OMBA531 MIS Recap Lecture 10.A

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American College of Technology

A Place for Dreamers, Thinkers and Doers!!

Management Information Systems

Course: MBA531
Credit Value: 2 Credit Hours
Prerequisite Course(s): RDBMS
Instructors : Dr. Fikre Y. Wondimu

Lectures Recap & QA - Lecture 10

Introduction to MIS
Definition of MIS
 Management Information System (MIS) is the use of
information technology, people, and business processes
to record, store and process data to produce information
that decision makers can use to make day to day
decisions and for long term planning use.


Management Information System

“ MIS is using technology to create business value.”

Introduction to MIS
 Management process is based in
four key functional areas of the
organization: planning, controlling,
organizing and leading.
 Management is the process of the
development, maintenance, and allocation of
resources to attain organizational goals.
 Management is dynamic by nature and
evolves to meet needs and constraints in
the organization’s internal and external
 Management is the effective utilization of
human and material resources to achieve
Introduction to MIS

 Information is a fact provided or learned about something or

 Relevant data about something
 Information is knowledge or news received or given.
 Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its
 It is knowledge obtained from investigation or study
 Intelligence news
Introduction to MIS

 A system is an organized collection of parts (or

subsystems) that are highly integrated to accomplish an
overall goal.
 A system is a collection of elements or components that
are organized for a common purpose.
 A system is a set of things working together as parts of a
mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex
 Everything is a system (road, school, hospital,
appliance, pen, house, table, chair, glass, microwave….
Introduction to MIS
So What is Information System?

 Information systems (IS) is an integrated set of

components used for gathering, processing, storing and
communicating multiple types of information for improved
societal, decision making and organizational efficiency.
 Information system components cover academic and
professional disciplines spanning the fields of business
and computer science.
 Typical information systems include data, people,
software, hardware and procedures.
Introduction to MIS
Types of IS

(The application of
Role of MIS
 The role of MIS in an organization can be compared to the role
of heart in the body. The information is the blood and MIS is the
 The system ensures that an appropriate data is collected from
the various sources, processed, and sent further to all the
needy destinations.
 The system is expected to fulfill the information needs of an
individual, a group of individuals, the management
functionaries: the managers and the topmanagement.
 The MIS satisfies the diverse needs through a variety of systems
such as Query Systems, Analysis Systems, Modeling Systems
and Decision Support Systems.
 The MIS helps in Strategic Planning, Management Control,
Operational Control and Transaction Processing
Foundation of IS in Business
MIS Application
 Decision support System: Assesses various alternatives, based on quantitative
and qualitative parameters defined and set in the system. DSSassists users in
choosing the right alternative and making the most beneficial decisions.
 Human Resource Information System: Collects and stores data about
employees of an organization. HRISgenerates reports related to employee
salary, annual performance appraisal, Organization structure etc.
 Customer Relationship Management: Collects sales and customer information.
 Supply Chain Management - It is the active management of supply chain
activities to maximize customer value and achieve a competitive advantage.
 Enterprise Resource Planning – refers to a type of software that organizations
use to manage day-to-day business activities such accounting, proc., PM & SC
 Customers Relations Management – It is a technology for managing all your
company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential
customers with the main goal to improve business relationships.
There are readily available products that can be installed, customized andused
SAP,Oracle, Salesforce, MS Dynamics, IBM Enterprise etc.
Development of IS Solutions
Buy vs Build
When deciding whether to buy or build, consider three key

What is the scope of the problem trying to address with a

software solution, and how complex does the solution
need to be to fit your business size and needs?
Does the organization currently needs (or can you hire)
experts capable of building, maintaining, and supporting
the solution?
Is using the software critical to your business operations,
or can you afford to wait while the solution is developed?
Development of IS Solutions
Buy vs Build
When to build? When to buy?
 For ad hoc applications specific to a  Use of the software package is
single business process critical to your business operations
 There is a problem that is unique to  You have a common problem that
the organization and no available available software is adequately
software to address it doesn’t developed and customizable to
affect other areas of the business address
 If you have a strong IT department  The software would be used
that will remain with the company through your organization and
for long time with the resource to interact with other applications
build maintain and support the
 Your IT development is not
required to build the application,
or maintain and support it long-
Development of IS Solutions
Developing Business Systems

