Week 9-15 - CM - MDL - Q2 - SSC123 PDF

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Lesson 1: Filipino Social Thinkers

SECOND QUARTER Indiginizing the Social
(Rizal, Mabini, De Los Reyes, and Recto)
MODULE Sciences
Who is a social thinker? Through time, there are people who stood out and
became sources of new social ideas and inspiration. In the Philippines, there are

At the end of this module, you are
number of Filipinos who can be considered as social thinkers. This lesson through
expected to: time became important social thinkers.
 Examine the key concepts and ideas of Filipino - Social thinkers are individuals in society who can be regarded as forefronts and
INCLUSIVE DATE: thinkers in the Social Sciences rooted in Filipino visionaries towards the improvement of the society in a particular time.
language/s and experiences:
- They can also be regarded as great individuals who have contributed
a. 19th Century (Isabelodelos Reyes, Jose Rizal,
significantly to development of political and social thoughts and philosophy.
b. 20th Century (Sikolohiyang Pilipino, - Social thinker denotes a person who is acknowledged as a visionary for social
PantayongPananaw, others) advancement.
 Evaluate the roles and significance of Filipinos
indigenous social ideas to national development In the Philippines, there are a number of Filipino social thinkers who contributed
toward the advancement and enrichment of social and political thoughts.

Jose Rizal
Guide Questions: Filipino thinker and activist may be considered the
 Who is a social thinker? first systematic social thinker in Southeast Asia. While the
 What makes Jose Rizal, Apolinario Mabini, Isabelo de los Reyes, and
bulk of his writings were not in the social sciences, it is
Claro M. Recto famous Filipino social thinker?
 What are the social ideas and contributions to Filipino social and
possible to extract a sociological theory from his works. This
political philosophy of Jose Rizal, Apolinario Mabini, Isabelo de los would be a theory that explained the nature and conditions
Reyes, and Claro M. Recto? of Filipino colonial society, and the requirements for

Born in Calamba, Laguna on June 19, 1861 Jose Mercado Rizal finished
Bachelor of Arts at Ateneo Municipal de manila. He enrolled in Medicine at Unversity
of Santo Tomasand left for Spain in May 1882 to finish his medicine studies at
University Central de Madrid. Rizal wrote articles to the propaganda publication, the


La Solidaridad. His most outstanding writings in the La Solidaridad included “Filipinas of Morga. His annotation corrected what Rizal believed to be as untruthful reports
dentro de cien anos” or “The Philippines: A Century Hence” which was published and insulting statements written in most of the Spanish accounts about the
from September 30, 1889 – February 1, 1890 and “Sobre la indolencia de los Philippines. Hi annotation of Morga’s work also emphasized the precolonial history of
Filipinos” or The Indolence of the Filipinos” which came out in the La Solidaridad in the Filipino that was deleted from the memory of the Filipinos due to Spanish
1890. colonialism.
Rizal’s writing also proved a number of things about the Philippines social
Rizal social ideas focused on the necessity to promote genuine propaganda
realities during the nineteenth century. First, he proved that the Filipino significant
campaign that will provide information about the Philippines and their people, their
advancements in agriculture and industry during precolonial times. Second, he
capabilities and achievements, aspirations and moral rights. These social ideas were
discussed the colonized people’s point of view on various issues such as the lack of
consistently discussed by Rizal in his two novels, namely, the Noli Me Tangere (1887)
progress in the Philippines and the imposition of Spanish colonial policies. Third, Rizal
and El Filibusterismo (1891), and in his Annoation of Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de
examined the cruelties committed by the Spanish colonizers. And lastly, Rizal
las Islas Filipinas (1890).
criticized the hypocrisies and irrationalities of the Spanish colonial government and
Rizal works explained the nature and conditions of Filipino colonial society the Catholic Church (Alatas 2010).
during the Spanish period. According to Alatas (2010),Rizal’s works introduced three Rizal was also an advocate of human rights, particularly on women's rights
broad sociological aspects that included the following: in Philippine colonial society. In his "Letter to the Young Women of Malolos" (1889),
Rizal provided a number of important ideas on the rights of women and gender
1. A critique of colonial knowledge of the Philippines issues in the Philippines during the nineteenth century.
2. A theory of colonial society that explains the nature and conditions of Filipino
colonial society 1. Filipinos must be educated.
3. Rizal’s discourse on the meaning of and requirements for emancipation
2. Filipino women must be courageous, strong-willed, and educated.

Rizal criticized the corrupt system of the Spanish colonial government 3. Tyranny happens if people remain coward and negligent.
4. Ignorance is tantamount to servitude.
its abusive officials. In his essay, ”The Indolence of the Filipinos,” Rizal discussed how
Filipinos, from being an advanced society before the sixteenth century became a 5. A person who loves his independence must first aid his fellowmen.
backward country during the Spanish period. He attributed the lack of progress and
backwardness of the Philippines to Spanish colonialism, Rizal also criticized the 6. If the Filipino women will remain ignorant, complacent, weak, and passive, they
should not bear children.
colonial knowledge of the Filipinos by looking into the country’s history address the
Spanish accusations of Filipino indolence. 7. All men are born equal, naked, and without bonds because God did not create
As a product of the nineteenth century liberal traditions, Jose Rizal was also man to be a slave nor did He provide him with intelligence just to deceive him. God
aware of the Orientalist scholarship that flourished in Europe. This was evident in did not give man reason to have him deceived by others. 8. Rizal also examined the
Rizal’s Annotation of Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos delAs Islas Filipinas or Historical nature of Catholicism in the Philippines during the Spanish period. Rizal said that
event of the Philippine Islands. Rizal made significant clarification from original work


Filipinos should examine the kind of religion the friars are teaching them. They He studied at the Dominican School of San Juan de Letran and finished law at
should, according to Rizal, "see whether it is the will of God or according to the the University of Santo Tomas in 1894. He served as the first prime minister and
teachings of Christ that the poor be succored and those who suffer alleviated." Rizal Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the First Philippine Republic from January 2, 1899 to
advised them to consider what the friars were preaching them. They must examine May 8, 1899. He also was appointed as the President of the Supreme Court. Mabini
the "object of the sermon, what is behind the masses, novenas, rosaries, acted as the chief adviser of President Emilio Aguinaldo in 1898. His influence was
scapularies, images, miracles, candles, belts..." evident in the proclamation changing the form of government of the Philippines
from being a Dictatorial Government to a Revolutionary Government. He also
provided a simple structure of government for the Philippines during the Second
Apolinario Mabini Phase of the Philippine Revolution. He was the most constant defender of the
Revolution and of Philippine independence. He was also considered as the brain and
(July 23, 1864 – May 13, 1903) was a Filipino conscience of the revolution.
revolutionary leader, educator, lawyer, and statesman who
served first as a legal and constitutional adviser to the Mabini introduced several social philosophies in his political writings. His major
Revolutionary Government, and then as the first Prime works inclu Revolucion" and the Programa constitutional de la republica Filipina." As
Minister of the Philippines upon the establishment of the a defender of the Philippine independence, Mabini can be considered as one of the
First Philippine Republic. He is regarded as the "utak ng brilliant Filipino social thinkers. His social philosophy included luded "El Verdadero
Decalogo," "Ordenanzas de la the following:
himagsikan" or "brain of the revolution".
1. Definition and Role of Citizenship
Two of his works, El Verdadero Decalogo (The True
Decalogue, June 24, 1898), and Programa Constitucional Like the national hero Jose Rizal, Apolinario Mabini understood the
dela Republica Filipina (The Constitutional Program of the Philippine Republic, 1898) problems of the Filipinos under the Spanish colonial government. In his
became instrumental in the drafting of what would eventually be known as the article entitled "lMabini: Philospher of Citizenship," Randy David believes
Malolos Constitution. that Mabini wanted Filipinos to assert their rights as free citizens of a
Mabini performed all his revolutionary and governmental activities despite republic. In the attainment of their objective, Mabini saw the need for
having lost the use of both his legs to polio shortly before the Philippine Revolution political freedom geared toward the establishment of self-government
of 1896. institutions.

Mabini's role in Philippine history saw him confronting first Spanish colonial rule 2. The Need for Radical Changes
in the opening days of the Philippine Revolution, and then American colonial rule in According to Mabini, genuine social renewal can only be achieved
the days of the Philippine–American War. The latter saw Mabini captured and exiled
through radical institutional and personal changes. Personal change meant
to Guam by American colonial authorities, allowed to return only two months an alteration of the way of Filipinos think and lives. Mabini believes that an
before his eventual death in May 1903.
"internal and external revolution" was necessary in order to "establish a


more solid basis for moral education and to foreswear the vices that we body politic (Majul 2004, 199). Mabini asserts that government must
have inherited from the Spaniards." (David 2015) guarantee to the citizens "the highest degree of personal security, the
greatest number of rights, the maximum satisfaction of economic wants,
3. Concept of Man and Society
and the best possible education" In turn, Mabini states that citizens must be
In his prize-winning biography of Apolinario Mabini, Cesar Adib "law-abiding, obedient to authority, virtuous, and eminently patriotic"
Majul wrote about Mabini's concept of man and society. Mabini, according (Majul 2004, 200).
to Majul, calls man as a creation of God who possesses certain inalienable 5. The True Decalogue
rights called natural rights. Man, Mabini asserts, lad the right to seek those
means necessary to maintain and PErpetuate his life." Men are by nature Mabini developed a decalogue that is made up of truths
good and just and have the Epacity t0 unfold his goodness and sense of communicated by God to men through the use of reason. The Decalogue of
justice to others. In this Ontext, freedom can only be understood as doing Mabini focused on God, nation, independence, and the love of neighbors.
what is go0d, just and reasonable. He said that "true liberty is only for what He believed that once the rules of the Decalogue were reflected upon and
is good and never for what is evil; it is always in accordance with reason and understood, people will discover things which have been hidden from them
uc upright and honest conscience of the individual" According to Majul, by the Spaniards. Below are the main points in Mabini's Decalogue:
Mabini defined society as 'an organization instituted for mutual help, at
o Love of God and one's honor
each could enjoy the highest possible well-being; a situation that can never
o Nation was to be loved as the patrimony of the race.
be arrived at by the sole efforts of an individual without the aid of others"
(Majul 2004, 197). o Happiness of the nation was to take precedence over that of tn
4. Role of Government o Independence was to be a major aspiration. o People must not
recognize any person as an authority unless he
Authority in society constitutes the government. According to o Had been properly elected by them.
Majul, Mabini believes that society "should have a soul: authority This o Love your neighbor not merely as a neighbor but as a feo member
authority need an intellect to guide and direct it: the legislative power. It
of a community.
also needs a will that is active and which shall make it work: the executive. It
needs a will that is active and which punishes thosse who are bad: the
judicial power. These powers should be independent of one another, in the
sense that one should not encroach upon the functions of the other; but the
last should be subordinate to the first; in the same manner that both will
and conscience are subordinate to the intellect" (Majul 2004, 199). Mabini
believes that all divisions of the government were responsible to the
people. Disruption of harmony happens when there is usurpation of one
branch of the government by another branch. This brings about chaos in the


