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Development Team of the Division Learning Activity Sheet
Author/s: Jennefer G. Aranilla, Roma Marian F. Guadana, Analiza R. Sulath,
Rogesa Ferrer, Charlie P. Barte, Agnus Dei Marie B. Panelo, Sharmaine T.
Reviewers: Noel D. Anciado, Rowena Lizardo
Management Team:
Gemma G. Cortez, Ed.D., CID - Chief
Leylanie V. Adao, EPS - LR
Noel D. Anciado, EPS-English
OIC/Schools Division Superintendent: Raymundo M. Cantonjos
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Bernadette T. Luna

Guide in Using Division Learning Activity Sheet

For the Parents/Guardian
This learning activity sheet is designed to assist you as the learning
facilitator at home. It provides you with activities and lesson’s information
that the learners need to accomplish in a distance learning modality.

For the Learner

This learning activity sheet is designed to guide you in your independent
learning activities at your own pace and time. This also aims to help you
acquire the competencies required by the Department of Education at the
comfort of your home.

You are expected to answer all activities on separate sheets of paper and
submit the outputs to your respective teachers on the time and date agreed

Week 1
What I need to know?


Welcome to fourth quarter! This module was designed and written with you in
mind. Moreover, the module was made to help you master a specific topic or
competency in English 10 and the scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations.

Week 1 Competency lets you distinguish technical terms used in research

Specifically, in this module or week, you are expected to:

• Give definitions of basic technical terms in research;

• Distinguish technical terms used in research; and
• Value the importance of technical terms in research

What is new?
As you continue your journey in English 10, you will be expected to write a research
paper. The first lesson you need to learn is what research is and its importance.

What is research?
It is the process of discovering new knowledge that
includes systematic investigation of gathering and analyzing
What is the purpose of research?
The purpose of research is to further understand the
world and to learn how this knowledge can be applied to
better everyday life. It is an integral part of problem solving.
Photo from

What is it?
Knowing the common technical terms in research will help you understand
better the process of how it is done. Here are some technical terms you need to learn.

Technical Terms in Definition Example

1.Purpose of the It describes what the study This study sought to determine the
study will do or the goal of the relationship of electronic gadgets to
study. the study habits of the Grade 7
students particularly in English subject
in the District of Sta. Cruz, Division of
Zambales, S.Y. 2014-2015.
2.Hypothesis It is a statement of There is no significant relationship
expectation or prediction that between the electronic gadgets to the
will be tested by research. study habits of the students.
3.Literature Review It summarizes prior information and says how your research is
linked to it.
Electronic gadgets have harmful effects on students in terms of its
influence to teach children immoral and illegal acts and its negative
effects on students who tend to become lazy and forget lessons and
school activities because of excessive use of electronic gadgets
(Almandre, 2008).

Capinpin (2011) stated that the use of computers and video games
may been enjoyable or entertaining but spending too much time on
them is a waste of time. Instead of studying, many teenagers spend
more hours on computer and video games. They forget not only their
studies but also their health habits like taking a bath, eating meals on
time and exercising. They may be lying down awkwardly while
watching or playing. These latest technologies proliferate in every part
of the world even in the remotest area of our country.

However, according to Dehmle (2009) access to internet through

varied gadgets enables a person to communicate freely and openly in
the international world through the computer.

In the study of Koivusitta and others (2007) he emphasized that there

is no doubt that modern technology has an effect on the study habits of
students today. The positive side of modern technology is that it makes
things easier for students to research for their homework and projects.
However, it is also right to mention that technologies are also a major
distraction for students.
4.Method It includes the techniques or This study used a descriptive method
tools used for collection of of research. Questionnaires and
data or evidences. unstructured interviews were used for
gathering important data for this study.
5.Variable It simply refers to a person,
place, thing, or phenomenon Study habits
that you are trying to measure
in some way.
6.Population It refers to a comprehensive
group of individuals, Grade 7 students
institutions, objects and so

forth that have common
characteristics that are the
interest of a researcher.
7.Sample It refers to a specific group of The respondents of this study were 9
people, objects, or items that public secondary schools with total
are taken from a larger number of 1200 Grade 7 students in
population for measurement. the District of Sta. Cruz, Division of
Zambales, S.Y. 2014-2015.
8.Statistical It is the science of collecting After the data were carefully classified,
Analysis data and uncovering and tallied and tabulated accordingly;
interpreting patterns and mean, percentage and Pearson‟s
trends. Product Moment Correlation as the
statistical measures were applied.
9.Findings It is the principal outcomes of a research project; what the project
suggested, revealed or indicated.
Students utilize at least 3 to 5 electronic gadgets such as cell phones,
laptops, mP3/mP4, webcam and the like. They utilize each gadget for
communication, games, music, to take pictures, for finalizing projects
and assignments.

There is a no significant relationship between the electronic gadgets

and its uses.

There is no significant relationship between the electronic gadgets to

the study habits of the students.
10.Recommendations It is defined as a critical Teach students to be more responsible
suggestion regarding the best in handling these products of the
course of action in a certain advances of technology. Conduct in-
situation. service trainings for the school heads
and teachers to discuss the impacts of
electronic gadgets and its effect to
11.Bibliography It is a list of works of authors used in the research.
Almandre, P. L. (2008). “The Impact of Electronic Gadgets to
Teens:Manila:Phoenix Publishing Inc.
Capinpin , E. T, (2011).” Study Habits Affected by Latest
Technology:Quezon City, FTD Educational Laboratory
Dehmle,K.M. (2009). Adolescent Technology Usage,Sleep,
Attention and Academics
Koivusilta,L.K.Lintonen,T.P. and Rimpela , R.H. (2007) The Orientation
in Adolescents Use of Information and Comm.Technology: A Digital
devide bySociodemographic Background, educational career
and health.ScandinavianJournal Of Public Health 35(1),95-103.
Research Glossary. (2020). Retrieved from
Arfapo, V.M. (2018). Relationship of Electronic Gadgets to the Study Habits of the Grade 7 Students in
Sta.Cruz Zambales. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Retrieved from

What is more?

In this part of the module, you will now engage into various learning activities
or tasks based on the discussion from the previous page of this week’s module. Make
sure to have a separate sheet of paper and pen when you answer.