 Is there a systematic way to develop a good solution to

develop business systems? Yes, the systems approach .
 When the systems approach to problem solving is
applied to the development of information systems
solutions to business problems, it is called information
systems development or application development .
The System Approach
2. The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

It is a multistep, iterative process called the systems

development life cycle (SDLC). There are stages of

Understand the Business Develop an Information Implement the Information

Problem or Opportunity System Solution System Solution

Investigation Analysis Design Implement. Maintenance

(A series of steps that are repeated)
Development of IS Solutions
Software Development Lifecycle - Foundation
1. Planning phase - involves determining a solid
plan for developing your information system
2. Analysis phase - involves end users and IS special.
working together to gather, understand, and
document the bus. Req. for the proposed system
3. Design phase - build a technical blueprint of
how the proposed system will work
4. Development phase - take all of your detailed
design documents from the design phase and
transform them into an actual system
5. Testing - Perform the testing of the system (Unit
SDLC is a multistep, iterative process, test, system test, Integration Test)
structured in a methodical way. It is a
6. Implementation phase - distribute the system to
framework for technical and non-
all of the knowledge workers and they begin using
technical activities to deliver a quality
it to perform their everyday jobs
system that meets business requirements.
7. Maintenance phase - monitor and support
the new system to ensure it continues to meet
the business goals
Development of IS Solutions
Software Development Models

Prototype SDLC Models RAD


Waterfall MSF

RUP Agile
Development of IS Solutions
What is SDLC?

SDLC is a systematic process for building software that ensures

the quality and correctness of the software built. SDLC process
aims to produce high-quality software that meets customer

Every phase of the SDLC life Cycle has its own process and
deliverables that feed into the next phase. SDLC stands
for Software Development Life Cycle and is also referred to as the
Application Development life-cycle
Development of IS Solutions
SDLC Phase Definitions
Design Coding Testing Implementing Maintainig

 Requirement Analysis is a description of features and functionalities of a system.

Requirements convey expectations of users from the software. It is a functional
or non-functional need to be implemented in the system.
 Design is a process to transform user requirements into some suitable form,
which helps the programmer in software coding and implementation.
 Coding is the process of transforming the design of a system into a computer
language format.
 Testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches
expected requirements and to ensure that software product is defect free.
 Implementation is the process of adopting and integrating a software application
into a business workflow.
 Maintenance in software engineering is the modification of a software product
after delivery to correct faults, to improve performance or other attributes.
Development of IS Solutions
Software Development Models

Prototype V-Model
SDLC Models XP


RUP Agile
SDLC - Prototyping
Understand Systems • Determine how to address business opportunities and
the Business priorities.
Investigation • Conduct a feasibility study to determine feasible solution.
Problem or • Develop a project management plan and obtain approval.
Systems • Analyze the information needs of stakeholders.
• Develop the functional requirements of stakeholders.
Develop an Analysis • Develop logical models of current system.
Systems • Develop specifications for the hardware, software, people,
Solution network, and data resources.
Design • Develop logical models of new system

Systems • Acquire (or develop) hardware and software.

• Test the system, and train people to operate and use it.
Implement the • Convert to the new business system and Manage the effects
System Solution Systems • Use a post implementation review process to monitor,
evaluate, and modify the business system as needed.
Waterfall – SD Model
SLDC Waterfall
Rational Unified Process (RUP) Model
Introduction to RUP

RUP is a software development process from Rational, a division of

IBM. It divides the development process into four distinct phases
that each involve business modeling, analysis and design,
implementation, testing, and deployment.

Inception - Establish the business case for the system.

