasing power of peso dropped to 84
centavos in 2019 compared to 86 centavos
reported a year ago. The purchasing power of
peso indicates that a peso in 2012 is only worth
84 centavos in 2019, or the same basket of
goods and services worth P100.00 in 2019 was
bought at only P84.00 in 2012.

Prices of Farmgate The average farmgate price of palay, other variety,

Commodities dry showed a decrease of 15.03 percent from
P21.87 per kilogram in 2018 to P18.58 per kilogram
in 2019.

In 2019, livestock animals for slaughter and poultry

products with an exception to Hogs upgraded

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Indicator Particulars
exhibited an increase in farm prices. Among the
livestock, cattle for slaughter with an average price
of P84.06/kg liveweight, has the highest price
increase of 7.20 percent compared to P78.42/kg
reported in the previous year. Followed next by
carabao for slaughter which costs P76.78/kg in
2019, higher by 1.50 percent than P75.64/kg posted
in 2018. On the other hand, hogs upgraded for
slaughter bought at P115.70/kg from farms in 2019,
showed a decreased in price by 12.52 percent from
P101.21/kg a year ago.

Moreover, duck eggs* (backyard farms) which

costs, on the average, P7.04/piece inched up by
2.35 percent from P6.88/piece farm price the
previous year. Likewise, price of chicken
native/improved acquired from farms moved up to
P165.82/kg in 2019 from P163.50/kg obtained in

During the reference period, Papaya,green costs

P9.98/kg at farmgate. It increased by 79.46 percent
compared to P5.56/kg posted in the past year,
while kangkong (Morning glory) 9.77 percent price
growth from P8.42/kg in 2018 to P9.24/kg in 2019.
Similarly, Eggplant (purple,long) posted an
increment in price with 9.65 percent from P39.70/kg
in 2018 to P43.53/kg in 2019. Followed by Ampalaya
(bitter gourd) which costs P50.04/kg in 2018 went up
to P53.38/kg in 2019.

Among the farm-growned vegetables, only

petchay native’s price differed with its 7 percent
decrement from P51.12/kg in 2018 to P47.54/kg in

In 2019, the average farm price of cassava (fresh

tubers) recorded at P12.62/kg, or an increase of
27.58 percent compared to P9.89/kg in 2018,
followed closely by sweet potato with 27.33
percent increase from P14.21/kg in 2018 to
P18.09/kg in 2019, Oppositely, farmgate prices of
gabi with stalk (dasheen) and gabi tagalog (for
sinigang) at P21.18/kg and P22.82/kg were down
by 9.10 percent and 8.63 percent compared to

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Indicator Particulars
P23.20/kg and P24.98/kg reported in 2018
repectively. Also, radish experience a negative
price growth of 7.59 percent during the period in

The average farmgate price of stringbeans at

P31.28/kg in 2018 inched up by 6.12 percent to
quotation of P33.20/kg in 2019. Farmgate prices of
banana latundan (green) in 2019 pegged at
P18.98/kg higher than 33.55 percent compared to
P14.21/kg quoted in 2018. Banana saba (green)
and Calamansi also climbed up to P8.91/kg and
P27.29/kg in 2019 from P7.22/kg and P22.12 of the
previous year, respectively.

A kilogram of ginger (native) can be bought at

P21.78/kg in 2018, however, its price reach an uphill
in 2019 with P62.55/kg or an increased of 187.22

On the average price of coconut green

young buko at P5,00/kg, posted the highest
decrease with 65.27 percent compared to
P14.38/kg reported in 2018. While, abaca showed
an increase of 6.46 percent from P58.82/kg to
P62.62/kg during the reference year.

Market Retail Prices In 2019, retail price of premium rice was placed at
Php46.39/kg, lower by Php1.23/kg compared in
2018 at Php47.62/kg. Retail price of well-milled rice
pegged at Php42.15/kg, while, regular-milled rice
was at Php37.85/kg during the reference period.
Premium rice, well-milled rice and regular-milled
rice exhibits a negative growth from 2018 to 2019,
by 2.58, 1.98 and 1.64 percent, respectively. On the
other hand, corngrain yellow and corngrits yellow
price per kilogram increased by 4.40 and 3.10
percent, respectively, from the previous year.

Among leafy vegetables, retail price (Php40.00/kg)

of Kangkong (Morning Glory) during the reference
period is twice its price in 2018 which is Php
20.00/kg. Similary, retail price of Camote tops
(Sweet potato tops) is sold at Php 25.06/kg, higher
by 25.30 percent than the previous year. While for

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Indicator Particulars
among condiments, retail price of Ginger Hawaiian
went up by 87.28 percent compared to its priced in
Retail prices of all selected fruit vegetales during
the period increase by not more than 10 percent,
highest is Eggplant long, purple at 8.23 percent
followed by Chayote and Squash with a price
increased 5.29 and 4.94 percent respectively.

Among the fruits, Banana Lakatan (ripe) costs the

highest with a retail price of Php60.72/kg in 2019.
Followed by Calamansi (Php53.76/kg), Banana
Latundan ripe (Php42.44/kg) and Banana Saba
ripe (Php21.59/kg). During the reference period
retail price of Calamansi moved up from
Php45.82/kg in 2018 running up to Php53.76/kg or
an increase of 17.33 percent. While, price of
Banana Saba ripe, did not show much movement
between 2018 to 2019.

Among beans and legumes, Peanut without shell,

dry and String beans showed price increased from
Php80.30/kg to Php88.90/kg and Php50.00/kg to
Php51.62/kg, respectively. While, Habitchuealas
(Snap beans) and mongo bean sold at
Php96.13/kg and Php86.75/kg in 2018, exhibited
downward movement in price of 3.71 and 0.85

Among the rootcrops, carrots are the most

expensive with a retail price of Php86.48/kg during
the reference period. However, it is Gabi Cebu, for
ginataan (Taro, cocoyam) which registered the
highest price increase of 24.33 percent, from
Php36.83/kg to Php45.79/kg in 2019. Similarly, retail
of White/Irish Potato and Sweet Potato increased
by 8.81 abd 0.96 percent compared to the prvious
year. On the contrary, Carrots price went down
from Php93.32/kg in 2018 to Php86.48/kg in 2019.

Coconut (matured) retial price did not vary much

between 2018 to 2019.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Indicator Particulars
Among prices of fish and other seafood products,
shrimp sugpo (tiger prawn) was the most expensive
running up to Php462.12/kg in 2019. Followed by
blue crab (alimasag) with Php292.12/kg, shrimp
suaje at Php274.85/kg and bisugo (threadfin
bream) at Php240.80/kg. On the other hand,
Bangus (Milkfish) pegged at Php149.04/kg showed
the highest decrease is retail price, lowered by 8.16
percent compare in 2018.

