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Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Rank of a null matrix is ___________

a. 0 c. 4
b. 1 d. 3

____ 2. If A is non-zero    3x1 matrix and B is a non-zero 1x3 matrix then the rank of AB is

a. 1 c. 2
b. 3 d. none

____ 3. If A,B,C are non-singular nxn matrices then    (ABC)-1 is given by

a. B-1A-1C-1 c. A-1B-1C-1

b. C-1B-1A-1 d. (AB)-1C-1

____ 4. The rank of the matrix is

a. 1 c. 2
b. 3 d. none

____ 5. The determinant of orthogonal matrix is

a. c. rank of matrix

b. 0 d. none

____ 6. The rank of a 3x3 matrix whose elements are all k is

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. Cannot be determined

____ 7. If A and B are matrices and if AB is defined then the rank of AB    is

a. c.
b. d.

____ 8. A square matrix A is non-singular if and only if its columns are

a. Linearly independent c. Transformable

b. Linearly dependant d. None

____ 9.
The product of two orthogonal    matrices is

a. Singular c. Cannot defined

b. non-zero d. orthogonal

____ 10. The rank of a non-singular    square matrix of order n is

a. n+1 c. n-1
b. n d. 0

____ 11. The rank of the matrix is

a. 3 c. 1
b. 2 d. 0

____ 12.

The rank of the matrix     is

a. 3 c. 1
b. 2 d. 0

____ 13. A square matrix A is non-singular if and only if its columns are

a. Linearly independent c. Transformable

b. Linearly dependant d. ) None

____ 14. The rank of a matrix is invariant under    the operations

a. row c. row and column

b. column d. none

____ 15. If A & B are two matrices of rank r1 and r2 and if A and B are equivalent    (A-B), then which of the following
is true .
a. r1=r2 c. r r
1 2

b. r1+r2 d. r r
1 2

____ 16. If A is a singular matrix then the determinant    AB    is

a. c. None

b. 1 d. 0

____ 17.
If A is any matrix of rank r, then every minor of order (r+1) is

a. 0 c. r
b. Non-zero d. 1

____ 18. A non-homogeneous system of equations AX=B has a solution if and only if

a. r(A)=r(A/B) c. r(A)=0

b. ) r(A) r(A/B) d. r(A) 0

____ 19. A linear system of m equations in n unknowns AX=B has infinitely many solutions only when

a. r(A)=r(A/B)=n c. r(A)=r(A/B) n
b. r(A) r(A/B) d. r(A) r(A/B)

____ 20. In Gauss Jordan method of solving simultaneous linear equations, the coefficient matrix is reduced to   
_______ form

a. Normal c. Triangular

b. Echelon d. None

____ 21. Two of the eigen values of a 3x3 matrix,whose deteriminant equals 4,are 1and2,then    third eigen value of the
matrix is equal to

a. -2 c. 1

b. -1 d. 2

____ 22. The eigen values of a matrix A are 1,-2,3. The eigen values of are

a. 2,11,16 c. 2,3,6

b. 3,11,18 d. 6,3,11
____ 23. According to cayley hamilton theorem

a. every square matrix satisfies orthogonal c. every square matrix is invertible


b. every square matrix satisfies its d. every square matrix is non-singular

characterstic equation

____ 24. The eigen values of    a real symmetric matrix are

a. imaginary c. real

b. zero or imaginary d. none

____ 25. Some of the eigen values of a matrix A is equal to the

a. sum of the principal diagonal    elements c. a and b

of A

b. trace of the matrix A d. none

____ 26.  is a characterstic root of A iff there exist __________vector such thatAX=X

a. zero vector c. can be both

b. non-zero vector d. none

____ 27. If one of the eigen values of A    is zero then A is

a. singular c. symmetric

b. non singular d. non symmetric

____ 28. The eigen values of a orthogonal matrix are

a. real c. unit modulus

b. imaginary d. none

____ 29. The eigen vectors    corresponding to distinct eigen value of a    matrix are

a. linear independent c. cannot say

b. linear dependent d. none

____ 30. Similar matrices have same

a. characteristic polynomial c. eigen values

b. characteristic equation d. all the above

____ 31. If    A is similar to diagonal matrix D, the diagonal elements of D are

a. Eigen value of A c. reciprocals of Eigen values of A

b. Eigen vector of A d. none

____ 32. An    nxn    matrix is diagonalizable iff______________

a. It possesses n linearly independent Eigen c. (a) & (b)