Learning Task 1.1: Defining Technical Terms

Directions: Choose the word/phrase from the box that describes the technical term in
each item. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
references entire group specific group discovered information
prediction characteristics goal interpreting data
suggestion technique for data collection summary of prior studies

1.Purpose of the study- ________ 7. Sample- _____________

2.Hypothesis- _________ 8. Statistical Analysis- __________
3. Literature Review- ________ 9. Findings-___________
4.Method- ___________ 10.Recommendations-___________
5.Variable- _________ 11. Bibliography-_____________
6. Population -__________

Learning Task 1.2: Technical Terms in Situations

Directions: Identify the technical term applicable for each situation. Write the letter of
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Relucio (2019) used questionnaire and interview

to gather data about the factors affecting study a. Variable
habits from senior high school students in one b. Population
public school. c. Method
2. The researcher does not want to commit d. Sample
plagiarism so she gave proper credit to the e. Statistical Analysis
authors for the words or ideas that she used for f. Recommendations
her research by creating a list of references. g. Findings
h. Bibliography
3. The research of Relucio (2019) sought to
i. Literature Review
determine the factors affecting the study habits of j. Purpose of the Study
4. Relucio (2019) conducted a research using the
Senior High students in Maticmatic National High
School as respondents, specifically, among Grade 11 students, S.Y. 2017-
5. To support her study, the researcher used Google Scholar and academic
journals found online.
6. The researcher discovered that majority of Grade 11 students in Maticmatic
National High School have poor study habits which led them to have poor
academic performance.
7. Relucio (2019) used descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, Likert
scale and the qualitative approach (narrative description of data) to discuss and
interpret the gathered data.
8. Relucio's study (2019) is entitled "Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Grade
Eleven Students in One National High School in Pangasinan, Philippines".
Source: Relucio, M. S. (2019). Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Grade Eleven Students in
One National High School in Pangasinan, Philippines. Southeast Asian Journal of Science and
Technology, 4 (1). Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/ACER/Downloads/99-Article%20Text-234-2-10-20200414.pdf

Learning Task 1.3: Dissecting Technical Terms

Directions: Find content/information from the abstract below which is an example of
a certain technical term. Use the template below as a guide.

Bullying in Elementary Schools: Its Causes and Effects on Students

By MS. Afroz Jan
Bullying is an everlasting problem in the lives of school kids. It is a problem that affects
all students, the person who bully, those who are victims, and the persons who witnesses to
interpersonal violence. Bullying may include verbal and physical assaults, threats, ‘jokes’ or
language, mockery and criticizing, insulting behavior and facial expressions. These factors
work individually, or collectively, to contribute to a child’s likelihood of bullying. Bullying is
difficult to eradicate in schools because it is so often effectively used by students. Teachers
as professionals have to deal with the consequences of pupil-on-pupil bullying. The impact of
prejudice-related bullying should not be underestimated. Bullying must be recognized,
understood and taken seriously.
The major objectives of this study were (i)To understand the nature of bullying(ii)To
find out the causes of bullying(iii)To find out impact of pupil-on-pupil bullying on students
‘learning.10 teachers and 40 students were constituted as sample of the study. Simple random
sampling technique was used to select respondents. Restricted response questionnaire was
used as research tool for the collection of data about prejudice-based bullying in schools.
Collected data were analyzed through SPSS by running frequencies, mean score, percentage
and standard deviation. The findings of the study revealed that the most commonly mentioned
cause of bullying behavior was power fullness (for example, I depend on myself rather than
other) and physical (for example, hitting and punching) abuse. There is an urgent need to
develop anti bullying policies in schools to identify and find ways of enabling pupils to seek out
the help that they needed.
Key words: Bullying, Students learning, Bully, pupil-on-pupil bullying
Source: Jan, Afroz. (2015). Bullying in Elementary Schools: Its Causes and Effects on Students. Journal of
Education and Practice, Vol.6, No. 19. Retrieved from
Note: Abstract slightly modified but the meaning of content was not changed.

Technical Term Example from the abstract

1. Variable
2. Population
3. Purpose of the
4. Sample
5. Method
6. Statistical Analysis
7. Findings
8. Recommendation

What I have learned?
Congratulations! You are now one step away from accomplishing this week’s
module. As a summary of your learning, answer the following reflective questions.
Copy the guide words and write your reflections on a separate sheet of paper.

1. This week, I learned

2. It was challenging for me to
3. I intend to apply what I learned

Week 2
What I need to know

This week, you are going to deepen your understanding towards technical
terms used in research writing. You will have more information on how to use the terms
appropriately and then give technical and operational definitions. This lesson will
teach you the difference between technical and operational definitions as well as the
proper words to use in formal writing.

Specifically, in this module, you are expected to:

• understand the meaning of technical and operational definitions

• differentiate technical terms to operational definitions
• identify if the given words or phrases are technical or operational definitions
• write a manual for teaching instructions using technical and operational

What is new?

Major terms in the study should be rigorously defined. It is always better to write
a clear, precise definition that will call up the same core of meaning to all competent
researchers in the field. In this case, we will analyze the technical and operational
definition of terms to ease your mind upon choosing the right words in your research
writing activities.

- is a definition in technical communication describing
or explaining technical terminology. Technical
definitions are used to introduce the vocabulary
which makes communication in a particular field
concise and unambiguous. For example, the iliac
crest from medical (technical) terminology is the top
ridge of the hip bone. Without explanation for this
type of “term” we may never fully understand the

Technical definition could be used in expanding the

vocabulary since most of these terms are explained
in the exact manner. Examples include the terms and
definitions of the words found in dictionary. A
dictionary might be a big help for you in knowing
some technicalities in the terms.

- is the articulation of operationalization used in

defining the terms of a process needed to determine
the nature of an item or phenomenon and its
properties such as duration, quantity, extension in
space, chemical composition, etc.

An operational definition is the specific meaning of

a word or phrase given to it by the group of people
who use the word in their specific context.
Operational definitions should be very precise and be
framed to avoid variation and confusion in

A technical definition is a definition in the technical sense, while an operational

definition includes information from the real world. So a technical definition for an
“automobile” is a machine with four wheels and includes details of the automobile that
make it function. While an operational definition would be an “automobile” as a car or
truck that gets you around from place to place and carries cargo or passengers and
makes it easier to live in the city or countryside.

Let us analyze the sample word presented in technical and operational

definitions which depend on how you use the word in your sentence/paragraph.


cramming “Cramming is when a “Students who spend long

company charges you nights cramming and not
through your telephone bill getting enough sleep may
for extra services that you absorb enough knowledge
never agreed to buy.” to pass the test, but rarely
store the bulk of the

Meaning: acquired knowledge in long
the fraudulent practice of term memory.”
adding unauthorized charges
to a customer's phone bill Meaning:
a period of neglect of activity
followed by a concentrated
burst of activity immediately
before an examination or

What is it?