Retail price of beef was at Php258.81/kg and at

Php159.91/kg if with bones, while pork was at
Php179.86/kg and Php1242.42/kg with bones. Pork
pata was at Php142.44/kg. Beef meat prices
increased in 2019, opposite to pork meats which
retail prices decreased compared to the previous

Broiler chicken, on the average, was bought at

Php148.35 /kg. All selected poultry products exhibit
a price increase in 2019. Chicken egg was placed
at Php6.15/kg. Meanwhile, duck egg cost
Php9.39/kg and Chicken Fully Dressed (broiler) sold
at Php148.41/kg.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Statistical Tables


Table 12.1 Consumer Price Index, Inflation Rate, Monthly Percent 329
Change and Purchasing Power of Peso by Month: Aklan
2018-2019 (2012=100)

Table 11.2 Consumer price index for All Income Households by 330
Commodity Group, by Month: Aklan 2018 (2012-100)

Table 11.3 Consumer Price Index for All Income Households (Average) 335
by Commodity Group: Aklan, 2018-2019

Table 11.4 Average Farmgate Prices by Commodity: Aklan, 2018 and 337

Table 11.5 Market Retail Prices of agricultural commodities by type: 339

Aklan, 2018-2019

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.1 Consumer Price Index, Inflation Rate, Monthly Percent Change and
Purchasing Power of Peso by Month: Aklan 2018-2019 (2012=100)
Monthly Purchasing
Year/Month CPI Inflation Rate
% Change Power of Peso

2018 116.5 5.5 0.86

January 114.5 4.6 1.7 0.87

February 114.8 4.7 0.3 0.87
March 115.4 5.2 0.5 0.87
April 116.0 5.6 0.5 0.86
May 115.4 5.2 -0.5 0.87
June 115.3 5.1 -0.1 0.87
July 115.9 5.5 0.5 0.86
August 118.0 7.2 1.8 0.85
September 119.0 8.1 0.8 0.84
October 119.4 7.1 0.3 0.84
November 117.7 4.9 -1.4 0.85
December 117.1 4.0 -0.5 0.85

2019 118.4 1.6 0.84

January 117.5 2.6 0.3 0.85

February 117.4 2.5 -0.1 0.85
March 116.6 1.0 -0.7 0.86
April 116.7 0.6 0.1 0.86
May 117.0 1.4 0.3 0.85
June 118.0 2.3 0.9 0.85
July 119.2 2.8 1.0 0.84
August 119.5 1.3 0.3 0.84
September 119.8 0.7 0.3 0.83
October 119.7 0.6 -0.1 0.84
November 119.7 1.7 0.0 0.84
December 120.2 2.6 0.4 0.83


2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.2 Consumer price index for All Income Households by Commodity Group, by
Month: Aklan 2018 (2012-100)


117.5 117.4 116.6 116.7 117.0 118.0


124.5 123.6 121.3 121.4 121.8 122.4
* Food
125.5 124.5 122.0 122.2 122.6 123.2
Bread and Cereals
119.3 118.2 118.2 118.2 118.0 116.5
122.8 121.2 121.2 121.2 120.9 119.0
132.6 132.6 132.6 132.6 132.6 132.6
Other Cereals, Flour, Cereal Preparation,
Bread, Pasta and Other Bakery Products 108.0 108.0 108.1 108.1 108.3 108.1
123.8 122.9 123.1 123.1 123.6 122.9
148.2 146.4 134.7 133.0 131.4 131.7
Milk, Cheese and Eggs
115.9 116.2 116.3 116.3 117.2 117.3
Oils and Fats
98.6 98.6 98.6 98.6 98.5 98.5
140.4 139.2 139.1 139.9 136.2 133.0
136.5 136.4 128.3 132.7 137.9 147.3
Sugar, Jam, Honey, Chocolate and
Confectionery 111.4 109.7 110.1 109.1 108.9 109.4
Food Products N.E.C.
113.8 113.8 114.5 114.9 118.4 125.6
* Non-alcoholic Beverages
111.2 111.2 111.4 111.4 111.7 112.4


178.8 180.7 180.7 180.7 180.7 181.1
Alcoholic Beverages
129.5 129.4 129.4 129.4 129.4 130.0
271.3 277.0 277.0 277.0 277.0 277.0

109.2 109.6 110.1 110.1 110.5 111.9

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.2 Consumer price index for All Income Households by Commodity Group, by
Month: Aklan 2018 (2012-100)



110.5 110.5 110.5 110.6 110.7 111.3
110.0 110.0 110.0 110.2 110.3 110.7
111.6 111.6 111.6 111.6 111.6 112.8


OTHER FUELS 108.3 108.6 108.9 109.1 109.7 112.2
Actual Rentals for Housing
118.1 118.1 118.1 118.1 118.1 122.9
Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling
116.5 116.5 116.5 116.6 116.5 116.6
Water Supply and Miscellaneous Services
Relating to the Dweling 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2
Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels
94.0 94.6 95.5 95.9 97.5 97.2


ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF THE HOUSE 124.3 124.3 124.3 124.3 124.7 130.1
Furniture and Furnishings, Carpets and Other
Floor Coverings 114.0 114.1 114.1 114.1 114.1 115.3
Household Textiles
110.7 110.7 110.7 110.7 110.7 110.3
Household Appliances
108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 109.1
Glassware, Tableware and Household Utensils
117.1 117.1 117.1 117.1 117.5 117.6
Tools and Equipment for House and Garden
112.1 112.1 112.1 112.1 112.7 113.9
Goods and Services for Routine Household
Maintenance 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.9 133.2

107.9 107.9 108.1 108.2 108.4 108.6
Medical Products, Appliances and Equipment
109.7 109.7 110.1 110.3 110.7 110.9
Out-patient Services
121.1 121.1 121.1 121.1 121.2 122.0
Hospital Services
100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

105.5 107.5 109.8 109.3 109.3 108.6
Operation of Personal Transport Equipment
94.6 99.7 104.6 105.4 104.1 101.9

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.2 Consumer price index for All Income Households by Commodity Group, by
Month: Aklan 2018 (2012-100)


Transport Services
116.4 116.1 116.5 114.6 115.8 116.4

101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6

Postal Services
116.2 116.2 116.2 116.2 116.2 116.2
Telephone and Telefax Equipment
98.8 98.8 98.8 98.8 98.8 98.8
Telephone and Telefax Services
102.2 102.2 102.2 102.2 102.2 102.2


117.5 117.5 117.5 117.5 118.4 119.6
Audio-visual, Photographic and Information
Processing Equipment 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 107.2 107.2
Other Major Durables for Recreation and
Culture 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6
Other Recreational Items and Equipment,
Gardens and Pets 116.1 116.1 116.1 116.1 116.1 116.1
Recreational and Cultural Services
138.3 138.3 138.3 138.3 139.4 141.3
Newspapers, Books and Stationery
98.4 98.4 98.4 98.4 98.7 100.9

83.2 83.2 83.2 83.2 83.2 82.5
Pre-primary and Primary Education
107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 112.0
Secondary Education
111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.5
Tertiary Education
68.2 68.2 68.2 68.2 68.2 65.7
Education Not Definable by Level
106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9


