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There are 8 types of Globalization

1. Political Globalization:
Political globalization refers to the diplomatic negotiations between
nation-states. It includes the standardization of global rules around
trade, criminality, and the rule of law.


One of the best exaple of political globalization is that it creates international rule of
.law. It helps prevent war crimes and polices bad actors on the international stage

2. Social Globalization:
Also known as sociological globalization, social globalization refers to the
integration of our societies.


 What happens in Afghanistan can affect what happens in the United

 A contagion in China spreads to all corners of the world.
 A nuclear weapon in North Korea can threaten lives in New Zealand.

3. Economic Globalization:
Economic globalization refers to the ways corporations do business as
multinational organizations nowadays.


Whereas once McDonald’s only existed in the USA and HSBC only
existed in the UK, now these companies are all over the world in a
4. Technological Globalization:
Technological globalization refers to the spread of technology around
the world.


Examples of this include the spread of the internet, solar panel

technology and medical technologies – which can all help improve the
lives of people around the world.

5. Financial Globalization:
Financial globalization refers to the ease at which money can be spread
around the world.


The growth of stock exchanges like the NYSE and FTSE as well as
internationalization of financial markets has made it easier for people to
transfer money internationally.

6. Cultural Globalization:
Cultural globalization refers to the spread and mixing of cultures around
the world.

One example of cultural globalization is spread of music from one

country to other. Cultural diffusion, cultural adaptation, and hierarchical

7. Ecological Globalization:
Ecological globalization refers to the idea that the world needs to be
considered one interconnected ecosystem.

 The hole in the Ozone layer, which required the world to ban CFCs.
 Climate Change, which will affect the poorest nations (particularly low-
lying nations in the Pacific and South-East Asia) even though much of the
damage is caused by developed nations like the United States.
8. Geographical Globalization:
Geographical globalization refers to the idea that the world is no longer
seen as groups of distinct nations as much as it once was.


It also refers to the fact that we’re now able to travel between nations
with increasing ease. You can go from the United States to Europe within
a day

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