There are three types of definitions commonly used in technical writing:

• Parenthetical definitions
• Sentence definitions
• Extended definitions

The type of definition you choose for your document will depend on the word being
defined and the overall purpose of the document.

Parenthetical Definitions
These are words that quickly explain a term and are included within the same
sentence as the word being defined. These informal definitions can be a synonym or
a short phrase. The definition will be placed in parentheses immediately following the
word being defined.
Parenthetical definitions are used to explain words that need clarification but
are not the focus of the document. For example, you might write, 'Our company should
invest in creating sinistral (left-handed) office supplies to meet the growing market
Notice that the term being defined, sinistral, does not need a lengthy
explanation for readers to understand the concept of the sentence. Instead, a simple
synonym placed immediately after the word sufficiently explains the term.

Sentence Definitions
There are times when a few words are not enough to explain a technical term.
In this case, the definition provided needs to be more extensive. Sentence definitions
can provide the additional information needed to help increase comprehension.
Sentence definitions are an explanation of a word using one sentence. These are
more formal explanations than parenthetical definitions. Sentence definitions follow a
similar form, which includes:

• The word being defined

• The class to which the word belongs

• The feature that distinguishes the term from other words

For example, 'The heart is an organ that pumps blood through the body.' Notice
that the word being defined is provided first (heart), then the word is put into a class or
category (organ), and finally, distinguishing features are explained (pumps blood).
Here are some other examples of sentence definitions:

• A pig is an animal that rolls in the mud.

• Scissors are a kind of instrument that is used to cut items, such as paper.
• A hoyden is a girl who is boisterous and bold.
• A kickshaw is food served as an appetizer and is usually a delicacy.

Keeping the word-class-distinguishing feature format allows the readers to

compare the word to terms they may already know, while also understanding how it
differs from those words, which improves comprehension.

Extended Definitions
Although sentence definitions provide more specific details to define a word,
there are times in technical writing when the term is so important to the document or
so complex in its meaning that an entire paragraph or more is needed to help explain
the term. This is when an extended definition is necessary.
Extended definition is the use of a paragraph or more to expand on a word that
may be difficult to comprehend. An extended definition almost always starts with a
sentence definition, but then expands on the word by providing additional sentences
about one or more of the following:

• The function of the term

• The location of the term
• The physical traits of the term
• The causes and effects of the term

Learning Task 2.1: Say What?

Directions: Identify the answer to the given questions. You may choose from these
options: Technical definition, Operational definition, Parenthetical, Expanded, and
Sentence definitions.

1. It is a very detailed description of term, process, or phenomenon.

2. The term is defined based on how this term is used in the research study

3. A definition that is used to introduce the vocabulary which makes communication

in a particular field concise and unambiguous

4. Type of definition that can be used in research

5. The definition of variable in terms of the actual producers used by the researcher
to measure

6. What type of definition are the following?

Overweight - a condition when a woman reaches 150 lbs and 160 lbs for men

7. Vein is any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body,
carrying the most cases oxygen depleted blood toward the heart.

8. Happiness - a person feels having no problem whether at home or in school.

9. One or more paragraphs that attempt to explain a complex term.

1. It means adding a synonym (a term with same meaning in parenthesis).

What is more?

Operational Definition in Research Writing

One of the keys to successful research, in addition to careful planning, is the
use of operational definitions in measuring the concepts and variables we are studying
or the terms we are using in our research documents.

The specific way in which a variable is measured in a particular study is called

the operational definition.

It is critical to operationally define a variable in order to lend credibility to the

methodology and to ensure the reproducibility of the results of the study. Another study
may identify the same variable differently, making it difficult to compare the results of
these two studies.

To begin with, the operational definition is different from the dictionary definition,
which is often conceptual, descriptive, and consequently imprecise.

In contrast, an operational definition gives an obvious, precise, and

communicable meaning to a concept that is used to ensure comprehensive knowledge
of the idea by specifying how the idea is measured and applied within a particular set
of circumstances.

This definition highlights two important things about an operational definition:

• It gives a precise meaning to the spoken or written word, forming a ‘common

language’ between two or more people.

• It defines how a term, word or phrase is used when it is applied in a specific
context. This implies that a word may have different meanings when used in
different situations.

An operational definition must be valid, which implies that it should measure

what it is supposed to measure. It must also be reliable, meaning that the results
should be the same even when done by different people or by one person at different

An operational definition ensures a succinct description of concepts and terms

as applied to a specific situation to facilitate the collection of meaningful and
standardized data.

When collecting data, it is important to define every term very clearly to assure
all those who collect and analyze the data have the same understanding.

Therefore, operational definitions should be very precise and be framed to

avoid variation and confusion in interpretation.

Suppose, for example, and we want to know whether a professional journal

may be considered as a ‘standard journal’ or not. Here is a possible operational
definition of a standard journal.

We set in advance that a journal is considered standard if

• It contains an ISSN number.

• It is officially published from a public or private university or from an
internationally recognized research organization.
• It is peer-reviewed.
• It has a recognized editorial /advisory board.
• It is published on a regular basis at least once a year,
• It has an impact factor.

Thus, the researcher knows exactly what to look for when determining whether
a published journal is standard or not.

The operational definition of literacy rate as adopted by the Bangladesh Bureau

of Statistics (BBS) in their Vital Registration System is as follows:

“Percentage of the population of age 7 years and above who can write a letter
among the total population.”

In sum, an operational definition serves four purposes:

• It establishes the rules and procedures the researcher uses to measure the
• It provides unambiguous and consistent meaning to terms/variables that
otherwise can be interpreted in different ways.
• It makes the collection of data as well as the analysis more focused and
• It guides what type of data and information we are looking for.

By operationally defining a variable, a researcher is able to communicate a

common methodology to another researcher. Operational definitions lay down the
ground rules and procedures that the investigator will use to observe and record
behavior and write down facts without bias.

The sole purpose of defining the variables operationally is to keep them

unambiguous, thereby reducing errors.

Learning Task 2.2: Manual for You!

Directions: Write a user manual teaching home-based learner on how to set up his/her
computer using the following platforms.

a. Online Learning Space (OLS)

b. Learning Management System (LMS)

Follow the basic format by including a short introduction, the procedures to

follow and your tips for them. Use a bond paper for this task; layout and design the
paper into a format that you think is suitable. Be able to use technical and operational
definitions in your manual. Underline all the words you use whether it is technical or

What I have learned

Learning Task 2.3: Define It!