Elaboration- Develop an understanding of the problem domain
and the system architecture.
Construction - System design, programming and testing.
Transition- Deploy the system in its operating environment.
RUP – SD Model
Process Workflows Inception Elaboration Construction Transition

Business Modeling

Analysis & Design
Supporting Workflows
Configuration & Change Mgmt
Project Management
Preliminary Iter. Iter. Iter. Iter. Iter. Iter. Iter.
Iteration(s) #1 #2 #n #n+1 #n+2 #m #m+1

Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)
MSF Process Model

Release Readiness Vision/Scope

Approved Approved


Scope Project Plans

Complete Approved
Unified Modelling Language (UML)

UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a standard language for

specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts
of software systems with the main goal for defining some general
purpose modeling language, which all modelers can use and it also
needs to be made simple to understand and use.

Why should you use UML diagrams?

UML is a standardized modeling language that can be used across

different programming languages and development processes, so
the majority of software developers will understand it and be able to
apply it to their work.
Unified Modelling Language (UML)
Types of UML Diagrams

 Class diagram
 Component diagram
 Use case diagrams
 sequence diagram
Information Technologies
Computer Hardware Evolution
Types of Information Systems
Types of Information System
Operations Support Systems
Activities of TPS

 Process the detailed data necessary to update records about

the fundamental business operations
 Capture and process data that describes fundamental business
 Update databases
 Produce a variety of reports

 Include order entry, inventory control, payroll, accounts

payable, accounts receivable, the general ledger, and more
Operations Support Systems
Process Control System (PCS)
 Supports Operations System
 Monitor and Control Industrial/Manufacturing Process
 Examples:
Operations Process
❑ Power Generation Support Control
❑ Automobile Manufacturing System System

❑ Textile and Garment Factory

Operations Support Systems
Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS)

 Supports Operations
 Teamwork, communication, and collaboration
 Examples: Operations
❑ E-mail
❑ Chat

❑ Video Conferencing

❑ Calendaring Operations Process Enterprise

Support Control Collaboration
❑ Journaling
System System System
❑ Workflow

❑ File Sharing (Kazaa, Morpheus, Limework, Napster)

Enterprise Collaboration Systems
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Within the Management Support System
 MIS supports Management with information for:
❑ Operations
Management Decision Executive
❑ Administration
Information Support Information
❑ Decision making System System System
 The foundation of MIS is databases.
 Today’s MIS is a computerized processing system.
 MIS differ from other ISs because:
❑ MIS is used to analyze information.
❑ MIS also facilitates strategic and operational activities.
Enterprise Collaboration Systems
Decision Support Systems (DSS)
 Support Management
 What-if Analysis, Decision Modeling, Scenario Building, Highly
interactive, ad hoc.
 Examples
❑ Enterprise Decision Manager 2.0 Fair Isaac Corporation

❑ AIMMS 3.6

 Most DSS’s are custom developed for specific companies;

very few out-of-the-box products.
Enterprise Collaboration Systems
Executive Information Systems (EIS)
Executive information systems (EIS) are information systems that
combine many of the features of management information systems
and decision support systems.
 Supports high-level strategic management
 Provides critical info from other systems (MIS and DSS).
 Portal Concept: one place with links to all information
 EIS’s integrate external information such as economic
developments and news about related markets and competitors.
Helps strategic decision making, not necessarily tactical.
❑ Tactical – doing things the right way right
❑ Strategic – doing the right things
Types of Information Systems
Executive Information Systems (EIS)
Types of Information Systems
Business Information System
Business: Formal organization that makes products or provides a
service in order to make a profit

Four basic business functions:

 Production/Service
 Sales and marketing
 Finance and accounting
 Human resources
Types of Information Systems
Business Information System
Every business, regardless of its
size, must perform four
functions to succeed.
 It must produce the product
or service;
 Market and sell the product;
 Keep track of accounting and
financial transactions;
 Perform basic human
resources tasks, such as hiring
and retaining employees.
Cross Function e-Business ERP, CRM & SCM

ERP Vendors
SAP is one of the world’s leading producers of software
for the management of business processes, developing
solutions that facilitate effective data processing and
information flow across organizations.
Oracle ERP manages enterprise functions including
accounting, financial management, project
management, and procurement.

