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This chapter presents the analysis of data collected from the survey questionnaire given

to the respondents who had/have experiences with regards to online shopping. The survey was

conducted in Holy Child’s Academy Old building campus and was administered to the Senior

High students of Holy Child’s Academy.These data were collected to determine the lived

experiences of the grade 12 students through online shopping.

Demographic Data

The study was conducted among the 50 grade 12 students of Holy Child’s Academy

whom had/have experience in online shopping.In this section of the study,the demographic

profile of respondents which is referred to as the description of the attribute of the sample were

presented on their individual characteristics based on age,gender and strand.

Figure 2.Distribution of Respondents According to their Age.


Under the category of age,3 of the respondents were 18 years old above.1 of the

respondents is 16 years old.Since we mainly focused on grade 12 students. 23 (46%) of the

respondents were dominated by students aging 18 years old.And the 21(42) respondents were 17

years old. According to (Verto Analytics data) , the vast majority of consumers who shop online

are, unsurprisingly, under the age of 75: 95% of online shoppers are between the ages of 18-74.
Millennials (those between the ages of 18-34) are slightly underrepresented, accounting for only

30% of the online shopping population. Meanwhile, members of GenX (ages 35-54) account for

34% of the online shopping population, trailed by Boomers (ages 55-74), who are 31% of the

online shopping population. 52% of Filipino online shoppers are in the 25-34 age range. If you

combine them with the 18-24 shoppers, they make up nearly 80% of all shoppers. Millennials

likely edge out Gen Z due to adulthood’s increased spending power and responsibilities.

Another study conducted by Stephanie Chevalier (2022) According to a 2022 survey,

approximately 58 percent of online shoppers between 26 and 41 years old worldwide had already

made purchases directly through social networks. That makes millennials the generational group

with the highest adaption of online shopping. It was followed by users aged 18-25, with more

than half saying they have shopped through these platforms.

According to Statista Research Department(2021)In the Philippines, about 52 percent of

the online shoppers belonged to the age group between 25 to 34 years old in 2018. Online

shopping is one of the most popular online activities that Filipinos do next to playing video

games.  In a country like the Philippines, where locals spend an average of 10 hours a day online,

e-commerce is at an advantage. The demographics of internet users, wherein the majority own a

mobile device, increases the need for more connectivity in the e-commerce industry. As of the

3rd quarter of 2019, 91 percent of internet users searched for a product or service to buy and

visited an online retail store on the web Internet usage has affected not only the e-commerce

business but has also benefited industries like media, telecommunications, and logistics. In terms

of social media, the impact of e-commerce gave small enterprises a chance to create their brand

on Facebook and Instagram .E-commerce expenditure on video games was highest among

internet users in the Philippines at 741 million U.S. dollars in 2019. Moreover, electronics,

physical media, fashion, and beauty were among the most popular product groups for internet

users. E-commerce spending is attributed to a consumption-driven population. Its retail sales

accounted for about one percent of the total retail sales in the country as of 2018. 
Figure 3.Distribution of Respondents According to their Gender


On the surveyed respondents in Grade 12,20 of them are males,which is equivalent to

30% whilst 30 are females or the 60% respondents.  According to BI Intelligence they found that

although women typically control approximately 80% of household spending, that when looking

at things from an eCommerce perspective, in the US, men drive nearly as much spending online

as women.They found that in the US in 2013, 57% of women made a purchase online, whereas

52% of men did. So, although there is a difference, it is less significant than many may have

assumed it to be.Most interesting of all though is that when referencing a study conducted by

SeeWhy, BI Intelligence reported that 22% of men made a purchase on their smartphones

whereas that figure was only 18% for women. So it’s clear that although more women overall

made a purchase online, men drove more sales from smartphone devices than women.BI

Intelligence’s research is supported by a study completed by which

broke down mobile commerce usage by gender across a range of different product categories. The

results are below.Electronics purchased via a smartphone: Women 8% / Men 27%, food and drink

purchased via a smartphone: women 8% / Men 13%, movie and event tickets purchased via a

smartphone: women 11% / men 23%, digital content purchased via a smartphone: women 20% /

men 30%.So as can be seen, in all instances, men made a higher proportion of purchases from

smartphones than women did, according to the research. However, it is worth noting that the

study did not cover typically female orientated product categories like cosmetics or fashion.
Figure 4.Distribution of Respondents According to their Strand


The results indicated that 4 students(4),8% of the respondents were ABM students,and

16 students,32% of the respondents were HUMSS students.30 students, 60% of the respondents

were STEM students. This implies that STEM students were dominantly had more experiences

of online shopping.Less researchers and literatures have been made relating the academic strand

for online shopping experiences of the students unto their chosen strand. STEM students were

likely to use online shopping than ABM and HUMSS students.

The variables of the study are quantified and qualified using a survey questionnaire that

we gathered in the campus.The respondents were asked subjective questions with regards to their

experiences on online shopping.