Directions: Writing is a very difficult task indeed. Knowing the proper words to use can
help you prepare a very conducive output. Answer the task below to recall once again
the technical and operational definitions.

1. These are the types of technical definition except,

a. Parenthetical Definition
b. Expanded Definition
c. Sentence Definition
d. Operational Definition

2. A definition that includes information from the real world

a. Technical Definition
b. Operational Definition
c. Expanded Definition
d. Sentence Definition

3. While reading a piece of technical writing, you come across a sentence that
defines a term. How can you tell whether it is a sentence definition or part
of an extended definition?
a. If the next few sentences continue to expand on the word’s meaning,
then it’s part an extended definition.
b. If it’s in the glossary, then it’s part of an extended definition.
c. If it’s followed by more sentences, then it’s part of an extended definition.
d. A sentence definition cannot be a part of an extended definition.

4. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate place to include a definition of

a technical term?
a. In the body of the document
b. In the glossary
c. In the introduction
d. On the title page

5. Parenthetical definitions are _________, while sentence definitions are

a. a synonym or short phrase; an explanation of a word using one sentence
b. more extensive; able to quickly explain a term
c. in a format that allows readers to compare the word to terms they already
know; included in the same sentence as the word being defined
d. more formal; informal

6. What are the three parts of a sentence definition?

a. The introduction, class and example
b. The word, definition and example
c. The word, class and distinguishing features
d. The introduction, definition and conclusion

7. Which of the following is an operational definition of happiness?

a. Joy
b. Scores on a happiness test

8. Which of the following is the best operational definition of “hunger’

a. The desire to eat
b. General feeling of emptiness in one’s stomach
c. Amount of food ordered in a fast-food restaurant
d. When the number of calories eaten in a day is 15% less than the number

Week 3
What I need to know


This module will help you in giving and writing an expanded definition.

Specifically, in this module, you are expected to:

• recall the difference between formal and informal definitions of words;
• define the term expanded definition and identify its purposes;
• identify the different approaches in giving expanded definitions; and
• write expanded definitions.

What is new?

Most controversies would soon be ended, if those engaged in them would

first accurately define their terms, and then adhere to their definitions.
Tryon Edwards

The above passage illustrates how important it is to establish a clear and easy
to understand definition of a term or word. Definition allows us to all be on the same
page when discussing or reading about an issue. Thus, to avoid misunderstanding or
confusion and to convey what you mean to say, it is important for a student like you to
learn how to define terms or concepts.
When you are asked to define terms, you would probably think of using
dictionary to know what the word means. However, dictionary definition may not be
enough to clarify the meaning of the word. There are instances that require you to
elaborate the term to give a thorough background about it. This is true, especially when
you start writing your research report.
Let us do a simple activity. Think of some words or ideas related to the word


Have you thought of different words or ideas related to the word CHANGE?
That is great!
The way you gather ideas about the word is similar to the concept of expanding
the meaning of the word in order to have a clear understanding of it.
Before we further talk about giving expanded definition, let us recall the
difference between informal and formal definitions.

Informal Definition
Change occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another
to lose one's or its original
the result of alteration or modification

Formal Definition
Term Verb Class Distinguishing Features
Change is a type of process which involves passing from
one state or phase to another.

Class Distinguishing Features Verb Term

The process which involves passing from is called change.
one state or phase to another

How is the word CHANGE defined informally? What are the components of a
formal definition of the word CHANGE?

An informal definition does not follow a structure and the definition itself can be
implied. This type of definition uses informal words and is used in non-scientific

On the other hand, a formal definition follows a certain structure (word +

category + unique characteristics) and go into the specific details. This kind of
definition is used in academic and scientific writing (e.g. research report).

Here are other examples of formal definition of words:

Term Verb Class Distinguishing Feature

1. An earthquake is a violent shaking of the ground caused by the sudden shifting
of deep rocks.

Class Distinguishing Feature Verb Term
2. The place on the surface directly above the focus is called the epicenter.

Learning Task 3.1: Formal or Informal Definition?

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on your
answer sheet.

1. Which among the following sentences has a formal definition of biology?

a. Biology is a field of study that focuses on living organisms.
b. Biology is my second period subject.
c. Biology is a science subject in school.
d. Biology is known to have branches.

2. What is an informal definition of the word poverty?

a. Poverty is the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of
money or possessions.
b. Poverty is an excuse people use for their shortcomings.
c. Poverty is the state of being extremely poor.
d. Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the
financial resources and essentials to enjoy a minimum standard of life and well-
being that's considered acceptable in society.

3. How is the heart defined in the following sentence?

The heart is an organ that pumps blood through the body.
a. Formal b. Informal

4. How is remuneration defined in the following sentence?

They demanded an increase in their monthly remuneration or compensation.
a. Formal b. Informal

5. How is the underlined word defined in the following sentence?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a disease of the lungs usually
caused by breathing in volcanic dusts and ashes.
a. Formal b. Informal

6. Amnesia is a condition in which memory is disturbed or lost.

a. Formal b. Informal

7. An isocracy is a form of government where all citizens have equal power.

a. Formal b. Informal

8-10 Chart the structure of the following definitions of words (Term + (verb) + Genus
+ Differentiae).
Term Verb Class Distinguishing Feature

a. Skipper is a room status that indicates the guest has left the hotel without
making arrangements to settle his/her account.
b. Modems are devices that make possible the transmission of data to or from a
computer via telephone.
c. A paring knife is a short-bladed kitchen knife used in paring fruits and

What is it?

Now that you can distinguish the difference between informal and formal
definitions, let us know how we can add more information about the term being
defined. Sometimes, a less knowledgeable reader often needs more explanation to
understand the term completely.

What is an Expanded Definition?

An expanded definition is an extended explanation of the term being
defined. Expanded definition generally has components of both informal and formal
definitions. It could be a type of technical definition that is used when a certain word
or phrase needs to be explained with much detail or to be defined in a particular
context or situation. This kind of definition may be a few sentences or several pages
long. It goes deeper than a simple dictionary definition.

What are the approaches to writing expanded definition?

1. Examples
Providing examples gives readers something concrete to help them
understand a term. Through the examples, a concept that may be unfamiliar to the
readers is elaborated. Common transitional words that can be used are: for example,
that is, in particular, for instance, such as, in other words, and others.
Example: To add definition of compound exercise, the writer might provide
several compound exercises as examples (squat, bench press,
deadlift, etc.).

