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Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template


Develop critical thinking in others
Project Portfolio

Student name: Phuoc Duong

Student ID: HA22DD003

Assessor: Laurence

Date: 15 Feb 23

Business or Community/Social group this assessment is WORLDUCATION

based on:

Documentation reviewed as preparation: SIMULATION PACK

Leadership role assumed by student (e.g. Customer CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER

Services manager):

Team using critical thinking (e.g. Customer services CUSTOMER SERVICE TEAM

Job role(s) requiring coaching/mentoring in critical CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVE

thinking within the team (e.g. sales consultant, shipment
officer, customer representative):

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 01 March 2021


Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template


Section 1: Plan and assess critical thinking ................................................................................................ 3

Section 2: Support critical thinking .............................................................................................................. 8
Section 3: Monitor and improve critical thinking practices ........................................................................ 12

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 01 March 2021


Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Section 1: Plan and assess critical thinking

1. Research critical and creative thinking. Write a report (approximately two pages) including:

• a summary of at least three models of critical and creative thinking

• at least five characteristics of critical and creative thinking

• features of critical thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation

• formal and informal organisational learning environments and systems (at least two each)

• best practice approaches for instructing teams and individuals in critical thinking (at least three)

• examples of how the critical thinking can be applied in the workplace (at least two)

• list of what a safe critical and creative work environment includes (at least two).
Make sure you access at least four sources of information, reference them correctly and attach your
report to this section of the portfolio.

2. Assess critical thinking

About the organisation The company is WOLRDUCATION. It is business that provides

tablets computer for primary school student. The company provides
Provide an overview of your
hardware and software development proprietary of the company.
chosen organisation and
product/services/programs. Key operational processes: providing table computers for children’s
education and use the sales of every classroom for donation in
making another classroom elsewhere in the world. (sales, customer
• name of the business service, advertising)
• description of what the
business does

• key operational

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 01 March 2021


Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Critical thinking within the Critical thinking is expected to improve and up-skill the employees,
organisation which is a strategic goal of Worlducation to realise its vision of
developing the company.
Identify how critical thinking is
an important part of the Critical thinking is important since it strives to improve the workforce
organisation. and, as a result, Worlducation's main operating processes.
Include: • The business wants to have all children in the world able to
read and write, world without illiteracy
• how critical thinking is a
part of the business, • Obtain the highest possible profit by focusing on your
such as: employees and thus achieve each of the proposed
o the vision and
objectives of the • Customer satisfaction is paramount therefore our staff must
organisation be trained efficiently.
o assessment of the • It must be kept updated; therefore, it is necessary to invest in
work environment development and research and as a collateral effect this will
as it relates to allow the expansion of the work team and its workforce.
critical and creative
Regarding the issue of policies and financing, the designated
thinking, including:
authorized person must carry out the respective verifications and
− systems, approvals as established by the policy.
policies and
• In some cases, it is appropriate to combine this policy with
other financial policies to comply.
critical thinking • This policy covers everything related to the use of corporate
credit cards along with the solutions to deal with the different
− barriers to
related problems.
critical thinking
in existing • For each of the aspects related to the business, the
organisational corresponding commercial policies have been established,
systems therefore if, given the case, any of the members of the
company violates the regulations, the corresponding
• legislative requirements
measures must be taken and enforce them as established in
related to critical thinking
the code of conduct.
and training for your
chosen team. • Worlducation to save paper has implemented cloud storage,
it should be noted that the most serious problem of cloud
• how critical thinking is
storage is that if there is a loss in the internet connection,
required as part of the
activities will not be carried out normally.
work done by your
chosen team (identified • Despite being a developing organization, the brand is not
on Page 4) established in its own way.
• list of critical thinking • Below is a list by which employees can apply critical thinking
skills required for the to carry out their duties in an ideal manner:
employees who are
• The circumstance or problem must be identified.
going to be coached (job
• To do thorough study into the facts and figures.

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 01 March 2021


Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

roles identified on Page • When it comes to recognising biases, the information

4). obtained should be evaluated exactly and properly.
Attach relevant policies and • Later, the likelihood of a future outcome is forecasted.
procedures to this section of
• As a result, the comparison is done towards the conclusion.
your portfolio.
Communication policies will be used in any environment related to
communication, whether internally, externally, social networks,
among others.