Isabelo De Los Reyes rallied for the rights of the ordinary laborers. As the first president of the Union, de
los Reyes also initiated the celebration of the first Labor Day on May 1, 1902. De los
Also known as Don Belong (July 7, 1864 – October Reyes's inspiration to establish a labor union in the Philippines was based from his
10, 1938), was a prominent Filipino politician, writer and readings of the works of European thinkers namely, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels,
labor activist in the 19th and 20th centuries. He was the Victor Hugo, Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Mikhail Bakunin, and other European
original founder of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, an socialists. Their works inspired delos Reyes to introduce the concept of socialism
independent Philippine national church. He is now known as into the Philippines.
the "Father of Philippine Folklore", the "Father of the
Philippine Labor Movement", [1] and the "Father of Filipino Claro Mayo Recto
Socialism". In June 1880, he went to Manila to study at the
Was a famous Filipino nationalist. He was born in
San Juan de Letran College where he finished his Bachelor
Tiaong, Tayabas (Quezon) on February 8, 1890. He finished
of Arts degree. He studied law at the University of Santo Tomas. De los Reyes
his bachelor of arts degree at the Ateneo de Manila and his
founded the first vernacular newspaper in the Philippines, El llocano where he acted
master of laws at the University of Santo Tomas. He served as
as both the editor and publisher of the newspaper. He also wrote a number of
legal adviser to the Philippine Senate from 1916 to 1919. He
researches on Philippine history and culture. It included Las Islas Visayas en la Epoca
was elected as representative of the third district of Batangas
de la Conquista (1887 and 1889); La Expedicion de Li-Mahong contra Filipinas en
in 1919 and served as the House minority leader. He was
1574 (1888); Prehistoria de Filipinas (1889); El Folklore Filipino (1889); and Historia
reelected as congressman of Batangas in 1922 and 1925.
de Ilocos (1890). Like Rizal, de los Reyes also criticized the friars' ownership of large
tracts of haciendas and demanded for agrarian reform for the Filipino farmers. Recto was also a member of the Philippine independence
mission. In 1934, he was elected as president of the Constitutional convention that
During the American occupation of the Philippines, de los Reyes openly drafted the 1935 Commonwealth Constitution. In 1931, he became a Senator of the
attacked the Americans and defended the First Philippine Republic that was Republic of the Philippines where he served as majority floor leader and president
established by Emilio Aguinaldo in January 1899. He was the founder and editor of pro-tempore of the Senate.
two periodicals in Madrid, Spain namely, El Defensor de Filipinas and Filipinas Ante
Jesus G. Barrera (1965, iv) calls Recto as a "living legend in his lifetime"
Europa. He also wrote two books in Spain. These are Independencia y Revolucion
because of his brilliance and patriotism. His greatness was not only recognized and
and La Religion de Katipunan. The former called on Filipinos to continue the war
appreciated by a great number of people. Recto's views on nationalism, economic
against the United States while the latter explained the KKK's organization and
independence, on foreign affairs, on democracy and civil liberties, on the
teachings. De los Reyes was known in Philippine history for organizing the first labor
Constitution and on politics in the Philippines are rooted on the realities of the
union in the Philippines, the Union Obrera Democratica on February 2, 1902.
postwar Philippines when the country was indirectly controlled and influenced by
De los Reyes was named president while Hermenegildo Cruz served as the United States as a neocolony.
secretary of the Union. He also founded the La Redencion del Obrero (The
Redemption of the laborer), the first labor newspaper in the Philippines which


1. On Nationalism to the neglect of long-rage basic questions, and for our confusions and
indecisions that have delayed for decades the progress of the nation."
Recto defines nationalism as the Filipino's dedication and support
for Filipino interests, unity and independence. In his speech on the eve 3. Economic Independence
of the 1957 Presidential elections, Recto declared that the salvation of
Recto believed that for a country to develop, it must pursue
the country's nationalism can only be achieved if Filipinos will learn to
industrialization and instill nationalism among its people. For Recto,
assert the nationalistic virtues practiced by the our heroes and
industrialization and nationalism are twin goals. Recto said that
implement policies on nationalist industrialization. Recto believed that
"nationalism cannot be realized and brought to full flowering without a
national interests are nonnegotiable. He argued that the interest of the
thorough-going industrialization of our economy by the Filipinos
people should not be sacrificed to any form of negotiation with foreign
themselves. And you cannot have an industrialized Philippine economy
controlled and managed by Filipinos without the propulsive force of a
2. On Political Economy deep and abiding spirit of nationalism."

According to Claro M. Recto, the prosperity of a country depends on

the country's industry. Industries, Recto believes must be placed under
the complete control of the Filipinos and not in the hands of foreign Lesson 2: Institute of the Philippine Culture’s Study
companies. For Recto, "as long as foreigners control the production,
manufacturing, and distribution of the country's main products,
on Philippine Value.
Filipinos will remain poor and subservient." Values are essential human concepts. In the Philippines, Filipino values have
Recto believes that the country's economy is determined by those been shaped by different factors. Some of our value systems in the Philippines focus
who control the country's purse. If the economy remains in the hands of on principles, aims, and convictions of Filipino society. What are these values? What
the foreigners, then the country's economy will not favor the Filipinos are examples of our social interpersonal values? This lesson will help you
but only the foreigners. Under such condition, Filipinos will just rely on understand the answers to these questions.
foreign powers in order to survive.
Guide Questions:
Recto believes that the Filipinos must be responsible for the  What are the different important interpersonal
economic condition of the country. Recto writes, "a nation's political, values of the Filipinos?
economic and cultural life is of its own people's making. Of course there  What are the roles of interpersonal relations and
are what we call forces of history, but it is for the people.. to channel values in Philippine culture?
them toward the realization of national objectives. We must accept,
therefore full responsibility for the backward condition of our economy,
our political immaturity, our predilection for dramatizing minor issues


Values are innate and important human concepts. Anthropologists and o Economic security (e.g., freedom from debt)
sociologists define values differently. F. Lando Jocano (1999, 107) defines values as o Movement to higher socioeconomic ladder
"standards against which actions ae organized and experiences are interpreted and
evaluated." For John Macionis (2006, 481), values are culturally defined standards
that people apply to evaluate prestige, goodness, and attractiveness and serve as SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE
basis for social living. Jaime Bulatao (1963, 50) defines value as "an object of a Social acceptance is an important Filipino value. Two values help attain
positive attitude" or "a goal or vision of which motivates him to action." According social acceptance. These are:
to Hunt, Green, Espiritu, and Quisumbing, (1998, 95), values are important
motivators of behavior that indicate what society considers as important. They also o Smoothness of Interpersonal Relations (SIR)
provide the course of action that can be taken when confronted with choices. For o Shame and Self-esteem or Amor Propio.
Fr. Frank Lynch (1963, 2), values are "standards used in the making of a decision."
They can be classified as aims or goals toward something that an individual strives SMOOTH INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS (SIR)
for. They can also be defined as a belief, conviction, or structural principles by which
"statuses are distinct and unequal in prestige." Smooth Interpersonal Relationships are a core value for every Filipino
community; they involve a shared identity, engagement on an equal basis with
In the Philippines, Filipino values have been shaped by different factors. others, and giving importance to the individual versus agencies or institutions. This
They are also influenced by the country's history, traditions, and beliefs through cultural characteristic is also known as “Personalism.” The high value placed on
time. According to Lynch, some of the value systems in the Philippines focus on sensitivity and regard for others, respect and concern, understanding, helping out,
principles, aims, and convictions of Filipino society. It must be noted that one should and consideration for others’ limitations, often creates discord with American
not consider every value as uniquely Filipino because there are notable differences tendencies toward openness and frankness (Agoncillo & Guerrero, 1987; Enriquez,
in the individual values of persons based on their social ranking and emphasis on 1994).
life. Lynch(1963, 3) argues that two Filipino value systems are considered different
from each other because of the "peculiar way in which the individual values are Filipinos are known for pleasantness in communicating with other people.
weighted and combined in each system." These values can be seen in our smooth interpersonal relations or SIR. Lynch (1963,
8) defines SIR as "means being agreeable, even under difficult circumstances, and of
Filipino values are considered as desirable conceptions but are not uniquely keeping quiet or out of sight when discretion passes the word. It means sensitivity
found in the Philippines. Most of the Filipino values discussed in this lesson contain to what other people feel at any given moment."
certain elements in the total value system of other countries and societies. Filipino
values can be divided into many themes. One theme expresses conditions of human SIR is very important in Filipino society. It is easily observed and practiced in
existence that is considered not only attainable but highly desirable. These are almost all human encounters of Filipinos. SIR is acquired and preserved in three
values that aim to attain a good life. These include are the following: different ways. These are through (1) pakikisama; (2) euphemism; and (3) through
the use of a go-between.
o Acceptance by one's fellow for what one is, thinks oneself to be, or
would like to be, and be given the treatment due to one's station:


Pakikisama or in English, "accompany or go along with," refers to the rules of conduct" that are followed by Filipinos to prevent conflicts based on
practice of accepting the decision of the leader or the majority of the group so that emotional standards or damdamin to happen.
it will appear that the group's decision is undivided.
Lynch (1963) defines hiya as an uncomfortable feeling that accompanies
Euphemism refers to the respectful or polite manner of presenting a serious awareness of being in a position that is considered socially inappropriate or
subject or an unkind opinion or request. This value is highly prized in the Philippines performing an action that is unacceptable to society. Jocano (1999, 121) defines
because the use of harsh, insulting, and negative speeches are frowned upon in hiya as a norm that help define social behavior particularly those that deal with
Filipino society. "face-to-face relations." Hiya or shame can be shown in different ways:

The use of a go-between is another common way of preserving or restoring 1. One feels hiya when one is in a socially undesirable role that an
smooth interpersonal relations. This is done by a third party who is called upon to uncomfortable response inhibits further action
appease someone, mend disagreements, or prevent conflicts. A go-between is
2. Violation of a socially approved norms of conduct, hence making
needed in a number of common situations. These include the following:
that person commit merit condemnation or called as "walang hiya"
o When an embarrassing request is made; or a feeling of shamelessness Amor propio or self-esteem is a
o Complaint; was made against a person special defense against severe interpersonal unpleasantness.
o Decision often communicated through a middle-person to
Amor propio is manifested by being sensitive to personal insult. It is
prevent shame or hiya,
considered as being sensitive not for the attainment of social acceptance but to
o Traditional marriage negotiations through the use of
retain one's social acceptance that he/she already has.
spokespersons or mediators for the two parties;
o Remedy an existing state of conflict or tension by acting as
mediators to bring about reconciliation like family disputes
o Interdependence during times of need by seeking help from
relatives as support system or allies when disagreements
occur with outsiders.