2. Etymology (origin of the term)

In an expanded definition, the author may explain the origin of a word or term.
The readers can gain insight from the formation of the word or term, and from its
original meaning and usage. The origin of the word could give the readers a clear
understanding of its modern-day meaning, function, and uses.
Example: To add definition of tyrannosaurus rex, the writer might explain
that the name comes from the Greek words meaning “tyrant” and
“lizard” and the Latin word meaning “king.”

3. Illustrations/Visual Aids
Illustrations or visual aids like graphs, tables, diagrams, charts, pictures and
drawings can effectively reinforce definitions.
Example: To add definition of the water cycle, the writer might use a visual
illustration of the process to supplement his or her written

4. Comparison and Contrast

A comparison-contrast definition shows both the likenesses of and
differences between similar objects or processes. Some transitional words that can be
used are:
For Similarities: both…and, in the same way, in the like manner, neither…nor,
similarly, likewise.
For Differences: whereas, while, although, even though, yet, however, on the
other hand, conversely, than
Example: To add definition of electric current, the writer might want to set
up the definition as a comparison/contrast between the two types
of electric current: alternating current (AC) and direct current

5. Classification
It is the grouping together of objects/items according to a specified basis. Words
indicating classification: categorize, classify, group
Example: To add definition of engines, the writer might want to classify
them as full diesel, modified diesel, and gas.

6. Partition
It is dividing a singular object/item into parts, steps or aspects. Words indicating
partition: divide, partition, split
Example: To add definition of diabetes, the writer would want to partition
the three kinds of diabetes (type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and
gestational diabetes) and discuss them one at a time rather than
try to define them all at the same time.

7. Chronology (historical development)

The sequence of events is written down in the order in which they occurred.
Example: To add definition of Periodic Table of Elements, the writer would
want to tell when it was first discovered and how it evolved into
its modern form.

8. Description (mechanism or process)

Description of a mechanism can have extensive details regarding the attributes
or components of a certain subject. It conveys to the reader a technical understanding
of the function, appearance, and operation of a particular object. On the other hand,
description of a process explains how something is done or happened.
Example: Mechanism: To add definition of glass, the writer would want to
identify its composition and describe its form.
Process: To add definition of four-wheel drive, the writer could
explain, step-by-step, how four-wheel drive works.
9. Causal Analysis or Cause and Effect
If a term refers to an event, giving the causes or effects helps to explain it. The
details of such definition answer the questions “Why did it occur?” and “What are its
Example: To add definition of online games, the writer might want to give
how online games affect children.

10. Analogy
It draws a comparison between the topic and something likely already familiar
to readers.
Example: To add definition of central processing unit, the writer might want
to draw an analogy between how a CPU works and how the
human brain works.

11. Negation
It defines the concept by what it is not.
Example: To add definition of automatic transmission, the writer would
want to explain how it is different from manual transmission, its

What are the components of an expanded definition?

Topic Sentence (formal/sentence definition)

Supporting Sentences
(using the different approaches to writing an
expanded definition)

Concluding Sentence

A one-paragraph extended definition may begin with a sentence definition or

formal definition, which acts as a topic sentence. The supporting part extends the
sentence definition into an extended definition by adding more sentences to the topic
sentence (or sentence definition). These supporting sentences explain, describe,
or develop the main idea given in the topic sentence. The concluding sentence reflects
all that are mentioned in the paragraph.

Sample Extended Definition 1:

(Sentence definition) We can define an SUV as a vehicle which is usually driven on

rough terrain. (Illustration) SUV is an acronym which
stands for sports utility vehicle. (Description) The engines of the SUV vehicles supply
power to all four wheels, so they are better for cruising sand dunes. (Classification) SUV
vehicles vary in size; some of them can seat 5 passengers, while others can seat 7
passengers. (Description) SUV vehicles are quite common in Saudi Arabia due to the
low cost of petrol and their fantastic performance in the desert.

Sample Extended Definition 2:

The periodic table can be defined as an organized array of all the

(Sentence definition)
chemical elements in order of the atomic weight. (Illustration)The elements show a
periodic recurrence of certain properties. (Chronology)It was first discovered in 1869 by
Dmitry I. Mendeleyev. (Description)Those in the same column or group of the table as
usually arranged have similar properties. (Chronology) In the 20th century, when the
structure of atoms was understood, the table was seen to precisely reflect increasing
order of atomic number. (Description) Members of the same group in the table have the
same number of electrons in the outermost shells of their atoms and form bonds of the
same type.

Sample Extended Definition 3:

(Sentence definition) Glass is a hard transparent material which is used to make

windows, bottles and other objects. (Etymology) Glass is an English word and was first
used before the twelfth century. (Chronology) Glass has been used as a decorative
object indoors since ancient times. Today, glass is widely used in the construction and
telecommunication sectors. (Description) It is made by cooling molten ingredients such
as silica sand with sufficient rapidity to prevent the formation of visible crystals.

What is more?

Learning Task 3.2: Expanded Definition

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in your
answer sheet.

1. The term definition is used to mean:

a. A description of an object, mechanism, place, or organism
b. An account of how something works or happens--the events in that process
c. An explanation of what a potentially unfamiliar term means

2. A definition can be expanded in all of the following ways EXCEPT ____________.
a. explaining what a term does not mean.
b. comparing an unfamiliar term with anything familiar.
c. omitting the components of the item being defined.

3. A sentence definition does not accomplish which of the following?

a. It includes the name of the item to be defined.
b. It always states the definition in more than one-sentence format.
c. It states the class to which the item belongs as the second element of
the definition.

4. When you write an extended definition (a paragraph or more in length), you should
put which of the following at or very near the beginning?
a. Formal sentence definition of the term
b. Technical description of the term
c. An audience definition

5. Which is the best example of an extended definition?

a. The Internet is a collection of electronic links that connects every
computer within that collection to every other computer in that collection.
Computer linked to this system of links (that are "on the Internet") can
communicate with every other computer on that same system, send e-mail,
make resources available, and even provide remote facilities.

b. To transfer a file across the Internet, you must first get "on line" through
some sort of modem or cable connection, then log in to some provider of
Internet facility, use the ftp command to start the file transfer session, link into
the Internet computer you want to send file to or get files from, and then issue
the actual send or get command.

c. The internet began as a Defense Department project to link military sites

for security purposes. Because the internet has no main controlling center, a
nuclear strike cannot wipe all of it out at once. With time, the Internet came to
be used more by defense research and by university-related concerns.
Eventually, the military shed its role in the Internet, and the Internet developed
increasingly toward the general-use vehicle we know today.