b. Geometric multiplicity is equal to d. None

algebraic multiplicity of each of its Eigen

____ 33. If the Eigen values of an nxn matrix are all distinct then it is similar to    --------

a. diagonal matrix c. rectangular matrix

b. square matrix d. none

____ 34. The modal matrix is obtained by grouping the _________

a. Eigen vector into a square matrix c. Cannot say

b. Eigen values into a square matrix d. None

____ 35. If square matrix A of order n is similar to diagonal matrix D then which of the following    is incorrect

a. c.
b. d. none

____ 36. From the identity, , which of the following matrix is known as spectral matrix

a. D c. B
b. A d. none
____ 37. Is the matrix orthogonal

a. yes c. cannot say

b. no d. none

____ 38. The eigen vectors corresponding to distinct eigen values of a real symmetric matrix are

a. symmetric c. orthogonal

b. skewsymmetric d. none

____ 39. The eigen values of an orthogonal matrix are _______

a. c. imaginary
b. zeros d. none

____ 40. Every square matrix can be expressed as the sum of __________

a. symmetric & skew symmetric c. skew symmetric & Hermitian

b. symmetric & Hermitian d. none

____ 41. Is the matrix diagonalisable over real R.

a. yes c. cannot say

b. no d. none

____ 42. The characteristic equation of the matrix

a. c.
b. d. none

____ 43. Cayley-Hamilton    theorem    is    useful    to    find

a. inverse & power of matrix A c. only powers of matrix A

b. only inverse of a matrix A d. none

____ 44. If    is a Eigen value of A then the Eigen value of is
a. c. 
b. d. none

____ 45. Diagonalisation by orthogonal transformation is possible only for a______ matrix

a. symmetric c. orthogonal

b. skew symmetric d. none

____ 46. The Eigen values of the unit matrix are   

a. 2,2,2 c. 0,0,0

b. 1,1,1 d. none

____ 47. The Eigen values of a matrix are also called as ________ roots

a. characteristic & latent c. latent

b. characteristic d. none

____ 48. The transpose of an orthogonal matrix is ______

a. orthogonal c. Hermitian

b. unitary d. none

____ 49. The Eigen values of a matrix A & AT are

a. same c. (a), (b)