Q1. What online shopping app you mainly use?

Table 1.1
Question: Options Frequency Percentage
What online shopping Shopee 39 78%
you mainly use?
Lazada 6 12%
Shein 5 10%

As shown in Table 1.1,there is a frequency of 39 students with a percentage of 78% who

is using Shopee app in online shopping.Meanwhile, a frequency of 6 students with a percentage

of 12% are using the Lazada app in online shopping.And a frequency of 5 students with a

percentage of 10% are using Shein app for online shopping. Upong seeing the result,It proves the

article of Philpad by Fehl Dungo(2022).Shopee has grown from a mobile-centric e-commerce

site into one of the best online shopping apps in the Philippines. It was first launched in

Singapore. Then, it expanded its online market to Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan,

Vietnam and the Philippines.As of the moment, Shopee app has more than 50 million

downloads on Google Playstore and the App Store. Shopee is known for their free shipping

service. They also partnered with NinjaVan, 2Go, Zoom, J&T Express, and xPost for their

delivery and logistic deals. Some of the most favorite items in Shopee are men and women’s

apparel, mobile accessories and cool gadgets. Shopee vouchers and coupons are also offered

regularly for customers to avail discounts and promos.

Q2.What motivates you to engage in online shopping?

In the second question.What motivates you to engage online shopping.There is a

frequency of 25 students with a percentage of 50%,most of the respondents has respond that they

engage in online shopping because there is no hassle in purchasing the product.Moreover,there is

a frequency of 15 students with a percentage of 30% has responded that they engage in online

shopping because it is a low cost with a high quality products.Futhermore, there is a frequency of

10 students with a percentage of 20% responded that they engage in online shopping because of

their needs and wants that they can easily buy for themselves. Upong seeing the result,It proves

the article of Front Artif Intell (2020) that Persuasive strategies are used to influence the behavior

or attitude of people without coercion and are commonly used in online systems such as e-

commerce systems. However, in order to make persuasive strategies more effective, research

suggests that they should be tailored to groups of similar individuals. Research in the traits that

are effective in tailoring or personalizing persuasive strategies is an ongoing research area. In the

present study, we propose the use of shoppers' online shopping motivation in tailoring six

commonly used influence strategies: scarcity, authority, consensus, liking, reciprocity,

and commitment. We aim to identify how these influence strategies can be tailored or

personalized to e-commerce shoppers based on the online consumers' motivation when shopping.

To achieve this, a research model was developed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation

Modeling (PLS-SEM) and tested by conducting a study of 226 online shoppers. The result of our

structural model suggests that persuasive strategies can influence e-commerce shoppers in

various ways depending on the shopping motivation of the shopper. Balanced buyers—the

shoppers who typically plan their shopping ahead and are influenced by the desire to search for

information online—have the strongest influence on commitment strategy and have insignificant

effects on the other strategies. Convenience shoppers—those motivated to shop online because of

convenience—have the strongest influence on scarcity, while store-oriented shoppers—those

who are motivated by the need for social interaction and immediate possession of goods—have

the strongest influence on consensus. Variety seekers—consumers who are motivated to shop

online because of the opportunity to search through a variety of products and brands, on the other

hand, have the strongest influence on authority.

Q3.What are the advantages of online shopping?(specify one)

In the third question,What are the advantages of online shopping.There is a frequency of

20 students,with a percentage of 40% responded that the advantages of online shopping is its not

time consuming and very convenient.Futhermore,there is a frequency of 15 students,with a

percentage of 30% responded that the advantage of online shopping is you can go shopping
without going out,you will just click and order the things that you like without any

hassle.Moreover,10 students,with a percentage of 20% responded that the advantage of online

shopping is that there products are affordable.And the 5 students,with a percentage of 10%

responded that the advantage of online shopping is its easy to access,you’ll just click it and you

can buy anything you needed and wants. Upon seeing the result,It proves the article of Dr.Joshua

Chang(2019) .The advent of the Internet as a shopping medium has enabled shoppers to gain

shopping benefits such as convenience and time-saving, better information, and price savings.

This paper aims to provide a better understanding of the benefits of Internet shopping by

identifying and discussing the advantages of Internet shopping over traditional storefront

shopping. Shopping on the Internet offers convenience and time-saving benefits to shoppers, as

compared to shopping in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Changing consumer lifestyles and

lack of time may make it more difficult for consumers to shop at physical locations such as stores

and shopping malls (Davies 1995, Cheeseman and Breddin 1995). Shopping on the Internet

addresses this problem as shoppers can shop in the comfort and convenience of home. Results of

the MasterCard Survey 'Internet Shopping' (1996) revealed that consumers viewed the Internet as

an "Instrument of Convenience".Shoppers are able to use the Internet as a powerful research

instrument in the purchasing process. For certain products such as books and Videos/CDs/DVDs,

