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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely
claiming that the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy
for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning
Partners’ while completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be
downloaded from the relevant resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* BLUEMOON Constructions PVT LTD
Site location* Kakanad, Kochi, Kerala, India
Number of workers 132
BLUEMOON Constructions PVT LTD is a well-established core company which offers
various services like commercial and residential projects, they are most famously known
for their quality of work, commitment to safety and impeccable project completion times.
The company engages in civil and electrical constructional works, the most common
activities include welding, electrical wiring, beam construction, gas cutting, excavation,
repairing of roofs etc.
General description of the organisation
The site also consists of many heavy machinery and tools for the necessary work to be
The site is working from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM which also includes 2 hours breaks and
there is no night shift. The working day consist of Monday to Saturday.

Description of the area to be included in the The risk assessment is carried out across an 8-storey flat construction. The works is done
risk assessment from the base and it is a commercial project

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The site manager and HSE manager are the people in charge of the workplace’s overall
Any other relevant information
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided
must be factual.

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was Before conducting the risk assessment i utilised ILO rules recommendations and treaties
carried out this should include: these websites which include the British HSE internal sources covering the previous six
• sources of information consulted; months and included accident incident investigation reports near-miss reports ill
• who you spoke to; and absenteeism etc additionally references were made to publications like magazines
• how you identified: manuals and databases then I conducted a physical inspection of the site and interviewed
- the hazards; the personnel they gave me some crucial information concerning health and safety and
- what is already being done; and also discussed their risk at work which is regarded as a risk assessment when I spoke
- any additional controls/actions that with the workers the site supervisors provided information about repeat incident locations
may be required. and I also verified accident written records all of this information helped me identify
potential dangers the use of national and international standards for health and safety
physical inspections at work and contact with those who are directly involved in your
There are tonnes of resources available like the OSHA manual and websites like, that dealt with the health and safety of
construction workers.
External sources such as ILO Convention
C167 Convention C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167)
Convention C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167)

Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: BLUEMOON Constructions PVT LTD

Date of assessment: 15-05-2023

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Scope of risk assessment: The entire area of the construction site.

Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)
1.Noise The personal who 1. Earplugs and 1. Fix the machines that make 2 weeks Mechanical
uses the earmuffs etc, the proper more noise as soon as engineer
Usage of equipment which equipment and the PPE’s to be provided. possible.
generate high noise like those in the near
concrete mixer, air vicinity. 2. Regular and proper 2.The works should be put in 1 week Site engineer
compressor, grinder, jack maintenance being rotation according to the list to
hammer, pumps, diesel Exposure to noises done. reduce the exposure.
generator. above 80 dB for
long period of time 3. Rotating parts of 3. Medical assessment should 3 months Safety officer
can cause acute or equipment are well be done in regular intervals for
chronic noise lubricated and early detection.
induced hearing maintained.
loss (NIHL). 4. Enforce the usage of PPE. 2 weeks Safety officer

Increase in stress 5. The use of silencers and 2 weeks Site

and poor suppressors in diesel. Supervisor
concentration in the
work place. 6.Insulation and separating the 2 months Project
areas where noise is being Manager

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)
2. Working in height Workers using the 1. Tool box meeting to 1. Installation of safety nets is 2 weeks Site engineer
scaffold, spread awareness. need while working at height.
Unstable scaffold. contractor,
visitors 2. Provide PPE which 2.Competent person should 5 days Safety officer
Falling from height include safety shoes, inspect the scaffolding and
cause bruising, vest, harness, goggles, erect the structure.
strain/sprains, helmet etc.
fracture or more 3. Toe boards and guard rails 2 weeks Safety officer
serious injuries like to be installed in the scaffolding
head internal to prevent any trip and fall.
injuries and even
leads to death. 4. Unstable scaffolding should 15 days Safety officer
Sometimes lifelong be flagged by tagout lockout
disabilities. system.
Site engineer
5. Barricading the area so only 1 week
authorised personal can enter
the painting area.

