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Narrator : Once upon a time there lived an old man named Geppeto.

Everyday he
worked as a carpenter. He lives alone in a simple house filled with items
made of wood. Then one night, Geppeto slept very tired because the wood
orders were very abundant that day.

Gepetto : Huh, today was very tiring I cut so much wood that my body is now sore. I
wish I had a child who could massage my back.

Narrator : In the middle of his deep sleep, Gepetto dreamed of having a son who
would accompany him in his daily life in that dream. Gepetto was very happy
because he had been waiting for a boy for a long time. The next day Gepetto
woke up from his sleep and realized that it was all just a dream. Gepetto took
some wood nearby. He intended to make a wooden doll. Because of
Gepetto's very reliable ability, he managed to make a wooden doll that looks
very real. Gepetto was very happy to see the result even though it was a
wooden doll not an actual boy.

Gepetto :Finally I was able to make this wooden doll look real. If you were my son I
would love you.

Narrator : Gepetto loved the doll so much that he named it Pinocchio.

Gepetto : Your name is Pinocchio, a wooden doll that will accompany my days.

Narrator : Gepetto took Pinocchio to sleep beside him. He was very happy with the
existence of this wooden doll.

Gepetto : Sleep with me, Ok.

Narrator : Gepetto began to fall asleep. This is where the story of Pinocchio begins. It
turns out that all this time the Blue Fairy has been monitoring Gepetto's
activities. Realizing that Gepetto's life is more colorful with his wooden doll,
the Blue Fairy finally gives life to Pinocchio, the wooden doll.

Blue Fairy : Gepetto is a good human being, always helping your neighbor so I will give
life to your little Pinocchio.

Narrator : Pinocchio was alive, he started to move his body he tried to talk and started
his life with Gepetto.

Pinocchio : I can move my feet and hand. I can walk and hear. I can talk.

Narrator : Hearing the voice beside him, Gepetto woke up from his sleep and was very
surprised to see Pinocchio standing in front of him. Gepetto's dream of having
a child has come true.

Gepetto : My wooden doll is alive! My child.

Pinocchio : Yes dad

Narrator : The next day Gepetto sent him to school.

Gepetto : Pinocchio my son you have to go to school. Here's the money to buy your
school equipment off you go.

Pinocchio : Alright I'll go to school.

Narrator : Pinocchio was so happy he immediately walked to his school but on the way
he met a merchant.

Merchant : Hey kid, where are you going with that much money?

Pinocchio : I will go to school and I will use this money to buy books.

Merchant : What if you just buy my candies? It's very tasty and sweet, little kids like you
will love it.

Narrator : When answering the merchant's offer a magical grasshopper jumped on

Pinocchio's shoulder and whispered.

Grasshopper : Don't do it Pinocchio! Don't do that, remember Gepetto's words.

Narrator : But Pinoccho ignored the grasshopper. He immediately took all the candy
and paid for it.

Pinocchio : Oh yeah my dad also told me to buy this candies with all this money.

Merchant : Take these candies and give your money to me.

Narrator : Pinocchio enjoyed all the candies without realizing that Pinocchio had lied
before. Making his nose grow. After getting out of the way the grasshopper
again stuck to Pinocchio's shoulder.

Grasshopper : What did you do with the money from Gepetto?

Pinocchio : Ehh, the money fell and disappeared.

Grasshopper : Then where did you get the candy from?

Pinocchio : Given by someone.

Narrator : Pinocchio's nose is getting longer because he keeps lying. Pinocchio

continued down the road to school but he met a wolf and a cat who was
selling a show ticket. They offered Pinocchio to see the show.

Wolf : Hoi kid, we sell tickets to the puppet show.

Cat : It costs just five coins.

Wolf : There you can meet cute dolls.

Narrator : Pinocchio thought it was a great offer so he bought the ticket and went to the
puppet show.

Pinocchio : It so happened that my father's remaining 5 coins were enough to go to the

puppet show.
Narrator : The grasshopper only shook his head watching Pinocchio lie again and his
nose grew longer. Too bad it turns out that the ticket that Pinocchio bought
was a fake so that Pinocchio couldn't enter the puppet show.He could only
cry at the door.

Pinocchio : I can't see the puppet show.

Narrator : Then came a strange man with a large body and a long beard. He is
Stromboli the owner of the puppet show. Stromboli was fascinated to see
Pinocchio the talking wooden puppet.

Stromboli : Hi little one, you are very unique. Why are you crying?

Pinocchio : I can't enter because my ticket is fake sir.

Stromboli : Why don't you just come in with me?

Narrator : Without thinking, Stromboli asked Pinocchio to come in with him. Pinocchio
was very happy to hear that. Pinocchio entertained the audience by singing
and dancing. All of audience applauded very enthusiastically when they saw
Pinocchio's appearance. Then Stromboli invited Pinocchio into a room.
Suddenly Stromboli locks Pinocchio in a cage.

Pinocchio : Sir, what is this?

Stromboli : Hohohoho, you make my show sell out more. You will stay here forever and
make me rich. If you dare try to run away, I'll turn you into firewood.

Narrator : Pinocchio was crying in the cage and a grasshopper came on his shoulder.

Grasshopper : Look what you've done. If you obey Gepetto's words then none of this would

Pinocchio : I'm sorry grasshopper, I promise not to lie anymore. Help me grasshopper,
call my father, please.

Narrator : Then Grasshopper went to Gepetto's house to tell about Pinocchio's


Gepetto : We have to save Pinocchio, my son.

Narrator : Then they went to the show and met Pinocchio in the cage. While opening
the cage door came Stromboli to prevent.

Stromboli : Help, help there’s a thief.

Narrator : Stromboli shouted to stop Gepetto's attempt.

Gepetto : Pinocchio is my son, you can't take him.

Narrator : Pinocchio didn't stay silent, he rolled a bottle so that Stromboli fell.

Stromboli : Ouch, you useless wooden dummy. I will burn you!

Gepetto : Hurry up Pinocchio hurry up.

Narrator : Pinocchio and Gepetto ran as fast as they could trying to escape Stromboli's
pursuit. After arriving at Pinocchio's house, he immediately hugged Gepetto
and told him everything that had happened.

Gepetto : Pinocchio my son, next time you have to be honest with others and yourself.
Look at your nose, it's so long.

Pinocchio : Hehehe, Pinocchio is ashamed dad. Pinocchio promises to never lie again.

Narrator : Since then Pinocchio became a good and honest boy. This makes the nose
smaller and smaller until it finally takes on its original shape.

Pinocchio : Dad, look my nose back to normal.

Gepetto : That's great, finally my son is back to normal.

Narrator : After that they lived happily ever after. The End

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