b. different d. none

____ 50. If 1,2,3,……..,n are Eigen values of A then the Eigen values of A-1 are

a. c. both
b. 1,2,3,……..,n d. none

____ 51. If    one of the Eigen value of A is zero then

a. 1 c. 2
b. 0 d. none

____ 52. If A is triangular then the Eigen values are its main________ elements

a. diagonal c. first    column

b. first row d. none

____ 53. The column vectors X1,X2,X3 are said to be pair wise orthogonal if

a. X1X2T=0 c. X3X1T=0

b. X2X3T=0 d. none

____ 54. The eigen vectors corresponding to distinct eigen values of a matrix are ___________

a. linearly dependent c. orthogonal

b. linearly independent d. none

____ 55. If        is an eigen value of a matrix A, then    k    is an eigen value of

a.      c. kA

b.     k d. none

____ 56. The sum of the eigen values of matrix A is equal to

a. trace of A c. constant

b. determinant of A d. none

____ 57. If AB=0 and BA=0    then necessarily

a. A=0 c. A=B=I

b. B=0 d. A=0, B=0

____ 58. The vectors (1,2,3),(3,-2,1),(1,-6,-5) forms

a. Linearly dependent c. Cannot be determined

b. Linearly independent d. none

____ 59. If AX=0 has a non-zero solution if A is

a. singular c. cannot say

b. nonsingular d. none
____ 60. The vectors (2,-2,1),(1,4,-1),(4,6,-3) are

a. Linearly dependent c. Cannot be determined

b. Linearly independent d. none

____ 61. If rank of a coefficient is equal to the number of unknowns the system of equations of the form AX=0

a. Zero solution c. Infinite number of solutions

b. Finite number of solutions d. none

____ 62.
The solution of system of equations x+3y+2z=0,x+4y+3z=0,x+5y+4z=0

a. x=y=z=1 c. x=0,y=2,z= -3

b. x=z=1,y= -1 d. x=0,y=2,z=4

____ 63. The equation Ax=B has a no    solution if A if

a. r(A)=r(B) c. r(A)=0

b. r(A)=r(A/B) d. none

____ 64. The equation AX=B has    a unique solution if A is

a. singular c. Det A=1

b. non-singular d. none

____ 65. For what values of a,b the equations x+2y+3z=4,x-3y+4z=5,x+3y+ax=b have no solution

a. a=6,b5 c. a=3,b=5

b. a=5,b=5 d. a=4,b?0?5

____ 66. The rank of the matrix of order 4 is

a. 3 c. 2

b. 4 d. none

____ 67. The necessary & sufficient condition for the inverse of a matrix    A is
a. c. singular matrix

b. d. none

____ 68. What is the rank of

a. 2 c. 1
b. 3 d. 0

____ 69. The Laplace transform of f(t) is given by

a. c.

b. d.

____ 70. L{1}

a. c. 1/(s-a)

b. 1/s d. 1/(s+a)

____ 71. L{t}

a. 1/s c.
b. 1/(s-a) d. 1/(s+a)

____ 72. L{ }
a. 1/(s-a) c. 1/(s+a)
b. 1/s d. -1/s

____ 73. L{Sinat)

a. c.

b. d.

____ 74. L{Sinhat}

a. c.

b. d.
____ 75. L{Cosat}
a. c.

b. d.

____ 76. L{Coshat}

a. c.

b. d.

____ 77. L{ }
a. c.

b. d. does not exist

____ 78. L{Sin(wt+}

a. c.

b. d.

____ 79. L{ }
a. c.

b. d.

____ 80. Laplace transform of unit step function is   

a. c.
b. d.

____ 81. L{ }
a. c.

b. d.

____ 82. L{ }
a. c. 1/(1 - log3)
b. 3/(s-log3) d.

____ 83. L{ }
a. c.

b. d.

____ 84. L{Sinht/t}

a. c.

b. d.

____ 85. if L{f(t)} = f(s) then L{

a. f(s)/s c. f(s/a)/s
b. -f(s)/s d. f(a/s)/s

____ 86. L{U(t)} =

a. c. 1/s

b. d.

____ 87. L{(t)}

a. 1 c.
b. 1/s d.

____ 88. if L{f(t) = F(s) = and f(0) = 0 then L{ (t)} =

a. c. 0

b. d. Does not exist

____ 89. Evaluate =

a. 3/25 c. 3/5
b. 25/3 d. 4/5

____ 90. The Laplace transform of te

a. c.

b. d.

____ 91.
a. 0 c. 1
b. 2 d. 3

____ 92. L{tSinat)

a. c.

b. d.

____ 93. L{tCosat}

a. c.

b. d.

____ 94. If L{f(t) = f(s) then L{f(at)} =

a. c.

b. d.

____ 95. L{Sin2t Cost}

a. c.
b. d.

____ 96. L{f(t/a)} if L{f(t)} = F(s)

a. F(s) c. aF(s)
b. F(s)/a d. -aF(s)

____ 97. L{ }=
a. c.

b. d.

____ 98. L{e u(t-1)}=

a. c.
b. d.

____ 99. L{ }=
a. c.

b. d.

____ 100. L{ }=
a. c.

b. d.

____ 101. A solution of the differential equation x(x) + 2x(t) = (t) with initial condition x(0) = 0 is
a. c.
b. d.

____ 102. The value of

a. 1/3 c. 1/4
b. 1/2 d. 1/9
____ 103. The value of
a.  c. 
b.  d. 

____ 104. L{ }
a. c.

b. d.

____ 105. L{ }
a. c.

b. d.

____ 106. L{ }
a. c.

b. d.

____ 107. L{ }
a. c.

b. d.

____ 108. If L{f(t)} = , then f(t) is equalto

a. c.
b. d.

____ 109. The solution to the system equations is

a. 6, 2 c. -6, -2
b. -6, 2 d. 6, -2
____ 110. A square matrix A is an orthogonal matrix if
a. =A c. =
b. =-A d. A =I

____ 111. The matrix A= is

a. symmetric c. orthogonal
b. skew-symmetric d. unitary

____ 112. The rank of the matrix is

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 0

____ 113. The rank of a singular matrix of order 3 is

a. 3 c.
b. d. 2

____ 114. The rank of 3x3 matrix whose elements are all 2 is
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 0

____ 115. I f A is a 3x3 non singular matrix then its rank is

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 0

____ 116. Rank of a unit mstrix of order 4 is

a. 1 c. 3
b. 4 d. 2

____ 117. If A is symmetric then is

a. symmetric c. hermitian
b. skew -symmetric d. none

____ 118. If A is orthogonal matrix then is

a. symmetric c. orthogonal
b. skew-symmetric d. hermitian

____ 119. If A is symmetric matrix then is( n is positive integer)

a. symmetric c. orthogonal
b. skew symmetric d. unit matrix
____ 120. The rank of matrix is to for k=
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

