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Document: An Overview of Oracle Hyperion Planning

This is another document from Hyperion Planning Beginners Guide Series. The document provides the overview of Oracle Hyperion Planning and the related products.

Version 0.1 0.1 Description Change Initial Draft Reviewed By Author Gaurav Shrivastava Amit Sharma Publish Date 05-Aug-2010 05-Aug-2010

Table of Contents
1. Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting fundamentals......................................03 a. Planning Overview................................................................................03 b. Budgeting.............................................................................................03 c. Forecast................................................................................................03 2. Hyperion Planning..04 3. Challenges that Planners Face include04 4. Planning Features...............................................................................................06 5. Planning Components..........................................................................................07 6. Related Planning Components............................................................................07 7. Planning Architecture...........................................................................................08 8. Hyperion Workspace Overview...........................................................................09 9. Opening Planning Application.................................................................14 10. Planning and Essbase Integration.........................................................................14 11. Planning Process Cycle..........................................................................................15

Planning, Budgetting and Forecasting fundamentals Planning Overview : You can understand planning like, it is just forcast of your business.
Company do planning for his business when company starts new business or new business year. Company should specify what are their needs? What are the revanue chanal? How many employ you need? For replaying many questions you need to plan your business.


:A budget is money approved for list of all planned expenses and revenues. Or The process of translating approved expenditures into funding allocations for a specified period of time".

Forecast : Forecasting is the process of estimate about events whose actual outcomes have not
yet been observed. Forecasting is an estimated values of a future business. Example - Budget, forecast and actual are shown in below example. This example is to show budget, forcast and actual for a meeting. You can see that meeting held in between 20-Aug-2011 to 25-Aug-2011. You have budget, forecast and actual data in this excel sheet.

You will get budget before event or time period to spend. You can say budget is pre define value. Forecast are predicted values for event. You can predict values before start the event. You will get the actual data after event is finished. There are two ways of budget allocation. 1. Top to Bottom :- If you allocate consolidated budget for perticular event. You did not specify indevisual budget for subevent. So you have to distrebut consoidate budget for different taskes. 2. Bottom to Top :- In this budget allocation approch you have to define for each and every event or task. You can consolidate budget and find total budget for whole event.

Hyperion Planning
Oracle Hyperion Planning offers an efficient and optimized budget planning process to all levels within an organization. All decision makers and line-level managers can communicate together giving them the ability to make budget plans relevant and useful. Hyperion Planning is a Web-based, multi-tiered budget and planning solution built on Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server.

Hyperion Planning is designed to meet with corporate objectives. Different users needs are different, in order to align them Hyperion Planning can have multiple versions. The below digram shows the clear picture.

r . C E O C E O O b j e c t Ti v o e : a l i g n a l l c o r p o r a t e o l u t i Bo u :s i n e s s n U n i t C o n s o l i d a t i o n s , B

g o a ls o tt o m

n t e r p r i s e

u d g e t i n

b j e c t Ti v o e :i m S o l u t i o nP: H

r . C p r o v e p r o f i C a l e n d a r s

F i n a n c e F O ta b i l i t y b y a n a l y z i n g c o r p o r a t e u p p o r t s 5 - 4 - 4 , 1 2 M o n t h , A d v .

s p e n d i n g C u r r e n c y

a n d r e S u p p o

M r D i r e O b j e c t Ti v o e :i n c r e a s o l u t i Do ne : t a i l e d B u d g e

. M a r k e c t o r o f e c o r p o t i n g o f

t i n g M a r k e t i n g r a t e p o t e n t i a l f r o m t h e p r o d u c t s i d e P r o d u c t s , A d v e r t i s i n g a n d P r o m o t i o n

P l a n

M r . S a l i r e c t o r O b j e c t Ti v o e : i n c r e a s e r e v o l u t i Co nu : s t o m e r B u d g e t i n D

e s o f S a l e s e n u e a n d g , C u s t o m

m a x i m i z e s a l e s p o t e n t i a l e r M o d e l i n g ( i d e n t i f y . D R


The Hyperion Planning Process lets users track the progress of a budget from any level in the organization using a Web-based client.
Scenario Matarial Exp Date 10th Aug 10th Aug 17th Aug Initial State Not Started Promoted Review Owner Ken David Lance Task Name Start Finish Task and Submit to Lance Finish Task and Submit to Joe Joe Action : Signoff/Reject/Approve Capture comments and made correction Review correction Sighoff Close Plan Due Date 10th Aug 17th Aug 21th Aug End State First Pass Comments(Annotation) Plan Started for Matarial Exp for Quarter1 David : 1st Cycle of Plan completed Lance: Looks good; Should be promoted to Joe for final review Joe: Need some changes, the expense should not exceed more than 10% of last year actual David : Made suggested changes and sent to Lance for final review Lance: Looks good; Should be promoted to Joe for final review Joe: Given signoff Plan Closed Final Version Budget Entity Florida New York Budget, Revice_Budget Version Drawft Version_1

