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Adverb of Frequency adalah frasa atau kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan
seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Adverb ini dipakai pada Simple Present Tense.
Kita bisa menggunakan adverb of frequency di depan verb atau to be. Namun, kita juga bisa
menggunakannya di bagian belakang kalimat. Menurut British Council, kita bisa menggunakan
usually, often, sometimes, dan occasionally berada di awal kalimat, dan sometimes dan often di
belakang kalimat.
Kinds of Adverb of Frequency:
1. Adverb of Definite Frequency
Penggunaan adverb ini dilakukan dengan memperhatikan suatu frekuensi suatu peristiwa
atau kejadian dengan waktu yang spesifik. Yaitu: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, every, yearly,
every second, twice a year, once a minute, twice, once, atau three time.
1. Our family travel yearly to get some healing, and this year we will go to New Zealand.
2. My mother wakes me up every morning to have breakfast.

2. Adverb of Indefinite Frequency

Penggunaan adverb ini dilakukan dengan tidak perlu mengetahui waktu yang spesifik.
Penentuan keterangan waktu atau seberapa sering peristiwa terjadi dalam Adverb of Indefinite
Frequency ini dapat kamu gunakan persentase sebagai berikut:
 100% (always, constantly, usually, normally, frequently, regularly, often)
 50% (sometimes, rarely, occasionally, infrequently, seldom, hardly ever)
 0% (never)
1. He always studies hard in English Course. He wants to be a winner of Spelling Bee
2. Bian visits library frequently. He loves to read books.

Hello, my name is Rose Alfrena. You can call me Rose. Here I will tell about my daily activities
every day except on Saturday and Sunday. Well, I always wake up at 6 o’clock, then I wash my
face in sink and then I prepare a cup of coffee. I drink a cup of coffee in the garden with reading
a newspaper in order I can follow every hot news in the world. Thirty minutes after I do it, I will
prepare to take a bath, I just need fifteen minutes to do it. Then, at 7 o’clock I will prepare to go
to office by a taxi. I always work until 3 pm in the office, then usually I go out with my friends to
drink an evening coffee. At 6 pm, I go home and clean my room. At 7 pm, I take a bath then
prepare for dinner by myself, after it I usually watch television or call my parents by phone, then
at 10 o’clock I prepare to sleep. I always do those activities from Monday until Friday.
Please complete the sentences using the verbs and adverbs given below.
1. Indonesia ___________ (always, celebrate) its independence day in August
2. She ___________ (never, be) ready when I pick her up.
3. The workers ___________ (seldom, be) late for work
4. He ____________ (often, feel) overly tired after eating
5. Rista ___________ (never, drink) coffee in the morning
6. The swimming pool ____________ (rarely, be) busy, so I feel I have it
7. We ____________ (hardly ever, see) each other because of our different routines
Please write your daily routines!

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