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Donostia-San Sebastián, 26/04/2023

Reply to “Outcome of the evaluation of your application:

Opportunities from local noise spectroscopy 23718 @S CA”
Dear Dr. Federica Burla,

Thanks for informing us about the status of our application for organizing a workshop at the Lorentz Center.

In the following, we are going to reply to the criticisms raised by the Advisor Board:


We have modi ed the proposal to address the two points below:

(c) "Background description very general and broad - it does not really become clear why the authors think
noise microscopy will give answers to (some of the) open (not de ned) questions on quantum materials."

(d) "The "deliverable outcome" is not as concrete as some other workshop proposals promise."

We added a subsection in the proposal containing concrete questions we aim to resolve during the workshop.
We have attached the updated proposal with the highlighted changes.


We are aware of the imbalance towards San Sebastián. Following the advice of the Advisor Board, we have
modi ed the list of potential participants for the event by substituting participants from San Sebastián with
others from other countries. A new list of participants is attached.


We have a problem, we did not get support from ICAM2 for 10 k€, and the DIPC will support only 3 k€. In
this respect, support from the Lorentz Center to run the workshop is in demand. A new budget sheet is

Date and venue:

The proposed week works perfectly for all four organizers and leaves enough time to organize a successful

Yours sincerely,

Milan Allan, Dario Bercioux, Anastasiia Skurativska, and Ingmar Swart




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