6. Safety nets and safety 2 weeks Project

harness to provide before Manager
beginning the work.

3. ELECTRICTY Workers using the 1. Electrical engineers 1. Making sure the wires are 1 month Electrical
electric equipment are working on the site. not interfering the walkway, it is Engineer
Electrical equipment has and the workers being routed over the roof or
been subjected to damage around them if any along the edges.
caused by shock.

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)
short circuit or live 2. Employees are made 2. Replace the use of fuse 3 weeks Electrical
Improper insulation of the wire is found. familiar with the safe holder with ELCB to prevent Engineer
electrical equipment such system of work. short circuiting.
as angle grinder and Due to lack of
drilling machine has been earthing and usage 3. First aid and safety 3. Identify and replace all the 2 weeks Electrical
found. of faulty wire. precautions have been damaged equipment with the Supervisor
put in place. equipment mentioned in the
This electrical shock specification.
can lead to burns
and other grave 4. Provide supervision in places
injuries in turn where work is being conducted
resulting to death. with high voltage. 2 days Electrical
5.Replace the switchboards 1 week
that are broken. Electrician

6. Work permit system to be 1 week

used while doing any electrical Site
works. Supervisor

7. Provide toolbox meeting and 2 weeks Safety Officer

suitable training to the workers.
4. MANUAL HANDLING Works carrying 1. Rest breaks are 1. Installation of temporary 3 weeks Project
the heavy load can being provided structure to hoist the heavy Manager
Workers have to bear the be harmed materials like lifts and cranes in
toll of lifting and unloading 2. Basic PPE’s being order to transport the load.
heavy materials like bricks, Due to lack of provided to cover the
cement and tiles. knowledge in the hands and eyes.

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)
work place on the 2. The labelling should be done 2 weeks Safety Officer
lifting techniques and visible indicating the weight
and procedures of the load so that worker can
lift accordingly.
These can lead to
injures like carpal 3. Rotation of the worker to be 3 weeks Supervisor
tunnel, tendonitis, done on regular intervals to
tension neck reduce the chances
syndrome, muscle musculoskeletal diseases.
strain, shoulder pain
and etc. 4.Safe lifting techniques to be 5 days Safety Officer
taught and implemented in the
work places for safe lift among
the works.

5. Manual handling can be 1 month Project

done with the help of Manager
mechanised machine-like

5. SLIP AND TRIP Workers, 1. House keeping is 1. Increase the illumination in 3 weeks Site
supervisor, being done. the dark areas for clear Supervisor
Presence of water and oil visitors, others visibility.
on the pathway and floor, walking near by 2.PPE’s like safety
unmanaged cables in the the site. helmet and shoes is

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)
Due to presence of being provided to all 2.Cables should be shielded 2 weeks Electrical
water and oil people workers. that crosses the walkways to Engineer
can slip which can reduce tripping.
cause injury like
wounds, cuts,
fractures, etc 3. Barricade the areas where
spillage is there, place proper 2 weeks Safety Officer
Tripping due to the signage in the area to alert the
cable will also result workers.
in similar type of
injuries 4.Provide Supervision in the Site
risky and hazardous area to 3 days Supervisor
avoid any accidents and near

5. Improve the house keeping 1 month Site

system. Supervisor

6.HAZARDOUS Workers, 1.Services like eye 1. Provide proper ventilation 2 weeks Site Engineer
SUBSTANCES supervisor, site wash and showers are and local exhaust system to be
(PHYSICAL) engineer are provided on site. installed in work site.
affected by the
Fine particles from the dust. 2. Basic PPE’s is 2.Safety showers and eye 2 weeks HSE Manager
exposure of cement dust provided to combat the wash must be provided on the
and brick dust. Due to constant dust. site.
working condition
dust is flown which 3.Medical check on 3.Roatation to be done for each 5 days Site
causes respiratory regular periods to early worker to reduce long exposure Supervisor

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)
tract irritation, skin detect any disease in the workplace and provide
irritation, eye forming. rest break.
irritation and chronic
diseases such as 4. Provide workers with the 3 weeks Safety officer
lung cancer and necessary instruction and a
skin cancer. toolbox talk.