____ 121. The inverse of a orthogonal matrix is

a. orthogonal c. symmetric
b. unitary d. none

____ 122. The determinant of an orthogonal matrix

a. 1 c.
b. 0 d. none

____ 123. If A is symmetric matrix then adjA is

a. symmetric c. orthogonal
b. skew-symmetric d. none

____ 124. The diagonal elements of a skew-symmetric matrix are all

a. real c. 1
b. 0 d. imaginary

____ 125. Every square matrix can be expressed as the sum of

a. a symmetric and a triangular matrix c. a symmetric and a skew- symmetric
b. a lower triangular and a symmetric matrix d. a skew-symmetric and a lower triangular

____ 126. Father of matrix is

a. Arthur cayley c. Aryabatta
b. Euclid d. Brahmaguptha

____ 127. By applying elementary transformations to a matrix , its rank

a. does not change c. increases
b. decreases d. none

____ 128. The square matrix A is invertible if it is

a. singular c. unitary
b. non-singular d. symmetric

____ 129. If A is square matrix such that =A then A is

a. nilpotent c. involutory
b. idempotent d. unitary

____ 130. Every square matrix should satisfies its own

a. characterstic values c. eigen vectors
b. discriminant d. characterstic equation

____ 131. If is an eigen value of A, then it is an eigen value of B, only if B=

a. adjA c.
b. d. A or

____ 132. If  is an eigen value of a symmetric matrix then  is

a. an integer c. complex
b. real d. none

____ 133. The trace of a matrix A is equal to

a. sum of eigen values of A c. determinant of a A
b. product of eigen values of A d. none of these

____ 134. The eigen values of square matrix A constitute the

a. spectral matrix c. unit matrix
b. modal matrix d. none

____ 135. The eigen vectors of a square matrix A constitute the

a. spectral matrix c. unit matrix
b. modal matrix d. none

____ 136. If A= then the modal matrix is

a. c.

b. d.

____ 137. if 1,2,3 are the eigen values of square matrix A, then the eigen values of the matrix adjA are
a. 1,1/2,1/3 c. 6,3,2
b. 1,4,9 d. 9,3,6

____ 138. If the eigen values of A are 2,3,-2 then the eigen values of A-3I are
a. 2,3,-2 c. -2,-3,2
b. 1,2,2 d. -1,0,-5

____ 139. If the tarce of a 2x2 matrix A is 5 and the determinant is 4 then the eigen values of A are
a. 2,2 c. -1,-4
b. -2,2 d. 1,4

____ 140. If 2,3,4 are the eigen values of a square matrix A, then the eigen values of 3A are
a. 2,3,4 c. 2/3,1,4/3
b. 1/2,1/3,1/4 d. 6,9,12

____ 141. If A and B are invertible square matrices , then the eigen values of AB and BA are
a. equal c. not determined
b. different d. none

____ 142. If all the eigen values of a square matrix A are non-zero then A is
a. singular c. symmetric
b. nonsingular d. skew-symmetric

____ 143. If  is an eigen value of a square matrix A then the matrix A-I is
a. symmetric c. singular
b. skew-symmetric d. non-singular

____ 144. If  be an eigen value of a non-singilar matrix A then A / is an eigen value of the matrix
a. c.
b. A.adjA d. adjA

____ 145. If A= ,    then eigen values of are

a. 1,2,3 c. 1,1/2,1/3
b. -1,-2,-3 d. -1,-1/2,-1/3

____ 146. The transpose of an orthogonal matrix is

a. symmetric c. unitary
b. skew-symmetric d. none

____ 147. If A and B skew symmetric matrices, then A+B is

a. orthogonal c. skew-symmetric
b. symmetric d. unitray

____ 148. The matrix is

a. symmetric c. orthogonal
b. skew-symmetric d. unitary

____ 149. The nature of quadratic form 2 +2 +2 +2yz is

a. positive definite c. negative definite
b. positive semi-definite d. indefinite
____ 150. If the eigen values of A are 0,0,6 then the rank of the quadratic form is
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 0

