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Community Residents Town Employees May 16, 2023 Sabattus Select Board 190 Middle Road Sabattus Municipal Building Sabattus, Maine 04280 Dear Select Board and Board Chair, We, the undersigned residents and employees of the town of Sabattus, Maine, are writing to express ‘our deep concerns regarding the current Town Manager, Timothy Kane. We have lost confidence in his ability to lead and carry out his duties and responsibilities. We believe that his continued employment is negatively impacting the lives of our community members and workers. (One of the most significant issues we have with Mr. Kane is his complete lack of effective ‘communication with residents and employees of the town. He has failed to listen and respond to the ‘questions and concerns raised by numerous members of the public and has been disrespectful, dismissive, and/or outright ignored town residents and employees who voice their opinions. One specific case and example of his inability to carry out his duties effectively resulted in a continued and consistent lack of available hot water at Sabattus Central Fire Station for over a year, which isa critical ‘element for fire department employees and volunteers to properly decontaminate after emergency calls, after repeated documented pleas and requests to address the problem while 2 pool of ARPA money sat untouched, In addition, we believe Mr. Kane has shown questionable judgment in his decision-making process in several cases influenced by personal vendettas and ego. His aversion to public transparency and lack of understanding of Maine State FOAA law has led to the destruction of important public records. His inclination for individual control of town business has led to abrupt and unexplained changes in long- standing community budget processes (laid forth in our community's charter) and public meeting procedures that we believe are not conducive or productive for an effective democratic process. Given this general dissatisfaction among town residents and employees, not limited to the small number of examples discussed here, we believe that its time for Mr. Kane's employment contract to be reviewed and re-evaluated. Pending the completed results of that investigation, we then request the Sabattus Select Board to take a public vote of no-confidence concerning the Town Manager's performance with supporting and public rationale for their yes, no, or abstention votes. We trust, as our elected representatives, that you will give serious consideration to these two requests and investigate our concerns and publicly vote on those results Sincerely,

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