Microsoft Dynamics is a line of ERP and CRM.

It forms part of "Microsoft Business Solutions.
Focus industries are retail, services,
manufacturing, and financial services.
Cross Function e-Business ERP, CRM & SCM

Subset of ERP Solutions

ERP vendors combine subset of ERP modules to offer applications
with high impact on the organizations.

The most important ones are:

 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems

 Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems.

Business Information System
ERP Components

 Financial Management (FM)

 Supply Chain Management (SCM)
 Customers Relations Management (CRM)
 Human Resources Management (HRM)
 Business Intelligence (BI)
 Manufacturing
 Integration
Business Information System
Benefits of Centralized System

 Eliminates the duplication, discontinuity and redundancy in

 Provides information across departments in real time.
 Provides control over various business processes.
 Increase Productivity, better inventory management, promotes
quality, reduced material cost, boosts profits.
 Better Customers interaction, increased throughput, improves
customer services.
Cross Function e-Business ERP, CRM & SCM

Customers Relations Management

CRM is the process of

managing interactions with
existing as well as past and
potential customers. It is
one of many different
approaches that allow a
company to manage and
analyze its own interactions
with its past, current and
potential customers.
Business Information System
Customers Relations Management System
Some of the
capabilities of, a
provider of on-demand
customer relationship
management (CRM)
software. CRM systems
integrate information
from sales, marketing,
and customer service.
Business Information System
Implementing CRM System

Key Points:

1. Customers take center stage

2. Business must manage the customer
relationship across all points of customer
3. Explain how to identify customer
relationships with the organization
4. Consider an informal process of collecting
customer data through customer comments
and feedback on product or service
Cross Function e-Business ERP, CRM & SCM

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

 SCM is the management of the flow of goods and services and
includes all processes that transform raw materials into final
products. It involves the active streamlining of a business's supply-
side activities to maximize customer value and gain a competitive
advantage in the marketplace.
 Supply chains cover everything from production to product
development to the information systems needed to direct these
 Typically, SCM attempts to centrally control or link the production,
shipment, and distribution of a product.
Business Information System
Supply Chain Management System
Business Information System
Knowledge Management (KM) System

 Knowledge Management (KM) refers to a multi-disciplined

approach to achieve organizational objectives by making the best
use of knowledge.
 KM focuses on processes such as acquiring, creating and sharing
knowledge and the cultural and technical foundations that
support them.
 The purpose of Knowledge Management is to provide the right
information to the right people at the right time to enable
informed decision making which enables service providers to be
more efficient and improve the quality of service delivered.
Business Information System
Knowledge Management System

 The way a company stores, organizes and accesses internal and

external information.
 Knowledge Management is the explicit and systematic
management of vital knowledge - and its associated processes
of creation, organization, diffusion, use and exploitation.
 The process of systematically and actively managing and
leveraging the stores of knowledge in an organization
 Refers to an entire integrated system for accumulation,
integration, manipulation, and access of data across multiple
Business Information System
Knowledge Management System

 Intangible knowledge assets

❑ Knowledge about producing and delivering products
❑ Source of value and advantage for firms
 Knowledge management systems:
❑ Help capture, storage, distribute, and apply knowledge
so that it can be leveraged for strategic benefit
❑ Include systems for:
o Managing and distributing documents, graphics,
other digital knowledge objects
o Creating knowledge directories of employees with
specialized expertise
o Distributing knowledge
Functional Business Information Systems
Accounting Information System (AIS)
 An accounting information system (AIS) involves the collection,
storage, and processing of financial and accounting data used
by internal users to report information to investors, creditors,
and tax authorities.
 It is generally a computer-based method for tracking accounting
activity in conjunction with information technology resources.
 An AIS combines traditional accounting practices, such as the
use of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), with
modern information technology resources.
Functional Business Information Systems
Accounting Information System (AIS)