Social networking policy

Worlducation employees must use these forums appropriately and
responsibly, especially when discussing or disclosing any information
related to Worlducation or to their employment at Worlducation.
While social networking opens up new opportunities to have a
positive impact on our brand reputation and business growth, it also
carries significant business risk when used inappropriately. Failure to
follow Worlducation's social media and networking policy or other
abuse of social media and networking tools may result in disciplinary
action up to and including termination of employment.
In the event anything in the policy may conflict with local law
concerning internet use and data privacy, local law will control the
interpretation and application of the policy.

External Communication Policy and Procedures

This policy is adheres to national laws and regulations where
Worlducation does business. It applies to any information that is
material and proprietary. Information is material if it is likely to have
an impact on the financial performance Information is proprietary, if it
provides Worlducation with a competitive advantage.
This includes annual and quarterly reports, news releases, verbal
communication (with external people such as analysts, investors, and
the media), senior management presentations and information on the
web site and intranet.
Employees must not discuss material, non-public matters or
developments with outsiders (including family members, relatives or

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 01 March 2021


Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

There are three main groups of designated spokespersons for
Worlducation Corporation

National and The Chairman, Chief Executive Officer,

international media Chief Financial Office

Local media Managers

Trade media Marketing managers, Sales managers

Any news release being issued to the media or public must be

approved by Worlducation's executive management team. This
includes (but not limited to) blogs, newspapers, magazines, adverts,
social media and press statements.

Emergency communication
Crisis and emergency situations that may affect Worlducation and its
employees include items such as fires, explosions, accidents, floods,
hazardous material emissions, acts of violence or terrorism and many
others. In the event of a crisis, safety should be your immediate
concern. Employees should notify their direct manager and/or
facilities manager, who will in turn notify the executive team as soon
as possible. When dealing with the media during a crisis make sure
you are available for comment and:

• state the facts truthfully

• do not from disclose names of the injured or deceased

• show empathy - express concern for employees and the

community as appropriate

• do not offer personal opinion or speculate

• describe steps you are taking to manage the crisis

• Say "I need to confirm that information first" if you are


Communication of Financial, Market, and Customer Information

Any reports, slides, presentations, or any other written material that
contains Worlducation financial information must be accurate and

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 01 March 2021


Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Plan team meeting The meeting is scheduled for 15/02/2023 4pm via zoom
Plan how to articulate key The following are some of the questions that have been raised:
features of critical and
• What is this supplier's return policy?
creative thinking concepts to
the relevant team (attach any • Is there a competitor to this provider, and has that competitor
relevant documents you been considered?
create e.g. fact sheet).
• What are the supplier's delivery options?
Develop a set of at least five
• Has the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR)
questions to identify critical
undergone any changes?
and creative thinking
knowledge gaps for your Has the supplier been subjected to a trade check?
chosen team and one of your
chosen individual(s).

Teamwork • Consider diversity in all possible aspects.

Plan for teamwork, including: • Develop opportunities that allow professional development and
personal leadership.
• what the diverse
requirements are of your • Improve and implement the best recruitment strategies.
team (e.g. cultural
• Recognize and appreciate the effort and good results on the part
of the employees.
• how you will establish
• Inculcate in the team members the inclusion of the company,
connections and
since one of its objectives is to stand out internationally as a
understanding (e.g. ice-
brand, we must develop this mentality in our workers.
• Carry out activities and seminars at work on diversity and
• techniques you’ll use to
inclusion on a regular basis.
negotiate, influence and
elicit the views of your • the work teams should be encouraged to share their
team. experiences and likewise the human resources team could carry
out activities that have expert guests on the subject and thus be
able to strengthen our work team.

• Handle the issue of equality and anti-discrimination in the area.

• Celebrate events that are important to underrepresented


Attach: Research report ☒

Policies and procedures ☒

Documents to articulate critical thinking features to team ☒

(if relevant)

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 01 March 2021


BSCRT511 Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Templat

Section 2: Support critical thinking

Knowledge gaps The following are the two key critical and creative thinking
knowledge gaps that will be covered at the team meeting:
Summarise the outcomes of
your team and individual • Focus and critically and coherently analyse and solve problems
meeting(s). Include:
• Be attentive and focused on each of the topics discussed
• at two critical and creative
The following are the two major critical and creative thinking
thinking knowledge gaps
knowledge gaps that will be covered at the discussion for customer
for your team
• at least two critical and
• Critical analysis and techniques to improve communication and
creative thinking
problem solving
knowledge gaps for one
individual team member • Leadership and collaboration

• team/individual’s Primary ways to developing critical thinking:

experience of
• The question must be posed in a concrete manner focused on
organisation’s approach
the perception.
to critical thinking
• It must be certain and previously verified that the data used are
• list of workplace problems
obtained from sources of total reliability.
identified in the meeting
that are relevant to the • Emotions must be handled properly so that they do not directly
team influence and thus avoid ignoring any fact and the decisions
that must be made.
• a description of the
problem chosen through The following topics were discussed at the meeting:
negotiation at the meeting • Participation and creativity are noticeably weakened.
as the most pressing and
relevant. • Communication is not adequately strengthened.

