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Lifting and Rigging Operation and Maintenance

Chapter 5 : Lifting Plan and Maintenance
[email protected]
Learning outline
1.1 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) / Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) & Hazard
Identification & Assessment of Risk and Opportunities
1.2 PTW
1.3 Lifting Plan
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO
Definition: •

• •
Hazard - Source or situation with a potential for harm Safety Hazard

in term of human injury or ill health, damage to property, Acute Effect
damage to the workplace environment•or combination of Physical
• Local Effect
• Hazard Identification – Process of recognizing that a
hazard exist and defining its characteristics.
• Health Hazard
• Risk – Combination of the like hood and• consequence (s) Chronic Effect
of a specified hazardous event occurring.
• Hidden
• Risk Assessment – Overall process of estimating the

magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is
Systemic Effect

Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO


It takes a hazard and

1. Physical
someone exposed to
the hazard to Electrical
produce an accident. Mechanical

Hazard + Exposure a Accident 2. Chemical

3. Biological
4. Ergonomic
5. Physchological
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

Decision For Action

Hierarchy Of Control
Most Effective
–Elimination - remove the hazard
Fairly Effective
–Substitution - use less hazardous one
–Isolation- Barriers etc.
–Engineering - Guarding
Least Effective
–Administrative (safe work practices, limit
exposure, etc
Last resort

Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

Philosophy Of Risk Management

Why Carry Out Risk Risk Assessment Should Be
• Identify the hazards Assessment? Carried Out For:
• Assess the risk • Gives organisations a
• Control the risk more effective way of
managing hazards
• Routine and non-routine
activities including
• Requirement of the law emergencies;
e.g. • Activities of all
• OSHA:1994, CIMAH & personnel having access
Risk assessment results is USECHH Regulations to the workplace
documented and used • Requirement of (including
for: management system subcontractors and
1. Risk control in OSH standards visitors);
• ILO OSHMS:2000,
management • Facilities at the
• ISO 45001 and workplace, whether
2. Future reference provided-by the
• ISO 14001, etc.
and review organization or others.
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

When To Carry Out And Who Will Carry Out Risk

Review Risk Assessment Assessment
• When establishing new organisation,
new work and on an ongoing basis and
when there are organizational changes. • Person or persons trained to
identify hazard and risk assessment
• Review whenever there are changes
• In some cases legally competent
– internal person
• Before modification, changes or
introduction of new • Consultation with and involvement
– Materials, machinery or processes, of workers
working procedures,
– external • Safety and health committee OR
• Amendments of national laws and workers and their representatives
• Developments in OSH knowledge and
• Involvement of supervisors
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

The Process of Risk Management

Classify Activities
(Work, Product, Services, Activities)

Identify Hazards

Determine Risk*/Impact *Risk = Severity (Consequence) of

harm X Likelihood (Probability) of
Decide if Risk is Tolerable harm
Decide if Impact is Significant

Prepare Risk Control Action Plan

Review Adequacy of Action Plan

Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

Methods Of Identifying Hazards

Hazards are identified in three ways:
1. Inspection and observation at the workplace and review of documents and publications
2. Measurement of the atmosphere, monitoring the environment or medical surveillance of workers
3. Analysis and brainstorming

Identifying Hazards By Identifying Hazards By Identifying Hazards By Job

Document Review Inspections Safety Analysis (JSA)
• Reports of accidents, accident • Job described in less than 10
investigation and audits • TO IDENTIFY HAZARDS steps
• List things that can go wrong
• Information from publications • Checklist and • The term JSA includes the
• Regulations and Codes of inspection formulation of safe work
worksheet procedures using written
Practice (standard instructions for workers
• Statistics
approach and • May still require other risk
record) controls
• Supervisor and workers assist
• Handbooks etc. • Involve • Ideally all jobs should have a
supervisors, JSA
• CSDS (MSDS) managers
10 and
Example JSA
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

Example JHA
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

Example HIRAO
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

Example Risk assessment for Lifting Operation
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

Refer to other slide

Permit To Work

Why need PTW

When accidents do occur, root cause - often due to:

▪ Failure to implement procedures

▪ Lack of training and knowledge in the application of the PTW system.

▪ The assumption that- “The permit when approved is a confirmation

that all hazards and risks have been eliminated from the work area”

Permit To Work

Why need PTW

Many fatalities have occurred. Inadequate
precautions for working in hazardous area and Lifting

▪ Sub contracting of work to contractors. No

experience working in lifting work
▪ Lack of coordination and control activities.
Executing more than one task at the same time.
▪ Failure in PTW key management system
What is Permit?
▪ An important part of a work system and guides us how a job
shall be carried out safely.
▪ Is a formal written system and as a means of communication
so that:

▪ Plant management, supervisors, operators and ALL those

carrying out the job are aware of the work being done.

▪ Only approved people are so permitted to carry out:

• A Specific job
• At a Specific time
• At a Specific place.

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A Permit is not..
▪ Permission to simply carry out a dangerous job.
▪ A confirmation that hazards and risks have been eliminated.
▪ Security that if you have a Permit, it makes a job safe.

Those carrying out a work must:

▪ Be Trained and competent

▪ Identify risk associated with any work activity and how
these are to be avoided.
▪ Take all the precautions.
▪ Ensure their work does not interfere or affect with that
of others.

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Purpose of the PTW System

Four ( 4 ) Important things that we must protect

1. Personnel’s Safety
2. Environment – Prevent polluting the sea, land &
3. Asset– Facilities or Equipment for producing Oil & Gas
4. Reputation of our Company ( PETRONAS’s and yours)

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Example PTW
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO

Example PTW
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Analysis / Hazard Identification & HIRAO


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