Contrary behavior to social acceptance are given social sanctions in Filipino
society. There are two ways in which contrary behaviors are sanctioned. They are
through the (1) general and universal social sanction of shame (1963) or hiya and (2)
amor propio. Both hiya and amor propio, Jocano (1999, 120) argues, are "specific


Quasi-contractual Reciprocity - regulates balanced exchanges where the

terms of repayment are not explicitly stated before the contract is made -play
Economic security means that Filipinos have the ability to meet ordinary automatically without any specific prior arrangement, and repayment is made in a
material needs without borrowing. He/she want economic security through his/her mechanical, almost non- affective manner (i.e. abuloy). In this form of reciprocity,
resources. Social Mobility is the upward or downward movement of individuals, the terms of the agreement are implied in situations in which culture dictates or
families, or other categories of people within or between layers of social recognizes. In this classification, reciprocity is automatic without the need for any
stratification. It is a change in social status relative to others' social location within a particular prior arrangements. Repayment is done always and failure to respond or
given society. Filipinos also value advancement in the socioeconomic ladder. They reciprocate brings about the contempt of the person. .
always hope to move up to a higher economic class. Quasi-contractual reciprocity can also be seen in the borrowing of certain
household articles. In this transaction, both the lender and the borrower know that
the article must be repaid as soon as possible in the same amount and quality.
RECIPROCITY Utang na Loob Reciprocity - most commonly generated when transfer of
Reciprocity is an important value among Filipinos. It refers to a situation goods/ services takes place between individuals belonging to different groups -
when Filipinos ensure that every favor or request received or asked must be recipient shows gratitude by returning favor with interest to be sure he doesn’t
returned. According to Mary Hollnsteiner (1963, 23-41), there are three remain in the other’s debt -unexpected favor from an unexpected. In this
classifications of reciprocity in the Philippines. These are (1) contractual reciprocity; transaction, the recipient is compelled to show his gratitude properly by returning
(2) quasi-contractual reciprocity; (3) utang na loob or debt of gratitude. the favor with interest to ensure that he does not remain in the other's debt. Utang
na loob is characterized by the unequal repayment with no prior agreement,
Contractual Reciprocity - supposes voluntary agreement between two or whether implicit or explicit.
more people to behave toward one another in a specified way & time in the future
(i.e. bayanihan) -reciprocal acts are equivalent, their amount and form having been Institute of Philippine Culture’s Study on Philippine Value
explicitly agreed upon beforehand. This form of reciprocity is strictly contractual in
nature and the reciprocity arrangements are clearly defined and established
Themes Values
beforehand. Contractual reciprocity has the following arrangements: Smooth interpersonal relations Pakikisama
o Participants in the said transaction are aware and knowledgeable of Euphemism
what is expected of him and his expectations of the others as well. Use of go-between
o Participants are not compelled to do more than any other member Social sanction Hiya or shame
because it is not expected of them to do Amor propio or self-esteem
o Obligation is narrow in scope and emotions are not involved.
Aims and goals Social acceptance
Economic security



Reciprocity Contractual
Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino psychology) refers to
Quasi-contractual the psychology born out of the experience, though, and
Utang na loob (debt of gratitude)
orientation of the Filipinos, based on the full use of Filipino
Source: Four Readings on Philippine Values by Frank Lynch, IPC papers, ADMU, QQC, 1963. culture and language. It is based on assessing historical and
sociocultural realities, understanding the local language,
Interpersonal relations and values practiced by Filipinos provide a unique
unraveling Filipino characteristics, and explaining them
flavor or identity to the culture of the Filipinos. There are positive and negative
through the eyes of the native Filipino. Among the outcomes
effects for having these interpersonal values. Some consider these Filipino values to
are: a body of knowledge including indigenous concepts,
be counterproductive and are usually frowned upon by other cultures. However,
development of indigenous research methods and
many Filipinos consider these values to be positive because these portray our high
Virgilio G. Enriquez indigenous personality testing, new directions in teaching
regard for acceptance, respect, sensitivity and peace. These values make the Filipino
psychology, and an active participation in organizations among Filipino psychologists
culture unique and distinct from other societies.
and social scientists, both in the Philippines and overseas. Virgilio G. Enriquez
pioneered the movement. Enriquez, considered as the "Father of Sikolohiyang
Pilipino." initiated this new consciousness and opened the door of developing a
Lesson 3: Indigenous Social Sciences systematic way of studying, thinking, and feeling from the Filipino orientation and
perspective (Mendoza 2007, 245). According to Enriquez (2007), Sikolohiyang
Indigenous studies focuses on the intellectual and cultural traditions of Pilipino introduced a movement that focuses on the following topics, namely:
Indigenous Peoples in the areas of history, language, medicine, health and wellness,
creative arts, literature, economy, activism, community and political dynamics,  Identity and national consciousness, specially looking at the social sciences
peacebuilding, spirituality and traditional ecological knowledge.The social sciences as the study of humans and their consciousness and meaning or diwa; or the
have been studied mostly from the Western perspective. In the Philippines, a indigenization of conception and definition of the psyche as a focus of social
number of Filipino social scientists introduced an indigenous or Filipino perspective psychological research:
to study our country's history, society, and culture. This lesson introduces the  Social awareness and involvement as dictated by an objective analysis of
different indigenous perspectives in the social sciences, namely, Sikolohiyang social issues and problems,
Pilipino, Pilipinolohiya, and Pantayong Pananaw
 National and ethnic cultures and languages, including the study of
Guide Questions: traditional psychology, called kinagisnang sikolohiya by Zeus Salazar
 What is indigenous social science?  Bases and application of indigenous psychology in health practice,
 What are the objectives, assumptions, and agriculture, art, mass media, religion, and others including the psychology of
concepts introduced by the Sikolohiyang Pilipino,
Pantayong Pananaw, and Pilipinolohiya?


behavior and human abilities as discussed in Western psychology and made value of pakiramdam (shared the inner perception, and feeling for another). A
applicable in the Philippine context (38-39). person without pakiramdam cannot have pakikisama and utang na loob.

Sikolohiyang Pilipino has three major areas of protest against the colonial Enriquez (2007, 43), identified eight levels of interrelatedness in Filipino
background of Filipino psychology. These included the following: language. These concepts serve as basis of interrelatedness and the foundation of
human interaction. The eight levels range from relatively uninvolved civility
1. As a sikolohiyang malaya or liberated psychology-Sikolohiyag Pilipino (pakikitungo) to total empathy (pakikiisa).
contradicts a psychology that perpetuates the colonial status of the Filipino
mind. Eight Values of Interrelated in Filipino Language
2. Movement opposes the importation and imposition of the industrialized
psychology of the Developed countries into the Third World. The
Level of interrelatedness in Meaning
Sikolohiyang Pilipino reconceptualized this aspect into sikolohiyang Filipino
pangkabuhayan or economic/livelihood psychology.
Pakikitungo Transaction or civility with
3. Development of a sikolohiyang mapagpalaya as an opposition to the use of
psychology to exploit the masses (Enriquez 2007, 39). Pakikisalamuha Interaction with

This new consciousness on Philippine psychology, Enriquez (2007, 39) called Pakikilahok Joining or Participating
as Sikolohiyang Pilipino emerged by using local languages as a tool for the
Pakikibagay In comformity with or in accord with
"identification and rediscovery of indigenous concepts." The movement believes
that the Filipino language is the most appropriate medium or language for the Pakikisama Being along with
expression of Philippine realities together with the "development of a scientific
literature that embodies the psychology of the Filipino people" (Enriquez 2007, 39) Pakikipagpalagayan/pakikipag- Being in rapport or understanding or
palagayang-loob acceptance wit
Kapwa is a core concept of the Sikolohiyang Pilipino. According to Enriquez,
Filipinos define kapwa as a term where the "other" is not only experienced on the Pakikisangkot Getting involve
outside but also on the inside. It recognizes the concept of "shared identity" and Pakikiisa Being one with
emphasizes the unity "self" with "others." Kapwa arises from the awareness of a
shared identity with others. Pakikipagkapwa, on the other hand, has a more
profound and deeper meaning. It means "accepting and dealing with other persons
as equals" (Jocano 1999, 118 and Enriquez 2007, 39).
Criticism to Sikolohiyang Pilipino

The use of indigenous language can lead to the identification of an Some of the critics of the Sikolohiyang Pilipino focus on its theoretical
underlying precondition to the existence of surface values. This is the concept and problem because it failed to explain clearly its methodological bases of Filipino
psychology. Another critic to the Sikolohiyang Pilipino narrative is its obsession with


merely being reactive to the western psychological constructs and discourse. Pantayong Pananaw is a discourse within the indigenous
Because of this pitfall, the Sikolohiyang Pilipino failed to focus its attention to more tradition that was developed by Dr. Zeus Salazar, a History
productive ways of developing theories that can be applied in the Filipino case. professor from the History Department of University of the
Critics argue that instead of simply repudiating Western psychology, Sikolohiyang Philippines Diliman and considered as the "Father of the
Pilipino must focus on developing theories to understand the Filipino psychology Pantayong Pananaw." He developed the Pantayong Pananaw
(Mendoza 2007, 252-253). discourse as a response to the westernized perspective of the
study of Philippine history and historiography. "Considered as
the most theoretically advanced and productive in terms of the
PANTAYONG PANANAW number of research outputs on the indigenization of the social
Dr. Zeus Salazar sciences," the Pantayong Pananaw introduces a communication-
The Filipino language has two forms for the English word “we/us”: “tayo” based theoretical innovation on the study of Philippine Historiography. This new
and “kami.” In Bahasa Indonesia, the same distinction holds for the pair “kita” and model in historiography refers to the "normative speaking context within which
“kami” (Johns 1997). “Tayo,” which is described as the inclusive form of “we,” refers scholars in the movement seek to help forge a "national discourse on civilization."
to a collectivity composed of both the speakers and the listeners in a The Pantayong Pananaw wishes to contribute to the "flourishing of a talastasang
communication context. “Kami,” which is described as the exclusive form of “we,” bayan" or national discourse. Together with the notion of history as salaysay which
refers to a collectivity composed only of those who are speaking and does not carries a notion of the nation's pag-uulat sa sarili or the nation reporting to itself,
include the receivers of the message. The word “Pantayo” was formed by the the Pantayong Pananaw wants to create a venue "whereby the nation can share in
combination of the root word “tayo” and the prefix “pan-.” (Probably the first one encompassing discourse, one that would lend a sense of kabuuan or "totality."
incidence of this term was as “pangtayo,” used as the translation or a shared understanding of the nation's history that can give force and direction to
of pronombre/pronoun in the grammar book Balarilang Tagalog, published in 1910). a collective vision of the future" (Mendoza, 2007, 267–268).
The whole word “pantayo” could roughly be interpreted to mean “from-us-for-us.”
The conceptual contradictory of “pantayo” is the concept “pangkami,” which was Salazar used tayo as basis for the theoretical base of the perspective and
not the pronoun kami because according to Salazar, the latter refers to "we -
formed from the root-word “kami” and the prefix “pang-”/“pam-.” “Pangkami”
roughly means “from-us-for-you.” The other half of the phrase, “pananaw,” means speaking to others” as opposed to the former which means “we-speaking among
“perspective.” So “pantayong pananaw” would be equivalent to the rather awkward ourselves." The Pantayong Pananaw introduces a "closed circuit of interaction," a
context where discourse is carried on by and among Filipinos, without the inclusion
“from-us-for-us perspective,” while “pangkaming pananaw” would mean the “from-
us-for-you perspective.” “Pantayo” refers to a self-subsistent dialogical circle or interference of outside participants or dominant perspectives who are
consisting of active (speaking) subjects, while “pangkami” denotes a situation in unwelcoming to Filipino interests (Salazar, 2007, 105). Through this perspective,
Filipinos can communicate freely through the use of their own concepts, language,
which the speakers present themselves as an “other-directed” collective object
under the gaze (and therefore the spell) of an Other. thought patterns, manner of relating, and interests.