Attach proof of your team and • Decision making has been affected by the issue of stress and
individual job role meeting(s) physical exhaustion.
(e.g. video, screen recording of • group brainstorming is necessary when the whole team is
virtual meeting) to this section together.
of the portfolio (if not already
viewed in person by your The focus that has been given to the conference has been
assessor). communication to strengthen the development of ideas in a formal
and informal way that will emerge more quickly and naturally
according to the moment and thus be able to have greater
effectiveness in terms of communication.

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 28 April 2021


BSCRT511 Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Templat

Safe processes Aspects of a critical, safe, and creative work environment:

Use the work done in Section 1 • Encourage the members of the work team in such a way that
of your Project Portfolio and their interests can be fulfilled.
the knowledge you’ve gained
• Equitably and intellectually stimulate the creation of a work
from the team/individual
environment where innovation is encouraged.
meeting(s) to develop at least
two processes that create a The main operations for the Beyer assessment model which will be
safe environment for critical used to assess critical and creative thinking are shown below:
and creative thinking.
• Identify that the statements made agree with the facts
For each process, include:
• Detect bias and recognize logical fallacies
• a description of the
• Collect information based on irrelevant data such as
justifications or claims in order to think and stimulate critical
• how the process supports thinking.
a safe critical and creative
• Thoroughly verify the veracity and reliability of information
critical thinking
• Distinguish between facts that are verifiable and assertions of
• description of at least
three sources of
information related to the • Detection of ambiguous assertions.
This three-stage model, adapted from Learn Higher, will help you
• resources required for the generate questions to understand, analyse, and evaluate
process to be something, such as an information source. There are three stages to
implemented the process:

• any relevant legislative • The descriptive analysis of the description stage begins with
requirements. the collection of material in this manner, such as what, where,
why, and who. These are some of the questions that have been
Attach proof of the developed
gathered and analysed in the descriptive analysis of the
processes and information
description stage.
sources to this section of the
portfolio. • Following the analysis stage, questions such as "how," "why,"
and "what if" are asked to aid in the examination of the
technique and procedures.

• Finally, at this stage, the entire process of critical and creative

thinking is reviewed, and certain queries such as so what and
what comes next are posed.

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 28 April 2021


BSCRT511 Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Templat

Plan learning opportunities Formal learning opportunities will directly contribute to the
systematic creation of new learning opportunities that will directly
Use the work done in Section 1
influence the work team.
of our Project Portfolio and the
knowledge you’ve gained from • Each member of the team will have the opportunity to learn
the team/individual meeting(s) something new and different that contributes to their individual
to plan one formal and one and group knowledge.
informal learning opportunity to
• The objectives and regulations of the company will be fulfilled
address the identified
directly, which specify in guaranteeing a safe work environment
knowledge gaps.
for the work teams.
For both the formal and
• Feedback will be given based on the information collected in
informal learning opportunity,
the general survey form.
• The face-to-face method has been selected since it is the most
• a description of how
efficient because it allows real-time monitoring of the skills of
learning will take
the participants and the application of the corresponding
• who the learning corrections, which gives us higher quality results.
opportunity is aimed at Informal learning will include a system of common learning methods
(e.g. team or individual). such as chat rooms, forums, and meetings, all of this in a virtual and
digital way:
• how the opportunity
complies with • Each member of the team will be given the corresponding
organisational and training to develop their professional skills and performance
legislative requirements and thus be able to meet the objectives of the company and its
regulations that allow them to generate professional growth and
• reason for choosing the
create a safe work environment.
• There are several reasons why the virtual form was chosen and
• how you will collect
one of them and the most important is that this form allows us
to monitor each of the participants and thus be able to obtain
individual results, which results in a better quality since it can
be strengthened. in the weakest points and thus be able to
improve its performance
All this information will be collected through a virtual survey which
will allow better management of the information obtained and thus
be able to make corrections or whatever is required.

