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400 Words Must Know For TOEFL TEST

Word A Abandon Abduction Abstract Accumulate Accuracy Accuse Acquire Acquisition Adapt Addictive Adjacent Adjust Adolescent Advent Adversely Advocate Affection Affluence Aggravate Aggregate Agnostic Allegiance Allocate Amateurish Ambiguous Amend Amalyze Ancestral Anesthesia Animism Annex Anomaly Anticipate Antipathy Apex Apprehend Arbitrary Arrogantly Artillery Ascertain Assail Assess Asset Assimilate Associate Astrological Atheist Augment Authority B Battle Be inclined to Berate

Part of Speech, Meaning (v)

(n) , ;(v) , ; ,

, ,

(n) (a) (v) (n (v) (v) (n) (v)


, , , ,

(a) (a) (n) ( (n) (n) ) , ; , , ,

(a) (a) (n)

(v) (a)

, ;(n) , , , , , , ; ,

(a) (v)
(n) t


(a) (n) (n) (v) (n) (v) (n) (n) (v) (a) ( (n) (v) (v) (v) (n) (v) (a) (a) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v)

, ; , ; ; ) ; ; ; ; ,( , , ; ; ; ; , ; ; ;

Biased Bitterly Bond Bridery Bulk

(n) ( (n) (n) (n)

) ; , ,

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Burden Bureaucratic C Candidate Capricious Cartel

(n) (a) (n) (a) (n) (n) (v) Q ,

; kartell); ; , , . , , c. ,


Catastrophic Cause Cease Certifiably Charismatic Chronologically Circulate Civil

, . (n) nguyn nhn; (v) gy ra.

(v) (a) (a)

. ) , . , d

( (v)

Clique Coalition Coerce Cohesion Coincide

(n) (v)

(n) (v) ; (n) ,

Collapse Collide Combustion Commodity Compensate Complex Complication Component Compress Concentrated Condemn Confide Conflict Connotation Conquest Consciously Consequence Constraint Contamination contest Context Contrary Convey Convict Core


(n) (n)


; (n) ; ; (n) ; (v) ; , ; (v) ,

(n) (a) (n) (a) (v) (v)


(n) (n) ( (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (a) ( (v) (n) (n)

) ; , , ; (v) ; (n) ;

) ;(v) ; (v)

Corrode Counter Cremation Cultivation Cumbersome Cure Curriculum Cynically D De facto Decipher Decline Decrepit Degrade Deify Delinquence Denominator Denote Deny Depict Deplete Derive Descendant Despise Despondent Detain Detection Deviant Devise Devotion Dilemma Dimension Diminish Discretely Discriminate Disease Dispise of Distill Distinctly Distort Diverse Divination Domesticate Dynamic E Ecclesiastical Election Elementally Elite Emission Engender Enterprising Entrepreneurial Equity Erode Erudite Eruption Esthetically Evade Evidence Evolve Exalt

(v) (n) (n) (n) (a) (n) (n) ( (a)&( (n) (n) (a) (v) (v) (n) (n) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (n) (v)

; ;( ; , ) ) ;(v) ;(v) , ; , , ng, ;(v) ) ;(v)

, , ,

(v) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) ( (v) (n) (v) ( (v) (a) (a) (v) (a) (a) (n) (a) (n) (n) (v) (a) (a) (n) (v) (a) (n) (n) (v) (n) (v) (v)

, (ra , , ; ) , , ) , , , , , , ; , , , , , , , ) ;(v) , ,

, ,

, , , , , ,

Exclusive Exotic Expenditiously Exploit Exponentially Extinction Extract F Famine Fatally Feasibly Feature Fertilize Flood Fluctuate Folklore Forensics Fortify Fossilize Fringe G Gala Gap Generation Grotesque Guilty Gut H Haggle Haunt Hazardous Hedonistic Hierarchy Hilarious Horror Humiliation Hypocritically Hypothesize I Illiterate Impact Impair implant Implement Implicate Implicitly Impoverish In common with In the trenches Inaugurate Incentive Incompetent Indisputable Industrious Inference Infinitiesimal

(a) (n) (n) (n) ( (n) (n) , (n) ( ( (n) (v)

, , ;(v) )

;(n) ; (n) , , , , , , , , , ; (v)

) ) , , , ; (v) ;

(n) (v) (n) (a) (v) (v) (n) vn; (v) (n) (n) (n) (a) (a) (n) (v) (n) (a) (a) (n)


, ;

; , ,

, , ,

, ;(n) , , , , ; (v)

, ;(v)

, (a) (n) (n) ( (v) ,

n ;(a) ,

) , ; (v) , , ;(v) , ; , , ;(n) , , , , ;(n)