AND SERVICES 112.3 112.5 112.6 112.6 112.6 113.3
Catering Services
117.1 117.1 117.1 117.1 117.1 118.7
Personal Care
109.1 109.2 109.4 109.4 109.4 109.4
Personal Effects N.E.C.
104.0 107.0 107.0 107.3 107.4 107.4

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11


Table 12.2 Continued


ALL ITEMS 119.2 119.5 119.8 119.7 119.7 120.2

I. FOOD AND NON-ALCHOLIC BEVERAGES 122.4 123.1 123.6 123.1 123.3 125.5
* Food 123.0 123.7 124.2 123.4 123.6 126.0
Bread and Cereals 117.0 117.1 116.4 115.3 113.3 113.0
Rice 119.2 119.2 118.2 116.9 114.2 113.8
Corn 132.6 132.6 132.6 127.8 127.8 127.8
Other Cereals, Flour, Cereal Preparation,
109.4 110.1 110.1 110.1 110.1 110.1
Bread, Pasta and Other Bakery Products
Meat 123.4 123.6 123.2 122.4 122.4 121.6
Fish 133.0 136.2 140.3 139.7 140.9 151.7
Milk, Cheese and Eggs 117.9 119.0 119.3 119.3 119.3 119.5
Oils and Fats 98.6 98.6 98.6 98.6 98.6 98.6
Fruit 132.0 131.9 134.1 134.7 148.1 148.5
Vegetables 139.7 141.3 142.8 142.5 144.4 154.2
Sugar, Jam, Honey, Chocolate and Confectionery 109.8 109.2 107.9 107.8 107.8 107.8
Food Products N.E.C. 128.9 127.6 127.3 124.0 123.0 123.5
* Non-alcoholic Beverages 114.6 115.6 115.7 118.7 119.0 119.0

II. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO 181.8 186.2 186.3 186.3 186.3 186.3
Alcoholic Beverages 130.9 131.2 131.2 131.2 131.2 131.2
Tobacco 277.2 289.3 289.6 289.6 289.6 289.6

NON-FOOD 113.9 113.8 113.9 114.1 113.9 113.2

III. CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.3 114.3
Clothing 113.6 113.6 113.6 113.6 113.7 113.7
Footwear 115.7 115.7 115.7 115.7 115.7 115.7


115.6 115.4 115.4 115.7 115.7 114.4
Actual Rentals for Housing 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2
Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling 117.1 117.1 117.1 117.3 117.5 117.5

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.2 Continued


Water Supply and Miscellaneous Services Relating

112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2
to the Dweling
Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels 97.0 96.5 96.5 97.3 97.3 93.9


136.8 136.8 136.8 136.8 136.8 136.8
Furniture and Furnishings, Carpets and Other Floor
116.7 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.5
Household Textiles 110.2 110.5 110.5 110.5 110.5 110.5
Household Appliances 109.6 109.6 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0
Glassware, Tableware and Household Utensils 118.7 118.9 119.9 119.9 119.9 120.2
Tools and Equipment for House and Garden 113.8 113.8 113.8 113.8 113.8 113.5
Goods and Services for Routine Household
140.8 140.8 140.8 140.8 140.8 140.8

VI. HEALTH 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0

Medical Products, Appliances and Equipment 111.3 111.4 111.4 111.4 111.4 111.4
Out-patient Services 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9
Hospital Services 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

VII. TRANSPORT 108.0 108.0 108.2 108.7 107.5 106.3

Operation of Personal Transport Equipment 101.7 101.0 101.4 103.0 100.3 97.5
Transport Services 115.0 115.7 115.8 115.5 115.4 115.4

VIII. COMMUNICATION 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6

Postal Services 116.2 116.2 116.2 116.2 116.2 116.2

Telephone and Telefax Equipment 98.8 98.8 98.8 98.8 98.8 98.8
Telephone and Telefax Services 102.2 102.2 102.2 102.2 102.2 102.2

IX. RECREATION AND CULTURE 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2
Audio-visual, Photographic and Information
108.6 108.6 108.6 108.6 108.6 108.6
Processing Equipment
Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6
Other Recreational Items and Equipment, Gardens
117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.8 116.8
and Pets
Recreational and Cultural Services 143.7 143.7 143.7 143.7 143.7 143.7
Newspapers, Books and Stationery 101.8 101.8 101.8 101.8 101.8 101.8

X. EDUCATION 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5

Pre-primary and Primary Education 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0
Secondary Education 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.2 Continued


Tertiary Education 65.7 65.7 65.7 65.7 65.7 65.7

Education Not Definable by Level 106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9


114.2 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3
Catering Services 118.7 118.7 118.7 118.7 118.7 118.7
Personal Care 111.0 111.2 111.3 111.3 111.3 111.3
Personal Effects N.E.C. 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9

Table 12.3 Consumer Price Index for All Income Households (Average) by Commodity
Group: Aklan, 2018-2019
(Year on
ALL ITEMS 118.4 116.5 1.6
* Food 123.7 123.8 -0.1
Bread and Cereals 116.7 119.5 -2.3
Rice 119.0 123.2 -3.4
Corn 131.4 127.6 3.0
Other Cereals, Flour, Cereal Preparation,
Bread, Pasta and Other Bakery Products 109.0 107.4 1.5
Meat 123.0 123.5 -0.4
Fish 138.9 141.1 -1.6
Milk, Cheese and Eggs 117.8 114.6 2.8
Oils and Fats 98.6 98.0 0.6
Fruit 138.1 136.3 1.3
Vegetables 140.3 135.4 3.6
Sugar, Jam, Honey, Chocolate and
Confectionery 109.1 111.3 -2.0
Food Products N.E.C. 121.3 108.0 12.3
* Non-alcoholic Beverages 114.3 108.9 5.0


Alcoholic Beverages 130.3 127.9 1.9
Tobacco 281.8 268.8 4.8
NON-FOOD 112.0 109.0 2.8
Clothing 111.9 109.2 2.5
Footwear 113.8 110.9 2.6

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.3 Consumer Price Index for All Income Households (Average) by Commodity
Group: Aklan, 2018-2019
(Year on
OTHER FUELS 112.4 107.7 4.4
Actual Rentals for Housing 124.1 117.9 5.3
Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling 116.9 115.7 1.0
Water Supply and Miscellaneous Services
Relating to the Dweling 112.2 112.0 0.2
Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels 96.1 92.6 3.8


Furniture and Furnishings, Carpets and Other
Floor Coverings 115.4 112.0 3.0
Household Textiles 110.5 109.8 0.6
Household Appliances 109.2 107.8 1.3
Glassware, Tableware and Household Utensils 118.4 116.8 1.4
Tools and Equipment for House and Garden 113.1 111.2 1.7
Goods and Services for Routine Household
Maintenance 134.2 125.1 7.3

VI. HEALTH 108.6 107.0 1.5

Medical Products, Appliances and Equipment 110.8 109.3 1.4
Out-patient Services 122.1 116.3 5.0
Hospital Services 100.0 100.0 0.0