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 28 April 2021


BSCRT511 Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Templat

Application Communication is one of the main issues to improve, for which a

conference will be held where the development of formal and
Plan one opportunity for team
informal learning can be implemented and thus create opportunities
member(s) to apply their
that can be implemented almost immediately.
critical thinking skills to
address the workplace problem • For the resolution of this problem, it has been decided that the
chosen at the team meeting. entire team participate in the resolution of problems together
with the IT department.
• The work will be established by the team members a
• who will participate in the
brainstorming session who will apply their skills to establish
problem-solving process
connections and communication between the whole group.
(i.e. which team
members?) • Feedback will be given to each one, personally, where specific
points of their performance will be discussed, as well as any
• which critical thinking
comments made in this regard.
skills and techniques will
be applied by the team • For feedback, all the information collected in the survey carried
member(s) out on each of the team members will be obtained.
• how you will give
feedback on the
performance of their task

• how you will collect

feedback regarding the
opportunity you provided.

Attach: Proof of team/individual meeting(s) (if relevant) ☒

Developed processes (x2) ☒

Proof of information sources ☒

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 28 April 2021


BSCRT511 Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Templat

Section 3: Monitor and improve critical thinking


Learning opportunities For team members, the best learning option is feedback to each of the
reflection team members since this is done systematically and continuously,
which will be reflected in better results such as team performance,
Summarise the outcomes of
efficiency, and productivity.
the formal and informal
learning opportunities you The use of the two processes was good since with both opportunities
facilitated, including: were created to take them and thus be able to apply them effectively.

• feedback received from The issue of informal learning should be reinforced and at the same
team member(s) time employ expert personnel to develop and structure skills that can
be applied in formal settings.
• what you did well

• what should be
Attach proof of how you
facilitated the learning
opportunities (e.g. video,
screen recording of virtual
meeting, emails with
instructions etc) to this
section of the portfolio (if not
already viewed in person by
your assessor).

Application reflection Below are the best methods for teaching individually and in teams:
Summarise the outcomes of • Incorporation of a peer group in the workplace
the application opportunity
• Approaches to problem resolution in the workplace
you provided to team
member(s), including: • Methods for laying the groundwork

• feedback given to team Below are some methods:

• The method of investigation by each of the members in which they
• additional support must resort to virtual and online resources such as books, articles,
required for teams and among others.
• Chats, forums, and various online resources are some examples
• feedback received from of unplanned methods.
team member(s)
• LMS courses, webinars, ILTS, VR, and other online methods are
• what worked well available.

• what should be Regarding face-to-face learning, we have seminars, tutorials.

Attach proof of the
application opportunities you
facilitated (e.g. video,

Page 12
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 28 April 2021
BSCRT511 Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Templat

screenshot of social media

post etc) to this section of the
portfolio (if not already
viewed in person by your

Recommendations Regarding the learning outcomes, the following suggestions are made:
Develop recommendations • Create a safe environment in which respect prevails.
for improvement in future
learning. • expectations for the quality of work must be high and concrete.

Include: It is necessary that primary development be implemented as a priority

to establish a pleasant and safe environment in which respect prevails;
• a list of two this in order that the events can be effectively built and likewise
recommendations reinforce confidence in our staff during the sessions and performing
improvements to their duties.
learning opportunities
People have different ways of connecting and understanding each
• development of at least
other, such as:
one recommendation to
be implemented in the • Sense of belonging and constant participation in the creation and
future strengthening of a good work environment

• resources required for • All people involved can express themselves freely and
the development of the respectfully.
• Every complex job done in a simple way should be recognized
• how the and celebrated
adheres to explicit • Values will prevail all the time
organisational policies • The leader must focus on breaking the ice through a pleasant
• how the speech through which security and trust are transmitted and at the
recommendation same time that allows all team members to feel comfortable and at
adheres to implicit ease in their work environment.
organisational policies

• how the
adheres to legislative
Attach proof of the developed
recommendation (e.g. plan
for more application
opportunities) to this section
of your project portfolio.

Attach: Formal learning opportunity (if relevant) ☒

Informal learning opportunity (if relevant) ☒

Application opportunity (if relevant) ☒

Developed recommendation ☒

Page 13
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 28 April 2021
BSCRT511 Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Templat

Page 14
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 28 April 2021

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