____ 151. The index and signature of the quadratic form      2 +2 +2 +2yz are
a. 3,1 c. 3,2
b. 3,3 d. 2,1

____ 152. A quadratic form is positive definite when

a. all the eigen values are 0 and atleast one c. some eigen values are positive
eigen value is zero
b. all the eigen values are positive d. none

____ 153. A quadratic form is positive semi definite when

a. all the eigen vlaues are    0 and atleast c. some eigen values are positive and others
one eigen value is zero are negative
b. all the eigen values are positive d. none

____ 154. A quadratic form is indefinite when

a. all the eigen values are 0 and atleast one c. some eigen values are positive and others
eigen values is zero are negative
b. all the eigen values are positive d. all the eigen values are 0

____ 155. If the eigen values of A -1,-4,-4 themn the nature of quadratic form is
a. positive definite c. negative definite
b. positive semi definite d. indefinite

____ 156. If the eigen values of A are 0,1,2 then the nature of the quadratic form is
a. positive definite c. negative definite
b. positive semidefiniite d. indefinite

____ 157. If the eigen values of A are 0,0,6 then the rank of quadratic form is
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 0

____ 158. If A is symmetric singular matrix and two of the eigen values are positive then the nature of the quadratic
a. positive definite c. negative definite
b. positive semi definite d. indefinite

____ 159. If A= then the nature of the quadratic form AX is

a. positive definite c. indefinite
b. negative definite d. negative definite

____ 160. If A= then the nature of the quadratic form    AX is

a. positive definite c. indefinite
b. positive semi-definite d. negative definite

____ 161. L is
a. 1/ c. 1/S+1
b. d. 1/2S+1

____ 162. L =
a. 1/ c. 1/S-log2
b. 1/S+1 d.

____ 163. L =
a. 2/ c. 2 /
b. n!/n+1 d. 0

____ 164. If L{f(t)}= (s) then L{ f(t)}=

a. f(t) c. f(s-a)
b. d. f(a)

____ 165. L{u(t-a)}=

a. c. u(t-a) dt

b. d.

u!/t-a dt

____ 166. If L{f(t)}= then L{f(at)}=

a. 1/a f(s) c. a.f(s)
b. d.

____ 167. L{ }=
a. 6/ c. 6
b. 6 d.

____ 168. If L{f(t)}= (s) then L{ }=

a. c.
(s) (s)/a
b. d.
a. (s) (s)/s

____ 169. If L{f(t)}= (s) then L{f(t)/t}=

a. f(s) ds c.

(s) ds
b. f(t) dt d.