Philippine History From the Lens of the Pantayong Pananaw Criticisms to Pantayong Pananaw
Salazar believed that prior to the coming of the Spaniards, there was no The Pantayong Pananaw was criticized for its strict requirement on the use
unified Pantayong Pananaw among the ethnolinguistic groups throughout the of the Filipino language as the language of discourse. Advocates of the pantayong
Philippines. He examines the creation of the Philippines as a national political entity pananaw were accused of being advocates of "linguistic essentialism" because they
through the efforts of the Christianized elites who pursued for reforms and the believe it does not matter what form of ideology is discussed for as long as it is
country's independence during the end of the nineteenth century. He called these communicated and explained through the use of the Filipino language, it will always
elites as the "acculturated group or the ladino class." These ladinos, Salazar argues, be in line with the objectives of the Pantayong Pananaw discourse. However, critics
had very complex and intricate transactions and collaborations with the Spaniards. argue that the Pantayong Pananaw tend to focus their discourse on the use of the
They helped the Spaniards to introduce Hispanic culture into the lives of the Filipino Filipino language. Critics of this indigenous social discourse ask the advocates of the
lives by indigenizing and translating Spanish works into the native language. They Pantayong Pananaw the question of why do they have to focus the discourse
have privileged status because they acted as cultural mediators during the Spanish through the use of the Filipino language as the only basis toward the reconstruction
period. Ladino class included the Filipino propagandists who sought reform from of indigenous history. Critics of the Pantayong Pananaw believe that the content
Spain (Salazar 2007, 107–108). This very same group emerged as the elite class should also be included as foundation in the writing of a genuine indigenous
during the American occupation of the Philippines. Today, they include, according to narrative.
Salazar, the Fulbright scholars and other Filipino intellectuals who were given
scholarships by American foundations, the Japanese government and other foreign
countries and institutions. He believes that these scholars continue to discourse in References
English and use foreign constructs in their researches and studies about the
Philippines and Philippine society because they were educated from foreign Wikipedia.org, List_of_social_thinkers, retrieved from
academic institutions. He argues that these Filipino scholars wrote researches and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_thinkers. Accessed 21 August, 2020
had academic practice that disregarded Filipino culture in their own ways even if Syed Farid Alatas, (First published: 30 December
they try to work for the country's national liberty (Salazar 2007, 112-114). 2015 https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118663202.wberen998) Jose Rizal Filipino thinker, Retrived
from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781118663202.wberen998
The Pantayong Pananaw seeks to bridge the division of society between the
elite class, intellectuals, and technocrats and the majority of the Filipino masses who discoveranthropology.org.uk, what-is-anthropology retrieved from
are still silent and voiceless because their main form of discourse is limited to the
Accessed 21 August, 2020
use of the indigenous languages. The Pantayong Pananaw endeavor to narrow the
gap between this "Great Cultural Divide" by first constructing a totality or national biography.com , political figure, jose rizal, updated: January 21, 2020 original: April 1, 2014 ,
consensus or pagbubuo to produce a "shared framework for differently making
retrieved from https://www.biography.com/political-figure/jos%C3%A9-rizal
sense of the past." The creation of a shared framework can serve as a basis for
developing a common future (Mendoza 2007, 269).


peoplepill.com , apolinario mabini, Retrived from https://peoplepill.com/people/apolinario-mabini/ kyotoreview.org, Exposition, Critique and New Directions for Pantayong Pananaw, Retrived from
Accessed 21 August, 2020 https://kyotoreview.org/issue-3-nations-and-stories/exposition-critique-and-new-directions-for-
pantayong-pananaw/. Accessed 21 August, 2020
philippine-embassy.de, remembering-apolinario mabini on the 152 nd anniversary of his birt, retrived
from http://philippine-embassy.de/2016/07/25/remembering-apolinario-mabini-on-the-152nd- wikipedia.org , Zeus_A._Salazar , Retrived from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeus_A._Salazar.
anniversary-of-his-birth-23-july/. Accessed 21 August, 2020 Accessed 21 August, 2020

wikipedia.org, Isabelo de los Reyes, Retrived from earlycollegeconference.org, Rubric for Reflection, Retrived from
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabelo_de_los_Reyes Accessed 21 August, 2020 http://earlycollegeconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Portfolio-Rubric-for-
Reflection.PRINT_.pdf. Accessed 22 August, 2020
wikimedia.org, Claro_Mayo_Recto.jpg, Retrived from
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Claro_Mayo_Recto.jpg. Accessed 21 August, 2020 Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, PhD, Cecile C. Fadrigon, PhD Cand, Diana J. Mendoza, PhD. (2016)
Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences, (Indigenizing the Social Sciences, 125 - 188.)
geriatrics.stanford.edu, Cultural Values Interpersonal Relationships, Retrived from
Accessed 21 August, 2020 Important
R e m I n d e r S
slideshare.net, social mobility in the Philippines, Retrived from
https://www.slideshare.net/jomarienel/social-mobility-in-the-philippines. Accessed 21 August,  Tear this activity sheet and submit on the scheduled date along with the other
2020. activity (ies) the instructor may have asked the students to do on a separate paper.
 If you are sending something you’ve done online such as MS presentation (s),
wikipedia.org, Economic mobility, Retrived from pictures, pdfs and alike as an attachment, then you may send them to my email at
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_mobility#:~:text=Economic%20mobility%20is%20the%20a [email protected] following this format:
bility,status%E2%80%94usually%20measured%20in%20income.&text=Economic%20mobility%20m (SECTION_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_ACTIVITYNUMBER e.g.
ay%20be%20considered,measured%20in%20change%20in%20income. Accessed 21 August, 2020 IC1MA_BINABAN_PRINCESS_), or send a digital copy from your flash drive together
with this activity sheet.
slideshare.net, Filipino cultural values, Filipino cultural values, Retrived from
https://www.slideshare.net/chinlyruthalberto/filipino-cultural-values. Accessed 21 August, 2020

socialsciences.mcmaster.ca, indigenous-studies, Retrived from

%20ecological%20knowledge. Accessed 21 August, 2020

Pe-Pua, R., & Protacio-Marcelino, E. (2000). Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino psychology): A legacy of
Virgilio G. Enriquez. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 3(1), 49–71. Retrived from

wikipedia.org , Virgilio_Enriquez, Retrived from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgilio_Enriquez.

Accessed 21 August, 2020


Name: _______________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________ Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________
Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________ Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________

Choose two Filipino thinkers and complete a graphic organizer that Compose a reflection paper. Highlight the Filipino thinker you like the most and
summarizes their ideologies and the social ideas. You may use a separate short bond justify at least 2 of his social ideas you agree with. Your answer will be graded
paper or the back of this test sheet to write your answer. according to this scoring rubric.
4 3 2 1
Filipino Thinkers
The refl ecti on The refl ecti on The refl ecti on The refl ecti on
expl a i ns the expl a i ns the a ttempts to does not address
s tudent’s own s tudent’s demons tra te the s tudent’s
thi nki ng a nd thi nki ng a bout thi nki ng a bout thi nking a nd/or
l ea rni ng hi s /her own l ea rni ng but i s l ea rni ng.
proces s es , a s l ea rni ng va gue a nd/or
Reflective wel l as
proces s es . uncl ea r a bout
the pers ona l
Thinking i mpli ca ti ons for
l ea rni ng
future l ea rni ng. proces s ..
General Ideology: General Ideology: The reflecti on i s The reflection i s The refl ecti on The refl ecti on
an i n-depth a n a na l ys i s of a ttempts to does not move
a na l ys i s of the the l ea rni ng a na l yze the beyond a
l ea rni ng experi ence a nd l ea rni ng des cri pti on of
experi ence, the the va l ue of the experi ence but the l ea rni ng
va l ue of the deri ved learning the va l ue of the experi ence.
deri ved lea rni ng to s elf or others. l ea rni ng to the
Social ideas: Social ideas: Analysis to s elf or others , s tudent or
a nd the others i s va gue
enhancement of a nd/or uncl ea r.
the s tudent’s
a pprecia ti on for
the di s ci pl i ne.
The refl ecti on The refl ecti on The refl ecti on The refl ecti on
a rti cul a tes a rti cul a tes a ttempts to does not
mul ti pl e connecti ons a rti cul a te a rti cul a te a ny


connecti ons between thi s connecti ons connecti on to Name: _______________________________________________________

between thi s l ea rni ng between thi s other l earning or Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________
l ea rni ng experi ence a nd l ea rni ng experi ences
content from experi ence a nd
Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________
experi ence a nd
content from other cours es , content from
pa s t l ea rni ng other cours es ,
other cours es ,
Making pa s t learning, life
experiences , a n pa s t l ea rni ng RATING:
Connections experi ences
experi ences , or ACTIVITY 4
pers ona l goa l s ,
a nd/or future but the
goa l s . connecti on i s Explain the meaning of the domains of pakikipagkapwa with its appropriate
va gue a nd/or
uncl ea r. translation in the English language. You may use a separate short bond paper or the
back of this test sheet.
Total Score:
1. Pakikitungo –

2. Pakikisalamuha –
Name: _______________________________________________________
Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________ 3. Pakikilahok –
Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________
4. Pakikibagay –

RATING: 5. pakikisama –
6. pakikipagpalagayangloob –

7. pakikisangkot –
Choose one of these indigenous concepts (utang na loob, pakikisama and
pakikisalamuha, bayanihan, hiya, pagdamay) and Make a slogan. Your output will be 8. pakikipagkaisa –
graded based on this rubric.
5 4 3 2 1

Total score


Name: _______________________________________________________ a nd the others i s va gue

Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________ enhancement of a nd/or uncl ea r.
the s tudent’s
Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________ a pprecia ti on for
the di s ci pl i ne.
The refl ecti on The refl ecti on The refl ecti on The refl ecti on
RATING: a rti cul a tes a rti cul a tes a ttempts to does not
ACTIVITY 5 mul ti pl e connecti ons a rti cul a te a rti cul a te a ny
connecti ons between thi s connecti ons connecti on to
between thi s l ea rni ng between thi s other l earning or
Think one possible course that you want to pursue as a course in college. After l ea rni ng experi ence a nd l ea rni ng experi ences
content from experi ence a nd
deciding the course, write a short reflection paper that will express your experi ence a nd
other cours es , content from
sentiments/views on the following question: Making content from
pa s t l ea rni ng other cours es ,
1. What profession do you want to pursue five (5) years from now? other cours es , experiences , a n pa s t l ea rni ng
2. Why do you want it?
Connections pa s t learning, life experi ences , or
experi ences pers ona l goa l s ,
3. How do you think it will help the society?
a nd/or future but the
goa l s . connecti on i s
Your answer will be graded according to this scoring rubric. va gue a nd/or
uncl ea r.