VII. TRANSPORT 108.1 107.1 0.9

Operation of Personal Transport Equipment 101.3 102.8 -1.5
Transport Services 115.7 112.1 3.2

VIII. COMMUNICATION 101.6 101.3 0.3

Postal Services 116.2 113.6 2.3
Telephone and Telefax Equipment 98.8 98.8 0.0
Telephone and Telefax Services 102.2 101.8 0.4


Audio-visual, Photographic and Information
Processing Equipment 107.4 105.8 1.5
Other Major Durables for Recreation and
Culture 102.6 102.6
Other Recreational Items and Equipment,
Gardens and Pets 116.5 115.8 0.6
Recreational and Cultural Services 141.3 131.1 7.8
Newspapers, Books and Stationery 100.3 97.9 2.5

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.3 Consumer Price Index for All Income Households (Average) by Commodity
Group: Aklan, 2018-2019
(Year on
X. EDUCATION 82.8 95.6 -13.4
Pre-primary and Primary Education 110.0 104.8
Secondary Education 111.3 110.5 0.7
Tertiary Education 66.7 88.9 -25.0
Education Not Definable by Level 106.9 106.9


AND SERVICES 113.5 111.5 1.8
Catering Services 118.0 115.8 1.9
Personal Care 110.3 108.7 1.5
Personal Effects N.E.C. 107.3 103.1 4.1

Table 12.4 Average Farmgate Prices by Commodity: Aklan, 2018 and 2019
Commodities 2018 2019
Palay [Paddy] Other Variety, dry (conv. To 14%
mc) 21.87 18.58 (15.03)

Hogs Upgraded for Slaughter

75.64 76.78 1.50
Cattle for Slaughter
78.42 84.06 7.20
Carabao for Slaughter
115.70 101.21 (12.52)
Chicken Native/Improved
163.50 165.82 1.42
Duck egg *, backyard
6.88 7.04 2.35
Chicken egg, other breed *, commercial
5.96 - (100.00)

Pechay native
50.04 52.38 4.67
Ampalaya [Bitter gourd]
39.70 43.53 9.65
Eggplant long, purple
5.56 9.98 79.46
18.91 - (100.00)
Kangkong [Morning glory]
8.42 9.24 9.77

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.4 Average Farmgate Prices by Commodity: Aklan, 2018 and 2019
Commodities 2018 2019
Papaya, green
51.12 47.54 (7.00)

Mongo [Mungbean] green, labo

56.44 55.79 (1.15)
31.28 33.20 6.12

14.21 18.98 33.55
Banana Latundan, green
7.22 8.91 23.39
Banana Saba, green
22.12 27.29 23.37
Mango Indian, green
3.41 2.75 (19.41)

9.89 12.62 27.58
Gabi Tagalog, for sinigang [Tannia, Yautia
(cocoyam)] 24.98 22.82 (8.63)
Gabi with stalk [Dasheen]
23.30 21.18 (9.10)
Sweet Potato
39.35 36.37 (7.59)
Cassava, fresh tubers
14.21 18.09 27.33
Ginger native
21.78 62.55 187.22

58.82 62.62 6.46
Copra Corriente
14.38 5.00 (65.27)
Coconut green, young ‘buko’
7.09 3.37 (52.42)
Coconut matured
16.60 10.50 (36.77)
Source: OpenStat, Philippine Statistics Authority
[peso per kilogram (or as indicated)]
[a/- peso per head]
[*- peso per piece]

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.5 Market Retail Prices of agricultural commodities by type: Aklan, 2018-
Annual Average Price (in
PhP) Growth
Type of Commodity
2018 2019
Rice Premium 47.62 46.39 (2.58)
Well Milled Rice (WMR) 43.00 42.15 (1.98)
Regular Milled Rice (RMR) 38.48 37.85 (1.64)
Corngrain Yellow 22.72 23.72 4.40
Corngrits Yellow 27.08 27.92 3.10
Carrots 93.32 86.48 (7.33)
Gabi Cebu, for ginataan [Taro
36.83 45.79 24.33
Sweet Potato 33.24 33.56 0.96
White/Irish Potato 78.02 84.89 8.81
Beans and Legumes
Habitchuelas [Snap beans] 96.13 92.56 (3.71)
Mongo [Mungbean], green 86.75 86.01 (0.85)
Peanut without shell, dry 80.33 88.90 10.67
Stringbeans 50.00 51.62 3.24
Ginger Hawaiian 51.57 96.58 87.28
Onion Red Creole (Bermuda red) 101.72 89.42 (12.09)
Onion White (Yellow granex) 79.33 76.44 (3.64)
Fruit Vegetables
Ampalaya [Bitter gourd] 78.88 81.99 3.94
Chayote 37.85 39.72 4.94
Eggplant long, purple 76.53 82.83 8.23
Squash 33.67 35.45 5.29
Tomato 55.72 57.90 3.91
Upo [Bottle gourd] 34.99 36.37 3.94
Leafy Vegetables
Cabbage 85.80 74.76 (12.87)
Camote tops [Sweet potato tops] 20.00 25.06 25.30
Kangkong [Morning glory] 20.00 40.00 100.00
Pechay native 72.98 71.32 (2.27)
Banana Lakatan, ripe* 54.12 60.72 12.20

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 11

Table 12.5 Market Retail Prices of agricultural commodities by type: Aklan, 2018-
Annual Average Price (in
PhP) Growth
Type of Commodity
2018 2019
Banana Latundan, ripe* 36.90 42.44 15.01
Banana Saba, ripe* 21.57 21.59 0.09
Calamansi 45.82 53.76 17.33
Commercial Crops
Coconut matured 23.00 23.04 0.17
Beef Lean Meat 254.92 258.81 1.53
Beef Meat with bones 157.24 159.91 1.70
Pork Lean Meat 196.65 179.86 (8.54)
Pork Meat with bones 147.35 142.42 (3.35)
Pork Pata (front) 147.85 142.44 (3.66)
Chicken Fully Dressed (broiler) 148.28 148.41 0.09
Chicken egg (other breed)* 5.98 6.15 2.84
Duck egg* 8.67 9.39 8.30
Alumahan [Indian mackerel] 157.30 149.00 (5.28)
Bangus [Milkfish] 162.29 149.04 (8.16)
Bisugo [Threadfin bream] 236.39 240.80 1.87
Crab, Alimasag [Blue crab] 260.72 292.12 12.04
Dilis [Anchovies] 87.27 81.91 (6.14)
Galunggong [Roundscad] 149.74 142.83 (4.61)
Sapsap [Slipmouth] 102.13 95.27 (6.72)
Shrimp, Suaje [Endeavor prawn] 237.49 274.85 15.73
Shrimp, Sugpo [Tiger prawn] 448.92 462.12 2.94
Tilapia 120.94 116.09 (4.01)
Tulingan [Frigate tuna] 129.27 126.21 (2.37)
Source: OpenStat, Philippine Statistics Authority

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 12

Indicator Particulars
Total Tourist Arrivals in According to Aklan’s Provincial Tourism Office, the
Boracay inflow of tourist coming to Boracay rises each year.
Starting from 2014 to 2017, tourist arrivals posted an
average increase of about 8 percent each year.
And after the four years of full-blown tourism
industry of Boracay, the once 1, 472,352 total tourist
arrival in 2014 was exceeded by approximately 36
percent in 2017 reaching a total tourist arrival of

All year rounds, tourist comes non-stop in the island,

but it is noticeable that their arrivals follow similar
pattern every year. As the years starts on its first
quarter (Jan-March) the build-up of tourist arrival in
Boracay follow as well.