Overlap of Subsystems
Marketing Production
All subsystems of (MIS) are important and
different information is needed to carry
out their respective function, And
substantial overlaps in the information
system requirements have arose between
these subsystems because they use data
about the same underlying business Human Accounting
processes. Resources & Finance

Scope of an (AIS)
Figure demonstrates the substantial overlap in the
(AIS) is a subsystem that provides information system requirements of these four
accounting and financial information, as subsystems.
well as other information obtained in the
routine processing of accounting
Business Information System
Accounting Information System (AIS)
Functional Business Information Systems
Accounting and IT
Human Resources Information System
Content of Components
 Personal history
- Name, date of birth, sex
 Education
- Degree, Diploma
 Work history
- Salary, first day worked,
employment status, positions in
the organization, appraisal data
and hopefully, pre-organizational
 Training & Skills Development
 Certification & Licenses
 Professional Association
Human Resources Information System
Content of Components
Information Technology Management

IT Governance Definition

IT governance is defined as “specifying the decision rights

and accountability framework to encourage desirable
behavior in the use of IT”

IT governance and corporate governance are interrelated;

IT governance is an integral part of corporate governance.
For this reason, many issues and concepts discussed in
corporate governance are also involved in IT governance
Information Technology Management

Management and Control

 Controlling is the process whereby managers regulate how

efficiently and effectively an organization is performing the
activities necessary to achieve organizational goals.
 Managers achieve control over organizational activities by
taking four steps:
 Establish measurable standards of performance or goals.

 They measure actual performance.

 Compare actual performance against established goals.

 Evaluate the result and take corrective action if necessary.

Information Technology Management

Facts about IT Management

 Effective use of IT provides a competitive edge.

 IT is a means, not an end.
 People are the most important resources.
 Most projects fail due to poor management.
Information Technology Management

Success Factors of Technology Management

 Business focus
 Adaptability
 Organizational cohesion
 Entrepreneurial culture
 A sense of integrity
 Hands-on top management

(Maidique & Hayes in Burgelman & Maidique 1988)

Information Technology Management

Managing Technology (Mgr. perspective)

Advanced technology can create an abrupt change in

New technology requires (Beatty 1992)
❑ A skilled champion
❑ A plan for systems integration
❑ Organizational integration
Information Technology Management

IT Management Challenges

 Effective Communication With Employees.

 Pressure To Perform as a Manager.
 Administer policies fairly and consistently.
 Managing Time.
 Manage Performance.
 Setting Clear Goals And Expectations.
 Getting the team to be productive.
 Encouraging Productivity.
 Hiring and Firing Employee.
 Not Asking For Help.
Information Technology Management

IT Governance
 IT governance provides the framework to ensure that IT
investments and processes can support the organization’s
overall business needs.
 IT Governance is the responsibility of Executive Management
and the board of directors (BOD) and IT Executive, a strong
representation of the “tone from the top”.
 Without effective IT Governance, risk exists that existing IT
assets and capabilities may not meet the organization’s
strategic, operational, or financial objectives, or that
additional IT investments will not achieve their intended
incremental benefits to the organization.
 COBIT emphasize the importance of IT Governance.
COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology.
Information Technology Management

Goal of IT Governance
 ICT Value Delivery: focus on optimizing cost and the value of ICT
 Risk Management: focus on safeguarding ICT assets, disaster recovery and
continuity of operations

Means to Achieve ICT Governance Goals:

 ICT Strategic Alignment: focus on aligning ICT with the business and collaborative
 Performance Measurement: focus on tracking project delivery and monitoring
delivery of ICT services.
ICT Value and

Accountability ICT Governance

Information Technology Management

IT Governance Benefits

The implementation of IT Governance is designed to deliver real


 Better IT to business alignment built on a business focus

 Improved maintenance and operations planning
 Management view of what IT does and increased visibility of IT spending
 Clear ownership and responsibilities, based on process orientation
 General acceptability with third parties and regulators
 Shared understanding amongst all stakeholders on a common language
 Fulfilment of the governance requirements for the IT control environment
 A comprehensive IT Governance model for managing all IT resources
Information Technology Management

Elements of Good IT Governance

Leadership - Ethics and a culture committed to good Governance, implementation,
evaluation and improvement governance structure and processes
Stakeholders Relationship - Understanding the various roles, accountabilities and
needs of each stakeholder group contributes to strong relationships
Risk Management - means to understand and address risks in order to better achieve its
Internal compliance and accountability – ensure that internal controls and
accountabilities are clearly defined and consistent with the organization's objectives.