Total Score:
4 3 2 1

The refl ecti on The refl ecti on The refl ecti on The refl ecti on
expl a i ns the expl a i ns the a ttempts to does not address
s tudent’s own s tudent’s demons tra te the s tudent’s
thi nki ng a nd thi nki ng a bout thi nki ng a bout thi nking a nd/or
l ea rni ng hi s /her own l ea rni ng but i s l ea rni ng.
proces s es , a s l ea rni ng va gue a nd/or
Reflective wel l as
proces s es . uncl ea r a bout
the pers ona l
Thinking i mpli ca ti ons for l ea rni ng
future l ea rni ng. proces s ..
The reflecti on i s The reflection i s The refl ecti on The refl ecti on
an i n-depth a n a na l ys i s of a ttempts to does not move
a na l ys i s of the the l ea rni ng a na l yze the beyond a
l ea rni ng experi ence a nd l ea rni ng des cri pti on of
experi ence, the the va l ue of the experi ence but the l ea rni ng
va l ue of the deri ved learning the va l ue of the experi ence.
deri ved lea rni ng to s elf or others. l ea rni ng to the
Analysis to s elf or others , s tudent or


Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________ __________6. Social scientists who study how the human mind works in
Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________ consonance with the body to produce thoughts that lead to individual actions.

__________7. Social scientists who study people's behavior in groups rather than in
MODULE 1: Assessment RATING: individuals.

__________8. Social scientists who study the interaction between people and their
Identification: Choose the correct answer inside the box. Write your answer to the
space provided. __________ 9. Studies the natural features of the earth.

Geographers. Relative poverty. Social science. Economists. Anthropologists. __________10. Studies how people create cultures in their natural environments.

Historians. Political scientists. Psychologists. Cultural sociology. __________11. Studies the social life of people in rural areas.

Sociologists. Physical Geography. Rural sociology. Human Geography. __________12. Analyzes the development of social institutions, norms, and
Experimental psychology. Comparative politics. Archeology.
__________13. Studies behavior of humans and animals and examines how and
why learning takes place.
__________1. Study of society and the manner in which people behave and impact __________14. Studies politics within countries and analyzes the similarities and
the world . differences between and among countries.
__________2. Social scientists who study the optimum allocation of scarce __________15. Studies human life in the past through the examination of things left
resources and how individuals interact within the social structure to address behind by the people from the past.
questions regarding the production and exchange of goods and services .

__________3. Social scientists who study humans and their culture in the past and
present time.

__________4. Social scientists who study past events in order to understand the
meaning, dynamics, and relationship of the cause and effect of events in the
development of human societies.

__________5. Social scientists who study government, power and politics, and
examine the relationship between people and policy at all levels from the individual
to the national and international levels.


SECOND QUARTER Social Sciences in the Lesson 1: Professions of SocialScientists

Real World
The social sciences study societies in various perspectives. The diverse fields
MODULE of the social sciences provide social science graduates with different careers and
opportunities that will allow them to explore the multifaceted nature of society. This

At the end of this module, you are expected to:
lesson introduces students to the different career options of social science
 Analyze the practical use of Social Sciences in graduates?
addressing social concerns and phenomenon
 Generate an analysis of a social phenomenon using at
least two approaches from the Social Sciences PROFESSIONS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES
Social science is the study of society and the manner in which people
behave and impact the world. As a field of study, the social sciences seeks to explain
Overview and understand the nature of human experiences and the different mechanisms
that operate in every society. The social sciences can explain the causes of poverty,
The social sciences provide a multidisciplinary and an interdisciplinary
reasons why elections are held, or the causes of deviant behaviors in society. Most
approach to study society. Its diverse subfields, namely, Economics, political
social science practitioners are employed in various sectors in society like the
Science, Sociology, Geography, Anthropology, Psychology, and History are
national and local government units and institutions, nongovernmental
important training grounds for various careers and professions in the public and
organizations, educational and religious organizations.
private sectors. These fields are significant because they can provide a multifaceted
approach to understand, examine, and address the multilayered structural problems Social scientists, the practitioners of the social sciences, have different
of Filipino society today. This chapter has two lessons. Lesson 1 studies the different careers depending on their respective degrees and specialization. Each field of the
professions that a social science graduate can pursue. Lesson 2 discusses the social sciences focus on a specific aspect of society. Below are the different fields of
application and intersections of the different social science approaches to address the social sciences and the different functions or specialization of the practitioners
social problems in the Philippines. or professionals in each discipline.

Guide Questions:
 What are the functions and application of the social sciences in the Economics
real world?
 What are the different professions that a social science graduate can Economics is a social science concerned with the production, distribution,
pursue? and consumption of goods and services. It studies how individuals, businesses,
governments, and nations make choices on allocating resources to satisfy their
wants and needs, trying to determine how these groups should organize and


coordinate efforts to achieve maximum output . Economists study the optimum socialize with one another. The study of anthropology is concerned both with the
allocation of scarce resources and how individuals interact within the social structure biological features that make us human (such as physiology, genetic makeup,
to address issues on production, distribution, and consumption of goods and nutritional history and evolution) and with social aspects (such as language, culture,
services. Economists try to explain the question of "who gets what and why." politics, family and religion). Whether studying a religious community in London, or
Economists ask questions regarding how resources are allocated. Some of the human evolutionary fossils in the UAE, anthropologists are conce rned with many
questions that economists have to deal with focus on the use and distribution of the aspects of people’s lives: the everyday practices as well as the more dramatic
different resources in various economic systems. Below are some of the questions rituals, ceremonies and processes which define us as human beings. A few common
that economists ask. questions posed by anthropology are: how are societies different and how are they
the same? How has evolution shaped how we think? What is culture? Are there
Questions Description human universals? By taking the time to study peoples’ lives in detail,
1. How can the economy allocate its Economist explain what shall be anthropologists explore what makes us uniquely human. In doing so,
anthropologists aim to increase our understanding of ourselves and of each other.
resources to provide the needs produced and how it can be produced.
and wants of the people? Anthropologists study culture in the past and present time. To understand
the complexity of cultures across all of human history, anthropology draws and
2. How fast does the economy Economist explain how much will be
builds upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the
grow? How can the economy produced by the economy to create a
stable economic growth. humanities and physical sciences. A major concern of anthropologists is the
develop a stable economic
growth? application of knowledge to solve human problems. Anthropologists are trained in
different areas, namely, socio-cultural anthropology, biological or physical
3. How does the economy distribute Economists explain for whom the goods anthropology, archaeology, and anthropological linguistics. Cultural anthropology
money, income, and the goods are produced. studies the development of human cultures based on ethnologic, linguistic, social
and services it produces to and psychological data of analysis (Repko 2008, 67). It explains how people in other
members of society societies live and the effects of their environments to their respective lifestyles.
Physical anthropology studies human biological nature, particularly its beginning,
evolution, and variation in prehistory. Archaeology studies human life in the past
Anthropology through the examination of things left behind by the people from the past.
Anthropological linguistics studies language and their relationship to the cultures in
Anthropology is the scientific study of humans, human which they are used.
behavior and societies in the past and present. Social anthropology studies patterns
Anthropologists study culture. They are involved in different anthropological
of behavior and cultural anthropology studies cultural meaning, including norms and
endeavors that develop case histories of various tribal and ethnic groups and
values. Linguistic anthropology studies how language influences social life .
descriptive accounts of the mores and patterns of people. Anthropologists are
Anthropology is the study of people throughout the world, their evolutionary
history, how they behave, adapt to different environments, communicate and


interested in developing a total, interrelated picture of a society. Because of this, Historians ask three important questions. These questions include the
anthropology is considered as an integrative science. following:

Anthropologists use different methods to study human culture and Questions Description
behavior. Below is a table that explains the different methods used by
anthropologists. 1. What happened? Historians ask questions about the basic
facts that can be found in a source.
These can refer to the persons, places,
Methods Used by Anthropologist in Conducting Studies events, dates, and activities that
happened through time.
Method How anthropologists implement the
2. Why did it happen? Historians ask questions about the
reasons why the event happen including
1. Indirect observation Use of maps, census, writings of previous the causes, effects, and dynamics behind
investigators, examination of artifacts, the event.
interviews with informants
3. What lessons can people learn Historians want to explain the lessons
2. Direct observation Use of direct observation by taking down from the event? that society can learn from the event.
field notes, photographs, voice Historians can provide solutions to
recording, or video recording problems by analyzing the lessons that
we can get from the past events.
3. Participant observation Participant observer attempts to join the
group under study. He/she learns the
language and customs of a group
Political Science
Political science is a classical discipline that deals with the study of political
History phenomena. Its goal is to deepen human understanding of the forms and nature of
political action and to develop theoretical tools for interpreting politically
Historians study past human events in order to understand the meaning, meaningful phenomena. Political scientists study the different forms and processes
dynamics and relationship of the causes and effects of events as they happen of government and the concepts of state, power, ideology, and politics and the
through time. Historians rely on primary and secondary sources to study past effects of these concepts to individuals and groups in society. They examine as well
events. Primary sources refer to eyewitness accounts or contemporaneous accounts the relationship between people and policy at all levels from the individual to the
about the event. They also use secondary sources or evidences that are not national and international levels. Political science has several fields of study. It
eyewitness accounts and are based from the primary sources. includes domestic politics, comparative politics, international relations, political