7. VIBRATION Workers using 1. Providing adequate 1. Implement job rotation in the 2 weeks Site
heavy machinery rest of 20 minutes after site to reduce the exposure of Supervisor
Heavy machinery 4 hours of work. workers working with
produced heavy vibration These tools equipment having high
while using equipment like produce high 2. Providing training to vibration
jackhammer, grinders and vibration which the workers on the safe
drilling machine. leads to health- usage of the equipment 2. Increase awareness on the 2 weeks Safety Officer
related problems in the workplace. dangers of these vibration by
like carpal tunnel, conducting sessions which tell
wrist drop vibration, them exercise methods and
white finger, blood encourage the workers to do
circulation the exercise during their
problems, severe breaks.
hand pain.
3.Purchase PPE’s which 2 weeks Purchase
prevent these injuries to occurs Manager
which includes anti vibration
gloves that absorb vibration.

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)
4. Teach about certain grips 1 month Site
that reduces the stress and Supervisor
vibration to the hand on the

5. The machinery must be 3 weeks Supervisor

properly greased and oiled with
the right lubricant (according to
the MSDS schedule) to reduce
vibration and smooth out its

8. RADIATION Welders and 1. Signs and board put 1. To prevent exposure to 2 weeks Site
workers nearby in areas of welding. passer-by, installing fixed or Supervisor
Exposure to radiations like portable non flammable
Ultraviolet and infrared This radiation can 2.Basic PPE kit is welding curtains or screens.
which is emitted during cause harmful provided.
certain process like piping damage to the eye 2.Paint reflective surfaces in 1 week Site
and welding. which can lead to dark colours to reduce the UV Supervisor
cancer. reflection.

3.Provide or purchase 2 weeks Purchase

protective clothing that is Manager
required for the welding
process which are flame
resistant clothing, welders
jacket, helmet for eye and face

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)

4.Neck protection and gloves 2 weeks Safety officer

should be provided to protect
skin where it is not being
covered by clothing.

9. MOVEMENT OF Workers, 1. Inspect the vehicle 1.Provide a separate path for 1 month Project
PEOPLE AND VEHICLE Supervisor and on the job site pedestrians and road for Manager
people near the thoroughly. vehicle.
Unorganised movement of vicinity 1 month Site
trucks around the site for 2. Installed speed 2.Conduct a routine check-up Supervisor
loading and unloading Excess speed of breakers around the of the vehicle to ensure the
purpose of raw materials drivers causes area and in the site. maintenance of the vehicle.
and products collision with the 1 week Safety Officer
people. It can cause 3.Speed limit signs are 3.Avoid collision with workers
damage to site, held. and objects, make sure the
workers and truck has a reverse signal,
properties. It leads reflectors and side mirrors.
to losses, injuries 2 weeks Safety Officer
even death. 4. workers should be provided
with reflective jackets.

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)
10. CONFINED SPACE Workers working 1. Safe access for entry 1. Construct concrete barriers 2 weeks Site Engineer
in the pit and near and exist in the pit. strong enough which will not
Collapse of the sides of the by collapse if someone falls
basement excavation pit 2. Barricading the area against it and to prevent people
Trip and fall from with warning ropes from falling.
the edge which around the excavation. 2 weeks Site Engineer
leads to injuries like 2.Make sure that the workers
wounds, fractures. 3.Avioded mechanical are competent and provide
equipment in areas them with proper instructions
Collapse of soil where underground for safe system of works.
which leads to services are present.
suffocation 3.Keep the excavation area 2 weeks Safety Officer,
clear of vehicle as much as Site Engineer
possible and try to mitigate the
possible risk by barriers and
stoppage signs.

