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 Main argument made against the activity of genetic modification is
that it leads to unpredictable outcomes or side effects. It is
technically too dangerous, that it discriminates or invites
discrimination against persons with disabilities, and that it may
be becoming increasingly irrelevant in some cases.

 Genetic modification is considered to be unnatural and doesn’t fit in

the context of natural ways like breeding/crossing the plants and
animals for bringing out the best in them. it does not simply make
use of processes which occur in nature - it is not natural
selection consciously put to human ends and thus rendered
artificial or methodical, as Charles Darwin (naturalist) termed it
( Darwin 1905 ).

 the possibility of unpredictable alterations taking place in the genetic

makeup of organisms is one of the biggest causes of worry among
scientists regarding the whole issue of genetic modification.

 It is important to note that FDA has not approved consuming animals

that are genetically modified. This stand taken by the FDA implies
that they don’t want these genetically organisms to become a part of
the food chain. FDA works with EPA and USDA to ensure that
GMOs are safe for people and for the environment. 
Here are some of the key concerns around GMO consumption:

The main concerns around GMOs involve allergies,

cancer, and environmental issues — all of which may
affect the consumer. While current research suggests
few risks, more long-term research is needed.

Table of Contents:
 Harmful Effects on Crops
 Genetically Modified Animals
 Disruption of Natural Genetic Information
 Risk of Misuse
 Health Risk of GMO



 Harmful Effects on Crops

 GMO plants might have a different balance of toxins, increasing the
risk of harm to humans. Specific health concerns include an increased
risk of cancer and infertility, although research on the particular risks
of GMO plant toxins is very limited.
 Cross-pollination of such plants with other plants increases the risk of

 The 'Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) genes present in GM crops kill the

insects like bees, ladybird beetles, butterflies, etc. , Thus, helpful
organisms to are affected along with pests.

 Genetically Modified Animals

 Genetic modification in animals is carried out for the production of
pharmaceuticals, human proteins, and therapies.
 The activity of animal cloning leads to deformities at the time of birth
and many such animals die while they are still young.
 Genetic engineering is also used for creating organs by means of
animals for implanting them in human beings. For example, a pig's
heart could be transplanted into a human, if he is facing the danger of
heart failure. However, if the pig's heart is infected with a disease, it
might spread to human beings.

 Also how exactly the modifications/alterations would affect the

future generations of the species in question?

 Gambling with the fate of these innocent creatures and ultimately

human beings (who consume these animals) is not at all worth the
 Disruption of Natural Genetic Information
 It is argued that in genetic engineering, the insertion of genes
is done precisely in living cells. However, it cannot be
decided where exactly in the DNA sequence, the gene is to
be inserted. There is a risk of the disruption of gene
expression and the genetic information present in the DNA.

 Risk of Misuse
 The risk of the information regarding these techniques falling into
wrong hands should be considered while studying the pros and cons
of genetic engineering.
 Mindless cloning of animals and plants for commercial purposes
would definitely have adverse effects on the gene pool we have today.
 The process of genetic erosion might accelerate with an increase in
the number of genetically modified organTisms.
 There is no way of knowing the overall, l long term effect of
genetically engineered foods on the health of those who eat them.

 Health Risk of GMO

 As genetically modified (GM) foods are starting to intrude into our diet concerns
have been expressed regarding GM food safety. These concerns as well as the
limitations of the procedures followed in the evaluation of their safety are
presented. Animal toxicity studies with certain GM foods have shown that they
may toxically affect several organs and systems. The review of these studies
should not be conducted separately for each GM food, but according to the effects
exerted on certain organs, it may help us create a better picture of the possible
health effects on human beings. The results of most studies with GM foods
indicate that they may cause some common toxic effects such as hepatic,
pancreatic, renal, or reproductive effects and may alter the hematological,
biochemical, and immunologic parameters. However, many years of research
with animals and clinical trials are required for this assessment. The use of
recombinant GH or its expression in animals should be re-examined since it has
been shown that it increases IGF-1 which may promote cancer.

 Some facts about GMO


plants are proven to be POISONOUS - killing insects, birds, butterflies,
and destroying our Ecosystem and slowly killing animals.
ü Scientists of the FDA have reported that "the processes of genetic
engineering and traditional breeding are different and... they lead to
different risks.
ü GM FOOD CONTAMINATES; Common Garden Chemicals are also
killing our BEES and causing deformed babies.


To Protect our Health

•Any food produced through genetic engineering should be
banned until scientifically shown to be safe and safe for
•In the meantime, labeling should be required for any food that
contains even one genetically engineered ingredient, or that
has been produced using genetically modified organisms or

 Full disclosure labeling will allow consumers to choose what

they eat. It will also help scientists

This is because
•The introduced gene may act differently when working within ifs new
•The original genetic intelligence of the host will be disrupted.
• The new combination of the host genes and the introduced gene will
have unpredictable effects.
There is no way of knowing the overall, long-term effect of genetically
engineered foods on the health of those who eat them.


• genetically-modified-organisms/

sm-puts-the-planet-under-threat/gm-foods-how- to-feed-the-world-or-how-to-destroy-it/



Questions 1-5
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is involved in GMO?

a. Genetic Engineering
b. Mutation
c. Food Processing
d. Micro Technology

2. The GM corn called Bt corn produces toxins that kill the

European corn borer and its relatives. Can these insects
develop resistance to the toxins produced in Bt corn?
a. It is impossible for insects to develop resistance to Bt corn.
b. It’s
c. Under certain conditions insects may develop resistance to Bt
d. It is almost certain that insects will develop resistance to Bt

3. Most foods derived from genetically modified crops

a. The same number of genes as food produced from
conventional crops.
b. The same number of genes as foods produced from hybrid
c. One or two additional genes.
d. Hundreds of additional genes.

4. GM foods have been altered to heighten levels of nutrients.

Which is NOT one of the nutrients in GM foods?
a. Protein
b. Calcium
c. Folate
d. Phosphate

5. The toxin Bt (bacillus thuringiensis) comes from a

____ cell.
a. Bacteria
b. Protist
c. Corn Plant
d. Fungus
Answer key:

1. a. Genetic Engineering

2. d. It is almost certain that insects will develop resistance to Bt

corn. Resistance has already been demonstrated in the
laboratory and observed in the field. Farmers plant refuges of
conventional crops and take other measures to slow down the
development of resistance in insects. Nobody knows when, but
resistance will eventually develop. This is a big ecological
experiment that's going on.

3. c. One
or two additional genes. Genetically modified
crops are created by adding one or two additional genes
than either conventional or hybrid crops.

4. d. phosphate
5. a. Bacteria

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