(a) ; (n) (n) , (v) (v) ( + in (n) (v) , ( ) (v) (v) (a) (a) (a) (a) (n) (a)

Inflation Ingenious Inherent Inheritance Inhibit Inject Innovative Inquiry Inscription Installation Integrally Integrity Intensify Intentionally Interdict Intermediary Intervene Intrepid Intrinsic Intrusively Intuitively Invasive Invoke Irrigation J Jointly Juxtapose K Kin L Lease Legitimate Liability Longitude Loyal Luxury M Maintenance Manipulation Marginal Maximize Meditate Medium Merchant Merit Migration Milieu Minimum Misconception mobilize Modify N Net Nobility Notion Nucleus

(n) (a) (a) (n) (v) (v)

, , , , ,

(a) (n) (n) (n) ( ) (n) (v) , ( ) (n) , (a) trung gian, (a) (a) (a) (n) (a) (v) (n) ( (v) (n) (n) (a) (n) (n) (a) (n) (n) (n) (a) (v) (v) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (v) , , )

, , , , , ;(v) , ;(n) , , ,

, , , , , ,

;(v) cho thu; thu , , , , ;(n) , , , , ;(v)

, , , ; , ;(a) , , cng lao;(v) , ;(a) , , , , , , , , , , , , ;(a)

(n) (n) (n) (n)


; (a)

O Obese Objectively Obnoxious Obtain Offense Oppress Orwellian Overlap P Paradigm Parallel

(a) ( (a) (v) (n) (v) (n) (n) (n) (a)

, )

fat , ;

, , , ;(n) ;(v) , , , , -3 the Passion -xu; (v)

Parochial Passion

(n) (a) (n)

, , , ,

Paternal Peer Per capita Permeate Persevere Persist Perspective Phantom Phonetic Photosynthesis Physical

;(v) , ,

Pious Piracy Plunge Policy Poll Portrayal Potent Precipitation Predicament prejudiced Prestige Prevailing Prevalent Privileged Procedure Process Prognosis Proliferation Promote Proportion Proportionately Proprietor Prosper Prototype Proximity

( )&(a) (v) (v) ( + in, at, with (a) (n) (n) , (a) , (n) (a) , , (n) (a) (n) , (n) , , (n) (n) ,

, , , , ; (a) , , , ; (v) , , , , , ;(v) ,


, ,


, , , , , ,

(n) (a) (n) (n) - , (a) (n) uy , (a) (a) (a) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) ( (n) (v) (n) (n)

, , , ,

, , ; (v) ;u, ; , , , , , ,;(v)

Psychic R Rank Rate Ratio Realism Rebel Recede Reciprocity Reconciliation Reform Regulate Relic Reservoir Residual Resign Resist Retain Retrieve Reward Rigor Rite Ritually Roster Rotate S Sacrifice Safeguard Saga Scandal Scar Secular Seep Seize

(n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) ;(v) (v) (n) nhau (n) (v) (n) (n) (a) (v) (n) (v) (v) (n) (n) (n) ( (n) (v) (n) sinh, (n) (n) (n) (n) (a) ;(n) (v) (v) dy, ;(n) (a) (n) giao, (n) ( (n) (v) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (a) (n) (n) ) , , , , , , , ,

; (a) c ; (v) , , (M , , , , , , ;(v) , , , , ,;(a) , . ,

;(v) , , ,

;(n) , , , , ; ) ;(v) , lun phin nhau;(a) , , , , , , , , , , ;(v) g, ;(v) , , , , ,

, ; (v)

; (v)

, hy

, ,

, ,

Self-perpetuating Sentiment Sequence Severely Shamce Shrink Shuttle Sibling Simulation Skit Smuggle Solar Sole Solidarity

, , , , , ,

, ,

, , ,

, ,( , ,

; (v)

;(n) , ; (v) ,

; ,



, c

Source Spectrum Stable Status quo Stigmatize Strategic Striking Structure Subsidy Subtly Surveillance Survive Suspect Suspend Suspicious Symbolic T Trend Trigger U Unleash Unmask V Vanish Vanity Vein Verdict Versus Vestige Villainy Violation Vitriolic Vulnerable W Willing Witness Working class Wound Z Zeal

(n) (n) (a)

, ,

, ;(n) ,

, ,;(v)

(n) (v) (a) (a) , (n) (n) (a) , (n) (v) (v) (a) (v) treo ln, (a) (a) (n) (n) (v) (v) (v) (n) (n) , ( ) (n) , (n) (n) (a) sunfuric, (a) (a) (n) (n) (n) (n) , , , ),

, , , kh , ,

(n) , , ;(v) , ;(v) ,

, ,

, (n) , , , ,( , ,

, v, vs , ,

, ;(v)

, ,

, ;(v) , the working classes ,

, ;(v)

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