Learning Task 3.3: Writing an Expanded Definition

Directions: Choose one topic from the list below. Write a five-sentence extended
definition of the chosen topic using any of the techniques discussed to define the word.
Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

1. Love
2. Happiness
3. Computer
4. Cellular phone
5. Social Media

What I have learned

Learning Task 3.4: My Final Thoughts

Directions: Can you list down at least three advantages of knowing the different
approaches in giving the expanded definitions of words? Write your answers on your
answer sheet.

Week 4
What I need to know
Some words can mean different things at different times. For the readers to
have a common understanding of a term, writers rely on definition. Writers attempt to
explain or clarify a term to make its meaning distinct. Part of writing a research paper
is to define key terms found in the research paper. In this module, you will study how
to define key terms not in the traditional manner but based on how they are being used
in the research paper which is called operational definition.

Specifically, in this module, you are expected to:

• Identify the operational definition of a term

• Write an operational definition of a term

What is new?

Grammar in Making Definition

One of the important parts of writing a research is to identify key or important

terms used in the study and give their definition operationally. Dictionary Definition
is different from the Operational Definition. The diagram below shows how operational
and dictionary definition differ from one another.

Dictionary Operational

descriptive obvious
consequently precise
imprecise communicable

On a dictionary definition, key terms and phrases that find in a dictionary exist
to explain, to describe and to express shared thoughts, which refer to as concepts
meaning, the definition is universal meaning that is recognized to a word or group of
words and which is understood by many people. An operational definition ensures a
concise description of concepts and terms as applied to a specific situation. It gives
precise definition to a key term which forms a common definition between two or more
people. Moreover, operational definition defines a key term to ensure comprehensive
knowledge of the idea by specifying how the idea is measured and applied within a
particular set of circumstances. The table below shows the dictionary and
operational definition of terms.

Terms Situation Dictionary Operational

Definition Definition
smart Student athletes are having or showing a grade point average
not as smart as regular quick-witted
students. intelligence
depressed A psychologist wants to (of a person) in a score on a
know if his new form of state of general depression test
psychotherapy will unhappiness or
make people less despondency.
sense of The experimenter a person's ability to how many times
humor wants to determine perceive humor or person laughs
how recreational drugs appreciate a joke.
affect a person's sense
of humor.

The first column shows the sample key terms found on a research paper. The
second column shows the situations on how the key terms are being used on the
research paper. The third column shows how the term being defined on a dictionary.
Lastly, the last column shows how the term being defined operationally. Notice that
the dictionary definition defined key terms which is abstract and general in nature. This
way of definition is the usual source of conceptual definition which is the reference
book of everyday language. Unlike in dictionary definition, operational definition is
stated in concrete term in that it allows measurement.

Learning Task 4.1: Mind spark

Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Identify whether the given statement
is correct based on the discussed characteristics of operational definition and
conceptual definition. Put a check ( / ) on the blank before the number if you think the
statement is correct. Put a cross mark ( x ) on the blank before the number if you think
the statement is incorrect. Write your answers in your answer sheet.

1. A conceptual definition tells what a concept means in abstract or theoretical terms.
2. A conceptual definition links a concept to the concrete world by telling how to
observe and / or measure the concept.
3. Operational definitions states the unit of measurement, how it’s measured, concrete
4. Conceptual definition puts it in perspective, takes it to a level of higher more
generalized concept so that you can place it on the mental map together with other
5. Operational definition means how you would like it to be defined.
For example, operational definition - meters, conceptual - distance; operational

What is it?

Learning Task 4.2: Identify

Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Identify whether the given key term
is defined dictionary definition or operational definition. Write D if you think the
definition used in the key term is dictionary. Write an O if you think the definition used
in the key term is operational. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

1. coagulation of latex – a white solid form when an acid is added to latex.

2. pandemic-- occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or
continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population.
3. height- the number of feet/inches a person is tall.
4. anxiety- an unpleasant feeling that occurs in certain situations
5. high self-esteem- scores above a certain number of a self-esteem scale.

What is more?
Learning Task 4.3: Think it Through!
Directions: Read the following statements below. Using the presented template, give
the operational definition of the underlined terms in each statement. Write your
answers in your answer sheet. An example is being done for you as your guide.

1. The teacher wants to find a way to help make Billy act more friendly toward the
other children.
2. Does this drug help people overcome their tiredness?
3. Sleep deprivation causes a person to become more irritable.

4. Kids who spend many hours playing violent video games tend to be more
5. People who make over $100,000 a year tend to be snobs.

Term What to observe Operational definition

Ex: anxiety heart rate the increase of heartbeat
more friendly
sleep deprivation

What I have learned

Learning Task 4.4: Think different

Directions: Match the following operational definitions in column A into its correct key
term in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. one’s grade on a test divided by how a. intrinsic motivation
long you studied
2. how many times they smile at their b. affection
3. the cumulative amount of time that
each student played with the pattern c. consent form
blocks with the reward system absent.
4. a written agreement signed by a d. study more efficiently
subject and by a researcher concerning
the terms and conditions of a subject’s
voluntary participation in a study. e. thirst
5. eighteen hours (or other value) without
access to water f. depression

g. population

Week 5
What I need to know

Every grade 10 student’s last challenge is writing a research. It is one of the

most challenging yet one of the most fulfilling tasks of a student. Believe it or not, it will
be beneficial not just for this moment but for next years to come. A positive mindset in
research produces a positive outcome. That is why, before we continue, say it with

Research is fun. You get to discover, explore, and identify things you are
curious about. It is not just about papers; it is more of answers – answers to questions
you have in mind.

Your journey in this module specifically aims to:

• Define what is a research paper

• Identify the parts of a research paper
• Differentiate qualitative and quantitative research paper

What is new?
Learning Task 5.1: What do you know about research?
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is not.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.

_________1. A research paper does not need supporting research and past studies.
_________ 2. A qualitative research deals with statistics.
_________ 3. There is only one kind of research which is qualitative research.
_________ 4. A research needs respondents or participants.
_________ 5. A research paper analyzes a perspective.

Thanks for answering! We just tested how much you know about a research
paper. Are you ready to digest some more? Let us get to know ‘Research’!

A research paper is a product of seeking information, analysis, human

thinking, and time. Basically, when scholars want to get answers to questions, they
start to search for information to expand, use, approve, or deny findings. In simple
words, research papers are results of processes by considering writing works and
following specific requirements.

The main goal of this project, regardless of subject, is to define a particular

issue, find it, and provide new ways to solve it that can be used for further investigation
of the problem.