21th Aug 22th Aug 23th Aug 24th Aug 26th Aug

Review Promoted Under Review 2nd Level Review Approved and Signoff

Joe David Lance Joe Ken

25th Aug 28th Aug 1th Sep 5th Sep 14th Sep


First Pass
Plannin g Process Flow

(Not) Signed Off

Under Review







Not Started

First Pass

Under Review Sign-off

Signed Off


Reject Not Signed





Challenges that Planners Face include

1) High processing time due to lack of strategic guidance and missing link between financial and operational plans 2) Low plan accuracy due to inaccurate data 3) Limited level of detail for the budget 4) High number of Excel sheets that need maintenance 5) Need to expand to: rolling forecasts, operational planning, investment planning, bulk updates, pre-built depreciation calculations, version control

Analysis and Reporting

Hyperion Planning is one, integrated Planning Platform that can address different planning requirements: 1. Revenue planning 2. Full Income Statement planning 3. Balance Sheet / Cash Flow planning 4. Rolling forecasting 5. Capital planning 6. And others Hyperion Planning is built on the Hyperion Essbase engine. This allows for very powerful analysis and capabilities.

Planning Features

1. You can use planning application in smart view. 2. Using planning application you can Enhances decision-making. 3. You can desgin datamodeling in planning using business rule and allocation. 4. You can integrate plaaning application with other system to load data. 5. You can integrate your planning application with reporting application.

Planning Components
Essbase :- You can use Essbase as data sources for planning application. You can map Essbase database for reporting and analysis. Adiministration Services:- Through administrative services planning application can perform following tasks designing, development, maintain and manage Essbase application and databases. Performance Management Architect:- This components are used for managing dimensions of database. Workspace:- This is a centralize place for performinb any activity. You can access all oracle hyperion an non-oracle hyperion components from workspace. Workspace is web user interface for all hyperion components. Calculation Manager:- This planning component is graphical user interface to crreate calculation script. Smart View:- You can connect planning application with smart view and work offline. You can create reports on planning applications. Financial Reporting :- You can connect financial reporting studio with planning application and create financial reports on planning application. Shared Services:- You can use shared services to connect your planning application with other hyperion products with life cycle Management. 7

Related Planning Components

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Workforce Planning Capital Asset Planning Public Sector Planning and Budgeting Profitability and cost Management Performance Scorecard Strategic Finance Financial Management Financial Data Quality Management

Planning Architecture Planning architecture is mainlly divided in to three tiers. Each

tier is responsible for own work. Planning architecture has client tier, server tier and data tier.

Client Tier Client tier is desgin for user interface. You can intract with your planning
application using hyperion components like Workspace, Smart View, web analysis studio, financial reporting studo and Essbase admin console. You can perform administrative task using workspace.

Server Tier: Server tier works in between client tier and data tier. Server tier contains
java application and web server like shared servers, calculation manager, admin services, workspace,planning, web analysis, financial reporting. 8

Data Tier: Data tier is responsible for backend database. You can have RDBMs or Essbase
database for planning application.

External Services: Planning architecture also supports External services for

performing additional jobs. To load metadata and data you can use Oracle Data Integrator Adapter for Planning. You can use Financial data quality management ERP integration adaptor for FUSION Edition or classic application.

Hyperion Workspace overview : Benefits of Workspace

1. 2. 3. 4. Centralize console for all application. You can create new applications, users. You can manage all user administration and deploying application. You will get a centralized repository of all hyperion products.

Launching Workspace: Workspace is centralized location to perform administrative

taskes. You can envoke workspace by http://<servername>:19000/workspace/index.jsp enter username and password and click Log On.

Workspace User Interface: This is workspace for user interface.

Menu bar - User can perform many jobs throug menu bar,he can use help also. Standerd Toolbar For performing sort operation. Search Option User can search any file which is stored in hyperion directory.

Setting General Preferences

You can set preference through workspace. File Preferences These are general prefrence settings. You can set workspace prefrence as per your requerment. Once you set prefrence, every time you enter in to work space you will get same prefrence.


Opening Planning Application : Workspace is a comman place for administration of

all applications. You can open planning application through work space.


Planning and Essbase integration: This is planning Essbase architecture, what ever
changes you do in your planning application, it will directly reflect to Essbase planning database.

Planning Process Cycle : Planning cycle is an etrative prosess. This is the functional
flow of planning cycle. It start from analysis of opportunities, you need to specify the gole of planning. There are may be many ways to build plan for the same gole. You need to select best option out of them, then detail your plan and send for evaluation. If you plane need to review it forward back to plan again else if it is accepted this plan will go for implementation.


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