And then the peak season comes in as the month

of April and May arrives. During these two month,
tourist arrivals increased by 2 -3 percent, may it be
because of the start of summer vacation or strings
of holidays this trend remains consistent. However,
as all the excitement in April and May fade away,
the tourist arrival in Boracay declines as well and will
continue its downward direction until it reaches the
month of November wherein it will again shift
upward by more or less 1 percent. Nevertheless,
Boracay’s arrivals comprise of 140,832 tourists on
the average every month between 2014 to 2017.

The upward momentum of Boracay’s tourism was

momentarily interrupted, when in 2018, the national
government announced it plans to rehabilitate the
Island of Boracay. By April, all recreational and sea
sport activities in the island comes to halt and some
business ceased to operate for six months. Problem
and issues on roadways and sewerages in the island
were tackled and establishments with violations
were for-closed.

For half a year, not only the economic activity in the

island became partly paralyzed, but the tourism of
the province suffered as well since no entry of tourist
was allowed for those six months.

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The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 12

Indicator Particulars
Bookings and flights were canceled and the
Boracay came into its rehabilitation phase.
In 2018, the total tourist arrival of 826,378 only
accounts for the six months that Boracay is open to
the public that is from January to March and
October to December.

Consequently, the average number of tourist is

about 137,730 per month. Furthermore, three
months before the rehabilitation Boracay’s tourist
arrival registered 8.14 percent increase when
compare to the first three months of the previous

Type of Tourist Arrivals in Different kinds of tourist visits Boracay evey year and
Boracay based on the record of the Department of Tourism,
a total 3,762,300 domestic and 3, 939,483 foreign
tourist visits Boracay for the past five years with an
average of 752,460 and 787,897 tourists every year,
respectively. From 2014 to 2017, foreign tourist
arrivals increase by approximately 11.44 percent on
the average while 4.71 percent increased were
observed for domestic tourist. On otherhand, after
the rehabilitation of Boracay in 2018, the total
registered tourist arrival is 941,868; of this value
about 60 percent are foreign tourist.

Annual Tourism Receipts From 2014 to 2017 the tourism receipts of Aklan
increased by 20 percent yearly, starting from
27,066,835, 759.80 in 2014 the tourism receipts
reached 56,147,744,220.60 in 2017. However, in
2018 this consistent rise was rattled by sharp fall of
49 .31 percent of tourism receipts as compared to
the previous year. This decline was may be
attributed to closure of Boracay for almost six

Top Ten Tourists in Boracay From the past years, tourist that visits the province
by Country of Domicile of Aklan mostly comprise of foreigners or those that
are in-bound by flights from their home countries.
The Department of Tourism in Aklan, summarizes the
top ten nationalities of avid visitors of the province
from 2014 to 2018. Starting off the list are the three
countries that two more times claimed the title of
top three countries with highest tourist count. These

2020 Edition
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Indicator Particulars
are Korea, China and Taiwan. Other countries like
USA, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia
and Saudi Arabia also belong to the top ten while
Singapore Germany and Japan repeatedly battles
for the tenth place.

In totality from 2014 to 2018, there are 12 countries

that consistently fight for the top 10 spot and
among the top 10 countries, about 5 to 7 comes
from Asia. Countries that are regular contenders for
the top 1 spot are Korea and China, wherein Korea
claimed number one three times in five years
leaving China in 2nd place. On the other hand,
Taiwan steadily scored third place in rankings
except in 2018 where it ranks fifth. This was followed
by USA having 74,317 tourist arrivals in the province
from this country of domicile. From 5th to 8th rank,
countries of Malaysia, United Kingdom, Australia,
and Russia play a round robin game, having the
same rank twice for five years.

In 2014, United Kingdom closed the deal of tenth

place with 10,549 tourists. And jumping off to the
fourth place the succeeding year, never again
returning in the bottom two in the five years run.
Japan entered into the rankings in 2015, pushing
Russia to fell out of ranks however its title is fated not
long to live because Singapore swipe the tenth
place in 2016 and 2017 which left Germany and out
but had its return in 2018.

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The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 12

Statistical Tables


Table 13.1 Total Tourist Arrivals in Boracay by Month, Aklan: 2014-2018 346

Table 13.2 Annual Boracay Tourist Arrivals, Aklan: 2014-2018 346

Table 13.3 Annual Tourism Receipts, Aklan: 2014-2018 346

Table 13.4 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2014 347

Table 13.5 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2015 347

Table 13.6 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2016 348

Table 13.7 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2017 348

Table 13.8 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2018 349

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The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 12

Table 13.1 Total Tourist Arrivals in Boracay by Month, Aklan: 2014-2018

Number of Tourists
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
January 122,629 133,598 158,701 169,843 186,893
February 118,096 130,293 173,256 174,183 189,100
March 142,751 124,804 156,872 167,445 177,081
April 184,078 178,656 183,047 233,233 2,650
May 167,506 168,025 170,454 202,755
June 110,239 116,792 140,380 159,708 Under
July 106,665 121,266 144,045 153,791 rehabilitation/
August 113,784 123,152 117,242 144,065 closed to
foreign &
local tourists
September 81,633 103,154 104,067 124,872
October 103,426 107,059 118,682 139,856 20,405
November 103,540 117,460 119,075 158,332 103,659
December 118,005 135,847 139,662 173,891 146,590
Total 1,472,352 1,560,106 1,725,483 2,001,974 826,378
Source: Aklan Provincial Tourism Office

Table 13.2 Annual Boracay Tourist Arrivals, Aklan: 2014-2018

Type of
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Domestic 789,520 790,546 856,718 948,999 376,517

Foreign 682,832 769,560 868,765 1,052,975 565,351

Total 1,472,352 1,560,106 1,725,483 2,001,974 941,868

Source: Aklan Provincial Tourism Office

Table 13.3 Annual Tourism Receipts, Aklan: 2014-2018

Year Total Receipts
2014 27,066,835,759.80
2015 43,957,842,188.70
2016 48,895,469,783.40
2017 56,147,744,220.60
2018 28,463,594,704.20
Source: Aklan Provincial Tourism Office

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The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 12

