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Tel (951) 955-3800

Fax (951) 955-3802

To: Ben J. Benoit, Auditor-Controller

From: Tanya S. Harris, Assistant Auditor-Controller

cc: Kerstin Justus, Executive Assistant

Date: April 5, 2023

Re: Paul Angulo Expense Reimbursement

In May 2020, Paul Angulo, former Auditor-Controller, signed up for a Capital Markets Class in
New York. Due to the pandemic, he was unable to take the course. Upon losing his election bid
in November 2022, Paul then decided to take the course in December 2022.
Paul booked this trip solely on his own and did not go through his former Executive Assistant,
Jeannie Marcynyszyn. Paul told his assistant he would leave on December 3rd to attend the
"training." As that date approached, he changed his flight plans to go on Sunday, December 4th,
as he and his wife attended a San Diego function. He then said that he would try to attend the
ACO Department Holiday Party scheduled for Saturday, December 3rd; however, Paul was a
no-show at the holiday party.

Paul did not immediately return after the completion of the Capital Markets training due to a
personal two-week trip/vacation he booked to Rome. He flew from New York to Rome, thus
again changing his return flight back to California.

Paul's original flight cost $316.20; however, after multiple changes, seat upgrades, and bag
fees, the flight ended up costing $1,037.18, a difference of $720.98. These changes were not
related to a business reason thus are deemed personal expenses and due to the County of
As for Paul's accommodations while in New York, he initially booked his stay at the Residence
Inn, and because he changed his flight from December 3rd to December 4th, he canceled his
stay at the Residence Inn and was charged a fee of $548.57. He then booked his stay at the
New Yorker Hotel in the amount of $1,460.88 yet has failed to turn in a Hotel receipt for his stay
there. The hotel change fee again was due to personal reasons; thus, this amount is due to the
County of Riverside. The personal charges from the flight and hotel totaled $1,269.55.

Paul then turned in an Expense Reimbursements in the amount of $440.75 for Ubers to and
from the airports. Of this amount, $96.48 is to the airport for his personal trip/vacation, and the
$138.94 is a Uber weeks after the training back to California. As this is outside the timeframe
for the training, it is also deemed a personal expense. Of the requested $440.75
reimbursement, $235.42 is personal, and the balance of $205.33 is allowable expenses.
Due to the personal charges related to the flight and hotel, the $205.33 will be withheld to offset
the amounts due to the County of Riverside. The current Auditor-Controller, Ben Benoit, has
agreed to waive the balance due of $1,064.22 to the county.

Should there be a demand for the allowable expenditures of $205.33, the entire $1,269.55 must
be remitted to the County of Riverside before that reimbursement is processed.

If you have any questions regarding these charges, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Tanya S. Harris
Assistant Auditor-Controller.

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