Planning and performance monitoring - review and foster better planning and
performance monitoring will be more effective and relevant.

External compliance and accountability - External scrutiny is meeting these

accountabilities is one of the measures of success for Government Organizations.

Information and decision support - ensuring that the right information gets to the
appropriate people in a timely manner.

Review and evaluation of governance arrangements - Ongoing review,

evaluation and adjustments of governance arrangements

Service Strategy Service Design Service Transition Service Operation Service Improvement
Process Relationships – 29 Total
Information Technology Management


Business Objectives Criteria
• Effectiveness
• Efficiency
• Confidentiality
IT Resources • Integrity
• Availability
• Data • Compliance
• Application systems • Reliability
• Technology
Monitor and • Facilities
• People
Plan and

Deliver and
Acquire and

7 IT Governance Institute. All rights reserved. 66

Information Technology Management

CMM Model
Information Technology Management

Risk Assessment Definition

“The process of identifying the risks to system security and

determining the probability of occurrence, the resulting
impact, and additional safeguards that would mitigate this

Risk Assessment
 1st process in risk management methodology

 Used to determine potential threats and associated risk

 Output of this process helps to identify appropriate

controls to reduce or eliminate risk
Information Technology Risk Management
Other Important Definition
Vulnerability – weakness that can be accidentally triggered
or intentionally exploited
Threat-Source – “Either (1) intent and method targeted at the
intentional exploitation of a vulnerability or (2) a situation and
method that may accidentally trigger a vulnerability.”
Threat – “The potential for a threat-source to exercise (accidentally
trigger or intentionally exploit) a specific vulnerability.”
Risk - “…a function of the likelihood of a given threat-source’s
exercising a particular potential vulnerability, and the resulting
impact of that adverse event on the organization.”
Risk management – process of identifying, assessing and reducing
Information Technology Risk Management
Risk Management Framework
Information Technology Risk Management

MSF – Risk Management Decipline

Information Technology Risk Management

MSF – Risk Management Decipline

Risk Identification allows individuals to surface risks so that the team becomes aware of a
potential problem.
Risk Analysis transforms the estimates or data about specific project risks that developed
during risk identification into a form that the team can use to make decisions around
Risk Planning takes the information obtained from risk analysis and uses it to formulate
strategies, plans, and actions. Risk Scheduling ensures that these plans are approved and
then incorporated into the standard day-to-day project management process
Risk Tracking monitors the status of specific risks and the progress in their respective
action plans. Risk tracking also includes monitoring the probability, impact, exposure, and
other measures of risk for changes that could alter priority or risk plans and project
features, resources, or schedule.
Risk Control is the process of executing risk action plans and their associated status
reporting. Risk control also includes initiation of project change control requests when
changes in risk status or risk plans could result in changes in project features, resources or
Risk Learning formalizes the lessons learned and relevant project artifacts and tools and
captures that knowledge in reusable form for reuse within the team and by the enterprise.
IT Project Management
So What is a Project?

✓ A sequence of unique and connected activities

(product development process);
✓ Has one goal or purpose (develop a product/service);
✓ Must be completed by a specific time (Two years);
✓ Requires budget and must be completed within
✓ Must be conducted according to specifications
(business plan);
✓ Must meet specific quality (appropriateness).
IT Project Management

Amount of Budget available to
complete the project.
Cost Scope & Quality
Analysis and Reporting,
Forecasting, Budgeting,

Project Management
Scope Objectives:
• Timely Delivery
& Time:
People, Equipment, • Meet specific quality, A window of time within
Facility, Availability, etc.. Quality
• Within budget.
which the project must
be completed

