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NAME: ____________________________________________

CLASS: ________________________________

Paper 1 Time: 1 hour

This paper contains 40 questions. Answer all the questions. For each question, select
only the correct one from the select A, B, C and D.

1. 25 096 written in words is

A Twenty thousand five hundred and sixty -nine.

B Twenty -five thousand nine hundred and six.
C Twenty -five thousand ninety -six.
D Twenty thousand nine hundred and six.

2. Which of the following numbers whose digit 8 is 8 000?

A 82 506
B 48 317
C 19 841
D 10 283

3. 7 twenty thousand + 4 thousand + 0 hundred + 3 twenty + 1 sa =

A 7 431
B 70 431
C 74 031
D 74 310

4. "Forty -seven thousand ten" is written in numbers

A 41 000
B 40 100
C 40 010
D 4 010

5. Analyze 34 001 =

A 34 000 + 1
B 30 000 + 4000 + 100
C 30 000 + 4000 + 10
D 30 000 + 4000 + 1

6.Which of the following numbers, when rounded to the nearest thousand becomes
50 000?

A 48 505
B 49 580
C 50 540
D 50 805

7. 34 641, 39 562, 30 521, 34 726, 39 894

Which of the following is the order of numbers in ascending order?

A 39 894, 39 562, 34 641, 34 726, 30 521

B 39 562, 39 894, 34 641, 34 726, 30 521
C 30 521, 34 726, 34 641, 39 562, 39 894,
D 30 521, 34 641, 34 726, 39 562, 39 894

8.Figure 1 shows a number line.

25 003 25 005 P 25 012 Q

What are the numbers for P and Q?

A 25 006 and 25 013

B 25,007 and 25,014
C 25,008 and 25,015
D 25 009 and 25 016

9. State the place value of the digit 5 in the number 12 532?

A Thousands
B Ratus
C Twenty
D Sa

10. What is the digit value of the underlined digit in the number 54 284?

A 50
B 500
C 5 000
D 50 000

11. Which of the following not true?

Number Place value for underlined digits

A 56 742 Ratus
B 78 302 Thousands
C 88 650 Ten thousands
D 99 062 Ten thousands

12. 5 806 + 21 345 =

A 71 141
B 28 151
C 27 151
D 26 151

13. 41 045 + 24 011 + 89 + 3 955 =

A 45 000
B 24 100
C 68 000
D 69 100

14. Which of the following numbers is more 1000 than 56 821.

A 55 821
B 57 821
C 66 821
D 67 821

15. 5 342 + + 28 107 = 90 146

What number should be filled in the box?

A 56 697
B 55 497
C 52 697
D 50 697

16. 62 475
What is the sum of the values of the underlined digits
A 2 470
B 2 070
C 2 075
D 2 007

17. Pak Din sells 40 sticks of chocolate ice cream and some sticks of
durian ice cream. The total amount of ice cream sold was 260

Based on the quotation above which one represents the one in addition.

A Mr. Din sells 40 sticks of chocolate ice cream.

B Pak Din sells 40 sticks of durian ice cream.
C some sticks of durian ice cream.
D The total amount of ice cream sold was 260 sticks.

A company prints 30,800 copies of newspapers. 14 530 copies are Bahasa
Malaysia newspapers and the rest are English newspapers.

Using the passage above, what is an appropriate mathematical sentence?

A 30 800 + 14 530 =
B 14530 = 30 800+
C 30 800 = 14 530 +
D 30 800 = +

19. Figure 2 shows the number line.

20 960 21 060 x y
State the sum of the numbers for x and y?

A 42 060
B 42 120
C 46 060
D 46 120

0 1 6 3 8

Form the largest and smallest numbers, then the sum of the two numbers.
Which of the numbers below is the correct answer?

A 99 900
B 96 678
C 95 678
D 87 678

21. 24 396 - 9 990 = _____________

A 14 406
B 24 406
C 25 386
D 34 386

22. Find the difference between 61 245 and 85 609.

A 24 244
B 24 364
C 24 436
D 24 634

23. Kira 56 207 - 578 - 21 514 =

A 77 143
B 35 271
C 34 115
D 33 045

24. 41 000 - 5 395 =

A 36 605
B 35 715
C 35 605
D 30.19

25. State the subtraction result of the underlined digit value of the number 80 515?
A 30 000
B 75 000
C 79 500
D 80 500

26. “A box can be filled with 80 000 pieces of bookmarks. Ahmad has filled 52 000
pieces of bookmarks and the rest the next day "
Based on the passage above, what is in the verse?

A A box can be filled with 80 000 pieces of bookmarks

B Ahmad has filled 52 000 pieces of bookmarks.
C the rest the next day.
D The total number is 60 000 pieces of bookmarks.

27. “A fruit seller has 68,406 apples. On Monday, he sold out

as many as 5,579 apples and the rest on Tuesday ”.
Form a mathematical sentence for a given situation.

A 68 406 + 5 579 =
B 68 406 - 5 579 =
C - 5 579 = 68 406
D 5 579 - = 68 406

28. Last Hari Raya, Mrs. Hanani made 24 500 tarts. He

sells 15 690 pieces of tart cake. Her friends helped Mrs. Hanani sell
as many as 8 200 more tarts. How many tarts are still missing
for sale?

A 8 200
B 8 810
C 7 490
D 610

29. 4 123 x 4 =

A 16 492
B 16 482
C 8 482
D 4 127

30. 2 193 x 100 =

A 2,193,000
B 219 300
C 21 930
D 2 193

31. 67 x 23 =

A 201
B 335
C 1 340
D 1 541

32. 182 x 45 =

A 8 190
B 8 100
C 8 090
D 7 100

33. 68 901 7 =

A 7 713
B 8 743
C 9 843
D 9 443

34. 6 950 ÷ 30 =

A 695
B 595
C 231
D 115

35. 93 201 ÷ 1000 =

A 93 baki 21
B 93 remaining 201
C 93 baki 210
D 93 baki 211

36. 52 = 431

A 22 412
B 21 412
C 21 312
D 21 212

37. What is the number that when rounded to the nearest hundred is 2 700

A 2 628
B 2 699
C 2 761
D 2 780

38. A factory produces 16 920 blue pens, 15 806 black pens and 11 700 red pens.
What is the total number of pens that the factory produces?

A 42 246
B 42 446
C 44 426
D 44 624

39. A truck can transport 2,300 chickens at a time. How many tails

chickens that can be transported by the same 21 trucks.

A 483
B 4 830
C 48 300
D 58 300

40. A chef makes 8 100 pieces of tart in one week. How much
the amount of pineapple tart made each day if the chef is on vacation during the day

A 1 350
B 1 250
C 1 123
D 1100


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