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At the outset, I first offer my humble respects to the almighty and my parents
Mr. C Richard Ramamurthi and Ms. R Mary Violet, for blessing me in completing
the research work successfully.

I am thankful to Rev. Dr. A. Thomas S. J., the principal, Loyola college, for providing
me with an opportunity to take up my research work at the Department of Commerce.

My heartfelt thank my most respected Research Supervisor, Dr. J. Arul Suresh, for his
guidance and valuable suggestions. I take this prospect to express my sincere thanks to
him for his support at each stage of this work. At each visit, my discussion with him
gave me clarity on the subject and moulded me on the proper way towards the goal. I
remember his calm and relaxed nature forever. I affectionately acknowledge with
sincere thanks to Mrs Nancy Prathiba.

I express my genuine gratitude to the head of the department Dr A. Marcus and the
former head of the department Dr. T. Joseph, Dr. Francis Jose, Dr. Joseph Jeyaraj
and other department staff members for boosting my morale throughout the research.

I am thankful to the member of the Doctoral Committee, Dr. G. Ramesh, Assistant

Professor Department of Commerce, Sir Theagaraya College, Chennai, for monitoring
this work and giving their valuable suggestions.

I want to thank Dr. K.G. Jayaprakash for his spontaneous and generous help in
carrying out my thesis's statiscal analysis. Also been an excellent mentor for me.

I am thankful to the Dean of Research Dr. J. Madhavan, and the members for
monitoring and wishing us.

I express my deep sense of gratefulness and heartfelt thanks to Dr. R. Saravanan,

Professor, S.I.V.E.T college, Chennai. The person who believed me and encouraged
me to attain this level.

Most importantly, nothing would have been possible without the love and patience of
my family. I owe much to My husband, Mr. Jagdeesh, son Cyril Josh, brothers
Mr.Anand and Mr. Solomon, Mr. Shasi and sister Ms Deepa, daughters Charvi
and Cherie for their help, advice and encouragement, which inspired me to
accomplish the research work.

I dedicate this dissertation to my lovable Husband, Mr C. Jagdeesh and my father,

C. Richard Ramamurthi.

I am incredibly thankful to my friends Vasanthakumar, Shriram, Deepan,

Niveditha, Vino, Minothi, Raja, Siva, Angle and Reena, who are continuously
helped me throughout the study period.

I convey my heartfelt thanks and love to my friend Ms N. Rajeshewari who has

been with me throughout the study period on every action.

I am grateful to many of my friends and relatives for their constant support and
guidance. I would like to appreciate their cooperation in completing my research

I am gratified to all the respondents who took time off their busy schedules to fill in
the questionnaire. Exclusive of their cooperation, the study would not have been

For the period of the completion of this investigation, many known and unknown
hands pushed me forth, and erudite hearts put me on the right track, lightened by their
knowledge and experience. I ever rest thankfully indebted to them all.

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