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Estimation on pile

Pile Description Diamete Laping Rebar Actual No. of Length Length( Remark TYP(m) Pile Clear Pile Curtail
Diamete r of of Sapcing( Diamete Spiral/R of m) upper Cover(m Length( ment
r(mm) Rebar(m Rebar(m mm) r(mm) ing Spiral/R length(m m) m) length(m
m) ) ing ) )
1200 P1a/P1b 32 1.755 110 954 59.8 Length 0.3 1.2 75 58 30
2nd layer
1200 P1C 32 1.755 100 922 31.7 rebar
1200 P2a/P2b 16 4.874 75 1034 47.66667 155 3.5 Spiral
1200 P2c 16 4.874 150 1034 370 1203 55.475 Spiral
1200 P3 16 0.7 2000 938 16 59.2 Inar Ring
1200 P3 25 1.05 2000 929 14
1200 P4 16 2000 0.55 Spacers

Bar Diamete Unit Diamete Circumf Length( Bar No. of No. Length Length Mass of Total
Mark r of weight r(mm) erance( m) Spacing( Bar Laping of of bar(kg) volume
Bar Rebar(m of mm) mm) Laping Bar(m) of bar Remarks
SL No.
Description m) Rebar(K (m)

1 Main Bar P1a/P1b 32 6.32 954 2998 59.864 110 28 5 8.775 68.639 433.7985 12146.36
2 Main Bar P1C 32 6.32 922 2897 31.732 100 28 2 3.51 35.242 222.7294 6236.424
3 Spiral P2a/P2b 16 1.58 1034 3249 155 75 44 12 58.488 213.488 337.311 337.311
4 Spiral P2c 16 1.58 1034 3249 1203 150 22 100 487.4 1690.4 2670.832 2670.832
5 Inner P3 16 1.58 938 2947 3.647 2000 51.058 80.67164 80.67164
6 Inner P3 25 3.86 938 2947 3.997 2000 63.952 246.8547 246.8547
7 Space Bar P4 16 1.58 51 2000 51 80.58 80.58
8 Bar 25 3.86 2 3 6 23.16 23.16
9 Bar 25 3.86 1.4 3 4.2 16.212 16.212
10 Hook Bar 25 3.86 5.16 4 20.64 79.6704 79.6704
11 Separator 25 3.86 0.1 14 1.4 5.404 5.404
12 Hook Holder 25 3.86 1 2 2 7.72 7.72
Total Mass(Kg) 21931.2

Estimation on pile
Estimation on pile
Pile Descript Diamete Laping Rebar Actual No. of Length Length( Remark TYP(m) Pile Clear Pile Curtail
Diamete ion r of of Sapcing( Diamete Spiral/R of m) upper Cover(m Length( ment
r(mm) Rebar(m Rebar(m mm) r(mm) ing Spiral/R length(m m) m) length(m
m) ) ing ) )
1200 P1a/P1b 32 1.755 110 954 58.8 Total Leng 0.3 1.2 75 57 30
1200 P1C 25 1.755 100 922 31.8 2nd layer rebar
1200 P2a/P2b 16 4.799 75 1018 417 1334 31.2 Spiral
1200 P2c 16 4.799 150 1018 180 576 27 Spiral
1200 P3 16 0.7 2000 954 30 58.2 Inar Ring
1200 P4 16 2000 0.55 Cover Spacers

Descript Diamete Unit Diamete Circumf Length( Bar No. of No. Length Length Mass of Total
ion r of weight r(mm) erance( m) Spacing( Bar Laping of of bar(kg) volume
Rebar(m of mm) mm) Laping Bar(m) of bar
m) Rebar(K (m)

P1a/P1b 32 6.313 954 2998 58.8 110 28 5 8.775 63.8 402.7694 11277.54
P1C 32 6.313 922 2897 31.8 100 28 2 3.51 35.31 222.912 6241.537
P2a/P2b 16 1.578 1018 3199 1334 75 43 111 532.689 1866.689 2945.635 2945.635
P2c 16 1.578 1018 3199 576 150 22 47 225.553 801.553 1264.851 1264.851
P3 16 1.578 954 2998 3.698 2000 110.94 175.0633 175.0633
P4 16 1.578 55 2000 55 30.25 47.7345 47.7345
Total Mass(Kg) 21952.36

Estimation on pile
Pile Descript Diamete Laping Rebar Actual No. of Length Length( Remark TYP(m) Pile Clear Pile Curtail
Diamete ion r of of Sapcing( Diamete Spiral/R of m) upper Cover(m Length( ment
r(mm) Rebar(m Rebar(m mm) r(mm) ing Spiral/R length(m m) m) length(m
m) ) ing ) )
1200 P1a/P1b 32 1.755 110 954 56.8 Total Leng 0.3 1.2 75 55 30
1200 P1C 32 1.755 100 922 31.8 2nd layer rebar
1200 P2a/P2b 16 4.799 75 1018 417 1334 31.2 Spiral
1200 P2c 16 4.799 150 1018 167 535 25 Spiral
1200 P3 16 0.7 2000 954 29 56.2 Inar Ring
1200 P4 16 2000 0.55 Cover Spacers