Resources Time
SMART Characteristics

SMART Characteristics of a Project

Specific ➢ Be specific in targeting an objective

Measurable ➢ Establish a measurable indicators
Assignable ➢ Make objectives assignable
Realistic ➢ State what can realistically be done
Time-bound ➢ State when the objective can be achieved
Project Management Ingredients
Project Management Comprises:

 A set of skills. Specialist knowledge, skills and

experience are required to reduce the level of risk
within a project.
A suite of tools. Various types of tools are used by
project managers to improve their chances of
A series of processes. Various management
techniques and processes are required to monitor
and control time, cost, quality and scope on
PM Body of Knowledge
Key PM Concept from PMBOK
The Project Management
 PMBOK Body of Knowledge

Accepted PM
Knowledge &
PM is “The application of Practice
knowledge, skills, tools and
techniques to project General Application
activities in order to meet or Management Area
exceed stakeholder needs Knowledge & Knowledge &
Practice Practice
and expectations from a
PM Skills, Tools and Processes
Skills and Tools:

 Skills: PM Book PERT

Tools: Microsoft Project

Data Science
Data Science may be defined as a multidisciplinary blend
of data inference, algorithm development, and technology
to solve complex data analysis issues. Data Science deals
with identification, representation, and extraction of
meaningful information from large data sources to be used
for variety of purposes [1].
Data science is a detailed study of the flow of information
from colossal amounts of data present in an organization’s
repository. It involves obtaining meaningful insights from raw
and unstructured data which is processed through analytical,
programming, and business skills [2].

Data Science Lifecycle
Data Science & Related Fields
Data Science vs. Big Data vs. Data Analytics [3]
Data Science: Dealing with unstructured and structured data, Data Science is a
field that comprises of everything that related to data cleansing, preparation, and
analysis. In simple terms, it is the umbrella of techniques used when trying to
extract insights and information from data.

Big Data: Refers to humongous volumes of data that cannot be processed

effectively with the traditional applications that exist. The processing of Big Data
begins with the raw data that isn’t aggregated and is most often impossible to
store in the memory of a single computer. It is high-volume, and high-velocity
and/or high-variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative
forms of information processing

Data Analytics: It is the science of examining raw data with the purpose of
drawing conclusions about that information. Data Analytics involves applying an
algorithmic or mechanical process to derive insights.

[3] SimplyLearn:

Data Warehouse - Overview
Cloud Computing (CC)
NIST Cloud Computing Definition

“Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient,

on-demand network access to a shared pool of
configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be
rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
management effort or service provider interaction.”[1]


Cloud Computing – Service Model
Cloud Computing – Deployment Model
 Public Cloud: The provision of access to computing resources for
the public over the Internet.
Example: Amazon Web Services, IBM's Blue Cloud, Sun Cloud,
Google App Engine and MS Azure Services Platform

 Private Cloud: The provision of cloud services to users with

immediate access to privately owned computing resources hosted
within an organization's infrastructure.
Example: Financial (banking) application provides customers with
web access to manage their accounts over the Internet.

 Community Cloud: The provision of cloud services for organizations with

similar interests and requirements to share a common cloud
Example: regulatory compliance for audit, quick response

 Hybrid Clouds: Combining one or more public clouds, and one or more
private clouds by technology that enables data and application migration.
Example: Financial Institution requires additional storage or DR
What Can be Used for?

 Software as a Service (SaaS): Develop an ERP application and provide the

service of a pay per use bases

Example: Companies requiring account, HR application

 Platform as a Service (PaaS): Develop your RDBM or Gateway to the

Internet via VSAT

Example: Virtual ISP

 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): virtual delivery of computing resources

in the form of hardware, networking, and storage services.

Example: Virtual ISP - Gateway to the Internet via VSAT

Cybersecurity is:

“Protection of information systems against unauthorized access to

or modification of information, whether in storage, processing or
transit, and against the denial of service to authorized users,
including those measures necessary to detect, document, and
counter such threats.”