Table 13.4 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2014

Rank Country Number
1 Korea 263,377
2 China 165,243
3 Taiwan 48, 354
4 USA 22, 203
5 Malaysia 19, 542
6 Singapore 18, 175
7 Russia 17, 945
8 Australia 17, 649
9 Saudi Arabia 11, 136
10 United Kingdom 10, 549
Source: Aklan Provincial Tourism Office

Table 13.5 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2015

Rank Country Number
1 Korea 292,174
2 China 177,926
3 Taiwan 57,765
4 Malaysia 34,970
5 U.S.A 25,403
6 Australia 20,130
7 Singapore 16,446
8 United Kingdom 14,210
9 Saudi Arabia 13,805
10 Japan 12,195
Source: Aklan Provincial Tourism Office

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The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 12

Table 13.6 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2016

Rank Country Number
1 Korea 321,016
2 China 273,297
3 Taiwan 55,736
4 Malaysia 26,115
5 U.S.A 23,887
6 Australia 16,745
7 United Kingdom 16,318
8 Saudi Arabia 15,681
9 Russia 11,593
10 Singapore 11,155
Source: Aklan Provincial Tourism Office

Table 13.7 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2017

Rank Country Number
1 China 375,284
2 Korea 356,644
3 Taiwan 40,802
4 U.S.A 22,648
5 Malaysia 20,585
6 United Kingdom 17,416
7 Saudi Arabia 15,944
8 Australia 15,365
9 Russia 14,074
10 Singapore 9,897
Source: Aklan Provincial Tourism Office

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The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Chapter 12

Table 12.8 Top 10 Foreign Tourists by Country of Domicile: 2018

Rank Country Number
1 China 245,565
2 Korea 189,578
3 U.S.A 13,891
4 United Kingdom 11,232
5 Taiwan 9,972
6 Russia 9,300
7 Australia 9,178
8 Malaysia 5,598
9 Saudi Arabia 5,398
10 Germany 4,947
Source: Aklan Provincial Tourism Office

2020 Edition
2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Glossary of Terms
Agricultural – a civil or juridical person who/that exercises management
holder/operator control over the agricultural operation of a holding/farm
and takes major decisions regarding resource use. He/she
has technical and economic responsibility for the
holding/farm and may undertake all responsibilities directly,
that is, he/she operates the agricultural holding/farm or
delegates responsibilities related to day-to-day work
management to a hired manager. (CAF, 2012)

Agricultural – the owner or tenant/lessee of the agricultural holding/farm

holder/operator who is solely responsible for the technical decisions and
on own-account implementation of the plans involving, for example, the use
of water, fertilizer, time of planting and other agricultural
holding/farm implements, and who is responsible for the
consequences that may result from the agricultural
holding/farm operation. (CAF, 2012)

Agricultural – any piece or pieces of land used wholly or partly for any
holding/farm agricultural activity such as growing of crops, tending of
livestock/poultry and other agricultural activities and
operated as one technical unit by one person alone or with
others regardless of title, legal form, size or location. An
agricultural holding/farm operated as one technical unit
means that the piece/s of land is/are operated under single
management and that the financial resources needed for
the operation of the agricultural holding/farm come from
the said management. Generally, agricultural holding/farm
operated as one technical unit has the same factors of
production such as land, labor, farm structures, machinery,
work animals, etc. single management means one
individual or household or jointly by two or more individuals r
households or by juridical person such as a corporation,
cooperative, or government agency operates and
manages the agricultural holding/farm. (CAF, 2012)

Hired manager as – a person being paid a salary or wage, sometimes plus a

Holder/operator commission, by other private individuals, corporations,
cooperatives, institutions, and others to operate the
agricultural holding/farm or be responsible for the day-to-
day operation of the holding/farm, livestock and/or poultry
farm. He/she may supervise other persons who work in the
agricultural holding/farm. He/she is different from a

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Glossary of Terms
caretaker or overseer since the latter merely carries out his
employer’s instructions. (CAF, 2012)

Parcel – is one contiguous piece of land under one form of tenure

without regard to land use. “contiguous” means not
separated by other lands, or water or road or forest or other
features that do not form part of the agricultural
holding/farm. A parcel may consist of one or more fields or
plots adjacent to each other. (CAF, 2012)

Physical area of – refers to the size or actual measurement of the parcel.

the Parcel (CAF, 2012)

Tenure status of – is the right under which a parcel is held or operated. (CAF,
the Parcel 2012)

Aquaculture – sector of fisheries that includes the rearing or raising under
controlled conditions of aquatic products such as fish,
oyster, mussels, seaweeds and other aquatic resources in
the sea, lakes and rivers. Examples are fish ponds, fish pens,
and fish cages.

Aquafarm – the farming facilities used in the culture or propagation of

aquatic species including fish, 352ollusk, crustaceans, and
aquatic plants for purposes of rearing to enhance

Brackish water – mixture of seawater and freshwater with salinity that varies
with the tide.

Commercial – sector of fisheries that includes the catching of fish in

Fishing marine waters with the gross tons. Use of fishing boat of more
than three (3) gross tons.

Fish Cage – stationary or floating fish enclosure made of synthetic net

wire/bamboo screen or other materials set in the form of
inverted mosquito net (“hapa” type) with or without cover
with all sides either tied to poles staked to the water bottom
or with anchored floats for aquaculture purposes.

Fish Pen – an artificial enclosure constructed within a body of water

for culturing fish and fishery/aquatic resources made up of
bamboo poles closely arranged in an enclosure with
wooden materials, screen or nylon netting to prevent
escape of fish.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Glossary of Terms

Fishpond – a body of water (artificial or natural) where fish and other

aquatic products are cultured, raised or cultivated under
controlled conditions.

Inland Municipal – the catching of fish, crustaceans, mollusks and all other
Fishing aquatic animals and plants in inland water like lakes, rivers,
dams, marshes, etc. using simple gears and fishing boats,
some of which are non-motorized with a capacity of three
(3) gross tons or less; or fishing not requiring the use of fishing

Landing Center – place where the fish catch and other aquatic products are
unloaded and traded.

Municipal Fishing – sector of fisheries that includes the catching of fish in

marine and inland waters with the use of three (3) gross tons
or less, or using gear not requiring the use of boats.

Area harvested – actual area from which harvests are realized.

Irrigated – area with irrigation facilities supplying water through

artificial means like gravity, force/power, pump, etc.

Rain fed – area holds standing water but solely dependent on rainfall
for its water supply.

Volume of – quantity produced and actually harvested during the

Production reference period. It includes those harvested but damaged,
stolen, given away, consumed, given as harvester’s share,
reserved etc.

White Corn – corn that are used primarily for human consumption.

Yellow Corn – corn that are used generally as feed grains. They include
all types of corn other than white.

Yield – an indicator of productivity derived by dividing total

production by the area harvested.

Elementary – the first level of formal education consisting of the primary
Education (Grades 1 to Grade 6). This level is typically designed to
provide learners with fundamental skills in listening, speaking,
viewing, reading, writing and mathematics (i.e literacy and

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Glossary of Terms
numeracy) and establish a solid foundation for learning and
understanding core areas of knowledge. Personal and
social development, in preparation for lower secondary

Enrolment - total number of pupils/students who register/ enlist in a

school year.