4. Proper illumination to be 1 month Operational

provided to prevent slip and Manager
11. HAZARDOUS Workers working 1. Every 3 months 1. During purchase of paints 1 month Purchase
SUBSTANCE(CHEMICAL) with plastering health surveillance is eliminate or avoid paints that Manager
and other conducted. contain carcinogenic agents
In wall plastering area, dangerous jobs such as benzene.
high exposure of gypsum 2. Gloves are provided
powder is found. Workers engaged in which are water and 2. Excellent quality PPE’s must 1 month HSE Manager
painting, dust resistance. be provided by the
management (Respiratory

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and how? doing? are required? for further person’s job
actions to be title
(within …)
Fumes from working with mechanical 3. Other PPEs like face protective equipment) and the
paints, oil, lubricants and activities. shield, mask, boots etc usage of these ppe must be
other substances. are provided. strictly followed.
All these fluids used
in the construction 3. High particle filtration mask 1 month Safety Officer
site leads to many with high efficiency to be used
health problems depending on the application.
which causes many
health problems 4. Full body PPE to be worn to 2 weeks Safety Officer
such as skin allergy, prevent dust and concrete from
respiratory settling on the arms, legs, and
problems and rest of the body.
5. Local exhaust ventilation to 1 month Project
Long exposure to be provided. Manager
the cement dust
and inhalation of it 6. Open spaces recommend to 3 weeks Site
can cause do the job than an enclosed Supervisor
respiratory space.
complication as a
result of epithelial
tissue damage,
which can lead to

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial MORAL ASPECTS
arguments The firm has a duty and moral obligation to protect its employees. Accidents can cause
workers to suffer severe injuries or even pass away. The employees' mental capabilities,
motivational behaviour, and potential earning power will all be impacted by the significant
injuries. The primary objective of employees is to make a living in order to support their
families and dependents. His life and the lives of his dependents may be affected by an
accident injury.
The business must safeguard the health and safety of its employees by eliminating
dangers, offering control mechanisms, and putting in place appropriate health practises
and policies.
This is the ethical justification for encouraging health and safety in the building industry.


ILO Conventions C155 and C167 require all construction businesses to abide by specific
legal requirements in order to safeguard their employees against accidents. If these
minimal legal requirements are not met, enforcement action or legal action may be taken.
As a result of the prosecution, the corporation could be placed on a blacklist, get
improvement and prohibition warnings, fines, and/or jail time, or have their work permit
revoked. The imprisonment of corporate executives or the organization's top safety official
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may also follow a worker's death. The management authority is responsible for providing all
worksite safety measurements.

Financial codes and the frequency of the risk were used in the organisation to manage
financial settlements. An accident will result in monetary damages for the organisation.
Both immediate and long-term costs will result from an accident.
Direct expenditures include first-aid care, sick pay, and fines levied in criminal court against
workers as a result of mishaps brought on by the physical handling of large objects, height
falls, and vehicle movement due to a lack of the aforementioned control mechanisms. It
might also harm the equipment and supplies at the construction site. The cost of
maintaining and replacing this equipment will be prohibitive.
Examples of indirect costs include the loss of workers due to investigations, the expense of
hiring and training new employees, the decline in employee morale and goodwill, and harm
to the company's reputation and public image.
The productivity of the organisation will be negatively impacted by the time wasted as a
result of the accident, and more delays in subsequent activities may arise. In the event that
we are unable to honour our commitments and fail to deliver goods on schedule, clients will
seek monetary compensation.