reviews and recommendations are important factors in influencing purchase decision. With such

products, shoppers are not only able to browse through a larger selection on the Web in sites such

as, but are also able to conveniently obtain reviews and recommendations that are

usually unavailable in offline stores. Shopping using the Internet overcomes the time and

pecuniary costs of traditional shopping; shoppers can shop from the comfort and convenience of

home, and need not travel to physical storefronts. Shoppers are able to locate many vendors

online using search engines and websites designed to navigate shoppers, view detailed product

information from a variety of vendors' websites, compare price and quality among different

vendors, and make purchases online. The Internet makes it easier for shoppers to compare prices

between vendors. Online vendors offer the prices of their goods in their websites. Simply by

viewing different vendor websites, shoppers are able to obtain and compare prices easily, as

compared to visiting different physical storefronts, which is costly and time consuming.

Shoppers are able to find lower prices using the Internet due to the wider reach of information,

and navigator websites such as that offers prices of competing vendors. With
price information on the Internet, shoppers are less vulnerable to overpaying when buying from

physical storefronts that may manipulate prices to shopper's disadvantages.

Q4.What are the disadvantages of online shopping? (specify one)

In the fourth question,What are the disadvantages of online shopping.There is a

frequency of 30 students with a percentage of 60% responded that the disadvantage of online

shopping is frauds and scammers.There is also a frequency of 10 students with a percentage of

20% responded that the disadvantage of online shopping is the delay of deliveration.Moreover,

There are 10 students with a percentage of 20% responded that it’s a waste of money because

you will be addicted in ordering even though you’re not sure about the quality of the product and

the shipping fee in the hig price.Upon seeing the result,It proves the article of

(2018) Fraud in online shopping is the biggest disadvantage of online shopping.  Many

people are attracted by great offers which seem too good to be true. Fake online shopping

portals display some great products on the website and attract customers to buy the product.

Usually, websites which sell fake products instead of the genuine article, do not accept cash

on delivery and request customers to make an online payment. But, in the end, customers

will either receive the fake product or they will not receive the product at all. There are

many cases of cybercrime where customers debit or credit cards details are misused to make

fraudulent transactions. In case of offline shopping, you can receive the product then and

there. But, this does not happen in online shopping. Even though it hardly takes 10-15

minutes to buy the product online, by the time it reaches your hands, it would be more than

4-5 days. During the big sales, e-commerce portals may take too long to deliver the product.

The sad part of online shopping is, you cannot touch the product and feel how it is. You can

just see the image and read the description.  Online shopping is not suitable for people who

wish to buy the product only after trying it or by touching it. There is an option to return the

product, if you do not like it. But again, it is a big headache. The return policy differs from

one company to other. In case of some online shopping portals, customers have to bear the

cost of returning the product. If you return the product, you will not be paid shipping

charges which you had paid earlier. If you are shopping for cosmetics like a lipstick, they

can't be returned. When you first see the product on a portal, it generally looks cheaper. But

when you proceed for the payment, the extra charges like shipping charges, tax and packing
charges are added.  These charges will make the product expensive vis-a-vis the local store.

Some portals offer free shipping if you shop more than a certain amount. Sometimes just to

avail free shipping, you end up shopping more than your requirement.

Q5.Did you experience scams and frauds?

Table 1.2
Question: Options Frequency Percentage
Did you experience scams or Yes 26 52%
No 24 48%

As shown in Table 1.2,there is a frequency of 26 students with a percentage of 52% who

experienced scams or frauds.Moreover, A frequency of 24 with a percentage of 48% who did not

experienced scams or frauds. Upong seeing the result,It proves the article of PNP Anti-

Cybercrime group by Police General Chief Benjamin C. Acorda Jr. Online shopping scams

involve scammers pretending to be legitimate online sellers, either with a fake website or a fake

ad on a genuine retailer site.While many online sellers are legitimate, unfortunately scammers

can use the anonymous nature of the internet to rip off unsuspecting shoppers.Scammers use the

latest technology to set up fake retailer websites that look like genuine online retail stores. They

may use sophisticated designs and layouts, possibly stolen logos, and even domain name.Many

of these websites offer luxury items such as popular brands of clothing, jewellery and electronics

at very low prices. Sometimes you will receive the item you paid for but they will be fake, other

times you will receive nothing at all.

The biggest tip-off that a retail website is a scam is the method of payment. Scammers will often

ask you to pay using a money order, pre-loaded money card, or wire transfer, but if you send

your money this way, it’s unlikely you will see it again or receive your purchased item.A newer

version of online shopping scams involves the use of social media platforms to set up fake online

stores. They open the store for a short time, often selling fake branded clothing or jewelleries.

After making a number of sales, the stores disappear. They also use social media to advertise

their fake website, so do not trust a site just because you have seen it advertised or shared on

social media. The best way to detect an fake trader or social media online shopping scam is to

search for reviews before purchasing.




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