Cyber Security’s goal: Protect our information and information


 According to CISCO, Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting

systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.
These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or
destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or
interrupting normal business processes [5].
 Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is particularly
challenging today because there are more devices than people,
and attackers are becoming more innovative.
 A successful cybersecurity approach has multiple layers of
protection spread across the computers, networks, programs, or
data that one intends to keep safe. In an organization, the people,
processes, and technology must all complement one another to
create an effective defense from cyber attacks.
[5] CISCO -
Other Terminologies
Confidentiality: Safeguards information from being accessed by
individuals without the proper clearance, access level, and need to
Integrity: Results from the protection of unauthorized modification
or destruction of information.
Availability: Information services are accessible when they are
needed. Authentication means a security measure that establishes
the validity of a transmission, message, or originator, or a means of
verifying an individual's authorization to receive specific categories
of information.
Non-repudiation: Assurance the sender of data is provided with
proof of delivery and the recipient is provided with proof of the
sender's identity, so neither can later deny having processed the
Other Terminologies

 Information privacy, or data privacy: the relationship

between collection and dissemination of data,
technology, the public expectation of privacy, and the
legal and political issues surrounding them.
 Information privacy is the right to control what
information about a person is released.
Information is considered sensitive if the loss of Confidentiality,
Integrity, or Availability could be expected to have a serious, severe,
or catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations,
organizational assets, or individuals.
Example: Stealing customers’
Protecting information from usernames, passwords, or
unauthorized access and credit card information

Protecting information
from unauthorized
Example:Your customers
Preventing disruption in how
are unable to access your
information is accessed
online services
Cybercecurity Treats

 Phishing Attacks
 Ransomware
 Hacking
 Imposter Scams
 Environmental events

NIST Interagency Report 7621, revision 1 | Small Business
Information Security:The Fundamentals, section 2.1
Cybersecurity Actions

Protect Passwords
Prevent Identity Theft
Beware of Phishing
Avoid Malware
Run Antivirus Software
Install Updates
Back Up Important Files
Turn On Firewalls
Cybersecurity Functional Framework

The Framework is voluntary guidance, based on existing

guidelines, and practices for organizations to better manage and
reduce cybersecurity risk. According to NIST, Cybersecurity
Framework Component are:
Artificial Intelligence

Simulation of human
Man made Human mind
intelligence by machines.

Intelligence: “The capacity to learn and solve problems”

Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human
intelligence by machines.
 The ability to solve problems
 The ability to act rationally
 The ability to act like humans
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that
emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and
react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial
intelligence are designed for include:
 Speech recognition
 Machine learning
 Reasoning
 Problem solving
 Face recognition
Why AI?
AI can have two purposes.
 To use the power of computers to augment human thinking
 To use a computer's artificial intelligence to understand how
humans think
Artificial Intelligence
AI Goal
To develop algorithms that human use.
Algorithms can require enormous computational
resources and problem goes beyond a certain size

AI Basics

Machine learning is the fundamental concept of AI

Unsupervised learning is the ability to find patterns in
stream of input
Supervised learning includes both classification and
numerical regression
Artificial Intelligence
Application of AI
 Robotics
 Vision System
 Learning System
 Voice to text features.
 Smart Cars and Drones
 Smart Home Devices

The future of AI
 Improved speech, voice, image ,video recognition will change the
way interact with our devices
 Personal assistants will become more personal and context aware
 More and more systems will run autonomously to a point
 AI assistants will become truly useful (robotic intelligence with AI
assistants – Siri, Alexa)
Artificial Intelligence
Advantages of AI
 The chances of error are almost nil
 It can be used to explore space, depths of ocean
 Smartphones are greatest example of A.I
 It can be used in time consuming tasks efficiently
 Algorithms can help the doctors asses patients
and their health risks
 Machines do not require sleep or break and are able to function
without stopping

Disadvantages of AI
 High cost
 Decrease in demand for human labor
 AI may be programmed to do something devastating
 Machine Ethics
Other Emerging Technologies

What else ?
Well this is an eye opener
End of Lectures MBA531

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