Justification for action 1

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Should provide protective clothing that is appropriate for the welding process. This may
assessment) include flame-resistant clothing, aprons as well as welder's jackets and pants (Hazard
category- Radiation)
Specific legal arguments ILO C115 – Radiation Protection Convention, 1960 specifying the basic policy for health
and safety in an organization which has radiation source in the work process. ILO R114 –
Radiation Protection Recommendation 1960 providing more detailed guidance for comply
the policies of C115. ILO C155 and ILO R164 stating basic policies and recommendations
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to ensure safe workplace environment in the organization. These health and safety laws,
the company must take the necessary corrective actions at the construction site.
Consideration of likelihood AND The chance of the occurrence of these hazardous effects is high for the workers. There are
severity various risky jobs such as wielding work is done to join stairwells, beams and other
structures of the buildings. The workers work approximately 6 hours per day and they are
• types of injury or ill health
around 8 people. During wielding the workers face heat, flame, arcs and radiation.
• number of workers at risk
• how often the activity is carried We can divide the severity in 4 categories:
out 1. Minimal: No harm or damage done.
• how widespread the risk is
2. Minor: minor injury requiring first aid
3. Major: injury which requires hospitalization or significant damage to equipment
4. Catastrophic damage: death or irreparable damage to equipment
When skin is exposed to long-term UV radiation and the body is unable to repair damaged
cells then cells divide and grow at a rate which can lead to tumours.
How effective the action is likely to be The risk is eliminated, and employees are protected from UV radiation, by using PPE
in controlling the risk. This should including aprons, welder's jackets, and clothing that resists flames. sparks and things in the
include: air.
• the intended impact of the Two weeks have been assigned to the control action. The authorities need this time to
action; make a decision. and purchase suitable, top-notch personal protective equipment (PPE).
• justification for the timescale
that you indicated in your risk Whether you believe that the action will completely reduce the risk. Overhead welding
assessment; and necessitates the use of welding jackets. Its coating will prevent injuries from being caused
• whether you think the action by splatter and debris. The wearer is shielded against burns by flame-resistant clothing's
will fully control the risk ability to tolerate heat or flame exposure without igniting or rupturing.
The many risks of welding are shielded from the eyes and face by a welding helmet. Its
main purpose is to shield the head, neck, and face from welding spatter, sparks, and arc
This recommended preventive measure will lessen the danger. In addition, the danger can
be totally minimised by putting additional control mechanisms in place.

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Justification for action 2
Action (Taken from column 4 of risk To reduce and prevent people and material from falling in by constructing concrete barriers
assessment) that are capable enough not collapse if someone falls against them. (Hazard category –
Confined space)
Specific legal arguments The OSHA set out a legislation on guarding of edges the standard number 1917.112 -
Guarding of edges.
This standard recommends that at the waterside edges of aprons and bulkheads, except
where vehicles are forbidden, vehicle curbs, bull rails, or other effective obstacles at least
six inches (15.24 cm) in height shall be installed. Bull rails or curbs must be at least 10
inches (25.4 cm) high. ILO According to C167 - Safety and Health in Construction
Convention, 1988 (No. 167) article 19, adequate measures must be taken in any
excavation, shaft, earthworks, underground works, or tunnel to prevent dangers posed by
the fall of people, materials, or objects, or by the inrush of water into the excavation, shaft,
earthworks, underground works, or tunnel.
Consideration of likelihood AND There is a significant probability of this danger, highly likely to occur. The excavation of the
severity basement pit is being done by about 7 workers, while the plumbing and other work being
done in the immediate vicinity is being done by another 10 people. The likelihood of falling
• types of injury or ill health
increases when working or moving about the excavation area. Every day, they put in six
• number of workers at risk
hours of work. If we do not utilise barriers to close the edges during excavation, there is a
• how often the activity is carried great risk of people and equipment sliding down.
• how widespread the risk is This severity of this hazard is major.
Although there are few possibilities of surviving a fall from above 30 feet, hitting the
incorrect region of the body or surface can be lethal. No of the height, falls frequently cause
spinal, head, or neck injuries that can leave the victim severely incapacitated or cause
How effective the action is likely to be Utilising this concrete barrier will help to protect individuals and equipment in the event that
in controlling the risk. This should they fall from the ledge. To assist avoid falls and accidents, concrete barriers will be
include: installed around the edge.