theory, public administration, and public law. Domestic politics studies public Sociology
opinion, elections, national and local governments. Comparative politics studies
politics within countries and analyzes the similarities and differences between and Sociologists study people's behavior in groups rather than in individuals.
among countries. International relations focuses on the political relationship and They investigate why and how people interact with each other and how they
interaction between and among countries. Political theory studies classical political function as a society or social subgroups. Sociologists study social structures,
philosophy and contemporary theories. Public administration studies national and collective human action, social relationships, culture, and even the impact of social
local governance and the bureaucracy. Public law examines legal systems, civil contexts on individual behavior (Repko 2008, 69). Sociologists use a variety of
rights, and criminal justice. methods to study group behavior. These include observation and analysis of human
behavior, surveys and personal interview. Surveys or opinion polls and interviews
are used by sociologists to determine what people think about certain issues at a
specified time and place.
There are numerous subfields that one can pursue and specialize as
Psychologists study how the human mind works in consonance with the
sociology major. These include applied sociology, urban sociology, cultural
body to produce thoughts that lead to individual actions. A psychologist tries to
sociology, rural sociology, medical sociology, sociological theory, sociology of
understand how people and groups experience the world through various emotions,
education, political sociology, and military sociology. Applied sociology focuses on
ideas, and in diverse conscious states. He/she uses a variety of skills in conducting
the use and proper application of sociological theories, methods, and skills to
psychological researches. These skills include observation and analysis. Observation
examine data, solve problems, and communicate research to the public. Urban
can be done by watching human behavior and writing down what is seen.
sociology studies societal life and interactions in urban areas through the
Psychologists observe to find patterns of behavior or actions that occur in different
application of sociological methods like statistical analysis and ethnographies.
times. They also look for exceptions in the patterns of behavior. Another skill used
Cultural sociology analyzes the development of social institutions, norms, and
by psychologists is analysis. Through analysis, psychologists can determine and
practices. Rural sociology studies the social life of people in rural areas. Medical
examine the meaning of the different patterns and the reasons for the pattern
sociology examines the societal aspects of health and medicine of people. Sociology
exceptions. Some of the fields of psychology include experimental psychology,
of education analyzes how social forces and institutions like politics, economic
developmental psychology, personality psychology, social psychology, and
systems, and culture affects schools and educational systems. Poli tical sociology
environmental psychology. Experimental psychology studies behavior of humans
examines how social structures affect and influence politics. Military sociology is a
and animals and examines how and why learning takes place. Developmental
sociological study of the military organization, the different civilian and military
psychology studies the ways people change and behave as they go through their
relationships, war experiences, and the use and control of force.
life. Personality psychology studies human nature and differences among people.
Social psychology looks into the behavior of people in groups. While envi ronmental
psychology studies the effects of surroundings on a person's attitude and behavior.


Geography connected with each other.

Geographers study of the interaction between people and their environments. Religions Religions are the basic units of study
Geographers probe into both the physical properties of Earth's surface and their used by geographers to divide and
relationship with human societies. They also examine how human culture interacts understand the earth and its people.
with the natural environment and the impact of locations and places on people.
There are two main branches of geography, namely, physical geography and human
geography. Physical Geography studies the natural features of the earth, including
land, water and atmosphere. Human geography on the other hand, studies how
people create cultures in their natural environments. Geographers developed five
themes to understand the importance of learning about the world. These included CAREER FOR SOCIAL SCIENTISTS
location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and regions.
There are different careers available for social scientists. These careers
Five Themes in Geography range from government service and academe to research-oriented and related
Theme Description career opportunities in the private sector (e.g., business). The social sciences can
also be used as a preparatory course for law school. Below are some of the possible
Location Position on Earth’s surface careers that a social science graduate can pursue.
Use of absolute location or the exact
location and relative location or the Discipline of the Social Sciences Possible Careers
location of something in relation to a Anthropology Archaeologist, cultural anthropologist,
certain place. physical anthropologist, ethnologist,
Place Physical characteristics of a place are cultural specialist, museum curator,
depend on landform, vegetation, academic career (teaching and research)
climate, flora, and fauna. Economics Economist, financial analyst, bank
Human characteristics of a place depend officer, investment analyst, business
on language, religion, and beliefs. consultant, business auditor, academic
Human-environment interaction Geographers study human and career (teaching and research)
environment interaction to learn how Psychology Guidance counselor, behavior analyst,
people use the Earth’s resources life coach, social educator, experimental
Movement By studying human movement, psychologist, developmental
geographers can learn how humans are psychologist, personality psychologist,


social psychologist, environmental social sciences relevant. This lesson looks at the application of the social sciences in
psychologist, population psychologist, understanding and addressing social problems of the Philippines today. It will also
physiological psychologist, comparative explain how the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to the social
psychologist, clinical psychologist, school sciences can help us understand and address poverty and unemployment and
psychologist, industrial psychologist and mitigate the effects of disasters in the Philippines.
consumer psychologist

Sociology Criminologist, market research analyst, Guide Questions:

industrial sociologist, academic career  What is interdisciplinary?
(teaching and research)  What is multidisciplinary?
 What is social problem?
History Law, biographers, researchers, museum  How can the social sciences help solve problems of the Philippines?
curators, foreign service officer,  How can the multidisciplinary approach in the social sciences help
us understand and solve poverty and unemployment?
academic career (teaching and research)
 How can the multidisciplinary approach in the social sciences help
Geography Cartographer, urban geographer, us mitigate the impact of disasters?
academic career (teaching and research)
Political Science Researcher, law, labor relations
specialist, foreign service officer,
politician, public administrators, political Interdisciplinarity as an Approach to Study Society
consultant, academic career (teaching
A discipline refers to a specific branch of learning or body of knowledge that
and research)
has a different body of concepts, theories, framework, subject matter, perspectives,
world views, assumptions, and research methodologies. Each of these disciplines or
branches of knowledge are different from the other branches of learning. There are
Lesson 2: Applications and Intersections of the four main clusters of traditional disciplines. These include the following:

Approaches in Addressing Social Problem

Clusters of Traditional Disciplines
The social sciences apply several disciplines to study human social problems
and provide alternative solutions to solve these problems. Through social science Clusters of Traditional disciplines Scope
researches, the various disciplines of the social sciences produced a vibrant
interaction of diverse scholarly researches. These interdisciplinary and Natural Sciences Include the life sciences and physical
multidisciplinary approaches to understand and solve social problems makes the


sciences techniques, methodology, concepts, theories, and frameworks coming from two or
more of its diverse disciplines (Replok 2008,11).
Social Sciences Include sociology, economics, political
science, geography, anthropology,
history, and psychology
Applied profession Business, communications, criminal ADDRESSING SOCIAL PROBLEMS
justice, education, engineering, law,
social work, nursing, and medicine The term “social problem” is usually taken to refer to social conditions that
disrupt or damage society—crime, racism, and the like. “Social Problems” is the title
Humanities Include art and art history, literature,
of an undergraduate course taught at many colleges; a typical course discusses what
music, philosophy, and religious studies
is known about a series of conditions considered social problems.

Social problems are defined as a social condition that different sectors of

In the social sciences, each of the disciplines studies human society, human society consider as damaging to its members and so these require a definite
behavior, and their culture in a specific lens or approach that is unique to that solution. Social problems are multilayered and affect not only one sector but the
particular discipline. This is often referred to as disciplinarity because the focus of different sectors of society. Therefore, to fully understand and address the problem,
study and analysis is limited only to a particular field of study or specialization. a multidisciplinary approach must be utilized. The multidisciplinary approach
Discipline-based studies and orientation of major branches of the social sciences involves the application and collaboration of several separate branches or
started to disappear with the emergence of interdisciplinary social science. Through disciplines of the social science to examine and solve present day problems that
this major development in social science research, the various disciplines of the plague society from each discipline's perspective.
social sciences produced a vibrant interaction of diverse scholarly researches and Multidisciplinary researches are conducted in order to fully grasp the
teaching communities.
nature, scope, and magnitude of the social problem. Problems that deal with social
Interdisciplinary social science approach or interdisciplinarity involves the and economic development require a multidisciplinary perspective because a
application of two or more fields of study or disciplines to address and answer social discipline-based approach to the problem will not provide a complete analysis of the
problems and issues. In this approach, a problem can be solved through the social problem. Multidisciplinary approaches are important in understanding and
analysis, synthesis, and coordination between and among the different disciplines to addressing social problems because in the real world, policy researches or proposals
form a coherent research. Most of the researches in the social sciences have shifted drafted and implemented to solve social problems are not crafted through the use
to the application of interdisciplinary approaches in the study of society. This new of a single discipline. These problems are structural and multilayered that needed a
form of study provides a systematic way of providing answers to questions, solving multifaceted approach to solve.
problems, and addressing very broad or complex topics through the application of Raymond C. Miller (1981), a professor of social science in San Francisco
the various social science perspectives and integrating the data, information, State University noted that a disciplinal approach to address problems is a futile


endeavor. According to Miller (1981, 6–7) this problem was experienced by Disasters Economic, Historical, Sociological,
economists when they made several recommendations to less developed countries. Psychological, Geographical,
Their disciplinal approaches to the problems of the less developed countries were Anthropological, and Political
"irrelevant or erroneous due to their failure to consider the social and political Approaches
context or the applicability of their culture-bound models."

In the Philippines, the different fields of the social sciences play important
roles to help understand and provide alternative solutions to the country's present Poverty
day social problems. The use of the different approaches introduced by the social
Poverty is a state or condition where people's basic needs for food, decent
sciences is important to understand the social problems because all our current
clothing, and shelter are not properly met. A person or a community is considered in
social problems are connected with the other problems. For example, poverty is a
a state of poverty if they do not have financial resources and essentials to satisfy
problem that can be connected with unemployment, overpopulation, corruption, their minimum standard of living. The United Nations (1998) define poverty as:
and underdevelopment. One field of the social sciences will not be able to fully
grasp the nature and extent of the problem nor can it provide an integrative "Denial of choices and opportunities, a violation of human dignity. It means lack of
solution unless a multidisciplinary or a multifaceted approach is used to understand basic capacity to participate effectively in society. It means not having enough to
the problem and its solution. feed and clothe a family, not having a school or clinic to go to, not having the land
on which to grow one's food or a job to earn one's living, not having access to credit.
Below are examples of the different Philippine social problems and the
It means insecurity, powerlessness and exclusion of individuals, households and
different social science disciplines that can help examine the nature, scope, and
communities. It means susceptibility to violence, and it often implies living on
solution to the problem.
marginal or fragile environments, without access to clean water or sanitation."
Examples Social Problems in the Philippines and the Multidisciplinary
Approaches to Address the Problem Poverty has two main types.
Social Problem Multidisciplinary approaches to address Absolute poverty and relative poverty.
the problem  Absolute poverty refers to the condition or state where people do the basic
Poverty Economic, Historical, Sociological, biological needs (e.g., food, water, shelter, clothing, sanitation) over a
Anthropological, and political period of time to sustain a minimum level of living and physical health. It
approaches measures poverty based on the amount of money needed by people to
meet their basic needs. However, the United Nations (2016) argue that
Unemployment Economic, Historical, Sociological, and absolute poverty does not measure nor take into consideration the overall
Political approaches level of social inequality existing in each country. It does not consider the
social and cultural needs of the people.