Higher Education – the stage of formal education requiring secondary and

post-secondary education covering the programs on: (a) all
courses of study leading to bachelor’s degree and (b) all
degree courses of study beyond bachelor’s degree.
(Commission on Higher Education)

Pre-School – a school that admits students who are not old enough to
enter the first level of education. These pupils are usually
from 4 to 5 years of age. (Department of Education)

Primary School – a school primarily concerned with providing basic

education and usually corresponding to the first four grades
of elementary education. (Department of Education)
Private Institutions/ – educational institutions established by law and
Schools administered by private individuals or groups. (Department
of Education)
Public Institutions / – educational established by law and administered by the
Schools government. (Department of Education)

School Year - the prescribed period of time, when schools offer daily
instruction broken by short intermission periods (e.g.
Christmas and summer vacation and holidays). (National
Economic and Development Authority)

Secondary School – an educational institution offering secondary education

usually consisting of four-year general secondary curricula.
(Department of Education)

Secondary – the stage of formal education following the elementary

Education concerned primarily with continuing basic education and
expanding it to include the learning of employable gainful
skills usually corresponding to four years of high school.
(Department of Education)


Animal Inventory – the actual number of animals (in head) present in the farm
(also, Animal as of specific reference date.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Glossary of Terms
Backyard Farm – refers to any farm or household raising at least one head
of animal or bird and does not qualify as a commercial farm.
Commercial Farm – has the following specifications:
Livestock – at least 21 heads of adult and zero head
of young; at least 41 heads of young animals; at least
10 heads of adult and 22 heads of young.
Poultry – 500 layers, 1,000 broilers; 100 layers and 100
broilers if raised in combination; 100 heads of duck
regardless of age.

Livestock – refers to farm animals kept or raised for consumption, work,

or leisure. For purposes of surveys, livestock covers only those
that are tended and raised by the operator.

Poultry – a collective term for all domesticated avian for the

purposes of food consumption or, the carcass of such
avian/dressed processed for human consumption.

Volume of – refers to the volume of indigenous (locally-raised) animals

Production disposed for slaughter which include animals exported of
shipped out for slaughter (in “head) and in “liveweight

Base period or - is the period, usually a year, at which the index number is
Base Year set to 100. It is the reference point of the index number series.
In this report, 2012 is used as the base period.

Consumer Price –is an indicator of the change in the average retail prices of
Index (CPI) a fixed basket of goods and services commonly purchased
by the households relative to a base year. In this report, the
base year is 2012. It shows how much on the average, prices
of goods and services have increased or decreased from a
particular reference period.

Farmgate Price - is the price received by farmers, livestock and poultry raisers
for the sale of their produce, at the first point of sale, net of
freight cost.

Inflation Rate – the annual rate of change of the year-on-year change in

the Consumer Price Index.

Market basket - is a term used to refer to a sample of goods and services

that are commonly purchased and bought by an average
Filipino household.

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The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Glossary of Terms

Purchasing Power - a measure of the real value of the peso in a given period
of Peso *** relative to a chosen reference period. It is computed by
getting the reciprocal of the CPI and multiplying the result
by 100.


Average - is the average number of persons who live in the household,
household size computed as the household population in a given area
divided by the corresponding total number of households in
that area.

Growth rate - the amount of increase that a specific variable has gained
within a specific period and context.

Household*** - a social unit consisting of a person living alone or group of

persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a
common arrangement in the preparation and consumption
of food.

Household - refers to all persons who are members of the household.

Population *** - total number of individuals in a territory at a specified time.
It covers both nationals and aliens, native and foreign-born
persons, internees, refugees, and any other group physically
present within the borders of a country at a specified time.
In assembling national demographic statistics for publication
the basic aim has been to obtain data for the physical
present (or “de facto”) population rather than for the legally
established resident (or “de jure”) inhabitants.

Population - refers to the number of persons per unit of land area

Density*** (usually in square kilometres). This measure is more
meaningful given as population per unit of arable land.

Total population - all usual residents of the country or all persons present in the
country at the time of the census.

Food Threshold - the minimum income/expenditure required for a
(FT) family/individual to meet the basic food needs which
satisfies the nutritional requirements for economically and
socially desirable physical activities.

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Glossary of Terms
Income gap – the average income shortfall, expressed in proportion to
the poverty threshold, of families/individuals with income
below the poverty threshold.

Poverty Threshold – the minimum income/expenditure required for a

family/individual to meet the basic food and non-food

Poverty incidence – the proportion of families/individuals with per capita

income/expenditure less than the per capita poverty
threshold to the total number of families/individuals.

Poverty gap - the total income/expenditure shortfall (expressed in

proportion to the poverty threshold) of families/individuals
with income/expenditure below the poverty threshold,
divided by the total number of families/individuals.

Severity of poverty - the total of the squared income/expenditure shortfall

(expressed in proportion to the poverty threshold) of
families/ individuals with income/expenditure below the
poverty threshold, divided by the total number of families/
individuals. This poverty measure is sensitive to income
distribution among the poor.

Subsistence - the proportion of families/individuals with per capita

incidence income/expenditure less than the per capita food threshold
to the total number of families/ individuals. It is often referred
to as the proportion of Filipinos in extreme poverty or
subsistence poverty.


Acts of – acts that are lascivious in nature, which include but are not
Lasciviousness limited to intentional touching, either direct or through
clothing, of the genitals, anus, breast, inner thigh or buttocks;
or the introduction of any object into the genitalia, anus or
mouth of any child whether of the same or opposite sex with
the intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade or arouse or
gratify the sexual desire of any person; bestiality;
masturbation; lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic
area of a person, etc. (Philippine National Police)

Cleared Case – a case shall be considered cleared when at least one of

the offenders has been identified; there is sufficient
evidence to charge him; and, he has been charged before
the prosecutor’s office or any other court of appropriate

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Glossary of Terms
jurisdiction. Included in this category are solved cases.
(National Police Commission)

Crime – is an act in violation of penal law. For statistical purposes,

only crimes reported to authorities are covered. (Philippine
National Police)

Crime Clearance - is the percentage of cleared cases out of the total number
Efficiency of crime incidents handled by law enforcement agencies for
a given period of time. (National Police Commission)

Crime Solution – is the percentage of solved cases out of the total number
Efficiency of crime incidents handled by law enforcement agencies for
a given period of time. (National Police Commission)

Crime Rate – is the number of reported crimes per 100,000 populations.