Here are the major features that distinguish research papers from other academic
• More extensive in volume than other written assignments

• Needs extensive investigation on a particular problem

• Often requires conducting experiments along with further results’ analysis
• Insights should be based on your own thoughts, as well as experiments
• Purpose implies finding some novel solutions or approaches
• Everything should be supported by solid, verifiable evidence
• Findings should be good enough so could serve as a basis for further study

What is it?

Now that you have an idea what a research paper is all about, let us get to know
its parts because it is equally important to know:

Basically, the structure of research papers consists of the abstract, outline,

introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, recommendations,
limitations, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references.

The above table from is the standard research paper structure. However,
some universities or schools rather choose to use the shorter one which is the IMRD

I – Introduction
M – Methodology
R – Results
D – Discussion

The IMRD format is a shorter version but the content is equally important as the
standard one.

Learning Task 5.2: Dwelling on research
Directions: Identify which part of a research paper is being asked in the following
questions. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

___________1. It analyzes and incorporates scholarly sources on past studies.

___________2. It provides and cites all used sources in the study.
___________3. It explains the design of the research with techniques that are used
for data gathering and other related to the study.
___________4. It answers the HOWs in the study.
___________5. It presents and illustrates the obtained findings.
___________6. It answers the WHYs in the study.
___________7. It proposes potential solution or new ideas based on the obtained
___________8. It often shows the tables and figures of the obtained findings.
___________9. This is where you will see the objectives of the study and statement
of the problem.
___________10. Provide final thoughts and the summary of the whole work.

What is more?

We are done in defining research and its parts, now let us continue to learn the
major research designs. It is important to know the kind of research you are going to
use in seeking information and doing your research, so you know when it is appropriate
or not.

• Test hypotheses • Formulate hypotheses
• Expressed in numbers • Expressed in words
• Larger sample size • Smaller sample size
• Math/Statistical analysis • Summarize, categorize, interpret

Sample of IMRD Format:

Explore the research article in lesson 6!

Note: Other writers use different terminologies aside from the terms given above.

What I have learned

I told you! You can conquer research. At the end of the day, we all want answers
to our questions. Sometimes we must formulate a new idea or test it. Research is
useful in our everyday lives.

Now that you are one step closer in finishing this week’s activities, I am sure
you have learned a lot! From identifying what a research paper is, its parts, and
differentiating quantitative and qualitative types of research.

Let us have a quick wrap – up!

Learning Task 5.3: Research is fun!

Directions: Answer the following reflective sentences wholeheartedly. Copy the guide
words and write your reflections in a separate sheet of paper.

A. My favorite part of this week’s learning is/are

B. What I know about research at first is
C. What I got really interested to for this week is
D. It was challenging for me to understand
E. The question/s I have in mind is/are

Week 6
What I need to know


Welcome to another module in fourth quarter!

This module/lesson expects you to plan for your upcoming task which is a
research report. Thus, at the end of this module, you shall draft your research report
plan based on the given research article. This is part of the Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) which is to compose a research report on a relevant social

Specifically, in this module, you are expected to:

• distinguish features of research report
• identify the structure (divisions and sections) of a research report; and
• create a research report plan

What is new?
As you have explored in the previous module, research is a very complex and
process-based activity. This time, you will be introduced to one of the ways to present
and further understand research – research report.

A research report is one of the ways to assess a certain research work. Based
on the University of Adelaide Writing Center, a research report aims to write clearly
concisely about the research or research topic so that the reader can easily
understand the objectives and results of the research.

What is a Research Report?

A research report is a well-crafted document that outlines the processes, data,
and findings of a systematic investigation. It is an important document that serves as
a first-hand account of the research process, and it is typically considered as an
objective and accurate source of information.

In many ways, a research report can be considered as a summary of the

research process that clearly highlights findings, recommendations, and other
important details. Reading a well-written research report should provide you with all
the information you need about the core areas of the research process. (Source:
Formplus 2021)
Types of Research Report

Qualitative Research Report

This is the type of report written for qualitative research. It outlines the methods,
processes, and findings of a qualitative method of systematic investigation. In
educational research, a qualitative research report provides an opportunity for one to
apply his or her knowledge and develop skills in planning and executing qualitative
research projects.

A qualitative research report is usually descriptive in nature. Hence, in addition

to presenting details of the research process, you must also create a descriptive
narrative of the information.

Quantitative Research Report

A quantitative research report is a type of research report that is written for
quantitative research. Quantitative research is a type of systematic investigation that
pays attention to numerical or statistical values in a bid to find answers to research

In this type of research report, the researcher presents quantitative data to

support the research process and findings. Unlike a qualitative research report that is
mainly descriptive, a quantitative research report works with numbers; that is, it is
numerical in nature.

What is it?
In doing a research report, first you must be familiarized with the features and
structure. The next page will let you be familiarized with features and structure of a
research report.

Features of a Research Report

• It is a detailed presentation of research processes and findings, and it usually
includes tables and graphs.
• It is written in a formal language.
• A research report is usually written in the third person.
• It is informative and based on first-hand verifiable information.
• It is formally structured with headings, sections, and bullet points.
• It always includes recommendations for future actions.

Structure of a Research Report

Source: Writing a Research Report. The University of Adelaide

Source: Writing a Research Report. The University of Adelaide

Learning Task 6.1: Which is which?
Directions: Read the statements carefully and choose the section of the research
report that describes the statements. You can choose from the pool of answers given.
1. This section of a research report includes the processes and steps of how the
research was conducted.
2. It is the section where the summary of the main findings of research is found.
3. The related and relevant research works, articles and support are found in this
4. In a research report, the findings in the research are found in this section.
5. This section explains the findings and result and how it connects to other
research works.
results methods appendices
abstract discussion literature review

What is more?
Now that you are already familiar with the features and structure of a research
report, the next step would be doing a research report! This will be done in the next
module but for now, it is better to set a plan for you to be ready in creating your
research report. Read the article below and accomplish the research report plan
template for your application activity. The research article below shall also be the
material that you will use for the research report template in the next module.

Source: Rotas, E., & Cahapay, M. (2021). From stress to success: Exploring how Filipino students
cope with remote learning amid COVID-19 pandemic

This time, you will now create a research report plan in preparation for the
research report template that you will do in the next module. You can always go back
to the research article given for your guidance and reference.

Learning Task 6.2: My Research Report Plan

Directions: Based on the research article “From stress to success: Exploring how
Filipino students cope with remote learning amid COVID-19 pandemic” accomplish the
template for research report plan. You may use another sheet of paper in
accomplishing this task.