Descript Diamete Unit Diamete Circumf Length( Bar No. of No. Length Length Mass of Total
ion r of weight r(mm) erance( m) Spacing( Bar Laping of of bar(kg) volume
Rebar(m of mm) mm) Laping Bar(m) of bar
m) Rebar(K (m)

P1a/P1b 32 6.313 954 2998 56.8 110 28 5 8.775 61.8 390.1434 10924.02
P1C 32 6.313 922 2897 31.8 100 28 2 3.51 35.31 222.912 6241.537
P2a/P2b 16 1.578 1018 3199 1334 75 43 111 532.689 1866.689 2945.635 2945.635
P2c 16 1.578 1018 3199 535 150 22 44 211.156 746.156 1177.434 1177.434
P3 16 1.578 954 2998 3.698 2000 107.242 169.2279 169.2279
P4 16 1.578 55 2000 55 30.25 47.7345 47.7345
Total Mass(Kg) 21505.58

Estimation on pile
Pile Descript Diamete Laping Rebar Actual No. of Length Length( Remark TYP(m) Pile Clear Pile Curtail
Diamete ion r of of Sapcing( Diamete Spiral/R of m) upper Cover(m Length( ment
r(mm) Rebar(m Rebar(m mm) r(mm) ing Spiral/R length(m m) m) length(m
m) ) ing ) )
1200 P1a/P1b 32 1.755 110 954 54.8 Total Leng 0.3 1.2 75 53 30
1200 P1C 32 1.755 100 922 31.8 2nd layer rebar
1200 P2a/P2b 16 4.799 75 1018 417 1334 31.2 Spiral
1200 P2c 16 4.799 150 1018 154 493 23 Spiral
1200 P3 16 0.7 2000 954 28 54.2 Inar Ring
1200 P4 16 2000 0.55 Cover Spacers

Descript Diamete Unit Diamete Circumf Length( Bar No. of No. Length Length Mass of Total
ion r of weight r(mm) erance( m) Spacing( Bar Laping of of bar(kg) volume
Rebar(m of mm) mm) Laping Bar(m) of bar
m) Rebar(K (m)

P1a/P1b 32 6.313 954 2998 54.8 110 28 5 8.775 59.8 377.5174 10570.49
P1C 32 6.313 922 2897 31.8 100 28 2 3.51 35.31 222.912 6241.537
P2a/P2b 16 1.578 1018 3199 1334 75 43 111 532.689 1866.689 2945.635 2945.635
P2c 16 1.578 1018 3199 493 150 22 41 196.759 689.759 1088.44 1088.44
P3 16 1.578 954 2998 3.698 2000 103.544 163.3924 163.3924
P4 16 1.578 55 2000 55 30.25 47.7345 47.7345
Total Mass(Kg) 21057.23

Estimation on pile
Pile Descript Diamete Laping Rebar Actual No. of Length Length( Remark TYP(m) Pile Clear Pile Curtail
Diamete ion r of of Sapcing( Diamete Spiral/R of m) upper Cover(m Length( ment
r(mm) Rebar(m Rebar(m mm) r(mm) ing Spiral/R length(m m) m) length(m
m) ) ing ) )
1200 P1a/P1b 32 1.755 110 954 53.8 Length 0.3 1.2 75 52 30
2nd layer
1200 P1C 32 1.755 100 922 31.8 rebar
1200 P2a/P2b 16 4.799 75 1018 417 1334 31.2 Spiral
1200 P2c 16 4.799 150 1018 147 471 22 Spiral
1200 P3 16 0.7 2000 954 27 53.2 Inar Ring
1200 P4 16 2000 0.55 Spacers

Descript Diamete Unit Diamete Circumf Length( Bar No. of No. Length Length Mass of Total
ion r of weight r(mm) erance( m) Spacing( Bar Laping of of bar(kg) volume
Rebar(m of mm) mm) Laping Bar(m) of bar
m) Rebar(K (m)

P1a/P1b 32 6.313 954 2998 53.8 110 28 5 8.775 58.8 371.2044 10393.72
P1C 32 6.313 922 2897 31.8 100 28 2 3.51 35.31 222.912 6241.537
P2a/P2b 16 1.578 1018 3199 1334 75 43 111 532.689 1866.689 2945.635 2945.635
P2c 16 1.578 1018 3199 471 150 22 39 187.161 658.161 1038.578 1038.578
P3 16 1.578 954 2998 3.698 2000 99.846 157.557 157.557
P4 16 1.578 55 2000 55 30.25 47.7345 47.7345
Total Mass(Kg) 20824.76
After revised Estimation on pile

Descript Nos. of Pile length Mass of Mass of

ion Pile rebar per Rebar
A1 15 58 21931.19756 328967.9634
A2 15 57 21952.36374 329285.45604
P1 10 52 20824.76483 208247.64828
P2 10 55 21505.58383 215055.83826
P3 10 58 21931.19756 219311.9756
P4 10 53 21057.22592 210572.25916
Total mass(ton) 1511.441141

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