 Relative poverty refers to the condition in which people do not have the anthropologists because these social scientists studies people's history and culture
minimum amount of income necessary so that they can have a decent and through history and anthropology, social scientists can determine and explain
lifestyle. It is measured and defined in relation to the economic status of the when and how the rights of people to self-determination and cultural preservation
other members of society. It is also varies from one country to another and were violated through time.
changes over time. People are considered relatively poor if they cannot
sustain the standard of living that was determined by the country's society.
Relative poverty has several causes. These include unemployment or lack of Unemployment
a decent work, lack of education and poor health conditions of people.
Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization or employment is unable to find work. Unemployment is often used as a measure of
UNESCO (2016) consider poverty as a multidimensional issue that needed a the health of the economy. The most frequent measure of unemployment is the
multidimensional approach to be able to understand and address properly. UNESCO unemployment rate, which is the number of unemployed people divided by the
officials believed that poverty is not simply an economic issue but it also has a number of people in the labor force.
social, political, cultural, and historical dimensions. Its social dimension refers to
people's access to sufficient health care service and education. The political Unemployment refers to the condition when people who are able and
dimension of poverty refers to the people's right to express their thoughts, feelings willing to find employment cannot find a job. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics
without being suppressed and their right to properly assemble and establish (2016) define an unemployed person as:
associations. The cultural component of poverty refers to the right of people to 1. Someone who does not have an employment;
preserve his or her own cultural identity and be given the chance to be involved in
the cultural life of one's community. 2. Someone who does not have a job and is actively looking for work in the past four
weeks; and
The multidisciplinary approach in the social sciences can play an important
role in understanding the multidimensional problem of poverty. The 3. Someone who was temporarily laid off and is currently waiting to be called back
multidimensionality of poverty can be explained and examined clearly by the social to the prospective job offer.
sciences because the disciplines of the social sciences provide various lens to study
Unemployment is usually the basis in determining the soundness and health
the different aspects of poverty. The social dimension of poverty can be explained
of a country's economy. It is measured using the unemployment rate or the number
and understood through the study of the sociological theories of poverty. By
of unemployed persons in relation to the number of people in the labor force. There
understanding the sociological aspect of poverty, social scientists can examine why
are number of causes of unemployment. Some of the causes of unemployment
people do not have access to sufficient health care service and education. The
include economic slowdown, use of advanced technology and jobs outsourcing.
political dimension of poverty can be studied and understood through the study of
political science. Political scientists can explain how poverty can be manifested in a Unemployment rate increases when the country's economy is not good.
country where its people cannot express their rights to free speech and assembly. When this happens, many businesses lose huge profits so they usually cut costs by
The cultural component of poverty can be explained by historians and reducing the number of their employees. Unemployment happens also when


companies apply and use advanced technology like computers, machines and robots Disasters
to replace human laborers. Job outsourcing is also an important cause of
unemployment. Most companies outsource jobs in other countries instead of the Disaster is a process/event combining a potentially destructive agent force
employing workers from their own country because companies consider from the natural, modified, or built environment and a population in a socially and
outsourcing as a cheaper and effective way of reducing cost. This is common among economically produced condition of vulnerability, resulting in a perceived disruption
call centers and human resource- related industries and companies. of the customary relative satisfactions of individual and social needs for physical
survival, social order, and meaning" (Oliver-Smith and Hoffman 2002). When
In the Philippines, unemployment continues to be a major problem of the disaster happens, a natural or human-made hazard or "forces, conditions or
government. The Philippines' unemployment rate was 5.8 percent in January 2016. technologies that carry potential for social, infrastructural or environmental
According to the January 2016 figures of National Statistics Office of the Philippines, damage" like earthquakes, typhoons, volcanic eruption, or war affects a vulnerable
there were 2,469,000 million unemployed Filipinos. From the said figure, 63.4 group or sector of society who does not have the capacity to anticipate, cope with,
percent were males. Based on age group, the age group 15 to 24 years old made up resist, and recover from the impact of the hazard (Oliver-Smith and Hoffman, 2002
48.2 percent of the unemployed Filipinos while the age group from 25 to 34 and Oliver-Smith 2002). The Philippines ranked fourth in the list of countries with
recorded an unemployment rate of 30.9 percent. From 1994 to first quarter of 2016, the highest number of disasters during the past twenty years (1995 to 2015).
the unemployment rate in the Philippines averaged at 8.75 percent. The highest According the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), the
unemployment rate of the country was reached in first quarter of 200 with 13.90 Philippines recorded 274 disasters from 1995 to 2015. In the study of the United
percent. Nations, the Philippines was one of the top ten countries in the world with the
Understanding unemployment and its solutions must employ the highest absolute number of population affected by weather-related disasters during
multidisciplinary approach in the social sciences. The unemployment problem the last twenty years from 1995 to 2015. In the United Nations Report, 130 million
cannot be understood economically. It also has a historical, political, and Filipinos were affected by weather-related disasters from 1995 to 2015. The top
sociological dimensions as well. To understand the nature and causes of three countries in the list are China (2,274,000,000 people affected), India
unemployment in the Philippines, social scientists must use history to examine (805,000,000 people affected) and Bangladesh (131,000,000 people affected).
historical development of unemployment in the country. Through the use of Top10 Countries with the highest Absolute Number of People Affected by
primary sources, historians can explain how the problem started through time, what Weather Related Disasters.
solutions were implemented before to address the problem and how the programs
succeeded or failed when they were implemented. Sociologists can provide an Country Number of affected people by weather
explanation to unemployment by looking and investigating into the reasons why related disaster
different age groups and social classes cannot find employment or why they do not
China 2,274,000,000
have jobs. The political approach to the study of poverty also necessary because
political scientists can examine how and why government policies are ineffective in India 805,000,000
addressing the unemployment problem of the country.
Bangladesh 131,000,000


Philippines 130,000,000 scientists can examine how the different disasters happened before and through
this, government officials would have sufficient knowledge about the disaster's
Thailand 76,000,000
effects and magnitude. Through this data, officials can implement policies that can
Pakistan 55,,000,000 reduce and mitigate the impact of the disasters.

Brazil 51,000,000
Kenya 47,000,000 Sociological Approach
Ethiopia 41,000,000 Disasters affect societies and by studying the sociology of disasters, social
scientists can understand how disasters affect social organizations, families and
Vietnam 44,000,000
other institutions affected by the disasters. Sociologists can also help in the crafting
Source: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (n.d). “The Human Cost of Weather Related of risk reduction and mitigation policies against disasters because of their
Disasters.” http:/www.unisdr.org/2015/docs/climatechangep.18. knowledge of the social organizations and social interactions.
Understanding and mitigating the effects of disasters require a
multidisciplinary approach as well. The multidisciplinary approach in the social
sciences can provide a holistic understanding of disasters. It can also help in the Psychological Approach
crafting of risk reduction policies and disaster mitigating measures.
Psychologists play an important role in the post-disaster efforts because
many of the victims suffer from post-traumatic stress. As trained psychologists, they
can provide emotional support to survivors and disaster victims. They can also help
Economic Approach
build the resilience skills of victims. Psychologists can also provide inputs in the
Disasters always result to the loss of properties, crops, products and it also crafting of policies and programs on risk reduction and post-disaster rehabilitation
affects the economy as a whole. An economic approach to the study of disasters is because they have direct communication with disaster victims and survivors.
important because economists can assess the impact of the disasters to the various
sectors of the Philippine economy whether in the macro-level or in the micro-level.
Anthropological Approach
Disasters also have an anthropological dimension that many do not take
Historical Approach
into consideration. Disaster victims have cultural traditions and indigenous
Disasters have been affecting the Philippines since the early times and so it knowledge that must be taken into account when crafting risk reduction and
is important to employ the historical approach to understand how disasters affected disaster mitigating policies. Anthropologists are vital in understanding the culture of
the country through time. Through the study of the history of disasters, social society because it can affect the success or failure of programs and policies to help


minimize or prevent the impact of the disasters. Failure to acknowledge or consider References
the culture of victim's can lead to more harmful or devastating effects of the
Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, PhD, Cecile C. Fadrigon, PhD Cand, Diana J. Mendoza, PhD. (2016)
disaster to community or group. Sometimes, the cultural beliefs of the victims can
Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences, (Social Sciences in the Real World, p. 189 - 226.)
also help officials in understanding the nature of disasters.

investopedia.com , economics, Retrived from

https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/economics.asp. Accessed 22 August, 2020
Geographical Approach wikipedia.org, Anthropology, Retrived from
The geographical approach to the study and mitigation of disasters is
udy,how%20language%20influences%20social%20life. Accessed 22 August, 2020
important because most hazards that cause disasters are environmental in nature. It
is important to use geography in understanding disasters because geographers jyu.fi , (22 March, 2017), political-science, Retrived from
develop and produce maps, charts, and other geographical aids that can help https://www.jyu.fi/hytk/fi/laitokset/yfi/en/disciplines/political-science. Accessed 22 August, 2020

government officials and even people to understand natural hazards and the impact Social Problems, Retrived from https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-
of the disaster. In the Philippines, geographer help develop geo-hazard maps to 9780199756384/obo-9780199756384-
highlight the different areas in the country that are highly prone and susceptible to 0052.xml#:~:text=The%20term%20%E2%80%9Csocial%20problem%E2%80%9D%20is,of%20conditi
ons%20considered%20social%20problems. Accessed 22 August, 2020
different natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, and
floods. investopedia.com , unemployment , Retrived from
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/unemployment.asp. Accessed 22 August, 2020

Political Approach Important

Disaster also need political scientists to examine the different laws and R e m I n d e r S
policies crafted to prevent and mitigate disasters. Political scientists can help
 Tear this activity sheet and submit on the scheduled date along with the other
provide suggestions and alternative policies to the national and local governments activity (ies) the instructor may have asked the students to do on a separate paper.
on how to improve current programs against disasters.  If you are sending something you’ve done online such as MS presentation (s),
pictures, pdfs and alike as an attachment, then you may send them to my email at
[email protected] following this format:
IC1MA_BINABAN_PRINCESS_), or send a digital copy from your flash drive together
with this activity sheet.