Purpose of the research


Topic/s mentioned in the

research article

Target readers/audience

Basis or background of
the research article

Main findings/result

What I have learned

Congratulations! You are now one step away from finishing this week’s
lesson/module. This module had let you explore the following:
1. Research article and its types
2. Features and structure of a research article
3. Research report plan

Learning Task 6.3: Wrap up!

Directions: As a synthesis of this lesson, answer the following essential questions. You
may write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

What are the benefits I can get from being familiar with a
research report? How can this help me in the future?

Week 7
What I need to know?


Congratulations dear learners! You are now on your last module for fourth
quarter. Since this will be your last module, you must do your best to complete the
tasks which will be very useful in your next level of studies: grade 11 or senior high

Last week, you were able to understand the parts of a research paper. Also,
you had gone through a thorough and comprehensive discussions about the process
of writing a research report. Week 7 competency allows you to write a research
report on a relevant social issue.

Specifically, in this module or week, you are expected to:

• Recall the structure of a research report

• Draft your research report using a template.
• Write your own research report

What is new?
As grade 10 learner, you are required to learn and master academic and
technical writing to prepare you for your senior high school. In this module, you will
apply what you have learned in previous lesson which is about research report.
You have learned that a research report is a well-written document that outlines
the procedures, data, and findings of a study. This can be qualitative or quantitative.
Also, it has the following parts:
I. Preliminary materials
A. Title of Report
B. Table of Contents
C. Abstract
II. Body of the Report
A. Introduction
B. Literature Review
C. Methodology
D. Results
E. Discussion
F. Conclusion
III. Supplementary Materials
A. References
B. Appendices

Learning Task 7.1. Why Research?

Researches are conducted to gather important evidences for theories. These
also will contribute to developing knowledge in a field of study. As a grade 10 learner
and soon to be senior high school learner, why is it important for you to have the
knowledge and skill in writing a research paper? How will these affect you as a
young individual? Discuss your answer in a two-paragraph essay. You may use
references for a rich discussion of your answer.

What is it?

Here is a sample research article. Read it carefully. As you read, take note of
the parts of a research that you have learned from the previous lessons.
See the research article in Week 6 (Rotas, E., & Cahapay, M. (2021). From
stress to success: Exploring how Filipino students cope with remote learning
amid COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology,
3(1), 27-35.

Let us see if you have understood the article. Be ready to answer the next task.

Learning Task 7.2. Let’s Analyze!

Directions: Refer to the research article you have read. Answer the following questions
based on the research. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the title of the research article?

2. What was the purpose of the research?
3. What was the research design used?
4. Who were the participants?
5. As the result of the study, what were the coping strategies used by the

What is more?

In this part of the module, you will apply all the learnings you gained from week
5, week 6 and from the previous activities. You will analyze the same research article
you have read in the previous activities. Make sure to have a separate sheet of paper
and pen when you answer.

Learning Task 7.3: RESEARCH REPORT

Go over the research article that you have read and complete the following
template. You will be guided by the description in each section. The research article is
found in Week 6 (Rotas, E., & Cahapay, M. (2021). From stress to success:
Exploring how Filipino students cope with remote learning amid COVID-19
pandemic. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 3(1), 27-35.


Sections Content
Title of Research

Abstract This is the summary of the research which includes

hypothesis, summary of the method, outline of key
results and overview of conclusions.

Introduction It provides the main information on the problem

statement, the indication of methodology, important
findings, and principal conclusion.

Literature Review (at least 5) It contains analysis and incorporate scholarly sources
on past studies.

Methodology It explains the design of the research with techniques

that are used for gathering information and other
aspects related to the experiment.

Results It presents and illustrates the obtained findings

Discussion It discusses more of the results of the research, the
importance of the study and its implications on the other

Conclusion and It provides the conclusion to the research paper and

Recommendations recommendation presents what needs to be done as a
result of the findings.

References (as what were used in It is a list of the academic materials the researcher used
this research report) as sources of information in the research paper.

Appendices (optional) This is the last few pages that support the analysis
(especially repetitive or lengthy information), validates
the conclusions or pursues a related point should be
placed in an appendix (plural appendices).

What I have learned?

Congratulations! You are now one step away from accomplishing this week’s
module and your fourth quarter. As a summary of your learning, answer the following
reflective questions. Copy the guide words and write your reflections in a separate
sheet of paper.

Learning Task 7.4: Let’s Reflect!

1. This week, I learned

2. It was challenging for me to
3. I intend to apply what I learned

Learning Task 2.1: Say What?
1. Technical
2. Operational
3. Technical
4. Operational
5. Operational
6. Operational
7. Technical
8. Operational
9. Expanded
10. Parenthetical
Learning Task 2.2:
Answers may vary depends on student’s written output.
Learning Task 2.3:
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C
* Learning Task 1: Defining Technical Terms
1. goal
2. prediction
3. summary of prior studies
4. technique for data collection
6.entire group
7.specific group
8.interpreting data
9.discovered information
* Learning Task 2: Technical Terms in Situations
1. c
* Learning Task 3: Dissecting Technical Terms
Answers may vary
Key To Correction
Learning Task 1: Mind spark
1. / 2. X 3. / 4./ 5. X
Learning Task 2: Identify
1. 0 2. D 3. 0 4. D 5. O
Learning Task 3: Think it Through!
The answers vary.
Learning Task 4:
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c d. e
Learning Task 3.1:
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. A
Term Verb Class Distinguishing Feature
Skipper is a room status that indicates the guest has left
the hotel without making
arrangements to settle his/her
Modems are devices that make possible the
transmission of data to or from a
computer via telephone.
A paring knife is a short-bladed used in paring fruits and
kitchen knife vegetables.
Learning Task 3.2: Learning Tasks 3.3-3.4: Answers may vary.
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
Learning Task 7.1: Why research?
*Answers may vary
Learning Task 7.2: Let’s analyze
1. From stress to success: Exploring how Filipino students cope with remote
learning amid COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and
2. It aims to explore how students cope with remote learning amid COVID-19
3. Qualitative research design/descriptive approach
4. 32 Filipino students
5. See 12 coping strategies in the research
Learning Task 7.3: Research Report
*Answers may vary
Learning Task 6.1: Which is which?
1. methods
2. abstract
3. literature review
4. results
5. discussion
Learning Task 6.2: My Research Report Plan
*Answers may vary
Learning Task 6.3: Wrap up!
*Answers may vary


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