Do You Like Conversation Cards Teacher Notes

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‘Do You Like…?

’ Food Conversation Cards

(Countable/Uncountable Nouns) Teacher Notes
Level: Beginner +
Time: 30 min
Language Focus: Talking about likes and dislikes (food) with countable/uncountable nouns

This activity requires students to ask and answer questions about food preferences and
practise using countable/uncountable nouns.
• Print enough cards so that each small group or pair has one set of cards.
• There are two sets of cards. One with answer prompts (‘I like...’/‘I
Preparation (5-10 min) don’t like...’) and one without. Choose the set according to the level of
your group.
• Cut up the cards for each group.
Procedure Time
Elicit the target language on the ‘Grammar Card’. Explain how we add an ‘s’ to regular
countable nouns when talking about things in general. Elicit more examples of countable
and uncountable nouns. Explain and drill the positive and negative form of the verb ‘like’.
For very young learners use gestures such as thumbs up and down, smiley and sad 10 min
faces and focus on drilling the language rather than the grammar explanations.
Please note that this activity does not explore irregular countable nouns (e.g. person/
people, child/children).
Drill the pronunciation of some of the target vocabulary, paying attention to the different
plural ‘s’ sounds and use phonemes if necessary (see below):
strawberries oranges potatoes tomatoes
/iz/ /iz/ /euz/ /euz/ 5 min

carrots rice apples bananas

/s / /s / /z/ /z/

Divide the class into pairs or groups and hand out the cards.
Students use the question cards to ask and answer questions about what food they like
and dislike.
10 min
For lower-level students, provide the grammar card to guide them during the activity
or use the set of cards with answer prompts. For higher-level students, use the cards
without prompts.

Monitor the groups and make notes of any common errors.

5 min
Collect class feedback and spend some time on error correction.


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