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• the intended impact of the I set a time frame two weeks to finish. The business follows a purchasing process. The
action; company will receive concrete barriers within the allotted period following only one week of
• justification for the timescale supplier research and requesting quotes from suppliers.
that you indicated in your risk
assessment; and Because the concrete barriers are heavy and difficult to move, they can completely reduce
• whether you think the action risk by preventing persons and materials from falling.
will fully control the risk

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Proper installation of guardrails, toe board should be done on the scaffolding to prevent the
assessment) workers from falling (Hazard category – Work at height)

Specific legal arguments Articles 14 and 18 of ILO Convention C167 mandate that the employer provide
appropriate scaffolding on the job site. The scaffolds should also have toe and mid rails for
optimum protection. The employer is responsible for making sure that every scaffold is
constructed in conformity with the guidelines provided by national health and safety laws.
The governing authority should also make sure that employees have safe working
conditions and a risk-free atmosphere. In order to lessen the causal impacts of hazards
related to persons falling from heights, the employer should be forced to adhere to all of
these legal formalities and procedures. The employer will be held accountable for any
inadequate facilities or safety precautions. Additionally, the employer should be subject to
penalties including fines and licence suspension.
Consideration of likelihood AND This risk has a very high possibility of occurring hence the likelihood is really high. 35
severity workers, including painters, carpenters, window installers, and electricians, routinely use
scaffolds and ladders while working at heights for nearly five hours each day. If the
• types of injury or ill health
platforms are dilapidated or lack guard rails, accidents could happen.
• number of workers at risk
• how often the activity is carried The severity of the hazard is major. Even a fall of less than 2 metres from a height can
out cause serious or even fatal injuries.
• how widespread the risk is Bone fractures, wounds, cuts, sprains, and lasting disabilities are frequent, as are joint
dislocations and other health issues.

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How effective the action is likely to be If the scaffolds be appropriately protected by guard rails, the risk of someone falling from a
in controlling the risk. This should height can be decreased. Installing a toe board will stop tools from dropping.
I've given the business two weeks to finish the buying process. The organisation will
• the intended impact of the receive scaffolds before the deadline after just one week of searching for suppliers and
action; requesting quotations from them.
• justification for the timescale
that you indicated in your risk This recommended preventive measure will lessen the danger. In addition, the danger can
assessment; and be entirely minimised by putting additional control mechanisms in place.
• whether you think the action
will fully control the risk

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
• Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
• How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
• Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with Every year, the company conducts a review plan. The risk assessment was completed on
reasoning 15-05-2023. The next review will take place on 16-05-2024. However, if there is a major
accident or a major change on the site, the risk assessment must be completed sooner. It
should also be done if legal regulations change or if an external agency recommends that it
be done before the deadline. By holding this review meeting, we can assess the
dependability of the control measures, as well as the authenticity of implementing such
control measures in that construction company
How the risk assessment findings will I will schedule a meeting with all of the department heads, site managers, engineers, and
be communicated AND who you workers' representatives for the business. I will provide my findings, the necessary steps
need to tell and their timelines, as well as my thoughts on the key criteria for successfully lowering risk.
I will brief the management group on the likelihood and gravity of the risks involved, as well
as how those elements will affect the company financially, morally, and legally. The staff
will subsequently be assessed for compliance after receiving the final results and sharing
them with them. The summary of the risk assessment was published on the corporate
website and notice board.

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The right information will be made available to ensure the equipment is used safely and
that all operations are carried out safely. All staff members have access to the company's
website and noticeboard where the final risk assessment is displayed.
How you will follow up on the risk I'll examine the location regularly to check that the instructions are being followed and
assessment to check that the actions carried out. Meetings will be organised with the site supervisor, the HSE manager, the
have been carried out finance manager, the housekeeping manager, and the project manager to evaluate the
implementation status of recommended and implemented control actions. I'll ask everyone
who participated in the meeting for more input on the control measures now in place and
what needs to be improved.
I'll ask the project manager for follow-up records so I can get more confirmation. In order to
clarify the legitimacy and reliability of the planned action, I will also consult with the relevant

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