Name: _______________________________________________________ 5. Unemployment -

Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________
Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________ 6. Unemployment rate -

7. Absolute poverty -
ACTIVITY 1 8. Geohazard map -

9. Relative poverty -
A. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct. If incorrect, write False. (2pts
each) 10. Absolute poverty -
______1. Multidisciplinary approaches are important in understanding and
addressing social problems.
______2. One field of the social sciences will not be able to understand the nature
Name: _______________________________________________________
and extent of the social problem unless a multifaceted approach is used to
Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________
understand the problem and its solution. Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________
______3. Social problems are not integrative and it can be addressed through the
disciplinal approach.
______4. Poverty can be solved through the use of a multidisciplinary approach
using the approaches from economics history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, ACTIVITY 2
and political science.
______5. Interdisciplinary social science approach or interdisciplinarity involves the
analysis, synthesis, and coordination between and among the different disciplines to Identify the following terms (2pst each)
understand and address a problem.
_______1. Refers to a specific branch of learning or body of knowledge that has a
different body of concepts, theories, framework, subject matter, perspectives,
B. Define the following terms in one to two sentences.
world views, assumptions, and research methodologies
1. Poverty -
_______2. Social conditions that different sectors of society consider as harmful to
2. Job outsourcing - its members and require solution

3. Disaster - _______3. Social scientists who study government, power, and politics; and
examine the relationship between people and policy at all levels from the individual
4. Hazard - to the national and international levels.


_______4. Social scientists who study how the human mind works in consonance Pointing Description
with the body to produce thoughts that lead to individual actions. System
_______5. It involves the application and collaboration of several separate branches The response gives sufficient of the writer’s ability to thoroughly
or disciplines of the social sciences to examine and solve present-day problems from 2 answer the question while providing relevant details and clear
each discipline's perspective. understanding of the topic.
_______6. Social scientists who study the optimum allocation of scarce resources The response answer the question but in a more limited way. The
and how individuals interact within the social structure to address questions 1 details and textual evidence may be vague or there may not be
regarding the production and exchange of goods and services enough details provided.
_______7. Social scientists who study humans and their culture in the past and The response provides no evidence of the writer’s ability to answer the
present time. 0 question and/or use textual support (e.g. the writer may answer the
question with an unrelated response even if he/she includes evidence).
_______8. Social scientists who study past events in order to understand the
meaning, dynamics, and relationship of the cause and effect of events in the
development of human societies.
1. What is the difference of interdisciplinary approach with multidisciplinary
_______9. Social scientists who study people's behavior in groups rather than in approach?
individuals. 2. How can the social sciences help understand and address social problem?
3. Why do we need to adopt a multidisciplinary approach to solve social
_______ 10. Social scientists who study the interaction between people and their problems?
environments. 4. How does the United Nations explain poverty as a multidimensional issue?
5. Why is it important to use the multidisciplinary approach in the social
sciences to understand disasters and mitigate its impact to society.
Name: _______________________________________________________
Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________
Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________


In 2-5 sentences, answer the essay question below. You may use a separate short
bond paper or the back of this test sheet to write your answer. Your answer will be
graded according to this 2-point scoring rubric.


Name: _______________________________________________________ The response provides no evidence of the writer’s ability to answer the
Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________ 0 question and/or use textual support (e.g. the writer may answer the
Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________ question with an unrelated response even if he/she includes evidence).

ACTIVITY 4 1. What is the role of social scientists in identifying and addressing social

A. Define the following terms in your own words. 2. Enumerate 2 social problems/phenomena where social scientist can apply
the multidisciplinary approach? How can the social science address this
1. Disaster – social problem/phenomena?
2. Interdisciplinary social science approach –
3. Multidisciplinary approach –
4. Social problem –
5. Poverty –

B. In 2-5 sentences, answer the essay question below. You may use a separate
short bond paper or the back of this test sheet to write your answer. Your
answer will be graded according to this 2-point scoring rubric.

Pointing Description

The response gives sufficient of the writer’s ability to thoroughly

2 answer the question while providing relevant details and clear
understanding of the topic.

The response answer the question but in a more limited way. The
1 details and textual evidence may be vague or there may not be
enough details provided.


Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________ __________5. Refers to the condition in which people do not have the minimum
Date Submitted: (to be filled in by the subject instructor): _______________ amount of income necessary so that they can have a decent lifestyle. (Relative

MODULE 2: Assessment RATING: __________6. Social conditions that different sectors of society consider as harmful
to its members and require solutions (Social problems)

__________7. Refers to the condition when people who are able and willing to find
Identification: Choose the correct answer inside the box. Write your answer to the employment cannot find a job. (Unemployment)
space provided.
__________ 8. Involves the application of several social science disciplines to
(Unemployment). (Absolute poverty), (Multidisciplinary approach), examine and solve present day problems that plague society. (Multidisciplinary
(Social problems), (Disaster), (Poverty), (Discipline),
(Interdisciplinary social science approach), (Relative poverty), __________9. Involves the application of two or more fields of study or disciplines
to address and answer social problems and issues. (Interdisciplinary social science

__________1. Refers to the condition or state where people do not receive one or __________10. Usually the basis in determining the soundness and health of a
more of the basic biological needs (e.g. food, water, shelter, clothing, sanitation) country’s economy. (Unemployment)
over a period of time to sustain a minimum level of living and physical health.
(Absolute poverty)

__________2. A process/event combining a potentially destructive agent/force from

the natural, modified, or built environment and a population in a socially and
economically produced condition of vulnerability, resulting in a perceived disruption
of the customary relative satisfactions of individual and social needs for physical
survival, social order, and meaning. (Disaster)

__________3. Refers to a specific branch of learning or body of knowledge that has

a different body of concepts, theories, framework, subject matte r, perspectives,
world views, assumptions, and research methodologies. (Discipline)

__________4. A state or condition where people's basic needs for food, decent
clothing, and shelter are not properly met. (Poverty)


GENERAL PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS: Students. A committee or the subject instructor himself should investigate and
deal with the said misdemeanor accordingly.
1. Each student will work alone or in pairs to do further research about the 7. Your output will be graded based on this rubric.
chosen topic and communicate the findings in a 4 to 7 - minute video
presentation, plus time for a “credit roll” to show your references. Students 5 – Excellence 4 – Good 3 – Fair or Average
who opt to work in pairs are advised to observe health and safety precautions 2 – Poor or Needs Improvement (s) 1 – Very Poor 0 – Not Observed
hence, communicating their plans and ideas should be done through online
channels or any deem applicable social media platforms. CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1 0
A. PLANNING TOOLS (Script and Storyboard) – 30 POINTS
2. Choose one from these topics to be featured in your output: 1. Filipino Social
Thinkers. 2. Institute of Philippine Culture’s Study on Philippine Values. 3. Indigenous 1. Planning documents show evidence of extensive
research that give students a good grasp of the topic. If
Social Sciences. 4. Professions of SocialScientist. 5. Application and intersections of the
Approches in Addressing Social Problems. students were examined on this topic, they would pass
the test.
3. There are no restrictions on the style of the video (i.e., you may use a narrated 2. The storyboard and script should be coherent and
slide show, a recorded lecture, a digital whiteboard, a stop motion animation logical.
(Claymation), a sock puppet show, animated graphics, a scripted scene, filmed 3. Reading the script aloud takes roughly 3–6 minutes,
artist, drawings on paper, or a combination of the above, etc.) indicating that there is sufficient material to support a
4 to 7 - minute movie (adding visuals will add time to
4. All artifacts (images, videos, music, sound effect, etc.) used in the video which the video).
you did not create yourself must be cited at the end. You do not need to use a 4. Each part of the script is explicitly and clearly linked to
complete reference; simply include a brief description of the item and a web a scene in the storyboard.
address where the item was found (e.g., Picture of kitten www.spca.com). Be 5. The script and storyboard are described in sufficient
details that if they were given to another student, this
sure that all are subject to a Creative Commons license. Include a separate
person could produce the video and achieve a product
section where you credit the sources of information you used to research your
similar to the one originally envisioned.
video. This information should be cited using APA citation format (refer to your 6. The documents are submitted in a professional manner.
Practical Research modules on how to do such). The pages are bound together, numbered, and
organized; the names of the author(s) is clearly
5. Your video must be submitted in one of the following file formats: .mov, .mv4, indicated; the script is either typed or hand-written in
mp4, .wmv or any playable format you have on your device. Note that these clear penmanship; and while artistic talent is not a
are rendered movies, that is, files that will play on someone else’s computer. requirement for the sketches in the storyboard, the
Be sure to test your finished product ahead of the deadline. Script and drawings should clearly show what the author(s)
storyboard for the said project should be attached therein upon submission. envisions for the scene.
You may submit them via e-mail or Microsoft Teams account, or pass them
along with your final exams sheet. Read the IMPORTANT REMINDERS above for TOTAL POINTS
further instructions.

6. Any forms of cheating are prohibited and punishable by 3 - 5 days suspension B. FINAL VIDEO (OUTPUT) – 70 POINTS 5 4 3 2 1 0
and invalidation of your final exam results and project grades as stipulated in 1. Accuracy
the Senior High School Policies and Standard Operating Procedures for - All of the information provided in the video is correct, as


verified by trusted sources of information (these sources 7. Relevant Visuals

must be listed in the citations at the end of the video).
- Visuals match the narration. The narration orients the
2. Academic Rigor viewer to the image (e.g., the narrator says “in the left-
- The authors of the video show good grasp of the hand corner of the circle there is a blue dot that
information they are communicating. There is evidence represents electrons . . .”). Include subheadings or tag
of depth of research and viewers learn a reasonable lines to emphasize new vocabulary or to introduce
amount of new information by watching the video. The someone. Avoids distractors such as fancy transitions,
information is challenging to peers but not tangents, and audio-visual overstimulation.
3. Clarity
- Information is communicated clearly and logically and is FINAL GRADE:
disclosed progressively to build on the previous
foundation and provide a richer understanding. The Source: http://static.nsta.org/connections/college/201601CaseStudyFigures1 -4.pdf
organization of the video is coherent and flows from one
part to the next into a seamless narrative.
4. Ability to Engage the Viewer
- The video is interesting to watch. It elicits curiosity and a
desire to know more. The video shows evidence of
creative and original thinking in presenting the
5. Completeness PLANNING TOOLS: 24 / 30, let’s assume the student(s) got 4 points for each criterion.
- The video meets the following submission criteria FINAL VIDEO OUTPUT: 28 x 2 = 56 / 70, let’s assume the student(s) got 4 points for each criterion.
(instructors may wish to indicate the weight of each
element on the final grade): a) Submitted by the
TOTAL SCORE: 24 + 56 = 80 / 100
deadline, b) Submitted in the expected file format, c) (80 / 100 * 50) + 50
Complies with the 4–7 minutes length, d) Includes the = 90, this should reflect on the final grade.
required components for the movie (instructors may
wish to list the ones required for their assignment, such
as including a title, interviews, citations, original
artwork, signed Video Release Forms, etc.)
6. Audio Quality and Narration Pacing
- Narration is clear. Music does not detract from or
obscure narration (i.e., avoid music with singing, and
the volume of the soundtrack should be low compared
with the narration). If, for reasons that cannot be
circumvented (e.g., wind at the time of recording), the
sound is unclear, subtitles may help viewers make
sense of the scene and remain engaged. Slow enough
to give viewers a chance to think about the information


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