(Philippine National Police)

Crime Volume – the number of crime incidents committed in a given area

over a period of time which include the index and non-index
crimes. (National Police Commission)

Incest – sexual abuse committed against child by a person who is

related to her/him within fourth degree of consanguinity or
affinity and who exercise influence, authority or moral
ascendency over her/him. (Philippine National Police)

Index Crimes – refer to those violations of the penal code considered to

have socio-economic significance and occur with sufficient
regularity to be meaningful. These include crimes versus
persons (e.g. murder, homicide, physical injury, and rape),
and crimes versus property (robbery and theft). (Philippine
National Police)

Non-index Crimes - all other crimes not classified as index crimes. These are
mostly composed of victimless offenses (e.g crimes against
national security, crimes against the fundamental laws of the
state, crimes against public order, crimes against public
morals, and violations and special laws). (Philippine National

Rape – an act committed:

By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a child
under any of the following circumstances:
- through force, threat or intimidation;

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Glossary of Terms
-when the child is deprived of reason, or otherwise
- by means of fraudulent machination or grave
abuse of authority; and
- when the offended party is under 12 years of age
or is demented, even though none of the
circumstances mentioned above be present.
By any person who, under any of the circumstances
mentioned in par. 1 hereof, shall commit an act of sexual
assault by inserting the penis into a child’s mouth or anal
orifice, or any instrument, object, or any other part of the
body such as fingers or toes into the genital or anal orifice of
a child. (Philippine National Police)

Sexual Abuse – an act, which is sexual in nature, committed against a

woman without her consent. Sexual abuses include but are
not limited to the following: rape, sexual harassment, acts of
lasciviousness: treating a woman as sex object; making
demeaning and sexually suggestive remarks; physically
attacking the sexual parts of her body; forcing her to watch
pornographic video show or see pornographic materials;
catching the husband having sex with another woman in
the marital bedroom; forcing the wife and mistress to sleep
with the husband in the same room. (Philippine National

Trafficking in – the act of recruiting and transporting a woman within and

Women across national borders for work or services means of
violence or threat of violence, abuse of authority or
dominant position, debt- bondage, deception or other
forms of coercion. (Philippine National Police)

Beneficiary - BUS acts as a directory of information of every household

Update System or member under the program. Its main purpose is to record
BUS changes on the status or condition of a household. It
updates information about household members in order to
record the progress of the household as well as to monitor
the compliance of the beneficiaries.

Compliance -the CVS monitors the compliance of households with the

Verification conditions of the program as basis for the provision of grants.
System (CVS
Regular Cash - covers those household that meets the criteria of the
Transfer program and has undergone the process of verification.

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Glossary of Terms
Modified - covers beneficiaries who are in circumstances were in dire
Conditional need of assistance. Examples of this, such as victim of
Transfer natural and man-made disaster rendered homeless and
with no means of livelihood, homeless street families and
Indigenous People in geographically isolated and
disadvantaged areas (GIDA).
Country of – consist of the country where she/he has lived for most of
Residence the past year (12 months) or for a shorter if she/he intends to
return within 12 months to live here. (Department of Tourism)

Tourism - comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying

in places outside their usual environment for not more than
one consecutive year for leisure, business and other
purposes not related to the exercise of an activity
remunerated from within the place visited. (Department of

Tourist - visitors who stays one or more nights in the place visited.
(Department of Tourism)

Tourist Receipts – the receipts of a country in the form of consumption

expenditures or payments for goods and services made by
foreign visitors out of foreign currency resources.
(Department of Tourism)



Anemia A reduction in the mass of circulating red blood cells. People

are considered anemic when their hemoglobin levels are
more than two standard deviations below the mean level in
their hospital's laboratory. The diagnosis of anemia is
influenced by variables such as the patient's age (neonates
are anemic at levels of hemoglobin that would be
considered polycythemic in some adults), gender (men
have higher hemoglobin levels than women), pregnancy
status (hemodilution in pregnancy lowers measured
hemoglobin), residential altitude, and ethnic or racial
background. (

Body Mass Index the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height
(BMI) in meters, a measure of body fat that gives an indication of
nutritional status (

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Glossary of Terms

also known as nursing, is the feeding of babies and young

Breastfeeding children with milk from a woman's breast (

Childbirth also known as labour and delivery, is the ending of a

pregnancy by one or more babies leaving a woman's uterus
by vagina passage or C-section (

Hematocrit measures how much space in the blood is occupied by red

blood cells. It is useful when evaluating a person for anemia

Hemoglobin the main functional constituent of the red blood cell, serving
as the oxygen-carrying protein (

Hepatitis B a potentially serious form of liver inflammation due to

infection by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It occurs in both
rapidly developing (acute) and long-lasting (chronic) forms,
and is one of the most common chronic infectious diseases
worldwide. An effective vaccine is available that will
prevent the disease in those who are later exposed

Human having a positive reaction on a test for the human

Immunodeficiency immunodeficiency virus; used to indicate that an individual
Virus (HIV)-positive has been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus
but does not yet have AIDS. Persons who are HIV-positive
require sensitive counseling, information regarding
transmission of the virus, and close supervision of their health
status (

Infant the very young offspring of a human (

Infection invasion and multiplication of microorganisms in body

tissues, as in an infectious disease (

Iron a chemical component which is chiefly important to the

human body because it is the main constituent of
hemoglobin, cytochrome and other components of
respiratory enzyme systems (

2020 Edition
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Glossary of Terms
Maternal health health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the
postpartum period. It encompasses the health care
dimensions of family planning, preconception, prenatal,
and postnatal care in order to ensure a positive and fulfilling
experience in most cases and reduce maternal morbidity
and mortality in other cases (

Micronutrient powdered nutrient supplement or food supplement for

powder (MNP) children 6-59 months that contains 15 essential vitamins and
minerals that promote optimum growth and development in
children (DOH)

Newborn an infant who is only hours, days, or up to one month old


Postpartum Of or occurring in the period shortly after childbirth


Prenatal care also known as antenatal care is a type of preventive

healthcare with the goal of providing regular check-ups that
allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential
health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy
while promoting healthy lifestyles that benefit both mother
and child (

Prenatal diagnosis aspects of prenatal care that focus on detecting anatomic

and prenatal and physiologic problems with the fetus as early as possible,
screening either before gestation even starts (as in preimplantation
genetic diagnosis) or as early in gestation as practicable

Supplement something added to a food or a diet to increase its

nutritional value (

Syphilis an infectious systemic disease that may be either congenital

or acquired through sexual contact or contaminated
needles (

Tetanus rare but often fatal disease that affects the central nervous
system by causing painful muscular contractions. It begins
when tetanus bacteria enter the body, usually through a
wound or cut exposed to contaminated soil. Tetanus is easily
preventable through vaccination (

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

Data Sources

4Ps Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program- Aklan

Sattelite Office
APPO Aklan Police Provincial Office

APTO Aklan Provincial Tourism Office

CAAP Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines-Kalibo

DEPED Department of Education-Division of Aklan

DILG Department of Interior and Local Government-

DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways-
Aklan District Office
LTO Land Transportation Office-Aklan

DOH Department of Health

PSA Philippine Statistics Authority

2020 Edition
The Countryside in Figures: AKLAN Appendices

2020 Edition

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