____ 170. L{sint/t}=

a. cot x c. x
b. sin x d. x
Answer Section


1. ANS: A PTS: 1
2. ANS: A PTS: 1
3. ANS: B PTS: 1
4. ANS: C PTS: 1
5. ANS: A PTS: 1
6. ANS: A PTS: 1
7. ANS: B PTS: 1
8. ANS: A PTS: 1
9. ANS: D PTS: 1
10. ANS: B PTS: 1
11. ANS: B PTS: 1
12. ANS: A PTS: 1
13. ANS: A PTS: 1
14. ANS: B PTS: 1
15. ANS: A PTS: 1
16. ANS: D PTS: 1
17. ANS: A PTS: 1
18. ANS: A PTS: 1
19. ANS: C PTS: 1
20. ANS: A PTS: 1
21. ANS: A PTS: 1
22. ANS: A PTS: 1
23. ANS: B PTS: 1
24. ANS: C PTS: 1
25. ANS: C PTS: 1
26. ANS: B PTS: 1
27. ANS: A PTS: 1
28. ANS: C PTS: 1
29. ANS: A PTS: 1
30. ANS: D PTS: 1
31. ANS: A PTS: 1
32. ANS: C PTS: 1
33. ANS: A PTS: 1
34. ANS: A PTS: 1
35. ANS: A PTS: 1
36. ANS: A PTS: 1
37. ANS: B PTS: 1
38. ANS: C PTS: 1
39. ANS: A PTS: 1
40. ANS: A PTS: 1
41. ANS: B PTS: 1
42. ANS: A PTS: 1
43. ANS: A PTS: 1
44. ANS: B PTS: 1
45. ANS: A PTS: 1
46. ANS: B PTS: 1
47. ANS: A PTS: 1
48. ANS: A PTS: 1
49. ANS: A PTS: 1
50. ANS: A PTS: 1
51. ANS: B PTS: 1
52. ANS: A PTS: 1
53. ANS: D PTS: 1
54. ANS: B PTS: 1
55. ANS: C PTS: 1
56. ANS: A PTS: 1
57. ANS: D PTS: 1
58. ANS: B PTS: 1
59. ANS: B PTS: 1
60. ANS: A PTS: 1
61. ANS: A PTS: 1
62. ANS: B PTS: 1
63. ANS: B PTS: 1
64. ANS: B PTS: 1
65. ANS: D PTS: 1
66. ANS: B PTS: 1
67. ANS: A PTS: 1
68. ANS: A PTS: 1
69. ANS: A PTS: 1
70. ANS: B PTS: 1
71. ANS: C PTS: 1
72. ANS: A PTS: 1
73. ANS: A PTS: 1
74. ANS: C PTS: 1
75. ANS: D PTS: 1
76. ANS: B PTS: 1
77. ANS: D PTS: 1
78. ANS: B PTS: 1
79. ANS: D PTS: 1
80. ANS: C PTS: 1
81. ANS: B PTS: 1
82. ANS: D PTS: 1
83. ANS: B PTS: 1
84. ANS: A PTS: 1
85. ANS: A PTS: 1
86. ANS: C PTS: 1
87. ANS: A PTS: 1
88. ANS: A PTS: 1
89. ANS: A PTS: 1
90. ANS: D PTS: 1
91. ANS: C PTS: 1
92. ANS: B PTS: 1
93. ANS: A PTS: 1
94. ANS: A PTS: 1
95. ANS: B PTS: 1
96. ANS: C PTS: 1
97. ANS: A PTS: 1
98. ANS: A PTS: 1
99. ANS: C PTS: 1
100. ANS: B PTS: 1
101. ANS: A PTS: 1
102. ANS: D PTS: 1
103. ANS: B PTS: 1
104. ANS: D PTS: 1
105. ANS: B PTS: 1
106. ANS: A PTS: 1
107. ANS: C PTS: 1
108. ANS: C PTS: 1
109. ANS: D PTS: 1
110. ANS: C PTS: 1
111. ANS: C PTS: 1
112. ANS: A PTS: 1
113. ANS: C PTS: 1
114. ANS: A PTS: 1
115. ANS: C PTS: 1
116. ANS: B PTS: 1
117. ANS: A PTS: 1
118. ANS: C PTS: 1
119. ANS: A PTS: 1
120. ANS: A PTS: 1
121. ANS: A PTS: 1
122. ANS: C PTS: 1
123. ANS: A PTS: 1
124. ANS: B PTS: 1
125. ANS: C PTS: 1
126. ANS: A PTS: 1
127. ANS: A PTS: 1
128. ANS: B PTS: 1
129. ANS: B PTS: 1
130. ANS: D PTS: 1
131. ANS: D PTS: 1
132. ANS: B PTS: 1
133. ANS: A PTS: 1
134. ANS: A PTS: 1
135. ANS: B PTS: 1
136. ANS: D PTS: 1
137. ANS: C PTS: 1
138. ANS: D PTS: 1
139. ANS: D PTS: 1
140. ANS: D PTS: 1
141. ANS: A PTS: 1
142. ANS: B PTS: 1
143. ANS: C PTS: 1
144. ANS: D PTS: 1
145. ANS: C PTS: 1
146. ANS: D PTS: 1
147. ANS: C PTS: 1
148. ANS: A PTS: 1
149. ANS: A PTS: 1
150. ANS: A PTS: 1
151. ANS: B PTS: 1
152. ANS: B PTS: 1
153. ANS: A PTS: 1
154. ANS: C PTS: 1
155. ANS: C PTS: 1
156. ANS: B PTS: 1
157. ANS: A PTS: 1
158. ANS: B PTS: 1
159. ANS: A PTS: 1
160. ANS: A PTS: 1
161. ANS: B PTS: 1
162. ANS: C PTS: 1
163. ANS: C PTS: 1
164. ANS: B PTS: 1
165. ANS: A PTS: 1
166. ANS: D PTS: 1
167. ANS: C PTS: 1
168. ANS: D PTS: 1
169. ANS: C PTS: 1
170. ANS: D PTS: 1

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